Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 Jan 1909, p. 8

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THE F L E S If E R T N ADVANCE January 28 19«>9 Sheep Husbandry In Canada. " Peerless Peninsislars '^ Arc Cast-iron Ranocs Ba'J* Like S'cel Ranges "Peerless Peninsular ' Raiiires have Uie Drop Uvtn av.d Low Closet which hnve heretofore l>cfii exclusive features of the most expensive steel ranges. They are al!«o the only ranges inaJe with Fire-Box vn ri'.;lit or Lft sitle, as nriy better fit the kit.hen iu which the range is to be placed. ^^ "rc«r!eS5 rininsiilnr" RatipM ore Rplcii.lia '^kT-'^' cookers, ore verv ccoromical in rcjiarU to IikI, Rrc f^.- stronKly Imllt. 'an<l «i:i give a I.ftUmr of scrvicr ^f t Let lis rV.ow jou lUcir ii:any fealuri-i ol ^ â- uperiority ' ^ A tiiiiuly Imlluilii nniitlod "Sheep j llimtiihdiy in CiitiHda" l>y Mr. J. H. Sj)i'iicor, B. S. A., Iius been isiiied liy I llie L vu Stuck iiraiich itt Ottuwu. Air. Speticer Imn lukeii up the task fruiii i Nearly a n'illinn dullara daninge w«8| I (1 'Ut) l)y the c()lli«l<ir. of n fro'vlit Iraiu { P. R. we&t witli a Kilk traiD uii tlie C. i-. i\, hcbi. | of Swift Current. I Cainphellford Town Council jiajB tl.e! edit >i- of each of tho local nowspaHars *.lie •uni of #15.<)0 per annum to be prcnant piaclicHllyall the standpoints that conc.ii.^^^ijj ,^j,^^j ,1,^ proceedings of tho I the shoi'p r;u*ei- ill wlmluver province he i p-i niny dwell. AfuT di-Hci il>ing tlie ideal mutton al.o.-p ho ^ive, » bri.if, thouKh ' nu.jzlars entered Jelly's hardware! con.piehw.Ki.e. history Hn.l dfKMiplion of | "I'-f*. «''«'"'U'""°> "'•â- â€¢' »'"'« ""'"'' *'"''''" j eleven of Uio popular b.eed.. Next he . '•a''-"". ""â- " «> J'»«l' l"^'^"' »«'^ 'evolvers | covers ill a practical way tl... eMahliRhii.g ]"nd a g'-od supply of cavtiidues. Thoy , of a comn.Hrcial b.ocdin.< flock. Muf..,i hIh. piied o;,en the -jouutor till and got ai -2?- F. G. KARSTEDT, - m FLESHERTON Flesherton Carriage Works Cutters Sleighs. Kow is the time to buy your Cutter or your Sleigh. If you intend buying call on us before purchiising. as 7/0 liave a complete slock to choose from, ^nil prices that suit. First Class Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. D.McTAVISH, - Prop. F LESH ERTO N. Kecognized as tbc Best. WiMKK TkUM at 'IhK Commences .Tanuary 5, 190!t. Three Councsâ€" Commercial, ShoitlianJ and Typewntin:; ind PrfjiarHiory, for those whose early eduration bus been nrflecleJ. Infokmation Kkke C. \. KLEMING. pKi.NtiP.ti, Ctt'cu Sound, « A Qreat School (irrat in l{cpiit:iti"i), Kfsiilt", liiHiieno' And Tll<lrl>Ul{hnt•^.•< 1 Now U tlie t.iiie to enter tin- TOEOT.TTO, OKT. '^ and preparf for pn>fit;il>li- eiifjiloynieiit.. Our KriuiuateHrradily olitaiu^cHul pii!iiiiiii,H Onr HandKoiiie fatah^K"" '" f"""'- Write for oin- to-day. StudeutH adiiiittiil at any tinir. t'ollftfe "jwii thr until it year. \V. .1. Klliott, rrinclpal Yoiigf ttixl .MrxaiidiT .Sir.. pr(HlucMon H^ a Irghly npociali/.id induilry I '\* desll w.lli by iuvienii);{ the inclhods I in vogue iu Uruat ISrit.iin. FoUoviiio tUit aie h|:Droprialely duacrihed the various ijHieniK of nniHhing for the • niarkit In Cnnadtf. Nor «liies tho tieat- IniPnt of iho Ku' jtct Btop wliuii the animal i.s fattened for it is followed right lhroU!<h I 'ho butchering and curing pro.-e.''»OH until the joint is )-HMdy for the cook. Then crme Hectioiis of handlin<.', dipping, welhering, feeds and feeding, housing, wetd destroyii!-;, flivmief, no., each subject exhaustively treated according to iho pn-ctice of tho niOKt tucoessful klii'phenlN. KviJoiilly ri'coyniziiig thai ihe industry diUVrs ill the various provinces by reason of climatic and other condition* tho author tnats each sepiirntely. Tho sec- tion devoted til di.«easeH wll appeal to thousands of sheep men. This chaplar, coveriii;i upwards of twenty of the common ailiiionis, and accidiintH, wai pcraonally prepared by the Lire Stock ! ('ommissioiier who is also Veterinary Director General. As a pract.iad home doctor book for tlietluck uiastorthia work will undoubtedly become a helpful stand- by. .\ review of the wool induilry con- cludes the tcfxt of the work of nioro than small sum in ailvcr and about 50 coppers. Win. Mis*on, postmaster of Owen j Sound, fell on an icy sidewalk aus^aining njuries for which he received d imagers' for full claim %'<*) W. M. Wright for j the town of ().vcii Sound appealed acainst the judi-ment but the divisional Court dismisaeil the appeal with cos's. K Walkerton clergyman recently aniiouncRd he would not have accepted the cill to this town if h« had known the people here woresoaUlicled to the habit of playing cards. Thin clergyman regards cards as an instrument of the Devil. If tlii» is just Ihe place where duly should call him. If it Wi^n't for the D«vil he would b; out of a j ib. j j- Wliy should a sane business man, who wouldn't think of hiring a Iwo-dollar-and â-  foity-ceiit delivery boy to do Iha work of a twelve a week salesman, e.xpect a 81.50 1 adveitisomcnt to do the work of a J»l')j adveitisciiient. Roth effect sales. Why not apply reason to your adverti^ini! methods? Newspaper advertising ie ad-j ^ luittedly the beat sales medium to-day. â€" , Mount Koresl R.-presentative" j ! a The fiisit poiitence iinposfd by Judge 0. ' " E. H M More Bread to the Barrel That extra cost per barrel which you pay for Ogilvie's Royal Household doesti't go into anybody's pocket. It covers the cost of inspecting the entire wheat crop of the country, and selecting the choicest grain. It pays, for cleanliness, for purity and for scientific flour-making. A barrel of Ogilvie's Royal House- hold Flour goes fiirtlier than a barrel of any other flour. It makes more bread and better bread. You are not really spending that extra amount â€" you are investing it. Go to your grocer and say "Royal Household." 22 Ogilvie Floor Mills Co., Limited, MeitreaL Societies U W meets ol the U«t Monda} I .-^aob moutb, in their lodge room . ... , Noiris' block. Fleaherton, at 8 p.m. M. W.. son, the newly appointed jiuige or uilos. Thistlethwaite; Bee.. 0. H. Muosliaw; BisixEss Cards WALTER I.OUCKS huilder and Contractor For nricii. Stone and frame residences. K»- , .. . . timat«>s cbeerfullv turniahed, Flesherton P.O. nitoulin Is'and, wa.s passed at Barrie '^^J'j- ^^â- â- '- Ii«l.amy^ VisUinR bretbr.n luTited | Ontario. DRsKENNEDYatKENNEDY SUCCESSORS TO his Drs. Kennedy Bl Herman SPECIAL HOTIQE. Owinc to Dr. Ktr- e:in i.ein;;< eceuLLii, Dr. J. D. K.nnedy, Medic;.! Direcior, has ««aociatcl w.ih him Dr. Kennedy Jr, v.ho h:iii b-en wiih the firtn fcr teverftl year*. *o hereafter \i\\%\\T%.% Vr'l CO*'- ductcil under the name of Dn9 KtNNCDY 4k KCNNCUY NERVOUS DEBILITY Jui'.i ^n-ln (if > ouiiT ;t:ul ::lid'Ue u*' in H . •? n n n unl ty nwept t H\C a prtrialiiie gr -vt Ihrougll t.\KI,V J.M ISCKhTlO.NS, ...;ci-,s?i;i AND m.ooi>I)lnKASi;S. if yuu lis.eaoy of itie f ,lloTirigRyri|.lom»i.)rm1t u» l« lore It 1» too Utf. Are you n-rvous and weak, dci.i>o!u!ent ,iulgloonv, spicks before Ihe eves, with dark circle* tiriiltr the 'i, we .k imcL. 1 idnty.-i irrita- l>ir. piil-iiin'.icn of I'le heart, bas'iful. drennis and 1 .>s<a, tedi- i-.it nl ill uto-.e, pimple* on the fire, eyc« wi:i'«eii. liolloir chetka cireiTorn eiprewilon, jKvir tneinTV. lifcl^'s di«tni«tfiil, l.ick eiierfry andatrennlh. t'rrd nioiiiliii* resll'-sa niithls, change- «t)l- iiiofKls. »-e(ik ni.inbeod, premature decsy, boue palna, huir luMC. aute throat etc. BLOOD POISONS -rlulz? (> cviile-lr.i.u mi.ht K :i'm»clU^:l^C'. T.iry sip the very life blocdofthe victin. and itnliw entirely t radicated from the avlriti n-rvrfT'ct II' futiir' R-ner.nHm. Ii<^ware of Mercury. aymptomk-oLR Ni.W METHOD cures them. t only Aupprcaiics tbe clear eiier-v r'tnrvj to Oie 1 odv. and the ai'^ral. phy.i nl. and •vUi'l systems are inr|(t. ornl'dalld iiin« ce..-e-Po inTe v-'al r-!<«t» f-o â- â€¢ th-fy.ter-i. I >onl let quacks and fakirs rcb you of your liaiU earned dollaia. Wa will eurayeu er ne MV- Rfm m r^ (â€" (>> V.1 matter w'lo ''•P. trei|eil vou. "•â- "'• for an honeat opinion free t.MUt.ri CI tlmrte. iJOl)K» I'Ki:K--The i,.ildcu MouiWi" (dluatrated) Hem* Tr«aln-,a«l Sent *n Raqueat. and Gfiswold St. DETROIT, MICH Joseph Sewell of St.Vinci.'lit had l«!H fiaclurod by a loo I'nlliiij; on it. Jell' Re.inio of WalteK Falls wai struck in the eye by a falliii); limb and may lose his sight. Tho Wiailoii cement comiiaiiy has assigned. Tlieie is a posflibi i'y of a re- oi'i'aiiizatioii. the stronc's Hall Floeherton. every Friday on I , u i â-  ,, â-  m i a ,, , ... â„¢ or beforethefnllmocn. Tho8.BIakelY.W'.M.;|JoaBeoeralbaiikiDBbUBiDesB. Jfoueyloaned IlKsence -)f .1 udue .\rdagh . Tho priim- Herb.Sinith, Set/etary. I *' reasouable rati? Call on us. er is a mtn of about 55 years of aye, and -qj,^,^ flkshkiiton. 095, 1. o: F. ir. has a wife and eijlr small children. '" Clayton's lilotrk the last Wednesdav ev 123 papes of reading matt.-r. The bo..k ',„, Welne-sday miiming when hs presided DKINCK ABTHIJU LODGE, No. :«.3, A.F.4 ,,.,,,, . , •' I .^ li.ineetain tho Masouic ball. Arm IS profusely illusliated by some sixty j^f tlni trial of Thos. Carter beau'ii'ul (date illustrati'.ns piintvd in scpi-i and a number of line diawings. This attractive, comprehensive and practical "Bulletin, No, 12 of the Live Slock Branch" is ready for frie di.stribu- tion to ail thosu- interi'Sifd in Ihn sheep Ol- its products who care to aiiply for it to J. C. Hutherford, Live Stock Oominis- s onvi, Ottawa. U ;ULLOUGH & VOUNG liaukers Markdale TCHISLETT, • I'ostuiaster, '"eyloo. eetfi in evening] „ ., , , ... . ! of uach month. ViBiting Foreatera bflortily Comuiissioucr in H. r. J , Con»-evaiicer, deeda. He resided at .^nnus, it village some iiinB welcome. H. H.. Dvaon: R. S., 'J'. Hetry;' „|ort»!aces, leases, wills etc. caiefullv drawn up n,il.c r,< .... Ririi» iind uia flmi-.Bi! u-illi '•''"•***'''• "^^ *"'• â- "'^'""''''""'- . , • I Jollectious tuad?. cbaracs leasonaHe. Also miles tl im turtle, anu was ciiBr.:e.l » itii , ^10^,^ ,,„y .i,,,,, t^ pju. ggc. before the first | groceries, lloui. feed etc. kept in stock, Piicea sh-iotlni( a step-daughter t»hen abe d ay of th e moath. | riijht. to share declined to share his room with him â€" ., . , • 1 e •17- t^ ijUOHeil riieiiiiH iiitstitn iii v>ia> luii For this ho receive i fouryears in King- ,nd third \Vednei.d»y of etch month B p.ui |,_,onjml89ioner in H.C J CIIOSKN FhlENDSâ€" Flesherton Council o( Chosen Friends iiieete in Clayton's hall first | RJ aPMOULI-; Fontuiaatpr, Flesherton Auctioneer Con- •Ixo aa »-oll na plobioMo „„,„(I,, f,,, ' Pay asseasnicnts to the Keeorilf r on or before , veyancer. Appraiser and Money Lender alon, as well as ei'jnieen >m>nill8 lor ^^^ g^^^ ^^^,^j ^^^,^ j„^„^j, p,,jp, ^,^„„ji„„ j^^'^j Kstate and Insurance Agent. Ueeda mpr'.prieties towards his swp-daujhter, T. Hlakelov:Kecorder. 'W. H. Bunt and two months for receiving stolon "oods. . 28,000 Maple Logs Wanted IR inch's and lartin defeelivo l'»atta aeeept- •dpiovidliii! sauio hai uitflit t â- cli*»si;ood sound ttmter on oiita'de. Prices raiieiiii; aecordiiiti ; ^_ ^, toVLalitv, to cut iu InnRtliKof '21°, and II Inehor, Caaii paid on delivery at Kiiiienia. Also wunt- ' at same place, a larRe ipian'ity of ptifict P<iri> Dr mortRa^es, leases and wills carefully drawn I op aud valuations made on shortest nctice Pure Bred Eniflish Berkshires and,, ""'»«> '« '"»••»' 'o''«s''»te8°fintere8t.^:oi. _ •* , lectiors attended to with promptness lamWOrtnS. Ulmrfies low. AKOnt for Ocean Dominion I have a tine lot of yoiuiK pips bred from b:n»m«hip Company. A call solicited. prize ninninj; stock, fi>r 8.iie. Write ine for, â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ^-^â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ^^^â€" prices. I can irive a bargain also tfi-.arantee , h *'cPHAIL. Licensed A tietionoer foi the 'a;i.«faction „n all mail imlers. I U- County of Grev. Terms inode.-ate and t Jeo. W. KOSS. Maxwell V. O Golden Legend i il 'raiMAorth Boar for service on County of Grev. Terms sati-'factiou Knaianteed. The arraugeuiants and dates of sales can be made a*, Thk Advanok iilUce. Kesiilenco aud P.O., Ceylon, Telephone eonnection. Dec. C.07. Hugh Nicliol, an old and highly re- B,iocteii resilient of E/re-iioiit, died suddenly at his home in Hulstein. GetU'go Smith, an old aoldier who took maple loKH meaanriiiK from •-'•i iiiclioa and , j^, 170, 2iiil K. T. & S. R. Terms $1.()0. lathf, at bnl 1'.^ tu IG feet Inne. Pricaa paid, til per tbonsand, to bu deliver id at i. W Morcaii'a mid. Kiiginia. I RlCHARt> ALLEN For Sale Ei Dorado Farm. Of .Sliortliian cattle and Ix-iceslir sheep. Iiidl» mid heifers on hand ,.,,, -, ,rui' , â-  , , 1 r • I I L Villace ( aptiitii. .M^Hr- for sale al.s()«nmiiln;r of single and rone coinbL^.^7^ ,„ 'osprev. Fevei sham r an active part 111 llie Indian mutiny, ilied, ; hnnvii leKlioni, and siiiKle comb white lettlioiii!â€" I supposedly of apoplexy, at his home in' c' Sikei'-ls. Lot 3-J' Ton. .'â- . flias. .Statfoid. Oweu Sound last week, kK the age of OS. He leaves a wife and daiiobtcr. ' T W KAll'TlNG. Licensed Auctioneer for j â- ^' ' ' • the conmi'*R of lirey and tiiincoe. I Farm and Stock sulos a specialty. Terms I nioderat-e. satisfactiou guaranteed. Arrauge- iniiits for dates may be uiatle at tlie .\dvaQce '^^:!^;Jl':i:^Ax^^7^t^M^^^\'^^^^^ •" Feversbam, Out. Lot HoOIIov. numbe-.'^t:., in voiunm 21, jJa.,.e- '•'j^«'^- '-^*1'">- VilloBo' Captnin. ALBKUTE- HANLKY, Lot - .... Dentistry KRAY I,. D. S, >noi :;ouUiate of Toronto University and rvv. E. C. MUKRAY I,. Zl. S, ilciital surROon William Smith, who entered tho wiiiistiy of the Congret;ational church 45 years ai.'o, has retired from the ministry at St Catherines. Mr, Stuith edited the Owen Sound Times for six ye.tis in its early day?. Shorthorn Cattle for Sale. j Levluias and Wiinplus, the best of bree ling ; llnval tiollet^n nl lieiital Surs 'oiis of Ontario, and ipialit". Hull, cows and beifurs for sale Gas adiiiiniKieiel for tiieth extraction. a reason able prices 1 (jtUce as rexi leiioe. To runio st e-Jt/l-iib irto' Lot :)'2.con..-> CIIA8. STAFFOIiD. Flesherton I iii[ iiiiins. w, Our Clubbing List Tim following prices are for strictly i Carefully Con-ecti^'^ach Week 1 1^^''^' '" »'"""" -""l^ciiptions only . M. E. Stewart, f.imiliarly known as oats nii to 3(1 ''"''^ "" «'''^"""'-'* * "'' "'''«â- â-  r'"l<ei» "Dime" Stewart, traveller, of ( Iransjo- I Peas ........."",,,".,' ,... M to 81 |Advaiice. â- md^^ ville, who was given Jildjj;iiiciit for I 1^*'''*T 48 to $11,500 and costs by a jury, in an action ajaiiist the C. I'. 11. at Orangevillc, lust | ]{i,^(uj. RUDI> MATHEWS, MarkAale, Licensed , auc^.ionHer for the county of (irey. Good service at ro-tsi nable rates. Dates can b« made at The Advance. 1 o CJ Legal WH. WRIGHT, llarriater. Solicitor, Convey, aueer, etc.,â€" Owon Sound. and Plasberton, N H--KleBhijrton oUice. Sproules Block every Saturday. WTT. O'NEAIL B arrister. Solicitor, Couvevaucer.etc. Officeâ€" Spniule's Block, Flesherton. 4H 8f to 88 7 00 to 8 00 . . 22 to 22 I 2 30 \ 80 D" Medical CAIITEB M C P & S Out. Pbysician, Snnjeon, • OQlce aud residenceâ€" Peter St., Pleaburton November, has been pnid practically | E'jgs, fi-osh 25 to that amount hy the cimpimy. This I I'otaloos per bag 40 to MK'ans that llio company's appeal sgainst ^"^^^ ,,>'." ., ,. . , , ,, I Ducks 10 to the verdict is dropped. Stewail was ; (;|,jg^,>„„ , c ,,, bally liiir' ir the O.ilnd<oi wreck. Turkeys, 14 to 25 45 10 10 8 rt Toronto World, daily .... Toronto Daily News Weoldy Globo M;»il-Eiiipire .... .. ,u K.iiiiily Herald it Star 1 80', T..ioiito Star 2 36: Fanner Sun 1 80 Kurnw.r>i \, ..>n>t;> 9 95 tJ WILSON, lllacksuiitb ^ . r." , ... T H- '^' 'iraduat.. of iie Veterinary Science \\ oeltlv \\it,>e8>- 1 (0 I Association llotideucc, Durham Ureet, op- Sat mijayNii-ht 2o0lposito Iloyd.Hk-klii.g's hardware. I JP OTTEWELL Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, residence â€" sscond door south west. on I t«ry street. This street raua south Presbyterian Church. P GREAT SPECIAL SALE (-'omnience.s January 2tst, ends Suturdfiy, Feb. 0. Prices ni'c from :K) to jIO percent, below the rc}j;alar price. This sale includes a line of High Grade Granite ware (No seconds, no culls) and a range of good 1 inwnrc. These goods wcie bought away below ISIant'g.'s cost ami we ire going to pass theni on to you at a price that must mean liusincss for us and a great .saving to you, and iit the same time you are procuring only first class gootl.s. We advortise only what we can back with the goods, so you make no mistake in taking advantage of the great reduction we arc oH'ering you. only No 0, Copper Bottom Boilers, good •jualily tin, that would retail in tlio regular way fort'i.OO, our special price 81. â- 15 Pieced Dish Pans, regular 85c. value for,,.18o. Granite Water Pails No. II, regular 75o special ..,. , 48o. Why liava mice arouud the house when yon can get the O. K. Mouse Trap at 2 for 5c ? G doz. good alcel paring knives with wood handles for 5c each. 1 lb. Butter Moulds, good maple wood, regular 20c for lie Rolling Pins, hard wood, with black polished loose liaiidlos, regular 15c goods lOo each Very best Btovo Pipe Knamel, put up in bottles with separate dish, and brush for applying, at 10c each. Good elcfll Bnow Hliovcls, our regular BOc Vfiluc, while Ihcy last for '20c each. â- ""I ., life could only secure ., â- â-  a limited quantity of I i\ this •' come . of merchandise, so early while the stock is complete. The Whole Fainily (dc)lij^ted with . .British American Oil Cos -ELECTItOLENE- JheWorldSi Bo»t Lamp Oil. While our Special Sale lasts wo will fill all five gallon oil cans with our lligli Grado Aincicnii Elcctrolono Oil for 81 OU each. Pneumatic Oil Cans mailo of (Jalvaiiizeit Iron ond will hold 5 gallonsâ€" 3pocl.1l bi'Ass pa:np that cannot got out of orderâ€" regular price is Jl.CO, sale price S^Llo '\ w e can only (|uote a few of the prices, but 1 enough to give you an \ itlea of tho money you \ can save by taking ad- 1 vantage of this sale. â- t- This sale positively clo.sas Fobrii try th, so come along and supply your needs while you can save Large size Granite Diiuking Cups, foi- 80 Grauite Mugs, regular 13o value for 9c Tin Milk St'ainers, 15o sizo for lOo Wood handles for sad Irons, Tin Dippers, Japanned Dust Pans, at 7c each Lipped Sauce Pans iu good smoot'.! grauito No, 1-1 only 13o. •' 18 " I60. " 22 " 22c. 6 iloz No. 4, Grauite Piuldiug Pans that sell iu the ragular way for 2.1c, now, 15o each, No. 2 Granite Pi:dding Pausat 13c Copper Niokle plated tea Kettlesâ€" Nos. 8 and 9 regulur 81.35 value â€" special at $1.15. Granite Wash Bowls, regular 20o for ,. ..I80 Large 3 Oo size lor I80 Granite Pio Platoa No, 9 for83,No. JO Ux .lie The welUknown Viet-ov Flour Rifter, regular 2O0 size I2oeaoh monov. WSiS/i. ^^:;!.r', -;:>;; liMssa Rcsai

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