Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Jun 1909, p. 7

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V INDIGESTION CURED EVIDENCE IN PLENTY Tcur Keightiors Can Tell You uf Cures by Dr. Williams' Pink Pill3. Every case of indigection, no matter how bad, can be cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Not only cured, but cured for good. That's ETEBYBODY TO FLY Aerial Passenger Service Begins Next Spring. The managing director of the Zep- pelin Airship Construction Com- pany, Herr Cclsmann, in a lecture at Strasburg, Germany, on Count Zeppelin's future plans, stated that the Count intended to establish a number of airship lines for the re- gular conveyance of passengers be- tween different towns. Count Zep- pelin had already been in communi- • vâ„¢ „.-, v,uiv,^» iv^i -u^^ .i..o.>, = ^'^^i*'^ with various municipalities, swe'epi-lg staUmen't Tnd you" a"re | *'^*^, )^ received promises of sup- quite right in demanding evidence to back it. And it is backed by evi- dence in plenty â€" living evidence among your own neighbors, no mat- ter in what part of Canada you live. Ask your neighbors and they will tell you of people in your own dis- trict who have been cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills of dizziness, palpitation, sour stomach, sicK port from some of the most import- ant towns in Germany. The Town Council of Cologne, for instance, is willing to invest £23,- 003 in the new company for the in- auguration of a line of airships T^bich will establish aerial communi- ration between Cologne and other important centres of population. The municipality of Duesseldorf is also willing to subscribe a substan headaches, and the internal pains L- , , j it -^ i t ^.i, cf indigestion. Dr. Williams' Pink I *^*' ^"^"^ ^""'"^'^^ ^^^ '='^P''''l -^^ '*»« Pills cure because they strike straight a,t the root of all stomach troubles. They make new, rich, red blood and new blood is just what the stomach needs to set it right and give it strength for its work. Mrs. Geo. E. Whitenect, Hatfield Point, N. B., says: 'I am glad to have an opportunity to epeak in favor of Dr. Williams' rink Pills, for they deserve all the praise that can be given them. I was a great sufferer from indiges- tion, which was often accompanied bj nausea, sick headache and back- ache. As a result my complexion was very bad and I had black rings under the eyes. I took a great deal cf doctor's medicine, but it never did more than g^ve me the most temporary relief. About a year ago I was advised to give Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills a trial. Before I had taken a couple of boxes I found new company. In some cases regular lines of airships will be estauiished, while in other cases pleasure cruises will take place at regular intervals. Herr Colsmann stated that 300 days per year are suitable for aerial voyages. The Zeppelin air- ships which will be useid for this purpose will carry a crew of six, including the engineer, and will be capable of conveying twenty pas- sengers. It is intended that each voyage shail last about seven hours, except in the case of longer-distance cruises from certain fixed towus to other towns. Two airships for the conveyance of passengers will be completed by the early Spring of next year, and two more will be ready by May. The first regular line af airships will be established between Due.s- seldorf and Lucerne, with Cologne, Bonn, Mayence, Frankfort-on- rehef and by the time I had used , ^^^^^^ Carlsruhe, Stuttgart, and a half dozen boxes I found myself j^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^_^ ^^ ^.^Hj feeling like a new woman, with a | ^ta^ti^^g gther lines of airships good appetite, good digestion, and ; ^.jn (jg established to connect other a clear compe.xion I can strongly towns with stations on the direct recommend Dr. Williams Pink Pills route-between Duesseldorf and Lu- for this trouble and advise similar sufferers to lose no time in taking them. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure all the troubles which have their ori- gin in bad blood. That is why they cure anaemia, indigestion, rheuma- tism, eczema, St. Vitus dance, par- tial paralysis, and the many ail- ments of girlhood and womanhood. Sold by all medicine dealers or sent by mail at 60 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, by writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- iville, Ont. 4<- FOREIGN POLICE itiEN. London Bobbies Carry No Clubs- Hoods for French Police. London patrolmen carry no clubs. Attached to the middle of the belt behind is a dark lantern. The cuffs of their coats have vertical stripes, blue and white, signifying rank and distinguished service. During the frequent showers and rains they wear little waterproof capes. Their silent regulation of street traffic by hand signals is a realization of per- fection. In Paris the ordinary patrolmen wear blue caps and coats and in Bummer white duck trousers. They carry short swords, says the Travel Magazine, rather as an emblem of authority, but in extreme danger use the flat side as a club. In a downpour of rain the Paris policeman hangs his cap on a hook in the back of his belt and draws over his head the hood of a short blue cape of heavy cloth. This hooded cape is called a capochon, and in its longer form, reaching to tlie knees, is used by civilians as well in cold or rainy weather. Accordingly at such times the streets of Paris seem to be alive with cowled monks. ' Recently the London plan for con- trolling vehicles has come into vogue successfully on the Paris boulevards. The policemen detailed for such duty wear white gloves and signal with white clubs. German policemen wear helmets and have a distinctly martial air. EEEFIII6 GEILBREN WELL. Every mother should be able to recognize and cure the minor ills that attack her little ones. Prompt action may prevent serious illness â€" perhaps save a little life. A ^ simple, safe remedy in the home is therefore a necessity, and for this purpose there is nothing else so good as Baby's Own Tablets. They promptly cure all stomach and bowel troubles, destroy worms, break up colds, make teeth- ing easy and keep children healthy and cheerful. Mrs. Jos. Levcsque, - Casselman, Ont., says:â€" "I have used Baby's Own Tablets and have i always found them satisfac- X •^ tory. My child has grown -f ^ ^ splendidly and is always good ^ ; ' natured since I began using '^ this medicine." Sold by me- ^ ' ^ dicine dealers or by mail at "f ^, ', 2a cents a box from The Dr. ^ ^ Williams' Medicine Co.. -l. ^ Brockville, Ont. 4 cerne. Herr Colsmann added that the German War Office has promised a subvention in support of the line connecting Duesseldorf with Lu- cerne in view of the military ad- vantages of establishing aerial com- munication in this part of Ger- many. Herr Colsmann concluded by stating that fares for aerial pas- sengers would be somewhat expen- sive at first, owing to the heavy cost of the upkeep of the airships. The costs would, however, natural- ly diminish in proportion to the general development of aerial na- vigation, so that in course of time aerial voyages would no longer bo a pastime for the wealthy, bub an ordinary means of communication, at any rate for the middle classes. 1, SICK S KWS IN S UMMER. Summer is the h&rdest tima for tha human, akin. Its delicate tiny pores, if worked under the best conditions, would hav<! a rough time because of the heat. How when they have to work when impaired or damaged by sunburn and heat spots ? No woi.der one has rough patches, (recklee, etc. Zs i-Buk heals sick skins. When a patch of skin on face, neck, or arms is blistered by the sun, apply Zam-Buk at once. It will cool and sooUie beautifully, and new skin will be quickly formed. When you are footsore, or have some chafed places, Zam-Buk will give you ease. When the mosquitoes raise lumps on you, Zam-Buk will stop that terrible itching and imarting. Keep Zam-Buk handy, use it freely, and this will be the happiest summei yon have ever spent, viewed from the skin health standpoint. All druggists and stores. CHANCELLOR AND PREACHER. Mr. Lloyd George is a Local Preach- er as Well as a Financier. Never before has England been able to boast of having a Chancellor of the Exchequer who can adorn a pulpit equally as well as he does the Treasury Bench. But Mr. Lloyd George manages to do both. When not engaged in financial problems or in "robbing hen roosts," he is to be heard preaching in his native tongue from the pulpits of many a Welsh Bethel. Several excellent stories connect- ed with the little Welsh Chancel- lor's preaching and fine eloquence have already been circulated, but one that has hitherto escaped pub- lication relates how, preaching one day, he took for his subject the Creator's wisdom and knowledge as to what is best for man, and he ex- horted his hearers, instead of re- belling against their lot, to believe in the doctrine that all things work together for good. Mr. Lloyd George wound up his address by saying : "The Almighty does with you just as a good gardener does with his flowers. He plants geraniums and heliotropes in the sunshine, because he knows they will grow better there, but he looks out for a shady nook for the fuchsias." Feeling pleased with the sermon, and, considering it a iielpful one, Mr. Lloyd George was not aston- ished when, upon leaving the chapel, an old woman rushed up to him and grasped his hand, saying ; "Oh, Mr. George, what a real helpful sermon yours was ! So prac- tical, so wise I" "I am delighted to hear it," he replied. "I only hope it may prove a help to you." "Yes, indeed, in double deed, it has helped me," »aid th« dame, "for never before have I ever been able to tell what was the matter with those dratted fuchsias!" WILL CHARGE THE BOOM. Realistic War Test to be Made at Portsmouth. Preparations are now being made at Portsmouth, England, for a rea- listic war test of the efficiency of tne harbor defences. In time of war, to prevent the entrance of hos- tile torpedo craft at night the nar- row entrance to the harbor will be closed by a heavy boom. Some na- val officers hold that a destroyer ^^ rushed at it at top speed might break her way through it or even leap over it. A crucial experiment is therefore to be carried cut. The old destroy- er Ferret, a vessel of 290 tons and 4,400-h.p., which under favorable conditions can steam twenty-seven knots, will make a rush at the boom, in circumstances as closely as possible resembling those of ac- tual war. For her attack a section of the boom will be laid out in the upper part of Portsmouth Harbor in shal- low water. She will then charge the boom at top speed. No little nerve will be required on the part of her officers and crew. The boom which is to be attack- ed is composed of heavy logs of timber about 300 feet long, placed a few feet apart, end-on to the line of attack. They are secured to- gether by numerous strong steel hawsers. On their seaward ends the top logs are studded with long steel spikes to tear open the hull of any boat which runs up against them and sink her. The width between the logs is not sufficient to admit the hull of even a destroyer. Some years ago a steam launch leaped over a less formidable boom at Berehaven. A Woman's Sympathy Are you dtscounisedT Is your doctor'i Bill a heavy financial load? Is your paia a heavy physical burden? I know whal these mean to delicate women â€" I have been dlscnuraeed, too; but learned ho^r to cure myself. I want to relieve your bur- dens. Why not end the pain and stop the doctor'a bill? I can do tlila tor you &nd Will If you will assist me. All you need do is to write for a free box or tiie remedy which has been placed In my hands to ba given away. Ferhapa this one box will cure you â€" It has done so for others. If so, I ahall bs happy and you wiU be cured for 2c (the cost of a bostaee stamp). Tour letters held conf*- Sentlally. ^wlte to-day for mv fr»e tre.it- imhC llBa F. B CUaRAH, WiBdaor. OnC Scales which can register the diff- erence in weight between a fly dead and alive have been made by a Cali- fornian jeweller. ONCE MORE THE PROOF IS GIVEN THAT DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CUBE EVEN INHERITED ILL-HEALTH. Charles Dayon Suffered from Early Youth, but the Old Reliable Kidney Remedy Banished Hie Ilia and Made Him Strong. St. George, Man., June 14.â€" (Special).â€" Yet another case in which ill-health inherited from parents has been vanquished by Dodd's Kidney Pills is that of Mr. Charles Dayon, a farmer well known in this neighborhood. "I suffered fro-m a number of .'Is from an early age," says Mr. Day- on, who is now thirty-two years oUi. "I inherited my trouble from my parents. I was weak, nervou* and run down. I suffered from Back- ache and my muscles would cramp. I had a heavy dragging sensati 'n across the loins. I was always thirsty ; I had great difficulty in collecting my thoughts, and my memory was failing me. "I was altogether in a bad way when I started to use Dodd's Kid- ney Pills, but they helped me al- most from the first box. They gave me strength and helped me so much in every wa.y that I am satis- fied a, little longer treatment will make me a well man." Mr. Dayon's symptoms were the symptoms of Kidney Disease, and Dodd's Kidney Pills cure every form of Kidney Disease no matter what stage it is in or how it is con- tracted. AFMID TO BRAG. "Brown must be terribly in debt." "What makes you think so 1" "He got a raise in salary the otner day and never said a word auout it. " As the Oil Rubs in, the Pain Rubs Out. â€" Applied to the seat of a pain in any part of the body the skin absorbs the soothing liniment under brisk friction and the pati- ent obtains almost instant relief. The results of the use of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil have sur- prised many who were unacquaint- ed with its qualities, and once known it will not be rejected. Try it. After making a most careful study of the matter, U. S. Government scientists state definitely that the common house fly is the principrl means of distributing typhoid fev- er, diphtheria and smallpox. WM son's Fly Pads kill the flies and the disease germs, too. Tommy looked for a long time at his father's moustache, in a con- templative way, then broke out with, "W'hen I grow up, shall I have feathers like father, mummy f WE CIVE YOU A TIPl Buy the genuine. "The D. 4 L." Menihol Plasters. Un- principled manufacturers are trying to take advantage of the great sale of "The D. A L." by putting up a eubstitute. Tlie genuine only made by Davis A Lawrenco Co. Many a man makes a noise like a pessimist in order to let the world know he is in it. ONE TEASPGONFUL of Painkiller in hot water sweetened will cure almost any case of flatulency and indigeRtion, Avoid sub- stitutes, there is but one "Painkiller"â€" Perry Davisâ€" 25c. and 50c. There are only 770,000 natives in all of Siberia. One trial of Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator will convince you that it has no equal as a worm medicine. Buy a bottle and see if it does not please you. "I think," said the merchant, "I'll have to dismiss your friend Polk. I never saw anyone quite so lazy." â-  Slow in everything, is he?" "No, not everything. He gets tired quick enough." No other fly killer compares with Wilson's Fly Pads. It has been proposed that the crater of Vesuvius should be used as a crematorium for the dead of all nations. Hard and soft corns cannot with- stand Holloway's Corn Cure ; it is effectual every time. Get a bottle at once and be happy. "Dear Teacher," wrote little Johnny's mother, â€" "Kindly excuse John's absence from school yester- day afternoon, a-s he fell in the mud. By doing the same, you will greatly oblige his mother." A Pill That Lightens Life. â€" To the man who is a victim of indiges- tion the transaction of business becomes an added misery. He can- not concentrate his mind upon his tasks and loss and vexation attend him. To such a man Parmelee's Vegetable Pills offer relief. A course of treatment, according to directions, will convince him of their great excellence. They are confidently recommended because they will do all that is claimed for them. It looks as though my marriage with Miss Mullins would have to be postponed." "What's the matter, old fellow?" "She got married to young Dobson yesterday." Try Murine Eye Remedy. For Rod, W»rt. Wearj, Watery KjM, Granulation, Pink Kye and Bye Mtraiiu .Marin* doejn't smartj Soothes Kye I'ain; is Compounded by Exper- ienced Pbyaioiant; Contains no Injurinua or Prohibited Drugs. Try Muriu for your By« Troubles. You will like Murine. Try It til jBaby's Ryes for Ho.-Jy Kyelldn. Drnegisti sell MuriuaatiOo. Murine Kye Remedy Co.. Chicago, will send you Interutiug Kye Uooke ITree. "My wife has that awful disease, kleptomania." "Is she trying to cure it?" "Well, she is taking something all the while." APPRECIATION. "And your wife aimed at and struck your head with the cup?" "Yes, sir." "Well, then, all I have to say is that you should be very proud of her." DOODS ' KIDNEY ^"->Ui It-.'"- Through indiscretion in eating green fruit in summer many chil- dren become subject to cholera morbus caused by irritating acids that act violently on the lining of the intestines. Pains and danger- ous purgings ensue and the delicate system of the child suffers under the drain. In such cases the safest and surest medicine is Dr. J. D. Kel- logg's Dysentery Cordial. It will check the inflammation and save the child's life. ISSIE XO. 25â€"09. PURIFYING RIVER WATER. Drinking-water is no* being pre- pared, says Nature, from the lower reaches of the Thames, and from many European rivers, which is as wholesome as any that can be ob- tained from th© mountains of Wales or Scotland. River water, which may carry hundreds of objec- tionable germs in every cubic cen- timeter, can, by the methods of purification now in use, be made entirely safe to drink. In truth, it would appear that such water is safer thaji some derived from sup- 'posedly 'nnocuous country sources. BRIDGET'S REQUEST. Servantâ€" "Please, ma'am, can you give m« my chadracter f" Mistreaa â€" "Certainly', Bridget ; but what do you want it for? You are surely not going to leave m« without giving notice first?" Servantâ€" "Oh, you never fear, ma'am, I'm not thinking of leav- ing you, but my sister's going to service, and she wants the loan of it." THE GREAT NORTH COUNTRY. Nimrod was a mighty hunter, but had he hunted in the "Tema gami" region he would have been a mightier one. Nimrod hunted for glory, but Temagamians hunt for game. Tho&e Indians "who made the first canoe of birch bark long ago, were our greatest benefactors. The children of these Indians know the canoe, and they know how to use it, and if you go to Temagami this summer they will paddle your canoe in their own superb way. They will be the best guides you ever had. Students who camp in summer along the Temagami lakes are able to do two years' work in one. Finest of fishing and hunting. Good hotel accommodation. Easy of access by the Grand Trunk Rail- v.-ay System. Information and beau- tiful descriptive publication sent free on application to J. D. Mc- Dooald, Union Station, Toronto, Ont. WOMEN MAV.<^= •wa ium» M e n •• you itart. •^fV;^ WH7 NOTVOUV mm, w'l\ utplalD all akoal tl. t«RSOX BROS.. Z7< Dandas St., yoa aould ^^ olstk. No «i â- sritk. Utkmti U *i 00 pu wt^mM eyar. ilUM, Wril* TORONrO, ONU Shepherds of Landes, Franco, walk on stilts, and think nothing of being perched up from dawn to dusk like this. TOP BUOaiES, equal to anything selling fron f!', to »»,), dellrered PHBiaHT paid at aa| station In Ontario for W3 to m _?"»/ S",*!^ teed, tio such ralue ever before offered iii t-""* da. Catalogue free. Other specjel Uue»-H»mea« and Orocerios.. _^ The Olsment Brown Trading Oo., Toronto, Ona WANTED. i-N OPINION. The opinions of other people would be more -nteresting if they did not conflict with our own. A Safe Pill for Suffering Women. • â€" The secluded life of women which permits of little healthful exercise, is a fruitful cause for the pains and lassitude that so many of them experience. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will correct irregularities of the digestive organs and restore health and vigor. The most delicate woman can use them with safety, because their action, while effec- tive, is mild and soothing. "Jenkins declares that where he was in Switzerland the mercury often dropped to zera at night." "That 3 nothing." "What's noth- ing?" "Zero." PA-TTBY WOMAN, liberal "*"»'• *°1*12 for dining-room "'"-k. watei ».6.0u pe« -nnth ApplY -lb. WollauO.- at. Cathanue.. . WOOL Wanted. Write meforprioatf and ui.irkeC ooudibi>.nt. WM. QRAHAVI, Dealer in Wool only, maeergreSt, Toronto. FEATHER DYEING Cl«uittig Mid CnrllDc Mid Kid Gloves cle»iMd ThaM eui be seat bj post, lo p«r <». th« bMt placa U BRITISH AMERICAN DYEINC CO, UOUTBEAIk GLASS WSIR.OCE AGESTS WASTED Ktofcll.h.d IIO*. <-aplta:. Fifty Th..u.an<l l-ovmda •untni. For-AgenoUs at B«repi«»»nted poiat^ I^TlBce of Ontario, address J. H. KWABT, Chief Afent, No. It Wellington Street East, Toreate. lor booklet " Olasi Inamaao*" twecgtTRteiAMPu" AGENTS >CASE WRITE >«? CATALOGUE Mm oa WOMUL Mnke t3 a Da; and etlab* li8h iM-rnianeutbutiaeMOA our oapital. Our blalb cLi^a KoojB aell oo llgni In CTery bouie, are quickly ured up and repeat oidaxe ooine (att, ExcluiiTe tep ritory Bl^en. The Somb SurrLT Oe, Drpt 60, TorOBto, Onk If allowed to roam over your house those few innocent-looking house flies may cause a real tragedy any day, as they are known to be the principal agents for the spread <f those deadly diseases, typhoid fever, diphtheria and smallpo.K. "I don't want my hair brushod ! over my forehead any longer," de- • clared Harold. "I want a crack ir it, like father's." ] The Home. ALEXANDER WARDEN. (Lat« trea*sr«r PrevbTkarimB Ofaurcli la OftiiMaJ BONDS AND STOCKS Cobalt itooks bouifht and >old on oomabeiea. 18 TORONTO STREIT, TORONTO. CANAO# Lou Dlateace Phoaeiâ€" Uain ZS70, Mkia Wl WARREN GZOWSKI & CO. Members Toronto aUick Exchante. rradera Bank BuUdlng, £i Broad Street TORONTO. NBWTORK STOCKS AND BONDS ;::,i2.s;in cobalt gjsjSiJLii'* Peak's Hair Grower 'WANTED Has nerer failed to at^p Fillinn Hair. It mmi- tively kills tlio D«.ndiull (ierm. Try it and be convinced for yourse'f. VOUR MOWEV REFUNDED IF IT FAILS Write (or Descriptlre Pamplilet. The Peak Mfg Co., 12S VIotoria 8t. Toronto, Ont- 1 i PERFECT CORN SALVE Sure Cure . riAitEb 25" D.HBauld3l£rcW-Jfo«o!i}: <i:^ to United Empir* 250 Western Oil anc Coal, 50 Wallaceburg Sugar', 20 :^terliiig Hank, 20 Trtibts and Guaranlcc, 10 Birbcck Loan (fully paid 4 percent), 50 Collingwood Shipbuilding^ 1000 Ba<lg;er, 200D Cobalt Gem, 300^ Diamond \'ale Coal. 1000 North Cobaltf 5000 Cobalt Dm velopment, lood ShaniroLk, 5000 .Maple Mountain, 20 Col- onial Investment, 3000 Cobalt M.ije5lio^ 1285 Rothschilds, 2000 Bailey, 2ooi Luckyboys, 260 Haileybury Silver. 16 King St. WoB» Toronto. FOR SALE MERCN & CO., WHY DO So many InsWutions devoted lo the higKef Edu- cabon select Befl pianos ? The fact that they uw wd prefer the BcD is evidence of cfisdnct merit I One follow! proiauonal advice in acquiriiw an educadoa, why not foUow pnfcMioaat euetom k buying Bell pianoe) The only piaooe with ihe illimitable Quick Repeating Acbea. • vVW^ 1» llimttaDle V.QUCS ^^^^^ ^a^ Send for (free) Catalogue No. 76. 11^ BEU- PIANO lOrAanCo^ tiwiW GUE.LPH.ONTAR»4 ANOTHER CASH PRIZE CONTEST ORANGE MEAT Announces a New Prize Contest MORE PRIZES THAN THE LAST The First Prize will again be a LIFE ANNUITY of FIFTY-TWO DOLLARS CASH Equal to One Dollar per Week Every Week during Lifetime A Saoond Priza of One Hundred Dollars Cash Two Prizee of Fifty Doilars Eaoh Ten Prizes of Twenty Collars Eaoh Ten Prizes of Ten Dollars Each Twenty Prizes of Five Doilare Eaoh One Hundred Prizes of One Dollar Eaoh CONUITION5 are similar to the last Contest, except that all Oranxa Meat Carton Bottoms must be sent in oa or before November 30th, 1909. Full partioQiara on prWate poet o»rd la erery picka4{e ot Orance Meat If ;ou eater thi» oonkeet, ooiaplata the blaak apaoe bvlow witk jruur naiaa aad a'tilra^s out It out and naall II to Oransa Meat, Rtn^stoii. tnt. It will eoHnt equ-U k > te.i eartwn butboniA. ;t^o*^°^;. ,.*' iSO'' ^« ^*:> yf **" ,V,af lA* ivf' .•»' ,f'- l^.^\' »*• k4*«^

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