1 -^^. DECEMBER 15 1898 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE BSTABLISHED ^las/' W H'BLISIII'.II WEKKLY AT TIIK OKflCE, KYD ENUAM 8THEIST, FLKSllEllTliN, OM. , BY W. H. THVRSTOJI. «l per annum strictly in advance AdvertiBintr Katee: OatColaiua, 1 year, jriO ; half col.. 1 ve«r, f2S quarter oul., one year, #15. Transient advartlseiiicnt cliarpod at the rate 0(9ooat8 per line for flmt limcrtion aiidScoiit each Buhsefiuunt liixertiou. TLey lire liavin^' a red liot lime in Owen Sound this ytar over the may- oralty coiitest. Mayor Tliompson is up for anotlior term unci tlie Times last week roasted liiin (a mild term) iu a way cahulaled to give him bad dreams. It oven cliargcd liim with having sold the interests of the town last Bumracr for a family circns ticket. Tlie mayor thioatoncd the editor's arrest for criminal libel, but wiser counsels prevuiled and the po» litical weather has Boinewliat inod- cialed. A vole will be taken at the munici- pal elections to decide whether or not this counly will erect a house of re- fuge, bimcoe and Hruce iiavo each (Jicided to erect sucli an institution and it will bespeaking rather poorly for this county if it refuses to do like- wise. The counly council has coil.'ii- ed a lot of figures shuwing the averaj-'C' cost of keeping iiiniateH in these iiiRli- UUioiiB to be §1 per week per head. Tiie O. S. Times has gone into llie figures somewhat and eliiims that lie cost of erecting tlie Imilding, purch- ase of laml and maiiitenanco will mil add more than 12 cents per head [xr annum for each ratepayer. For ilie saving ol this twelve cents we believe fow men will vote nay. Ottawa at the rate of about one a week, do not show signs of moderat- ing. A >\arnlnK ♦,•' The little czar of the post otlico depariinent is niakiii'; life buidtnsome by hiH furtiliiy of brain in concoc;in;; annoying rules and regulations, lli.'^ postal clieiiuc ayntei'i i.s announced from Ottawa to he iiiunen.sely popular. The explanation of tins lie:^ in the fact that, hu has atleinpted to make ii imperative to use tlieKi things hy de- ii\ing the use of postage sinnips in rc- miuiiig small amounts. The other day wo de.sitcd to icml $2.10 by nuiil and found it would cost u.^ 40 for r. postal clieijiin, whereas heretofore n money order for thai iiinoinU cost bi.'' :^c. Now ill the CISC of ncwspapcih ii will be nccoRHary in many caseii foi pidnishers to purciiase scales wli-.'ie- with 10 Wtij,'!] their paper.!, liecauhc a diclarution must he made each i.M.'sue as ui the weight of papers po.sicd. It would be too costly for the govern- iiu'iit to supply iia poslollicc ollici- uls with paper scales. The govern- men I in c.iicfiil to provide for the sveigliing of Jotters, but it feels thai it cau safely kavu the matter of papers wii.h the pulilishfciS thereof, know- ing that they are tniaiworthy and will willingly supply themselves witHi accurate scales and pay from two lo live dollars [tov year to have tluiin properly inspected by govoniment in- spoctors I The public is warned not In Iransmit poslaue sUinipM in payment of any debt, a? anyone selling stamps ('ind wo are left In infer that remit- aiices aie sales) is liable to a IL.o, We must buy a jiostal cheque I If we wish to send aCliristmiis gift lo a IViend in the United States the nearest rii.<i,oin8 DlTicer must ho omiBiihed and Ills cniiaont obtained. Mr Mulock is keeping his name before the public with a vengeance. Just now the people aro giinding their teeth and siilToriiig. The serious protest will cuino Ulcr on if tlio ohiioxious rules VuJ re^uiivlioiis, which emanate fiom I hereby warn all, every et you park lot occupants oil the east half of liit 7, con. 5, Euplnusia, to wake up exceeding, ly and save ynurselves and me from the wicked ways and deiilih^s which tlie ignor- iiiit iiif iiiliuis (if your Council compel me and othijis to HUfi'tr fcir, I just litlely hav- ing iK^arly lust all my ea.st li:ilf I'f lot 7, in the tilth Cuii,, l,y tax siile, li>j;etlier with many blocks tliereiif, sold ami delud- ed by me to others, viz., Sumrt Park, Carrutlitrs Park, McKuiiziu Park, Stnf- fold Park, StiiU'unl houKu unit acre aud ThursUei Park wliicli I di'edeil fivH or six years iii;o and wliich is an.sesscd and taxes paid thereon every yonr. I furnisli- ed the council liy linnd of Cnuiicillor Fnw- cett. a sketch cif [ilaii of siiriey, Lncause till) Kurvnyer's pliiii t > record w:n made sn that I could licit, and liaiiiiii ex|ifndi(l wi'll nigh 8100 liad nothing' Ic finish "itli, liut was very pariicular in describii.g the xitUHtioii, meiiNurements, distances from certain points and limits of eaid lot 7, tlint they cuuld ho lei/ally recorded as such part, p.-ircel, poitioii, etc., of such east half nt Int 7 in cmi, coll, 5, Euphrasia. Yes, they charyed nil! to arrears on those deeded awny parks, and liow many others I can't tell, and Sold me out for their owners and the owners for me lime.i over, until iicino of us knew who we belonged to, and I mistrust thecl;ar«- iiig me to till) dollar-a-day and 10 per cent, road wi.rk which owneru had <lone, with say half the i-tatute lalior for thirty yeaispast which 1 for east half u.'ualiy hired done under the patliinabtcrs, ns I have been bo heyond justice taxed laid Hi.lil. Of my hcsl of all cedar, the great- est portion for that mile-long cr ssway went never to leturii, and mere aiid inuie all the time since. I intend havim; ilio l.'ounty Councilâ€" Warden Uichardson and C. It, Sill'.;, Es(|uires, in imrMeuhir â€" rip up the whole wickr<lly cruel alliiir, I will need to atteiirl as .1, P. and Hinh Court <if .Justire Coniinissioinr ti awear ill the coiniii'; '09 Council, and whoever will or can he there had hetter bo to reject and drop ihe unlits. My pity for any honest sureties who liulpcd llie scliemiiiff collectors and otlnrs tlirou'jii. More as needed, II, McLean Pi'Knv. EuaeniA, 28, 11, 1898. - • ^.♦«#»«-^ â€" â€" A Frightful Blunder Will ofleii cause a horrible Hurn, Scald Cut rr bruise, Kuckleii'v Arnica f»alve, the liest in the world, will kill the piiin and proin|itly heal it. CurisOld .S..re», I'Vver Sores, I loeis, Hoils, I'Vloiit.Ciiriis, all skin Erii|iti'iii-. Best |iile cure on earth. (Inly 2.5 ets a liiix. ('uio guar- anteed. Sold hy all Drue^iits. Reek his fortune. We wish him success. The ciiiitinual storiii iiinde it impossible for the mail to reach Fevershain Satur- day. Mr. Samuel Ottewell, veterinary sur- genu, died at his Iioiiih .lot No. !),i(in. I'i, on Sunday, Dec lltli. Diceas.d was a memher of the Masonic order, aid Presi- dent of the O.sprey Auricultural Society since it settled ill Feversiiain Hu waa well known and respeCfd by eveiybudy. The huriiil will lie portorme.l at Proiid- en CO on Tuesdsy Dec. 13. I'erersliain. Friiniiinr mm CorreKpondfiit Uevivul servicct will Cimnieiico at liuiliL-l Mcthoilist cliuicli Doc, 5 and con- tinue two weeks. Mrs. \V, Parks of Collin^rwood teoi'iiily visited her parent.") here. The Fcversham .Sunday p.jhoot purpose havifiK a cKiitatJi and Chiisliii.-iH true on Dec. 21. Tlie tree will he open to all. The entert linmeiit i.'i cx|ieiteil to ho a goofl one. The snow Rinrm on Sinidiiv week was so excessive that a iinnili'iiif our young nun fcuiid iniich diiriciilty in uettiiii; home nniil it «as so v(M V hiie that Home of them had to eiawl tlii--ii'.di wiimIows. Miss An llie (oiiidii if llie f'.tli line Osprev left iliis vale of t ears on Wednes- day, Deo. 7ih, Shi" has lieeii ii ureal aiiU'erer for the past yo;ir from that fatal disease, eousimiptioii . Hlio had hcconie a gieat favoiiie in soclely and in the Presliyterian church, to uliieh she he- liiii^'ed.aiid her ileaMi is siiicorly iiiouriied hyiheyounK foiks especially. Her re- mains were interred in the Proshyteriaii church huryinn ground. lu'vershiim w l.idy doctor lius proscrihi'd for tho.HH of the yourha who lnvo hi en siiU'eiin'/ with a sevoro cold. The per- scription is, a hmg walk in tho com- pany of thn tnid ladyj doctor. We have not heard whether the dose was taken or whether it etl'ected a cum. Next iMomlay tin ni will ho a nominn- tioii of coiiuly councillors for division No (i at Feversliam, Wo havo'ut heard of any opposition to Mr. Coleman and Mi. Preston, and wo don't think it will h« if any use, as the aliove nienrioued couneil- j lors have done their duty atiil havo wen . the conlidiiioeof the puhlio. I Mr, K, Brown has i<oiio to Prim|;t(in to woik at the blacksmitliing and to Why Contlnco Snffeiin^ â€" Nature Hold* Ont Her Arms to Eclp Yonâ€" Clorke'a Kola Coipponnd Has .-Suoccss- fnlly Copod T/itb This Droe.d Dlaoooo and Ctirod to Stay Cored. In the Kola plantâ€" n mertlrlnal liotnnlfTil product discovered In Afriraâ€" Ims lii-on found the niorca for asthma pntiioiis. (.'om- nnnnds of this wonderful midlcliinl plant iiave lioon tested In viry airsravntid ninl dlstrcsisini; cases of long stamllnK and prov- ed to net (inly relieve lustiintly, but perf-irin speedy and per::i.Tacnt cure. Cltirkc's Kol.i Compound has hml most successful iesls l:i the l..adln(! hospitals of KnKlaud nml th > L'nlted States and (.'anada. In three years In the Uomlnlon ahine tlve hundpd lestl- monlals have heen recelred. Vt'm. Ilrown of ceo llnrrard street, Vancouver, B.C., sn.vs;â€" "1 have been a great Bult'erer from nsilimn for four ypnrs. for fnur months I cniiM not work a day, I lost my nppetlte and Insf 40 pounds In weight, I'hysielans tnld me to leave the country or I conid nut live. inst atioot this time I procured a Imttle of Clarke's Kola Compound and In one week I v.-ns hack to work. I hnve taken th" tr"i tmeiit two months and 1 am a cnred man." Sold liy ilmgKlsti st two dollars per liottlu; three ttottlcs. with cnre priinninleed, f( r live diilliir'". CrlfUthl & Mncplierson Co., 121 Cburch street, Toronto, Ontario. 7. FOK SALE BY T, .1. SHEPPAUD ELECTION NOTICE ! ! Election of County Councillois of the Fifth County Council Division of the County of Qrcy. I'ublif Nolii-e I^ heroliv u'von to the Mtiin'til- pal K I'oioiH o; tliu I i' I) Ct'iinty Council Uivf- icii of lltL* '. oiiiiiy '-; tnny, tiiat li iDfettn^ ril M)i<j I- if't rotH will Ik* hc.diii Viutorij. Hull in Monday, the ICt!: i!ay of December, A.l),. IKW, lietwceu tlio hours of one ftiid twd o'rlook 111 tlu! iiIl«rii(H)U for tlio purpoKo of nointnatini* (niiiliilAtca for th** utttoeN of two < otiiitv ('(uiiu-iMorsfor fMd Fifth Diviaton uf thft Coiintv of lirey. Aixl it at the (tav Rtul tluin nl<i>vc nr.mc-d or ftfttir tho lap!-!' m llie timt- in wliich camii liitim III Ay witliiiritw from noiuinatlon thnro uio ii ;!rt>(itur miiiihi'r of cuikU liii«-4 iioiniitarul thitii iiio ru(jiiiu!(i to l>o elot^ln'l hu oUictioii will lie lakt'ii uleHi:li of tho Mtinlcipnl I'olltnK pliii't-B iii Hani Couiitv <\>uiicil l>ivisioii on Mciiday, ttit> ^Ttii liny uf January 1H9<J from tho hutir of <> o'' lo<-h ill tho foriMiuoii tu A c'clocl: in the afioiiiuuii of Huuiu (lay. W.J.WAHDKLL Nniniiiatiiitj Ofllccr of tho fifth County Couucil DiviHum. Uatud tit Diinilulk, Doc. . 2nU, IffOH. Notice to Electors Tv llii' Jinteptujerg uf Artemesia : (ii.N'ii.KMKN,â€" It istnv iiitfiitiou to OeCOtIK* a t'tiunidatti lor tlin Count il of Artiuniisjii for the >»!ar iH'.is. Viuir vuttittiid iullnenco Ih rw â- upucUtiilyHolicltcd. 8. SlIHAliUOWN Trototi Station. Dec. I». IROB ]{olit'c to tihdior^ ! ! To The J'JIeeluis of Municitxil Want (li-^Ti.KMKN,â€" The period forwiilch your reii riKi- 'tailvi'.! to Coiiiiv,' Ceinioli IV. Ml) eli'tnl liii\!iii; iiiiailv ixpli-.Mi. I lu.^; to te-nl m- you i;:. ln's; Mui'vlcei! f.>r f.eot-li.tr inrm. If my iccortl for til" pii«t two veai-H halt nittrite.l a coiitiim- nnco of J oijr uonfilieiieo, I ai-k for your nnp> oit at the co:/ii â- « niuiJiM|ii.l elecilon. and if i-,-- tnrii 1 1 iiLMiu HM yo '.r i'e|>r,iu'ut«.iiv(! will uiVi my liObt ellToi-ts lo suivo jou uuriiiti aaothur term. M. IlicUiiHMoii. I'irshHttor.nco 1.1th. 180fi. C '^'IV ARtr;\ Y Camotnthi preni!i-09 of tho iindertclcned. lot :! nod .'1. ion, r>. «i«orev,«nnio Inu) aqo. ooi. yea'liilK h;ill. i 'wnor U ri'ipiestel to pviive property, psy cxpouxes niul tiik.i n awiiv. J VCOB Ij:jUG?1!3AD Maxwoll, Dec. l.l«18. Loirs Wanted I .aMIov'Vk \||tl«. Maple, rift<mwood, Hircli rip.ek .Anh Iloi k sn-I Hoi„ f.'lio.Kp-uen and oil Unds of leiii \vn' teil 111 aiiv (riiantltv. Oilm- tie-i S foot Inri; !i iiieli top, ccriar Iocs, from In to ir. foot loMi', nod <:i"iiii- eiii.n fi-oui oi t,, (-, r.'it loi c n.iii.cinilv wniitivl. Ci-ilar an 1 Hook '•'M iioiv Iw .'c'ivei-o.l at Fln-i'uM-ton Ktntioe. Hi :lo':'t cai'li I'rioes \ aid. ['m fui-t)i«r nnitlcii- lai-s apply to j & W IIDYI) BOAR for 5ERVICE Tlio iii;i-lo.cd Tamworth Boar I rOKT LAW HAN for Hcrvk'x nt Port Luw. Certificate can be seun hv ap '1\ In^ to owner. QUO- l'U.>MP8(>N. Port L»w Deo, 7, 'C8, Boar for Service n. Richardson & Co, nphisj Week's Special Offerings .... The lines we mention this wck tJc.Sfrvo inore thar> ordinary attention â€" rhcy are all scusonabic :iW(i tiesirabl.- •.^ooiis, and the exceptional value.< in coiijiiv':-tion with the- special prire-s vvill commend them t<> the careful purciiaser. l^end this ad, carefully and come ."^nd see the g-ocl.'. â€" thcv speak fir themselves, Mi';j'h r.xtm Heavy Cotton I lulenvear, llil.iu-.i a,i;d .STi;iecl Palturiis, full â-ºizeil, every line s|ii r nl, 'I'lio .Suit 70o, (iO- .-imi . . . fjQ^ Men's Ex'ra H.-a>y t^iiioti Uii>loi "ear, Ui-eat VaiUe, Cc.I.hb- Flo.^ll aiul Grev, 'I'lio Suit ... 05<.- Men'ii Ex r. Huavy AH Wool Uiulervrestr, special in Fl.s'i, I3|im« and Grey, T'le Suit SJ 10 Ladie>' I'..ttia UeavJ. Piaiii or Uililied Hone, fciOHiiilts'H, All Wool, Sizes I. 8t"f>i, Tliu Put .. o.'jc Meii'.s So cirtl, A;MV. (1 , Itiboc'l lla:f Hose, Seaiiiles', Wii.tcr Weights, 'I'lio Pair °.. . . 20i; Plaid Dre.ss GoimI.-i, Do inclits wi ie, selected pa terii>, .sea.s>>iiiil>lu wei^its, Keijubir 20 -. liiiCH ... ije Tweed Costiiiiie Goods, "a inches wide, Good |ja'ter>i8, siiiritblu for winter wear, re.;ular IJOc. jioods 24c E.xtra Heavy Drosa Tweeds, 50 Indies wide, *[j1cihIM weariii-,' i|ualitie.^, reirular 32u. 'J7,_- Buavei C'lHtiiijK, 56 inches wide, in Black, Bluo, B»owii ,iii<l ,MyrtlB, recu- lar H,")o. good-., s|)ec:al at ifQj Frieze Coatings, .'i(i inches wide, in Navy, lirown, I^wn and Ruyal BInu, reoular .*1 W t?oods fitecial at . ' g'Jff- - OF- MANTLES We are cluaiiiej out tlio halance of inir iMautlu ktuck at Njiecinl priueK. lilack Curl Efl'ect Maiitlea, Velv«t Collar. Larije Buttons, well fin- ished, Go.4 Value at 83 75. . . S2 OC IJliicl< Frieze Mantles, Heavy Clolli, Velvet trimmed. Deep Storm Collar. aiKl Pearl Buttons, Reg- ular 84. 2.> 83 50 Brown. Fawn and Mvttle Frieze Mantled, Deep New Collar, Lnroe Fai.cT Buttons, well cut and tiiiisliifd. Uegular S4.00,... 83 7^ ^Ilfiliinerj/ : department - specially Ucdueed Price.-* ou all Millinery lines, duriiigtho eoiicluJiii',' weeks of the- season. S|M'cial8 in Ladies' Fur Collars, Mutfs, RufFs andCaperines. M. Richardson & Co. muitumaimiimmmiiimiitiiiiiimm. NOT Tho tinderslgnoil has a flno thoroughbred Ilerkshirc boar â- • .VrtniiKiila Cliiof, " No. AIH. for s.rviuo on lot .'17. con. H Artuiiiurtia. TJili.VIS, 75 oouts cubI), 1^1 if bookud. JuHNJ.KENSON. I'lior. >» Don't buy your Christmas presents until you have read ^ tbe contents of this space next \ week. ^ .:i[ave not had time to get it to^^ether for this week. W, Richardson wmm it u \ t-v: >-- fmmnmmmmmmmmmmm% Si ,V, . iTOSTTsnirir