Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 22 Jul 1909, p. 6

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IHOW WEAK GIRLS MAY GKOW INTO STRONG WOMEN ;Th8 Bloo3 Supply Must 1)8 Kept Rich, Bel and Pureâ€" Good Blcol Means Giol Healtli. Healthy girlluHjd is the only path ;to healthy womanhood. The mcrg- iing of girlhood iuto womanhood 'lays a new tax mioii the blood. It i.s the overtaxing of the tcaiity blood fcupply that makes growing girls Kuffpr from all those headaches, backaches and sideachesâ€" all that Ijalencss, weakness and wearinessâ€" all that languor, despondency and Constant ill health. 1 Unhealthy girlho<Kl is bound to lead to unhealthy wonianh<K>d and la life of misery. Nothing but the bloodbuiUling qualities of Dr. Wil- ilianis' I'ink Pills can save a girl ,wheii she undertakes the trials and [tasks of womanhood. That is the tinic when nature makes new de- iiiinnds upon the blood supply. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually make irew, rich blood, which meets those crw demands with ease. In this simple scientifie way Dr. Williams' I'lnk Pills fill a girl with overtlow- -ing health and strength. Miss Kva Dennis, Amherst, N. S. Bays:-"Ur. Williams' Pink Pills liave donn me a world of giM>d. 1 was completely run down, was very pale, easily tired and suffered from frequent severe headaches. Though I tried many medicines 1 yn>t nothing to do mo the least g<x)d until 1 began using Ur. Williams' Pink Pills. Kven the first box of tlie.sc seemed to help me, and after taking a half dozen boxes I was iagain a strong, healthy girl. 1 Ihave not had any illness since, but i should I again feel run down Dr. ! Williams' Pink Pills will be my only medicine, and I strongly re- eommeiid them to every weak and ailing girl. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold h'j all iur<licine dealers or s<'nt by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 82.50 by T)ie Dr. Williams' Me- dicine Co., Brockville, Unt. IIII)I)HI,ST TKMPU: HlKNKl). Itrggur Ituilt Fire fur >Vurin(h in 'J'riii|ilc at Tokio. Zojoji, the famous Puddhist tem- ple, situated in Shiba Park, Tokio, has been completely destroyed by fire, thti damngo amounting to about 400,000 yen. A beggar was in the habit of sleeping in a hole iindcrnenth the flocjr of the temple, lacking a better home. The night of the lire was cold, and the unfor- funate man iias conf(!!-sed that he .lit a newspaper and piled .some pieces of wood around it for warmth and overcome liy sleep, woke to liiid the place in ilames. Only those who know the prido of the Jn|)anrse in their tcmijU-s can con- rei\e the effect of this irreparable loKK on the people, not only of the iinniediuto cr»innninity, but practi- eally throughout Japan. The Zojoji temph', next to the great temples at Nikko, was probably the most famous and popular as a show tem- ple in Japan. FLKKTS OF THE WORLD. Gicat Itrhuiu Ilradx the List of De- stroyers. The annual return, "Fleets (Great Britain and Foreign Coun- tries)," showing the strength of the leading navies, was issued the other day as a White paper. Tho following table Buroniarises the return :â€" a '3 n Battleships c a o a a eg 6 u c ctf u built 53 32 26 10 14 13 Battleships building .. 6 10 1 4 6 Armored cruis- ers built... 38 8 15 U 22 Armored cruis- ers building I 4 3 2 2 Cruisers, . other 85 51 34 10 27 28 Destroyers .175 97 35 17 58 72 Submarines . GO 8 28 7 11 108 A <;rkat hank. Tho far-seeing advocates of C'a- i.adian Union probably har<lly rea- l!/.e<l half a century ago what a service they were rendering to Canada's future in starting forth the \iiung united Dominion with the foundation of a Hanking System which lius been developed into tho preatej^t in th<! world with no ex- i-cptions. The Syatem has faults, ibut these are more aca<leniic than jl.ractical, an<i if past progress is [any criterion tho faults that now '«-xist will <lisappear in the future. tThe services which our banking Fystem has rendered to the Domin- ion as a whole, and to iiulividual ('anadiaiis, should be more tnor- iiughly apjireciated by the Canadian people. One <if the strongest units in our 'banking System is tho Dominion liiink, which presented its scmi-an- ,iuial statement to the public a few dajs ago. Despite the fact that this , statement covere<l a period, part oT which was characterized by ex- treme financial stress and the bal- ance by very low money rates, the profits of this great Institution for ithe half >car, although some Kour- teen Thousand hollars less than the pre\ious half year, are still at the ,rate of If),'^ p. c. The eireulati<in ilins increased about a fpiarter of a iiiiillion dollars ; <lcpoKilH have in- creased nearly six million and have â- now reached the total of over forty- one millions ; cash assets show an increase of nearly one and a half niiilioii, and the iinnicdiute a\ail- ihle assets an increase of nearly »ix million with an increase <if About the name amount i'l the Iota! assets, which now total lifty-thrce an<l a hnlf millions. I This is a most salisfaetory state- nient, and one on which the share- Imhlers may congratulate the n- RelvcH heartily, refleoting, as it does, most careful and progrchsive , management. Among the British battleships returned as ineffective, writes a naval correspondent, are: (1) The Centurion and tne Barfleiir, both of which are by oQioial decision to be scrapped and sold ; (2) the Re- nown, which has been without the greater part of her guns ever since she was converted into a royal yacht; and (3) the eight battleships of the Hoyal Sovereign class, for which no reserve ammunition is now being provided. Eleven bat- tleships should, the-cfore, be de- diicterl from the IJritish total as unable to take part in hostilities. As no similar doducticms have to he made from foreign fleets, the ac- tual force in battleships built and building stands as follows: Britain, 48 ; Germany, 42 ; U.S.A., 32 ; Italy, 11 ; Japan, 18 ; France, 24. Again, whereas all the German destroyers but one have been launched in the last ten years, ninety of the British destroyers were launched in or before 1S98, and are th-L-reforo obsolescent, as the ef- fective life of a destroyer is only ten years. The actual British figure for efficient destri)yers, built and building, is therefore only 65 to the Q«rmau 96. * LAKK m RON AM) LAKE SIPKRIOR. A magnificent summer trip is en- joyed by taking this "fresh water .sea voyage" from Sarnia, Ontario, to Fort William, Ontario, throjigh these great inland seas. This year new steamers have been added to tho Northern Navigation Co.'s fleet, aiul the finest and fastest ves- sels on the (jreat Lakes will tly the house Hag of this popular Company. The steamers run in connection with the Oraiul Trunk Kailway System, and all particulars, rates and dcseripttive literature, etc., can be haxl for the asking by ap- plying to Mr. J. D. McDonald. VERY SAFE BONDS. P. Burns & Company, Limited, whose F'rst Mortgage bonds are now being offered for sale in Canada, are large ranchers, packers and distributors of packing house pro- ducts, with Hea<l OfTico at Calgary, Alberta. In addition to abattoirs, packing houses and yards at Cal- gary, Alberta, and Vancouver, B. C, the P. Burns Company con- trols sixty-two stores in the most important cities and towns of Al- berta and British Columbia. This business, founded in 1890, has shared in the wonderful de- velopment of Western Canada, and has established itself on a strong financial basis, earning net in 1903 $317,860, or five times the amount required to pay the interest on its First Mortgage bonds. According to appraisals made by responsible parties the real estate owned by the Company, which hu a ready market value, is worth con- siderably more than the amount of the present bond issue. The bonds are further strengthen- ed by the fact that the surplus as- sets after deducting all liabilities almost equal in amount the pre- sent outstanding issue. During the present year many issues of the obligations of import- ant packing houses have attested their growing popularity as invest- ments in Canada and United States. From the standpoint of se- curity the Burns issue is undoubted while the return to the investor (6 per cent.) is attractive. AMMONIA POWDER It Hut no I qua! A«k Ttur QrOMr F«r H Oen't Ae«rpt Ju«i a* Ooe# WE CLEAN UP EVERYTHIKG U ivS^^^S^^^ Bare tk« Coupon* OlflvJ* «nclo»«d In Mch ^ p&ckac* anil eou- !>•»• Ur a J'riie. FIva D)l;ar Oold Ploca for wh..U complat. Dojc. MaautiJul Metalixad Bom Hat Pin (ur Half Dog. Mana/MUma bj J. a PAINB CO, LKl, Toroata. QUITTERS. One reason why there are so many failures in the world is be- cause there are so many men who are punctual only at quitting time. An Easy Pill to Take. â€" Some per- sons have repugnance to pills be- cause of their nauseating taste. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are so J re pa red as to make them agree- able to the most fastidious. The most delicate can take them with- out feeling the revulsion that fol- lows the taking of ordinary pills. This is one reason for the popular- ity of these celebrated pills, but the main reason is their high toni- cal quality as a medicine for the stomach. SHOULD TAKE HIS MEDICINE. ".\ feller shouldn't stand in the middle of the str<!et to talk pessim- ism," declared tlw; Plunkville pliil- o.sopher. "Why not?" "Fust he says life ain't worth living, and then jumps when he hears an automobile honk." Regarded as one of the most po- tent compounds ever intrcKliiced with which to combat all summer complaints and inflammation of tho bowels. Dr. J. D. Kellog's Dysen- tery (."ordial has won for itself a reputation that no other cordial for the purpose can aspire to. For young and oUl suffering from these c'lmplaints it is the best medicine that can be procured. JAPAN'S TELEGRAMS. At the beginning of tho present year Jajian had 3,:!0S telegraph oflicea and the lines wore 5,:537 miles long, with a lote.l len^th of wire 02,227 miles Neinly H,0()0,- 000 telegrams were handled during the year. A Oomestio Eya Rsmedy. iMurlna Aflordii Bailable Rallaf tn Kyaii that N'ssd t'ara. Try Murlaa Ky* Uaiaa.17 In Yoar Kjaa It SautbM Bja I'aia "Did you ever notice chickens and gceso wrestling in sport like the higher animals/'' "No; and it is just as well, lor it would be sure to result in foysl play. ' ' NO SUBSTITUTE FOR • Ttip Xi. 4 h. Mciilliol IMhhIit, nrDinincnriiMl by i-viry- hndy fi)r stiflTiicmi, pluriny, ftc. Mudo by Uiivin ,V Lawrence Co. LACK OF JUDGMENT. "So Cay use Charley met his fate at the hands of a possc ?" "Yep," answered Three-finger Sam. "What was the trouble]" "His immejit difl'iculty was a lack of judgment as to speed. He helped himself to a horse, but didn't pick one that was fast enough to ke<p ahead of the party as went after him.' FINAL GAME. "England invests in two warships for every one that her neighbors buy." "That's the way my wife likes to invest in new gowns." The Bowels Must Act Healthily. â€"In most ailments the first care of tho medical man is to see that the bowels are open and fully perform- ing their functions. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are so compounded that certain ingredients in them act on the bowels solely and they arc the very best medicine available to prixluce healthy action of the bow- els. Indeed, there is no other speci- f.c so serviceable in keeping the d'gestivo organs in healthful ac- tion. OUR WONDERFUL LANGUAGE. "A premeditated, concocted, fab- ricat<-d, false, malicious, unclean untruth," was a witness' dscription of a statement made in court re- cently. It is an undisputed fact that one packet of Wilson's Fly Pads has actually killed a bushel of house flies. Fortunately no such quantity can ever bo found in a well kept house, but whether they be few or many Wilson's Fly Pads will kill them all. Mrs. Jones: "J)id you really ex- pect me to accept you the night you proposed t" Mr. Jones: "Yes, love. Just b<'fore 1 got to your house I heard a dog howl three times, saw the moon over my shoulder, and walked under a lad- der." IN HOT COUNTRIES Painkiller flndn many uscw. Colic, cramps, diarrhoea and all mic-h troubli'n readily give way to its UUP. DoHC, ono tcaBpoiinfiil, in hot water. Avoid HubstitutPM. thiTc is but one 'Pain, killrr ""P«Try Diivin' - 25c. and Mc. Wife: "Billy, dea;-, I stitched up tho hole in your trousers' pocket last night after you had gone to bed. Now, am I not a thoughtful little wifcl" Husband: "H'm; how did you know there was a hole in my pocket i" If your children moan and arc .estless during sleep, coupled, w hen awake, with a loss of appc- lite, pale countenance, picking of the nose, etc., you may depend up- on it that the primary cause of the trouble is worms. Mother (iraves' Worm I<;xterminator effectually re- moves these pests, at once reliev- ing the little sufferers. STRANGE. "We men down at tlie factory can't understand it all." "Whatr' "The old man put his son in charge of one of the departments today, and the young fellow really acts as though he knows some- thing." A man will confess to one bad habit for tho purpose of hiding a dozen others. \fc is said that all dogs i.i Per.i h^va the Peruvian bark. A HELPING HAND. "I''.xcuse me, sir," said the senior clerk as he <>ntered the office of the boss, "but, ha\ ing grown gray in your service, don't you think I ought to have something addc<l to my salary I" "1 do," anowered th«> boss as lie leBt'hed into his ixicket niid dirv, forth II (lollur, "Take this and get (yourself a bottle of hair dye." IWJDiDi^S ^^ kf EJ N EY \M\ I . 'v. J' , THE SECRET OF HAPPINESS. The secret of martial happiness is not always in letting a woman have her own way, but in letting her know that you know that she's get- ting it. Practically all Canadian drug- gists, grocers and general dealers sell Wilson's Fly Pads. If your storekeeper docs not, ask him why. HIS IMPORTANT SERVICE. One of the greatest nuisances of travelling is tipping. A smile from a head waiter is a costly commodi- ty, and no menial service is too smail for remuneration. An un- usually ingenious plea for a tip is that of a small Hibernian, mention- ed by Mr. John Augustus O'Shea in "Roundabout Recollections." The author was travelling in Ireland. I drove down to the station on the faint chance of catching the train to Dublin. \Vhen I got out of the cab at the station a bright- faced boy accosted me. "Ah, sure sir, you've just missed the train," he said. It was true. I booked my luggage and ascertained wlien the next train would leave. While I was waiting, the lad came up to me and asked me for a tip. "What for?" I a.sked. "Sure, sir, I told you that you were too late," be unblushiugly responded. BRITISH NAVY SUPREMACY. British naval supremacy is said to date from the tinue of Alfred the Great, who claimed and enforced for English ships of war the right to he saluted first. Through the following centuries this claim was continuously disputed and objected to until 1673, when the Dutch agreed to strike their colors to the English in British waters. Though the same honor had long been exacted from French vessels, France formally agreed to the same recognition in 1704. Nothing looks more ugly than to see a person whose hands are cover- ed over with warts. Why have these disfigurements on your per- son ttliPii a sure remover of all warts, corns, etc., can be found in Holloway'e Corn Cure. The wise man keeps his temper even when he is getting the worst of it. If every housekeeper w^nld use Wilson's Fly Pads freely duru^^ the Summer months the house fly peril would soon be a thing of the past. THE EXTREME CASE. "He's an obstinate man, isn't he?" "Yes; he even goes to the extent of answering dogmatic questions categorically." You can save yourself worry by permitting other people to attend to their own private affairs. There is Only One Eclectric Oil. â€" When an article, bo it medicine or anything else, becomes popular, imitations invariably spring up to derive a<Ivantages from the origin- al, \\hich they themselves could never win on their merits. Imi- tations of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil have been numerous, but never successful. Those who know the genuine are not put off witn a sub- stitute, but demand the real thing. When troubled with sun- burn, blisters, insect stings, sore feet, or beet rashes, apply Zam-Buk ! Surprising bow qukUy it eases the unartir.g and stinging ! Cures tores on young b<Mes due to dMfing. Zani-Buk b made from pvr« herbal essences. No animal fats- no mineral poisons. Finest healer i Ontario Veterinary College TEMPERANCE ST., TORONTO, CAN. Ettabllshad IS;«, talian evsr by the Provincial Cavcrnmant of Ontiria, 1908. Al!lli»le<l with th« Vnifi^ri (7 of Tontrjto. UD''.«r th" control t f the D«pi. cf Agrk-ultiiruuf Oulatio. CoIIfvu o:rm In (tetnbrr, 180J, Cnurii! of mu jr rit>'nili Uiroil h 3>olli-|d >rmr>. I'lEKS rkKSESSiOM |7S.0a. Cftlotxlarcn kpplir»tion C A. A. ORANGE. V.8., H.S , Pro ipsl. DevL U. Oyoing I Cteaning I Vm i*« t«ry k««tiM«]r«ttf vorfc to lk« ••UlTIM AMERICAN DTEINO «•." LMk IW M«at la r«a> towi, w Mad 4i>Mk. llMM(«al,T«roat«. Ottawa, Q«i«k«» Tr»arm»Btfor all Aiimsnt* »t HORSES or LIv* (took Kully azplaiii«it In s(r llttlalraiklot. Uai:»d(raa' > ou reijuo.'it. Addra^a Tha Vetarlnary Ramaity Oa«. * LIMITEn, Daak A, 7il AoulalJa St. Rut. to.ionto, CAJb * AGENTS WAW TED. WANTRDâ€" L'ical and Qaziaral AKaatiâ€" UVk Oral contracta to gooU man ; apply n; lattar, Uontiaaiital Lifa ta'<ac»nca Compai^J Tomnta. Carraipuaianoa oandJauiiaL | WANTED -I.<io»l. anereetlc. Nuntlinj; agent io bandia "STAK" Ituanila^caat Mantia Lamp. Oanaratas itai (r'ln euil oil. Mares two'thiroat till. U<bt ttzcallad anlr bj annllgbt. OJurlaia,! -asokalau. Ktar Mauutauturiug Co., Tarontu.* 1 FOR SALE. M-. to igo Top RiiKKiaa (or »iji! ta »,0. Fqn^Ij bit aaTlnga i" Harnam, Grooarie.s Tlnw.ira «.n<J ao forth All liiiula o">"i""ho!d «ooil< and tana â- appliai fomlahad choaper than home pric%fc Calal.i«uaa frae. Iha Clement Brown Tradln* iCu., Toronto. Irtcr^TRHlAMPU AGENTS ««&." USE VfWTE /Br CATALOGUE ll»h p'Tinsnffut btii)D«ia on •ur c*p<i&L Our btek cl*tB roo • ftell oa â- 'ghl tn .-Ttry homa. »re qn'oKlj U'«<1 up and 'vp«tc oidan ritory Kiven. The a •MX 8uprx,T*0ab, Dt^pt. SO, TortBtOi Oak r»„ GARDEN PARTV sEi uas Write fir term, etc Main UM. College 4714. Entertainer (1Adaal4*t».W«(t TOBOSKO. Fbones : i*o« DJiUnoe TM GLADSTONE MIMES umittd (No Peraoaal UaMIity) Montreal River District, SnbMriptlon formi and other papera can be had fcy applying to ALEXANOZR WARDEK, ir.k.V, 18 TOKONrO STREET, TORONTa flilifliG OfflCE FOB SHE The " Riohmond (Que ) Cu&rdiaii," In its S3rd Year of PubMoatioiu For very many y»e»6 the chie! organ of the Conservative partv of the Eastern Townships. "Tho Guardian" is an 8-page 6-coh<mn paper, and has been conducted by th« present editor without in'ter- ruption for 50 years, who retires io consequence of advancing years. The plant is in fair order, and consists of a moderate stock of riefwe and job type, 7-horse-power oiigiao and boilir. Peerless Gem cuttor, 28-in. Campbell power press,' me- dium Gordon (modern), and Liberty circular and card press, all in per- fect order ; three very^-i^e stones, tables, furniture, tool3,*^*';;'-es8ing machine, stoves, etc., etc., ""^ Apply either to ^ 8. FR.\NK ^\1LS0^, Toronto., or W. E. JO>'£S, Ricitnioud, Que. The Dominion Soouritlos Corporation, Limited, Offer P. BURNS & COMPANY, Limited Raiicltere, Meat Packem and Distribntoro of I^acking Honso ProUucla. HEAD OFFICE: CALGARY, ALBERTA> 6% First Mortgage Fifteen Year Sinking Fund Bonds Dated 1st April, 1909. Due 1st April, 1024. rria.ipal and interrst payable at The Imperial Bank ol Canada, Montreal and Toronto, and nt l,lo}d.s IJank, liondon, England. INTKKKST PAYABliK 1st AIMUI, AM) (KTOBKR. Redeemable aa a whole at 105 and Interest on any Inteivst date on and after the Ixt April, 1914, oa â- Utj days' notice, or annually for siukiug fund drawings, beginning (Ktober Ist, 1910. Denominations, $100, $500 and $1,000. UOMIS MAY UK RiCtilSTEHKU. Trustee : THE NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, Limited. Price 100 and interest yielding 6 per cent. 11,386,708.75 â- f' ASSETS Real Estate and Ruildings owned by the Company racking House and Plants at Calgiiry, Vancouver, WetaBklwin Branch Plantti and Ueneral Kquipnient and other capital assets Strathcona and 611,786.34 200.761.77 Current Asseto (after deducting all liabilities) 932 872 8« 22 ISSUE KO SU-03. l:ONn ISSUE $3,032,129.08 1st Mortgage 6 per cent. Issue of 1909 (closed mortgage) j OOO 000 00 EARNINtiS Net Rarnlngs for year ending September 30th, 1108. ... 917 ten it Annual Hond Interest Charge ".'.'.'.".*.'.!'.".!!'.'.'.".".'. 60000 00 On our Uhalf audit of iKuiks lia« lM<on made by Price, Waterhon.se A Co.. Chartered \rioDntantii Appraisal of plant by the America., Appraisal Co. Valuation of real estate by Mr WmrToole of T^ o Ptct & Co., Calgary. Reports and certdUatea can b< seen at our various offlce" ' THE DOMINION SECURITIES CORPORATION, Limited HEAD OFFICE: 26 King Street Ea.t, TORONTO. Cun::d<i Life •luildint;. MON'lltK.tl,. Canada I if.- Hnilding, WIN.Ml'KtJ. 67 ComhIII, LONDON. E.C., KNO.

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