m m â- â- ;^. 'V* â- â- â- p' X / JiM: tod^' TIIK FLESKERTON ADVANCE i^T.HILL & CO., - Markdale %T% 1 Bring Us Your W( This Year Aii'l Wf in return Hre preimrod to c.fler you some of the liiititviit vilues io fleiifral Merclvnidito tlmt 1ms ever hveii <<ff<Tccl, hnviiiK three sixit'.s wliirh lueanH buyiiiit goiidH in Lt'ge (|UitiitilieR. Wo wihIi to deinoiiscrHtu and )H>i>itivrly roimnce ydu tlinl Wi« «re in n jm aition to otfiT iind sell you innny lines of Goods at h lower price tliaii many Htores can Imy in a wholeKale way for, and you also have tlio acitantntfu rif gettinj; uveryihing you want in the line of Hardware St the lowest prict'S without liMvini^ to )to outnidu this rtore, as wo havu one of the finett Hardware DejMilii^entiin Grey County. iSell your Wuul to F. T. Hill & Co. and Imj satiktied. Big Values in Muslins and Prints To lie tbie to sell you these tine Mu»lins sr such a low tisure the qiianti-y we had to buy would frighten the •versge storekeeper or nierchsnt, hut havini; three stores to buy f<ir makes it easy for us t» handle (piantity as lon)( ai the quality and price ia right. Look carefully into these and see if the sense of what wu are telling you ia ot correct. FINE IMPORTED MUSLINS. REGULAR 10 and 12ic VALUE, ON SALE AT PER YARD 5c 100 different patterns to make your selections fron), 23 inches wide. They come in checks, Rpots,*~stri[ie8, and neat tlorsi designs, all the season's newest colorings and patterns such as blues, pinki, greens, navy blue and white groundi. Dorini; the Wool Season per yard 5c. FINE IMPORTED PERCELAINE MUSLINS, FULL YARD WIDE, ON SALE AT 7ic Nearly 200 patterns to pick from ui this fine mu'diu, which is full yard wide, .lust note the width and then ask yourself if those do rot H|ipeal to you. The pntteri.s and colorings include nearly two hundred diTerent designs in floral spots and 8trii>es, some in the new robe .style with the border, and the price per yard is 7io CLOTHING! CLOTHING! New Up-to date Sfylcs'. We carry the laiaest stock nnd bigaesijissoiiim-nt of Mon's, Boys atid Chililren's Clothing carried in Markd^ilo and this season we have some very nobby .styles to show iii fiinoy worsteds new ho popular for Men's weir. »nd wo would a^k you to see wh'if we are doini; >n this department;. For tlio new, up- to-date styles we have them, and tlin plain seiiyible stull we can show you too. Se what wo are Belling in Men's Suits at fo.OO, $«.75, $8 50, $'i.M, 910.50, 814.00 and 815.00 Suits. la imblishH every Ttiureday at *1.00 l^r annum if paid in advance, ^\.M if imt so l>aid. NKT ADVKHTISINC R.XTKS 1 coluniu <li»play one y«? ir, $<J0 Half column one year, f'M Quarter column nne year. 81.1 FortniKbtly clisiiKes iffrequirnl Qootatioaa (or transient advertising will bo giveu un application. coulmiis. Tlie letter was written by I a geutleman named Greeu, who liasl ! beeu 27 ydrsin the vicinity of Moose-; jaw ail J has done well. Tliis gentle-) man went out as a young man, just as Provincial Loan Mr. Carr recommended. Ills experi. ence, in short, was as follows: $3,500,000. MR. CARR'8 CRITICS. The Advance ii',being flooded with protests against Mr. Can's picture of the we^t as published in onr columns a few weeks ago. Mr. Carr may have shown up the bud side ni somewhat vivid colors, but those who know him will not for a moment cha'go him •with wilful exafj'geration. It would be a, wonderful country, indeed, that I Lai no unpleasant featin-es, and no one supposes that the Northwest is without th«iu. Mr. Can- has in the past given uspicturos of the advantages afforded in that portion of our Domiuion, and no writer is doing his readers justice who does not give both sides of the question. I^Ir. Carr lias «ndergoue all the experiences he de- scribes. The cold question appears to be one of the important sticklers, and this does not stem to be tightly understood. The fact is that the «old of Ontario and that of the West are two diirerent species altogether. In Ontario there is moisture with the cold, which chills rather than freezes; in the West it will freeze you before you arc aware that it is cold. To those who are only used to the cold and moisture of the east coQibined, this may geem strange; to the West- erner who first feels the Oajiario cold, it 18 fully as great a eontr^t â€" and it is this contrast on whicl>iour debaters split. The West is a largo country and many condition] prevail. What is the experience of one district may not be cf another. Moreover, Mr. dan's object has not been to defame the West, but to give actual facts as 1)6 has found thcni, and in his sum- ming up was extremely fair and can- did in his rcconimendation that young men go west and brave it. To those up iu years lie gave u wholesome warning, especially to those who are comfortably situated here. W'hy should so many of our readers in the West protest against llie very fair and honest treatment afforded them ? We know for a fact thai frost stiuck Cbe west heavy last year aud the ! government hud touomc to its assist- anee. A few years ago a westerner I told UB that if they got one good oiop ' iu three years they could gtt along. It i liiB been betttr than that of late years > •nd may bo permanently improving. | We siuoerely hope it is. j C 1 i The GovernnuMit of the province of Onraiio, uniler ihu authority of Chapter "I have been on ihe praiiie niuht and 8, of the Statutes of Oiilaiio. lOOO, day, all k nds ol weather lh.il cau.e.' "V'''"-* '•"'i'^Vl'V''";/'''"' '/''' 1^"'^' « f'"' , a loan of 8.i,500,tXK) on I onds of the Hever w,-is loft in a storm, never frozen, p,.„vi,n.e of I )ntario, or -Ontario Govern- never lost a crop, with either frost or ! ment Slock." hail. alchoU;<h 1 have had .s.Jiiio loss with ' The bonds will be dated 1st June, both, but never felt as severely as my ;. '*'""*. «'»». I"'>:»''>» '•"'•"' l\^ J"",^'. l"'"'. „ . . , . Ill ileiioinmations of ?>i,()00 each, with Ontario experience. I never was a day „^,|,„_,^ ,^j^,,^^^j j^^ i,,^^,.^.^^ ,^^ „^^ ^,^.^ sick in all I his limi. I have thousands |„f f,,ur per cent, per annuiii, p4yalilM of trees now around uiy farm home, some half-yearly on the 1st .Juoe, and 1st •28 to an feet \naU, planted only eight Decuinbor in each year at the oftico of ,,...., , . Itlie rrovinciil Irea-uier, Toront.), or at years a^o, and 1 ailniit they make a ijreat , â- , ,,; „„ i ,i, u i. c «r , i ' " ' ' " the oini.es of uiH Itaok of ftlontre^tl. in protection. We can grow all the trees Montreal. Canad.i, and in New Vork. we like, where we like." jN Y',, at the hohier's option. lionds ' will be made pav able to bearer, but on Mr. Hudson in tlie note which request will b« iVwistered in the ofHce of accompanied the article above refer- i'l'" Provincial I'reasurer and endorsed as J, •. piiy.ible only to the order -jf certain ' persons or corponitions, and on request "I was intending to make a reply to of holder.s will ho exchan<,'ed for''Outaiio Mr. Carr aiidendeavor to coriect some of ,<'"7'-""""'' f^'"'"*" »' "-y ("";,'â- , , , ,. . ,. 1 1 Ont.iri J tjoverninent .stock will bear thoratbermisleuduiK statement* which i„t,,re,t from the Ist day of June, liK)U the luttor cont.iiiied. Mr. Carr gave the ' prmciiml payable on the l.st day of June, iuiprebhiuii to Ontario readers that the ' 1!)''!'J. and interest at the rate of four per winter is unu coulinualblow of from aOto ,'^'"'- P"'' •«""";" «'" ^'- I"''' lislfyearly -n , II , 1 1 1 oy ch.eiiue on the 1st day of Juno and 1st 00 de^-iees below zero, whereas the ^^"IJ , day .,f U.eember in each year "Ontario snap he I ef era to w.v* the only severe | Guvernmenl Wiock" may Io subscribed weather wo had last winter, i. e., the first !for in sums of 850 or multiples thereof, three week of January. The rest of the i*'"' "'"''«''•"'"''«'â- »'''''â- ""'"' '""''<8 "f .„ _ „. 11 ,1 . 1 1 u 1 1 .1 i I he Treasury Diii.irimeiit only by the winter was all thai could bo desired â€" the , ,, i .. • -i 'holder or his attorney in siuiilar manner best of wheeling nearly all the winter, i„ t|.„„ntei.s of bank stock, and bright sunshin-'. I hive also known | The issuo price during the niontli of fanners to cut 30 bushels of wheat per ' Ju"e. l"*^'*. "'H '>« !*>- f'"' each 8100, ,.,......!» .. i,o..;.. 1 . 1 .1 1 I ami after the UDth day of .him-, l!t09, ihe acio alter hsviiin been stiuck with a hail . ,, , .n.-, i- . i issue price will bo 102 and interest aeci lied Sturm, and had received hail insurance. I fn,,,, the Isi .Iiine, 1900. 1 could point out a hundred or morel ALL HONDS AND INSCRIBED farmers h.-reiu this psrt alone Ihal could jSTOCK IS.SUED UNDER THE AU- show a 81.m.0U for every year they have 1 JiJ-g'ir ^ O J' THE SAID ACT ^AltK been IU the Wosl, and some a great deal|v|i^'ciAi^ 'p.wKS, CHAHCES, SUC- moro, where the same clasi of men don't ;CESSU)N DLTV AND IMPOSITIONS clear J'-JoO.OO. " I Wll iTSOKVER. ^_^^_^________^__ I Purchasers of St 'ck r.r I'.oiids will ibe re.piired to send eeriitied oheipie with ,, the a|)plli.'aiioii, iiiyablc to llio older of If you would have a safe yet certain ,1,,. '-I'mvincal Treasurer of Dntario." Counh Remedy in the home, try Dr. | This l..an is lase I upiui llio credit of Shoop'sâ€" at liast once. It is thoroughly '•'« t'onsolidiitHd Revenue Fund of unlike any other Cou«h piepu.atiu.,. ° Pg',""'"'"' "!"' i« '•''â- "•U^'H'de thereupon. . . ,, , . , , . Sun; CI ibirs should Slate wnetlior they takte will be entirely new to ywi -unless ,,,,.,., ^ l,„na» or "Onraiio (Joverninoot it ii already your favorite CoUj^h Ri-inedy. Stock." No opium, Chlorofiirm, or any oilier Example: A Rubscriber for 81,010 Hiupifyii.K ii.g.edients ale used. The "dl I'^vo the ..ptioii ,.f taking eiilier a , , , , , , ... bond or "Diitano Government Stock. ' tender leaves of a liarmUss, lung-heahnf; - a sub.Kcribor for 8750 will to given mountainous shrub, yive to Dr. Shoop's 'Oniaiio Govcinmoiit Stock," as bonds Cough Remedy its wonderful curative "'â- '' ""'y •"''"•' 'I''"""''"''''"" "f 81,000. properties. It is trulv a most ccriaiii and ^' ''• ^f-)'''** '''''!',^'', I roviiiciul treasurer, by all Tic^j^yry Deparlineiit, Parliament I niiilriin.i<s, Toronto, .'Ird June, 1000. I Nowspapei's iiisi>rtint( this advertise- 0*en Sound has boon made a public '"""t willmut authoriiy fiom the De- hsrhnr, which means that iho Koveri;- ^""'""""^ "'" '"">" P"''^ f^"' '^• nieiit has tnken mer control of ilia same. "^ â€" â€" â€" â€" It relieves the town from local expendi- ture and salaries. Captain Tail Robert- son has been n|)poiiited harborimster. trustworthy prescript i.in dealers. Sold Mr. W. I/. Iludaon 8end<i us a long I clipping from the Moo.4t'ja.t Timep ' purporting to be an answer to Mr. ' Carrif' clttr which appeared in these 'V In sickness, if a oeitnin hidden nerve croes wrong, then the organ that this nervB controli will also surely fail, Ii may bo a Siomach nerve, or it nmy bsvo givtn streiitflhinul support to the Heart or Kidneys. It was Dr. Slioop that first poinluJ to this vital truth. Dr. Shoop's Restorative was not ina.lo to do«o the Stomach nor to temporarily stimulate the Henrr or Kidney*. Th«t o'.d-fnshioned method is all wroni/. Dr. Shoop's Ilontorative goes diieclly to these failing inside nerves. The rcmsrkable success of this preaoription <!> nionstratea the wifdom of treating the actual caut-c of thiSB fsiiing organs. And it is indet d easy to prove. A simple five or ten days lest will surely tell. Try it ()â- ce, and see ! Sold by all dealers. LORD ROSS, 35673 A. T. It., the uiibenten hnrse on Canadian soil. Hirod bj full liiotliov of Oarf Dtwil, 209, l>y AUmbrino KinK, l-JTll. tlie liaudsomest burse iu llio world. ROUTE Monday, May :i-Wlll leave his own stalilr, Mlsytli, and proceed east to Wni. Tottenhsin'H Ilnstli Head, for noon • tlienoo I'ast to litti lino to Samuel Htepliena', Stvathavon, for niKht. Tu88day-lly Sprinn Hill t» lOtli line.soutli to â- loo Hnlliert's for noon, thenoo to Klmboiloy for night, whore he will leujaMi until Wod ncsday noon. Wednesdayâ€" \t 1 o'clock will leave by Ep- ping aud Uoulilyii to .fames llalloy's tar niRht Thursdayâ€" Home Io Fiudlay's f.iverv tor uoo'i and by way of mavel road to U'eoriie llaker'a for ni||ht. I''rid«yâ€" To. (olin Kind's Sr.. Kinas Coi-uoni for noon, thence to Hubert Day's for iiiiiht. Haturdayâ€" To John Vanwvck'n, Annan, for one hour, thriioe to fllv hotel. Owen Sound, for noon, where he will roniain until ^ o'clock. Ihence to his own htablo. Kilcyth, wbero ho ^fill remain until tlie followinti Monday morn- iii(!. This lonlo will be continued tliioii«liout the soar.un, hi-altli and weather perniUting. Cards of brredlni; sent on niipIicBtion. JOHN FINin.AV, I'roinletor and Collector. 1' (I- Hojc 4.IU, Meuford, idiono 70. Jacob Hunt in char«e. i July The frame tower of the windmill at the Shelburiie water works was pulled down on Tuesday morning by Uellerby Rrotheri. They attached a cable to the top of the tower and pulled it over with a traction engine. Some of the timbers were badly smashed in the fall. It is said to have been the largest windmill and tower in the province. â€" Free Press. I A W RAVn General and Hardware Merchants. J. Ot TT> DUIU, Flesherton. Ont. Heart Strength Heart Strenatti, or H«»rt Weakness. meansNerrs Btronxth, or Nerve W>«knc«»â€"nothlnjr more. Pes- iUvuly. not one weak heart In a hnnifreit in. In It- jr^lf. BcUmllr rtlseanod. It In almost always » bidden tiny little luirvo that really Is all at fault. This olMcure nervoâ€" the Ciirdlae, or Heart Nerve â€" sliiiliiy nwMU. Mid must have, more power, more itabilily, more (•ontndlini, more goveniing Mrunitth. Without that the Heart must continue »o fall, and thu stomach and kidneys abo have tiiese samn contmlllnc norvei. Thii clearly iixulaln* why. a5 a medlcint , Dr. Bhoop s UiHtomllre has In the rant done m> muc; lor weak and allliig Hearts. Dr. Shoop flr»t imughi the («nii« ot all this painful, palpitating. sutTocat- tng h,!urt dlitrtw. Dr. Hhoop'j Ristoratl veâ€" thij popuJar prescriptionâ€" ij alone directed to these Weak and v.ajtlii» narve centem. It build*: It itrengthens: It offer* real, genuine heart help. If you would have strong Hearts, strong dt rettiun. atrengtlien these jiarresâ€" re-vstabllib them as needed, with Dr. Shoop's Restorative "ALL DEALERS" WE"are openinc up a merchant tailoring businefs under uianaiiment of Ficd Morley who is a tiist class woikman. We have a comphte range of new and up-to-date stock. We ifuarantee a perfect fit. Call and see the goods- just ill the coiner r'lotn MRS. SMITH'S 0I>D STAND. ibo Administrator's Sale . . OF . - Farm Properties IN THE Township ot Osprey. Under and by virtue of the powers ves'ed in the Administrator of the estate of P.'itrick Burns, late ot the Township of Osprey in the County of Grey. Fanner, deceased, there will be oflfered for tale by Ijublic Auction at the Temperance hotel in the village of Fevershaiii in the County of Grey, on Saturday the 10th day of â- July, A. D. 11)0!), at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, the following properties, namely: â€" First â€" Lot eifjlit in the tenth con- cession of the townshio of Osprey in the county of Grey, containing oiiy bundled seres, more or less. About eighty acres of this lot are clear- ed, and the balance timbered with hard- no <d. I'poii the premises are said t i I e a small frame house and a fiume bnin wi'h stables underiieaili. Tne pro;;eriy is about two miles from the villa<jo of Feversliam. This farm will be s-dd sub- ject to a lease which expires on April Ist, 19l;{. Secondâ€" Lot number two in thp eighth eonces-sion of the township of Osprey in the County of Grey, containini; one hun- dred acres more or lesa. .â- \.bout sixty screa of this lot are c'ear- ed and the balance timbered with ha'd- wood and some cedar. The f-irm is well watared and fairly well I'ei ced. There are said to be a log liouie and a ({oihI \o'i barn on the premises. This farm is situated 'ibou' three and a (piarter miles from tbn villane of Fovershsni. This farm will be sold subject Io a lease which expires April 1st, 1010. TERM.S: â€" Ten per cent, of the pur- chase money to be jutid on the day of sale and the balance in thirty daya there- afteiT without interest. The.se properties will bo sold subject to a leserved bid on each parcel. For further [)ariiculars and condi ions of sale apnly to W. Ii. WRIGHT, Owen Sound, l)nt. Vendor's Solicitor. Dated June 4th, 1909. The American Standard Bred Stallion DEMOTT E 20842 The property of J. Rudd Matthews, •Markdalo, Out. Tkr.msâ€" 1^12. Demntte will make the season of 1009 as follows ; MoNiiAV eveiiiniiâ€" Botkoley. Thir.sii.vv evonioo â€" Flesherton. The rest of the wcjk Maikdale II mse Stables. Deinotte, 20842, is a handsome, tjame, level headed horse with a perfect dispo.si- tioii ; to see him is to like him, mid after lookiiia over his pedinree all iinist ndmii that he ii one ot the best bied horses iin|ioited. Where will you find Miiother ill this Country with us fa.'-t a siro and dam ? His nr.ind.sire, (iamlictta NN'ilkos, sired tiaiiiliolier, the siro of the great Eel 2.2J. Hid grand-ire on his dain'.-< side, C. F. Clay, has more to his ciodit 111 tlio 2 10 list th.in any oiher hor.so in Kentucky, ami is also one of the, if not tlu'aroiitest:, sir.s of high aorois in tho Inited Sla'e.i. Dumoile is a beau'.ifu' liinh coii.o hiirsH with a Kivai turn if .speed kimself, liaviiii» been a close 2nd in Iti-J. I have put this hoi.so's fee very hiH, wifliiii leacli of the owmr of the or- dinary mare, while the owners of the best mares will get tlio service of a 8-*o horse for just #12. Those wishina to bargain fiU' living colts can d I so by applying to im-. I biivo slso made arrsiiLement lor pasture close to town for mares sent a distance. Canadian Pacific Very Low Rate For Summer Trip to Pacific Coast $77.30 return from Flesherton good going May 20 to Sept. 30. Rs-turn limit Oct. 31. Liberal stoijovers- Wulf choice of rentes. (Io bythe direct (y'tnadiaii I ieâ€" see your own coiintrv--the west, the Itocky AlonntainH. Visit the Seattle Kxpoxitioii and other s|«ecial attrsctiotis. Talk it over with S, RANDS, Auen', Fl.sherton. 5 « ^ â- ^ â- as- ^ hf) <u o > "m •5b 3) c o C3 c 2 0} 0) m i2 i2 ^ 3 P. s Ol 4-> m a -o M (U 33 s 3 en 3i a 11 00 o *^ l-H O 4) CO t^ pq to ^ a *-* 5 w ai ^ -a <u o C >>t^ 0) en 01 a. £ o o ei a o o o fli o « '-? 1-^ 3 «D *^ m rji ^9- NEW Drei^s Goods in all '.be nen shades and patterns â€" prices 55c to $1.60 per yd., also a large assurtinent of Ging- hams, Zepliyis, Linens, Prints and Muslins A cuniolete ranfic uf Ladie's Ready- to-wear Garnientsâ€" .Skirr.s, •lackets.Waists, Under- I eklrt.<, Etc. Flour and Feed. ftji We keep on hand s full stock of Flour and Feed includinsz Feed Flour ^^ jShorts, Brsn and the famous Five Rosea Flour made by the Lake of ^R fthe Woods Milling Co., Kewntin, » very l»g of which is j^uaiantsed itr if not satisfactory return it and set your uioncy. % J Hardware. H We liave a well ssfottiditMk of HmUverr â€" r"''"* ronlemplstirg JV .S build:ni2 will do will to kit ' nr i>ricis befere purchasintt elsewhere â€" ^^J lalso a nice line of stoves, linware etc. TnSleidbSt Bugal^St Waggons, ftarrows, Plougb$t Cream Sep- arators and mire Fencing HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY Heard's Carriage Works Farms for Sale & Rent Farm for sale, containing one Imndred acres more or less. beliiR lots 141-142. con. 1. N. f . Toronto Kydenliam roart, about eighty acres cle»ieil;t)alancebnsli. On the prorerty Ik one fraiuu barn Hj.\.V> o.i stone banenient witbcon^ Crete Rtablin« ttuJgood iinplenient»lioii. Kr*uie clwellinKliouse, small orchairt. two rooJ wells. .Mso two upriiKs on l)ftcl( end ot place. Tliere are thUtv acres fall |ilou((bod, live acres of fall wheat well fenced unci in afiood suite ofciiltwa- lion TliU i< one at the best farms in the lonnalii|i and can be boughtright. It is situat- ed one mile from Klesbertou a"d flv-e iniles from Msik'.ale. .^^.ply to KICHAKDSON l»KoH. Flesherton T Ota :u and :«, con. » S D H, 100 acres, 6.') cleared | ^ 10 acres pastiue. balance sood bnsb. Ham â- IBx50. drivins shed, good frame honse. a wclN, I 1 acruof orcliaid and stone wull under burn. , Snuui'cn river crosses back of farm. Well fenced . and in ynod state of cultivati'in, :) loilen from Proton Stall- II. For terms a|i!'lv on iireiiiisus to ,I\Mt:SH. V.W'SK. Proton Slation Cet/ton 's 7/feat 7?farket. All kinds of fresh antl smoked meats, liead cheese, sausage, ahvavs on hand. - - CASH TAID FOR HIDES. Jas, ^ceiockli in. \?ox sale clieaii, ni vent, ininiediato iioKseSKlon ' Lot :)0 eon. M, /Wteuiesia, iibont T.'i ncrcs clear, oonifortahle loR house and frame barn. Applv to I'. J- sproule, FleBherton, or John J, Martin, across the roa-i from said lot. I otH K. 1 H and '.I. l.'oii. l;i. in the towLsluii of Jj <)K\irev, 1 "lO acres, 'arKeclearini;. tjood frame barn and stables, uood dwelliut! and well. Ap- idy on the yieniises or to W. .1. rMU.i.AMV, Flesherton Iporsale cheap and on easy tones, (iood com. foitatde frame lUvelli' R stable and driviUH honse. with ttiiee villege lots, inCovlon. DweU line well built and Hnished aud uood bearii g orcl^ard on tlie provivrtv, Apply to It. J. SrnouLE, Flesherton F*or sale or rentâ€" 103 acre farm, I acre of or- chard, 10 ucrea bush iiichidiui; .5 acres hard- wood, well watered and ijood fences, biick house, f raniB bai n, 1^ miles from school and post i^ice, :i miles Iroui I'rotoii Htation. For price and termaof sale apniv to Wiu. Tavlor, lot 7S 74, coul nortliof Durham road, .\rtemesia Ij^or nent -lot S7. con 4, Artoniesta, 100 Roies.a't ^ to 110 olearidaiid in cultlvatlnn, comfortable dwelling, bank barn, stone stabliin,'. in a llrst das'* settiement and well worthy tile attention of iliose requiilug such. li..I. Sf'llOUf.E, Flesherton r ot 3. con. 4 Osprey. \(^ acres well fiinbered. ••' For terms etc. apply to Ii. Hobor.s, Lady Hank f. O. Eggs For Hatching. Drown l,eghorn Kges for iiatchlni;, from nvt. "class pen. All prize birds at Kust tirev tall lair aiu in this pcb. Kgga.iOo. tier sottinKol l.j L.KVUIETT8, Flesherton: stflpped in 20 minutes sure with Dr. HhiHip's Crouii Kemeily. Ouo tost will surely prove. No voniitinu, on (lis- A salo and ploaslngsyrup -50c. Druatfista. tre&3. Good Farm For Sale. T ot 19, con.O, Oeprey containing icn acres, 80 ' 'cleared, f:anu) house, 'rauio barn. stone foundation; orchard, «ull watered. One thi'Usand down aiul balance to suit purchaser luimudiate pu-sReskion Anply to K. N. KcKNiua, AJBXwcll P. O. Kl Dorado Farm. Of Sl'orlhoiu cattle and Leicester sheep. P,iill» and heifers on hand for sale, also a number of single and rose comb brown leyhorn, iinil single comli white leghorn cockerels Lot 32' Con. .'i. Ohas. .St.ifford. Shorthorn Cattle for Sale. I.evimaaand Wimples, the Ijest ot breeding and qiialit". Hull, cows aud heifers for sale at reesonable prices Lot 32,oou,5 CHA8. STAFFORD. Flesherton Herefords For Sale. Cows and heifers for sale, none better, Prices right, Vost Office, Proton .''Station; farm half mile from Saugeen Junction. We have soUl all our lulls. J. & T. W.VTSON. Wooden pumps manufactured throughout and repairs promptly and satisfactorily attended to. I 8ir. agent for three of tho best iron pump manufacturers in Ontario. A card dripp?d to me al Co.ylon P. O will have my prompt attention. Your patmnige respectfully solicited. JAMEiS A. M CLEAN. Carrie's Corner, Cevlon P. O. \.'