Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Jun 1909, p. 5

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June 17 I9<j9 THE F 1. E S H E R T N ADVANCE THE STANDARD BANK Eitaijuw 1873 OF CANADA " ^"^^ A Feiv Dollars A Month saved, inttead of being CAreleuly spent, does not look very fonnidable. But these (ew dollars deposited regularly in the Sundard Bank of Canada, with Interest Compounded, will amount in a (ew years to • ' fair competence. It may mean a little self-denial, especially at lirft, but it also means a great deal of solid satisfaction, and the habit is easily acquired. Be fair to your old age â€" start a Savings Account now. One Dollar will do it. 74 FLESHERTON BRANCH Ceortfe Mitchell, Manajfer BKANCHrS AL^O AT OVRHAM AND HARRISTOM. â- !^Â¥^^^ VICINITY CHIPS Miss Mabel Cnrr of Toronto is visiting brr mother it Eugenis. Miss Brink nun of Duiidalk spent Sunday with Mrs. McKinnon. J. W. Bates, Toronto, was in town over Sunday. Remember the excursion to Guelph on Wednesday next, June 23. Miaa Belle Clinton visited with Owen Sound friends the fore part of this week. Tomato plants for saleâ€" A limitrd quantity. Apply to Thos. Bulmer, Flcsherton. Mr. and Mrs. Ez. White left thin week to once more Fpend the summer on Prince Edward Island. There will be a p.ii tial eolipsa of the sun this (Thursday) iii(jht, when the bun will set partially obscuied. Mr. T. Lever has just completed a nice cement, piazzii in front of Mr. A. Shackleford's handsome brick residence. The member.s of Knox church. Paisley, have extended a call to Rev, Mr. Little of this place. Mr. aiid Mrs. A. D. Tl.urston and cbiMreu rpent Sunday wiih friends here. Mr. T. was up on Giey Old Boys' busi- ness. Messrs. C. EkiusanJ Geo. Moore loft on Wednesday to vi.sit. friends ar, Barrie, Hawkestone and Orillin, and will be away about a week . Miss Hazel Ballantyne of Buxton, formerly of Maxwell, a pupil of Mrs. (Rev.) Stanley, ba.s passed her musical examination with honots. The next reitul.ir meeting of L. 0. L. 888, will be held on .luly 2iid, 8 p. m. A good attendance is requested. G. Cairns, R. S. Mrp. A. Stilwell and children, also Miss Minnie Roy of Bloomfield, N. J., are visiting their mother, Mrs. S. A. Roy of Ruck Mills. The Presbyterian Lndie's Aid have presented to the church a hiiiidso'nc individual communion service which was used for the 6rst time on Sabbath last. Young man wanted to leirn electric lighting business, about 17 or 18 years of ago, of good habit". Apply at power house, Eugenia. Georgian Bay Power Company. TheSalvation Army bandof Owen Sound will Kive a musical program in the town hall, Fleshertoii, on Saturday evening •lune 20. Admission 10c. Good pro- gram. Mr. Jackson Little, d?ui(iiist, of Toronto, was a welcome caller at The Adv.ince on Saturday last. Mr. Little hus a large circle of relatives and ac- quaintancen in this vicinity. A full line of up to diite groceries and ff uits at close prices, also another ship- ment of bran and shorts just arrived. Oats, p«as, oil cuke, etc. on hand. Sproule.'Hig^inhotham & Co. Eu^renia and Feversham footballers csme into coUi.sioii cm the grounds of the latter on Saturday evening. Feversham came out of the nieleu with one gjal. Their opponents failed to score. Mi.sses Irene Wilson, Gladys Cornfield, Maud Boyd, and Ivy Mitchell are iu Toronto this week taking sn examination in music. These little wirls are all pupils of Mrs. Blackburn. Mr. Thomas Bell of West Toron-io spent Sunday with hi.s brother- in-law, Mr, Roderick McKenzie of the Toronto line, and also his sister-in-law, Mrs. George Littlejohn of the suburbs of Markdale. Miss Vida Rundle severed her con- nestiun with the postollice here on Satur- day and on Monday returned to her home in Bundalk. Miss Bundle made many warm friends while here who regretted her departure. The rain storms of Sunday last came in the nick of time. Crops of all kinds wete at a standstill and a couple of more days of hot sun would have injured [them very materially. The timely rain was a boon of inestimable value. Mesjrs. Fred Bunt and Charles Booze of Toronto epent last week with Mr. W. Pedlar, CoUingwood gravel Trout fish- ing and groundhog shooting served to while aw»y the time. Tliey returned to the city Saturday evening. The Flesherton Citizen's Band have the following engagemeatg on hand : â€" June 18, Workmen's picnic at Eugenia; June 28, garden party at Inistioee : July 1, celebration at Flesherton. For further engagements apply to C. H. MuBshaw, Flesherton. Mr. Geo. Stewart left Monday evening for Toronto, where he will purchase a load of cattle to lake to Elk Lake. He will have to drive the animals forty miles after leaving the railway, through a masquito aud fly infested country that will make the meat dear at any price after ariival at his destination. The service on Sunday morning in the Methodist church was taken by three ladies â€" Mrs. G. Mitchell, Mrs. Nicholson aud Mis Jos. Clinton, Mrs. Mitchell gave an exceedingly interestin:{ report of the rai.s8ionary convention recently held in Toronto, to which she was a dele;j[ate. The evening service wns conducted by Mr. Harness of Markdale. One of the («.B. Power Go's, transform- ers in town was affected by the eieciric storm Sunday evening. A fuse w*s burned and a short circuit formed in the transformors which cau.sed it to burn its "innards" out, and made a very pretty display of tireworks which la.stod tifieen or twenty minutes, while the noiae rese'nbled a threshing machine on a smal' scale. As a result a portion of the town was without light for a couple of iii;^hts until a new transformer could be secured. The Salvation Army of Feversham have enijaged ihe Owen Stund Army band for the occasion of En.sign Poole's wedding to Captain Thompscn, of Windsor, which plea&ing event will lake place iu the barracks at Feversham on Monday, 28th inst., the ceremony to be performed by Col. Sharpo, assisted by Major Hay and others There will be a Ijanquet in connection. The public are cordially in- vited to bo present. The band will also assist iu the Sunday services. Joo Clark, the tiffhtiui! editjr of the Toronto Star, was up fcrupping with the speckled trout on Weber's preieive for n couple of days laet wenk. Joe in his boyhood canj^ht tish in the Boyne with a bent pin, and the lessons then instilled into his youthful brain have never de- serted himâ€" only he tislies now with a ten-cent bamboo polo and hooks with nasty barbs on 'em and costing ever so much. But he can all'ord it now, which makes a diBeronce. During the electric storm Suiid»y night a chimney on Mr. Andrew Wickens' property in the suljurbs was knocked otf. The barn was also struck and one end splintered but did not ignite. Three slieep were killed outright aud a couple of otheft stunned, one so badly ili.it it will die. Wb are informed that Mr. C. Moore of luistioge was struck on the arm by a stray chunk of the electric fluid, blackening the arm and rendering the .•issittance of a physician necessary. The First of July committee have livings well in hand now for the monster domonstration iu Flesherton on July 1. Arrangements have been made to run excurtioiiists from Walkurtm and iuter- medialo points direct to this station, so that we may expect a large number of j new cousins from Walkerton, Hau3ver and Durham on that day. For a coni- pleio list of the sports, etc., see large advert isement cii our last page, also in handbills and large posters that hare been distributed the past week. The Woodstock College EvangolisMc Band began a two weeks' mission in the Baptist church on V^ednesday evening. The Band â€" all student? â€" consists of Oliver Chapman, leader ; Mr. Ashiiu re, musical director ; W. N. Wright, soloist ; and Mr. Trcmbert and Mr. Clark. They have just concluded working in Durham, where they were vei'y successful. The Chronicle says : " They are earnest and enthusiastic in their work, good, forceful speakers, and the music spirited aud spiritual." Services week nights 5 p.m. Song service 7.15. Sundays 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Watch for fuller announcemonis on Saturday. Owing to the Band ser- vices, the rookvale service will b") at 3 p. ni. next. Sunday, One of the evangel- ists will be present. The annual meeting of the Women's Institute was held in the town h.il! on Thuisday, June 10. Mrs. Colin Camp- bell not beim( able to be present on no- count of sickness, Miss Reynidds (f Toronto was the speaker. In the after- noon ftliss Rornolds spoke ou 'Veget- able and fruit canning." A very interest- ing program was given in the evening by the women of the Institute. Miss Irene Legate and Mrs Robt. Wright sang a duer. ; Mrs. Bunt and Mrs. Blackburn gave solos ; Mis* Elsie Wright recited v.ry nicely "A P.sahn of Faun Life." Miss Reynolds ably discussed "character building." Climate and environment are two important agents in character build- ing. How to build a giiod character- teach children to devehip will power , and to have high ideahi ; use ^jood litera- ture, music and pictures, and give them congenial occupations. The children of to-day will be men and women of twenty years hence. Rev. Mr. Lit'le then skoke along the same lines. The meeting closed with God Save the King. No Need Suffering from Rheumatism. It is a mistake to allow anyone to suffer from rheuuiatisn;, aa the pain can always la- relieved, and in most caces a, cura effected l)y applying Chamberlain's Liniment. The relief from pain which it atTcirds ih alone worth manv times its cuxt. It make sleep and rest p>88ibU'. Even in cases of lunK standing this liniment Hhuuld l>« used on account of the lelief which it affords. Do nut be discouraged until you have given it a trial. Many sufferers have been surprised and delighted with its pain-relieving qualities. 2f> and 50 cent sizes for sale by W. E. Richardson. If you want boots that will give you wear and comfort, Clayton's is the placa to get thorn. Mr. J. L. Corn well, 6. A., principal of the high school at Merford, has tender- ed his resignation, the same to take effect on June 30th. Pain anywhere stopped i-i 20 minutes sure with one of Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets. The formula is on the 25 cent bor. Ask your Doctor or Drugsist aboot this formula ! Stops womanly pains, headache, pains anywhere. Write Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wic. for free trial to prove value Sold by alldtaleis. It is understood that the drilleos out at Cedarville have had their labors rewarded by striking a good flow of oil. â€" Shelbuine Ecuuomii<t. Stations of Ministers. Following are the stations of ministers for Owen Sound district as made at th9 Metbodisu conference held in Toronto the past weak : 0*-en S.)und (First church), J. T. Cosby Morri.s, B. A., B. D. ; tJwen Suund (West street), Henry A. Fish ; Owen Sound (North), J. T. Caldwell; Markdale, Jos. Young ; Flesher- ton, H. K. Wellwood, B. A., B. D., ; Dundulk, John F. Ferguson, B. A. ; Woodford, William O. Marshall ; Chats- worth, E. Ryorson Young, B. A. ; Holland Centre, (C. T. C.) ; Euphrasia, J.R. Wilkikinson; Eugenia, E. Richards ; Walter's Falls, Henry K. W. Kemp; Massie (to be supplieo) ; CorbeitoD, W. Williamson; Priceviile.Henry Berry ; Thos. Laidlaw, M. A. ; Alrred L. Atton. at college. Our Clubbing List Th« following prices are for strictly paid in advance subscriptii ns only. We have no accounts with other papers. Advance and Toronto World, daily $ .3 00 Toronto Daily News 2 30 Weekly Globe .1 80 Mail-Einpiro .... ....'..!') Family Herald A Star 1 80 Toronto .Star 2 30 Farinor Sun 1 80 Farmers Au.ocate 2 25 Weekly Wii.iesi- 1 75 SatiiidayNight 2 55 Card of Tliani<s. I hereby bPK to tbanK tlio Cana'liBn Order cf Foresters for the prompt »'et.t.it'ineiit of dootli beuont on my late liuubnnd, ('harlett Croft, nlio was a member of Muxweil Cotiit, No. .j35. â€" Saiiah Ann Croft. For Sale One span of Lii;htoii.K Cults cfniinR throo matcbetl. Ueaoytowork. Also oi;o Shoi-tlioii» Hull eii;)iteeii iiiontbs old. briMt by (ioo.Hristow, ItobKoy, nainbo'- r>84-45, in voiuiiio 1!4. Nau;t-â€" Village Captain. .^LBFUT K- HANCKY, Lot 4. Con. 10, Osprov, Fevel sllam P. O. Buli For Service 2 years I'M, i-es;. .shoitlioru bull, Victor' Pride, 74.S1).> is for service at Lot 37, Con. U Artemesia. Ternia 81.00. JOHN H.iRORAVJS. Buli for Service ThorniiKbbri'd Diiihinn boll for servioo on lot 31, ooi), 8, iivtcmuhia. Tevins *l.Oi). W. C. PliDLAK. t m Mai 20. Bull For Service Pure Hred Ilolsti.'in Kriesinn Hull. This yoiiOK animal coinen from oiih of tlio best ilaiiv li«r<iH In Cau.'i'!f>, btii"K in oxtciided letjislra- aiou» Terms SI.oO. GULDEN LElHiND fure bred Tamwortli Poar. This > ounK ani- mal has provKii liiniholf oio* of tlio bopt Htot-k getters tbar. Iiatt over been otTured for Hervicc. TeniiH -»1-00 UlCHAHU AI.LEN. Lot 170. iioil B . T. AS. R . Kleslierton Out. Buii for Service The fine Sl'ovilioni bull HioadV.ooks LOid (No. TCVit) will bo l(.»r sarvici (.ii lot 10. con. 0. Opprovl Terms §1.00. (?ow8 not i ctnrneti will bo chari^iiil wbocbei' in oalf or not. Pacli- ffree ou applicationt JAMES HUKXS, Prop. 60 YEARS* PERIENCB Trace Marks OESior.s CopvRiGHTS Ac. Anyone soDdlnff awltotoh r.r.t t.'ftcrtpf l.-^n may Qnlckly Jiacorlj'.n o-ir C'liinii n froo wtiei [ii;r au Invpiilion is pr.ih.il>ly pnLcMitfiMi). Cimiiminlnv tlni.Bntrlctly!-r>rifl(ii-nt(til. HfiiJDIiOOK on Patrats sent Jrtjo. Ol.'.osr, airoiicy for pecuriu^ooteiit^ Pntonts toil,]!! tiirouch Xiiiiin ft C0> rucUva Iftciai notice, wllhuut Ob art; e, Iu the A han«;:k>:L.o:y iiln.-itrato.l ^\<:v-Ay, l.-irrrrMt oir- railiilli tl of a-'y noioi'irio 1i'in.i,il. 'lci-:i!< int C.lliiula, *,;.".â- > .1 yyai', t)oauii;'j ii.-i-;ial'.', bulll by all 1!0".'.E.',UI1).MH. The Family Physician The best medicines in the world cannot ttl^e the place of the family physician. Consult him early when taken ill. If the trouble is with your throat, bronchial tubes, or lungs, ask him about taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Then take it or not, as he ssys. A ^r» pobUsh mr ntiwiilM i/ers ".1^^' Biliont attacks, sick-headaebes, iadign- tion, censtipatioa, dtzzy apells â€" tMM are tome of tlic reaalta at an inaciva liTcr. Aak year dectar if be rniiaiiai Ayer's Pill* in these caacs. Tbe 4ese is sm all, one piU at bcddme. ' [T s ii »Ti>sr IT iisini Tmn m sw I; Odds and Ends W. A. Armstrnnij issuer oF niarriaj;e licenses. Examine tho Louden barn dnor trfck and han((era at Nurris Bros. Hardware, F.G.KARSTg^' General and Hardware Merchanx.'l Flesherton, > • Ontario. 5ooo lbs. Coiled Spring Wire at $2.5o per cvit. We are prepsred to sell the very best hard Coiled Spring Wire (No. 9) in any quantity at the lowest price that was er«r offered. We uet a rebate, in turn, we ;<ive it to our customers. Come in, if it isn't ill leave your order for as much as you want and we will keep it for you. A Car load ot Star Cement to Arrive Why buy cement which has been carried oyer from last reason, buy ic fresh r)ft the car, when it ia hot. We have a car coaiinK about the first <vf June, of the beat cerannt on the market. Call around and j<et circulars and see what it has done. Unload the cement ritiht off the car and tavu the drayman's charKes. Paints and Oils Now is the time t<> buy Martin Senour 100 per cent. Pure Paint We have every shade aud every color necessary to beautify your home, also a full line of Turpentine, Boiled Linseed Oil, Raw Linseed Oil, Varnishes, Dryer and Dry Paints, also lirst clasa Motor Gasuliue. All at the lowest possible prices. Fine Shoes Witii the coming of Spriug we naturally looli for sometliiug neat aud stylish to wear espci- ally in footwear. We have got meut the MODEL Shoe as being handsome ia shape and right up to date aud built of first class McCorroick mower, good aa new. also 2-year-old lihiod filly cnlt for .sale. Must be sold at once. A. Bnyd, Fleshertun. If you went a good shoo shine, first quality in Gilt EJi^e, T.\n, Nuggett, ()x blood, 2 in 1. Call at Clayton'.-. Shingles and Hemlock lumber for sale, J any length required. T. V> . Phillips, jJ"^' "'^^a' VOa need. We recom- Lady Bank P. O. Little Pi^s for Sale â€" Now ready ki> iro, â€" improved Chester Wh'tes. .Stock purchased from E. D. George ot Putman, Out. Win. S. Inksfer, Wareham. For Snle â€" Democrat wagon, canopy top, nearly re» ; 1 large 3-seat waaon and 1 buBtiiy nearly new. Prices rii»ht. W, Moore, Flesherton. Very Fine Shorthorn hull calf for ps'e, 10 mos. old.lnvd by .Scottish Pride, grand- son Dorby (imp.). F. Nicholson, Flesherton. Hemlock lumber for sale â€" 1, 2 »nd \ 2x4. Tiimarac, 2 in. plunk, at lot 7, con. ' 2. Euphrasia. W, A. Armstrong, ) Flesherton. Property for Sale at Priceville â€" A brick ' house, eiaht rooms, oarn and five lots,; for sale reasonable. Apply to Catherine Scott. Priceville P. O. Mar.lif Bull For Sale â€" .A pure bred Shnrthnrn bull, 14 nifintlis old, tit for service, will be sc'd reft.sn'iahle. VV. ,1, MeaJs, Cry- Ion P. U., or lut 20, O. D. R. •Strayedâ€" Five head of yearling steers, all red, one dehorned. Disappeared Saturd.-iy, .June 12. Information thank- { fully received. Alex. Ciimernn, Eugenia, '^ P. O. To those who want to haves £;oi>d ap- pearance it is good news to know that, they can take their linen to Andy Wilson ^ Flesherton, and have it laundered in tir.st i class style. Basket leav,-s Tuesday night i and n turns .Sat Ui-day a. in. Maikdalel steain laundry. W. .1. Smith, Prop. j Tho joy of CDinfurtible feclis sonieihing exbilarsiing in a pair of well fittinii shoes. ; It makes you feel yo'ing ngain. The i Model shoes are good fitters and best ' material. Claytons have them. Mortgage Sale â€" Lot 147 2nd Hange south west Toronto and Sydenham iniid, Artemesis, 50 acres. Far buiMings. Will be offered for sale at Cairn's Hotel, Cfylon, on Tni-sdny, .Imie l.ith, iit 4 ^ o'clock. For psrtiouhi's iipply to Lu?hs, Usuey & Mc.\rdU>, Solicitors, Maikdale Claytons are showing the new styles in ' ladies fiiiitw(ar, Di>n>;ola, Ki.l, <)xl)loi;d, Laoa hoots and Oxfords, Only Hr^t class , material used. I material by reliable makers. We have the MODEL Shoe iu Blucher and Oxford style iu Black, Chocolate,) Ox-Blood, Kid aud Dongola. Yoa cannot help being suited. Not especi- ally for Children, Men or Women, but for the whole family. Also Men's and Boys Fine and Heavier Shoes. CLAYTONS FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. j J. E. LARGE 3" All ihi'oiiyhthi!? .store, high clas.s goods at very low prices. We have never been better prepared to sup- ply you with all your spring and summer wauts, for every tlepartniont i.s crowded with bright new goods â€" the 'kind of goods we in.sist on selling â€" look better, ^ are better, and cost you no more than the kind that ^ 'i-'c made merely to sell. BE Your .sati.sfaction the particular thing we aim at, 5 an'l we aim to make this the safest store for you to 5w btiv at. 55 Ilighe.st prices paid for produce. I J . £• Large, e u g e n i a. Farms for Sale. Two hundred ami HftiiMi acres, li)t 2iJ, con, 13 ;ind lot 2i>, cai. 14, ti>wii.slii;i of ( Lspicy. UiRh state nfciillivation, one hnndrwl acres under enltivittion. frame hjirn 4tx<>-l. stone fiiiindatiim, coiniMit st.ablhijf, riiii!;h cast liousn, never failinif ilrilleil wi'l!, and driving nhed, iind a qnnntitv nf tninh. These are excellent farms for stock raising Ininir wuU watered with .H)>iinKS. Will sell tnKotliorni- separate at a reasnnnl.le ]>rice. .-Vppiv *â- '» K. T. nv .1, H. i HhNDKKSON Rob Hoy" 1'. t). I ang. Notice to Creditors Jn the matter of the cst^ito of Mary Matlden, Into of tho Township of Osprey in tlie County (*i Grey,Spin8ter,ik'cea.sed. NOTIOK ifihombv Rivon iMivRuant to the re- vis*?!! Statutes of Ontario, 18'J7, Chnp. '.I that till tiio tnorlitors ftiid ntTierH hrtvitiR o^aima nUAiMHt tlio estato of tho naid May Madden, whodied onorkboufc tlio fifth day of Auettst, l'.H_<7, aro nqnirod on or bofore tho 25th day cf Juno 11HI9, to B(*''d bv post pre- i)nid or dellvur to Maryarot MoGrade, Maxwrtl Out,. .Adininiatratrix of the cRtftt^ ot tho snid Mary Maddon, itceeased, tlich* christian niid i .siimainoft, aiMrHssrs and di'sci iptionH. tho full pBiticulHVfl of thnir t:lniiii», tho fltitcinent : of thrtlr a<^ooi)nUnnd the nature of tho 80cui*t> | tU'H (if any) lield by thoni. AND KLUTHRk TAKK NOTICR that after Huch ta^t ntcntioiio.'! dato thoB&id .\dininiRtriit- lix v\]\ pmcecil ti dit:t'ibuto the aBsota of tl»> deroascd a.noii« thepiwlJert entitled tborft- to havini! reyard only to tho clftiiuH of which ijioy rihail thoii have nolico, and that thu said A lioinislrftti-ix will not Imj liab'o for tho »aid af>s«trt or any (tart thotrof to any person or jiuiKoiifi of whoHt-rlaini.'* notion rIiaII not Uavo l)et n V()i;€'lv»'d bv thoni at thu tiniD of such dis» tiibnfion. Oah'd -Mi-.e 4tli. A. \\ 1609. \V. )I, W-ilGHT*. O.ffnSmil Out. Bolioitor for tho A^liniutstrati-Iz H a V Y c o T u r « 1 c d Thompson's Bakery ll;ivii;t,' .si'ciircd Mr.E Arni- .stronu (.f Peterhoro, a fir.st clas.s biikur, we are prepired to turn out thehu.st of every- thing iu our line. KrOfsl\ 15rt»t\Ll cili.vay« oil li;iii<t A. trial «olicitecl. Ed.Thoi^pson. Flesherton. r: Pasture to Rent Pa.stiire on h)ts 171 and 172, in the 2nd Con. N. K. T. and S. R., .Vrtemosia For ]))irticnlar.s see Joseph H. Watson, Portlaw P.O. Pure Bred English Berkshires and Tamworths. I havea fine I<'t of yminpc I'lBT" hred 4f"ni prize winiiint; stock, for sale. Write ine for prices. I can give .â- Â» liarK'iin a\w> c;narantee attsfaction on nil mail orders, For The Spring. We have a complete lino of Harimss and HaniessSundries, Whips, Bells, Pliish Ilu«8, Robes, Curry Combs and Brushes, Hoof Ointment. Gall Cure, Harness OU, Trunks, Valise" Telesc(>pe8, & Blacksmith's.Aprons. Look in and examine our stock o£ Horse Blankets. REr.\IKIN"0 PnOMPTLY DONB. O.W.Phillips, FLESHERTON, ONT. .^ (ieo. \V, ROSS, Ma.xweU P. 'The Police Trustees Public Notice. Notice is hereby given iW^the bylair prihibitinn eertain animals running at lari<e will oa strictly entorced this sumniej; and the public sra hereby cautiji against transKressinK the name.

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