Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Jun 1909, p. 1

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< ) /kaii^rtun 2l>t>atii^£ •^^ figures''; TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" '• PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN." '»\«l : VOLXXV, NO 1339 Flesherton, 0;T.t., Thursday, June 24 1900 .W. H THDRSTON '•J^.rrp'koPBir.TOB M 3ewelkry! s^ Jewellery! ^, * ^^ ^. Biddest,Be$t mU .,.,^ and Co west ;^ Priced Stock ^4 in t:ie 0ount» Reliable Dealing Urmstrong's Tlesberton. Kimbcrley. Very warm weather at time of writing. Ml. Chas. E. Stuart returuuJ fri)m Gowganda uii Saturday litist. Mr. Sliaw of Kolupore was a visitor at M. R. Hammond's on Sunday la.st. Reeve Ellis is atleridiu); County Ciiuncil at Owen Sound, this week. We are sorry to report Mr. W. C. Harris i 1 with typhoid fever. 1 he picnic held hero on Friday after- noon last, under the auspices of the 0. O. F. and W. I., was well attended considoriiig the fact that there are pici.ic» «nd <;ardeii parties most every dty in siine cf the neinhborin^ vIUku'cs or tlam- Itts. The afternoon wu.s whiled away in »p 'rta of all kinds, running, junipiui;, f(«)tball, and txisehall ina'clie.s. The Idcals won the football prize, 110.00, by defeating Duncin, score 1-0, whie Redwing baseball team w»ii a iiimiliar amount by defeatin;; Flesherton s.iine ^ runs. Clarksburg band was in attend- ance and furnished an abundance of excellent mueio. Quite a number fr.nn here intend txkini: m the excursion to Guelph on Wednesday of this week. Miss Mae \Vickens who has been in Toronto for s une lime, has returned home. Born â€" At Kimlierley, on Fri<'ay, June 18th. to Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Weber, a dau);bter. Congrntulationi. The Misoes Frances aud EnU Hurd, Eva Magee and Elvie Bishop of Meiiford, are holidaying at their ruspectivo homes here. Mr. \V. S. Bishop and Master Vernon were iu Meaford on Saturday last. We are p'eased to have our piistnr. Rev. J.R. Wilkiubon, wiih usforano'iier year. Mr. and Mrs. John Plewee drove over to Holland Centre on Friday l.-tst. Mensrs. Hugh and John Manary «f Beaverdale, visited friends here on Baturday and Sunday last. Maxwell Items Rev. H. E. Kem|), Walter Falls, was a visitor at Mr, D. K. Preston's and Mr, JaiiicK Buckingham's l».st week. Mi-H. Charlie Heron received the sad news of her brother's death a few days ago. The Institute ladies H|ient a pleasant afternoon last Thunwlay with Mrs. Kyckni.-in. We ;«•© very son-y to hear of the seri- ous illness of Miss Mary Jane Sterling. Mrs. Neil McLean and son silent Sun- day at Mr. W. H. Guy's. MisM Jessie Cameron vi.mted with her sister, Mi-s. W. H. Guy, on Sunday. Old Durham Road. Biirn raisings have been the order of the day the jxist week . Mr. Wni. White, jv. , who had his liarn burned last year, raiseil another bent to the one that he moved on to the old foundation, which completes a very tino Iwfn, After the raising the men turned in and worked like Ihjcs and finished the boarding in. Mr. James Hcid hiid also a very suc- cessful raising Friday and Saturday. This is a splendid Imrn (uui reflects great cre<lit on Ixith owner and workmen. Mr. John McDonald did the framing and Mr. Conn, who is ((uito an pxi)ert at the business, did the raising with block and tikckle . The usual concourse of ladies brightened the occasion with their pres- ence and they also deserve no leas prai.se for the way in which they dicF their jiart. Rev. L F. Kipp's student a.ssistAnt pretiched at mr soIuk)! Sunday evening and gsive a very intere.sting address, his subject lieing "Who c;in lie saved ,' " and he showetl very explicitly the privilege of all who are willing to turn from sin. The ChrLstian Alliance jieople of Hojhj- ville are holding their annual convention this week. .V number of aide sjjeakers from Toronto are present. No doubt there will Iw good meetings. Victoria Comers Inistioge l»a.seball te»ni is coming out some this snnni'er. They played Dun- dalk at Bethel garden jwrty and CorlK' t- ton at Prot<m garden jjarty, being win- ners on Ixith occasions . Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fatten were out in their new suiTay lii.st Sunday. Don't forget Inistioge garden \raxty on the 28th. We are pleiused ti> he.ir that Mr. C. Moore is recovering from his shock of lightning. We are sony to know that next Sun- day Mr. Laidlaw will j>reach his farewell sernion. Mr. Geo. Hoore and C. Ekins are vis- iting friends at th'illia and Hawkstone. Mr. W. Heard, sr., has returned fron>. visiting friends at He^peler. Mr. Jackstm Little of Toronto, and his father of Owen Sound, visited at Geo. Moore's i>ver Sundjiy. Proton Station Tlie garden party held last Thursday under the auspices of Knox church Ladies' Aid, was a decided success. In spite of the dull d.iy a large crowd cjime to enjoy theniselvoK. Proceeds S40. Mr. and Mrs. R. Little, Wareham, Kpeiit Sunday at the hitter's home, Snu- geen Junction. Mr. Hardy Patton and Mi.ss U. Sharpo, Dundalk, spent Sunihiy with Mr. and Mi-s. Jos. Park. Mr. and Mi's. X. McC'aiinel and family sjjent Sunday with friends at Boothville. Mis,ses Ida ami Chun Binnie sjwnt Suiid.-vy under the parental roof. The whole coniiiiunity wish to express their deejiest syin}withy with .Mr. and Mi-s. M. Duncan aud family in their .sad Ijereavement. Miss Alma Lyons, Mt. Denis, is visit- ing her cou.sin, Miss Ida Park. M i.s.-ies Mallei McI.ieJiii and Ethel Lud- low are spending a few days in Piiceville this week. Priceville railway bridge crossing the Sangeen here. He Willi completely cut in two. On the Ifith of rfctober, alMJut 4 o'chick in the afternoon, it will lie hi) years since Mr. Nat Whitinore tirst sjiw Durham. He was then nearly ten years of age and making his w.iy to a bush farm in Glen- elg. He came fi-oiii Smith's Falls by ( way of the Rideau canal, and on his ti-ip here jwissed through Kingston, Tonmti), Hamilton, Dundas and other phives that have since risen to imrxirtanee. Fifty- uine years ago, and yet Mr. Whitmore has never since been even to Torout<i or- Hamilton, notwithstanding our rsiilw-iy facilities and the many cheap fares and excursions to these plaies. When he came to Glenelg tifty-nine yeais ago, there was no Mt. Forest, and Durham was a wilderness with the exception of one or two houses in the vicinity. Not- withstanding the fact that Mr. Whit- more has travelled but little, he is a great reader, and has a wide r;inge of historic il knowledge, and a good idea of things in genei-al.â€" Chronicle. Port Law children spent Sui.d.y with friends in Ounilalk. Mr.s. .John Stewart and children of Po- wassHii are tli-i guests of hec brulher,Mi. Tom (iilldand. Picnics from all parts come t i viiit our lovely scenery. Friday the A.O.C.W. piimic was h-ld| heiv «iid 'i.i Saturlay a lariie picnic caoie from Ueiwtng. They were both jolly atfairs. Mr. Shiii HoUey of Vandeleur was a visitor kI Mr. U >liert (lenoe's Sunday. M'. and M-s. P*rk visited Piiceville I fiiends for a shoit lime recently. One of our young lieu g 't list in the bush recently. Atter Hnunderiiig through swHiii|i and creeks he at lust retched clraiel g'ouiui after having beKii hIiiii si devoured by in< S'piitos aud black Uies. The Methodist people feel very mrry over the removal of their pastor, R»v. Mr. Lnidlaw, as durinit his pxstorate at Eugenia he made a grent many warm friends anionust nil cU-int s. His ^<hice will liu d thcult t4i hll III the he<r;s of the [jeMple, sim.ng wlioiii for thd past two years he has labored faithfully. Mr. John Keiii:ihan of T"ronro is vis- iting his cousin, Mr. John K. Jamieson, he heiiin ni poor health. He hopes the James Corntield is again around after a severe attack of appendicitis. Mr. J. A. Tliompson and wife visited ^countiy air may beneht him friends at Maple Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson of Toronto and Mi-s. R. Corntield visited at Mr. J. Coi-ntield's. X young l.ulies' basulnUl club has Ixicn oiganized here. Mr. Lyniau Jackson is home &uiu New Ontariti. Miss Mae Ernest of Dromore is tl e guest of Mrs. W. Bad.(erow ou the4:h line. Deputy-Reeve McKenzie is at County Council this week. Hatherton East Mountain The showers of recent date increa.<td vegetation a great deal and were appreci- ated by all. Mr. .John Paul of Fevei-sham was a welcome caller iu our midst recently. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Welier spent Sun- day week at W. J. Martin's. Mr. and .Mrs. W. J. Martin visited on \Vednesd;iy at Mr. .John Camack's in the Valley. .\ niimlier from here attended the C.D.F. and W.I. picnic at Kiiuberley on Friihiy last. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Howson and family of Redwing spent Suinlay at W. J. Martin's. Rev. Henry Berry returned last week from attending conference in Toron to . Rev. Mr. Roger, Knox church, Owen Sound, preached two very interesting and much appreciated annivei'sary ser- mons in St. Coluniba church on Sunday, June 20. A good program and supjjer will be given this (Monday) evening. Win. Whytc, (>. D. R., raised an ad- dition to his haxn on Wednesday, and Jim Reid and son, Wni., raised a large barn on Friday and Saturday last. Mr. Pringle, a niissivmary from the far Northwest, gave a very interesting ad- dress on June 13th in the Presbyterian church. Many would like to heiu- him again. Mi-R. Alex. McLeod is visiting friends in Sti-atford and other places. The directoi-8 of the .-Vgricultural soci- ety held a meeting on the 16th iiist. .-ind made some important atlditions to the prize list, besides increasing the amount of prize money ftir sports, farmers' trot, single driver, etc. The sheaf grain com- petition proiHised by the Legislature is also taken up this year and prizes offered. See Secretary McKinnon or any of the directors for [larticulars. The Priceville branch of the Women's Institute held the afteriKxui meeting at Mr. C. C. Jaines", whore the delegate, Mi.ss Reynolds, talked on " Canning fruit and vegetables." .\t the e»eiiiiig session in Watson's hall, Miss Heynolds gave an excellent addi-css on " Character building." Rev. Mr. Mathcson gave a short aildress on Roljorl Burns and Mr. RiKlgorson on PcKitry. 1 0th Line, Osprey. The choir of the Presbyterian church of Feversham nave their annual Garden Party on the lawn of Mr. Jaines D.)U;{las on the twelfth line on Thursday evenin-; last. Afier tea a good pmgram was given. The Pastor, Rev. Duncansoii, occupied the chair. The proceeds amuDnled tuflT.OO. A good social time WiiR enjojed by all. Mis. Robert Spofi'ord and daug'iter, of Port Arthur, ate vitiiiug friends in this part kt present. Mr. R. MjMaster of Eufenia is drill- ins; a well for A. Heron with a new and improved drilling inachii'e, manufactuieJ in Listowell. The R«v. H. E. W. Kemp paid allying visit to this part last week on his w.ky bick from Conference. He is always a welcome visitor. Mr. Robert Browi:lee of Thornbury is visiting his son, Mr. Fred Br Feverslia'H, at present. Mr, Coullhart of Feversham, one of the visiting committee of Osprey S. S. A.s.s<H:iation, visited uur Sunday schoul a couple of Weeks ago gnd gave a short and helpful talk to the school. The I'nion Sunday School picnic held on the loth in Mr. Beattie's grove, was a decided success. Rev. Mr. Duncansoii. Pi-esbj teiian Minister, Maxwell, wiis present and niiuie himself very popular anom; the young folks as well as ild. M«''Well, Mclntyre and Badgerow were represented, but where, uh ! where was Wareham '. (>one asleep? M''. .\ll>ert Down of Simierset, Bdriiiuda, spent a few days with his cousin, H. Down, recently. Bornâ€" To .Mr. <nd .Mrs. Hugh Hardy, a son. Miss S'ewart, who is employed at Mr. Gillies, while Cimpling a wind mill got her h.ind ciuubt and ha I it badly lacerat- ed. Dr. Rycknian attended to the injury. We wish Mr. R. Fcnwick and dauL'h - tor. Miss Alice, who left for the west recently, bon voysge. Mr. R. .Arnott hss sold his Hne team of horses to Mr. W. Kerton for the tidy sum of >400. Mrs. C. Winters and daughter, Mtry, who have lieeii on the sick ii.st for some time, are slowly recovering. Mrs. John Longhead has bean enjoy- ing a visit from her sister and children, Mrs. CIsrk, Ute of Saskatchewan, but now of Colliiigwoo.i. Miss Lillico and Mrs. Down visited with the Misses Buckiiiithani recently. Miss Sadie Seel"y is spending a few weeks Willi her sister near Markdde. Rev, Stanley preached an excellent •erinon to the Foresters of Maxwell last Sunday evening and a larse congregation. We are plea sed to see Mr. J. Winters able to be around agiiii after his recent severe i Ine-s. McFARLAND&CO. MAI?KDALE OXTAKIO Specials for the Wool Season. MILLINERY SALE 20 Ladies Trimmed Hats Reduced As Follows : 9 Black Hat», re.- *;{.53 tv) f4.50, ', re.' *;{.53 for $2.;t:.. Tliene are m«d<! "f .;ood Black Midiair and Straw Br.tid Shapes, si'ijiiin and Isc? fai.Mnijs, trimmed wiih l>est •(ualitv ribbiin and ci.l.>re"l liiiweis, leuu'ar fti.oO to ft.-'jO, all on sale at line price $2 95 :{ Brown Hat>, S4 00. »4.25 and $t.50 f..r «2.7J Three Regular $4 GO, 14.25 and $4..i0 Ladies Medium Sh:ii>e Brown Straw Hats trimmed witli rib'mns. ass irted c.JoreJ rtoweis, etc., ch-iice for $2.75 buns ami Howets, etc., where $3.00 to $3..^, now jour choice for .... $1 98 3 Only Grey Hats, 3.(i0. $;i.50 and $4 Oil for $1.90 We've 3 left in Orey Straw Braid Shapes, hand-omuly trimmed with iibl.oiis, Howers, winus, e>c , that were $3.00, $."> 50. and $4.00, .-^H marked down at one price $1.90 (iOc Infants' Silk and Crishmcre nets for 3ac. Bon. o Navy Blue Hats. r^g. $3.00 to 83.50 for $1.98 This line is in medium and large shane oiiihI <|uality siiaw iriiiimed with rib- 24 only Iiifant-s' Enibioidercd Cream Siiic and t'ashineie Bonnets hand- somely trimmed wiiuVsl. Lace, ruch- ing and silk braid, leg. 50 and 60c on sale at 35c. McFARLAND & COMPANY The Flesberton Carriage Works Flesherton, Ont. BUGGIESâ€" InteiiJiug purchasers will save money by calling and iii- spectiug our stocli, as we have a good stock to choose from- aud prices are right. , , RE PAINTI.N'Gâ€" Bring year buggy to iis fo guarautefid. , , , â- , â- , PLOWS. etc--We handle the best plows, harrows and also carry a lint of repairs ou hand. CREAM iEPAB.\TORSâ€" We are agents far t in tiie market. Special attention given to Horseshoeing, First Class Livery In connection. Satisfaction full MELOTTT,.The best D. McTAVISH, - Proprietor. Eugenia. Durham. The Duiliain ceiiioiit mills are again in operation. Mr. Kelly's dog had the misfortune Tuesday morning to be run over ou the M'.'^s Mabel Carr is up fro.n the city at present to wait on her mother. Mrs. F. T, Carr, who has been very ill fur the past month, Mrs. Woodburn is suli'eriiig from a a severe attack of rheumatism, and Mis. Uuckett is ill very poor health. Mr. Will Duckett hal a calf killed by lightning, during the severe storm i>f Sunday, the 13th inst. It was out at pasture with its mother. The cow was also afl'eclec'. by the shock. Miss Daisy Smith was the guest of Flesberton friends over Sunday. Mr. Elwood Purvis of Toronto was a guest for a week among his many friends at Eiigoma. Mi.ss Miily NVilsoii was home from Healhcotu to visit her mother. Mr. Edgir Spencer of Henthcoto was the guest of Mrs. W, Wilson for a couple of days. Mrs. Munshaw and Mrs. Large and Six weeks ago Mrs. Cooled^e, of Pet- erburouiih, was carrying an armful of Wiled into the house. S. needle was sticking in the bressf^f her dress, and nice, ill ) "* 'he dropped the wood, one yf the sticks caught the needle, drore it into her breast, and broke it off about the middle. Doc'ors were unable to 'ooat« the pait. Sometime ajo Mrs. Cooled* experienced sharp pains in her light shoulder, and later fvoin lime to tune were felt in her right arm. Last Friday afternoon the needle "sailed" into the second Kniier of her ri;{ht hand, and was easily drawn out. SEASONABLE IN FURNITURE The largest and l)esl stock of Furniture ever shown in Flesherttm. This without fearof con- ti-adiction. Come and see some of the nice things in Side Boards, Dining R^xnii Chaii-s, Parlor Setts, Bed Room Setts. A special reduc- tion just now on every- thing, in order to re- duce the st^ick. . . W. H. BUN FURNITURE DEALER Flesherton (;kt a thokocgh bcsixess training AT THE \ CimrseH inotiule miL'jessful career. everychinK esoential to a Hundreds of younji people are needed to I supply the demand. Theeoursescost IttlA It will double your I inciinie and lust y<in a life time. Stiidenta j admitted at any time. I'erMinal instruction ' given. I'reparatory Department for those I whose early education has been neglected. I CatalofTue free. I C. A. FlffUMlNIi, Pris<.'ip.u,, I Owen Sound * Ontario Born in Iowa. Our family were all born and raised in Iowa, and have used (.'lianiberlain's Colic, I Cholera and Diarihoea Remeily, made »f. ilesMoineo, for years. We know how Rood it is from long exoeiience in the Mse nf it. In fact, whi'n in El P-.so, Texa.s, the writer's life was saved by the iiroinpt use of this nMiiedy. We are now engaged in the iiirrcantile business at Naiciiossee, ]'"la., ami have introduced the rei'iedy lien'. It has proven verv successful and isc'instiiintly Kruwiiig in favor. â€"Knnis Bros. Tills iemu<Iy is fi« sale by \V. E, Richardson. Grey CountA Old Boys and GIris Annual Three-Days Excursion (Joing STAl'RDAY, July 17th. Returning Mt)NDAY,July 19th. By Canadian Pacific liailway To Marktlale^iMl Owen Sound FARE To Markdale Adults chil'n %\. 70c From Toronto & Parkdale To (.)wen Sound From Toronto 81.75 90c Special train will'leave I'nion Station ! on Saturday, .\ugust 1st at 7. BO a. m., Parkdale, ^ a. m., West Torontti 8.10 ! arriving at Markdale alxiut 12 nisjn, : Owen Sound at 1 p. m. and will stop at any .station north of Shelburne on reqn- I est of Excursion Committee on train. »^ . J YT+SIS-^T Tickets are good on this train only and ||/*011'r\7 3^tln IJTIIITyj returning on .any regulw train on July \ ' .lOS. T. CLAKK. Pi-esidont. JAMES McBRlUE, Treasurer. f^peclallst In diseases ol the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 1 Offici- in Ki-c>»t St. â-  OvvcnSoiind I At the Revere house. Markdale, 1st ' Friday each month from 8 to 12 a. m. Though worn as a necessity, a beautiful eye -glass artistically fitted is a facial ornament. We will fit you with a frame best adapted to your features. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler & Optician JACKSON L. LITTLE. Sec. Scottish Pride 66274 The yomiK bull Scottish Pride will stand for ervico "at Mr. K. W. Nictiulnou's, lot ;17. cop. 5 Ar'^emesla. Scottish priile is sired by Scottisb Prince, a t|i siidson of tlio wonderful show cow. (ieiii of Hollachiu, Iuii>., winner of eii;ht prizes at Toronto aud London, husldes bein« cbanip- ioa feiiialo. Shu weighs over I'.IOO iiouiidB, One of this cow's calves sold for #1775.00. Hcottish prido is out of Lady Hells by the Toronto first prize winner. Captain May Fly, imp liss.is. This youuK bull hH|aBwri> him- self a xhowbull haviuK Rained anHM^ursKiuK record this fall at feversham. He wcii nrst prir.e as best bull calf. sUo diploma for best; Inill any sge. Those hnviuK pnro bred eowq should 900 this grand bull before brccdiuRj they cannot do better than use him. A liniiir uumber of itrsnes will b« takenat 91;2Su^ pure breds. f 4.UU

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