^ f â€" -J4|^ -- THE MAtf OF MODERATE MEANS. rallarc of* »chriiir thai M^ria«d U ranutsa tirrml PixMlblflli**. " I read som^^where once," aaid the man of moderate means, " a story ahoat a man, compelled by circumstauces to ' •at corned beef when he would have ; prefeared chicken, who noMr and then | Kung ap in front of himiwlf a picture of a chicken, upon which he fiied his i eyes and his mind as he ate, with the result th'Jt wh«'n he h;id eaten bis fill : of corn beef be imiigined that he had I really ealen chicken. I never doubt- ed this story, though I could not re- peat the experience in my own c:ise. Bat I suppose thnt only goes to show th.-it a thing that will affect one man a certain way may affect somebody else very differently. " After a protracted saccession of eorned beef and corresponding din- ners I came to the conclusion that I nroald like a chicken, but there were reasfmsâ€" umâ€" mâ€" Well, I fin illy com- promiaed on a picture of a chicken, and r liung that up over the tuble, and when 1 strack into the corned beef I looke<l up. Well, do you knuw, it didn't work with tne at all.' Not a bit, 1 could taste the corned beef juat the sapi*, and it made my neck ache, and J came pooty near choking mynelf, ttJo, look- ing- up; and so I gave it, up finally and stuck to the corivpa beef. â- " I inmgine I'm as impressionable as most folks, but it jsema ih it I am not •ttsy to impressia this particular way, antl it was ^ffibti greater disappoini- nu-at tojKT because I hud thought if ii)»--e£icken worked all right I might enlarge my bill of fare in that way various directions. I had hoped The Best Medicine Money Can Buy Is Bood's Sarsaparilla. It is prepare*] by educated and experienced pharma- cists and every iugredient entering into its oomposition is selected with special reference to its being the beat of ila kind. These ingredients. consiatinR ot Nature's best known remedies, hav^ never been used to so great an ex- tent, in 'iny other preparation. In the enormoua sales of Hood's Sarsaparilla the people have written in indelible lines their appreciation of this medi. cine, and its wonderful cures, recorii- ed in ihou^sanda of voluntary testimony ials, prove the great power of Hoixi'a Sarsaparilla over all diseases caused ur promoted by impure blood. Hood's ^pa'ma ORIENTAL. Who. when the silent wrinkle steals On brow and cheek, its ravage heals, And e'en the freckle's stain conceal.st Who bat Gouraud. Qis Oriental Cream leaves not Ud Beauty's skin the faintest spot. Bat drives away the pimple bpot, Gourand. (T. FelU). A COMBINATION Best Quautt. Lead packages^ SURE TO WWâ€" LUDELLA CEYLON TEA Best Pxicei. 25, 40, 50 and 60c. Who gives back the charm to beauty's T*»OWT» CUTTwa 5CHOOL oOkn •pedal ketttlfm "•"t'"* •" "' chaet * ladeMBanu (a Jonas men daalroma 0/ , o ' ''''^''' '•'â- â- _" \v\,,„7^Z â- u. 1. .1. _ t««a« ap CuttlnK. FbU partioalus OS kpnll i»«'' W. H. An«er. 41 R Whin time or sickness makes them ZulST ... vownH BrrTooniiiTn **" in time or weak t ' Tifl Ori^Qtai speak. sickness makes them Cream." the ladies From my Govraud's. ' OMloB. iij YONOB ST.. TOKONTO. I ' > . i:aJa'a (IrugKlH^ (: 0.---&t«.-t Medicine. So'id \>y all : fix (or |& Ue sura to g»i. Koo<i'«. Hood's Pills I'li",?, wab lio d in tbat some day I might be able to sub- stitute pictures for food altogether." ANTS PAY SPtDEKS. â- We all know that certain species of ants employ as slaves smaller insects of tlteir own kind. Others keep in- aecta to milk aa we do cows. But per- bapti the most astonishing discovery of ell ia the latest one, that there is in Aaatralia a green ant which, though very clever in the building- of its nest, appears tto consider it an irksome duty, and so employs anoth-er insect to <io this work for it. A small spider is, therefore, trained to act as a ser- vant in all things. The( green ants pay the spiders for their labors in a ci,in that they ^njoy. It i.'* by giving them to eat a portion of the innumerable little eggs that they, the ants, lay This is a most airreeable arran^fment tor nil, man, included, asoth<*rwiie the ireen ants would rival the rabbits in overrunaing Australia. EMPEBOR MAY LIVE, TWO MILES ABOVE THE SEA. .4b«vc Ike «-Ieu<lit AiMMboato «ail Every Omf IM i««aili AMcrtca. Airships h'lve not yet been invented yet it is posiiible ta sail for a day and a night in a fairly comfortable steam- bo.it at a height of over two miles above the sea. The water on which you accom- plish this remarkable feat is Lake 'lit- icaca, which lies between Peru and Bol- ivia. It is a huge lake 120 miles It ng and nearly 6U wide, and is over 1.000 feet deep. It is away mp ia the moun- tains, above th^; clouds. Nine rivers flow into it, besides a vast anKrunt uf snow- water, yet it has nu visible outlet. The 6C0-lon steamers which sail on Lake Titicaca were built in Scotland, carried over the pass<;s in 2>eciiuas, and put lugetht^r tn the spot. The fuel is Australian coal, brought frum 7,' OJ miles away. In the like are many beautiful islanJs, and the cliffs which l-ine the shores are magnificently rug- ged. In no place can a thip anchor. The water even tiO feet from shore is hundreds of feel deep. The native boats on Lake Titicaca have straw sails. SPECIAL FROM KINGSTON. Mi« Editor:â€" PIftase inform yur readers that we wish to place in iheir hands, p.-e-pald a, free sujupie of an absolute cure fur Catarrh. BronchiiLs, Irritable Thrat. &c. lit is neither a snuCf, nor a wash, nor an ointment, but a pleasant re- medy whii:h iscuxrieil by atmosphertic air to every part of the throat, lungs and nasa! [.asaages. For trial buttle of this f.'imi'US preparation and in- hiler. Address, N. C. Poison & Co,, Kingston. Ont. LAW Mills. Milla * Halaa, to Wmler Rids*.. Rleb Bond *t. W.. Toc'nrxiu ^KteH IMPCaiMCNTt of any nature racce.*- ^# fuliv tre^L'.a'l. CodmuIc a quniirlttd priicti- Uune^. whn wn^ for yearn a p.«inf'it i«c*Jii merer. and has (.ur<;d many who failed eb^ewhere. Write to W. J. Ah N >TT, M.D., Berlin. Oat. Superior Gemiproof"oth Four Dollars C inpet". To b% had only from â- . KMKEKTti, 31 Qut^en J^L E.. Ton^n o 8-n'! m«mij for c -i*u:»r and >i»*tmp.e of cloth b*:fo;e bujiotf elAewhertj. mak« #150 In B«xr ft fonr rhancr-â€" '•Mil lkmODd-ft.^Toront4^ S@44fe^ ^^ In proportion to their weight, dogs can absorb without danger sixteen times as much arsenic aa wuuld kill a human being. $100 Reward, SlO. The render* of ih» papetr iv li b? p!e<i»ed to leuru thni .hareih /jt ienKione rt'^flaced cii»«»»e thut «r en e h*" been able to cure n all itH •;a«e- and chat tr (.'aiairh. Hall- Catarrb Cure i« ine only p<'»ltive cu'e now Known 10 I>ani">5ira fntemiiv. latairh tei: n a con- rtlu'lnnal Ji«e>i»e, r-'quiri-a a eon-. t<it!ai>al TrKuCriisnt. H»ir« CaUirrh Cnre in aii'B In- te^^allJ^ acting dire^-tly apon the blond »nd Iniicou* ^tlrfacel* 0/ the •yweni. tltentby d-*- troTirff the fouadfclit>n of th«» di**eK*»*. and lil .'- In/ Ui« patiin »ireo«th by huilc' n,- op be rjn«iituilia and aMtlatin^f nature lu dolnK i;-* tvor*.. The ;'ropria:or»« have lo mu h fnifi in ltsca->>U-6 iMj<v«r», ' '-^t they offer One Hon- I'Tfl r)oU r» for any c»r-« th t it fail" to cure. J.erid fcrltat of Teui'inootBia. Add' w«. r.J CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. 0. f<<)l.l hT I>ruii»'-", T*e. H»i;sFaini;i P i;,»r« the beat HIA.LTH RK8TOIIKD WITHOUT MI 'I- CINE 1 .: KXl'KN.-iE ut h» .MD T I) 13- ul'.DE.'.EK STOMACH. L'XO-. NEKVKS, LlVEIt, Bi.oOD. BLAJJDKli, KlDSETi BRAIN and HK.E VTH by DU B^RRV'S REVALENTA Ai'.\BICA rooi.. wtii.h SAVES INVAUi*.-. and CtilLItRkN, .tud ai0o Rt-a'a met • Mfully la- faolj whose Ai'tnanta and DHbiiay have re- r^thbed ail other t^«<t menta. Ih dlueata when hU other Fo^xi la rejecied. aaven 5(1 times its cOift in medicine. C/V VEARS INVARIABl.B SUCCESS. Ox) loaooo ANNU.\L CUIttS of Con^rip. .^uon, Flalu am y. Uyopep.ia. Indigestion. C a. Numption. DittM'e«s tirjoi'nitia, Infl'ieaza, CouKhH. A-^ihina, C-iUirrb. Fhleym. DLirruosa, Korroufl Debiii y. ^leeplensiie^.-t. De(«punat*acy| BARKY and Co. (Limited). 77 Rat;ent- st^evt, LoQ Jon. W., aim I'l Paria. il Kna 'aaiiKlionu. and at all Orooer*. Chemi-t4. and :?tor<>-i every where, in Ua^ 2s., 3»., dd.. r>- 51b., 14'^ Sen' carriage free. Alio IV BARRY'S REVAI^.NTA OldCUIT:;:. in bus, Ss. at .ind lb. •TMTVOM, OUT. Beal Oommareial Sch , i m tba Prarlota â- _ eataioiog ln». W J ELtJOTT. PhoopaT Rapid Roller Letter Copier, SATBS TI.UK AND MO.SET. The wriea Spaelalty MfST. •« l:m!tbd. Toronteanii N(WBarkrt.OB( <l?Xit» Id Spain the railroads are run so ir- regularly thttt the moment of depar- ture is often fifteen or twenty min- utes after the time advertised. %HAipHOSPHATPWDEt( "PC 944 THOUGH HIS PHYSICIA!! NOUNCES HIS DISEASE INCURABLL PRO- â- rlsliCa Mtrnie !< Kol Inrwrablr. â- »«dd'i kidney rill« Hara < ured IITiiautaixIa arTliiir^. oaa Will Care ltTI>o«»aKd» afTlaaca .Isaln. far Toronto. Oct., 31.â€" Newspaper de»- (Ktclleii from Fekin. Cbini. bring in- torokation to the effect ikit the Em- ero^^ dying of Bright's Diueoae. He Boer the cEire of a famou.s French phy.sii-ian. who a.sserts that the Em- peror's complaint is "an incurable Kid- ney disease." 'Tbat is where the famous French physickin is mistaken. 'i'hore is no incurable Kidney disease. Every disease of the Ki Ineys is cur- able. i''hay. like all other diseases, yield readily to thn pioiier medicines. 'I'h^ experieni^ of th'< piist ei){h( years has shown conclusively, bey.nd the> sb'idow of a doubt, that there is onp remedy that will cure any case of Kidney disease, uo matter how severe, DO mntter how long it b.'is run This remedy is kniAvu throughout I the £xiglLsh-speaking gicians and layiueii alike, by of Dodd's Kiduey Pills. When Dodd's Kidney P^ls were first introduced, medical men were scep- ticAl regardirxg their poxver to cure Bright'e Disease. Experiment.s were made. In cases that had defied the skill of th© niovt eminent medicxil men on the American continent, cases that had been ^iven up as hopelessâ€" fatal. To the a.stunishment of the medical men, Dodd's Kidney Pills worked a com- plete cure in each and every case. Thenceforth they were recognized as the i>nly knivwn cure for diseases of the Kidneys, includiiig Brigbf.s Dis- ease and Diabetes. This place I hey have held ^ince, and hold t o-«l:iy. No other cure for these disea.ses has ever lieen discovered, al- tbouirh many worthles.s imitations of Dodd's Kidney IMIla have been placed an the market. If the famous French physician, un- der whose care the Chine.se Emperor is, would use Dodd's Kidney Pills in the oase of his imperial patient, his recov. try would be rapid and certain. REMARKABLE RISULTS OF THOM- AS-PHOSPHATE. W. Godwin, of Market Drayton, writes to the "Liucoiiishire Chroni- cle, April ::na, IM'8, brom wbii'h »« quote : " As the phosphoric acid in Thumas- Phosphite i.s, presumably from its ad- mixture with free lime, in an insolu- ble cinditiua. and lus it was a generally accepted theory I hit plants can only ab- ciorb soluble substances by their roots, I hid i«^>iue hesitation in accepting it as a reliable manure, and I spent a day last autumn among a number of farms in North ^taffordshir^^^HI an- other in South S^hropshire. I^mbound and indeed pleased, tu codfess that 1 was never mure astonish' d in my life | thin when noting its effect upon p.is- tures, clover roots .ind corn fields, en- | pecially upca the harsh, cold and al- , most intractable clay lands. The effect ' in numerous cases was aiiupiy marvel- ' lous ; poor p.'iBtures, after being dress- ! ed with it, w«re redolent in clovers and wild vetch, and similar fuddtT pi ints. One fi«.'ld, especially, ot some thirty acres, app.iren'iy poverty strick- en to a list degree, had been dressed a!» to five ncrea with a too of Alliens' Th-itnas-Phosphate Powder, which was one .sheet of beautiful white clover in flower, fit to mow, whil«» the remain- der of the field afforded scarcely a bite of Wiry, coarse grass." Mr. Godwin further at considerable length describ- ed root and wb>*at fields dressed with this m-iaure as having withstood the drought and yieldinj; spi«"ndidly. Ue concludes that genuine Thomas-Pb"^- pb;>te Powder comes is a decided bin n, world to ohy- I **!*•='''"? »» ''=* effects seem very \he naine I 'â- ''^I'Dg. In the same issue of this [xi- ; per, Biir. Wooley, of Salop, attested to its wonderful v«lue in bringing up an old, worn-out farm, which he hid tak- : en and which is now in capital condi- tion. This is the farm which i.-^ lieing noticed in the Knglish pres.H as p.oduc- ing 77 bushels of 00-pound wheat per acre from the free use of Thomas-Phos- ph ite Powder. Still another letter ap- pe.ir3 in this paper from Robert Eard- ley. of Newark, who says it seems to carry the roots through the frost bet- ter, and h" noticed thivgood effects on the following crops, the third year be- ing the most surprising the wheit crops beinst greener and stronger all through the season where it was used. LITRf CI«MT TVPeWHITBt 8 r- al'T rmeti'-a] ritaoh no and not a nier â- r->y. Pr .« f^eliv"^ I (I il. Aa nt- w.nted. The HOWKM. HOOK CO.MP.tNV. »â- » Adelaide S t. W. Toronto. AUMCC CASIMCS'-Now 'miwrtatloaallnMt Eng:iih hh««p aa-i Aiwi. c%a H 'f Ci»irg* relijlile so,Mi«at FAXit, BULCKWELL a CO.. Tucubm. Brill h PUIe Vir.T... »c Vm.Mirar&C*. Manuf^MTturars <! Shuw ri«c». OtBcv. Store, Bunk •nd U<>-«t Kixttirwr. Jew- •lrr« . Dnustft* . tiid ill kibds <jf Intenur F tttiif% rt to 23 Alice St . Toronto. S TAMMERERS. in Turuuto IVQ l^.rt tu»r«nl««U CHCKCH\-t AITO ViX'R INSTITLTK. • F«intirali« St., Toronto, ftanadm. JL/ * de C«B THE .MOST NUTRITIOUS. EPPS'S GRAThFLLâ€" COMFORTING. COCOA BRE.\KFASTâ€" SUPPER. TMi tranaam aiM af MV orlsmal Saalgwe. Ail i*e«nptk>oa «( W(jmt â- •riU* . Traaanaw. La^ UM ftod DaaoratM Wood Wufk. E. LIMONi 7«s Tanc* ttn An ortiinal deal(aa Wnte for fntm. Torant* THE TRIUMPH^ r* ADJU8TABL5- STOVE PIFEa. E-ar i"ii ap Aud t*kui duWN. Cao b« ele«o«d. na»ted. »nd ;>uc «v«f â- K uuikll «v«e* A*k f.*m a«&.cr« tor Ihem. MiauufkcturM by C. B. BARCUY, ' 168 AdcUidc^t. W., Torooto. Dominion Line Steamships. Montrvai and (juabac tu Livarpaol m tmmmtr. ^ff« and laat i"n acrxw itcaai'h'ln 'Labrador Taa- coavar.' °I>OBiin'.on.' 'Scouman.' ' Yorltalilre.' Eiirerior acuonimodation nr First Cabin. Sac end Cabin and aleerage pa>*>eiiiiera. Raraa of »»-«•«•- First I'abln. KiOO' ; -eeoad CablB,' i }3j; Sieerauet.''i '.U and up»a.-da iu.'aardlii2 ta Bteanner and bortb. For all tafominiian laniy to LucAl Aiwnia, or D.tviD TiiKmsra Sc Co., 6a»'l AKanta. 17 ok. SacrameBt St.. kloatraaL The RftJd Bros. Mfg. Co., '^I i? iiiufaotaran ILUABD tABLESan.1 B<'WI.I>U .^LLKYS Ph-m- 1X1 ••a4 **- jjj fjaa 81. WM^ roiOliTO. W1LK1N5 & CO. SEND FOR I LLUSTRATED PRICE LIST. AXES, 5olid Steel, 50 Ct;nt» Each. Hammers :?;;! 25c each Violins *' *" Free '- rt fif'. â- * h.' One S-'-en" 9t.imp wiU tec yi u i reot*nini>|e of Campana'" I'.JvHan Ini. the b. at pi epiiralion for "I r«tJKhTi«Mi> of 'iln Ciiappcd Imml I Hii'cli'oij*MeJloi rfK. Tor"i.i Sj.J". $3.50 anvl $.?.uo eu Laace-Tooth Saws. THE " H^ADLIuHT," One ol the footoec mr*ii ino:*t perfect SHW5 niNdc. every Cni"* t'<^'" saw )(uarauteeJ naly Mouth Organs ;' J 50 CIS. cAcii. Our 25^ and 50L .Huuih Or){afifl are po5t-pald at the price. WILKINS & CO., 166 and 168 King St. East, Toronto. i A BOOK OF 1,500 PAGES FOR Tmagiiie BaM» iuutT»r. ut s book 11 in. km^, 8 m. wide ufd 9 ia. tAick, which â- 'ompriiwa 1,M* piajiw ot 'aM^ tuutter. urir.i«<i on kfotd pftper, &n<l tuclutiink «t loast '24 F^ill Psii:- L-thoKraph P!at«i, Se Prnte^I Color lT»veo aotl d6 Tolorcd )'uii«s on H«-ftvT Patxr, uid you will have â- oooceptiui! of what vou will irovive whcu vou SUBSCRIBE TO NOVEMBER. IS91 e >ng, There is Rn unfortunate disposition In man to attend much more to the faults of his rompanions that offend him. th.in to thoir perfections which ple.ase him.â€" Greville. A man's ledger does not tell what he la. or whit he Is worth. Count whiit is in m.-in, hot wh.it is on him. if you would know wh;it he is worth -. whether rich or poor.â€" H. W. Beeohcr. I TO CV8B A CULD IN ONE DAV. Tak. Laxatita Bnuao QulDln. TablMa. All Oriii fmto ra/uo<1 tb. moatf li It faiia toCttre. Ida. UFB-SAVING MBTHOl). The Boulogne tugs have recently beeu fitted with guus for firing aline across a vessel at sea, for the purpose of establiabiag communication by means of a life-saving hawser. The tug gets to windward uf the vessel stranded on a lee sh >re; and, by anchoring a short distance from it, is enabled to take oft the crew. Oq a level and san- dy shure a stranded ve.ssel may be hun- dreds of yards away, aod in tho teeth of b gale the rocket may not reach the wreck. The mode adopted by the Boulogne Humane Society has some m.'inifest advantages; for instance, it obviates having to pull a man '.WO oi 300 yards through the surf, with the prospect of rescuing him more deml than alive. Another point in favor of the method is th.it in a given timi> one can rescue more persons h\ it than by the use of a Innp- 'i - tanc« hawser. ineator EMtLY "wTNTER NUMOra lAJOUWJALOF FASHION. CUL-R/HEAND RNE ARTS: cawaoiaw toiTiow ;acb number contains :^::^^^S^ phic and Colore*! Plalea devoted to F.4.S1IIU\. CULTURE. HOMAN-iii WOKK AlVD R£CKE.iTIOX Interest reliable and thoroughly up-to-date iuformatioii and expoeition of the (..revailiug and incoming ityles in dresa and materials are â- et forth and illuHtrated, besides which Thf UelineatOr covers a wide range oi lopi«« toiicbiug on nearly everything obse cf interest to women : Fancy Work. Cookery, the Care of the Children, House- hold Duties aud Appointments. • Beauty and Hygiene, Etiquette, Education. Employments luud Professious, Handicrafts and Occupalioos, Entertainments, eto., etc., with a short story each month by a distin guishe<l novelist. la e.LLKO TMt aw: ClK milnwtor «*jgr 1 ftiid ta a marvel of votDplctenees in all ite deDartmenta. The Winter ywhior« to Dreae aihl Millinery are elat>oi«t«ly iHuBtrated and de^tcribed. the LiU'ranr reatiirce ve of aii tiiiuditalt.v high order of merit, and the nuueeliold Spooialties an- of the most Maeonahle aod oritfinal char»*'U'r The teiMltr sentiniont of A Modvrn Chnrttuiiw Saiiil. bv Clam E LAii(fhli[i. will api>eal to lovew of ST^vtiKJon in a pi-ctdiarlv alTectirtriate wav. The Reho9.>n,' Sennra Vii[iet, by Eva Wilder Brodhead. la mi-mptivftt'in^ Nketoh of ^♦s«i.?nate, klfld-ht;arted character lo h« found in the i^>uUiwest. « ashini(tf n t^in-iely IhiniiB the War,*by Mr*. Archibald llopkini, is an int«reotiiiic rt'tn>npoct of Ufe at tht» C'ai»ital juring the late conflict. Keeping' Watch, an impressive Christinas poem, by Rdith M. Thomaa, teUs the shepherd's 3!or>- of the flndinjj of the fltnat child. In the (wries on The Com- mon Ilia of Life. Dr. (ira«» P(ykha:n Murray au.ilyse« the physical condiliona and social aai>ecta of Old .\tf«. Tl>e artiele in the ^ries on .iniat*)ur I'hotOKraphy contains a num- ber of siiffgeations in rexard t^ ntakini; photot^ruphy renumcmtive for the aniatcur. Eleanor Oeortren contributes another schoittrly chapter on The Onlti^ntion of the Voice. Id Poster Tableaux, by Una Beanl. will be found comi'I*?ie technical <iir^lioiis for pre- paring an elaborate arltsUc entertoiimienl. A noi«J'I« group of Hobday Household â- ubjfuta is enibracwd in An Old-Time Christma*. by Ueten Combes. Holiday" Cand\ Mak- ing at HoniB, by Ruby F. Warner, and Kewtivitirs of the Holiday Sea.-wn. bv Blair Ciirla* Intereeta and Occujmlions, by Ijif»^vetie UcLawN, and Club Women and Club Life, by Helen U. Win^low, are cbaracteriiitit*ally entertatninfc ; and the regular departments: Social Observances, cortducled by Mrs. Codwalader Jones ; The Tea-T^ble, by Kdna 3. WithersvHwn ; Famy Stitehee and Kmbroiilvry. by Emma Haywood : The Iir^uniaJier, IfilUnery, Lace Making, etc., couipnse a prahiMoa of additional matter of ditjiinciiva isteresL Cbe Delineator PubHsbing €o. of Coromo, cimited. NQ3. .UBSCWnm- WTElIÂ¥j;j)nplECrci3g^ 1)0 you know •^IJattvriia wilh tti« couio [h.\t the suheiTiption pricr of Tbi- BellnenlorcaiilM) saved ^ QiBDv limes uvcr in oniehnf tJatttriia wilh th« coujon ot pau»rii chivk. whi.-h ap- yeaâ„¢ in oaoh issue o( iho Ma««»n«' Ixwk in Tke Bellae- •tor. ju»t a(t«r the IjdlM' colorad pa(t<^, aiMl \ovi will ilnd Uie ch«^k. You ciu aava tt.SO i v»ar. or 40 .fiiu. a month, a you aud your taiuily or drt:«miu>king reqiiiramenU) call (or one each of tha Panama apeciiled iu th« Check. U««««*« 'J3 Richmond srr«i. Wesi. Coronto, Cnt. •