DltCEMBER 15 1898 THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE ^usiuc^s €'M» TT'CULLOUGH Jc YOUN'Q â- •'• lUhkerB, Markdalo Dj d f.'r iL-i-al liHt.AiiiK bUHiiioHH. Money loaned iLi a luMuuablu rete. Citll uu uu. ♦ S VANDU8KN, J I' " Clerk 5lli Div Court, Co Groy laiurr of Uariiaije LicouwR, Coiiveyaii*er Notar>. I'ublic, Auctioiieur. Monev to loaued froiu ^ to pur cout. Char^oH uiodorate. KLESHEBTON P O DEHT.4 COLLECTED Tho taiilbrslgiirrl in prepared to unilorlake thocollvctiou ul all kinds of debts. Notvs bought, accounts curoctcd, cto. K N HENDKUBON, Fleaberton f CUISLETT * Klxuliorton Station l*OKtiu&8ter, ('ojin)iHKioi]('r in H C J, Convt-y* sncor. Dtfods, uiurtf!a);o8, leascR and wil'ln drawn. Mono) to loud at <'>^ iiur cent and up- vardri, Uebts colloctud. Charfjes niuderato. RJ 8PEOULB Pofituiattcr, Fleslicrton '^oniuiinsionor 1h H.C..7., Auctioneer. Con voyaucer, Appraimr and Money Leudnr Keai" Eittatu and Inaurnncu A^cnt. Ueudu uiovth'aiiuo, limsoH an! willH earcrully drawn np and valuations inadu on fliorteat urticv. Mon-\ to loan ui lowest rates of intereat. Col lectt.wiii attended to with prouiptnesfl CUartjes low. Agent for Ucean Dominion bteain»bip Company. A call aolicited. lyrAIlltUfiK MCKNCK.S-At fiovernnumt "* lirieuH. Dulens ol them ; New Vorsiuu, FirntclanH: U. F. and Jubilee. Kariinijlepur bou.in pairs or six at a time. U. ilci,l£*\ I't-MDY, InHUr H. El'UKNU. MISS SAUAH KTKAIN. "^ Toaeljor on pianu, pianoforte, orean, ©tu. ll<iid.4 fli-Ht cla-ft tuacliers' eurtlrtcatu in luu-ic Willi lioiiuiH iiuiu Aliiitt Culli-KU ; pupil 01 1'riif. .Tt Jonii Hyttunruueli of CopeiinK(;eii, Uunmark Uusideiicu cpponlte .Metliudiht cauci'.ti f'lushertuu .?Ofirtic]!S L* A O U \V iiicetB every bi St and tliird Monday ** in «:ich month, in .li^ir lodno room. ChriHtoeH liluck. Kli siierton, at H p m. Ja». HIii'tel.), ^V .M ; A .\I (JiUKon. llticorilir : W. Kulinmy.I'iuaDcliir. ViaitiU); bi-ctbres invited pBIVfE ARTIITB f.OIXJE, No. mi. A. •â- A .'.I. :iiueth in lliv tiaiionie ball. Stmin'o bill. k. Iloilierion, every Friday cu or bofoni Uio lull iiioou. U MoUili, W .M ; \V J Kuilaiiiy, Secretary. fJOL'liT I-M-.SIIKKTO.N. I. O. F. inrotK in y Cbrmtoe'B Hioek tho laBt Krida} cvonint; In eaeli iiiontli. Vliltiin; Korestoin heartily welconin. r. Henry, Cliiof Knnijur, W. A. Arm- •trong, Secretary. Jc«ti]$tvij T\R. A. n. LITTLE " • ' ** IJelitiHt, Qrailiiatu L'niverKity of Toronto and Koyal CcillcKii of iicutal Hurgeoni. Fleshortonâ€" Monday and Tuo»day of each Treek. Dundalk-Tburaday, Friday and Saturday ot •acli week. JP MAliKIlALL M U H, D n S, r. D 8 Honor (Iraduate Toronto Univeraltyand Hoyal L'ulloMo uf Ueniai Nurituona. Vliita Fieshortou every Friday afternoon. T d CAMl'ltEt.Ij " L D s, U D H, DenUl Baixeon, MarkdaU Omca over Mct^allouoh * Youikj 11 bank Houia-M.nu a III ton p m. ViHit» Kle.hu. ton lOa aeooiid and fourth Thuradav of eiicli UODth. OiHce at Munhhaw a hotel •p HENDI'.HHON *â- l> 1) H. M D B, Dentiat of Toronto (Oold Mnlttliatl will viait Flenhertou pro- feaaionallv tlie llrKt Wodin.Bdav '<i eaci: lunntii and DuuJalk the followiun 'Jay (Thursday.) '§m^ FOR Priceville Roller* Four and. Sa,vr IMLills Ti) the Fhi'nierH nml rt'Hidoiits of Price TilloRiid»urr(iiin(liri{(C lUiitry aiiJ villages: Haviiip leased tho above nulls for a term of years, I would respectfully unlicit a lair Hharo of your custom ami iiatron age. Hoping hy fair and hdiieMt deal- ing to retain all old and new customerss of the mill. truest in-aiid of FLOUR. OAT ME.\L, (JIIAHAM FLOUR. CRACKED WHEAT, also all kinds ir l''e. d kept coHHtuiitly on hand. Iliirlicst I'ricj-s paid in cash for any quantities of wheat. rianiii;;. Match- ing and Sawinif done to order, aliso Saw Logs purchitsed, Kpeoiiil reduction on 4 and 5 barrel hit.s of Flonr. Fnrniera iirinc your grist and chiippnig and give us a fair trial and we will be .sure to use you right. Chopping done every day at 5c I*ei? loo ll>s. Priceville, Jan. 25th 1898. ^k.^i^^kii&^^sya.^Ii^'itAfti^V'.SIl'S^.^^tf^'t jOHN W FIIOBT, L h H • llairlatcM-, Hulicitor ronveyancor, cto Offlco-Next to poftonico. Sproulen blork Fleshorton, every (inturlnv and t.,nrt davK, N Bâ€" Owen Mound olliee. Froafa block Foulott btieot eaat. T UOAS. WUIOHT ,V HATKON *â- • Harrlhtera Hulieltora t'oiivnyancora, oto Omco.-Ow.in Sound, Out niid Mnrkdiil,. Out. W H WuiiiiM, (J A Haison t 11 LiiAa N H- lleslierton oilluo, Mitchella lluuk every Haturduy. * I'.aii ialurH, .Solleltora, etn Mnlhona Hniik, Owen Round HARUV (1 TUCKP.H OEli W PATTtK.SON J^JACliAV & SA.nPSOn. Harrlft.er«. .t-o. u.. y UI '''â- ''•"â- ''â- •:«• -»w«ri Sriiiirt, .il,.relmi.i.h B'Hik tU'ivk, N. If l'att.ir«:Mi Hoii«b, Uuudalk. tial.i htioet, kveiy liutuidav. A.<J. M.iCU,tY. M A , ll.i;. yAMl'MON.L.b D C.uwu Attorney for Urey. ^Ualia;l Dl; lliJTI'ON M U i- JI, M C r A 8 Out, IMlrev l!In Olleo lext door to Ilrown'i ftorn : riHldeni^p 0;i|i •..â- t.e kL tiic iild pint ollle.i, reaidiilicii of I. vie Alux Hrown. OIHuodayaâ€" I'ueadaya andSatnr- i-»n CAiiTi;!; •â- ' M CI' ,t H Ot.t, rtiM.|.-lBii, Piirpoon. oto Klenlinrtoii ".lleoâ€" 8train'« block, llenidcnceâ€" M.iltalia«'H Hotel TOHN' A 8(X)TT. M H V Ml iiii.er <:nlleie I'livsic. A Fiirgeonfl • I'ltirlo rtradiiHtii i'l Mi'dicli.o nf Tmonto ll"lvtfisit> , I'VUo'cal.ip InploiiiK, I>o8t Drndu- Rt(i vlelle.xl Helioid BTiil Hociiital. CldcaKo' ; aaiis of ui'e, .ir. iiiiiie ami ttiront apeclally ti-itateil. Tlialilt i.oe, Maxwell, viaitaFeversham Thuiadyas 1â€" !l T P OlTr.WF.I.T. Votoriiiary Burgeon (1 ftlnato "( Ontario Veterinary <1oll«Re. IW Idei'W â€" (".."icoiid door aontli on wast 1 rut Mary atroot. Thia streets rum lOutb ol J r^abytcrfau ohuroh. Photos ^ â€"TAKEN ^ â€"AT THl£ I Fleshreton I Photograph 1 Gallery T are done in lirat-cliois style niul at sji lowest ral.eif. bpocial ,ittenti<in S given to ciipyine. HabiiiM* |ilii.toa. ji a specialty. Pictures finined. I MRS, BULHER In Memory PrettA'^ Goods 1"<1W â€" .Ju»t to huiil ft tCr^-ATTRACTIVE PRICES-©8 A fine Kfocl. of Silvorwiirc, Watches, Clocks, etc. lie »uro 'ind inspect oor HtocU before |iureliiiHin'.; your ('liristiinw presutiln. Renieinbiir the iii'W whnp - J. F. VaninJSKIsT, . , . OPPOSITE U. I'EDLAUS . . . ^o ^lios on Wo Kggft. BECAUSE II I USH Moore's Fly N»ls. lenthi <ir Ciiided .\xlo()r?»»e Hoof OJHtlMI lit 1*>1'.<JV VVinhers HirveH' Mlti.>( Swont ('ollars Moil's Lfiiiher P.'HCOs Wliip^ ami LsmIhh llaiineRS Oil PoliHh All kinila of lia-ne^N kept on linnil ami ittiidv to onlar. Evi'i-yiliiiii; in harness gomlB and -t ri^jht prici'S. \VM. MOOlslK Cash : for : HidesI Sherpxkins mill all Kinds of fiiiH pur- I'lnvneij, ft.r wliii'li lii^li"»t innrket [irico will bii pnid. Honinniftdo sauw^cH on hand, a1*o all kiaila of meats. M. VVILBON Fltful'.ci'ton Meal l'2mpoi inm 0» OUn DEin FATHI.n. WHO PIBl) NOV. 27, 1618. AOKI> .01) YKARS lU UnNTUS. Our darliiif; father left us III this Had worM iLlaiie, Hut wo know that he is happy Dwelling in liiH heavonly home. lie wa<i so kind and patient. And tried solinrd to eiidnro His iiaiii without a niurinnr, Altliuugb bis death was Knre. Wo loiiK shall miBS our father; Each day we come across Nuuie token of our loved one, Whose dentil is such a loss. • We longed to keep our dear cue, Hut (iod sees more than we, He wished to keep onr dear one From uiu and Satan free. And so ho took our father And placed liini there above, W'hore all is pure and beautiful And bliss ami heavenly love. We know wu should cease weeping And submissively slionld say, ItleKsud be the Lord that f;iveth, blesHod bo that takes away. Farewell to oir- ilear father, Kor wo n ow ^hall meet no more Till Ch ribt shall call ns to him To dw ell on Canaan's shore. â€" ELLA Qlorloui News Comes from Dr. 1). 0. Carglle, of W.ishita I.T. He writ'is: "Four bottles of Klectriu I5it- tera has cured Mrs, lirewer of scrofula, which had caused lier (treat suffering for years. Terrible sores would break out on her heud and (ace, and iho best doctors could give uo help; but her cnre is complete auii her health is excellenl." This shows what tliotisunds have proved,â€" that Klectrie Bit- ters is the boat blood punher known. It's tee supreme remedy (or eczema, tetter, salt rbt-nni, ulcers, boils and running Bores. It atimulatPi liver, kidmyaauJ bowelt, expels poiaoua, helps liig-atlon, buildfl up the strength. Only .SO cents. Sold by all Drug- gists, even- boltif guftniiiteed. Fihed $5 and coats. T.»cigh McCarthy, teller in the Bank of naoiilion, Oraiigeville, and son of Juil;;e McCarthy, was on Salurdiy la.st lined ?5 and costs by Pulit'e Mai;i.strate Pattullo for aspanltini; Kdhor RIuii_^i'Vaii of tlic Pii.^t. McCnithy «a.sidso bound over to keep the peace for one year. Notwith standing tho fact that there are seven or oi^ht l»w olliees in Oraii;'Cvillo, the iditi r says he was iitiiihle to got a lawyer to take his case, and he wuk compelled to coiiduct the pro.socution himself. Tliorepoitof tho eilitoi'.s Kpeech puU- lished ill tho Post makes iiitere^tiiv,' read - iiiL!. In exphii'Ution of the refusid of the Orftog-ville lnwyers to take liiHcaie, Mr. .Mnn'.'iiviiii says: â€" "Tliere was hut one expiiiiiafinn. At, niid it was tbia, the form of oxpte'sion vaiyuig 111 ev»ry iiistap.e. hut » xactly the aaiiie in spirit and mean ing ill all: The lawyers to nlioni I act ually appealed in tliis case told ine they would be iiioht anxious to perform any kind of duty for imo hut the present, and they felt coiiipelled in tl'.eir own iiitere.<t to decline s|ipenrmL' for me in this suit because the defendant was Judtje Mc- Carthy's son." Then followe«l reasons said to have been given by tlie.oe legal genlletiieii, which, if coiiectly ntatud, disclosed astale of atr^irs whicli can 1 nly be described iia judicial terrorism. Mr. Miingiivuii coidinuos: â€" "Tho sys- (em i.f the ap|> .intiieiit of county judt'es IS uiiH iso and ".Imu'd he amended. N" lawy.'t should bo elevated to the b- ncli of the county in which he has praetioid, in wliieli he has likos and disliki's, whore ho has f.irmed biases and prejudices and in whicli I may have old obligatioin to meet iiiid ancient .scores of hate or b'ltcr- ness ti. >eltlc." Mr. W. L. Walsh iippearixl for young McCiirthy.â€" Economist. Discovered by a Woman Another great discovery has i ren mai'e, and that fn bv a lady lu ll.is c luiilr.v. ^'Pi^ease fuHleiied its cliiict.is iipoti lier and tor soven yrBl^ sim wiiliNliiiul its sever.'sl testa. bill bei vital o:;.;iiiin 'veie iii.ili'ininied and death sieim-il iniiiinietil. !''< r iinee leoii'ln ^lie eoi.Mlt. '1 liie, KHaiii \ , einl eould not sleoV'. She (imil y iliKCoU'Veii a wny lii lecovery, bv pniThaKing ill lis a bmile of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consiinuitioii iiiul was >.ii iniinh rel eveil on tUeiiii; li:sr. lion', tbiii >Ihi slept .ill iii;.'lu; and wth t«'i, li tiles, hi" hull a'.'Soliili Iv miied, II T miii'ii ii i\!is l.nihcr but?..' Tims wni.'s W.C. H»nii.ii)iM.'ii<'i.. , I" .'•li.ll.y, N.t\ Sold hv 1.I1 liri'KK'st 111 nocoiits ami S I.I.U. Every liutilu kjuarameil. Diplitheria Imh nbtained an alaiming foi.tlidlil lit Diini.ui. The family of Mr .laiiios Knox, seven in iiuiiibnr, are do«n Willi it. and sro in a Hetions ooiid tion. Dr. .Sehultz, of Ileathcute, with the asslstiiiice of two pnifessloiml nnrsts from Tciionto, is doiiitt all in hi.s power to suppi'osa ihu diKiiise.--Ktaiidard. S. beautiful niir'5»e was ndniiriHl by many of this liwn last Sunilny af',i vH'Oi . Appari'ii'ly at a hIioi t I'.intanco out mi ;hii bay appeared hundreil.s of sniill islaiid-s soiuo woodrd, and otheis covered with Know. The iiiiraiio hisied hf'oen 01 twenty ndiiut'S. It is siipp aed we had a second-hand glniiof at tho is'aiids iiesr Party Sound and Miilhn d, distant from ThniiitMiry from 30 to GO inilos â€" obi ); daid.l ' It Will a,- it W>i't. Shiloh's Ciin.suiiiption Cure will either Cure your counh, or it won't. One or ilie other- sure. Try it ai d Bee. If it cures, the druggisi- keeps the mrney y u pay for it. If it don't cure tho druguLst gives hack the money. Every bottle cirri 8 a guarantee. 25 els., 50cts. ami 81.00 a bo'tle. Good for Con'Umption, Cough.1, Colds, Criiup, IJroi chitis. and Throat Troubles generally. Bismark's iron Nerve Was the result of his splen'Md li»»llh. In- domiifti le will and trenieiiiions energy are not lound where Stomach. Liver. KMueis and lj< wel Hare out of order. If you w lut tiiese qu.iii:iesuiid the sneress they brietj, u.ie I)r. Kin.:'* New life I'il.s. Tney dovp|"p every power of b ain and nisly. Omy 'i* oenis at any ilrn^ store. Importttat to Athletes. Mr. Mack White, the well-kaown tmlher of the Toronto La«ro»se Club and OsRoode- Ilnll Koothiill Cluh. writes: 1 e;,nslder (Jrlfllllid' Menthol I.lnlment nneqiiallcd for athletes or those tralnln(t. I have used It with llie best success, and can heiirtll.v re- commend It for stiffness, Borfness. siiralnv and all forms of swolllng and luCitmma' UuQ. AU dr-jgtilsts, 25 cts. 22- Nominal ion for Couioy Councillors will tike i.!;ic« next Moiubiy and regnlir Municipal iioininatiMn ,\ week .'ater. The polhiiii for b 'III C.iiiniy an I Municipal cou:;cillorH takes place the .1.11. le il lyâ€" .Monday, ,laH. Und. Ah innei iled, the law Uiiverniiig .Municiiwl noiiiiurtiiono is as follows: â€" 'At fuuh mettipgi, ilo. person or per>ons to til! each .dhce shall be pro- posed Hiid seeond„il wMiatiin. end every sic'i nomination hIi.iII be in writi,!/, .-.Iiii I S'ate the full naitic, place of re.-i<lelice and occupation of thecandidate.nnil shall be siyiied by hi.s proposer and S'-conder. "-Sect. 128, Mnii. An. Then as lo resigiiatrons: ".Vt the noiiiii.ntion meeting or on the followiiii; day, or where .such laMt named day is a public holitlay, then before 12 o'clock noon i.f the succeeding day. any person pioposed for one or inore ollices may resign, or may elect for which olliee be is to remain iioininntcd; and in default he slal bo taken as nominated for the idiioe in lespeit irf whicli ho wiut hrsi pn p.setl and seconded." Sect. 12'.», (2). August Bluhm, an old resident of Sulliv..ii towoiihip, was killed last week by a fi.lli.)_' tree. The L'T a.rke . . w. Carefully Corrected Eaoh n«elt Flour *4 CO to f5 (0 Oats i( .0 28 W'heit. white CO to 05 Wh.-ai.red ... 02 r.T» r.arley Ui) to 10 Peas C2 -0 fi2 Tfittte. ..;.. U -o 1.-. E>.igs fresh 15 -o I.' Po-,iti'es bair . CO •.. 7n T'.nk .5 00 to .5 1(1 Hhv i>ert"ii ... .. U 00 to 1; Of! Hides 7 00 to 4i> to 8 CO Sheeo. skins on (i.»ese r, to ^ 5 Turkey, 1 X'- s Chickens per pair 20 *., 30 T>iicks i>er pair .... 40 to fio W'...,l 16 to 2J> A Guaranteed Catarrh Cure. Japanese Catarrh Cureâ€" use iilx boreaâ€" buy them at one timeâ€" apply e.tactly ac- cording to the directionsâ€" and If you ore not cured see your drnsriflst; he will arrange to pay you yonr money back. There's a iiosltlve (tnarantee with every hex that apanose Catorrh Ctire will care. No cure, you' get your money bark. Ciuafsntee tn every package. SO cent* at all druggists. 119 Clabbinr Rates. .'i'feia^.-..- li^yZ df^ ^ iJ^J- '•â- - IT NOW I Before it is too late, slop that succession of colds that meani aothing more nor less than catarrh. Stop the suffering. Stop the disagreeable catarrhal dis- ch.-X'"ges that are so humiliating to you and offensive to your friends. Don't let â- I run on until your condition causes you to be ostiticired as if you were a leper. Don't neglect yourself until consumption imkes its fatal appearance. You can be cured- not merely relieved, but absolutely and perfectly cured. Dr. Agncw's Catarrhal Powder will restore you to compli'lc, perfect health. It Rives relief at once. It cures in an incredibly short time. Huntlretls of cases of from 5 to 20 years* standing have Iwen cured â€" coses ih.it physicians had pronounced incurable. Thecatarrhal powder nets like magic, nut only in catarrh, but in colds, sore throat, tonsilitis, hay fever, loss of smelt, deafness and all similar diseases. Mr. C. G. Archer, of Brewer, Maine, writes as follows :â€" " t have had catarrh for srvrral years. Wiltcr would run from my eyes and nuse for days ai a time. About four months af{o 1 was liiduci'd to try I>r. A|:new's Catarrhal Powder, aitd since using the wonderful remedy I have not had an attack. I would not be without ii." At druggists. Dr. ARnew's Cure or the Heart cures all case* of orRanic or sympathetic disease of thn heart- rclit'Tes in 30 minutes. I>r. Aenew's I.tver Pills are at onco a mlldcuthnrtic, Invifiorator and system renovator, aoc. for 40 doses. t>r. Agnew's Ointment relieves In a day and cures eczema, salt rheum and all diseases of the skin. Cures piles in a to 5 nlehts. 35c. T HoUl l>y W. V\ ICic*liiirclHC»ii Flefc*horli>ii iSy. McTavish I F \.. \\, S H K 1-^ T C ) N KEEPS ON HAND REPAIRS... J. Kir Maney-Hiiriiis. N'^xnii, Floury nii<l WilkiMsou faun impiiu'ents 'S 5| Klcuiy H\rl Verity iih'Ws uu hand all the tune. aWto .\l! binils nf loiairs tc gi I'V tho s.nioi. Wm uiauufacturo Wagrnis, I'.iiijgios, Cuttcis, Sieii'hs, etc. 'S hj llor.soslii'eiiii,' pr 'luplly atteiiileil to. Specisl atteiili'.u to ttiiilor ecu- [g rt traci fil feet. Luj^jiiii; and I'hiW Chains oi'iistati>ly on hand. Ji ?•-__- fJ" qiijuvSi'tJxnrDtarCnjtWnWCfuiiiiw^ '/it- *"5 $^ ^'t,'.. vVtl!. yj. ^f, ^'» .V.'.. ^l?. v\W. .»'*• ift' «V'«> Al{. :J';i^l<. vVt. ..V, vM«. .^t«. JM. Xt, .J',% vW.. ..^^r, â- 1^1. . EARD'S FOR IMIM.KMTCN^TS ! ! C»rt«, Wii-rotis, Tlsrrowa, Plows ol lifi fl «tiil vt'imita. ninilcr?, MowfVR, Fl >i'Pe I Cor'i SciifHcrs (iTiii vepnirR. Cliaitis of Hnraeshoeini; a spccialtj at Heard d Son's Warerooms %>1^« $15 sVfc HiiXijips bout, kind Jlakps ftn nil kinils. #' "â- 'fif •, ic. .-<:it. Miil Einpiieanil Advance. . $ 1 80 Weekly Mail Empiru and Ailvancc 1 4o 1'" iriii and FrcsiJo 1 4i> Weekly (J lobo llS.'i' Saturtbiy <i;ol« ... 2'4."" Daily New.* ai.il .\dvaiico 1 8l> Family Herald and .Adviuicc .... 1 30 F.. fillers' Sun ami .\dvaiice 1 35 4 John H. ;i s 8»#etC»««-*#«?*0«e««« 9^