m i^-V -V .1 • t:'. <-. 3FleslT^rt0n Jltrijana, TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN." VOL. XVin, NO 923 Flesticrtoia, Ont., Tliursday, December 1 , 1898 W. H. THURSTON, EDITOB ft PBOPKIETOR _ . s:^! F. T HILL & CO. FORGING: Ahead riarkdale's Busiest & Biggest STORE Proof of Trade Leadership is all around this store. We get the best of everything that money can com- mand. Quick sales multiplv profit and make a small n,iart(in all that is necessary. We're all the time tr)- inj,' to make this store better and we are determined to double our leads in every department, and to do this, we are going to give more goods and better values for the money than any other store in the county. We've no need to beg foi trade, it keeps coming to us and m- creases as it comes â€" because we handle only reliable goods that are right in style and rigtit in price and in this store if you are once a customer you are always a customer. Shoppers look to us for special bargains because of our ability to Keep Prices Down Dress Goods Is H depuriinent to wliich we p»v ciosci litcuntioii iiriU it. in satu tx <«•/ w» have 11 larger variety and bar- ter values tiiaii nny utlit-r ImuMe in town. Space will not permit un to enuinemte the variouH linen, but we iiieiuiun as special a liou of All Wool Storm Serges in bluest Muot , regular, oOc, uur pnan 42o MiHinery and - - riantles III these departiiieiits it ia a rec- ognized fact we always lewd aii4 th«re is nothing strange about it. When you soe the ntyleH and quati- tieH lind learn our prices it is next to iinposNible to resist buying. FOR MEN dy. 5^ Wo wish to say we have 'fce largest ami best assorted .stock of rem towear gHnneiits ever housed under one roof in Markdale, «nd the amount uf business dune daily in these )(ootU is evidence that we are doiiDt i^ rixltt. ^ootSj OAoes and uiub6er;:> / / The Reputation we have gained for ourselves is too valuable for us t<> run the risk of lusiiifi it, by olforiiisj you auction goods or anything that is not .ibsoluttly reliable, k good luany think they know all about Rubbert, bui there is a degree of quality yon will never learn of until you have ineli our stock of these good.s. Space will not allow us to tell you all about it hero but when in need of these goods come in and sec for yourselves SPECIAL - FOR . THIS - WEEK 20 dozen flen's Under- Wear 16 oz., regular $ goods for 75c a Suit F. T. HILL & CO. FOUNDRY AND MiLCHiNf: sh:op Haviiif equipped our shop with the most approved machinery, and engaeed the services of a thoroughly practical man to take charge of same, we are in a posiMon tu do a general Kouiidry business in alt iM branches, supply our customers with ma:huiei7 of all kinds, make all sorts uf C'aatings, and dealt sorts uf machinery lepairing on short notice and at moderate prices. KF BOILER *nd ENGINE work a SPECIALTY "^^ Flesherton Statioa, August 4, 1898. FARM for SALE For sale. IntH 75 â- •111 70. l«t oin. S.D.B., 00 me eHoloaret arnl uii'lor oiillivatiun ; barn, two •finble^. traiiio hoiinA ; well watftrsd. Will sell (OO eA^i till iim. Apiily So IVT.COn.SFlBI.D. .Warebaiu P. O., Juustad iBo R. P. LEGATE & CO. IILLME PDOPEB? FOB M 1 1 Fnr saloon easy terms, one lot in llie villA«;e ofMaxwall onr<iatln|i nf i aero, on which in a 'conifortahlo brick ven»*>re<) house ami a coort fvnine !itnl»lf>. For further pariiciiiars appiv to K»v. J. W. Jusas. TruntBp, Tsr», Co Krtu <â- . or J.BICKLINO. Muxwull. \ From Far Manilla I Cavite, Oct. 12, 1898. I My Deab Thuestok,â€" When last yon ! heard from me I was alM>ar<l an American transport, the Pennsylvania, bound for the Phillipiiie islands. W'e arrived at our destination some timu auo after a ; long, tedious sail uf twenty-nine days. The Montana regiment took up their abode in the fort ac Cavite, ten miles from Manilla, which used to be the home of a great iminber of Spanish soldiers, but of late a wonderful change has taken place and everything is now run on the I American plan. I The houses in the furta are very neat I and comfortable, bein^ made of stime and . brick. When the Spanish soldiers wuie ' driven out of the fort they left behind a I tot of nice furniture which was very use- ; ful and caused us tu exjierience that h<juie I like feeling we longed for so much. It I waa a tittle aeltish at Krst on our part to I deprive our Spanish friends of their great i comforts, such as beds, tables and nice i easy chairs, but I suppose such things , must happen in wartime. i We command a very go.id view of the I bay from <mr ((uarters. It is very nice I t<i watch the boats HSiling in and around I the harbor. The water around Cavite is I pielty well dotted up with wr«^;ked I Spanish war vessels. It would seem as though by the present p. sttii>n of the I boats that as soon as one waa disabled It ; was run into shtllovr water, l)ecause they are ((uita «lose to the shore. There are about twelve visible. The rest must have sunk in deep water. The days are very warm and pretty hard ou a (HTson who has come fmm the nort h to live in a tropical climate. Many times in the cool of the evening I have taken a walk down to the waters edge to have a bath, and while there I am in full view of the wrecked war vessels lying quire near one another. By the light of the moon they present a ghostly appear- ance, especially when everythinv is <|uiet save the wava« beating up ai{aiiist the shore, and one remenib<M that at a dis- tance of A good stone's throw hundreds of Spaniards went down to death. There are iiniiieiise thick walls built at differeut points on the Islands, wbere strong pnitectioii is needful. Il is easy to see that ill years Kone by Spam must I have taken particular precaution to fort- ify her iiosaessioiiH very strongly. The amount of masonry 's something wonder- ful. I believe there is room enough on top of them to construct, if needful, a good race track. As far as I am able to learn these great structures were built a very long time ago, maybe 200 years. It is an interesting sight to take up a position on some high elevation and to liHik out over the liay from Cavito, Vou can see Manilla looming up across the water. .\s I gazed out over the bay 1 WHS led to imagine the terrible sight the â- aval tight must havb presented. I could aee the remains uf the old fuit a short distance away ; rocks were piled up in matiy ugly sha|Hj'<, presenting the appear- ance of having felt the >trenulh of I'liultt Sam's .fhot aiol shell. The Spanish people were great on buildiiiit Catholic church«H. I can cmiiit six in this town. .\s far as size goer, they would be a credit to a city like To- ronto, They are all built of stunu and brick. One of them wa-s built in 18(53. I have beeti through mostly all of tlieiii. Those who have read a little of ths early Catholic leliuion would appre::iate a treat like this. The cliurchos are divided up into many apartments. It would seem as though tile old custom of having duiiueons o throw pe 'p'e into, was coiitii « d by the Spaniards, for I passed through many underground riMiins. The old- fashioned churches answered two pur- poses in years eone by, being used for prisons as well as for religious purposes. Here monks and iiuos were Htatiuned, Each building has a big high wall built around it. Everythinu goes to pr-ive that the churches were used by Spain as an instrument to carry on her deeds of rob- bery and persecution. The Phillipines give one to understand that Spain wa» nut here for her health, bur for soinetliinu else. The .\merican soldiers are given to relic huntiin.'. In theae old churches are a great number of notcwnithy p uple buried under the stone Hoors. Some of these vandals dug up nearly every iimve, and skulls and human bonus lie all over the floors. I can assure you it presents a ghastly siyht to an ohaoiver. When Dewey bomliiirded the cobhI aronud Cavite the insutgeiitt; took advaii- 'sge of the oppoitiinity hy lushmjj into the town and lorciug the Spanish inhab Hauls to seek refuge in Manilta They ihen jilundered and stole evi-rytbing in .si'.iht, and what they could ivjt lake away was destroyed. When the .'\merican sol- diers landed they t<H)k p<is.so*sioii of what was left. It is somewhat aniuxing to hear the boys lalkini; about their line rooms mid grand furniuire, rich enough for a very wealthy person. The poor Sp<iiii.sh ' people had to set out and leave overy- thiiif they had. Such is the fortune of war. E. STR^VIN. To be cmcliuied next tt-eek Robbed the Qrave A startliiis incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia waa the subject, is narrated by him as follows: "I was in j a must dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coat- ed, pain continually in back and aides, no appetite,^ntdually growing weaker day by day. Three pliysicinna had given me up. Fortuuaiely, a friend advised trying Elec- tric Bil'ers:' and to my -jreat joy and sur- prise, the first bottle made a decided im- provement. I continued their use for three weeks, ami am now a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed the vrave of another victim." No one should! fail to try iheiii. Only 50ct«. a bottle. Every bottle guaranteed at any Drug Store. The legendary small txjy in endeavori n g to compasss the question of holiday ex- penses solved the whole problem of finance in this. Wurehain From Our f>uni Correapotuient Thanks^iviu:; p:kssed olf very quietly in our village, each citizen enjoynig their Thank.sgiviim feast at their own lireaide. Rev .Mr. Duuulas, a.ssistcd by Mr. Brownlow of Toronto, is holding special services ill Warehaiii Methodist church. Mr Brownlow isau evangelist of wonder- ful talent and ability. An a speaker he is unexcelled, whdu all Ii^vers of music are attracted by his .songs. The i|Uestion drawer meeting conducted by him Thurs- day evening was a grand sncces*. All questions were answered in a way tha' compelled the admiration of all present. Mr. Browtdow has wonderful success wherever he goes. At the :inie uf writ- ing between twenty-live and thirty have been converted under his preaching in this place. He has aomtnlling influence with the young people that shall be fell throuuh all eternity. Revival services close here Dec. 1st. From this place Mr. Brownlow g'>es to fuini engagementa in O'angevillc and Toronto, after which he will return and carry on the work in Maxwell. We are sorry ti> state that Mr. Morrow is seriously ill. We hope suuii to hear of his recovery. Mrs. Samuel Arnoit is recovering fruoi a protracted illness. Mrs. McClure has returned from visit- intt friends in Brampton and Toronto Our scb(j<d trustees have engaged Miss Ley of Toronto for the coming year. Our prusoiit teacher, Miss Hale, is leaving to take charge of a school near Uraiigevillo. A Thousand Toa(««« Could not express the rapture uf Annia E. Springer, uf 1125 Howard st,, Phila- delphia Pa., when she found that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption had completely cured her of a hacking cough that for many years had made life a burden. All other remedies and doctors Could give her no help, but she says ..f this Royal Cureâ€" "it soon removed the pain in my chest and I can now sleep soundly, son:ething I can scarcely rem- ember doing before. I feel like sounding its praises throuuhout the Universe." So will every one whi> tries Dr. King's New Discovery for ai.y tniuble of the Tbront, Chest or tunus. Ptice 60 cents and $1 OU at any Diug Store; every bottlo guaran- teed. Frumovr uimt Curretpmutrnt Mr. Bruce celebroted Thanksgiving by having a six o'clock dinner. Only moin. hers of the family and household were present. Tliis i.s a good idea, and if it were followed by more the prospocta for the future uf our country would be brigb'- er. It.seeiiis strange that a day set aside for rendering thanks to the Great Giver of all Good, should be used by so nmiiy in wandering through the woods, destroy ing Its iiiiiiM:ent and harmless inhabitants, or atteoding shooting matches or other doubtful places of amuseuieiit, where gambling and So many other vices so often originate. Mr. A Iiiksler was so unfortunate as to Hjiraiii his ankle last week. Mr. R. Blown had to resort to a limp- inu method of navi*;al ion liuit week, owing to having left his foot for a short lime on the Under side of a horse's hoof. Miss Bruce, milliner of Toronto, was visitiuK a Mrs Col(|uet's last week. " The thing is to get the mostest fun for the leaatest money I " The constant effort of buyers in every field IS to get the Biggest Value for the least expenditure. A mer- chant's success lies in reoogniaiiig and meeting this want. I have on hand at present the largest stock of watches, chains and rings in solid or rolled plate, that lias ever been shown in Flesherton. and we propose selling these during the presei.t festive season at prices that will run them off ijuick. WE - INVITE - INSPECTION In buying a watch from us you are sjife. We guarantee every one we sell aud we fulfil every guarantee. Don't Abuse 5^ Your Eyes If you go oil allowiiig your eyes tu smart and ache and trouble you, you may never 'mi able tu make them strong aaain. We have studied the eye, we kimw what we are talking alxiut. It is a patient, long suf- fering organ, but it w II snap at las*:, and \ then all the oculists and all the opticians ' in the world couldn't put it together again. '. Don't procrastinate. .\ny irritation about : the eyes whatever means something. W~ COME AND FIND OlT -»x ;W. A. Armstrong ! .JEWIOLLiCie. Kl,KBMKI<'rON Stone's Settlenent from unr incii CorrapouJetU .\nother national Tlianksgiving day hsB |)assed over out heads and we have abuiulHiit cause for gratitude, inasmuch as we have seen a year of increasing pros- perity. Crtips were generally goiMl, well saved, and realized fair prices and every- body seems to be better circumstanced than for some years previous. We sin- cerely trust that a continuance of the same blessinit may be engsged. Miss Sarah Hassard recently returned home af'er several months' absence. Mr. Ulrick Stone, with a mupio of couipaiiious, recently liaik a day's hunt- ing, and .succeeded in btiguinv three well- fed Coons, the largest of which weighed forty pouuda. No wonder Uncle Ed's corn cro|) was below the average. ; We heard considerable sluwling in this j vicinity on Thanksgiving day, but we have I yet to liear <'f the game captured. What ; became of yours, Harry ? It must be gratifying to the people of Flusherton to know that the teacners in their public school have adopted a sys- tem of Friday afternoon entertainments by their pupils. We think this a step in the riubt direction and that it sliould be encouniifed in all our public schools, and if the parents would attend these enter- tainments occasionally it would more than repay them for their time as well as tiive encouragement to the teachers, who Would be made to feel that the par- ents were interested in their ( the teach- ei's) labors. The system wai> adopted a few years ago in our school, nnder tlie tuition uf Mii-s E. Sione, and was a de- cided success. The entertainment in the Irish Lake school will take place to-morro,v even- ing, Dec. 1st, at 8 p. m. We are sorry to report that little or no improvemiuit has taken place in Mi. .\ngU8 McLeod's health since imr laiit. writiuir.. When tha Whistle Blows It is a sit'iial that the tiaiii is coming, and if you dint get off the track will run over and kill you When yon oough, if is a si'jnul that consumption is eouiiiig, and you li.'id lietii r look out. The way to atop consuiiipMon is to stop the couuh. The way to stop the cough is to take Sliil- oli'a Cough anil Coiihumptive Cute 25ci» , SOcts. -n.d JlOOa liotile. Remarkable Reacii*. Mrs. Miclia* I Curtain. Plainfield, III. makes the statement, that she caiigl<: colli, which setrled on her lungs: .she wi s treated for a inon'h by her family );hy«- ican, but i»rcw worse. He U-],\ her slie was a ho|>eless victim of consumption and and that no medicine could cure her. Her driiyjiat sng'.'ested Dr. King's New Di.stovei-y for consumption; she bonuht ix. bottle and to her delislit fi'iind heiself benefitted from firsi dose She continued iis use and after r«kiii„' six iHittles, foun.l heiself soui.'.l and well; now does lierown hou«cw(>rk. and is as well asshe ever was. Sold bv .'di Utusjgis'.s, la^u bottles Me. ftiid 91 00. I -*..-. • .11. j) , «- i I liKMlH ..^.r:ysss^;