Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 22 Jul 1909, p. 1

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W^t gk&i^txlon %Hanu. TRUTH BEFORE i'AVOK." â€" " PRlxSi;Il'LEb ^0T MEN." VOL XXV, NO 1309 Fleslnerton, Ont., Xiiuisclay, July 22 LQOO â-  ,W. H TBURSTON '^•!^,',.r.!l HOPIUICTOH ^ Jewellery! ^ m 3eu,e»lerv! ^^ m^ Bigdest^Best D^ §'^ and Coolest ^ ^ Priced Stock p^^ WM ry. -^ ^ K««able i^ Dealing ^^§ If ^ Armstrong's ^ g"^ Tlesberton. 5:^ Kitnbeley. Mrs. J.-is. UiitliwcU ati 1 iliiiiglitur, Btauliili, iif Vimomver, B. C, ary visit- fi'iemlH liurB iifc present iiiul lire tlie guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Th<iK. Abercriinibie, of tliis place. Haying is tlie orfler of the day. Mi-s. Jiilni I'lewes is tlie guest of her daughter, Mi's. C. W. Good, Toronto. A nmiilier from here attended the footlxill iimt<*)i at Eugenia lietween Kiiulierley and Eugenia ou Monday evening bist. Mcs-srs. Will Haiiniiond and Harold Proctor, spent Saturday last at Flesher- tun. Miss Edith Hannnond vi.sited Meafovd ft-iends during the ])ast week. Mr. Herb Clark of Kirkvilte wiis a visitor at Mr. Thiws. Cainack's on tSunday liUit. Rev. A. P. Latter of Alliston, occupied tlie pulpit in th'j Methodist church here on Sunday evening last, and delivereil an excellent address. The Misses .\da and Einina Smith of Turouto spent Saturday and Sunday with their mother, Mrs. El)er Smith, here. Mr. S. Hutf, public School Inspectin- «f Meafoi'd, WH8 a caller in our village on Monday Inst. Editor Thurston of The Advance, Flesherton, and his brother, Mr. \. 1). Thui-ston, of Toronto, were visitors »t Mr. G. H. Walters. We ai-e pleased to report that Mv. W. S. Harris is able t« bo around again wfttn- a severe attick of typhoid fever. Mr. and Mrs. .Jasper Stuart and little daughter, Ucnelda, and Mr. and Mrs. Hu^h Haniu«>nd and little daughter, HsucjI, visltu.l Eugenia friends on Sunday ItHt. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Moore of Fleshcr- toti visited friends here on Sunday last. Mr. W. S. Fawcett of Uocklyn visited friends here on Siiturday and Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Marshal .Vbei-crombie <;f Fairinount were visitors at Mr. J. M. Fawcett 'son Sunday last. Mrs. ThoH. Souleand baby, of Duncan, are guests at the former's parental home here. I'Hin csn be rasily and (piickly stopped. Pink Pani Tablets â€"Dr. Slioop's â€" Stop Headache womanly pHiiis, any pain, miy- whero, in 20 minutes sure. Formula on the 25c box. Ask your druugiat or d<ict4>r about I his furiiiula â€"it's line. Sold ly all dealti-K. Proton Station It is oui sad duty to chronicle the death of Mr. Weliing'oii Baduerow of Saugeen Junoiiun, Dtceised had been ailins for some time, but dnath triis not expected ao suddenly, and it is a great (orrosv to his wife snd little daughter, who are left to mourn an atfectiona'e husband and lovin:; father. The whole community joins in expressing sympathy to Mrd. Badji-row and friends. J. 0. Wright returned home Friday evening after spending a few weeks in Giiw (S.dida. Mrs. ,lohn Eddy, Mixs Ethel Consley and Mr. U. Taylor spent the holidays at the home of I*. Ccnsley. Mr. Hill Mrs. Dave VVhite, Toronto, spent Sundiiy with Mr. \Vm \\ bite. James Best his made quite :in iniprore- mi-'iit by hiivin{ his residence veneered. Messrs. Thistlethwaite of Klusherton had iho contract. Victoria Corners Iiitcndt d ii;r kft week MisK Vina .Morrow, Bee'-oii, is 8;iendiiii.' a fe* diiys at Mr. B..'s.'s. Those of our 1) 'ys who were fortuunte enough uiit to niiss the train repoit an enjoyable time in Mirkdile un llu I'JtIi . Mis. W. Heard is ou the sick list. We hope she will soon bt! bi-tter. Will Ludlow IS liomo from UoiistiU for lii^ holidays. Mrs. W. McLoiighiy is at W Heard's for a week. Rev. Laidliiw preiiclu'd a very instruc- tive oeriiion to the U.uu:;i'moii la.si .Sun- day. The theme was "The Rosii^nsib li- ti s of being »n Oisngi'niaii." Though not an (inin^otiiaii liiiiiself he was nble to show lliem bow uryent the xo«s were when once taken. A ineinlier of ilie society holds »s important a position for I'ood i'l tlii'i life as any nieiiiber of a churcli. This Week's Items Mr«. VV. Heard is slowly improriiig. .Miss I^layine Moiuu is liuine from Owen Sound. Our factoiy is doing splendidly. One patron's milk bill amounts to nearly seventh-six dollar.^. \N hy not patronize Vict<iria FVjtory? We learn that the trustees have been successful ill securing a Miss Leslie of Markdale as teacher fur No. 4. An accidmt happened one day Inst week which might have proved fatal. SuaanuR, the little daughter of Geo, Lud- low, WHS silting Oh a pair of scales in a wag'>n, when in same manner the scales starlad with a backwaid inoveineiit, and runniu'^ out of the wa->on dropped to the gro.und with ilie l.ttle giil on iheni. Uor father, who was near, hastened to the spot, and had to raise some portions of the scale* from her body. However, she escaped with only a flight bruise oh her arm. Weddin:! bells at last! Mr. Jack Corbelt has aucceeded in securing the pri/e which he lias long sought to c iin- plete his happiness. We are pleased not only to wrlcome Mri. Corbett to our midst, but to ni>h them both long life an 1 prosperity. Will Stinson, Chesley, is vis ting friends heie. We exteiH coimra'.ulations to Violet Stevens fiU' her success un the examas. A book on RlitumHtism, by Dr Shoop, of Racliine, Wis. tells some p'aiii truths, and III a plain and practical way. Get this booklet, and a free trial tre-ttmunt of Dr. Shooji's Rheumatic Remedy for s<une dl^heartened sufferer in your vicinity. Make a grateful and appiecia- live friend of some one who Is dis- coura<{ed 'lecausu of the f-iilures of others to help him. Help me to make this test, and I'll certainly help your suffering friend. Sidd by all dea!eis. East Mountain < Kid ones have st-arted haying In this |Nirt, although It will be general this week. It will Ikj light on account of .so much dry weather. Miss Elizi Martin left on Fridav for a visit with Collingwood friends. Miss .\l!iia Humberstone is s|)ending her holidays at her home. Miss Hazel .\llen Is to be congiatu- lated on her success in the recent En- trance examination. It Is ipiite an honor to be successful the Hrst time. No place publishes as many deaths as East Mountain. It is our sad duty to announce the rleatli of little .Mfroil Smart, the seven-year (dd son of Mr. and Mm. Smart, which took place Saturday morning. The death is so sudilen that the grlef-strlckeli parents have the sym- pathy of the wlnde community. Just tiike notice how llob. Fawcett Is getting along with his work on East M luiilain. Durliam. The c'liieut ciiiipany si c iivd a fluwing well ai a dep'li of aboui %0 feet. It is said to be ipiite ctjual to the well south of the town. Mr. T. H. Bnni', son of Mr. G. Biiinie, of Buncfissn, cx-Waideii of Gicy county, lias bi-rn appointed editor of the agricultural dejitrtiiient of the Cdiitial ('anada Citizen. Mr. Hinnie Is a giaduale of the Ontirlo ^griculinal Odlege In the dairy option and until recently wiis buctcriolo);lst for a hrge dairy Hnii of Ottawa. Mrs. Oalder got ijuite a jolt o:i the train ai Waikert ui station on Monday clmnge>l. .\ very interesting and in- eveniii'.'. Hefore leaving, ilie train <Ild >tructl»e ipiesiion drawer was cundiiclcd souic sliunliiig t 1 take on anotlu-r coach ; by Mrs. James Hniitli. Tile sulijujl, or two, and III diMiig so bumped into the Care and Cnluiie of Small Kniits, was car with i(m>idciahle force, tlirowiuij j ably dealt wiili by Mrs. George Bri.sto<v, Mrs. Cislder violently forwaid, stiiking wh,, pointed out the mcrlta of the her head against the arm of one of the , dlH'erent v-arii-tics experinieiited on at seat.s, c.iusiiig a considoiable gash, and i the experimi'iiul farms at O'.tana and injuring lier shoukler as she fell foiwa-d j Guolph. Slio told us the varioiles lliit from tlie srni of the seal on which she j were best suited to our ciliiiiite, etc. Massit'ing In the crowded car. The j .\ftor the iiieeiiu'.; all were conduc'ud McFARLAND&CO. MA.I<1<:I3ALK OSJVAHUy sudden in pact tliiew a couple of mvli againi-t her, which intensiticd the fAll, and made matters worse than they, [icrliaps, otherwise wiu <1 have been. On Thur.sday n'glit las', when the Piesbyteilan church ihoir was ret'irning from a garden parly at the home of Mr. Piitherbougli, tlit-y discoveieil a frame barn belonging to Mr. Fiank CiUon to be thiough Iht: garden which was a model of neatness. Itows and rows of nicely kept small fruits of all kinds »oru ex- lllbiled. Mrs. Biistow expluiiie<l the best method uf pro;;agHUoii, trluiiiilng, pruniiiiT, imilcliing and rraiiinig of each variety. .Seven new uicinbeis woic en- rolled. Til y aiv Mr<. McLean, M s. C. Sykes, Mrs. T. FreetSy. Mrs. E. Caiicion, Mrs. .1. I'owliis, Mm. M. Mc- on lire. Il was soim learned that an attempt to save the bullJini' would be | ''""" ""'l '^I"<- •'• Dyr. . .'il.oui o .clock Mr. W. H. B.dtcr cinne along wU li his fruitless, but the house was dingerously cl(.si', and the ladies and genllcmeii went to woik at once to remove the contents of the dweilinu and to c.irry water ii; proiic I'. AHworkel like irojans and were (piitu succe8^ful in tlieir ttfoiU. It was nonring well on to moinliii.' when ' the f easels and tire tigbtcrs reached) their homes. We a-e indebted lo an eye-witne.ss t« the etiest tliat ilie lailies I were ipiive as eneig> tic in their eft'oi s I to save property as any of ih-j men present. Some, In fact, o<erdid them- selves, and felt the effects for a day or so after. Work of this kind deserves commendation and we himoi the woman or young lady who can roll up her s'eeves and wade into any kind of woik when duty demands It. The loss, we iinriei- sland. Has about a thuusaiid didlars and and the Insurance $ltJO. As the shed and house were badly scorched, the tenant, Mr. KunsenhHUSer, may ihank the Durham Prestyterian choir for gett- ing o*f as safely as he did. The cause of the tire Is not known. â€" Chronicle. caaiui a and took a snapshot of the uroiip. Tea was served and all departed feellrg llicit llicy bad .sprnt a i eiy jileasaiii. and profitable .ifterm mi. Swinton Park. Vandeleur The MetlKslist Sabbath school held their annual picnic in Win. Buchanan's grove on Friday afternoon. The weather was line and the neighborhotsl turned out in a body. This occasion is always liHiked forward to with pleasure by the grown-n^is as well as by the children. Mrs. Watson of Chatsworth is visiting her inothoi', Mrs. Beard, sr. Mrs. Clayton of Flesherton visited at Mr. Wes. <Jarson's last week. Miss Mary Thoiiips<jn has returned home after s|)endlng a couple of months J Q,p,.yy,j,,„,, gu„^ijy ^m, jj^g with her sister, Mrs. Ellis, of Kimlierley. j Morton. Mr. Ed. Moi«Iy who ha 1 a'l operation for appbi.dicitis in Uwtii Sound hospital, and was getting aloin; nicely when intlam- matlon stt In, died July 13ih. His roimi'iis were brought home and laid to ro^t In S<lein cenieleiy, .July H'.li. The Orangemen marched from ilie house to I he cemetery. Uev. Beriy olHclaled at the house and preached an impressive seniion (roin tlit't-xt, "Seek Ye Hrst the Kingdom of God a»i\ his nuhtiiousiiess, j and all ililngs rliail be added unto you.'' El. was about twenty-one years of age and was a well rrnpecled young man, and was (|uite resigned t^i God's will being done. He was converted a', spetia' meetings held in Salem church four years j »«"• I Mr and Mis. D. Fergason and little I girl, from New Mexico, are visitinit with â-  he former's father here. Mr. and Mrs. Melia from Toronto visited Miss M. J. Martin. There was ipille an excitenirnt at the Park last Thumday evening, when I'rice- t'ille fool ball team came out here to piny a return gaaie. Swiiit m Park won by a scure of 2-0 !(oals. There was an '*At Umne" in t.he hall in the evening. Miss Sadie Feryuson Is home from Toronto, accuiiipanied by her friend, Miss Stanley. Mis. N. Scott and t to son*, from Geo- Mr. Jasper (Silbert of Kimberley, ac- com[Mtiiled by his two sisters, Violet and Olive, visitcil their sister, Mrs. Will Hutchinson, recently. Court Vandeleur's financial eommittee reisirt a grssl big surplus after paying all exi«;nses In connection with the First of •Inly entertainment and purpose having a bigger denion.stration than ever next year. A minilier from this neighlxirhocHl jiic- nicked at Engeni'i on Thursday afternoon. Mr. Geo. Wright was on the siek list for » few days last week. Mi's. Mc.Master of Toronto is the guest of her sister, Mrs. (ieo. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McNally of Mark- dale Were visitors at .Mr. S. (jlll^jrt's < n Thursday. Miss Ethel Blair of Toronto Is the guest of her uncle, Mr. J. I. Graham. Miss Vina Colclough of Rivervlew is visiting at Mr. C. B. Boland's. A failing liny nerveâ€" no laiuer than the finest silken thieaJ- takes from the Ileal t i's Impulse, its p"W-r, Its reaular- ily. The sioinacli also has lis bidden, or inside nerve. It wan Dr. Shoop who tiri-l told us It was wrong to driiij a weak or falling Siomacli, Heart or Kidneys. His prescriptionâ€" Dr. Slioop's Knstorative â€" The Misses Brown of Hnwick are rusticating at Mr. Jno. .^Idcorn's, Mr. Will Campbell from Toronto, was home for Sunday. Mrs. Wright, from Toronto, is visiting her cousin, Mr>. A. Campbell. Mis. M. a. I'arslow has been visiting her son on the Old Durham Road. In thi absence of our pastor. Rev. Mullen preached a practical sermon to a larue con^ire'^alion here. He jiuiposes speaking to the children next Sabbath, A vrty s.id accident happened near H 'peville on Saiuiday evenuu', when Tlios. Ferris was kicked on ihohead by a horse. He never become ooni<cio;i», and died at '2 o'clock Sunday mornlntl. He is the eldest son of Mrs Tims. Ferris, who lost her husband when li^r two boys Were little fellow^ and has since lived at Mr. Mills', her father's h 'me. Thos. was a line young man, thirty-four yeari of age. Hi< re- mains were laid to lo.'jt in Sali m cemetery here, on Monday afternoon. The .soriowliig ones have the deepest sympathy of the community. Port Law fall sustained Hannah's l>»rn raising. Too late for laht week. The rocent showers â€" so much needed Is diiect.ed straight for the cause of these i have ti 1 -d many hoarts with hope, cheer ailments -these weak and fHltering inside Hnd uratitUile. nerves. This, no doubt clearly explains Miss M Ily Fisher visited in rorouto why the Restorati-e has of la'e Siâ„¢*" f„r a few days roiontly. so rapidly in popularity. Druguists say ., ,, „, ,, , ., , , , ., \ ,' '^ , ,, . \ Mr. li. T. White has been laid up that those who lest the Restoiv.live ever. , , , ,, , r , , â-  , ,, â-  lately, the result of a for a few days soim become fully con- | vinced of its wonderful morir. Anyway, i ' don't drug theorgan. Treating the cause ( ^'^- ^'""â- "y 'l"-"' '^"'"'•y ^^'*'' f"*"''" uf Kickiiesa is the on'y sensible-- "and I ""''«*'«•""â- â€¢ '"""*"'* «""» " ""*" '" successful way. Sidd by all dealers. I ^^ """• ^' "'" '^'""«''' â€" â€" â€" â€" I Mr. McDoniM, teacher, loft for bis Sln^liamptOn { h 'me near Woialstock. Mr. J. 11. Janiieson's ll.reo chiliiren, D.ivid, Ltta an I Johnnie, are ^pendillg The Siiighanipton bra'ich of the Wrnnen's Tiwtil.iiie held their July meet- ing lit Ma'ilehiirst, the home of Mr. and Mrs. t.ieorgo Bristow, on the I2th line, Osproy, when foity-threu wore present. The subjects for the afternoon were Caiinini; and Prescrvimr, by Mrs. A. JIcGiir, and nnny good recipes weie cx- their ho'idays with their uncle, W. G. â- lamieson. Mr. and Mrs, H. Vcmna attended the funoral of the former's father at Uxbrldgo. Mr. and Mis Ell ott of Port EIgii> are Read this list carefully and see if won't pay you to take advantage while the prices are so low. White Sheer Lawn Waists for 98c. it Jos' recently «e Acre t''rtuiiato in procuring al a by d s-oiint ."lOonlv Fine Quality While Shi ei- Liwii Wai.'-ls, inado ill llielalesi styles. liHiid-oiiiely trimnied with val. lacos i'lid Inset tn'iis, sir.es Iff to 41. Tlu-e wo»id sell in ilie ruijular way at !t8c. Sl.Tit) and §1.(<0 ; you can liaio your ehoicefor. $1.00 Dress Goods for 50c. aOl V'lrds L'L'h' F.iil y All-Wuid Check ellrul Dioss (ioods which is mitahle for Lailic! or CiiiM'cn's wear, and sold In regular way at .!?1.0'l, on sale this week at lla f price, lo (.Icar per yard UOc. Ladies' Belts. 4 doz"ii only La bos' V\ lii'e K iibroidered Linen Wash Buckles, all sizes, r- golar value 2.")c., while lliey last • I'e'ts of Silver and ily Gilt )?c. Graniteware Purchase. We've just received ore lot of about 7~> pieces Graniteware, consisting Saucepans. PuiMiiu; D.slies. Wash Basins, etc , etc., that would ^e 1 way a' your if Lipped, in rcuulai 2r>c. to4<lc each. These goods were bought at a sacrifice and the jiri-ie for choice is only 1 .")c. You cannot all'ord to miss your share of this lot. McFARLAND & COMPANY The Flesherton Carriage Works Flesherton, Ont. BUGGIES â€" Intending pnrcliasei's will save money by calling and in spectiug our stuck, as we have a good stock to choose from ' and prices ar right, REPAINTLSG â€" Bring your buggy to ns for ifpainliiig. Satisfaction guaranteed. PLOWS, etcâ€" Wc handle the best plows, barrows and also carry a full line of repairs on hand. CliEAM SEPAUArORS-Wearea-eiitsfir the MELOTTT, The best in the market. Special attention given to Horseshoeing. â-  I First Class Livery In connection. D. McTAVISH, - Proprietor. visitinj atthehoniu of thelatler's bio'lier.) Avery •eiious accident occurred at J. H. Watson, Sturgeon Bay, near Saiible Falls, on Monday evenlni!, when RIchaixl Nichol- son, the lH-year-old waj of Mr. Saul NIchidson. wa.i frightfully mutilate 1 by beini! kicked In the fi>rehead by a horse. Young Niilioli^on in ci.mpany with Sines last writing Mr. Itobtrt Hannah's new barn has been raised and will soon bj completed. Mr. Win. Chard h s had hi!! h.iuse brick veneered, and nuw has one of the most uoinniodiiius and Imndsonie residences on the fourth line. Dundalk. Richard .Armstrong has purchased the teinpeiance holtl business hI Priceville and moved lo iliiit place Tuesday. An Indian medicine vendor dealt* <>ut( Canadian, his nostrunia on tlie siri-et these even iiis>s. It la astonishing the number of sick people who Hie enteitiiiud by hini A CollingwiMid iiiHii applied for a he eiiKH to coiidu.:! a billiard and pool room and bowling alley in the village, but the Council turned down -lie proposition. The home of Win. Moody, Kith con.. Proton, is saddened by ihe death of their son, Edward, who passed away on Mon- day evening at Owen Sound hospital fol- low inj ail operation for appendicitis. The voung iiian, who was in his 21st year, wa» stricken a little over two weeks ago, aid a companion naiiieu bhields, weie on a fisliiiiu expedition at Sturgeon Bay, and were putting their lioise in a tield when the accident occuiied. The kick was â- Â» decide Ily vicious one, and the unfortu^ nale lad's skull was CI uvhed, the brain- pr<ilruiling. I'p to the hour of going to prtss the lad is hi ill living, but It is hartl- ly possible that he can recover. â€" Wiai-ton A Practical School- If you want thuiouitli, practical biiNiness education attend 28 successful years under one muniiKO- Uient. Busliiess, ^^horthalld and Prepar- atory couiFes. Infirnialion fiee. C. A. Kleining - Principal Bull for Service an opeiatimi in (Jwen Sound was decldedi Tlip flioioiiKlihieil Shorilinrn )W\. ' . Grey, TU.il!, will he for service on lot :18. on. Karl . , . . . . -- â€" -. -~. cou, I be opuntum waa a|iparently sue-, S, Arleine^ia. The pediKree ot this tine , , , . ... . â-  ,. ,; animal can bo men on applioatloii. Tenia »I, ccssful, but cnmpbcat ons set in wbichj ANDKKW DOW.f ropriotor. were unlookcd for and resulted fnlally.i â-  The reniaii.s were conveyed to Uuiidalk Scottish Pride 66274 by Tuesday afternoon tram and the bur- ''}"> youno hull bcottifh friile will sUnrt for J ^ orvice at Mr. K, W. Nicholfon f. lot :i7. cou. 5 iai lakes placo today (Wudnesdav) to, ^rtenicBia. Hcottisli pride in Bii«ii hy ScottiRb „ , _, , , ! Prince, a KiandKou (if tlie wouilerful show cow. Sulein cemetery. Iho deceased was a OBinof Bellacliin, imp, winnarof eight prixai , 1 VI . ;*i. .,,„ .1 at Toiontoaiiit tiomion. hesidoB heinu obaini>. steady, relnilde young man with ^roRl(i„„ female. 8hu woiKl.s over UIOO pounri, pi omise for usefulness. H is psteiUs have ?"«... °*, '''.'^ "•.""''* .'-"'Y"? ^«•''' .'".•; *l"S.(io. the sympathy of the coininuiiily- Herald. A serious tire occurred at Maple Valley on Monday foteiomii, which destroy.'d W. D. Taylor's huue j)Uiii|i factoiy and (i. B. Mooio's stable with contents of both. Nobcaly knows how the fire origi- nited though it Is piesnnisd that a spark from the forge in the factory dr'.pped ihrouah the Hour to the hay in Moore's stable underneath. Taylor'.* loss will be 8i200(t with no Insuranc. Moore lost a ton of binding twine, a lot of hay and osts, harness, etc., on which he hiid an iiiHUiaiicu of 9'-W, -Crecmore Star. Scuttirh pride in nut of Lady Delia by tbe Toronto tli-8t ])ri/,e winner, Captniii May Fly, imp 'JStCS. Tl.iR yoiius tjull haa prove hiin- Relf a Klunvbiill having gained an ei courai^inK record this tall at Fevt-rsham. Ho won tirat pri/.e as beet hull calf. alBO <li)ilouia for benfc bull any ace. Those liavinij pute Died oowa Hliould see thin Ridiid hull heloie breeding an they cannot do better than use him. A limitep utimher of j^iades* will bo takeual .i'l ;'?i; For pure breda. ii.W BURT 5peclall>t In discaae* ol (ho Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat OffU--e 1 ;i l-'ioMt JSt. - <lworip»o«iiiU A\. the Hevere Inmse, Markdale, 1st Friday oacli month from 8 l<> 12 a. in.

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