Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 Jan 1909, p. 1

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â- ^V! â- v'-N-.t^TK^^r^T'^Tn.^T;.', ? â-  â-  â- '^"-'â- .ift'. ~ .iglij'- wif'fTV'.'T^i^" 'TTT'^-rrriw"," Jfksl>£rl0n ^Jtratia. "TRUTH BEFORE aVOR." â€" " PElA'OiPLEb NOT MEN." VOL XX\r, S) 1377 Fleshierton, Ontr, Thursday, Januinry 28 IQCq W. H THDRSTON au.l riiOPUIIiTOK tl Jewellery ! Jewellery! Biggest, - Best and lowest pric- ed stock iiv the country. Reli- able dealing. W. A. Armstrong FLESH ERTON. gDVeinineiil jiidf^t's for live stock. Thos. Nicliol ami T. A. M. Fei-^'usoii wui-o eV'ctetl ilelegules to t!iu Fails Associa- tion in Toi'onio nuxt iiioiiMi. (.'ill- fall sliow will be lielil on Thuvs'iay ami Fii- d ly. Oct 7 ami «, 1909. Miss Susjiu McArthur of Toronto was visiting hei' sister, Mrs. McKinnon, and other friends here l-ist week. Mn. jf Oriiliii (formerly Mi.s< Isabollii Wai'e) has been visiting her sister, Mrs. J. McArthnr, and nunieroiis other friends about town. Diedâ€" On Sunday .ranuary 24th, Mrs. John McKiichnie, aged 89 yeavH. This ai^ed lady and hor husband, the well- known late John McKechnie, who pre- deceased her about 24 yeirs ago, were among thee:irly settlers in this vicinity. This aged lady hiia ont-lived several of her married and aged children, and liaa S'iveral groat ^rand-children. The fun- eral will likely be on Tuesday to the cemetery near by. Priceville A particulaily sad deatli is to be repor- ted which took blace on Monday, when Mrs. .\rch McQuaig, south line, Glenelg, passed into the great beyond, a victim of pneumonia. The deceased was the wife of the postmaster at Top Cliff, who was an aspirant for the reeve's chair at the recent election. Th« funeral will take place (m Tlunsday to Smellies' eemetery, Glenelg, at two o'clock p. m. under the direction of Rav. Matheson, the deceased lady's pastor: Mrs. Mc- Quaig, who was * life-long Presbpteriwn and h'ghly respected, leaves twelve children, tha eldest about twenty-two and the youngest a more babe. Mr. Mc<.iuaig and his sorrowin;; family have the sincere .•sympathy of the entire neighborhood. Our .January thaw set in on Friday, the 22nd, with rain and higher temper- ature, and on Sutur.lay morning we were treaied with a heavy thunder storm. The roivds are bare of snow and the wheels are in use again. We are pleased to see Hector McKin- non lestored to hiii usual health, nnd returned to his normal school studies. Mr, Donald (Jilli.s, a resident on Townline St. for about a (pmrter of a centurj', hid bi;eii ailing for some time, and his aihiients terminated in pneu- monia a few days prior to his decease on the morning of the IHth. The funeral oi\ Wednesday [)roceeded from the residence ti> Evergreen Cemetery, near the lake, 2ud con. south, .Vrtemesia. Deceased leaves a wife, one son, Donald, and a daughter, Je«sic, to mourn liii departme. Kev. J. A. Matheaon olticiated at house and cemetery. DiedOn Wednesday, the 20lh, Mr. H'ctor McLean, aged 78 yjars. Another landmark gone! Mr. .McLean, away back in the tifties, cleared a home for himself in the forest at the corner of the townline and the .'ird con. S. Arte- mesiv. He was a good neighbor, and together with his good wife, was very hospitable and kind to poor wayfaring or homeless persons. None ever went awiiy from tlicir door hungry or coM. His wife, eight sons, Colin and .Vrcliie. .jvho live on the eastern i^dfw-*"^e vil- lageT 'i'^wi*. ..".';-';J.''4-*«''i'<f^l<-'x ""t west, John, Donald and M.dcolm at home, aiid one daughter, Sarah, who left home a short time a^o for the wc^t, survive him, juid mourn the los.s of a husband and father. Allhoujh Friday was very damp a large cortege .iccompaniod the remaiiis o the village cemetery. Ilev. J. A. Mathesoh, olhciited at the house and cemetery. The annual meeting of the Artemesia Agricultural Society was held in Union hall on Wednesday, the 20th. Several members who attended the Gillis funeral that afternoon could not be present, but hero was a fair attendance, and a peaco- ul and enthusiastic meeting was conduc- ted with the president, D. McMillan, in the chair. Dr. Di.xon, one of the auditors, read the report, which seemed to be entirely satisfactory. The remem- brance of the excellent, show last fall, the present long roll of members, ^-'Sti.lS paid in i)rii'.es in 1908, and a surplus of $131-63 in the treasury seemed to unko the i>fHoer!i and meuilwrs i)rcsent feel determined to make next fnll's show go .me better si ill. The othcors for 1!)09 are as follow.^- President, D. McMillan; 1st vice president, W. J. Meiides ; 2nd vice president, Alex Muir ; directors, M. L. Mclutyre, D. Harrow, J. J. McUae, George Campbell, D. L. Sinclair, J<dui Mc.\rthur, Thos. Nichol, T. A. M. Ferguson, M- 0. Orr ; Auditors, Dr. 1. Dixon and V. Â¥. Mc.Vrthur. The meeting v.'.is unanimous in procuring Kimberley. The fnll.iwini items arrived too late to appear last week. â€" Ed. The Kimberley branch of the O. W. I. will meet »t the home (.f the Picsidcnt, Mrs. G. U. Walter, ouThur.'i. atternnon, Jan28th,at 2 ."10 o'clock. Thedistriut delo- aate's repor; of the W. I. Convention at Guclph will be leil. A full attendance i.< reipiesti'd. Mr. Luriie Curry and sister, Lily, of Uocklyn, wi-ro visitors at Mr. John Plewes's, on Sunday lasr. Mr. J. E. HiiunnoMd of Meaford visit, el Ht Uh parental iiomo here on S.kturday and Sunday Inst. Mr. iuifl Mrs. Archie McLean of Eugenia, visi:ed friends here on Sunday. Mr. Wal'er Loucks of Meaford was a visi'or at Mr. R. Wickeii's on Sundny last. ^ Fcllowing is a copy of the address preisentcd to fJeo. Cuiry, prior to his departure fur his new home in Rocklyn. The address spuaks for itself: To Mr. Cuny:â€" Djar brother, we, the meinbors of the Kimberley Meiho- dist Church, knowing that you are about t) move from thin neigh'u«rhoiid, lake the pres.Mit opportunity of oxpnssint; our re- gret, knowing we will miss you, especial- Iv ill the church, and as a token of broth- erly love, we |i.-esent you with thin Bible, hoping you will be spared to leceive from it the knowledge and con- solation that will e'lable you to keep in communion with the Holy Ghost, who can lead you into the truth as it is in Jesus Christ, who U our great High Priest and Redeemer; and we i)ray that Gud will be with you the rest of your life to comfort, guide and blcs you until death, and then receive you to himself, where you will more fully understand his goodness and greatness, and praise him evoriiiore. Signed on behalf of the Methodist Church, Kimberley: -William Sjott, William Stuait, 0. A. Hutchinson. The sad accident of last week has oast a ghmin over the entire community. Mr. Ferguson was forty-eight yo.irs old and WIS of Irish parentage. In religion he was a consistent ineinber cf the Disciple -irdQtch.iii [)oli'ics a St lunoh Cons;!rvati ve and during h's thirty years residBiae h'^ro, made many friends, who much re>;ret his sad demise. Jlrs. Ftrguson and family have the sympathy of the oiit:iro commuiiiiy in this, their sad hour o.' bereavement. This Weeks' Items. Beaut ful spring-lil<e weather during the past week. On Sunday the thermom- eter registered 59 degrees above /.ero, and to day, Monday, Geo. Prector i)loughed his garden, while J-. R. Fawcett was seen spading his Rarden. The above is, of conr.se, an exception to the general rule for this season g^ the year. Clms. K. Stewart left thi.s week for Elk Lake City, where ho will spend a few week', or may pel Imps become a permanent I csident of the above town, should the prospects prove encouraging. ">v'e wish him succe.ss in the silver country as ho is one of our highly respected young men. Mr. Wm. Scott, who some time ngo sold his farm in the suburbs has moved into the village aiul taken charge oftho "Travellers' Home ". He is now ready to cater to the travelling public. Wo wish him ijood success in his new venture. John Plowis Is spejiding a few weeks in the state of Delewaro, U. S. \. Jasper Stuart recently purchn.sed a lot in the town of Klk Lake City for .some $l(5t), and could now sell it at an advance of Konio tivo or six hundred dollars. Jasper isnuito a speculator. On Thursday night la.st a Ininoh of puck chasers from Meaford drove over to our burg to cross sticks with the locals,! but as tlie ice and weather cmiditionH I were nnfavurablc the game was called i off. I While skating a couple of weeks ago Rob. R. Fawcett had the iiiisfortune to fall on the ice ; the result being a couple of fraeturtd ribs. 1 I While look' ng over the report of 'ho recon: annual meeting of the East Grey .Agricultural Society we were struck by the fac' that Euphr.asia and Collinuwocid townships are not represented on the Board of Directors. Perhaps it is only an oversiitlit. If not why are they luit represented ! J R Fawcett of this plaoo is the newly appointed assessor for Euiihrasia township. We are ple;u>ed to report that Harcdd Proctor, who has been laid up for the past two months with an attack of in- flammatory rheumatism, is now able to walk around the house. Misses Dai.sy and Kate Davis of Van- deleur were the guesis of Mrs. K. J. Stuart on Wednesday of last week. RiySaul of Meaford was the guest of his uncle, J. R. Fawcett, on Thur.sday jiightlast. Roy was a member of the Meaford hockey fBam that was to cross sticks with the locals. Mrs. .Jaecpios of Singhampton is the guest of her friend, Mrs.Thos. Uumiiiell. Edwin Hammell visited friends at Siiigliampton during the |)ast week. Reeve W. T. Ellis is attending County Counuil at Owen Sound this week. attei.ded her mother thiuugh her last illnes". Ciptain Betnrose spent a few days in Colliiigwood last week. Another close call at i level cro.^sing on the H. U. of the G T. R., a m le south of NotiAwa station ou Sattirdny oioiiing. A bugijy with a gentleman and lady I'ame from toward Collingwool and had g'lt within a few feet of i.he trick when rlie tr.iin whistled about 10 rod.- fic^ni the cri).j»ing. This is a bad crnssiiig as a piicj of wowd< p; event; the train beiti'.' •â- een or heard till it is risiht at the cross- ing. This is llirod or four close calls your c irrespondent has soon at that crossing ill the last few years. Jliss M. E. Heron is vi^iitinu lirr neiee, Mrs. Harry Horton in CollingwooJ at preseii'. Miss Etta Sp.ilT.>td spent a few days with friends in C.illiiignooJ _last week. Tlie Holiness Wcnkeis are holding special services in their church at present. Maxwell Items Wedding bells are riiigint;. Particu- lars next week. -â- Vbout 30 guests were eiiterlaineJ by Mr. and Mis. Win. Sciitt Fiiday evening, Jan. 15. in lumor of Mr. and Mis. Wm. Hudson, of the West, who were formerly residents of tiie 10, h line <'f O.sprey. After all had enjoyed aaumpnious repast in the dining room, the evening was spent in recallini! events of the past, while other members of the par'y enjoyed game.s and music. There was a largo ittteiidance at Sun- day school on Sunday, Jan. 17. Our organist deserves credit for the w ly she has trained her cl.iss of girls to lead in singing. Miss Ettie Buckingham Ins been up- pointed teacher of the infant clii.ss and Miss .Vlma assistant. Fletcher Sharp is treasurer. Misses Millie and .\lina Biickingliam are visiting relatives at Stayner and Col- lingwood. Miss Alice Fenwick is visiting friends at Woodbridge. C ip'aiti Bemfi so spent a couple cif daj a in Colliiigwood last week. A iiuinher of theyoun.' people took in a party at Mr. Mctjtiay's last Friday ev- ening and report a good lime. A very social uve;iini{ was spent at thi? home of Mr. Hillyard a week ago Tufs- day oveiiin;?. Mr. and .VLs. Mclutyre of British C^olumbia visited at Mr. W. H. Guy's 1 nit week. Miss Ida Pivnic returned limne last Minday after visitiiu,> the pa^llllolllh w til ftiends in Toronto. Miss Madio H iiiilin returned last week to her home in Toronto. The Institute nieolings on S.iturday, Jan. Ki, were a decided success. Those who beard Mr, Carlow and Mrs. Camp bell will give thcin a luarty welcuiiiB back to oar village again. iOth Line, Osprey. The beautiful snow has all di.sappearctl and springlike weather was on deck Inst week. Mrs. Wm. Poole of the 12ili lino is .seriously ill with pleurisy at present, but under the caie of Dr. Rykeinaii of Max- well, we hope to soo hor well again soon. Mrs. John Duncan, sr., passed peace- fully away on Suiiday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mrs. Duncan caino to Osprey with her husband about 60 years aifo a.id has lived here ever since her hiishand died about .'? years ago. Mr.s. Djocan lived to he about 89 yiiais of ago and loaves four children to mourn her loss; John of Collingwood, Mrs. John Daiid of Portland, Oregon, Mrs. John Nowlove of Ripley, Ni!W York, and Win. in Ouprey. The .sympathy of the neighbor- hood is expended to the barcaved ones. Mrs. Joim Nowlovo of Ripley, New York,, has boon visiting her brother, Wm. Duncan, for the ]>aHt few weeks, and Proton Station The lie social given by'the church of England, lakl Wednohday eviiung was a decided snccesi. The pmc^ds ..maint ma '.o 91'!. (!5. A number of our youn^' people attend- ed the hockey match in Markda'e, last Friday night. Messrs D. C. ai.d George McLean attended the funeral of Mr^. RibinMin, Bethel, on Saturday. Miss MoLein, Maikdalo. visited her fiieiid. Miss Flo.eijce Tielfoid, a few Jays l.st week. Miss Ethel Ludlow spent a few days latt week wi:h Dundalk friends. Mr. Peter Pirkelt spent Sunday with fiiemls in Markdule. Mrs. KeariiH, of Dundalk, spout a few days this week at the home of Mr. Jos. Trelford. Mrs. Jas. Neilton, Dundalk, is visiting Miss Mabel Sauiulers, Saiigeen Junction. Mis Dal HopkiiLs is visiting.' fu. lids in Durhain. East Mountain The thaw of last week has left us witli- lut any sleighing, the roads and lielils am entirely bare. Wo hope soon to s -e moro snow so that busines.s will lie carri- ed on attain. Mr. Thompson Allen is conliiied In the house with what is known as the shingles, Mr Peter and Mr. .\loxjiiider Thomp- son, who were visiting their sister, Mrs. J. .Maitin here, have returned to Owen Sound. Mr. Fred and Clirr' e Martin ploughed all day Monday (Jan. 2.").) Tlli^: is some- thing unusual for this time of the year. Port Law Mr. Geo. llaney has gone to Toro tit to learn the barbering. Mr. John Winters is vi.sitiig liissis'er, Mis. Service of NoltawaK,iga. Mr. Hector Mcliltyro of B. C. visited with lii.s si.Htof, .Vlrs. .1. .V. Thniiipsini, recent 'y. Mr. \y. A. Mint in ims been in Toioii to tile past few weeks (01 account of the serious illness of his brother-in-law, Mr. Orr. .\ sleigh load of yoliilg p^'ople drove out to Bethel one evening la.st week and .spent an enjoyable lime. T. K. McKeiizie is attending CiMinly Council at Owen Sound this week. Miss Ilia Osborne has g mo to Toronto to spend a few weeks at tha inilliiiory. Mrs. Clias Napier, who has been ill, is recovering. The Roy.il Tem]ilar3 at their bust meet- ing in.stallod the following ollicers:â€" P. C. and Treas., J. H. Watson; S. C, Mrs. McKenzie ; V. C. C. Holinan ; R. S , .\lviii McKenx.ie ; Cliai>., Mrs. Watson ; Herald, S. Shier ; Deii.-HeraM, Peail Watson ; Guard, R. Watson; Sentry, W. Napier ; Organist, Mrs. Watsmi. Dn. Dougall of G iderich, formerly of Walker^on, is in hot water over a recent sermon of his, A local lawyer in bidialf of parties has been instructed to takn pn oi)ediii<.'s aaainst him. 35R. BXJUT 9pecialist in diseases of tho Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat CJftice 1 3 1.' i-ost St. . Ovvcn.-Soiiiicl At tho Uovoro hon.se, Markdale, Ist Friday each month from 8 to 12 a. m. McFARLAND&CO. M .^ K" IC D.^V 1^ !•; <-> N' -PA K lO This Sale Lasts Only Eight Days More. Tremendous Crowds Attending McFar- land & Co.'s 15 Days' Sale. That the people of Markdale anu vicinity have been taking advantage of Mc- Ftirlanil it Co.'s 15 days' Sale has been inanifoat from the huge crowds in attend- ance since the opening day. The people appreciate good merchandise at a Bargain Price, and they are showing' their aiiiireci-ii ion daily by carrying away iuinieiiHe liuicliases by the armful. This sale only lasts embl days mote and positively elo ts Satorlay nii'lit, January 2.'bd. To those who have not attended this sale ivo wi>^li to .Siiy to you that you are missing a great opj-(ji tnnity of si-cnring for yoursilf weariiiu apparel and hrnne needs at iiroiitly reduced prices, lixtra saleifc people have a'rciidy tiem secuietl for the U.Ht eiaht days of sale in order to teive tlieciowd-*. Consider â€" and tliiuk what this sale means to yim, as it is right in I lie height of uinttr season, when you need the goods and wuaiing apparel the most. .Ml Dry Gnods in lln. licnise, which include Dress Goods, Skirts, Men's and Boys' Kiirnishinus, Furs, Mm t.bs, Underwear, .Men's and Coy.s' Clothing, Staples, tloiise FurnishiiiLS Boots unil Slioes, Rubbers, Crockery ai^d Glassware, etc., ai'e being sidd at sici dicing priies â€" Eveiylliing (iocs. From rumarks heard on all sidos this great lusb sale lunv noiiii; o" at McFar- laiidit Co.'s store is provinj d, veritable feast ro the |iublic who are never slow to appteciaie bi>.' bargains, the crowds atteiuliiig being scmiethiiig wondelful. Don't delay hurry in and .secure your share of the many bargains awaiting you. Make No Mistakeâ€" Be Sure to Find the Right t'laceâ€"Look for The Big Sign. McFARLAND & COMPANY Bd ARKU ALE. Big Reduction Sale Still on at the Peoples' Store. , Here are some of the yrear uumber of barj;aine that go on sale this week. Men':- and Boy.s' winter Caps, regular 50c lines for 10c Men's and Boys' clothing â€" \ few only Men's Suits in Serge, Tweed and Worsted, nicely lined and 'rimmed, 20 percent, off. 10 only Boys' two and throe piece suits clearing 23 per eaa'. oft'. [Soys' To(|U.>s, clearing 22o Ouls' Tims, clearing ir, ...,,. Itfi [jchool Handkerchiefs tor tlii boys and girls, 2 for .'. tjo Liidiijs' IJnUeiakirts, $1 00 and $1.25 Skirts selling at 08c. Toweling, re;;iilar 10c for 710 A Few only. Men's heavy Unshrinkable Underwear, rcL'ular 85c and $1.1*0 on Sale at (iSn Come and and see our trimmed .Millinery It is yours at half price. Choice stock of fresh groceries always kept on band. f^iflbestrriccs paid for Produce. J, E. Large, e u g e n i a. w SEAS( ' FURNITURE SEASONABLE GOODS IN The largest tmd boft .stock of Furniture ever shown in Fle.sherton. This without foarofcon- tradictiini. Come and see some of the nice things in Side Boards, Dining Room Chairs, Parlor Setts, Bed Room Sett.s. .\ special reduc- ti<m just now <in every- thing, in order to re- duce the stock. . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesherton STEADY EMPLOYMENT For A ILliable Local SalestUiUi ItKPRESKNTING Canada's Oldest and Greatest Nurseries IN Fle.sherton And Adjoining Country. Yon will finil tiiore is a tjooil clcniaiul for NurBciy Stoclf on aooouHt ot llio liiuli ptjcea tbat Krowers have leiilizea on thtir frr.it tbls i sea^uu. i Oiiv saleHineii aie tuinim; in a bic buBinessto ns tliis year, lioone of tbeiu and earn KOfcd wages tlirouali the winter mouths. I 'I'erritorv leserved. Pay Weekly. Fre6 . sample outnt, etc. Write for particulars. I S T N E & W E LJL I N G T N Konthill Kurserios (a'jO acres) TORONTO. . . . Ontario TERM OF 1909 British CANADIAN Ten per cent, cheaper BUSINESS ten per ernt. better fot COLLEGE Business, Shorthand and TORONTO Matrio. booklet free. R, A. Fan pi h arson, B. A. Ppal, Corner YONGE & BLOOR STREETS. Ceylon's Butcher Shop. Scottish Pride 66274 The yoniiK bull Scottish Priilo will stand foi service at Mr. V. W. Nicholson's, lot :J7. con. 5 ArtonicBia. Scottish pi ido is siro.) by Scottiell I'liiice, a Ki anilsoii of tho wondoifnl show cow. tTein of Heilaohin, Imp., winncrof eight prizes at Toronto ami l.oihloii, l)esirioa beiiiK champ- ion feiiiiiln. Shu weighs ovor lirJO pounds, One of this cow's calves Bclil for *lT7r).00. Scottish piido is out of Lady Itella by tho Toronto tU'st pri/.o winner, Oaptain May Fly, imp liKSjS. This youuii bull has prove him- self a r.howbnll havim^ Rained an oncouvaRini,' record this fall at KoviTsham. Ho won nvst Iiri^easbost bull calf, also iliptoma for bust tall any a^o. Those bavini; iiuio bicd cows ahoiild see this ^rand belt bofovo brei!din{4 as tht-v caiuiotdo belturthan iisti him. A Uinitep miiiihor ot ijiados will bo takunab :Jl;2j;For puio brads, S^.OO. J. All kiiitls of fresh and smoli- cd meals, bead cheese, saus» age, always ou hand. Cash Paid For Hides. McClocklin Ceylon.

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