Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Jul 1909, p. 7

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WEAK. TIRED GIRLS fill IM Eealtli ani Strangtli Tlroiigli Dr. Williams' Pink PiHs. There is a time in the life of every girl when the strain upon her blood becomes too great ; when she grows weak; has headaches and bac'i aches : when dizziness seizes her and she becomes extremely miser- able. That is the time of life she needs a tonic â€" a medicine that will not fail to enrich her blood and give her strength to withstand the changes through which she is pass- ing. Such a tonic is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. They have raised thousandn of growing girls out of the depths of misery and despair to a full enjoyment of good health and strength. Among those who have found good health through these Pills is Miss Ruddard «,f Haldimand. Que., concerning whose case her mother writes as fdlows:-"Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have been a great benefit to my daughter who was weak and miserable. Sh» was pale, easily tired and was bothered with indi- gestion. The use of the Pills has brought back her health, and made her strong and active. I am very grateful for what this wonderful medicine has done for her." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are the greatest blood builder known to medical science. That is why they cure anaemia, rheumatism, heart palpitation, indigestion, neuralgia, etc. That is why they are of such value to women ami girls during the changes through which they pass from girlhood to maturity. The Pills are sold by all medicine dealers or direct by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. PARIS LIKE FKOGS' LEGS. They are Very Popular as Edibles in FrcQch Capital. The popularity of frogs' legs as an edible in the J?"rench capital is indicated by the fact that in the Pans Hal'es more than 4,000 poundi of frogs' legs are sold daily. The.' come mostly from the Vend5», where the soil is Uat and swampy i''rogs are exported now in largq numbers to London clubs and ho- tels, whire they occasionally tigure on the till of faro as "nymphes tn brochette." The best frogs fet;h «bout a dollar for a skewer of teu. nails, which, like oysters, should never be eaten in any month that has no "K" in it, are close rivals ol the frogs, trance has a steady consumption of between 60,000,000 and 80,000,000 snails annually. The wholesale price of raw live snails varies between $3.35 and $6 a thousand, while between $10 and $13.50 a thousand is paid for snails cooked and prepared for eating. The latter variety is now beginning to be largely exported abroad, aiid there seems to be a fair demand fcr them in the United States. The finest snails come from the gnail farms of Burgundy and the Jura district, where they are spec ally reared. It takes about thr-2e years to bring a snail to maturity, but this refers to the finest qua lity only. A plot of 200 square yards will easily accoinmodat-e 10,- 000 snails, and as the animal pro- duces sixty young every year the rearing of them is a profitable busi ness. One snail farmer this sea- son has sold 8,000,000 of them. The snail harvest is in the wii ter time, when they are hibernar. ing. They are collected and thrown into boiling salt water, which makes them leave their shells. Bnails and shells are quickly sepa-- ated, and the rest is the secret of the French chef. iHIIOUS KOKSHTS m loufls loiEsas The hot weather mouths arc an anxious time for all mothers, but particularly for young mothers. They are the most fatal time of the year for babies and young children, because of the greM prevalence of stomach and bowel troubles. These como almost without warning and often before the mother realizes that there is danger the little one triay be beyond aid. No other me- dicine can equal Baby's Own Tab- lets in promptly curing bowel and stomach troubles and an occasional dose given the well child will keep the stomach and bowels free from offending matter and ensure good health to the child. Therefore the Tablets should always bo kept in the home as they may be the means of saving a little life. Sold by me- dicine dealers or by mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. HORRID BRUTE ! Dora: "And so you quarrelled ?" Lottie: "Yes; and I returne' all his presents. And what do you think he did?' "Something horrid, 1 m sure." "He sent me half-a-dozcn boxes of face powder with a note explain- ing that he thought he had taken as much as that home on his coat since he first know mu." A close friend is all vight-until ke declines to lend you money. *Ot»00»0»00»OOOOOQOO«»» YOU NO FOLKS I PUGGY DEE'S LESSON. Clay Reese had a little pug dog given (o him when tie was five years old. Clay could not speak plainly, and he called him "Puggy Dec," which was his way of saying Puggy Dear, and that was the dog's name ever afterward. The two were al- ways together, and had the gayest times. Clay's home was in Florida, and not far from the seashore. The beach was his favorite playground, and there he and Puggy Dee found many strange and interesting things. There were great pink cur- lews, with queer spoon-shaped bills and long, thin legs, living in the long marsh close by. And there were snow-white herons, with long legs and bills, too, only their bills were as thin as their legs. It was fun to watch these birds wading in the water and fishing up shrimp and tiny fish from the bottom with their long bills. Then they would toss the fish up in the air, and throwing back their hcada, catch it in their wide-open mouths as it ' came down. And they were good catchers, as well as fishers, never missing their aim. Clay never tired of watching them. On the beach were all sorts of interesting things â€" stark.s' eggs, sea-beans, bea.utiful shiells, and more treasures than I can tell of. The funniest were the fiddler-crabs, and they kept Clay and Puggy Dee busy all day long. They were little fellows, no longer than Clay's chubby fingers or Puggy Dee's curly tail. Each one had nine small claws to run and grab things with, and one big claw, for all tlie world like a big fiddle, hugged close to one side. They could scamper so fast that Clay and Puggy Dee never could catch them, try as hard as they might. They would creep out, oh, so quietly, while the crabs were scuttling about over the sand, but into their holes they would pop be- fore Clay could grasp them. If he waited very still, out would peer an eye to see if the coast was clear ; for the crabs had eyes on pegs that could look round a corner or out of a hole, which were very good eyes to have when a small boy an ' a dog were after one. At the slightest noise or movement, down would go the eye, and Mr Crab, too, as he burrowed into his hole. Many times Clay tried to dig them out, while Peggy Dee stood by, all acquiver with excitement, ready to catch them; but it was of no use. The crabs could dig faster than Clay, and he never got one. One day Clay went down to the long steamer wharf with his father after crabs. Those were big fel- lows, and each one had two big claws, as well as eight smaller ones. They lived in the deep water, in holes among the wharf-piers. Mr. lleese used no bait for his hooks, only pieces of red flannel tied to the line above the sinker. Clay watched the«e red rags as they went down into the clear water, and soon he saw a big claw reach out and catch hold of the line. Then out came another claw, and there was Mr. Crab swinging on the line, holding on with all his claws. Then there must be no noise. Clay must keep back all squeals of delight, and Puggy Dee must shut his bark up tight in his throat, even if it seemed as if they would burst, or Mr. Crab would be frightened and let go. And Papa Reese must draw the line up, oh, so carefully and gently, while Clay must have the scoop-net all ready to slip under him, for Mr. Crab would let go when he reached the surface of the water. Then, when he was safely landed in the big basket on the wharf, such a noise as Clay and Puggy Dee made must have fright- ened all the crabd below. Soon half a dozen big crabs were in the basket, rattling and clashing their claws, and making the great- est commotion, as they fought each other and tried to get out. Papa Reese told Clay and Puggy Dee to keep away from them, or they would get nipped. Bit Puggy Dee would poke his inquisitive pug nose into the basket to see what was going on. All at once there was a sharp yelp, a great tussle, and there was poor Puggy Dec, dancing about with a crab hanging to his nose. Then there was a time ! Round and round the wharf went the whole party, dancing in wild commotion ; Puggy Dee mad with fright and pain, scurrying here and there, try- ing to get rid of his nose orna- ment; Papa Reese after Puggy, shouting and commanding him to keep still and let him take the crab off ; and poor little Clay, screaming and sobbing, running after them be th. All in a snarl they were, dog and crab, man and boy, until, with an uwtul howl, Puggy Dee shot up the wharf and down the street like a!) animated bombshell ,his agoniz- crl yelps sounding faintly back long af'.cr he was out of sight. There was no more crab-fishing for Clay, so the father gathered up Ihf^ things, and they went home Thore was no Puggy Dee there and he did iu)t come hack that nigSt. <.:lay crwd himself to sleep, sorely missing the little round ball of fur i that always slept at his feet, and | full of fears and forebodings. But the next morning there was | Puggy Dee, jumping against the door, and crazy with longing to see his little master. Such a glad re- union there was, and such condol- ences over poor Puggy 's sore nose ! They never learned how he got rid of the crab, but he always dropped his head and tail and looked greatly ashamed whenever it was mention- ed. But it is safe to say he had learned something about crab-H^h- ing. â€" Youth's Companion. now WIND PRODUCES WAVES. Its Action Upon Desert Sand and Prairie Snow. There are wind waves in water, sand and snow. The great sea waves are produced at that part of a cyclone where the direction of the wind coincides with the direction of advance of the depression. Along the line of advance the wave in their progress are accompanied by a strong wind blowing across their ridges as long as the atmospheric depression is maintained. So the waves are developed until they be- come steep. The average height in feet is about half the velocity of the wind in miles. A wind of fifty-two miles an hour gives waves of an average height of twenty-six feet, although indi- vidual waves will attain a height of forty feet. The prevailing wind in all longitudes is westerly, so wherever a westerly wind springs up it finds a long westerly swell, the effect of a previous wind still running, and the principal effect of the newly born wind is to increase the steepness of the already run- ning long swell so as to form ma- jestic storm waves, which some- times attain a length of 1,200 feet from crest to crest. The longest swells due to wind are almost in- visible during storms, for they are masked by the shorter and steeper waves, but they emerge into view after or beyond the storm. The action of the wind to drift dry sand in a procession of waves is seen in the deserts. As the sand waves cannot travel by gravitation their movements are entirely con- trolled by the wind and they are therefore much simpler and more regular in form and movement than ocean wa\es. In their greatest heights of several hundred feet the former become more complex ow- ing to the partial consolidation of the lower layers of sand by pres- sure, but they still have the char- acterestic wave features. In the Winnipeg prairies of Canada freshly fallen snow isd rifted by wind in a procession of regular waves progressing with a visible and ghostlike motion. They are similar to desert sand waves, but less than half as steep, the wave length being fifty times as great as the height. The flatnes of the wind formed snow waves affords a valuable in- dication of the great distance to which hills shelter from the wind. WORK FOR CANNIBALS. "Almost idyllic happiness pre- vailed in many of the eastern Paci- fic islands a hundred years ago," said Sir Edward im Thurn, Gover- nor of Fiji. "Among the feroci- ous inhabitants of Fiji, however, cannibalism was practised to an ex- tent never at any time equalled elsewhere. The custom appears to have been shared by white rene- gades who had settled among them. A problem of employment in tiie remote Gilbert and Eilice islands, formerly equally barbarous, was caused by the prohibition of in- ternecine warfare â€" formerly the natives' chief occupation. It was difficult, in view of the character of the islands to find them fresh pur- suits. ' A General Favorite. â€" In every place where introduced Dr. Tho- mas' Eclectric Oil has not failed to establish a reputation, showing that the sterling qualities which it pos- sesses are valued everywhere when they become known. It is in gen- eral use in Canada and other coun- tries as a household medicine and the demand for it each year shows that it is a favorite wherever used. OLD AGE INSURANCE. Fourteen millions of persons are insured in Germany under the in- validity and old age pensions act. La.st year the total cost of adminis- tration was $3,774,250; old-age pensions amounted to $4,325,000, invalid pensions amounted to $32,- 600,000 and $2,000,000 was spent in returning premiums in case of mar- riage or death. Practically all Canadian drug- gists, grocers and general dealers sell Wilson's Fly Pads. If your storekeeper does not, ask him why. "Julia," said the new-rich mis- tress of the mansion, "be sure to mash the peas thoroughly." "What ma'am?" exclaimed tlie puzzled maid. "Mash the peas?" "Yes, I say, mash the peas. It makes my husband very nervous at dinner to have them roll off his knife." One of the greatest blessings to parents is Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. It effectually ex- pels worms and gives health in a marvellous manner to the little one. Sufferer (to lady in front) : "Mar dam, if you were to remove your hat I could see the play." Lady in front (with manifestation of sur- prise): "Yes, but you could not then see my new hat." A CONTAGIOUS IDEA. Imitation may be a nuisance rather than a form of flattery. A writer in the Outlook tells of an incident in a bank which is as amus- ing as it is probable. The teller was asked by a woman for a new envelope for her bank-book. It was passed out, and the lady behind, noting that her own envelope was a trifle dingy, also asked for a fresh one. The third woman said, "Me, too," or words to that effect, and so it went down the line. When the teller's patience and his stock of envelopes threatened to give out, he determined to call a halt. A fastidiously dressed lady ap- peared at the window, holding out a perfectly gloved uand. "I should like one, too, please, ' said she. "One what, madam?" asked the teller. The lady flushed and began to look comical. "Why," she stammered, "what the other ladies had." And a man's idea of his own im- portance decreases as the gray in his hair increases. Only those who have had experi- ence can tell the torture corns cause. Pain with your boots on, pain with them off â€" pain night and day ; but relief is sure to those who use Holloway's Corn Cure. EVERYBODY SHOULD CRY. Everybody should cry, and "have the cry out," when there is due occasion for it. Such is the opin ion of a London, England, medical man, a speciaust in nervous dis- eases and disorders. "Dry eyed grief, such as one sometimes sees at a graveside, is far more terrible than crying," he said. "When there is great mental stress the blood rushes to the temples and, acting on the tear ducts, forces tears from the eyes. "This is natural, and a great relief is at once felt by the sufferer. The brain is, as it were, put under an anesthetic and the keen sense of grief vanishes." "You shouldn't treat your boy so harshly; you'll broak his spirit." "Well, he'll probably get married some time, and ho might as well have it broken now !" PAINKILLER IS JUST THE REMEDY needed in every houBi-l.old. For cats, burns and bruiacs, strains and sprains dampen a cloth with It. apply to the wound aiij the pain leaves. Avoid substitutes, there is but one •â- Painkiller "â€"Perry Davis"â€" 2ic. and 50c. Landlady: "I believe in letting coffee boil for thirty minutes. That's the only way to get the good- ness out of it." New Boarder (turning away and leaving his): "You have succeeded admirably, ma'am." "What did Jinx say at the ban- quet last night?" "Nothing." "Why, he told me he made a speech'" "So he did." â- Very many persons die annually from cholera and kindred summer complaints, who might have been saved if proper remedies had been used. If atacked do not delay in getting a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kel- Iflgg's Dysentery Cordial, the medi- cine that never fails to effect a cure. Those who have used it say :t acts promptly, and thoroughly subdues the pain and disease. Bluffton : "I said something to my wife last week that offended her, and she hasn't spoken to me since." Henpeck : "Great Scott. man ! You can't remember what it was, can you?" Try Alurtae Eye Remeay. For Bad, Wwk, W»»rjp, Wat«i7 By»«. Oranulatlon, Pink Ry« and Bja Strain. MorltiB d>«sut tm»n\ SoDthe* Kj» Vaia; i» CompcmnJ«d by Bxper- Nnoad VhT»tol»n«; Contiini nu Injurious or will svad you Intaresting Rys Buuk« Ki««. Borley : "I got rather a cool re- ception when I called at the Smiths' last night, but they warmed up fin- ally. Why, when I was leaving, the whole family came to th© door with me!" Griggs: "Well, you see, someone took thrco umbrellas out elf their hall-rack a few even- ings ago." DECAYING OF WOODS. Among woods, birch and popular decay in three years, willow and horse-chestnut in four years, maple and beech in five years, elm and ash in seven years. Oak and Scottish fir decays only to the depth of half an inch in seven years, while the juniper would be quite uninjured at the expiration of the same period. A Mild Pill for Delicate Women. The most delicate woman can un- dergo a course of Parmelee's Vege- table Pills without fear of unplea- sant consequences. Their action, while wholly effective, is mild and agreeable. No violent pains or jurgings follow their use, as thou- sands of women who have used them can testify. They are, therefore, strongly recommended to women, who are more prone to disorders of the digestive organs than men. A PROVISO. Brideâ€" "Here is a telegram from •papa." Bridegroom (eagerly) â€" "What does he say?" Bride (reads)â€" "Do not return and all will be forgiven." It is an undisputed fact that cne packet of Wilson's Fly Pads has actually killed a bushel of house flies. Fortunately no such quantity can ever be found in a well kept house, but whether they be few or many Wilson's Fly Pads will kill ihem all. A DIFFERENCE. "Did he say he knew me when I was a girl?" "No; he said he knew you when he was a boy." GRIEVOUS ERRORS made nowadays. For instaucc wiien a person bayB an imi- tation of " The D. A. h." Uenthol Plaster said to be the genuine. Re cureCul and see that they are made by Davis & Lawroucu Co. WHAT CINCHED IT. The young man â€" "I wish to thank you ,sir, giving me your assistance in persuading your daughter to marry me." The old man â€" "Sir, I was violent- ly opposed to tlie match." The young man â€" "I know it." Peak's Hair Grower Has D«T*r failed to il<ip FaIIIbh Hair. It p* tively kill! lb* OandruB Gaia. Try it aaa oonvlucad for youritelf. VOUR MONEY RIPUNOED IF IT PAIL* Write tor Oeacrtptirs Pamphlet. Tlia Peak Mfc Co.. IM Viotoria tt. Toronte, an* WANTED. PA.TTBY WOMAN, liberal "S«;. "*,«^ (nr dinini:-r')"m work, n^iaa '''/^ r^ ^uutW^^i^!^^ ONK LADT AOKN'Uwanted In yWr loealltr tu dirtribute aa.Jpiei and take ordere fof our P D. q Toi ol .ind H»nil Soap. .\ handtome •ilvor teasp'iin !»=«««• with ovorv lhif» cakea Write (or particular^. Atlantic S^jap >\>., f jroat* •W cnjTSftsAMPU AGENTS «1iJ MiUe naDayand eMab. lljk i>.'nnaocDtbuua«f«oa our i*tnl»L Our bl^ dus Koo IB aelt oo â- igfafe IncfO'T huliift. »ro (nilosly u «"l up and '•ve^t uidaf* o .mt! fi^t. Eicluiite Mr» rttory ^ivco. Tac Hosts BurrLT OCb, n<pi. so. ToiiBto, Oak >CASE WWTE /w CATALOGUE WARREN GZOW3KI & OOi Member* Toronto tiloek EzabA;i£a fftader* Bank Baildlnf, tt Broad Uti ee^ TOBONTO. SKWTOBK STOCKS AND BONDS EjaSIta COBALT S^JIJJSL"* Secure the Agency For ynur Irjcality of :h» mily Life Insaranc* Cott* pjuiy iD««UitK ervrr r*quirame&t uf tfa* "BUTaL COMMISSION." Our ploas and policial appmJ to %h» ouraaoB ^ons*. aud pofitirvly pruteot th« PviUcjholder'i iutar«Jt. KaIai luwor; Uruia3 oaymeiit eui^r. THE POLICYHOLDERS MUTUAL LIFE, TaiQDla Building, Toroot* YOUR OVERCOATS ••4 l^tA BulU would 1 oak better dyed. It ao •fiM la your to^m. vrite dir«Gi iBonirral, Dot 111 MiiTiaM AMxmoAM DYKiMQ ca ALEXANDER WARDEN, (Late trsa»i*r Pre^brladaa Churub la Canada) BONDS AND STOCKS Cobalt rtooka boogbt and told oa ooMmlwlem. 18 TOSONTO 8TREIT, T8R0NT0. CANMI Loaa OManee Phoaeeâ€" Main BTS, Mala WL ISSIE NO. 27- The Pill That Brings Relief. - When, after one has partaken of a meal he is oppressed by feelings of fulness and pains in the stomach he suffers from dyspepsia, which will persist if it be not dealt with, rarmelec's Vegetable Pills are the very best medicine that can be taken to bring relief. These pills are specially compounded to deal with dyspepsia, and their sterling qualities in this respect can be vouched for by legions of users. "What business did you say Miss Gaddie was i>it" "Oh, slie's in everybody's business." "Whole- sale ,ehr' "Yes, except when it comes to a bit of scandal. She re- tails that." â-  W A fJ T E D If y,iu w*nt to v-ll rro|'«rty which you own In the United 3U»'.e» ^r m jk na^ v^*a property or a Caiinda iUfh »• » r SAnVn bi.i n< u. whto ua at >tw for our new tuc Mefui p\%a -ji .«illi,| direct. w>tbo\itoaaimiMien. OiT«fimdeM:rii>tlDn of proper ty »nd «»tw luweat price if you .•aot to buy prk p,.nyat >or kind in > 7 looaliiy, write at, •tattac what and wl. ore you «ita tob'.ij, and we will Mnd y iu paaa our iii»i»ziuo '»f cbo:o • ar.aint fur sale diroot from llie o.,n.:i with ao coiomimion added. Investment Meooiatlon, |gELL .w. M., Miuiieipjlii. Minn. BUYl'^'<^eHoan 1 I GlfJCh .\v. If every housekeeper would use Wilson's Fly Pads freely during the Summer months the house fly peril would soon be a thing of the past. PBINII OFFICE FOB SHE The " mohmond (Que.) Cunrdlan," In Ita 83rd Year Of Publication. For very many years the chief organ of the Conservative party of the Eastern Townships. 'Tha Guardian" is an 8-page G-cohima paper, and has been conducted by the present editor without inter- ruption for 50 years, who retire* in consequence of advancing years. The plant is in fair order, and consists of a moderate stock of new* and job type, 7 horse-power engin* and boiler, Peerless Gem cutter, 28-in. Campbell power press, me- dium Gordon (modern), and Liberty circular and card press, all in per- fect order; three very large stones, tables, furniture, tools, addressing machine, stoves, etc., etc., Apply either to S. FRANK WILSON. TorontD., or W. E. JONES, Richmond, Que. WHY DO So muiy loiWutions deroted to the W^et Ech»- â- ^ciOion select Bell piano* ? The fact ihat they u«e sd preler the Bell ii evidence of disdnct metk I One (oUowi proieMtonal advice io ecquinag wiw â- Â»Â« iellow pniewmal oMtooi â-  buyint " The ooly iJano. wih iIk llbmrtable Qiiick Repeeiini AdMB. I education /.fqr^ IP IbouUble v^Jyick ^^^^^ ^^^ Bend for (free) Catalogue No. 'h. ^PEll. PIANO lOO" Co.- U.»iWd GUtLPH.ONTARWi ANOTHER CASH PRIZE CONTEST ORANGE MEAT Announces a New Prize Contest MORE PRIZES THAN THE LAST The First Prize will again bs a LIFE ANKUI TY of FIFTY-TWO DOLLARS CASH Equal to One Dollar per Week Every W«ek during Lifelime A 8339nd Prize of One Hundred Dollars Cash Two Prizee of Fifty Doltars Each Ton Prizes of Twenty Doitars Eaoh Ten Prizes of Ten Dollars Eaoh Twenty Prizes of Five Dollars Each 0ns Hundred Prizes of One Djliar Eaoh C0NUITI0N5 are similar to the l.tit Contest, except that all Oraajcc M.at Carton Botto.iia must be aent in oa or belore November 30th, 1909. Pall pai tlcalan on prirate p »t card In erery paolC)<e at irange Maat. If 7'>u euber thH ointeii, oomp.atd Ihe blank apace beluw with your name and aildre>\ out it out and mail It to •rang* Maat, Kingtten. Ont . It will oouiil eqnil I ' Ion Mrlun bottom*. " O' ^a*"^ .oai!<»i3li«a<a.

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