Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Jul 1909, p. 5

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July 1 1909 THE F ]. E S H E R T O N A D V A N C E U The Money You Save Saves You from worry â€" want â€" debt â€" humiliation. A comfortable Bank Account give* one an easy mind, self-confidence, and the power to take advantage of every opportunity that comes to better one's position. THE STANDARD BANK E^ubMoi 1873 OF CANADA " ^"^^ gives Savings Depositors, whether Lheir accounts be large or small, the most courteous service. Make a beginning at once wilh a Deposit of One Dollar or more, in our Savii^^ Department. 73 FLESHERTON BRANCH George Mitchell, Manager BRANCHES Jkl^O AT OUR-UiVM AND BA.RRI.STON. VICINITY CHIPS Arteineaia Counsil will meet ou Saiur day next. Mrs. Pye is spenJin'^ the huminei- with her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Carter. Mrs Siiedden of Toronto is vlsiiing ut Mi: C. Belhiiny's. The Woodstock College Evantfelisiic baud will hold .services next Sunday as follows: 11 !i. m. and 7.30 p. ui., Ruck- Mr. Will Richardson loft yesterday for '^,^ ^,j^j.j,|,_ jj,^ „h,.le band being the Northwest. ! present. 3.30, at Ceylon. 11 a. ui., Mr. W. R. Edrauiid, Turonto, was a ! Flesherton, Mr. Treuibert preachinK, iu guest of Mr. A. Munshawover Sunday. 'the Baptist church. 2 p. m., Priceville, Mr.- Fred Hicklina of the Sault U holi- i Mr. Tieicbert in charue. daying with friends here for a few days. Anniversary services wi'l be held in Rev. Dr. Caldwell will leave on Friday tlie Presbyterian church on Sabbath, for his new charge at Owen Sound North. U'lly 4th, 1009. Rev. Dr McLaren of The Mis-ses Minnie and Uetty Akius of Ni.iKsra Fall.", are visi'ing Mr. Claude Akins. Hou.se and blacksmith shop t) rent in the village of Maxwell. Apply to Win. Guy, sr., Mas»el'. Mr. and Mrs. .). Thompson, Colling- wood, visited over Sunday with Mr. and Urs. A. Blackburn. Mrs. .). Oliver and son. Jack, of Detroit, are guests uf friends in this vicinity. Mr. Geo. Wickens, wife and fchildieu. Hucklyn will preach at both morning and evening services, at 11 a. in. ai.d 7 p. ui. A free will otl'ering is asked for at both services, as there will be no festival on the week following. .Ml are cordially invited. The Owen Sound Salvation Army band gave an enjoyable open air concert ou the square Saturday evening and a ten-cent cin.;ert in the hall afterward. Tliey left after the concert to attend special Sunday services at Fevershain and ti.« assist in Ensiun Poole's wedding on Monday even- ing. Tuesday evei.ing of this week tliey of Toronto, are spending holidays with favored us with another open air conceit. Mr. Wickens' parents in the suburbs. I The band makes good music. Mrs. Geo. Monrehoiise, who has been »eeks, returns to her home in Torouti this week ( We acknowledge receipt of a neat piece visitiiiKf.iends here for the past^ three j^f ^^j.,,,,;,,^ f,„„,'f,,e ^^j^.^ „f tj-g jf„i.. wood Register, It is the piize list for East Peterbiiro Agricultural Society and Mr. C. Stewart of the suburbs raised a {reflects great credit on the printer, Bro. fine frame barn on Friday la.st. Photogra-iKeeferâ€" also upon the society that is pher Hawkeu iniinortalized the event ' wiiliny to pay for such high chiss work, with h's achromacic lens. ! The East Pelerboro show, ho.vever, is Mrs- Jo«. Muller tnd throe children. !""« "^ "i*""*' Pi-ospei-..U8 i:> Ontario. Master Harold Rutledgo and Mrs. Geo. i ^'^ *"-'liev8 it is not unusual for OOCO Rutledge are guests of the Uuer's j P^-'P''^ f" ^"^ ="'»'»'-'^«^ "'''""''* «"*•*"«• daugiuer, Mrs. Jaiuieson, in town. The Mt. Forest C.vnfi-deraie was born Mrs. Geo. B. Welton of Mt. Forest is 'in the year of confederation. Hence its the guest of her father, Mr. A. Munshaw.n'me- It has been seven years under Her sister-in-law, Miss Bryco Welton, fio present niauagement. While the Bcconipanied-her. I psper bus had its ups and downs it has „ , , , . â- ,» o. , I always been a credit to Mt. Fore.<-t and Ciura of money lost between P. S.'mers J and D. W. Clinton's, Osprey, on Thurs- diiy, June 24, last. Finder will be re- warded by reluming to D. W. Clinton. Mr. Andrew Mc.\uley was thrown from his cart one night last week while round- ing a corner at a h'gh rate of speed and received some severe scratches, but â€" it might have been worse. To d^y is Fledierton's big dsy â€" football tournament in the forenoon and a big list of sports in the afternoon, concert at night. Come early and stay late. Mr. Shunk, manager of R. J. Sproule's able nianagenient of Bro. Wright, the present proprietor, who gets out a very newsy sheet tilled iwith good local matter and strong editorials. Saturday last a couple of extraordinary loads went through ti>wn, conveying a large Barber waterwheeland fixtures from Meaford, destined for the electric light company at Homings Mills. The loads weighed orei' three tons each and I he di'ivcrs had been from 4 p. ni. Thursday until Saturday at noon making the 25 miUs from Me»foid here. They only made another tiva miles Saturday after- insuranne department, moved hi.s" family 1 »"♦'"• The machinery attracted con.sider- to town from Woodbridgo last week. They will make their abode in the Mc- Kee residence, CoUingwood Street. The earden party held at luistinge Monday evening was a most successful â- ffsir in every way, the proceeds having amounted to about eighty dollars. No. detailed account has been sent us. Twelve men from No. 6 Co. and 4 able attention while here as a wheel the Barber variety was a curiosity to most of those who viewed it. Squire Stewart and Mr. Henry Huid of Kitnberley, who have been up at Elk Lake and Gow Gaiida lor some weeks, returned home last week. They do not say so, but we fancy the mosquitoes and black flies had something to do with their early return. NVe understand they from the Durham Co. joined forces Tues- j have secured a mining claim up there day to go inco camp at Owen Sound , but in a location where th<> government under Capr. Snider. The Owen Sound Urill not allow development work ah camp is not popular with the men this) present. For this they are thankful. year. Friend Heath sends us Vol. 1,^ No. 1 of the Zealandia Telegram, a sixteen page paper. Only one paije, however, is local matter, the rest "boiler plate," but it is extensively patronized by advertisers in the various towns up there. Osprey District L. 0. L. will celebrate July 12 at Feversham. There will be a football match in the afternoon, and concert at night for which exceptional talent has teen engaged. See large pos'ers for full particulars. The W,)odstock band of young evange- lists have done an exceptionally good work here during the past week, whiuh they completed last evening. They will bo at Rockvale church for a few days, begin- nioK to-morrow (Friday) night, after which we believe it is their intention to go to Kincardine. Mrs. W. Thurston returned on Tues- day after spending six weeks with friends in Yonkers, N. Y., and Toronto. Mrs. Thurston had the pleasure of meetinc; Misses Ida and Chrisiino Gjerdrum, former sraduatea uf the Fleaherton public school. Miss Ida is a full fledged trained nurse, having gradu-kted in May from the M'thoditt Episcopal Hospital, Brooklyn. Miso Christene expects to graduate next spring from the anuic traiuing schc ul. Bam Burned Messrs. T. & J . Watson's tine frame ' barn down at Saugeen Junction was | burned to the gmund early Saturday morning. The tire started between two and three o'clock, and is supposed to have been ihn work of an incendiary. J One horse, a valuable cow and 200 bush- els of oats were consunied with the build- ing. There was an insurance of $1(X)0 on the barn, 85(X) on stock and $50(J on coutents. It is only about a year since the Messrs. Watsou had another fiatuc barn burned ou u farm near by, also owned by iheiii. which seems to ba an anomaly, but it means the claim is theirs sure until such time as the erovernuient allows them to proceed. Ex. students of the Owen S.mnd Collegiate throughout this country and elsewhere will hear with extreme sorrow of the accidental death of Franklin, the 16-year-old son and oidy child ot Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Packhaiu. On Friday last the youth wasamusing himself in the back yard of his home with a smtll rifle. He came into the house and putting his hand to his head said, "Mother, I have hurt myself again." He immediately fell to the floor unconscious. Doctors Were called who located the bullet at the base of the brain. The lad did not again recover consciousness until his death at 6 p. m, Mr. Packham is second teacher in the collegiate and Mrs. Packham is well known for her Work in church matters, more particularly through the Woman's Missionary society, for whiob she is district organizer. The affair will be a sad blow to these devoted parents and more than the usual amount of sympathy is extended them. It will never be known how the terrible accident occurred. Bull For Snleâ€" .\ pure bred Shorthorn bull, 14 months old, fit for service, will be sold reasonable. W. J. MeaJs, Cey- Im P. 0., or lot 20, 0. D. R. Successful Pupil. Miss Celia Van Dusen of Fleaherton recently passed the special test examina- tion for proficiency in Shorthand and Typewritinu, held in the uflices of the L'nited Typewriter Co., Toronto, and on their recoaiineudatinn secured a pntitiou at once with the well known tirin of Gordon, Mao Kay & Co. of that city. Miss Van Du.seu received her training at the CoUina wood Business College. Miss Jean Duncan, another Fleshertoii young lady, IS at present attending the above institution. Sto^s Hair Falk ^9 Ayer's Hair Vigor, new fm- proved formula, will certainly stop falling of the hair. Indeed, we believe it will always do this unless there is some disturb- ance of the general health. Then, a constitutional medicine may be necessary. Consult your physician about this. Dog nol change the color of ihe hair. A Yormola with e ^cb bottlv flbow it to your doctor A«k blm alBoat U, thm do aa b* saj nets I F.G.KARSTEDT ^ General and Fksberton, Hardware Merchant. Ontario The reason why Ayer's Hair Vigor stops falling hair is because it flrst destroys the germs which cause this trouble. After this is done, nature soon brings about a full recovery, restoring the hair and scalp to a perfectly healthy condition, hj tb« J. a a^cr Co.. IjewMl. Kau.â€" • Drowned at Hanover. A drowning accident happened at Honover Monday evening when the Saugeen River chiiimd for iti victim Miss Alice Wright;. After tea Miss Wright in company with another young lady and two young men, went to bathe in the Saugeen. The pariy went half a mile down the river in a canoe and ihon went into the water. It appears Mi.ss Wright was attempting to swim ucro.<.s, but got tired. One of the young men went to her rescue, and he would have also drowned had rot the other young man resuced him in the canoe, but not before they had h).st hold of theil- eumpacion. Miss Wri^jht was a araduate nurse from a Kenora, < >utario, hospital. She was en- i gaged to te married to a young doctor, who m in England at present. She was a popular young lady. Her father, Mr. Wai. Wright, has been in the grocery business here for ui.iny years. The body was recovered about tetrVclock the same niL'lit ill very deep water. 4^ Odds and Ends Come in on the 1st of July ^ Wo will bo open to Uia public on the above date and will be Very ^^ glad to see you come in and brim; your trade m the morning, and do Jt^ your shoppiiii.'. Leave the rest t" us, and you can get your goods ^^ when y-iu are leaving, uo matter hu^ laie. If you don't bring your tR trade, come out anyway and coiuo in and sue us, ^^b Harvest Tools ^ Haying I 'and harvesting are near at Rand now, so it would [wy dK you to get supplied in Hand Rakes, Forks, Shovels, Scythes, Snatlia, ^D Sickles. Cradles, f^cyhe Stones, etc. We have the very btst that ^K Miiiney cm buy at thu most popular prices. "fl" Binder Twine ^ We are head riuurtsrs for • the Braotford dirdage Co's "Gilt ^ Edge.' This is the best, as it has no eijuul on the market to-day, ^ together with Ply mouths' "Gold Medal," both 650 feet lu the pound ^ for He per pound, ijecure your order from us at once as it is possible j^ that It will raise in price. ^ A Barnardo Boy Dead Harry Jones, a Barnardo boy, died at tlie huine of Mr. Kichaid Waiters, near Clarksburg, latt week, and the remains were brought up and interred in ilie Durham road cemetery. The lad's father was an engineer, whom ho barely re- uieinbered. His mother died when he was four years of ane and he was taken in charge by t'ne Home authorities, tie was brought to Canada at tt^n years of age and found a comfortable home with Mr. Watters, removing with that gentle- man to CoUingwood township in March of lost year. On June 14 he look ill, the immediate cause being exposure to cold, but it was found that the bone back ot the ear was diseased or decaying and that the trouble had existvd for seven y«ars or longer, .â- \fler 11 days of aieat Buttering he died Friday evenini;, June 25, and was buried near Price»ille, the former home of the Watleis family. According to his own story, when living on a dairy farm England, a man slapped him over the ear and knocked him down. The reason for the cruel trentmeiit was that the boy fell and spilled Some milk. It iss>jppo.sed tlut this may have origi- nated the cause of his death. On Friday, while a barn whs being raised with block and tackle on the fiiriu of Mr. Arch McLean, on the 11th of West Luther, an accident occurred which had serious and painful consequences which iiii'.>ht easily have been more serious. A chain that boie the weight of a bent broke at a point where il had a kink in it, and the bent dropped sudden- ly into its place. A gilt, on which Mr. Win. W. Duncan was standing, was dis placed by the jolt and Mr. Duncan wns thrown to the ground, his arm being broken. The heavy piece of limber fell on 'he foot of Mr. David Furgu-son, his toes being so badly crushed that he was taken to the Mt. Forest hospital and is doimf well. fTell some deserving Uheuinatic suffiTcr that there is yet one simple way to certain rel ef. Got Dr. Shoop's book on Rheumatism and a free trial test. This book will make it enlireiy clear how Rheumatic pains are ([uickly killed by Dr Shoup'a Rheumatic Remedyâ€" liquid or tablets. Send no mo.iey. The test is free. Surprise .some di.shearieued sufferer by first getting for him the book from Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. /Til sicknvss, if a certain hidden nerve iroes wrong, then the organ tliac this nerve controls will also surely fail. It may be a Stomach nerve, or it may have giv^n strength and suppoit to the Heart or Kidneys. It was Dr. Shoop that first pointed to this vital tiuth. Dr. Shoop's Restorative was iiot made to dose the Stomach not to temporarily .siiaiulate the Htart or Kidneys. Thiit o'd-fashioiird method is all wroinr. Dr. Shoop's Restorative goes directly to these failmg inside nerves. The remarkable success of ihia prescription demon.strates the wisdom of treating the actual cause of the.sa failing organ.'). And it is indeed easy lo prove. A simple five or ten days test will surely tell. Try it once, and see ! Sold by all dealers. W. \. Armbtning licenses. issuer of marriage Examine the Louden barn door track and hangers at Norris Bros. Hardware. Egg vats for cisternsâ€" 100 to 120 pails â€" Apply to J. Runstadtler, Flesherton. Fine Shoes Lost- Doyd's â- Between F. Mathewsons and | .«tore, ladie.s' black suit coat, i Finder please leave at Boyd's store. We have go ijnst what yoa need. Werecom- to date aud built of lirst cb<:s With the comiug of Spring we naturally look for something ] neat and stylish to wear espci- Mct'ormick mower, good as new, also | 2-year-old blood filly colt for sale. Must j *''y i° footwear, be sold at once. A. B»yd, Flesherton Hemlock lumber, 10, 12, U. and IG feet ; baUaiii and hemlock lath for sale, meat the MODEL Shoe as being J. W. Deaule, Eugenia. \ Ifyouw>-nca good sliou shine, first i li'»"<lsome iu shape aud right up quality in Gilt Edge, Tan, Nuggett, (jx j blood, 2 in 1. Call at Clayton's. } Shingles and Hemlock lumber for sale, any leiiiith required. T. \\ . Phillips, Lady Bank P. O. Little Pins for Sale â€" Now ready to go, â€" improved Chester Whites. Stock purchased from E. D. George of Putman, Out. Wm. S. Inksler, Wareham. ' For Silo â€" Democrat wagon, canopy top, nearly new ; 1 large 3-seat waaon and â-  1 bugay nearly new. Prices right. W. Moore, Flesherton, I Very Fine Shorthorn bull calf ftjr sale, 10 inos. old, bred by Scottish Pride, grand- son Derby (imp.). F. Sicholsou, â-  Flesherton. \ Hemlock lumber for saleâ€" 1, 2 and 2x4. Tsmarac, 2 in. plank, at lot 7, con. 2, Euphpisia. W, A. .Armstrong, ' Dleshertcm. i Property for Sale at Priceville â€" A brick : house, eight rooms, oarn and five lots, l for sale reasonable. Apply to Catherine | Scott, Priceville P. O., Mar.ltf Young man wanted to learn electric ' lighting business, ali^ul 17 or 18 years of age, of uood habits, .'^pp'y at power > house, Eugenia. Georgian Bay Power ' Company. I To Ihi'se who want to have a good ap- . ptarance it is good news to know that ^ they can take their linen to .\iidy Wilson Flesherton, and have it laundered in tirst i class style. Basket leavts Tuesday night | and returns Saturday a. m. Markdale , steam lauiiJrv. W. J. Smith, Prop. 1 I Teacher Wantedâ€" For S. S. No. It, | Osprey, duties to coimiience after sum- | mer holidays. Small .school, new build- ing, well equipped. State iiualifications ' and salary. Address E. C. Pedlar, Sec. , Mclntyro P.O. | Geuerul Store for Sale, with or without stock . Good trade, over ?10,000 | er annum, small opposition . The property ; contains balf an acre, Framti store, ' dwelling in connection. Will be sold right fur quick sale. R. N. Kiunear, ' Maxwell. i Lime for Sale â€" Fresh burnt â€" Win; J. â-  Alcox, Vandeleur. material hy reliable makers. We have the MODEL Shoe iu Blucher and Oxford style iu Black, Chocolate. Os-BIood, Kid aud Dougola. You cannot help being suited. Not especi- ally for Children, Men or Women, but for the whole family. Also Men's aud Boys Fine and Heavier Sboes. C LAYTONS FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. I J. £. LARGE ^ All through this store high class goods at very low prices. We have never been better prepared to sup- ply you with all your spring and summer wauts, for every ilepartnient is crowded with bright new goods â€" the 'kind of goods we insist ou seUins; â€" look better, are better, and cost you uo more than the kind that are niatU; merely to sell. Your satisfaction the particular thing we aim at, an<l we aim to make this the safest store for you to buy at. Ilighest prices paid for produce. J. E. Large, euq enia. No Need Suffering from Rheumatism. It is n iiiintake ti> allow .inviine t'l sulffv from rlivuinutian., as the pain can always Ik' relieved, aiul in uio8t case.-* a cur,j effected by applying Chanitiei'liiin's - Liiiiinenc. The, lebuf fiipiu pain which it iitfords is alone worth niBiiv times its ost. It make sleep and 1 rei4t i)ii8«ibh'. Evfii in CA.4e^ of lonii: stiiiulilig this liniment should be u#ed nn account nf thti . «_^ leiief which it affords. l>i> not iHMli.'icouiaged ' 1 ' until you have givin it utrin:. Many suffi'ier;' ^ have i)fBn 8nr|priBcd and dclifhtod with it»i paiii-rt'lievinK(|ualitiv». 2."> and 50 cents, si/.e for Side b/W. K. Rirliardsim. Bull for Service Tbn tboroimbbred bhorthnrti Ru'I. "Karl Groy." TU,vj, will be for p<orvica on lot ;18, con. 8, Anenitiaia. The pediuroe of tbiH tine animal oau be 9i»en on appliCHtioti. Teins ^1, ANDKEW DgW.froprioSor. For Sale One span of LiKhtnii,i< Colts ocuiiiiR tl'.r«e niatcbud. Roa-ly to work. AIbo oco Shorthorn Hull uiRbtoen niontliH old, broil by Geo.Rristow, KobKov. ninnbe*' .')ti44.^i, in vohinio 24, Nau:i' â€" VillaRe Captain. ALKKUT K- HANLEY, Lot! 4, Con. 10, Osprej;, Fevorsbam P. 0. j , I H a V Y c o u r 1 e d Thompson's Bakery Having secured Mr.E. Arm- stron;{ of Peterboro, a fir.tt class baker, we are prepared to turn out the best of every- thing ill our line. Krewli Ureatl aKvaye oil hand Atrial aoliclteii. Ed.Thompson. Flesherton. r â- ^^^^- -^^^M Bull For Service 2 ve»T»eW, reg. shortlKirn bull, Victor" Pride, 74."<l)r) in for sorvioe at Lot 3", Con. (! •Vi teineaiit. Tcrnm jil.OO. JOHN H.VKGR.WE Bull for Service Thorouphbreil Uurbani bull for (lervioe ou lot 11, coi , 8, arleiUuKia. T<.ruis Sl.OU. \V. C. I'liULAR. I IU Ma) £0 Pasture to Reot Pasture on lots 171 and 172, in the 2nd Con. N. E. T. and S. R., Art«mema For (larticulars see Joseph _H. Watson, Portlttw P.O. For The Spring. We have a complete line of Uaruess and HarncssSundries.Whipa, Bells, Plush Rugs, Robfca, Curry Combs and Brushes, Hoof Ointment. Gall Cure, Harness Oil, Trunks, Valise* Telescopes, & Blacksmith'sAprons. Look in and examine our stock of Horse Blankets. Repairino PaomTLY Done. 0. W. Phillips, FLESHERTON. ONT. .J Pure Bred English Berkshires and Tamworths. IhavoaSnelot of youn({ pi(iw bre*! from jMnie winiiing .stock, for gale, \Viite me for Iirices. I can give a bargain also guarantee aCiafactiuu uu all mail order'*, (}io. W. ROSS. Ma.well l\ 0, PuhlkNotice. uMic P Notice is hereby given thai the bylaw ptohibitiOi{ cerimn animals tunning at latgo will be strictly eutorced this summer, and the public are hereby cautionad,^ a^aiiifit transxressinK the samtt< The Police Trustees. ( â- ^•^

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