Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 Jul 1909, p. 6

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ONLY ONE CURE FOR A BAD STOMACH Indige tioii and Similar TrouWes Must 1)8 Trsiited llirough ih Blood. Indigestion can be trcatcxl in many ways, but it can be cuivd in [only one wayâ€" through the blood. Purgatives cannot euro indigi'stion. :By main force Uiey move the food on still r.ndigesttHl. That weakens •the wholso system, uses up the na- 'tural juices of tho body and leaves the stomach and bowels parched land sore. It is a cause of indigcs- ition â€" not a cure. Others try pre- digested foods and peptonized drugs. But drugs whicli digest tlio food for the stomach really \vcaken its power. The digestive organs can never do the work properly un- til thoy are strong enough to do it for th«mselvcs. Nothing can give the stomach that power but the new, rich, red blood so abundantly sup- plied by Dr. AVilliams' Pink Tills. So the reason fur their success is plain. Tho health of the stomach depends upon the blo<^)d in its deli- cate veins. Jf that blood is weak and watery the gastric glands haven't the strength to secrete the jnices which alone can digest th*? food. If the blood is loaded with iiflpurities it cannot absorb the good from tho food when it is dig<'sted. Ijothing can stimulate the glands, and nothing can absorb the nour- ishment but pure, red blood. And nothing can give that pure, red blood but Dr. Williams' I'ink Pills. (Mrs. Alfred Gallant, Mill Kiver, P. IE. I. says:â€" "For several years, Iprevious up to two years ago, 1 suf fered continually from indigestion. I could not eat enough to kwp my strength, and what little I did eat, no matter what kind of food, caused great pains, so that I became much reduced in flesh, strength and energy. 1 consulted several doctors and took medicine from them but without any benefit whatever. On the arlvice of a friend I began to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and Boon good results were noticed, I | could filightly increase the amount i of food day after day, and suffered i no inconvenience, until after tak- ! ing ten bo.xes I could eat any kind j of food and in a short time got back to my normal state of health and ! feci that Dr. Williams' Pink PilLs I have surely cured me of a most •tuhhorn case of indigestion." Ydu can get these Pills fr<;m any dealer in medicine or they will be sent by mail at 50 cents a box or iiix boxes for $2.50 by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brocks ille, Ont. (OMIM.rXION HKAITIFIKHS f>|iln.'i4'li, WalercresH nr.d Oiiion.s (jood in Spring Thuo. Thare is scarcely anytliing that fan compare with spinach, water- cress arni young onions ar coniple.v- ioii beaiitifiers. The giil who will religiously eat these early spring ^CKl•l.â- llllcs will Soon con()Ucr the 4omplexion ills of the springtime. A di.sh of spinach, watercress, or «ni«ins every evening at dinner fur a w<'<-k is w<irtli many bottles <if euro for "that tired fci-ling.'' The juice of a lemon s(pieezcd in- to a glass of c<il«l water an<l taken the last thing at night or the first thing in the uioniing has a beauti- fully clearing effect <in the c<jiiifilcx- ion. It acts on the liver, whitens the skin, an<l makes the eyes bright an<i sp.irkling. ;\ftcr taking the leiiKiii juice, luiwevcr, the teeth (li<iuld be brushed carefully, as tho acid promotes decay. .Mimy women have sallow com- plexions be(^ause they drink far loo little water. .\t least .six tumbler- fnis <.f pure water .should be dnink every day, prcfeialily ou arising, between meals and ju.st before retir- ing. ])ry an<l salt focxls need an occasional swallow of water while Icing eaten. Thert" shonkl he a happy medintn, however, observed between taking no water at all dur- ItiK a meal and the other extreme • â- f ll'Hiding the st<imach with it. ' i'nlcss the pores <i! the face are kept open the skin becomes dry and IcHtln ry and premat.irely wrinkled. I ♦ ^EEP CHILDREN WELL DURING HOT WEATHER ' Kvery mother knows how fatal the summer months as to small chihiren. Cholera infantum, diarrhoea, dysentery and stomach |tronbles are alarmingly fj-eciuent at itl.is lirne and too often a little lifo is il- St after a few hours' illness. Tho nuillier who keeps IJahy's Own Tab- lets in the house feels safe. The f.ccii.sional use of the Tablct.s pre- vents stomach and bowel troubles f r if the trouble conies suddenly •will bring the little one through lafcly. Mrs. Geo. Howell, Handy fUsch, Que., says: --"My baby was • uffc'ing from colic, vomiting and dinirhoea, but after gi\iug him ISnliy's Own Tablets the trouble dis- appeared. " Hold by metlicinc <leiil- rrs or by mail at ih cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. -* Ooverument owns The Hritish £S,OUO canielB. A Great Record An illustrated booklet of Ht. Margaret's College gives the rc- c<ird of its puj)il.s for the cyar :â€" l.KiHTKKN attended Universities. iOUUTKKN taught Music. I'OL'U had their paintings accepted by the Ontario Society of Artists. TWO exhibitcil their jjainlings at exhibition of the Koyal Canadian .Vcademy. I'OUK are engaged in teaching. THHI11'> are in active journalism. NIN'M are employed as trained nurses. The illustrated prospectus may be had by applying to the "Secre- tary," St. Margaret's College, Toronto. "I'll have to ask yf)U to pay in ad- vance," remarked the botclkeeper. "Isn't my luggage goo<l enough security i" "I fear it is a little too emotional." "Emotionali" "Y<^H. Easily moved." Afnch distress and sickncvti is cau.sed by â- worms. iVioLiiei- Graves' Worm Exterminator gives relief by removing the cause. Give it a trial and bo convinced. UNCONQUERABLE SOULS. The I'^nglish soldier who s«!nt his people the tunic he had worn in a battle at the beginning of the South African War, and wrote from hos- pital, "You will see that there are eleven bullet-holes in it, hut I was awfully lucky; only six of them hit me," has a rival in an English scho(ilboy of ten, whose cheerful ac- ceptance of the "bludgeonings of chance" a writer in St. James lindgcl has made public. "My lifo has been a very lucky one," wrote tho ten-year-old. "Wiicn I was three years old I fell downstairs and cut my head. When I was five years old I was looking at some hens, and a dog bit my leg. "When I was eight I went with my brother in the trap, and the horic fell and threw us out of the trap ; my brother lit on his feet and 1 lit on the horse's back. "Last .year I was playing, and ran into a lurry anfl cut my eye- brow, and it has left a mark. "One day I went into the slaught- er-house, and a big sheep ran after me and knocked me down, and broke my arm. "I have had a happy life." He is anything but a good barber who cuts an acquaintance. REDOUBTABLE OLD SHIP NKLSON'S FLAGSHIP VU'TOUY 18 144 YEARH OLD. She Had K.siubliHlieil a Uloriuiis Koeord Long Before Trafal- gar Wa.s Fought. Tho Victory was 1-14 years old last month. The rcHloubtabh: old stiip was put alloat at Cliatliani J)ock- yard on May 7, 17U5, and her age at Trafalgar, therefore, was more than forty years, or double the effective lifo of a modern warship. The first Victory of which any re- cord appears in the annals of the hritish Navy bore the Hag of Admir- al Sir John Hawkins, in tho con- ' diet with the Spanish Armada. Tho ' immediate predecessor of the exist- ent ship was a lirst-rate of the line I of one hundred guns. During a , violent tempest on Oct. 8, 174-4, she j was caugitt in tho itace of Alderney I and lost. There perished in her j Admiral Ualchen, "one hundred ! gentlemen's sons," an<i her crew of close upon a thousand liands. This IS believed to be the most dis- astrous shipwreck in all history. A GLUKIOL'S KKCUKD. Although popular idea associates the jircscnt Victory with Nelson's iinmorial tnumpn, siie i:au i-»i.^j- libhcd a glorious record long prior to Trafalgar. She carried the Hags of Keppel and D'Orvilliers at Hrest, of Howe at the relief of Uiu- raltar, of Hood at Toulon, of Hot- ham off Hyeres, and of St. Vincent m the famous light of 1707. At the date of her launch she was tho veritable Dreadnought of her ago, her burthen being 2,1G4 tuns. -At the present time she only car- ries twenty-four light guns for sa- luting purposes â€" nearly a hiin<lrcd fewer than formed iier arinanicut at Trafalgar. MUCH CHANGED. The Victory has recently been re- stored more closely to the semb- lance of her original appearance, save that her spars remain much mure dwarfc-d than when she sailed the seas. She was tne lir.>^t ship of war to carry royals and tiij)gal- lant studding sails. Her tojisides are still in a good state of preser.a- tion, albeit showing many signs of wood-Worm. Her Ixittom, however, consists very largely of bricks and mortar. Probably less than one-third of the original woodwork now remains 111 tho hull, which was severely kni)ckc<l -about during tho French wars. It is cuinputed that if all the trophies fashioned out of "genu- ine timber from the Victory" could be collected they would siiflicc to Jiuild at least four such ships as sho. AMMOMfA POWDER II Ha* na Cquil A«k Ytur Creotr for It Ocn't Aeerpl ilutt ai Qoad WE CLEAN UP EVERYTHING A-l J K^S^^S ^^ 8»r» the Coapoiii *^J.' iNz^^^ enoloeed In «ach . , ^ paokace anil coin- ftta t ir a I'riio. Five Dil.«r Uold Piece for wh.le cmplete Uok. Ueautiful Metalized Bow Hat Hn for lla'J U^g, MaDufaconrea b/ J. «. PAISBCO, Ui., ToroBto. A PROMISING APPRENTICE. Carpenterâ€" "Now, I (old you this morning to grind all the tools dur- ing my absence. (Jot 'em all done I" Apprentice â€" "All hut the saw, sir. I haven't finished that yet." Carpenter â€" "How's that?" Apprenticeâ€" "Haven't got all the gaps out of it yet, sir?" Small but Potent.â€" Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are small, but they are effective in action. Their fine qualities as a corrector of stomach troubles are known to thousands and they are in constant demand everywhere by those who know what a safe and simple remedy they are. They nee<l no introduction to those acquainted with them, but to those who may not know them they are presented as the best pre- paration on the market for disor- ders of the stomach. Lady (to new milkman) : "Now, Mr. Jones, I hope I can rely on the purity of your milk. I had to give up Mr. Smith because his milk be- came two-thirds water." Mr. Jonos : "You can rely on this, mum. It's bin paralyzed by the public anarchist." After making a most careful study of the matter, U. S. Govern- ment scientists state definitely that the common house fly is the prin- cipal means of distributing typhoid fc ver, diphfheria and smallpox. Wilson's Fly Pads kill the flics and the disease germs, too. A lady entered a well-known bank and presented a cross cheque to one of the "pay" clerks. "I'm sorry I cannot pay this across the count- er," he said, politely "Oh, shall 1 come round this side I" replied tho lady. A Domastio Eye Romedy. Murine AfTnrdaR«!iaMa Relief to Kyex that Need k'aie. Try Murine Kye Baiue 1/ In Your Kyet. It Soothes Cie fain. Harry (whose sister has been shopping, and lias kept him waiting a considerable time) ; "It's too bad of you, Mary, to keep mc stantling about like an idiot for over half an hour." Mary: "I can't help the way yon stand, Harry." PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS hare found PaliikilliT very nuiful. Tlicro ih nothing cciual to it in all ciiHcs of bnwi'l troulilra. Avoid HuliHtitutcn. thcro is hat one â- Pain- killer "-I'crry Davi8'-25c'. and iOv. Back l?ow : "Hi, you in the front row, sit down; I c<tn't see." Front How: "Hi, you in the back row, stop your noise; I can't hear." Where Weakness is. Disease Will Settle.â€" -If one suffers from any or- ganic weakness, inherited or con- li'acted, there disease will settle when it attacks the body. Therefore <liivo out the pains that beset you, d( not let a cold or a cough harass you, and keep the respiratory or- gans in a good healthy condition. This you can do by using Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. Prevention is the wisest course. SLEEP FOn THE SLEEPES8. Spoelnllst Wooes Slumber for Ills Wide Awake Patients. A I'rcnch specialist has come to insommia. His method is 8om«- wh.t vaguely described as "lulling tiie wide awakes to unconsciousness mii( u as babies are put to slum- ber. " "It is a perfect palace of peace that he has opened in lovely Tour- aine" says the Lady's Pictorial. "Here is never a disturbing sound. The silence is broken only by the absolutely monotonous and soothing tick, took, tick of solid grand- father clocks, and the scarcely per- ceptible drip of unseen fountains. "Everything is seen through a cerulean haze, everybody moves in best slippers, the air is fresh hut full of aint perfume. Before the eyes of very refractory patients slowly revolve colored balls, not the smallest rose leaf is allowed to crumple in any bed, each being so designed that there is no possibility of the body growing wreary. Here, in fact, the wooing of sleep has been made a positive science, and it is said no one can keep awake here, however hard he may try." AN INTERMITTENT MEMORY. A small customer appeared at the grocery-store, and the smiling grocer asked him what he wanted. "Please, mister," said the boy, "I can't remember what ma sent me for, but you can give me two cents' worth o' peppermint candy, 'cause she said I could keep the change." DETAINED. Papa â€" "I can't see why that young man who is calling on Minnie hasn't sense enough to go home. It's nearly midnight." Johnnyâ€" "He can't go, father. Sister's sitting on him I" A Standard Medicine â€" Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, compounded of en- tirely vegetable substances known 10 have a revivifying and salutary effect upon the digestive organs, have through years of use attainetl so eminent a position that they rank as a standard medicine. The ailing should remember this. Simple in their composition, they can be assimilated by the weakest stomach and arc certain to have a healthful and agreeable effect on the sluggish digestive organs. "Young man," said the pompous indivi<lual, "I did not always have this carriage. When I first started in life I had to walk." "You were lucky," chuckled tho youth. "When I first started in lifo I had to be carried." If allowe<l to roam over your house those few innocent-looking house flics may cause a real trag e<ly any day, as they are known to he the principal agents for tho spread of those deadly diseases, ty phoid fever, diphtheria and small \H!X. No other fly killer compares with Wilson's Fly Pads. "Aw, it seems to mo. Miss llrown," said a "golden youth" to a pretty young lady, "1 have forgot- ten somethingâ€" aw, let me see!" She suggested gloves as the absent article. "Oh, no! "Now I wemem- bah. Aw â€" will you niawwy me?"' Caller: "Willie, is your sister Sue in C Willie: "Are you Tom i" Caller: "No, I'm Dick." Willie: "'I'hen she ain't in, 'cos she's^ cx- pcili.ig Tom to-night." Holloway's Corn Cure destroys all kiinls of corns and warts, root and branch. Who, then would en- dure them with such a cheap and cITcctual remedy within reach ? Fortuna,t(e\ is the bride who marries tho best man at her wed- ding. SEE THAT YOU CET THE REAL THING. -l:n»i-niiiulinis lunkcra are inittins> up a pountorfoit of "The 1). A li." Menthol Plaster. Tho geniiinv isi made by Uavie t Iiawrcnce Co. PAID IN ADVANCE. Mrs. Rockefeller, mother of the great J. D., millionaire, was ra- ther a strict disciplinarian, and up- held the standard of the family with a birch switch when it showed a tendency to deteriorate. Once, when J. D. was being pun- ishe<I for some unfortunate doings which ha<l taken place in the vil- lage school, ho felt called upon to f.xplain, after the whipping had ^cgiin, that he was entirely inno- cent of the charge preferred! against him. "Never mind," replied his mo- ther, "we have starte<l on this whipping, and it will do for next time." Lot.s of self-made men managio Rueccssfiilly to coneeal it. ned. W>nk, Wearr, Walrry Er»m Relieved by Murln>i Kyn Ueniedy. Com. pounded l>v ICxperienoi-il physiolanB. Mu- rine Doetn't Smart: Soothes Kye Pain. •Write Murine Kye Remedy Co., Chicago, for Illustrated Eye Book. At Drujiflsts. Eminent Teetotal Doctor (to ap- plicant (vr situation as coachman): "There's one more question â€" Are you sober?" Applicant: "Oh, ycssir, very often, sir!" Attacks <if cholera and dysentery come quickly, there seldom being any warning of the visit. Remedial action must be taken just as quick- ly if the patient is to be sparjd great suffering and permanent i/i jury to the lining membranes of the bowels. The readiest preparation for the purpose is Dr. J. D. Kei U^gg's Dysentery Cordial. It cap be got at small cost at any drug st<irc or general dealer's, and it will afford relief before a doctor can be called. Fiction is stranger than truth, in suite of the proverb. Hero is a striking example of the contrast be- tween "the way it is in books" and real life. In the book this is the method used: â€" "Outside the wind moaned un<;easingly, its voice now that (>f a child wliicli sobs to itself in the night, now that of a woman who suffers her great pain alone, as women have suffered since life began, as women must suffer till life wears to its weary end. And mingled with the wailing of the wind, rain fell, fell heavily, inter- mittently, likic tears w riing from souls of strong men." In real life we simply say:â€" "It's raining." A man may know his wife like a book, hut lie can't shut her up like ouo. ISSUE NO. 28-09. When troubled with sun- fcurn.blisters, insect stings, sore feet, or beat rashes, apply Zam-Buk ! Surprising bcw<pi;ckly It e«tt» the imartirs ar.d stlrglrg ! Cures sores on yotuig bcHes <!ue to chafing. Zam-Buk is n-.tie from pvt herbal essences. No oimnal fats- no minerol poisons. Finest healer I Traa'.msnt for all Alimants tf HORSES or Liv* ttook Ti''iill7 oxnUlnod In oar ' ittlebo.klot. Miii'edfr«» iinroquoit. Adilr«i» Tho Votwinory RomeOy 0*^ LIHITKD, Dwk A, 75 Adelaide St. Bait, TO.1ONTO, CAll. WANTED. ONB LARV AORNT wanted in ynar looalltr- todhtributa .<an)|>li)i and tako ordon for our t*. D. IJ. Toi et :lnl Hand M >sp. A handiom* â- ilvor tea-'P'Nin IFPKB with ovory threo caksi. Writttfor particular. Atlautio ijoap Co., Toroato. WANTKD â€" Vical and Qonoral Agontiâ€" Lib- oral cdn^ractJi to EOiid mou ; apply br Idttar, (Juntiiie.ital Ufa Inuraiico Compoay, XvTuato. Correisjujenoo cjali I0.1CUL • WANTED- If yitu wftDt to •^M proi'erijf wl.lch jrou own Id thfl Unibf'i hutes or â- â- ADIUI ^**" l)ro;).Tty or » C.»ii*l» twch .s rMrim l>tii 11 s«, write us Aton>>« fur our new &u<i ri» u pl:wn i*f wiling tlireot, w thoutcommieAiuu. OiTefulMoetTipLicauf proirtf ty tiiJ •UI'* luwt-at pnoa f f •> « '"'' '" '"'y »"^- ptftfof any hind in » ly looJtty, write us fitatiD| wbEi And wi ere you with tolny. unU we will ii«aa y u rRBB our ni»i|iuiae "f irl.o *: ar iiini for aai* Uir-ct frura I he o nat with no coiuiiiiKsion ftade>l. BUYi Amerfoan invMtmsnt AMOoiation, jSELL I 67tf20ili At. ti., Mitmc»p *li(t, Miuu. ' •wciwmiiAMM AGENTS SSJ? Mato t3 a Day and oatab. tish p«-rman«ut biuinait o« otir cap:tal. Our Usb cl >fB Et)o I Bell oa i^fhS In every honj*. ar« quloklf u «d up and entfit oiden Qome fa. t. Ezctiulvo t«l» rltory glTcn. The H 'MC SvrrtT Co,, D<^pt. 60, Toroalo, Oat. CASE WRiTE 'O^ CATALOGUE J- GARDEN PARTY D Entertainer SIAdealdoSt.Woat TOKO.NTO. Write for terms, oti-. 'I honoj : iAmg Distiiico Moiu 1604, C'ullego 471^ OHCNILLE CURTAINS •â- < Ul kteda of houiHt UaDciucs. bUo UOI CURTAINS ""'SA "nV,:."" Write to u« »NniL loun. UlTiaa AHOtOAII BVSINa Oa.» ••« IM, HontrMl Th* GLADSTONE MIMES umitsd (No Personal Liability) Montreal River District Sab»cr!ptl;Q furms an 1 other pa^poni cau be hvl by applying to ALEXAXOIR WARDED, Br.H«^. 18 TORONIO iiTREEr, TORONTO. PBimmG OFFICE FOB SJIE Hie " Rlohmond (Qua ) Cusrdlan," In Ks S3rd Year of Publloation. For very many years th« chie£ organ of the Conservative party of the Eastern Townships. "Th» Guardian" is an 8-page 6-column , paper, and has been conducted by the present editor without inter- ruption for 50 years, who retires in consequence of advancing years. The plant is in fair order, and consists of a moderate stock of ne<ws and job type, 7-horse-power engine and boiler, Peerless Gem cutter, 2B-in. Campbell power press, me- dium Gordon (raodarn), and Liberty circular and card press, all in per- fect order ; three very large stones, tables, furniture, tools, addressing machine, stoves, etc., etc., Apply either to 8. FRANK WILSON. Toronto., or W. E. JONES, Richmond, Que. RECORD FOR i908 $6,045,738 C«IN IN BUSIKtSS 1*4 FORCE IN CANADA. $6,045,738 Fifty per cent greater increase in Canadian Business than any other Companyâ€" Canadian, E.nglish or Foreign. The strongest possible evi- lence that Policyholders are well satisfied with their Policies. Premium rates, with or without profits, are lower than other Com- panie.s charge while profits to Policyholders are much higher, because management expenses are the lowest and interest earnings tho highest. Ask our Agents for Annual Report and Record for 1908, and be oa friiard against the anonymous letter distributor a-^d his friends, the blackmailing journalists, with whom we do not advertise. The Great Western Life Assurance Co., HEAD OFFICE • - WlNNiP£C IIRANCII OFFICES.-Toronto, MontrcaL Halifax, St. John, N. B,; Charlottetowo, Vancouver, Calgary, and Fargo, M. D. USED IN Leading Conservatories. CoDegcs. Schools, Thealres, and in thousands ol homes where a piano of djibnclive merit is appreciafed. The Bell is «h« I only piano with the lilimiuble Repeating Aclion. free) Ci fs^oS Send for (free) Catalogue No. 76. tEi^lBeU. PIANO ClOr^an Co.. Umiked GUtlLPH.ONTfMllOi ANOTHER CASH PRIZE CONTEST ORANGE MEAT Announces a New Prize Contest MORE PRIZKO THAN THE LAST The First Prize will again be a LIFE ANNUITY of. FIFTY-TWO DOLLARS CASH Equal to One Dollar per Week Every Week during Lifetime A taoond Prize of One Hundrod Dollars Cash Two Prlzee of Fifty Dollars Each Ten Prizes of Twenty Doilare Each Ten Prizes of Ten Doilare Each Twenty Prizes of Five Dollars Each One Hundred Prizes of One Dollar Eaoh CONUITIONS are similar to the last Contest, except that all Oraaxe Meat Carton Boltonu must be tent io M or before November 30th, 1909. Vail particular* on prlr^it* pisl oard la crcr; p.>okt(( ol SnuiC* Ma*t. t( ;uu tatar this gonWit, iraplot* tk* blaak tpao* baluw with youmtnit »ad •ddmv out It oulttiil mill It to enuiat MMtt, KlntttM. Ont U win ooimt equihl t > tan •artoa bottoms.

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