A WEAK STOMACH BRINGS MISERY 4)r. Williams' Tink Pills Restore Depudent Sufferers to Health. yotbing in ho <Ii!«tros»ing as a Jwcak stomachâ€" the victims of this Itrouhle sufftT from iiidiKestioii, t)iIi<<iiaiH-Kg, (li/ziiu^S!i aiid frequent :be»dache8. No fooii agroes with th«ui â€" meal time is a time of mis- ery ; not a time of pleasure. Re- lief from this suffering can be fiiuii<l through the usp of Or. Wil!ia:iis' iPink T'illxâ€" they never fail to make the weak stomach btrong; to ban- ish the distressing headaches; hil- loiiHiiess and dizziness. Mrs. C S. Stopves, of Hiilsboro, N. B.. is one of the many who have been curtnl through the use of these pills. She says: â€" "I guffered very much frora ston.nch trouble and would often lea\p the table witlu>ut tasting food. 1 got no relief worth speak- ing of till I began tlie use of Dr. .Williams' Pink fills. They gr.i- ^dnally restored my health and 8treni;th and now 1 am as well as ever I was. I would earnestly re- icommond them to all those who [sufrer as I did." 'l It is the blood â€" bad blood â€" that 'li the cause of nine-tenths of the ailments from which both men and wonten suffer- The blood in the ilife-giving fluid of the body. When (the blood is bad it is bound to poi- l«on some part of the human sys- |i«m and thus it is that rheumatism, Ikidney trouble, indigestion, head- aches and backaches and a hoBt of lOthor troubloii make their appear- ,ancc. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Icure all these troublesâ€" and they cure them thoroughlyâ€" simply be- cause they fill the veins with rich red bl>x>d. The genuine Pills bear- ing the full name "Dr. Williams 'Pink Pills for Pale People" are •old by all dealers in medicine or 'by mail at 50 cents a box or six Iboxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wii- lliams' Medicine Co., Brockville, lOnt. lONR OF BISMARCK'S PRANKS. £ntort&ined Young Ladles as Count Keynerling. In his university days Bismarck vras as joily and boisterous as the ,lea«t promising youth of his gener- ation. Acc<jrding to the author of la recent book, "The M. P. for Rus- leift," he enjoyed dancing and sing- ing bettijr than study, and was as lull of fun as his chosen companion, Count Kcyserling, was deficient in it; and on this difference in tem- fjcrament hangs a tale. One day the shy and reserved 'Kcyserling came to Bismarck in jgreat agitation- r "What is the mattcrT' demand- ed Bismarck. ( "My mother writes that an aunt and two cousins arc coming for a Voek to Berlin, and as they arc very voung and inexperienced, I must go about everywhere with them, offering them all sorts of arinisc- tiientM. It is most annoying," groan. -d Kcyserling, "a« I have to picpare myself for examinations aiid have no time for pretty coun- try cousins !" Ilifiinarik saw his chance, and im- Tnodiately inquired : I "Have you ever "een these young girls? Have they ever seen y<iii?" ( "Never in my life " I "Capital. Notlii.iK could bo bet- ter. Let me be L'oiiiit Kcyserling for the ti"''' ''<'ing, aixl you become simple I .»piiurpk. You stay at home, and 1 shall become a first- j class cicerone during all the time of their visit." Keysorling eagerly accepted tho iproposititni. When the young 'ladies arrivci, Bismarck met them a? Keyserling, an<l placed himself 'at their disposition during their jBtay in Berlin. Keyserling buried 'himself in his books and thnught no ,more about it until the girls hud gone home to the Baltic provinces. A week or two later he was dis- concerted by receiving a letter frora home, in which his mother expro'ss- ,cd her great delight in hearing .'from tho young ladies and their mother how immensely they had «njoy<yl themselves, and how very Agreeable and kind their cousin hod boon. ( "I am overjoyed," continued the: fond parent, "to henr from their! 'description tint you ha^•e grownl jquit-e stout )ir<l robust diring your 'etfty at lli'riia " >KW NAMK FOR OLD DISK A HE. Indian Natives are AfTlleted >Vith "the Lurgles." The jjovernment of India by the Kn-^lish may be an unuii.\ed good I. tj\c native, but he does not al- ways see it in that mellow light. A s\ stem of forced labor would not be needed among an industrious people who were ambitious to bet- tor their condition. The love of money is usually incentive enough to keep tho supply of labor pretty close up to the demand. This, how- ever, doos not happen to be the case in India. There the govern- ruent has lo draft men into the very common sorvice of bearing burdens much in the way that they might be made to bear arms- In his account of "A Holiday in the Happy Valley," Maj- T. R. Swin- burne explains the working of this system. It takes soms little time for the â- W'ostern mind to grasp the fact that the Kashmiri cannot and must not le treated on the "man-and-bro- ther" principle. He is by nature a slave, and his brain is in many respects the undeveloped broin of a child. In certain ways, howovor, his outward childishness conceals tho subtlety of "the heathen Chi- nee." He has in no degree come t<i comprehend the dignity of labor any more than a tramp compre- hends it, but fortunately his pnard- ians, while granting certain advant- ages in his tenure of land and pay- ment of rent, have bound him, in return, to work for a fair payment when required to do so by his gov- ernnient «."< exercised by the local Tehesildlinr. The demand made upon a vil- lage far coolies is not, therefore, an arbitrary and liigh-handod sys- tem of bullying, but simply a call upon the villages to fulfill their ob- ligation toward the state by doing a fair day's work for a fair day's pay of from four to six annas- It corresponds to the taxes which persons in all civilized countries pay. Since tho natives have little or no money, they are permitted to pay in labor. The coolie, drawn from his village reluctant, like a periwinkle from its shell, is never a good starter. When lie finds himself at tho end of a tow- rope or bowed beneath half a hun- dre<iweight of tho sahib's trinkets, with a three-thousand-foot pass to attain in front of him, ho is apt to burst into "tears â€" idle tears" â€" or to be overcome by that fell disease â€" "♦he lurgies." Lest my reader should not be ac- quainted with this illness, at least urider that name, here is the diag- no-nis of the lurgies as given by a very ordinary .seaman to the ship's doctor : "Well, sir. I eats well and I sleeps well; but when I've got a job of work to do â€" Lor' bless you, pir, I breaks out all over in a trem- ble, sir!" tLIAt ROOERt, rrMldtnU ALIIRT J. RALSTON, Managing DIrMtMr r. SPAR LIMO, SMrcUry. National Ufe Assurance Co. HEAD OFFICCi NATIONAL LIFE CHAMBERS. U Teranto 8L, Toranta. â- "•'»>•»» In roro« .... siS,4l74tlJI Dally Ineomt over * • . . . iu,MM.M InvMtad In high grade taourlliia • • Sl,lM,2ll.1T Surplus to Policy Holdari' Aaoaunt • • t32«.lN.tl The only Compuny reDortliiit to Canadian Insoranoa Dep't. OUava, do mf' rears of mtcreat or principal on auy Inveatmeat A splendid opening in this county for an aotivo* energetio agent possessing good character. Apply direct to head offloe. 16 Toronto St, Toronto. TO REGISTER LETTERS- Freneh Governuient Introduces an Aiituinatic Device. The Frencli Government has just introduced for use an ingenious au- tomatic device for registering let- ters. The letter is dropped into a box and a nickel piece, purchas- able for 5 cents, placed in the slot. T'e crank is turned, a numbered receipt falls out, and the corre- sponding number is stamped on the letter. The ingenious feature of the ma- chiuo is the device for preventing the use of any except the nickel coin. This is acoompli bed by means of a magnet which attr.-vcts only iron and nickel, the latter very feebly. But tho slight attraction of the nickel is neatly calculated, and as the coin falls the attraction is just sufficient to retard it, and makes it fall into the iX)cket which operates the mechanism. An iron piece, on the other hand, would be strongly attracted, miss the pocket, and be ejected. All other coins al- so are ejected. The fool who butts in where an- Igels fear to tread usually gets oil lihaL's coming lo him. i Old-fashioned honesty Bhoiild lever be allowed to drift into the aii-bcen class. Don't Qrow Old. ^J (oing aroond wilh gray iiair when Dr.' Prfnialn • Natural Hair Itriituiulivr will irinc it hai'k In Ita iintural color. f>v«n I .hoagli it bai horn irray lor yrurH. Two jarpoiiM mlirhl imo from tlip Hamr linitin, incl Ihe Uiilr of one liBcmn*! hlnck iind' tba oth»r blonde, juat na Ihey wi'rn in /oath. Hn it la not a liair.dye; It will not (atnip tlio •ralp, Riid in no trotihlp tr> np. aly W« Kiinrantcc aatlalactimi or money ftlnriiril. Prire one ilnllar (I'ontaifi' piiM). TJIK TniCMAiN HCPriiV CO. IS ^'ood 8t.. • • Toronto. HE'S A WEATHEB PROPRKT. Rut Like all Other Great Men Uc H«.H to Pay a i'onalty- "I supiwsc," said Mr. BlifJkin- tt;n, "that all greatness has its pen- alties, and I don't know of any rea- son why there should be au excep- tion in my case, but tho penalty that I have to pay does shako me u little at times. "You s<>o my greatnessâ€" lot nie state it a.s jiiodestly an 1 canâ€" con- sists in my ability to prognosticate the weather. Some men, you know, add to their powers of observation an instinctive ability in thi.s direc- tion ; they can come pretty close to telling you with accuracy what tho weather is going to be for a day or two alicatl, however things may look at tho moment, and of such wi.se men I am one, and I dare say that ou some occasion, in my human vanity I have let this face be known, with tho result that among my friends as a weather pr j- phet I have achieved fame, and T imvo to pay the penalty. "I am deeply engrossed in husi nets in my office and I hear the teloplione bell ring and I say to inyi-elf : 'Bet that's Jones, going to close the order he was talking about yettordaj-.' But when I taVo down the receiver it isn't June • I hear, but my friend OwilLs, an'i what he aays \% : " 'Bliffy, old boy, what do you, think th« w^iathnr i<i goin,j U> bu Ut-morrowl Wife and I weri! think inK of taking g littU run in < h^ country, but tre don't want to go units* tl«« »«atb<>r U going to be right.' "Attd I t"!! him tntl hn haegs tin "Next nwirning, wh«n I h «r the telephone I think it's Slimby dure, calling me up to nay that he'll h.ive that check around before 3 o'cloe!< without fail, but it's my old fri^ (id fjorks wanting to know for '>ii in forniotion ami benefit something about the weather, and I till him, I'm glad to, aiul it's nil rig' t but you can see that in this way I do got a good many more or lens sharp shocks and jolts. ".Still, I am ready to pay the penalty and I pay it willingly I <loii'l suppose there ever waa a p.icnt man yet but wlint found sonio <li'awbacks in tho joys of great- ness." SOME LARGE SALARIES. Borne Intcrpstin; inaide facta are occa- ilonnily divulged in reKurd to tlie enorm- oua aalariea earned by some insurance afcnts. It i» reportad that two agents recently ap- pointed by the National Life A.isiiranca <^om- nany in one of our large western citie« nave earned over Two Tbouaaud Dollars (12,000.00) a month from the time they â- tartcd to get buaine-'a for this Company. Of conrae, theae men are haatlere, and are well eqnipped in every way, poaaeKS- ing even amall motor oara to cover the territory more rapidly. We understand, nowever, that any man who baa real ability In thia line could do aa well. One of the reaiona for the ancceaa of National Life aeonta ia the aplondid itanding of the Company which ia abowo In their advertlaemeni elaewhere in this paper. If it baa ever occurred to you to take up the Life Insurance baaineaa yoo ranoot make arraneomenta with an enaler Company to accure bualnesa for than the National Life. And they need an Agent rieht in thla territory. Com- municata wlto the head office. The bark of tho average dog is worse than his bite; the bark is usually kept up all night. If you sit down and wait for your â- ihip to come in, <Jon't be surprised if nothing but a wreck drifts in v.ilh tho tide. BATTLE UOYAL WITH A WHALE The enormous strength of a large whale was demonstrated by the re- cent experience)of the steam whal- c r, Sampson, in the Norway seas. Off Sandefjord the cannoneer of the Samson succeeded in lodging a har- poon in the flank of a whale, which in tho eyes of the sailors was of monstrous length. The whale took to flight, towing the little steamer after it. When the ropo had run out to its full length tho engine was reversed, so that, normally, it would have given a backward speed of 10 knots. Still the whale con- tinued to tow the vessel during a period of eight hours, at the end of which the cable parted, and the chagrined crew saw their prey es- cape with the harpoon. HONESTY IN ADVERTISING Is of prime importance. The man who over advertises hurts himself more than as if he advertised none. The Gillette Safety Razor people claim no quality for their article in the columns of the daily press that the dealer would not claim face to face with the prospective custom- ei. Plain every-<lay, clear-cut talk is the most impressive to the plain Canadian citizen that reads it. Dealers and consumers should ap- preciate these methods. A country minister in the course of his visiting stayed at a house where a roast chicken was served for dinner. The chicken looked good to him. "Well," he facetious- Ij remarked, "hare's where that chicken enters the ministry." "Hope it does better there than in lay work," rejoined the small boy of the family, who recognized an old barnyard retainer. Mr. Martin (who is boarding out for a few days)â€" "By tho way, Mrs- I'orkins, I must confess the mut- ton we had for dinner to-day is not tho kind of moat to which I hare been accustomed.'' Mrs. Perkins --"Wery likely nt.t, sir. I alwiz gits the best-" You may hove observed that s»t- i:-fit'<l people a" a rule keep quiet about it- If every housekeeper would use Uil.ion's Fly Pads freely during (ho Summer munthfi the hoii.sc fly peril would NOon be a thing of (lie |tnat. A married man is apt to respect the superior wisdom of a bachelor who once courted his wife. HORSES AND CATTLE have colto and cramps, Painkiller will cum them every time. Halt a bottle in hot water, re- peated a few timea. Avoid Hiibatitutea, there ia but one " Painkiller "â€"Perry Davia'â€" 25o and 60o. "And ye have taken the teetotal pledge, have ye?" aske<l somebody of an Irishman. "Indade I have, and am not ashame<l of it either." ",\nd did not Paul tell Timothy to take a little wine for his stomach's sake?" "So he did, but my name is not Timothy, and there's nothing tho matter with my stomach." Palo, sickly children should use Mother Graves' Worm Extermina- t«)r. Worms are one of the prin- cipal causes of suffering in children and should be expelled from tho system. VIUTUE UNREWARDED. One m<irning during the past win- ter, while it was still dark, (Jrimp- scii crept downstairs and set to wofk to clear the snow from the frout of his residence. He worke<l like a nigger for an hour and a half and when he trott<>d off to busi- ness he chuckled at tho thought of the pleasant surprise which was awaiting his wife. When ho returned to lunch he ex- pected the subject would bo men- tioned, and he was not disappoint- ed. "That man did his work remark- ably well." said his wife. "There wasn't a bit of mow loft when he'd fiinishcd." "What man?" gasped Grimpson. "That man you engaged to, clear away the snow," was the reply. "Ho was just finishing when I came down. I gave him a qi>Arter. Waa that right, dear?" Grimpson didn't speak for some minutes, and when he did his wife got up from the table and left him, as he put it, to "have it out with hiuisolf-" Sleeplessness. â€" Sleep is tho great restorer and to be deprived of it is vital loss. Whatever may bo the cause of it, indigestion, nervous de- rangement or mental worry, try a course of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. P.y regulating the action of the stomach, where the trouble lies, they will restore normal con- ditions and healthful sleep will fol- low. They c.xert a sedative force upon the nerves and where there is unrest they bring rest. "Mildred," murmured a fashion- able young man, sinking on one knee, "f<ir your your birthday gift I offerâ€" myself." "Thank .vou," was the cold reply, "but I only ac- cept useful presents !" Praetically all C.inndlan drng- Rists, grocers and general dealpr.s sell Wilson's Fly Pads, If your storekeeper does not, ask him why. Tho following notice is iiostod â- onspicuously in a certain news. paper office:- "Shut the dour, ;iid Uj soon as you have done tatkio.i business servo your mouth the same way.'' Pains. Like the Poor, are .Mways With Us â€" That portion of man's life which is not made up of plea- sure is largely composed of pain, and to be free from pain is a pleo- sure. Simple remedies are al- ways tho best in treating bodily pain, and a safe, sure ami simple remedy is Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. You cannot do wrong in giving it a trial when required. Kindly mention tho name of this paper la writing to advertisers. Lady (to tramp who has accosted her in the street)- "So you really tell me you have given up drink? " I'ramp â€" "Yes, ma'am. Only a week ago I passed twelve taverns and didn't enter one of them." Ladyâ€" "Real'y ! Tho temptation must have been very groat." Tramp â€""Yes, ma'am; but I was locked ui in the 'Black Maria-' " Many o young man starts in to work fired with a noble ambition-â€" then the ambition evaporates and ho gets fired. STORED DRINKING-WATER. Tho medical advisers and engin- eers of the London Water Board re- oommoiid the storage of raw river water prior to filtration as a means of purification. Time is regarded .'ifi an important element in the dis- appearance of diseaso-breoding sub- stances in water, and the best ef- fects would be obtained by storage for not less than 30 days. So long a time, however, would demand the use of immonsa teservoirs, and it ;s thought that a shorter period might be adopted, together with the use of intermediate means of purification by mechanical filters or precipitotion tanks between stor- age and sand filtration. It has been shown that the number of micro-organisms is very consider- ably reduced by storage. The en- gineers also report that storage prolongs the life of the filter beds. VAUMt A WAaiNQ'C UVAKAIVTEID -SPAVIN CURP>| Miilad on receipt uftl.04L |>iend for booklatâ€" »»»^_, The Veterinary Remedy Company. Umlted, B. X A. 7i> Adelaide. St, R. Toronto, Caoadji. ST. MARGARET'S COLLEGE, TORONTO. St. Margaret's College is thor- oughly equipped to prepare stu- dents for Matriculation and all ex- aminations in Music, Art, Domes- tic Science, Physical Education and (or School Athletics, Cricket, Ten- nis, Ba.sketball, Hockey, Toboggan- ing, Swimming and Horseback rid- ing PLAYING TOO SAFE. A prisoner at the sessions had been duly convicted of theft, when it was seen, on "proving previous convictions," that he had actually been in prison at the time the theft was committed. "Why didn't you Fay so 1" asked the judge of the pris- oner angrily. "Your Lord.ship, I was afraid of prejudicing the jury against me." A Safe Pill for Sufferers.â€" There are pills that violently purge and fill the stomach and intestines with pain. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are mild and effective- They are purely vegetable, no mineral pur- gative entering into their com- position and their effect is soothing and beneficial. Try them and be convinced. Thousands can attest their great curative qualities be- cause thousands owe their health and strength to timely u.se of this most excellent medicine. BRITISH-AMERICAN Business College Central Y.M.C.A. Bulldlnar. Toronto. KSTABLLSUEO 18<I0, Ia Canada's oldeat and mont reliable commercial school. Hundreds of the most succassl'ul buainexs men in Toronto .ire our graduates, and give our aiu- denta the preference in filling positions in their ofHces. Fall T«rm From Sapt. fan Student! enter any time. Write for eataloioe. T. M. WATSON, . Principal Jackâ€" "Waa her father violent when you asked for her hand 1" Tom â€""Was he? Great Scot! I though* he would shake my hand off!" Holloway's Corn Cure is a spec!- fie for the removal of corns add warts. We have never heard of tta failing to remove even the worst kind. OUR HEAVE CURE cnroB where others fail. Sells on its own merits. Boat of testt- mooiala furnished on application. Aak ynur <iruei(tit t . uet y-ni ^ mo. or Head «r- ect to Four Brotbora. Bcitoale. Price tl.40 per package. Chargea paid to nearest ea- froaa office. None genuino without our rade mark. FOrE BROTHERS, on each package. Try a package and be conTlnced. Because others hare failed is no reason why HeRVPs cannot be cured by ualn^ Four Brothera Heare Cure. WANTED. W ANTKD.â€" I5.C0O. io amounts of tsfl or mor«i to acquire the cnai mining rigliti on a large traoa of lupd estimi.tod to contafii SO.OOO.OOU toni qt coal. An opportunity of a lifetime to sat In on (round floor. Taunton, Mclutyra Block, Winni- A London boy told tho teacher that his sister had the measles. The teacher sent him home and told him t-o stay there until his sister got well. After he had skipped joyfully away another boy held up his hand and said: â€" "Teacher, Jimmy Dolan's sister what's got the measles lives in Hamilton." KIDNEY ISSUE NO. S^-M. It Is an uudUputod fact that one packet of Wilson's Fly Pads has actually killed a bushel of house flies. Fortunately no sueh quantity can ever be found in a well kept house, bnt whether they be few or many Wilson's Fly Pads Hill kill tbeui all. New Tenant â€" "Look here, yoii'll have to make some alteration in this place. It's not fit for a pig- sty." Landlord â€" "I didn't know you wanted it for a pigsty. 1 1 thought you wanted it to live in." I IMITATIONS ABOUND, hut inaist upon | B- tliiig t!u' g.-iuiim-. â- The D. * L." Menthol IMsKtcr, winch ban Htood the teat of years. It curux: imitutiona don't. "The D. A h." i» miide by Davis A Lawrence Co. A prominent man was chafiing a certain town councillor about the doings of the council, and said :â€" "I'd sooner put up as a candidate for a lunatic asylum than put up for the town council." "Weii. you'd stand a much better chance o; getting in,"' dryly responded the town councillor. AGENTS WANTED. ONBBKLUni.B MAN WANTED IX BVBB^ town to take orders f.<r bent cuitom mads elotbea iu Canada. Highest comuiMion. Be» Tailoring Co., Toronto. PORTRAIT ACENTS-SELIABLE MBIf we start in business of their own and glTe credit- Merchants Portrait Co.. Toronto. * A GEXTS-Mail Order Buyers- ** Housekeepers send ad- dress for free sample SILVER-' CLOTH MAGICAL SILVER- CLE.\XER. Large Catalogue of- household specialties. Canada. Silvercloth Co., Dept. E, Toronto. . Secure the Agency ^llty of the only Life Insor- ty meeting the requirements ^al Commission." Our plaud appeal To tho common souse. protect the PoUcyholdcra â- lower. Terms ot payment ""â- r. a- ^ TM£ J«feU:VH0L0ER8 MUTUAL IIFS. Tempi* JUiuain^, Toronto,' JL WANTED By Canadian Railwaya, crpert Tele- graph Operators. Oet Keady. The Demand is Keen. Particulars free. CENTRAL TELEGRAPH SCHOOL t Oerrard E., Toronto. Dr. J. P. KelloRg's Dysentery Cordial is compotinded specially to ' combat dysentery, cholera morbus' and all inflammatory disorders that change of food or water may set up in the stomach and intestines. These • complaints are more common in summer than in winter, but they are not confined to the warin months, as \indue la.xnoss of the bowels may sei/.e a man at any time. Such a sufferer will find speedy relief in this Cordial. Churchâ€" "You say he's in tho corn-producing husincssf Go- tham -"Yes, indirectly." "I don't understand you." "Why, he's a shoe manufacturer." nVr*"' ..**V?"''.'. ^''•'â- 'â- ' Watery Eyea. Rclievod By Murine Eyo Itenudy. Try wV.'i"?.,'''"'.."^'""' ^/^ Troubles. You JVIll Like Murine. It Soothes. f.Oc At E-?!- "^""f *'*â- •, ^"«« F"*"" Eye Books. Free. Murine Bye Remedy Co., Toronto. Flit In your nam* and ad- dress, mall this coupon ' tha REMINGTON BUSINESS COLLEGE 889 Oellegc St., Toronto, and gat by return nialt aoooy ot their hamiseme oatatugiio. to B 'You must drink hot water with your whisky," the doctor told his patient; "otherwise you mustn't take it at all." "But how hhall I get the hot water i" the patie.nt queried, plaintively. "My wife won't let me have it for the whisky toddy." "Tell her you *vant to shave," the doctor said, and took his departure. The next day the doctor clled and asked the wife how his patient was. "He's gone rav- ing mad," he wife replied. "He shaves every ten minutes." Kindly mention the iiane of thlsj paper in writing lo .ndvertlsers. ' Do you think ollura envy you because of your shrewdness I FEATHER^YEINQ BAITIIH AMERICAN DYEING CO, MOKTKBAk ^^-^^ ,*•»>• M » Dajr .i.,! oalah. nia prrman«at btuiB«M oa •ur c«i,ii,i. OuF kltk fliu ktoU asll oo si(U In •van boiua, ar* qaloaly ««ad up an J r«p«^c oidaro ooni» fui. ExoIuiIt* tof. 'Iiorr ilrtn. *'«t BoMk' SvrrLT Ca. P*pt. W, ror<.«n>. Oat Th* I Rapid Kc9d!e Threader A practical eye-saving:, time-saving device, used for any sue needle or thread. It Ihi-eads quick- ly, easily, and will laal a lifetime. Mailed lo your iddreaa, postpaid for vjc. AOiMTS WANTIO. f**» Raiplct Ne*cll« Threader Oo., Bex 1907. Urillla, Outarlo VRJTE ,^ , ^ CATALOOJR HlGhH ox.A.e© BStT VALUIS IM MNADA EXHIBITION VISITORS tordlally invited to call and inspect our slock. in iMerv locaKly. PCX TAILOniNO COMPANY. 172 King ?i. West TorenlP (O: , . - 1.. I i:ii. ,,Ra Ih-Mre.) I i