i*M'-:-^ TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN." \ â- VOL. XVin, NO 925 Fleshertoii, Ont., Tliursday, December 22, 18©8 W. H. THURSTON, ^^yETpgiExoB •Fi -.f^ •••• •••• •••• ••*- •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• «:: •••• • ••• t:r. •••• :::: •••• •••â- â- •••• •••â- •«.â- •••• •••• i::: ::r. :::: •••• •••• •••• •••• • ••• Another Manilla Sketch ^larkdalc's lluvsicht a^tl IJijige^t Stote JH The FeoDle Know I •••• •••• •••• :::: That ft'hen We advertise anything special thc) will not be disappointciJ*\v;>cn they come for it and it is this fact which accoun's for the enormous sales in our Mantle Uppartmcnt during ihe past week. We advertised a special sale of Sample \Irintles, and the people were not .->1jw to respond, the results going beyond our most sanguine expectation and eveiyone agrees that such a beautiful san^ple ot these goods has never before been stiOwn by any hou'^e in Mark- dale and to all who have not already bought, our advice is com:£: EAI^LY ! ! EVERYTHING â- FOR XMSI Time's short and business is brisk. Everv day i:;j adds to the shopping crowds and the be st things are :::; going, going to the tune of :i:| Low Prices ! ! = â- ••« •••• •••• •••• •••• â- ••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• â- •••• •••• •••• •••• I There's a special enthusiasm all over this store. Xm?s IS the the season of gifts and your wants in. ihisdirection.lia+'e-heon fulty anticipated by us, and to all who will soon be in searth of these goods we invite to come and see the many little novelties which we have to shov/ you. Others again â€" and there is a tendency in this direction in selecting Xmas presents â€" may wish to purchase something that will be practical rather than the merely orna- mental, and to supply these we have everything you may want, such as Fancy 5hoes & Slippers Fancy Woollen Goods Fancy Neck Wear Fancy Kid Gloves Fancy Linens Ar.so A Beautiful Array of Japanese chinaware just arrived. V^E INVITE INSI>ECTION :::: â- ••• •••• :::: :::: ::::i •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• :::: •••• •••• •••• â- ••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• F. T. HILL & CO. :u: •••• â- ••• •••• •••• FOUNDRY .AND. &RMiL and PX.ANINO 1M[IL.I«S Wo have a number of Pulpers and Wheelbarrows that we will soil cheap for cash 'ir w.iuld Bxchange them fur Sawlogs or ShinKle tiupber. Those about to build should see us lu^fore plachiK their order, as wecai-ry a larse stock of dry tim- ber, and can furnish Frames, Sash and Doo'rs and the different kinds of dressed Lumber on short notice. Custom Sawing and Planing done as usual and i3r SATISFACTION GUARANTEED "^^^ R. P. LEGATE & CO. Flwherton Stetioii, December 8, 1898. ^rsrrtrrs^s-K ;-^FABfi^BALE Fotu)e, \oi» n mi T« j •or»l «h»ar«d n irl uiiitgr 4 Mableaiyamc lumio • »» ^1 ooii n.D.K., M tMi<n . barn, two kaiiK). Will Mil mimPBOPEBTFIIISilEII FoTMleon mmt tfirmi. on«1otln th* Tillage otMaxwall onaiilingof) a«r«,on wlilota it a eoiafortaM* brlekTwi*«t*dboni* an4 a coml rtnnvvTarn I tram* itabU. rorfortlMrpMWwIan apiAy »o 0OB5P1BI.D. j^ J ^ fomm, Tra»«««,T»ra, Co. Brueo. ot â- ^ ' J, BlCKURO, Mwiw<»n. We have been handed a copy of a letter from Mr. Fred Whittaker, who is with the North Dakota regimeat at Manilla, which Wig written on Sept. 16. Aa it goes over much of the aame grnund al- ready covered by Mr. StraiD, whoae much appreciated letters have recently appeared in our columns, we are oblit^ed te cull it and give such portions as wi'.l prove new and of interest to our readers. Mr. Whittaker says : Malate is the finest residence portion of Manilla. Nearly all the forei);n con- suls hare tine residences here, Manilla us a quaint old city uf Spanish architec- ture, with a few changes to aj^ree with the climate. The tirs^ stories uf the houses ant of brick or stone, with flag or concrete floors ; the windows are strongly barred, and the doors are fitted with heavy locks and bolts. No one lives ou che I<iwer tluor, but those who have hi'rses and ri^* stable them here. In the citj the stores are all on the first floor. The upper 8t<iries are of wood and each overhangs the one below it several feet all round, the roof projectinu about five feet over the upix'r storey, which uives the houses a top heavy appearance. The sides of the upper storeys are in many cases made of frames like windows, sec in so a* b^alide sideways past each other, leaving nearly the entire side of the house open to the refreshing breeze. Instead of );lu8, mother of pearl is used, each pane being about X\ inches square. These let in the light but not the sun- shine, and they cannot be seen through. They give a prison-like appearance to the houses. flTlwire are no one-storied hoases and the highest I have seen were three-storied. The weather here is not BO bad as stated in the newspapers. I like it better than that of San Francisco. The rainy season SB now nearly over. It rains here to perfection, commeiioing without wamin;< and ceasing just as suddenly. The old adage that "when it rains it pours " holds gixid every time. They say the hottest month here is Feb- ruary, but it we remain here till then we shall become acclimated It would do your heart Kood to skep out to the back of our barracks in t6e cool of the even- ing and look across the bay at the glit- tering lights of the fleet riding at anchor and showinx up like a distant city, while at your feot is the phosphorescent glow in the v»atcr all around. The firefly breaks the darkness with its sparks of light, coL-j'led with the beauty of the heaveus, (which out-rivala that of a Dakota winter night) combine to form a scene magnifi- cent and enjoyable. We do nut do much shopping down town for various reasons, the most common of which is that the boys ore short of cash, but I have ac- quired a habit of squeezing the eagle sincvj I left home, coii»e<iuontly I am not yet strapped, and ^hall soon augment my coffurs, as we are to be p.iid to-morrow. Another reason is that it is an all-day pantumine to get anything you require, especially if you do not see what you want. Some goods aru cheaper hero than in the United States, and some are dearer. The goods imported from England and America are fur cheaper than at a North Dakota store. Clothing is aliout one half the price as at- home. I wish I had some way <if taking home two or three suits of civilians' clothes, as good worsted suits made to onlor are worth from $13 to S20 (Spanish), equivalent to about $8 and $12 (.Ameri- can). Ueady-nmde clothing is not to be gi>r here. Silks are also very chea|i. Manylof the boys are sick, but 'it is mostly their own fault as they are not careful enough in their diet. Bitiinnas is the only fruit fit to eat. I have enjoyed ex- cellent healths We have a Y. M. C. A. which is doing ^lood work. Ours is the only regimenl having an independent branch, which is next to our quarters.and we have prayir meeting twice a week and service twioei- on Sundays. , To-night there will be a apocial meeting for the benefit of the JUtiTtt*, who have already taken great inleroat in our «.li«i"ns ser- »i(H'.s. t'hopathe U. S. goycrn.iient wiU xriAS. decide to keep these islands, as it would be a shame to again turn the natives over to the cruelty of the Spanish. The na- tives would resist Spanish rule to the laat man, and who could blame them for so doing, for they have never received any- tory of these goods thing but inhuman treatment at their hands. FRED WHITTAKER. NnW fr»r ^'"'* recently i^XJYy lV/1 made some whole- sale purchases that enables me to sell at prices unprrcf- dented iu the his- Priceiille From Ovr Ou>n Conetpondent [Intended for last week. â€" En.] Digging snow is the order of the day. Everywhere one sees great trenches lead- ing up to the front doors of the houses, except where the occupants are too laxy to shovel. It is fery amusing to note the varied humorous and jovial saluta- tions with wh'ch neighbors greet one an- other at present. " Isn't it a buster?'' " How are you off for snow f " Quite nice getting around !" " Never saw the like since I was born," are some of the most common expressions. However, the most lau-'hable iacident in connection with the recent storms is as follows : â€" Owing probably to the unprecedented deluge of snow at this time of the year, and the extra amount of labor entailed thereby one of the respectable residents of the 0. D. K. lost a day, hence last Sunday he worked like a beaver from morning till night. In the evening he waded down to the village for a plug of tobacco and a few other necessaries but wa.s astounded to find all the stores closed. The look of blank dismay depio- led on his ruddy face when he found out his mistake was too funny for descrip- tion. A geuer'jua friend supplied him with a pipeful or two of the fragrant weed to carry him over till the following day. We would advise Bob to lay in a stock of almanacs and calendars for stormy days in the future. The attendance at our public school went down 60 per cent. last week. We feel like publicly commending the enter- prise of some of the ratepayers who brought their children to school every morning through the storms and bad roads of last week. Many parents are more careful of their horses than they are anxious for the education of their boys and girls. Why cannot the neigh- Ixjrs along every line take turns in taking the children to school and bringing them home at night. We know the roads are bad, but we also know some farmers who pluuiied their horses thniugh the drifts last week to the village for coal oil and flour. Mr. George Tyson completed the pur- chase of Squire Ferguson's property last week and will take possession in a few days. Mrs. James Watson .spent last week among friends at Inistioge. Mr. Malcolm McMillan, of Manitoba, is vi.siting bis sister, Mrs. M. Cameron, and other friends here. Mr. Maiheson, B..\., of Knox College, Toronto, who is visiting friends in this vicinity, occupied the pulpit of the Pres- byterian Church OD Sunday morning and evening. A public examination will be held at the school on Thursday of next week. A cordial invitatioa is extended to all interested. What we would like to know ;â€" If it is t<v> cold for "slump speeches." If the lost rubber was found. If the mayor has given his view of the "pound case." Why the snow-plow didn't visit the streets on the south side of our burg If Piiceville is to be represented in the forthcoininii reeveship contest. Watches 5o per cent- per cent, off regular prices, choice goods, best makes. I am mak- ing a special run on wat- ches at .50 I have also secured an enormous vari- ety of special Ctihstmas goods at prices which will suit any pocket. If you want something of high value we have silver- ware suitable for kings or peopli'. Smal- ler and cheaper tilings in endless variety, such as bookmarkers in pearl aiul silver, button hooks in ebony and silver, watch fobs and chains, hat pin8,broochaa.silver knives, forks and spoons, and all th»<e things at prio<>i which will not make your hair stand on end. When we say this we mean that you will be surpriBed at the prices at wliicli we will sell rhem.and we mean every word we say. Call in and see for yourselves. We claim to have the largest stock of fancy Big rinrifV ''""''' *"'^ jewellery i Ivlllv^ north of Toronto, and Cn iixrt "^ *'*" '-â- '''''"' *" be able ^d V eU to sell at figures which will save you big money on purchases. It is u.seless to attempt to enumerate the vast \ ariety of beautiful and chaste HOods which we have to show. In order to see them and test our claims you must call on W. A. Armstrong JEWEI,LEr<. FLKSHKICXON. J. B. Sloan & Son P x*opr*ietox*s leS- GET TOUR -»^ Sash, Doors, Flooring, Sheetmg, Newel Posts, Balusters, ^•FROM us-«a. Hand Railing, Corner Blocks, the best of Spruce Lftth.No.i and 2 Shingles Veranda and Fittings, Siding*, etc. Tirflii j if ill lioils D006 to Order ^l^New Tvm of Stones for Chopping. Satisfaction iiw aO our lines guaraniired No Right to Uglineu The Woman who is lov»ly in (acn, form and tpmper, will always have friends, but one who would l>e attractive must keeu her health. If sho is weak, sicklv an-l all rnn down, she will be nervoiifi aad irritable. If she has oonntipntion or Kidney tronhle, her impure blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin erupilnna nod a wretched oumplexion. Electric Bitters is the best miniiojue In the world to Tegu'ate atoiijiich, livnr and kid- neys and u< purify the blntid. It gives strong nerves, bright syes. sm<H>th, vctrntv skio, rich oomotfxion. It will rrako a giMxI- J lookiatE charming woninn o{ a niu >!awn iu ^alid. Only oO cts. »t ncy djjog-atore. ) * Get your Fall Overcoats, your Fall Suits or Winter Overcoats made by proctor ' - The Tailor He guarantees satisfncbiou in everythiojt, including Price*. CLOTH CUT !0 ORDER Clayton' sBlock, FlMhertQB W p*^'^ mmmmm^ pffli'"*^i -saifelS