Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Jun 1909, p. 4

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JW wm^ â- HI THE F L E S K £ R T N ADVANCE V ii ILL &^ CO., = Markdale Thcrs's a Difference between BIG WORDS and BIG VALUES, so without wasting any tim ein preliminaries we invite your exami- nation of this week's offerings. I hi â- â- â€¢; rsS"' Ladies' Fine White Blouses for $1.25 New up.«o-il;ite Stylm in Fiu« Qwliiy Liwn nnJ Mull Blcuw ir.^luclc'il; iluy are u. Kily woiih much lume, iills/us, rhis »»o k with lill tliB liiLo&t eai-marks of Fashion ...»l2r> Our Special This Week In LACE AND BUTTON SHOES FOR GIRLS, 95c. For the V'imi: huly who run wiiii- kIzhr 11, U', i:i, 1 ami 2 in Fine Sliofs, T<!tce in- Hiitroii, we cixn v'wa y(iii a i^reat dcnl re tlmii your nirmey'H unrth. \Ve have yono tlir.'uyh (nir stock Hii'l puked out all odd Hues mid repirdleiw of cost and selling piice we have niatked Ihtiii to sell »i !»5c., wliicli la less t!i;i!i half. ;,J^ Latest Summer fi Dress Fabrics NKW DONZELLE OKCIANDIE MlSLINS, FINE •QUALITY, Bt 18c YARD. For Summer Dre.s^ lliii very fine Sheer Fiihric wo lire f howinit in a larue rnnm- of pitrernH and colorinu-t in stripe*, »|>orp, liemitiful Floral Dexiuns in all ihe lateil tint.", and for such a tine cjuality the price is nioie than renKonable, per yd '. I8c. Ladies' Fine Lace Collars. THIS WEEK WK AUE .SKLLINO THEM ALL AT HALF I'aiCE. ,1, I i. i ) '5 \ i i "i .1; \ iy'^ ! i^'^^^ ^ '^ l^^^^ ^^i:. ' ^l ' ^^^ ' '^Jl '- ^l^^^ We find we bought too heavily in Lace Collars and in order that we uiey luit have any over we have decided toaccopt a biy losH ill thi'Nu lines, sn this wei'k the »^ , price on Laee Collars will l>o cut in two. $1.U<), "Jc, \T oOc, aSc, 251! lines AT HALF. If J J^lifsVrton, %Avmc^ \» pulilishi'il evt-ry Tliuniday at $1,110 I^T â- iiii>iui if paid in advance, $1..')0 if not so paid. NET ADVERTI.SINO R-ATES 1 column diHplay one year, PW Half column one year, tSO (juatK'r column one year. tVi Kortninhtly chauKeit ifjrwpiired Quotatioaa tot tranaiaut advertiaiug will be fjiveu on appUeatiou. 1 be wometi at pi'Psent nice tii)g in Toronto have expressed themselves an liigbly pleased witii the reception ac- corded them, but have yet to be beard from as to their opiniuu of the pictures piibbsbed by some of the dailies, pur- porting to be those of the deU orates. The viEitorasrc not likely to go away with a very hi!<;b -^pinion of Canadian newspaper art ; we would not be eurprised to even hear of a siiffragete moveoicnt of denunciation. The ladies whose pictures have appeared are certainly all suffragettes, but )>erhaps their good breeding will cause them to suffer in silence. One thing the great gathering of women in Toronto lias taught »3 is that the animal, man, has no monop- oly of intellectual ability, and the manner in which these women discuss lireat social and ethical problems would put many of our legislators to the blush. Who would say th«t such women as these arc not capable of in- telligently exercising the franchise if it were granted them ? u The Advance has iieard complaints about the manner in whicii the road machinery is being handled in Arte- mesia. What there may be in these complaints we do not know, but fancy thecouncillorH \(ill be able to explain at the right time and place We do Imow one thing, however, and that is that the road making system in this township 18 all wrong. It is not a good business system, and until a ^jualilied road coinraissioiier ia ap- pointed and itatuto labor commuted the township will never get lull value for the money expended, and the cause for complaint will always remain, The time is bound to come when the public will tee it in that light. Mr. Eaton, the head of the big To- ronto mercantile establishment, ia in the lime light these daysâ€" much more M tliitn hir father ever was. He is •erecting a |'200,0(K) residence, liaj recently puroliasod a yacht coating neatly as much, and has junt made a liandsome dmia'.ion to the Whitby Y. Ill C A. He ia also installing a wiieleas tclcgiaph outfit on top of his building to communicate with his yacht. It seems to ns that if the common people would dig down a filioi-t^^M^ nee under tlie tiiif of their intelloctfl tli(>y would discoror one or more good healthy morals to bo trtied from the above. All that the kove iovestnieutii involve has been harvested f>om a gullible public who I have imagined that the big department I has been giving tl.em goods at cost and 'Sometimes below cost. And it lins ' i II been eanied-e very cent of it~y Provincial Loan judiciou!' advertising. $3,500,000. \ The (Jovernnienl -f the i)iovince of » jOntuiio under ilie aut lonly of Chapter 18, of the Stjitulds of Ontario. l'J<)'J, If y<-u would liRvo a wife yet cer'ain I iiivileHsulixciiptioi's fioin the public for Coui-li Remedy in the home, fry Dr. '"''""' "f *3.5O0,(l0O on l.ondit of the Shoop'aâ€" at Itaat odco. It in thoroughly unlike any other Cou>«h pieparatinn. I'g t.'ihte will be entirely new to you-unleKs 'Ontario Govern- Province of t >niaiio, or meiit Sli>ck." The bonds will l>e dated l»t June, liXl'J, and payahle on ibe 1st June, 19;j!t, it ii already your favorite Cou){h Remedy, in Uenoininationsof 1S1,()00 each, with Nonpinm, Chloroform, or any o-her I*''"-'""""'''"'-'""""' '"'^'â- '''"'"" "'" '^''f ... , . „.. iofj.iurpor cent, per annum, ptyahle slupifyinR ing.ed.ents are used. The I i.^if.y^a'.iy ,.„ ,he l,t June, and 1st tender leaves of a IwirnileMs, lung-heiiliii<> j December in each year at the ofbco of inountitinouM shrub, give to Dr. SluHip's I '''e l''"*'"oi'tl Treasurer, Tmonto, or at Cough Remedy its wonderful curative ''"' "•**T !'/ ''"i *^'"'^ "^ Montreal, in Moiitreiil. Can.'ida, and in New ) ork. properties. It ia truly a most certain .tnd tiustwortliy prescripion. Sold by all dealers. NY,, at (he holder's option. Bonds will he made payable to bearer, but on reiiuest will be rcijiatered in the oflice of Uhe Provincial rruasurer and cndorseil aa Mr. Richard Boyle, of Alma, Ims a j pnyablo only to the order of certain freak of nature in the form of a goslimj j persons or corporations, and on re<|ueNt with three lea«, tha extra one c inv in '?^ iM\tiev^ will he exclmntjed for "Outaiio II,., , .. , Goveriinieiit stock at any time. Iieliinu Ihe reuulatioii inemher on the ii/\ . - <• . . i •• -n i * oicuiuti Oil ini "Ontario Ui'verninent .itiick will Iwar left aide. It is «» well formed as ei- her | interoat from the Ut d.iy of June, 15K)9 of the otheis. This particular (fo.Hlini{ i l""i"<;it'»l I^^y^ble on the 1st day of June, was hatch.^ ,.„ ,„„ ,„r,,. oi »ir. »»ller|i,ye„9,,ueontliet.stday It in doing as well ai i day of December in each year. "Ontario lOoverninent Stock" may he subacribtHl for in aiims of 1050 or niultiples thereof, no oiiieis. illis particular ffO.Hlintf ' I'* '"^^l'"' |Nt}-aoiu on luo ist uiiy oi uuiir, one of a hatch that were seemly I ^""'''> '""^ '"^"'"'""'V'*' '''''; °,'^ ('J""" *'*^''" I â-  .1 , . ., ,., . I cenl. per annum will 1)9 pud half-yearly :hed on Ihe farm of Mr. ^\ alter !,„ ,|,'ue ^n the bst day of June and l»t Boylo, Parker any of the rest In sickness, if a certain h lien norve Uyj Yyjii i,j, tf^n^fpf^ble in tlm h(H>l(8 of (foes wrong, then the organ that this | ihe Treasury Deiwrtinent only by the nerve control! will alao surely fail. It |holiler or hia allorney in siiiiilar manner may bo a Stomach nerve, or it may have )'*' ' '"'"'••f "»'« "' ''»"'< stock. ,.:„,„^, ,11 ... The issue price diiriiis/ the month of given ^tron„th and support to the Uemt June, 11H)«, will he 102 for each »100, or Kidneys. It was Dr. Shoop that ti rat and after the 30th day of June, IWW, the pointed to this vital truth. Dr. .Slioop's '*""" P'''*^" *''' he 102 and interest aooiued Restorative wa» not made to do.« .u^ from tb«> Ist June, 190!). '"" ""»•'.'; '" «'•>•« the ALL BONDS AND INSCRIBED Momach m.r to temporarily stimulate the isTOCK ISSUED UNDER THE Al^ Heart or Kidney.. Til it o'd fashioned ITHORITY OF THE SAID ACT ARE method is alt FREE FHOM ALL ONTARIO PRO- wronif. Dr. Shoop's, Re-torntive goes directly to these failin..^''^*^'^*' TAXES, CHAROES. SUC- i.i.i.l., n.r.... TI L u. "^ CESSION DUTY AND IMPOSITIONS iiii'iilo nerves. The reni'irkahlo success of this prescription demonstratet thu wifdoni of treating the actual cause of thi Ht failing orjjans. And it is indeed easy to prove. A simple five or ton daya test will surely tell. Try it once, on 1 see ! Sold by all dealers. WHATSOEVER. Piirchafurs of St ick or BomU will be re.juired to send coriitied cho()U« with the application, iKiyabt^ to the older of ihe "Pioviiic al Tieasurer o( Ontario." This Imiiii ia la-Kcd upon llie credit of the CoiiBididattd Revenue Fund of Ontaiio,and ischarueatde tliei'eu|K>n. M.i,„i IV,,.,., „ c ui iL _ ( Slil»criber« should state whether they ai>ei i ears(>ii ot Nlielbiirne. 7 vears j i i .i<v /, . , iiiiuoiiie, , } ears uj,,j, f J, i„„„|, ^^^. mj^.^n,, Uoverninont old, oimghl her ha.r in a cream separator I Stock." which she was operatinR. A lot of the| Example: A subscriber tor fl.OCO hair laiwH pulled out, and a portion of tl,„ I W'H hii*'" the oplinu of taking either a Hca'o <•»â- â€¢Â» •III, if in. 1 . 1 I Ix'Uil or "Ontario iioveruiueiit Slock." .sra.p (aniB wuii it. Ihe doctor who » i i c a-^-o ii . ,,,,.. ' lA subscriber for f7oO will to given U.essed her injuries aays that she miishtj "Outaii.. Goveinmont Stock," as bond, have been compl-tely scalped if her hair "re only in the d.'iioniinarion of !|1,000. had been worn in a pigtail. I A. J. MATHESON, . ,..., , , , ProvincialTreaaurer, of tn\\l T.r',1!, wi""J' T' T' "". •'"'' , Treasury Depurtinent, Parliament ot tn nl>le. Anyime wl:o inakea it a rule to' „ , .â-  ai . •» i i tiuu\ keep Chanibarlain'a (%.lic, C'lolBia and' '*"''»»"S'*. Toronto, Jrd June, 1909. Diarrhoea Keniedy at hand knows it to be j i Nows|)aper8 inserting this advertise- (act. For hale by \V. K. Richardwm. I inent without auihoniy ftoin the De- Thoschotdnm'am is the guidini, Star of ;•"'"""'"' *'" ""' '*•' l"*"^ '"' ''• the country. Shetakeathe little bant- â€" ;â€" â-  â€" ing fresh fiom lliu liouie nest, full of hia pets, hii pouts, his passions, uiii;ovirii- able in many oases, a rampant, riotous little wretch whose own inolhor often adtnita she sends him to school pur|M>Nely to get rid of him. The achuolnia'am takes a whole carload of these aiiarchials, half of whom aingly and ahme cannot be handled by their own ninthers, and ahe puts them in the w.iy of becoming uioful t'ltixena. â€" Ex. Tell Bodie doifrviiig Rheumatic sufferer, that there ia yet oiiu aiiuple way to oerlain rtl ef. (let Dr. Shoop'a book on Rheumatijim and a fieo trial teal. This book will iiiako it entirely clear how ', Rheumatic painN are tpiickly killed by Dr Shoop'a Rhuiioiatio Remidy litpiid lor tablets. Send no money. The test ia free. Hurprisnsomadiahearlenudsutfuter I by tirst I'ettiiig for him the loik from Dr. Shoop, Ruoine, Wis. Sold by all dunluts. LORD ROSS, 35673 A. T. K. . the unbeaten borne on Canadian aoil. HIreil l>> full brother of Uarf Devil, 900, by Mainbriao Kinij.iaro. the hauilaouieat iiurse lu thu worlil. ROUTE Monilay, May ,1-WMl leave hIa own stable, Kllaytli, and proceed east to Wni. Tottenhain'a Hoatli lleail, fornnon ' tbenre eaat tn Stii line to Hamuel Htepheud, Htratlmven, tor niftht. Tueaday â€" Ky H|iriiiK Hill t« 10th line.aouth to loe Hnibert'a for noon, thence to Kimberlev (or nliflit. where lie will leinaiu until \V«d neaday iiuoii. Wodneaflavâ€" At I o'olock will leave l>y Kp' ping and llouklyii to James Kailoy'a (or niKlit Tliureilayâ€" Home to Ftndlay'a I.lvorv for noon ami by way of Kravel toad to DeorKe Itiikt'r'H tor iiiijht. Krlc'ayâ€" To .(olin King's Hr., Kliii('!i (^ornera for noon, tliunce to llal>ert Oay'a lor nliiht. Haturitayâ€" To .John VanwyPk'!", Annan, for one luiiir, tlienco to City hotel. Owtin Hioind, for noon, whore he will remain until 4 o'olock. IhtMiue to Ills own acable. tvilsvlh. wheru he >«ill romain until the followitiii Monday iiiorii* Init. Tills rnnte will hii ooctinutKl throughout tile KuAuon. lu-altii and weathuv perinittiuK. Ciu'da of broodinii niMit on apidicatiou. ,IOHN KlNni.AV, riopriotor and (Collector. IV II- Ilnx i'M, U*a.'ord, phoue 70. Jaoob Hunt pi charK*. 1 July Dr. McEwan, i f W iarton, a veterin>iry surgeon, performed an opaulioii on a horse most uniijue in its character There was 'i worm in the eye of ihelo'ise which made the eye blind. The di ctur ^ave the horse .seven ounces of chloroform which put it thoroughly to sleep, opened tliB eye, to )k out tin worm which was aliout ilireu inches i:i leiii(th and now the si'.{lit is perfectly re>tored. Weak Women To weak and ailing women, there l.i at least one way to hulp. But with that way, two tr«atint'nti, mint Ijo rouiblned. Oiiu ia local, (iiie is coontitu- tiuiml, but ix>th aro important, both eiueutlal. Dr. .Shoop's Sight Cure is tho Local. Dr. SlKjop's Kistorative. the Constitutional. ThuforniHr â€" lir.SliiHjp'sNiglitCuroâ€"isa topical mui-oud int'uihruiu! suppository remedy, while Dr. Blioop's K.itonitivu Is wholly an internal treat- iDi'iit. TIk! Itestomtivu niches tbrougliout the entire sy.st<'in. soKking the repair ol all oerve. all tisdue. and all hlooi] ullujentd. The "NIglit Cure", ai its name implies, does Itt work while you Bleep. It aootliei 6oTti and inflam* (vi mucouA surfaces, heaU tot-al weaknesaes and discliargus. whllu tlio Uestorative, easea uurrout exelteniunt, gives renewed vigor and ambition, builds up wast^-d tissues, briuging about rt^aewed atreiiiith. vigor, and energy. Take Dr. Shoop'a Restorative â€" l^hletsorLiquidâ€" asa general toola to the system. For pobitlvu local help, use as w*U Dr. iShoop's -'^^ Cure "ALL DEALERS" Administrator's Sale . - . OF . - Farm Properties IN THE Township ot Osprey. Under and hy virtue of the powers VfS'ed in the Adininift'alor of the et^tnte of P.itrick IJuriis, late of the Township of Osprey in the County of Grey, Farmer, deceased, there w ill be offered for sii'e by puhlic Auction at the Temperance hoiel in the village of Fevershim in theCimiiiy of (Jrey, on Saturd.iy the 10th day of July, A D. 1!»C9. at the hour of tw.. o'clock in the afcernoon, the following prooerties, namely: â€" First â€" Lot eight iii the tenth con- cession of the townshio of O.sprey in the county of Grey, containing one hundied acres, more or less. AlioBt eighty acres of this lot are clear- ed, and the balance timbered with lian'- wo d. Upon the pieinises are said t • I e a small frame house aud a fianie ham wi'h stables underiieaih. The proper y is ahout two miles from the village of Feversham. This farm will be S'dd «uh- ject to a lease which expiree on April 1st, l!>ia. Secondâ€" Lot number two in the eighth conces.sion of the township of Osprey in the county of Grey, containing one hun- dred uctes more or less. About sixty acres of this lot are c'ear- ed and the Ijalatico timbered with ha-d- wood and some cedar. The farm is well watered and fairly well fenced. There are said to be a log hou le atid a good lo't barn on the premises. This farm is situated ^ibout, three and a quarter miles from the village of Fevrrshani. This farm « ill be sold subject ;o a lease which expires April Isi, 1910. TERMS: -Ten per cent, of Hie pur- chase money to be |Hiid on the day of sale and the balance in thirty days tliere- after, without interest. These properties will be sold subject to a reseri ed bid un each psrcel. For further [larticulurs and coiidiiions of sale apply to W. H. W RIGHT, Owen *<ouiid, Ont, Vendor's Solicitor. Dated June 4th, 1909. The American Standard Bred Stallion DEMOTTE 29842 The property of J. Rudd Matthews, Markdale, tbit. Termsâ€" 812. Demotte will make the season of 1909 as follows ; MoNKAV evening'-Beikeley. Thuksihv evenioi;â€" Flesherton. The rest of thu wejk Maikdale H luse Stahles. Demotte, 29842. is a handsome, game, level headed horse with .i pttrfeclrdis[Kisi- tion ; lo see liiin is to like him, snd after lookini{ over his pedigree all inu.st admit that he is one of the best bred liorses imported. Where will you find another in tills country with as fast a site and dam ? His urandsire, (Sainlietta Wilkos, sired Gambolier, the sire of the great Eel3.2|. His graiidsire on his dam's side, ('. F. Clay, has more to his credit m the 2.10 list than any other lioi.se in Kentucky, and is also one of the, if not the grea' est, sins of high actois in the United Slates. Demotte is a beau*ilul hi)(h itoiiig horse with a itreat turn of speed kimself, haviiii; been a clo^e 2nd in llijj. 1 have put this hoLse's f.-e very low, within teach of the owntr of the or- dinary innro, while the owners of the lest mares will get the service of a 925 horse for iuat 912. • Those wishing lo liargaiii for Iivii'g ctdts can do so by applying to me. I have also made arrangement for pasture oUise to town for mares sent a diatance.. Canadian Pacific Very Low Rate For Summer Trip to Pacific Coast $77.30 return from Flesherton good going May 20 to Sept. 30 Ketiirn limit Oct. .HI. Liberal stopovers' Wide choice of routes, (bi hy the dii-eit (Unadian I W â€" see your own coiintry-the west, the Rocky Mountains. Vi»it lie Seattle KnpoHition and other special attractions. Talk it over with S. HANDS, A\:ent, Flesherton â-  I ff 11/ DAVn General and Hardware Merchants' jli J J. fit W. DUII/, Flesherton. Ont. ^ ! -r-jfT- pa.,re opening up a merchant tuilorina business under the JT • W 't, u.o.tment of Fied Mori.y «ho is a Hist class woikmM. ^ \ We have a compute iniige of new Slid up-U.-date ji/ ; stock. We gu.iraiiice a perfect tit. ^ ; Call and see the goodsâ€" ^ i just ill the coiner ^ 1 room vR ! MRS. SMITH'S OLD STAND. Jf -I. c S 4.1 1 . 1 , ^e- 15 tx o c •fci o o 2 o fZ, 5^ o o tn •i h €^ &.•= T. ^ "' . -, '/â-  % o r^ ."Z^ ^ *-i 4-:t >-, en "" ci 03 ^^ CS .-» c/3 ^^ •i o tii ^ ?; iC •"^ ^^ a: O ^ â€" ^ O 83 ^ >> t^ 'J ^ ^ ^ ^^ cc ^â€" t -^ s C/3 C o O C^ 4^ "F^ â- *^ f^ ^15 5 !:d fli "=â-  -r; la •^ m 55 ^(Er N EW DiTss Goods in all the new si ades ar.d patterns â€" prices 55c to $l.oO per yd., also a large iissortnietit of Oing. ham.i. Zephyi.s. LineiiS, Prints and Muslins .A complete range of Ladie's Ready- to-wear Garments â€" Skirts, •Jackets, Waists, Under- skirts, Etc. Flour and Feed. We keep on hand a full stock if Flour ar.d Feed including Feed Flour Shorts, Bran and the fanous Five Roses Flour made by the Lake of the Woods Milling Co., Kewatm, tvery lag of which is ^uaiucttid if not satisfactory return it and get your niot.ey. Hardware. We haveawe'l asf^oited t ti ck of Hfrdwarcâ€" parties roniemplstit^g bui'ding will do Wfll to ^et inrprios bofiie purchasing elsewhere â€" also a nice line of itoves, tinware etc. ^ In Skidhs* Budaks* aiadaoii$» Itarrowst Ploughs. €r<am Sep- arators and Olire Fencing HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY Heard' s Carriage Works Farms for Sale & Rent Farm tor sale, containiuR one hundred acres more or less, being Iota 14l-U2.coii. 1. N. K. Toronto Hyiieuhaiu road, abuut eighty acres cleared! balance bush. On the iiroferty ii- one frame barn :ijxj.> o.i stone basement with cou» Crete stablinu ami good iiiiiilenientsheil. Krame (twellinu house, small orchard, two Rood wells. \Uotwo aiiriiigaoii back end o( I'laoe. There are thirty acrea tall ploughed, Ave acres of fall wht-at.well fenced audio auood state of cultiva- tion Till* ia oue ot the best farms in the township aud can be Iwiight right. It ia situat- ed oue mile from Kleshertoii and live miles from Matkdal... .M'l'ly to KlCHAKl)8t)N UUU8. Kleahertou Lota :t4 aud :«, con. :»S D U. KjOacrea. 0.'> cleared 10 acres iiasture, balance Rood bush. Baru O.'ix.W. drivlDU shed, ,!ood fraino lioune. 'J welH, I acre of orchard ai.d stone wall under barn. SauReen river oroisea back of farm. Well fenced and ill good state ot cultivation, :i niilen from Protou Statitn. For terms apuly on iireniises USK, Proton station Ceylon 's T^eat T^ar/cei. All kinds of fresh and smokecl meats, head cheese, sausage, alwavs on hand. - - CASH PAID FOR HIDES. Jas. ^c6locktin. to JAME8H. VAl J i^or sale cheap, Ol rent, iniuicdiatn po<s,i»«iou I,ot :IU con. H, Arteuieaia, about 7'> acres clear, oouifortable log house and frame barn. Applv to 1'. I Sproule, Kleslierton, or John J. Martin, ac:osdtlie road from said li*t. Lota K. \ * and fl. Con. U, in tlie towbtihip of Uaprev, I W acres, large clearing, good frame barn and stables, good dwelling aud weU. Ap- piy ou the lueuilses or to W. J. Bkllamt, Flesherton Ifor sale cheap aud on easy terms, go'>J com. fortable frame dwelli'-g stable and driving liouse. with three village lots, iiitVyion. Dwel- ling well built aud flnisbed snd gi>oJ bearing orchard on the propertv, A)iply to K. i. Spbovlk, Flesherton "Vol sale or rentâ€" 103 acre farm, 1 acre of or- ^ chard. ID acres bush including ;> acres hard- wooit, well watered and good fences, briok house, frame barn, \\ miles from school and post othce, :i miles troui Proton Station, For price Slid terms of sale apply to Win. Taylor. lot7S'74, coul northot Duriiamroad, Arteinesia -_J __^ tVr Rent -lot :'.7. con 4, Arteinesia. 100 eoes VS " to 110 cteao'dand in cultivation, coiiifortahle dwelling, bank baru. atone atabling. in a flrst class settlement aud well worthy the attention of those requiring such. K..I. SI>R0U1.F, Klai'herton T ot :i. coll. 4 Otiprey, lOU acres well tiuiliere^^. '-' Fur terms etc. iiuply to H. Uuberta, Lady Dank e. O. Eggs For Hatclilng. Browti l.egliorn E^itfi tor hatchlrtt, fr< olaHti pt<it. AM (iviite bivdt* at Kwiat < rMV f»U ttt Uiia ptth. KgK* ^'**^- X"^^' st^ttiuK ot 15 XJ^W HKTTK. Ftoshotton: GROUP stoppoil in 30 nituutea sure with Dr, S1hk>p'» t'roup ReiueUy. One test will surely pr»»*.e. No Toinitiutf, no ills- tie^,-!. A t.aleaudpleasiug.-'yrupâ€" SVc.liiUtfKiiils. Good Farm For Sale. T at !!>, con.R, Usprey containing 100 acres. SO ''cleared, fiane liouse. Irauie liarn. stone fouudatiou: urcuard, well watered. One thousand down and balance to suit purchaser. Immediate possession Apply to K. N. KtKNF'&a, I^sxwell P. n. El Dorado Farm. Of Shorthorn cattle and Leicester sheep. Hulls and heifers on hand for sale, also a number of single and rose cimdi brown leghorn, and ainf;le coinh white leghorn (Mckerels I„.t 32' Con. 5. Chas. Stafford. Shorthorn Cattle (or Sale. Levioiasaud Wimples, the best of breeding and qualit". Bull, cows and heifers for sals at reasonable price* Lot sa.ooo,S CHAS. STAFFORD. Flaahertoa Heretords For Sale. Cows and heifers for sale, none Ijetter, Prices riijcht, I'ost OHice, Pioton Station; farm li^lf mile friau Sauireen Junction. We have sold all our I nils. J. A T. WATSON. PXJMP niAKiMra Wooden pumps manufactured throughout and re^'airs promptly and satiafHCtorily attended to. I air. aaent for three of the best iron pump luaiiufaclurersiu Ontitrio. A card rtnpp?d to me at Ceylon P. will have my promt>t altention. Your patron iiie respectfully solicited. OAMES A. McLEAN, Cutrim's Corner, Cev/on P. O â- J

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