Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Jun 1909, p. 8

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THE F L E S H E R T N ADVANCE June 1719.)9 <-<::'^ i-i DOMIE^ SPORTS AT SHERTON ON LY 1ST, 1909. H«nor Rolls. Report of 8. S. No. 17, Artemeiio, f-.r the month of Miiy. NHiiiea in order of luerit, Ch«H 4 •râ€" ♦Edgar Oilmon, *Ern«»t . RuMel, ♦Arthur 01i»rd, *Uitrley Philliiw, I VAA... IVl.:..- A Prairie Rosetown Kddie White, CU»8 4 jrâ€" AUie McDowell, Nellie Finh'-r. KuHt ill iprlling, £d)(ar GiWson. I Cla»» a erâ€" ♦LiU Fiiher, *U»;U B«Hi. I Equal in 8|>rlliiig. I Cl*(<« 3 j.- -♦Bertha White, *5^^^"^?"^^^^"^^^^"^!^^'^^H"^^^^^^^^'^"^^^"SS^W^"""""^^~â„¢ Smith, Allie May Genoe. A very Urge and enthuHiaHtic committee have thiH niatt«r in hand â€" Imckt; i . V f' with aliout $700.00 in cfuth and we are U.und U> make thia the greatest day's ajiort I CI«iM<2â€" Hrrhie Bett», ♦Artie Porteou«, ever held in the county of <»rey. We have made an-anginenta with the C P. R. : L<)rne Atkinsor, *Violet •Smith, for the convenience of all who wi.sh t<j come by train. I'aHttengerH from Owen j Besi in NDellinif Horbie Brlt^. Part 2â€" 'Sarah White, Letta Partridge. Ue*t in apelliiif;, Letta Parlrid^a^ Sound to Fleaherton and intermediate atAtionn will take the morning tram due at Fle»ihert4m at 8.:10 a. m., ami return by regular tmin due to leave FlenherUm i.'M ; p. in. PnHxcngerN fniiii <)i°angeville to FleMherton and interinc<liat« atationH will al«o take the regular morning train leaving Orangeville 10. 00 o'clock a. m., an-iv- ing in Fleaherttjn l!i. 00 o'clock noon. Then for the convenience of iwsseiigcrH from Walkerton, Lucknow, Durliam, Saugeen Junction and intermediate poiiitx, we have chartered a train which will leave Walkerttin at (S.4o a. in., anivinj^ in Flexhert^iD 8.25 a. 111., returning Hame evening leaving Fleaheiton 7.45 p. in., arriving in Walkerton 9.40 p. m. j Below i» a list of the princi{Ml aporta and atti-actiona : Horse Races I Open trot or p^e, punie tlSO.OO Ist tl00.03 2iid 150.00 .*hd |:W.OO 2 :W trot or puce, purne 120 03 60.00 40.00 20.00 3.00 trot or pace, purne 80,00 4000 25.00 15.00 Entrance fee, 3 |ier cent, of purse and 6 per cent, additional of the amount won to winnern. Four to enter and three U> atari in each claaa. 3 MILE MARATHON Â¥<HYr RACE Jn a pui-ae of $;«0.00 lat flo.OO 2nd $10.00 :Vd $5.00 Entrance fee $1 .00 and 5 per cent additional of the amount won to winner*. Four t4> enter and three to aturt. MEN'S RACE ONCE AROUND THE TRACK Puree $10.00 l«t $5.00 2nd $;{.00 3id $2.00 Entrance fee 60c. 4 to enter 3 to stare. MEN'S 100 YARD RACE Piirw $0.00 l8t$:i.00 2ik1$2.00 3id fl-CO 4 to enter 3 to^tart. Entrance fee 50c. BOYS' RACE UNDER 16 YEARS 203 yd race, purse $«.00 1st $3.00 2nd $2.00 3id $1.00 3 to Ntait, no entrance fee. LADIES' RACE 100 YARDS, OPEN TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE FAIR SEX Purge $0.00 IhI $3.00 2nd $2.00 3id 11.00 3 to start. No entrance fee. G1RI>»' 100 yd RACE, 12 YEARS AND UNDER Pune $4.50 Ist $2.00 2nd $1.50 3 to start. No entrance fee. D(Xi RACE ONCE AROUND TRACK FOR A PURSE OF $10.00. Ut $5.00 2nd 13.00 3rd $2.00 Entrance fee, 5 jwr cent, of purse, and 5 jier cent, of the amount won, to win- ners. 3 to enter, 2 to start. Tliu moat attractive feature of the day's sport will lie the comiiiittee race once around the track. About 'M of a committee indisguise, will take |mit in this mcit. The first prize will l>e a Imjx of 50 10c cigars, doiiattnl to the winner, by J. W. Charles of H. P. Eckhanlt & Co., Toronto, wlmlewile grocers. The second prize i will be a Ikji of 25 10c cig-.irs. donated by C. H. Munshaw, hotel keejier, Flcsher- ton. The fat and the lean, the long and the short, the wide and the narrow will take {jail in this race , Mr. HecUir McDonald, Highland iiijier, aiidJoKaie McDonald, Highland dancer, have lieen engaged for the day and will asaist the cnterUiinei-s at the coiicert,in the evening. The FlesherUm Citizens' Band have been engiged and will enliven jiroceedingH throughout the <lay. The concert in the evening promises to la) the most succes-sful event of the Vmd. ever held in this town. Mr Bert Harvey, comic, and Mr. Frank K. Beiii- rose, classic tenor, Mr. Hector McDonald, i)i|>er, and Jessie McDonald, Highland Scotch dancer, have lieeii engaged. The program will Ihj exellent. J. A BOYD, Secretary. Part 1 Bf â€" *Irene Smith, Porteoui, Jean Millan, Frank Churlic Stafl'ord. Best in spoiling. Irene Pearl Porteout. Part 1 jr â€" Berlie Porteous, Lily Fi»her, Clitford Partridge. ♦â€"Those perfect in attendance. Avenige attendance, 23. L. Maidment, Teacher. Another new western town has been heard from. This one is called Rosetown. Our young friend, Mr. Edgar Bellamy, is located there and writes llie Advance fts follows : liand here is selling at an extremely reasonable figure and will increase in value, by leajw and Isiunds fi-oiii this time on. People are daily )H)uring in from all ijuarters of the gIol)e, some in search of 1 homesteads fuitlier west, others to pur- Wotsie cliase land, and some to setUe on land already purchased. This jjoint is the proposed junction of the Canadian Northern railway, Saska- toon-Calgary main line, and the Canadian Pacific Moo.sejaw-I.rficomb branch. The Canadian Northern is already built and the Canadian Pacific surveyed across at ♦Pearl ^^^'* l***'"'- Botts i ' notice that Mr. Heath has mentioned I seeing me. I have met him several times Smith And ""'' *'"*^ *'"'' ''® '" ''"''' "''^hing the I western spirit, which, when once ac- Report of S. S. No. 7, Artemesia. . Class 4 â€" May Muir, Katie MacMilkn, Willie Oliver, Ella Gilchrist, C'Ura Gilchrist. Class 3 srâ€" Lily McPliail, Eddie Ding- I (juired, is fatal to any fond intention to return to the ea^t to reside. The s«mnd of hammer and saw scarcely ceases here in Rosetown . It is the last sound one hears l>efore falling asleep and the first greeting when one awakes in the morning. The Advance comes regularly and is much apjireciated in its new funn. 3rd $1.00 I wall. Vera McLean. Clasa 3 jr â€" Olive Henderson, Archie Whyte, Lottie Muir, Walter Williamson. Class 2 sr â€" Ral))h Willuiinson. Class 2 jrâ€" Ethel Gilchrist, Duncan MacMillan, Wilfred Pai'slow. Part 2 sr â€" Mary Whyte. Part 2 jr â€" Frank Williamson, Bobs Meads, Jim Whyte. Part 1 sr â€" Peter Muir, Elvada Hender- son, Elmer Muir, Annie Gilchrist, Anna White, SUiiley White. Part 1 jr--Ruby Muir, Watters, Allie Paifilow. Averoge attendance, IV). Makoaket Grant, Teacher Meliaâ€" Chlslett. for GEO. MITCHELL, PrcKidelit. 1?= NORRIS BROS. ~yXarelw{. ^, e/^/iam.s ano I Jin it/ii Report of Eugenia Public School, Alay. Cla«s 4 sr â€" Liurie Fisher, Russel Mc- Mullen, Elsie Armstrong. CIass4 jr--L>uieHiKlop, Addie Wilson, the I Fred Plant, Mae Park, Millie Campbell. Clnps 3 sr â€" Harcdd McLean, Charlie Fisher, Charlie Park. Class 2 aa â€" Jessie ArmitronK, Dola Wilson, Allie Williams, Charlie Willitms, Wes. Wilson. Cl.iss 2 jr â€" Wet. Litimer. Part 2 sr â€" Loone Pedlar, Barbara ArmKtroiig, Noa Williams, Maigia I'ark. Prtrt2jr â€" Walftco Ainintronjf, Wilfred McMnsti'r, Willie Walker, Winnie Fisher, GeuiKe Field, (jordoii Wil.son. Mi»s K. Calder, Teacher. A very pretty wedding was lolemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Stoner, Balmy Villa, Balmy Beach, on Wednesday evening, JVine Oih, when Marie E. Chislelt of Swinton Park, was united io marriage to Charles M. Melia, of Flesher- >on. The bride who was given away by her father, was daintily gowned in cream silk wiih tulle veil and wreath of orange blusBoms. iShe wa« attended by Mils May Martin of Newcastle, and Mr. Biggs of Toronto acted as best man. The I ceremony was performed by the Rer. B. Beatrice \ ^' Black of Kew Beach Presbyterian church. The wedding music was played by Miss Caroline W'eist of Williamsport, Pa. After the reception Mr. and Mrs. Melia left fur I heir own home, mid a shower of confetti and good wishes . •>/» ][ «9 How about thai leaky loof 7 The wood shiiii^Ies are n<it »o good as ill days of yore. The iron shingles i.ie ton dear, but here 'b the remedy (Paroirf) rejidy roll inufmif, fully guiraiitped alul put on com- pldtu on any buildiog by expert roofers. The price is $2.90 a square. Nmw is the time to prcpire to battle with the flies and mos- quitiies. The first »tei) i-s ti purchase screen d^ioi-s and windows and our stock is uiiPicelleu. Prices ranue for door* from 80c to $2.15 ea'.'h. Windows, 18o to 35c e«ch. We have an extra goi.d i|uality of oils fir this soason . Don't buy till ymi examine our MnohineOil, (;«htor Oil, Cylinder Oil, Boiled and Raw Lidnurd t)il and Suparat'ir Oil. We always have the best giade of Coal Oil, Turpentine and gasoline and our prices will inlcrest you. When it comes to piinls and dry colora our goods ipcak for theiiis«'l»e«. Buy a "iiiall iiin and we aie ssiislicd that you will come here for the larger can wheu there is more paiuting to be done. Kjlesfierti on Onta no. NERVOUS, LIFELESS DEBILITATED MEN YOUNG MEN AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN, th«! virtiiiiHDf fArly liHllMcrt>tionH and later ex* <-(>Hiu^, who Bre fnllureii tn Uf«- you are tho oneawn ran rfHt^ire to inanhmxl ami revive tho H|Mrk of eiKTKy and vitality. l><in't give up In (It'Hpnir lM*<*nnHe voii have treated ulth oth*'r (loctoin. iiHftl eleirtrlo belta and tried varloiiH (triit; Kti^re nostrums. Otir Naw Method Trcatmant liaa Rnatiihed hiindrtMlst from tliA hrink of deapair, ha« re- Htori'd iiapiiineart to liundn'ilH <>r lioineH and haa niMlt! KUfceiwf 111 men of thone who wern "down and nut.** We iireKcHIm aperlflo rem- (Mllca for each Individiml ennti aeuordinf^ to tho Kyniptoinu and c'onipliratlonH we have ni> patent nietltrlnea. Thia iti one of thei net-rets of oiir wonilerfiil anocvfts aH our treatment can- not fall, for we j>re»*cril>e renietlleH adaptetl to ea<>h Individual <-aae unly ciiratde oatiefl ai>- c«*pt*Mt. W* have don« DU$in«M throughout Canada for OTor 20 Yaart. CURABLE CASES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY victim? UiiVH you lost I hope'r Aru von intondiufc to marry? [>d been iilHcaMt'dy }1av» you any weak'neflsr Our Naw Method Traatmont will cun» you. \VImt It Iikh dime for others It will do for you. Cofuullalton Fre«. No nmtter who has treated yon, write for nn honest oninlon Fr«« of Charg*. Book* Fr«aâ€" 'iioyhood, ManbrkMl. Fatherhood.' UHusirat READER rpeH, llttH your bIfHMl l>m*ii eU> ou l)lH(;Meii of 31eo. NO NAMES USF-D WITHOLrr WRITTEN CONSENT. No namMon boxc* or •nnl- •DM. ErcrTthiiK Confidential. Quotion Lul and Cott of TrHtmont FREE FOR HOME tfcEATMENT. JDR8.K£NNEirr&KENNEDY ''.or. Michigan Ave. and GrIswoldSt., Detroit, Mich. Report of S. S. No 11, Oaproy, for May. Names in order of merit. Class 5 â€" Viva Scilley. Class 4 sr â€" Nellie Jamie.son, Scilley, Mabel Young. Cla-^»3»râ€" -MtieUown. Winnie Scilley, i hy 11 votes by James ]l:tllid»y, family Five horsts were burned in a fire at Wiarton. The brick residence of Geo. Leach, Sydtnhani, cau);ht tire from a chiiBiii«y spark and was burned to the gr<.uiid. L'iK6 S1500, insured for $500. A little fiirethimsfUt may save yon no end of trtut)le. Anyiine who makes it a rule to keep Chamberlain's Colic, Cb<)l<?ra and Diarrhoea Keiiitdy at liaml knows it to be a fact. For i>ale ly W. K. Itic:lmr(li<(in. Edward Everett Hal-j wis allnwed out Oil suspended sentenod for lijtimizing I (several Owen Sound citizenti nn a miii- ini{ deal. - I J. E. Cainphcll of Hepworth, drujgi.st and manufacturer, haa lietiu api>oiuted Canadian Trade Coinuii.ssio.ier at Leeda, I Enjihind, by the Dominion (iovern iiient. Mr. Cuuipbsll w«H Reeve of Ut-p worth last year, was Reeve of .Vnubel for several year.s under t!ie old county council system, and cnnte*ied North bruco in tho liberal iutereela three times being defeated ny one vote on oiih occ.ision and ex- AI. Percy L"Ui{heed, Louio WintetN, M illie Parker, Nelson Arnott, Hartley Arnolt. Class 2 «râ€" Alice Winters, Mary Park- er, Harold Louijhoed, LilyAinott, IJertie Young, Alvin Grummet, Jno Winters, Clara Smith, Cliflord Smith. P. Mr. Campbell ih prominently idenlilied with the business interests of Hepworth and will be much uiiaRed in thut villaije. His appointment is a popular one. An Illinois editor biigan his career Pitt 2 srâ€" Haniia Scilley, Willie y"«" »K'> w'lli only 15 cents and is now Winters, Hugh Parker, Karnie Unrdy, I/"""! «» *100,000. This \a.stHccumlation Wiliiia Down, Lily Hardy. Part 1 jr -Gertie Grummet, Era Arnott, Vi Loupheed, Julia Winteia. Part 1 sr â€" Isabel Winters, Jennie Win'iri, Addie Grummet, Pait 1 â€" Minnie Deinens, Adrian Demeiis, Part 1 â€" Norman Parker, Alice Arnott, Rolitoii Wetherall, Alary $%cilley. Ina A. Lillioo, Teacher. Report of Flesherlon jmblic school, junior department, for June. Junior 4 (a) -Percy LeOard, Aluda Mitchell, Mildred Wright, Klo Lever, Wilfred Watson, Leeui Blakely. Junior 2 (b) â€" Clara Lever, Wilfred Teeter, Reuben Carjjo, Minerva Tucker. Part 2 Altneda LeGard, Bobs Trimble, Mabel Thompstm. Senior 1 (a) - Mary Colgan, Mabel Fields, Shirley Murray. Senior 1 (b) â€" Wesley Armstrong, Viola McClncklin, Violet Watson, Rone Cargo. Junior 1 (a)- Clarence Fisher, GUdyi Lover. Junior I (b) â€" Marguerite Runstadlor, R. N. Corntiold, Hpnha'Sinith, Frank Runt. Average attendance, 49. M. Thur«ton, Teacher, of wealth was made possible by his frugality, strict attention to business, hard and incessant work, an 1 the fact that a rich uncle died leaving him W,!»98.55. Pai i.s of women, head pains, or any pain stopped in 'J(t minutes sure, wiih Dr. Shoop'a Pink Pain Tablets. See full formula on 25o. Box. Sold by all deal- ers. iii[ mm. Carefully Corrected Each Week Oata 43 to 4.3 Peas 90 to 90 Bsriey (K) to CO Wheat lOO to 100 Hay 7 00 to 8 00 Butter 16 to 18 Eggs, fresh 17 -o 19 Potatoes per hag 75 to 7" Oecse .... 10 to 10 Ducks 10 to 10 Chickens to 8 Turkeys 14 to 14 Wool 20 to 22 For a Sprained Ankle. Ah nsimlly treated, a »|ii'anii'<l ankle will ilixable tli« injured |n'i'Mnn fora month or more, l>Mt liy a|i|>lyinR Chninlierlaiii's Ijini'nent aiui oliHtTviii); the dir«<:tions with each Imttlu faithfully, a I'liif may Ik- effi-cted in many cases in IcHH than onu week's time. I'his liniment is a ni'Wt remarkable preparation. Try it for a Mprain or bruise, ir wlieii lai<l up witti chronic or niuseiilar ihenm.ttioiii, and youaie certain to be (leli(?h'.«d with the prompt rulief which it affords. I'orsalcby W. K. Ilichardsnn. MAKE MONEY. SelliiiK Pelham's I'eerless Kriiit and Ornamental trefs, shrubii, etc., during the winter imintlis. We offer you stead j and profitable employment in your own district at Rood pay. WK HAVK OVKKtitK) ACKKS of choice nursery Ht<K5k which V m will sell direct to your cuntomers. No diseased or dried out Anicrican stock supplied. Kitablished over 8(1 years. Write for p»rtiCTdar». . . Pelbam nursery 0o* Toronto, Ont. Carrj^ f ID YOU EVER FIGURE THE COST of a single day's baking â€" the material, fuel, time and labor â€" and consider that it is all wasted if the baking is a failure? Is it economy, then, to use a flour of uncertain quality when a few cents more will buy Royal Hoosehold Hour â€" a flour that you can depend upon to produce light, crisp and wholesome bread or pastry? It is made from selected hard wheat, milled by a most modern process which guarantees absolute purity. Royal Household Flour docs not vary in quality â€" does not disappoint. ^7 •filvie FlMT lEIIb Ct.. Uadlci. HMfreiL >!•«••••*••••â- *••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •«••••••••>:, •••• •••• ••••â-  •••• •••J •••• â- >•• •••• •••• •••• â- â€¢â€¢â-  â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••• ..•• •••• •••• •••• â- .•• •••• »•• •*•• •••• â- Â«â€¢â€¢ •••• â- >•• CEYLON'5 BUSY STORE I :::: ^as, iPattison, Cei/ion, Ont, :| c/enerat •^i.ti'ehant. We have a good supply of Screen doors on hand from $1.00 to 2.00 each. Also Window Screens at 250 each. For the balance of this week we Avill sell Granulated Sugar, either St. Lawrence or lied Path at $5.00 per 100 lbs. We have still a little Clover Seed left. We have also Buckwheat and Rape Seed for sale. The very best Flour always on hand, also Ontario Bran and shorts and Feed Flour. Highest Market Prices paitl for all Farm Produce. Pl£i,n.ts For* Sa.le Here. ••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• ••••••• • •••••• !•• • • • ^[Societies BrsiXE.ss Cards k eetB ou the last Monday .WALTEK LOUCKS iioiitti, in tlieir lodge room " . Builder and Cont U W mee 1 eaoli moiitti, in tlieir lodge rooiu I " Builder and Contractor Norria' lilock. Flefliertco, at 8 p.m. M. W., For Itrick, Stone aud trams residences. Es- Milu» Tliistletliwaite; Itec, C. H. MunHliaw; j tliuatog cheertull.v turrished, FleEbertou F o- Fiu., W.J. lieliBiny. ViBitiBRbvetbreE iLViteu | Outarlo. PHINCB ARTHUK LODOE, No. M3S, A.P.4 A IX, meets in tbe Masonic hall. Arm- HtronK'K Hall Klesliertoii. every Krlday on or before i.bu full icocn . TUos. Ulakely.W.U.; Horb.diuitb, HsLreiary. MOULLOUGH & YOUNG "*• haukeiB .Markdale flo a geoeral banking business . Monev loaned at reasonable ratei' Call on us. COURT FLKSHEKTON. 9a^, I. 0. F. u-eotsin Clayton's lllot^k t)i« last Wednesday eveuing of each month. VisltluR Foresters heartily | welcome. II. It., Uvson; U. H., T. Hebry; Fin. Kec, C. N. Hiohardson. t'leaHo |iay dues to Fin. Bee. before tlie first day of tho month. TvJHlSl.KTT, • Postuiahter, Ceylon. Commissiouer in H. c. J , Conveyancer, deeds. lUortKaRes, leaseK, wills etc. carefully drawn up- .olUctioub mad... charyes reaHoniblo. Aleb- groceries, flour, feed etc. kejit in stock. Prices CHOSEN FhlENDBâ€" Fleaherton Council of Chosen Friends nieets in Clayton's hall first and third Wednesday of efccb month H p. m Pay assessments to the l{e<>order on or before toe first day of each month. Chief Councillor T. lllakelev; Recorder. W. H. Buut. STEADY EMPLOYMENT For A Keliable Local Salesman REPRESKNTIN(} Canada's Oldest and Greatest Nurseries IN Flesherlon And Adjoining Country. You will find there is a good demand for Nursery Rtocic on account of the high prices that growers have realized ou tbtir fruit this season. Our salesmen are turning in a big buiineasto us this year. Be one of them ana earn good wages throngh the winter months. Torrltorv reserved. Pay Weekly. Free •aniiilu outfit, etc. Writ* for particulars. 8 TONE & WELLINGTON Fonthlll Nurserie* (NO torea) TORONTO OnUrio p J 8PK0ULE «* Podtmaeter, Flesberton ,.,onimissioner in H.O .).. Auctioneer w'"^°t'""; /*l''"''''»«'- »°<> Money Leade Keal Estate and Insurance Agent Deeds mortgages, leases and wills carefully drawi> up and valuations made on shortest notice 'Z^nL'°i??" V i""*" 'â- "«' °' interost.:Co'. lections attended to with promptStst chargea low Agent for Ocean Domiuioo Staamship Company. A call solicited. D. *A°^":^'^v Idoena«l Auctioneer for the U- County o^ Grey. Terms moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. The arrangementi and dates of sales can be made a', Thk ADTMroJ cmmwtloT ""' *'-°- • ^^^'O"' Telephou; Dec. 0.07. ' L. W KAITTINO. Uceosed Auctioneer for Far,,, .„H a,"'",!'"'*? °' "^"r »""> Slmooe. Jarm and Stock sales a specialty. Termi Ill^^fl','* ""'''""o" gnaraSiled."^ Arrange nients for dates may be made at the Advance S?lâ„¢'S^*' ^l H"»»>)lnson's store, [.eversham' ?!''>' »<i<lâ„¢asing me at Feversham, Out. U,i 13, con. 18, Oaprey, QAROEN SEEDS! GET THEM MERE Field and ganlen seeds â€" kindsâ€" Steel-MriKK". the best on the market. These in- clude mangolds, cor<l, snirar beet :, peas, etc. llKDIUNi; l'ii.\NTS IN SK\HON. Klonr and Feed as usual. ^^ Wright's Grocery FLESHERTON. JJUpp MATHBW8. Markdale, Licensed " auctioneer for the county of Qrev Good service at reasonable rata*. Datee " oau be made at The Advance. 1 o C» Legal m H. WRIGHT, Barrister. Solicitor, OonTAv. "ancer, etc.,â€" Owen Hound, and Flesberton N Bâ€" e bertou olfloe. Sproule's Blojk every Baturd Medical f\R CARTER ^ MO P* 8 Ont Phyelclan, Surgeon, • Offloe ana resideuoeâ€" Peter at., Flesberton JP OTTEWELI, Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, resideuoeâ€" ssooud door south west*oB (tary street. This street runs south Presbyterian Church. n WILSON, Blacksmith ~ "• 'iraduato of ae Veterinary Science Association Hesldonce, Durham street op oaite Hiyd, Hioklibg 's hardware. Dentistry Dr. B. C. MURRAY L. D. S., dental snrgeon honorgraduate of Toronto University and Uoyal ('ollege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario (las aduiinlstoved for teeth extraction UlHce at ro8idence,Toronto Street, Flus^ortoo V

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