Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Jul 1909, p. 4

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Jl'ly 1 1901) ^^ T II E F L E S H £ R T .N ADVANCE .^- -.^-^^ -â- y^' -*^...,i F.T.HILL & CO., = Markdale a TKcrs's a Difference between BIG WORDS ; ^ jvnd BIG VALUES, so without wasting any > BuIJ For Service Tiire Hifd Holtitoiii Frifj'irtii Hull. Tliin youiiK KOiniAl couiuH from one of tht* b&Mt dairy h«riU lu Canada, buhff iu exteiiJuJ legiBtiu- aiuii. Tenud c*1.00. (iOLDEN LEGKND fiiro t>r4*cl Taniwortli Itoar, Tbit* yoiinK Riii-> iiial has proved himself one of the bust Htock gutttivij tfiat Uas ever bueu otTered for service. Tollnn *1-U0 KiCHAKD Al LEN. liUt ITU, iad K. T. d- H. B. Flebburtuii Out. ^ I ^ W ROVn General and Hardware Merchants, jS ^imein preliminaries we invite your cxami- X.. nation of this vi^eek's offerings. SJerladies' Fine WhiteBlouses this week New up-to-<latu8tyle<i inFineQiiuliiy L<i»rn tin I Mull Blc.inj included; they ale e»Hily woiili niuch iiioru, all Kizoi», tliis woi-k for $1.25 wi.li nil tho litost ear-marks of Fashimi Sl.L'J Our Special This Week. In LACE AND BUTTON SHOES FOR GIRLS, 95c. For the yiuii'.; Imly wlio c;iii wiiir Bizt-s 11, 12, l;{, 1 an J 2 in Fine ^ho>s, Luce or Uuttnii, w« p.in i-ive you a <{reat dual more I liaii your uioiioy's worth. We have iroiio through our Block imd pitkod out all odd lines mid regardless of '.-ost and selling jnice we have marked thiui to sell al 95c., which ta Ibsd than half. > Latest Summer Dress Fabrics NEW DONZELLE OKr,.\XDIE MISLINS, FINE f.,iL ALITY, at 18c YARD. For Summer Dres* this very fine Sheer Fuhric wo are nhowina in a larire ranuc of pitrerns and colnrinys in stripef, spots, liuMUtiful Flmal Di'.<iii;ns in all the latefli tint!", and for siifli a tine quality the jjiice is mote than reasonable, per yd J8c. Ladies' Fine Lace Collars. THIS WEEK WK AKK SELLING THEM ALL AT H.ALl'' I'UICE. We find we bought too liunvily in Laco Cullers and in order that wo niey not liavu any over ivi» have decided to accept a big loss in thi'se Inies, so tliis week llie price on Lace Collars will be cut in two. Sl.UO, 7Jc, i>Oc, 35c, 25o lines AT HALF. '^^^ ^ '.Jfc. C^" "^ .A. j^. JiW J^ '.A. '-^..>i?^iiy^«W -A^ -A.. .A. .A. .^ .,4. '.A-' J^ ZtC^^^'.^'^^^ "-*•. -J^ '. i> ^^ -A. .^ .4V ^ .A. ,A. .A. jA^ -*^'*- I : â-  PAIN Pain hi tho headâ€" pain anywhere, has Its catiM Pftln isronKuitinii.piiliiisblooil i>ri;ssuroâ€" nothiin else usually. At li-a.st. so siiy.t Dr. .''Iioiip, and tfl prove It ht> has rreati^d a liltlu pink tablet. Thai tabletâ€" called Dr. ,shoo;j M II.;uUache Tablet- coaxes hl'Knl pressure away from pain centem ItseftectlsclmmiiMg. vleasinvly deliglitful. tientlr. though dately. it surely eunulizes the blood clxci> lation. If you havi> a heailaohe, It's blood pressure. If it's painful porimli with wonion, same caiu& II you are sl.jti>li';j. ri'stU-js, nervous. It's btood Congi'Stioii- l)lo.)il pressure. That surely Is â-  certainly, (or Ur. .Shooys Headache Tablets stop it ill 'JU uilniites. uiid the tableU sluiply distribuU Uie uiiiiaturul liloi>d pressure. Bruise your Ihiger. and do-'sn't It Ret red, and •well, ami pain yuu? Of cours*) it docs. It's con* eestlon. blood pressure. S'ou'll tiad it where pain U â€" always. It s simply Ckiiuiiioii .Sense. W« aell at Z'> cuuts, aud cheerfully recommend Dr. SHoop's HeadacHe Tablets "ALL DEALERS" (eiic Sold Inferior Seed selves apjiear to know. It is not known by outsiders why the men, on striking; oil V, J f^ 1 I Crcemoie was recently visited by Seed iuiiiii'diatHly pulled up stakes \nA moved ^flCSllCrtOII ^tlrUIK^ '"M't'ctoiM.T. G. Kaynor and J. A.Hayes to a new tield. Whether it is that oil is ♦ *• l» rj 'of the Uoniiiiioii Depirtiiieiit of Ai;ri- not in jiayii.i; (lUiinlities to encourage l» publidied every Thursday at SI. i»()l'i'r ; eultural, in connectirn with a ciise where aiiuMinif paid in advance, Sl.jO if n"t sn paid. NKT ADVKKTISIXG RATKS 1 ciihunii.dicplay one ye.ar, 8<>0 Half coluiiiii one year, $3*) Quarter tolunin one year. .*l."i Kortni>?btly cliaUKes iflie<inireil <}uOtatioot> for traimiciit iidvertisnig will bo given uu applicatiou. The Imperial Press Confernnce tliat is uow mcctiug in England, including delegates from the colonies, 1ms gone along thus far wiliiout anything of importance being done. Tlioie is an idea germinating in the brain of the uniuitiatcd that this Press Conference •was gotten up expressly for the somebody a good pumping operations, or that a proniisiinj some seed had lieeii oflered for .sale with oil field has been discovered the secret is ninro weed seeds than the law allows to not dirulKed by the men. Farmer* in ' hi KoM, which IS live per thousand. Even the nojijhborhood, however iii(|uisitive, wliiU the liw i>llows to be sold i.i pretty are not in ;ule wiser. At a rcuuh estimate |dirty, as it will l)e seen when figured out the clrillinuat iMr. Howell's c.i.sts between I to the pound. In the case of red clovtr So00l)aiidi?4000. Fanners in Melancthon, it amounts :o 1450 per pound. In seed- Proton and Luther have leased 50,000 ins.' dciwn an aero with such seeds a far- acres for 10 years for drilliig purposes. iner would sow 11,500 no.xious weeds per The drillers have moved tlieil' outfit lo ncie. A dealer in Creeniore who recently MootelicM whore they bettin opeiutions. en^asjed in the seed business, wasollerint; â€"Uiindalk Her.dtl. some led clover seed which contaiied . ,. , , 1 i.uio 11 1 .• 1 ^1 A little forethought may save vou no end eleven per 1000, which, when tmured out I r. ,, , , , â- : â-  «•" • , ,, , ... , ., iOftr. ulile. Anyone w!..) nuikes It a rule to per pound, would mean 3,100. If ten.Uee,, chamberlain's Colic, Cl.elera .-.nd liouiiJs of such seed were used per acre, Dianlioea Itemedy nt hand knows it to be .» It would mean t^ie sowing of no le.s.s than fact. J'lu- Mile by W. E. UicliaiJson. purpose of giving time. Why will not individuals wiio de- light in being on tho water Icaru to swim ? Tiie dro'wnings tins year of tho unfortunate class who cannot swim are particularly numerous. Kvery man, woman and child ill this broad and frnitful country ought tn know how to paddle themselves to land when either on or in the water. The art of swimming in tiiis laud of laketi and rivers ought to be made com- pulsory. Tho Department of Public Works, Ottawa, has published a compre- hensive report on tho proposed Georgi- an Day ship canal, embracing a vblume of6Ul pages of letter press and maps, and accompanied by a list of 2!i plates, also a portfolio of 24 very fine piioto engravings of interesting portions of the proposed route. This work cost a large sum of money and occupied three years in its compiling. To put tho result briefly before our readers we might say that the pro- pised waterway wouldbe 440 miles in length aud the estimated cost of con- struction is one hundred million dollars. It would have a uniform depth of 22 feet and a bottom width of 300 feet. The estimated cost of maintenance after construction is put '"^'^ 000 ner anuum ! With these -' ' tnd coii- 31,!)0I) noxious weed seeds per acre, to .say nothini; of other weed seeds that are not considered no.xions. The dealer re- I ferred to jileaded guilty and paid a snmll fine. Tho law known as the Seeil (-'on- tiol Act seeks to prevent the tale of such sceJ for seeding purposes in Canada, jheiicu action was taken in the above case. Provincial Loan $3,500,000. It may bo inleresting for many to know •hat tho law applies toa farmer inselling'''''"'.*'"^^"'''""''"' "^ "'e |iroviuco of „: .;, I. 1- 11 r j- " t'utai lo, uiuler tile autliont v of Chanter similar seed to his neighbor for seedinttu .t ,i. , u. . , c ,^\ â-  .!,Z " » B, of the statutes of OntiiiKi, l!)l)0, purposes, ileceiitly two farmers, one in ; iiivitessuti.seiiptioiis frmii the public for the vicinity of Newmarket and the other ja loan of S!3,5O0,()00 on bonds of the in Iho vicinity of Itraiitford, were cited |i^''(iviin;e of < tntario, or "( >ntarioGovern- 1 f . ... I , , , ,' iiiont Slock." helore inagistrateN, pleaded guilty and fn,,.. i. ., i.. . n i i . i , . t ... - ' . 1 llie bonds will be dated lat June, were fined. In one ease the fanner was ]!)(l9, and payable on the l.st June, 1!«!», selling his clover seed at his ham, and in in deiioininatiou.sof iSl.OtIO each, with the other ho was oti'eiing it ou the "^""1"""* "^'^ched for interest al the rate market. It is believed that in this way ( ;'^';"" 'T '••"'"• I'or «""U"i, piyalde „ . ,. ,1 1 , . , , ' I half-yearly on tho 1st June, and l.st co-,.peratiou will be obtained on the part I December in each year at the ofHce of of glower, dealer, and seed mercliaut to ! the Ptovinciil Troa«urer, Toiont.i, or at handle only the best and purest grades '''"'""'"'-'*'"' '''e Bank of Montreal, in of seeds for seeding purposes, and thus l^T'â„¢"!\l^'''"f 'aT' '" ^"^ }/''^\' i„.i„ . 1 ij â-  1 ... , 1^ »,, atthe holders option. Honds help to hold n. cheek the spread of | wJU he made payable to b'eaier, but on noxious weed life which is costing the Ireipiest will bo resjistered in the otHce of country so much in lessened crops of i''"-' '''â- "*''"<^''*1 l'''*"'*'">'er and endorsed as pooler iiuality. i pnyablo only to thb order '.f certain persoiiH or corporHtiona, and on reipiest / ~ â€" of holders will ho exchanged for "Oiitai io /if you would have a safe yet certain I" w?:"'""',,*^'"'^''" "' ""i"",",f- . ,i.„i, I, . 1 , •' ''"' '""i "Ontario Government stuck wl boar Couvh Ilemedy in the home, try Dr. j interest from the 1st day of June, 1!K)» hlioop •â€" at least once. It is thoroughly principal payable on the lat day of June, unlike any other Cough [iiejiaration. l-s! ^"'''â- '- "'"' interest at the rate-of four per taste will be enlirely new to yon unless T'"'; ^'"â-  """"'," ""' ''" l"J'l '"''fy'-''"-ly ;, ; I 1 r . ^, . "y iJhBoue oil the 1st day of June and l»l It I, alrea.ly your favorite Cough Uemedy. j day of December in each year ••Ontario No opium. Chloroform, or any ol her lOovorument Stock' Administrator's Sale OF Farm Properties IN THE Township ot Osprey. I'luler ami by virtue of the power.s vts'ed in the Adnrniftrator of th.j estate of Patrick Burns, late ot the Township of O.'sproy in the County of Grey. Farmer, deceased, there will be offered for sale by public Auction at the Temperance hoiel ill the vil'agj of Fevershani in tlieCouniy (•f (irey, on Saturday the lOth day of July, A D. lOC'J. at the bom- of nv„ o'clock in tho afternoon, the following properties, namely: â€" Firstâ€" Lot ei^^ht in the toiiih con- cession of tiio townshin of O.sprey" in the county of Grey, containing one luiiulied acres, more or less. About eighty iicrea of this lot are cle.ir- ed, and the balance timbered with hiird- wo 'd. rpou tlie premises arj said ti be a small frame house aud a frame Imin wi'h st.ibles undemeaih. Tie proveriy is aiiont two miles from ihe village I't Feversliaiu. Tliia farm will be S'dJ sub- ject to a lease which expires on April Isi, lin;5. * Second â€" Lot mnnber two in the eighth concession ,,{ thetownsliip of Osprey in the ciutity i.f Grey, containing one luiii- dred acres more or less. About sixty acres of this hit are c'ear- ed and the balai. CO timbered with ha'd- woiid und some cedar. The firm is wdl watered and fairly well fet.ced. There are saiil to be a log houte aid a good loi barn on tho premises. This farm is situated â- ibout three and a i|uaiter miles from Ilia vilhige of Fevrrshani. This farm will be pold subject to a lease winch expires .\pr,l 1st, 1010. TEUMS:â€" Ten per cent, of ihe pur- chase money to be paid on the day of sale and the balince in thiny days there- after, wiihout interest. ' These properties will be sold subject to a reserved bid on each parcel. For fnrlher particulars and coiidiiions of sale apply to W. II. WRIGHT, Owen Sound, Out. Vendor's Solicitor. Dated June 4th, 1909. WE^are openinu up a merchant tailoring bu.siness under uianacnient of Fied Morley who is a hr.'t cla^s workman. We have a coiiipli te range of new and up-to-date Btuck. We ljuarantee a perfect fit. Call and see the {joods â€" just ill the Coiner ri 'om MRS. SMITH'S OLD STAND. .=* s -t; o the cr 5 tc 2 = s ^ ^ (11 tSj c 2 d) > m "7 (V o 1 o o -~ "S o* o en o a o en o *P - o o -3 'O ^^ CO 5I&- NEW Di'fps Goods in all the new shades nrd patternsâ€" prices occ to ?1. DO per yd., also a large assortment of Ging- hnin.'i. Zepliyis, Linens, Prints and Muslius A complete range of Ladle's Ready- • to-wear (larments â€" Skirts, Jackets, Waists, I'nder- 8kirt.-<, Etc. Flour and Feed. We keep on hard h toll slock of Flour and Feed including Feed Flour Shorts, Brim and the faim us Five l^otes Fh ur ni..(V by the Lake of the Woods Milling C<'., Kewiitin. iviry Isg <f which is {.ua'imtted if not satisfaetoiy reluin it and yet your money. Hardware. We have a well nssoited >ti ck of HmiUv.-ircâ€" purticR conleniplatirg buildini; will do w. II to Lct i rr iirici s befiie purcha.sing elsewhere â€" tinware etc. also a nice line of itiivc:, tmm Tn Sleighs, Bifd<|1c$t lUaggons^ i?arrow$t Ploughs, C^ream Sep- arators and mire Fencing HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY or any oiher(Uovorniiient htock may lie subscribed slupifying ingiodients are u.sed. The l^'"' '" """^ "f *'"'" "r multiples thereof, tender loaves of a harmless, luiiL'-liealiii" T'',n'" ''" '^'â- 'i"''*f«'-"ble in the books of mountaimms shrub, ,-,ve to I)r Shoon's I i, ,"•'' ^'â- |«'""""t . "!'ly ''y the ,, , ,, , ""â- o'*B""'i. '^''''''Ps holder or his attorney in Similar manner l-(mgli Remedy lis wonderful curative l" transfers of bank stock, propertied. It i» truly a mo.st certain and ' Th" issue price during the month of trustworthy pre.scriprion. .Sold bv all •^"''"•.•'•^'''. *'" '>« 10^ for each 8100, Uealers ' ' ' '" "y "", ami alter the HOth day of June, IQOO, the ! issue price will be 10'<J and interest accrued Word reaches here that "Tede" Mc '"â- '"" r'"* ^'" •^"""' ^'*'^"- who i. amending a law ii.stiiute''aV,STtSls'S' liNTER^'^SJ^'S^^ THORITYOFTHE SAID ACT ARE FREE FROM ALL ONTARIO PRO- Oirr, Valparaiso, Indiana, has passed his Hrst eiamination with flying colors, taking 08.| marks out of a possible hundred. '^bere »io about :160 students attending 'ite and ••Tede" is the only ' I.-"'.. That the young '" well in the VINOIAL TAXES, CHARGES, SrC- 0E8SION DUTY AND IMPOSITIONS WHATSOEVER. Purchasers of Stock or Bonds will be re.|uired lo send certified cheque wiili the application, iwyable to the oider of the "Provincal Treasurer of Ontarui." This loan is raised upon the credit iif """â-  'oljdited Revenue Fund of raeatilu thereupon. 'â- â- â€¢Mier they •'•nont Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of Willi.mi Junes Ueaity, late of the township of Arteinesia in tho County of Grey, Railway Employee, deceased. NoTtcK is hereby given pursuant to the revised Statutes of Ontario, 1807, Chap. !», that all tho creditort and others haviui' claims again.«t tl:e estate of the said William , lames Beatty, who died on or about the second day of June, 1009, aie re<iuired on or before the tweniyninth day of July, 1909, to send by post pre- pHiii or deliver to James L. AlcMullon, Ceylon, Ont., administrator of the estate of tho said VVilliam .l-imes Really, de- ceased, their Christian and surnameH, addresses and descriptions, the ifull particulars of their claims the statement of their accounts and the fnature of the securities (if any), held by them. .\nd furthkr takb NoriL'K that after such hast mentioned date the said admini- strator will prooeed to distribute the a»8et« of tho deceased among the purtie* entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice, and that the stid adininistrnti,r will not be liable for tho vaid assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have boon received by him at the time of such distribution. W. H. WRIGHT. 0»en Sound, Dot., Solicitor for the Administrator. Dated June 25ih, 10C9. Heard's Carriage Works Farms for Sale & Rent I^^ftrmfor sale, contaiuing one buudred acres iiioie or lesH. being lots Ht-U'i. cod, I. N. K, Toroiuo Svdutilmui luail. about elKbty aoros clearod; balance bush. On the property U one frame barn ^Tix.w oa stone bastineiit witb con- crottifltabling autlgooil impleuieutRhed. Frame ilweiling houae, small orcharft. two good xvelU. Altto two apriiii^s ou buck eud of place. Tliere are thirty acres (all ploughed, ttveacros of fall whtat.wel) fenced aud in a good state of cultiva* tion. This is one of the best f'ivms in the town<«hiii and cau bt- boug)it riifht. (t is nituat> ed one mile from Flnsherton and Ave uiilds from Markdale. Apply to KltHAHDSON HUUS. Fleshertou Canadian Pacific Very Low Rate For Summer Trip to Kific Coast ..30 return from Flesherton good going May 20 to Sept. 30 1 limit Oct. 31. Liberal stopovers. ofiiiutes. (!o by the direct â€"see voiir own coiintry-the â-  cky Mountains. Vixitllie ..nsiiion am) other sjiecial attractions, i'.ilk it over with DS, Avenf, Fh sherton T Ota 34 and 3.5, eoti. 3S D R, 100 aere.ii, (V) cleared | '^ 10 acres pasture, balance good bush, '.haru * (Vix.^U, driviuK shed, good fraiiie liouse. -2 wells, t 1 acre of orchard aud stone wall under barn. | Saii^een river crosses bacl< of farm. Well fenced i and ill Kooit stale of cultivation, 3 iiiilus from Protou Station. For terms ft|>i»ly ou iireinises to JAMEB H. VAL'SF, I'rotoii Staf.iou l^or sale cheap, nt rent, immediate possession ' Lot 30 con. 14, Arteinesia, about T") acres clear, comfortable tu^ house and frame harn. Applv to H. J. Sproule. Flesherton, or John J. Martin, across the road from said let. Cei/lon 's 9?^eat Market. All kinds of fresh and smoked meats. Load cheese, sausage, always ou Land. - ^ CASH PAID FOR HIDES. Jas. MceiockL in. T ots K 4 s and 0. i'oti. is, iu the towb.Hlilp of '-•' Osprey, l.",0acrB»,larBecleariii|i!.Ki>O'' frame tiaru aud stables, Kood dwelling aud well. Ap- ply Oil the pieniises or to W. J. Bkll^uv, Fleshertoa Good Farm For Sale. T ot 19, con.li, Osprev eoutaiuiUK 100 acres SO cleaied, tiauie house, frame barn, stone foundatiou: orchard, well watered. Ons thousand down and balance to suit purchaser tiumediate posseskion Apply to K. N, KisNKAR, Ma.\welt P. O. 'PorsKle olieap and on ttosy terms, roo.I com- *- foi table frame dwelliejj. stable and driving house, witli three villwRe lots, in Ceylon. l)weU lintf. well built and tlnisbed and tibod beariug orcuard ou the piopertY, Apply to K. J. SeHOULK, Flesherton ipor sale or rentâ€" 103 aore farm, 1 tore of or- *- chard, 10 acres bush including 5 acres liard- wood, well watered and (jood fences, brick house, frame bain, li miles from school and post ollioe, 3 miles from Proton Station, For price and terms of sale apply to Win, "Tftylor, lot 73-74, oeu 1 north of Durham road, Artoma>>ia El Dorado Farm. Of SlMirthorn cattle and Leicester sheep. liiills and heifers on hand for sale also a iniinber of sinRle and rose comb brown leghorn, and single comb white leghorn cockerels Lot 32' Con. \ Chas. .StatiFord. Shorthorn Cattle for Sale. Loviuiaa and Wimples, the beat of breedinit and quaht". Hull, cows aud heifers for sale at reasonable prices Lot 32,oou.5 CHA8. STAFFORD, Floshertoo L\.r Rent-lot 37. con 4, Arteinesia. 100 kcvm w *â-  to 00 cleared and in cultivation, couifortsblo dwelliiiK, bauk barn, stone stablini;. in a tirst class settlement and well wortliy the atteutioti of those requiring such. K.,1. SPROULE, Flesherton I ot3. 0011. 4 Osprey, 100 acres well timbered, ^ For terms etc. apply to R. Koberi,.s, L»dy Eggs For Hatching. Drown Leghorn KgKS for hatching, from llrst "class pen. All priie birds at KHst (Jvey toll lair are iu this peb. Eggs fiOc. per setting ol 15 LEVIBBTT8, Flesherton; Herefords For Sale. Cows and heifers for sale, none lietter. Prices listht. Tost Office, Proton Stati<m; farm half mile from (taupeen Jimction. » e have sold all our I uUs. J. & T, WATSON. CROUP stopped in 20 minutes sure with Dr, Shoop's Croup Remedy. Uiie ti'.st will surely prove. ._ . , , , . "" vomiting, no di.s- tress, A safe auU pleasiDK syrupâ€" Wo. DrugaLsts. I>XJMP Wooden pump.<i manufactured throuKhout »nd repairs promptly and satisfactorily attended to, I am aaent tor three of the best iron pump manufacturers in Ontario. A card dropped to me at Ceylon P. O will have my prompt attention. Your patron >g8 respectfully solicited. JAMES A. McLKAN, urrie's Corner, Cevlon P. O 1 . I V

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