Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Nov 1898, p. 5

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•wr- J y THE I? L E S H ERTOh ADVANCE NOVBMSEU 1 7 iSyS â- ^""^ •*t. I Owen Sound, Ontario rs THE VKRr BEST PLACS IN 'CANA.D\ TO GET A THOROUGH BUSINESS EDUCATION. Tako a Round Trip JStr i;>?,T.," L'oM(;k«« «nJ CsmTnoroial Dnpurt in e nts in CaTin.la. tfeu visit th« Northern Business ColUia*5 ; ux^ii.uio flr-jmhini; thoroui:^>Jy. If wn ftiil t») prniluca »li« iinst th'j.ouL'li. complete, iiin.ctical tnd oxtansivd cuurMA of H^'i'ly ; t'uo bn^t cr)l!ego pruiui'^ex ana the bn«t and most c<iir.i)l."te luJ ifVOi^t Fnicaole faniitnro and appUanc«H. Wfl «rili si^'e yon a fult coavso FKKli. for annua' vi-.iiime.3tnenu, giviug fall purticulars, true C. A. FLEMISG, Prii.cipul oonrrwraacsK Vicinity Chips C J.ir;ictcrlstics of the Past IFcck €are,fa!ly Cnllea for the It-el rious ••iâ€" Ditanssa ttoticis ctinoit^ laatU tcill h-: <â-  c/i try?<l at tM rutt nf im c nU t pf.r 'iiw for mch inntitiini. A t re'iurtiiu vill it marie oii con t 4/-«c(i A"" /W'^ lities or arvr. â-  Â¥â-  r mmvy nt ^\ [h-t cent, g'l to A. S. ViinDusi'i'., Flesht-rtfiB. Milch c I w f..r sale â€" Apply U> J. H. Heakd, Flenliertou. Gi^-jd cutter fiir sdlrt cliCiH' f<T ens'- â€" Ai'ply to W. Baruliuuse. Floshertoii. MisR C!i;: •.• f returned home on Satur- <3\T after a few weeks' visit with frttndj in Ton-nto Miis Miiutl Smith, who Uhr houn in Toroi.to for s«iu« tim>-, tetnnied l.»iiie last Wfclt . Rlr. and Mrs. U. E. GloinUiitiinjc of diiid.%'l< w ere the gue«ti I'f Mr. hiuI Wrs J'is. B!iickhurn over Si'iuiav. Mr. I'-ii'l Mm.T. Gr-iiogTof the biick lil'a WL"^t h»vtf t.ikiii up their afnide lii town. On b. half of our c-tizc>:8 The A'lviuic* exti-nJs a wlIcoui.-. Mr. Frnnk VanDusen will rewove his .ffwelh-ry Rti ro down t.i*ii. He is baviii« j.ramises fi.ted up lu-xt door to Dr. Chii'-loe's Jru^ store. PigR f'lr saleâ€" The undcrsigni-d hiu eleven thurnughbieJ B-rksbire sows, cxiri iargo hrstil, nx spring mid .'•ix fHll Afiply fii M. UiWy, Prico •illo. ()«in;.t'i the slorm on Thun '.ly, Nov. 10 tlie Auct-on sale Mt Arthur John.ston's I'D lot 20, ciiu. 11. Ar'oniesin. «;ii a.!- journed utitil Nov. 22nd. M.ire for saleâ€" Good (!rivo^ turiiini; 7 years old, vi-ry easy to drive, .suit :i l.-uly. Will be si'Id on eh«y teroi.s to light pi'r soil. Aoply ti James A.slidowo, FIt.<h- ertoa Stiitiou. Money to loan on ueoeiituref at 4. p.r cent, and < 11 farm sucurity in sums of S400 and upwaiils »' 5. j»er cent. Ex. penscs iju.iraritoetl low. Apply to Geo llfTUEuroKi), Bo.\ 57, SUolburne. Big fire at EuyBiui list we>k. Mr. Duckett nii.'j.d thi> fnioke. The lesu't is, a line piio of fiish liioc, the l.ust to lio burned this secson. Any one in nacd of th.it commodity hid Viotler feme soon. â€" VVm. Dcckbtt. Job of cutf i.Uat 100 cordis codiir gbiugle ♦iinher on my [Kvpeity to let. Any quan- tity froiw tt-n cords up to IW. To be de- livsrwl «t the mill J. Hicklini.', Maxwell A letter fioiii our Mu.-'k' la bunU-is received Monday staled that they would put in the full lime and return on Tlitir*- day Tliey v.crc uieiti'-j; wi:h \:oi>i success. Iinmenso rubber purcha.se ! l^pward.s of 200 p-iirs, beinv; lart of a ninnnfaetiir- oi'aiurpki.s stin:k. McFailuid it Son, Mailiiliile, socured them f • ir «iKit ca.sh and will sell every pa r at and under closest whote«alo price. Men's h'gh and low cut Luiiibcrmeo's Rubber*, Doys' ditto, Women's, Mi:.ses and (i iris, »11 Bi'/es and •lualiiie.s. SlcFarland & Son, Mai-kdale, for bar.'ains. { Mr. A McCa'inon, who has been in Holland, Manitoba, for the past three months, returned homo on Friday even- ing last. U<dlauJ is 85 miles woet of Winnipeg. Mr. iMcCalnion says the «ea.son wa» an excee-linoly wet one and that tteie are ihoii8«ndn of aerps in the Botiris yet in stooks waitinjjto bo tliiesh- hed. Much damage ha.s been done l^rpyjjh the heavy j-i'iifall. Tlie firit aluiu^iing arrived on Thurs- day Inst. Rev. Mr. Fallis of Dundnik has been invited by the Methodiitta there t-i re- main a fourth ti-rui. T-'Wnshi^ CoAncil met in Saturday lo discuas Mr Archie Mclntyre'a chvim for danuu(ea. The minut'u appear' vlse-vhera. It i.s wiid That hdl clinibinif lit a popular pa'iimi'S with one of the Mark- dale graiul uyevs. Rev Mr. Cco-.vn, iil(tb.>di«t minister of Owen Souiid, has Vccfeivied an invita- tion to one of the Turonto churches, which he has acccpteil subject to sanction of conference. The Diirbani Ilevitw pu1>li»hed last week a pRjiur oo the teach in j of Geo-.!- raphy, n-ad by princip.d -Slau^hier of Fh sher^'on at the recent teaseller's con- vention at Dnvbsini. The paper \v;\s care- fully iirepaivd and vaiuabte Mr. John AlUn,ai nl.t resident ot tMs township, died at h>s reDiJeaue about twn miles wiuth of Flcshortoii, on Satuiday last, at the .v.-e "-f 70 yearn. He was bom in Philadelphio. and came to Can.nda wiih hU parents when .sfvon y.ars of aye. He settled in .\rteiii<'sia i^^yrars aijo. Deci-ns ed wan one •â- fa fami'y of eleven children One briither, .Mr. James Al'an, is a resilient of ibis township. Other brothers and sisters live in Owen SiMlt:-d, Buffalo and New Yolk. The fiineral took place to Flesherion ix'iiie'eiy on Monday after- noon. Decca'cd was bijhiy esteened as s residbnt He leavi-s a witlow and a stepson. Mr Aua'in Shscklefo-d. Mr. Lewis, the ship tiiulier man, in- forms The .\dvaiice that never in twenty- live years I. as he hiu! so much dittlculiy in su4:urint( cnr» to ship Ids tinibei- a.s he had on tbi.s bt.e. He eanni't g t cars to tak-e hiu titnber out and wiii be ol>l^j{ed to quit operatioii.s lU th:s dV.ti-icT on ^his account and work somewhere on the Giand Trunk M:-Leni. This ia ;i •iruiu pity, as much money i« left io the coun- ty l^y theae '.^enilrinen fur liiiilior. The C. P. K. is pr.-l.ably caterii-g to the Noilhwes; tnulii {•• ti.e dotriiu^iit ofOn- taii't business. But one would t' ink that a nioiN^yed corporHtii'ii like t:ie C. P. U. would endeavor tu fnHter bu.siness over it* whole systen instead of concen- trating ili ene'gies in any one poition, but that evidently is not thtar policy. At the Fevershani f.dl fu'r u Sludburne renl estate man handed around sni.all bills each one bea-in,' a dilf-ent nmiiber, and annottnciii^ ti;a' the hoUer of the lucky iininb'-r wou^d receive a prize of one dol lar. Thi.s nMiibor, it v,-a.s annoj-i-ced, would be advcitLs-.d in The A.ivrtoco two weekn after tlic fii'v, aud tliu name of the editor was u«ed as the person who would pay ihe pii^ie. P-ople have boon inakini; enquirii-ii reua-ding tSis mstter, and we hereby wish to explain that our iiaino was used wiih' lit consent or wurrant and moreover wo havu neviT had any couiin- unicntioii whatw'ver from the Shelbumo firm in questi '11 If tha l.u.sii'e.''S in â-  ti.'>;rity of tliis firm is on a par with tbi:; transacii'n we woulJ advi<e Ospr-y fa: in ers to deal near r home. Lonilellow to be llluitrated La.<it yearChaih s Dana Oib?on illu.'stral ed " The Peop'e of Diekeiis " for The L:idiei' Home Journal. Tlio pictures were so successful tl'.a! this year, and during next yi-.-ir, \V. L. Taybrthe New Engl.md artist whii has nmde niu-Ii tayid stridi-s in Ins ait. wdl il!u>ti:it« " The Peoplo of Loui^fellow''â€" n'so for The.Lidies Home Jourim'. The poe»;s selected are " The psalii) of Life," " Hiawatha, " "Evani;e lin.-," " The Ciurtxhi|i of Miles Stninbsh •' The Cliidien's Hour," " The village IM.icksinith," hnd others. School Entartalnncnt The weekly conceri i;i Flesherton pub- lic school was held l.ist' Fridiiy aftirnoon from 3 to 4 <i'cli"jk. Tlie t.acbcis and children wero cucoiuaK'd by the presence of sevoi*J â- .<! the vmreiils and friends who took this silent way of showing their interest ia the ioqmriant work of »duc^'- tioii. Form 1 fornisheil a gooil pro- i(ranime of choruse.s, solas, due^s. reci- tations, dialo^iues. and club swiiiuinL'. Rev. Mr. Ward w.-w proaent aud address ed the boys and n\r]B o:i 'â- Cliaractoi," shotti'ig the iiiipirtHiice of uood charac- tei ( nor niei'i Iv r>q.utHi,ioii ) not only in the public, but a)so in the Iwuie life. Ho said business men were wstsbinx the de- velopeinent of the boys and selevting j those* they knew would be trustworthy '• The world needs men of character to till its positions, and do its woik. He «in- ' ]diasiscd the va'ue of Cbrirtain charaitfar. I Spwking of the 8ch.pl, {jiy vv m»wh pleased with physical culture as a part of the exercises. Next Friday afteriioou the Concert will l»« given by Miss Klip- pert's tots, wh'D Rev. Mr. Thorn will also iuldre.ss tlie children. Couie out and .so pleane the children Mlssionai^y Entertalnmest The Woman's Mitfsionary society will Kive a public entertainment in the Me'h- .ii'ist church en Nov. 24, Thanks',;iving evenins;. A good program i.s bein;; pie- par, d, and an eiij..yable evening may be elpectvd. A colleutiou will be taken up in .lid of niis.sionarv funds. The Companion's New Calendar The calendars yiven by the Companion in former years to all subscribers hare been remarkable for their delicacy of de- si'.;n and riid-.ness of coloring. But the calendar for 18'Ji* far surpasses any of those. The publishers have endeavored to make it the tinest cidendar of the cen^ ttscy, and readtis ©f tire CompiMii«n will not be disappoirtteirl in it. Those who snbsenbo now will receive not only the jjift of ti.e Cale.idar, but a'so all the is- sues of Noveinber and December, from the time of subscripti.pti free. The new volume â- will he the best liie Comp.niim lii;s ever p.iblish-il. Anioni; tiie cntri- bulioiia alreiuly en.^a'.'evl are : " The little demons of War," by Hon. John D. h>i;i; j "OpiKU-tnuiti.a for Young Explor- ers," 6>ir Clemens Markham ; "The b..y with a Voice," David Bisphani ; " The Winders of Soniinuiibulisin ," Dr. Will- am A. II* mmotd;'Polic(' Spiesin Rusd'a,' Poult ney Bigeb)w; and "Where Livini; is Cheapest," Hon. Catr. I D. Wright. Fine illusiniti.d nniiouncenient aud Bsmple copies will be sent to any one addrustins; The Yo' tu's Companion-, 211 Columbus Ave., Piston, Mass. VVcrkins Nixht and Day The bufie^-t and nrithtiest little thing that over was mail" is Dr. Kind's New bi'e pills. Sve:y pill is a sun»r-coated (ib bulc ft lieiilth, that chnnKesweakneHS into ttren^th, l!»ties»noss into energy, brain-fia into men'- s) p.iwer. They're wnnd.iriiil in buiiilini.' up th« healtli. On'y 23« per box. SolJ by all Ih'UL'g'sis Clubbing Rates Our Clubbing li.st for the present sesKon is now pnictically cniplele. Jlo.«t of the p.qiers on this list y.vi.- the bulanco if tilts year free t.. new Kub.xeriber..", so it will be to the :idvantH.;e of all to i'et their subsciptions in as early as possil le ?,t. M;iil-Einpiie;ii.dA.'.vai!-,>e. . 5 1 80 Wfekly Mail-Eui; iie and Advance 1.4.5 Friiii and Fresido 1 Hi Weel<ly (ilobe 15.5 S."turday Globe 1 45 DiiHy News -ii.d .Vdvanie 1 80 Family Hvald .-uvl Advance .. 100 Farmers' Sun and A.ivance 1 05 Red tlot From The Oun We can supply you with anything or every Tj m th.1t you require. ^ If thing in BOOTS and SHOES Weil, we.-ir well and look well. hi l^iilb »ex»» aradLOvetsl-JC-s we have a vciy lar^c: variety selling at l;vv pn'xs "^>-Custoin Work atd F.epairing attended to PRORPTLY-*'^ |^-A(iE.\T FOUCDOiilNIoN MtJNEY tJRDEU EXFP.ESb-^J. EXPRESSi,ORDE:<S CASHED WITHOUT CHARGE W n. CLAYTON fit a> %^$;^t$-:&fe^&^;^^^^:Sr^^^s^^S'^^^ How to make the best OF ITour -Dollar W:.s ISe 1.1.1; t^at hi'. G. B. Sea'm.-a n Njwark,.Mich., in the Civic \\ iir. It euiinu horrible ul.'cr* tbiV lo lieatniKiit ieliml /or '2!> yoBin. Th«n Huclilvn- .\rniea Sviv,. c'..i-d bim. t'liri-s c.is, hriiiiitR. burns, toils f-'lollR, orns, Bkiii prii(ttioii8. Best IM • cure on eailh. 25 ets. ii box. Cure jjiiaMu- te«<!. Hol.i l-y pU DnuRkls- 'Ihiee Italians wire arrested iit Pi inr au:t Tieinblts..n a char...e of cuiilerfeltii ..;. .\ largo (pi;iiitiiy of coins and coioiterfiit- iiig t- Ills was f. .uiid i'l the feut occupied by the n-cn. Di. L.-il-go has di.p..sed if his 1.racti.:e in Ch.ik Im.g. to Pis. M. ore S: Hurlbcit of Th.-rnbiii'V. Tie D. is having in a we.'k or iwo for Ckvel.ui.l I)bi...whei'e be will iii-„i.-Hce bis pr.if-s.<ion. His n.any Irii'iids will besirty to heur of lis .en-ov- sl from this suetion. but all trish hni s*i«cess in h* tiew fit. Id of la' or â€" Herald The folio. \ing be.iiitifuHy trim story ia said t'. have lately t"'on rela ed by a rusiiie- t of the Toii'li bee. not. d f..r his veracitv : Scv^u yva-s syo lh:s farn.ir huu,' bis vtst on tl.H foiici- in the bam yard. A calf cbeiv.d up a poekrt in the g:irnii'i!t in «bi. h was a si.-ii.dn:'il yoM watch. Last week the aniijiril, a staiil. old inil-v-h cow, was biitebcieil f..r beef, and the time piece wat foiml in such a p.isiii.jn between the Innos of the cow that the process of ri,spiiati..n, ihe cb »- iiig in an I hlliii« of the bioas. kept the stonnviiider w- iiiul »ii imd the wat«;li bad lost l.ut four iiiinutes in »o»«ii years. - Thi.rnbury Siandonl. The f..llowincr from an Atoorican paper is c.mdid and refre^iii..;: Tbo talk of otir (s'l-ca'bd) pence (?) Coiiiioi^sioners at Paris reminds us ..(two lo.-oK-is miid to have been piussed by somt; >.f ihe early settl-rs of M-iss.-ichu-ielU wh«'ii they were about to seize lands be'"n.;iii^ l.i the Indians R.-sobed 1 t^ •'Tliat the earth is the Lord's snd 'he fulness thereof, an'l it is th.- heritage of his saints.'' Resolved I 2nd, That we are the saints, .^lld the talk of the Sp.'ini.sh Pence C niioissiiini rs indicati'S a st:>tn of iniiul somewhat ] siinilsr to that of the traviler, v.b.. beinij I stopp.'d by a hit/hwayman and otrenmj to I give up all his money t.i be ixiriiiitted to I (uMS oe. was told that he inu-' also h..iiil : ' o»er hi-" hat, o>'at, vest and trousers, and : then the qnestion of boots would be bold â-  fbv {Mrth^r con*idoration, 1 Just c .11 and see \is, t-ike a look at out stock, exa.nu^c rt, compare oar prices, take tlic quality of goods intj coiisidei- tioii, aud yon will be couvLuced that you have been losing uicney by not doing business Leie. W<; have recfivp<i and p'u.Cbd in stock anollicr sliipmeuC of tlio.se not il SCOTCH SUITINGS and it affards us grei: ploacure to direct your atteu'.iou to oar ordered clolijing depirtmtnt for this season. Tbia is one of onr main dcparttnants and buutid to grow because we deal io onlv iiioi'Oitglil}' reliable goods wbicli wo rfell at the lort'tst, pos.sible pi ices Wliy is It tlia' so many careful dressers wend their way to this store for ready t.j- wear clolliiiig â- ' Why is it t'uat tiiey continue to come in iiid'eafing ir.!mbei's,.uot only after -.ilothing but cbjUiing needs of ever} des- criptiai) '? Tlio.'c must be good reasons lor it, and if ihe.-'o rea- sons are not evident to you wc would ailviso jou to make iu- vestigatious just for yoi,;' own SaiisJactioa aud subse ;•!• nt pi'o- fii. GROCERIES As lUiual. new and fce^h aud a f.ill lino always on hai:l- iiOOTS and Sa»i033 Our Boola and Shoes depart- ment i.s well assorted with goods that will wear. Give u.j a call ai!<i you wii be satislied what w6 sivi.< li-'lit. ^/j/iifjf driest traici ^oy !^utisr J^nd Sy^s ppar S^.'Wv* I !â-º: I «i I- •â- ^ I ^ ^^ HAKE HOME ATTRACTIVE !! Th" reason why boys and ..;ir!s forsake the home is frequently o.i iictoiint i.f i's un|>b imant surrouodin<;s. G.t a iiise SUITE or at Wst some odd Chairs, a ('untre Ta'de, a fiw picture.", eic. Rid Out -tlxo "DiniM.^ Room. That olil Ciqiliixiid w'.l] i/i. ni.re'y f..r the liitcii.Mi or down cellar. Put in a new S>ideb.><in1, an Kxteiiiiorj- Table, and som-j Ui^h lack Clmirs. Me>ct o^sre3?l:i.^u.l tire Bed" rooms. Get a new .Sett ft* *li« .S|«iro Room. Put the ol.l one in molher's I'lHiin. Don t sleep on that oM ulraw bed all your life or evrii on feathers P % '* H»IB»'» will IBII Jt â-  H.tt. ItlVf â- '» I.T^Il \/»I t l.f ILIIt'l n ~ - these hot oighN. tiet « MM Spriug and .Mattress, they are wonderfully f.;, cool and iefre>liiiik:. i^:_~ The-sa with a few Biim^and other fixitn^s which only the Ladi s can supply will make yonr yo«r homo much more comfortable and at- ,1 1'li-vt i ve. Hisycan all 1)8 pnrehttli LOWEST PSI[ES â€" -?f/ ZTAe â€" 1 : Ml : '" .1 \ i

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