Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Sep 1909, p. 2

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RHEUMATISM DRIVEN FROM THE BLOOD A Remedy Which Assists Natui-e Makes a Cure Which is Pbima- neut as Ihis Case Proves. Every suffeior from rhi'uruatism ,' wants to bo cured and to stay 'cured. The prospect of tlw fre- quent roturii of the trouble is not attriK-tive to anybody who has gone through one sioge. Most treat- ments aim simply to "keep down' the rheumatic poisons in the blood. jThe tonic treatment by Dr. Wil- j hams' I'ink Pills has proved by i;un<.lrcds of cures that it builds up tbe blood to a point that enables |it to cast out those poisons through the regular channels of e.xcretion â€" the bowels, tho kidneys and the 'skin. When this is done the rheu- matism is permanently cured, and a:? long as tho blood is kept pure and rich tlie patient will be free from rh<>unialism. Mr. Thomas McNeil, llichibucto, N. B., says :â€" "Permit nie to bear tustimony to the worth of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills as a cure for acute rheiuiia- tism. My son, Frederick, was sub- ject to this painful trouble for a fieriod of eight or ten years, and during this time periodical attacks wouW regularly occur. Ilis la^t at- tack was a most severe one, and the pains were excruciating in tho extreme, shooting througli the var' cus parts of the b<xiy to such an extent that even the approach of lany person \v<iiil<i cause him to cry 'cut with fear, and ho had rest nei- ither day or night. Our family doc- Itor, a man of skill and experience, applied many remedies without 'avail, and could give no cncourage- nient other than that tho warmer weather then approaching niigiit 'prove beneficial. Just at this time we noticed where some person sim- ilarly afTlicted had been cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and decid- ed to try them- He kept on using the Pills, each succeeding bo.x showing improvement, until he had taken ten boxes, when all pains and aches had completely disap- f â-ºeared, and although his mode of ife is that of a fisherman, and con eequently exposed to both wet and cold, he has had no return of any of tho symptoms whilever. The cure is complete, and is entirely due to Dr. VVillia.ms' Pink Pills. You can get these Pills from any medicine dealer or they will be sent by TTiail at 50 cents a box or si.\ boxes for $2.50 by The D. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Cn.VR.VCTKR BY THE FACE. Clas-sify Them Accordiag to Their Outlines. In judgins the character from the face it is well, first of all, to un- derstand that physiognomists can only reveal tendency; they eaunut foretell positive actions. To read faces the best method is tc begin by cla.'isifying them accord- ing to their outlines, as certain characteristics are ninety-nine times out of a hundred the accom- paniment of e/v"h class. According to tho text-books, wo- men with the perfectly oval face are tall and of elegant figure, gen- erally, but not always, dark-eyed, pnergci.ic, and possess strong indi- vidual characteristics. They are firm and self-reliant, and usually constant in friendship and love. They are often leaders, and are enthusiasts apt to be carried I away by the power of their own im- agination. Frequently the oval- ' faced woman becomes an actress of ' great renown. For example, ]5ern- j iiardt, Dufc, ani^ Mary Anderson. When the face describes a circle there is corresponding breadth and jtliickness of limbs and binly. The I complexion is usually ilorid and the I hair and coloring light brown, not often dark, especially the skin. Kound-taced women may bo usu- ally read as versatile, impulsive, ar- Idcnt, and with great elasticity of I spirits. The round-faced woman is I mere inclined to be fickle than her I sister of the oval contour. I Where you sec a woman with a face which forms a perfect round niak-; a mental note to this effect; .\ cheerful, loving, and amiable ratine, not much persistence, apt to be brilliant rather than thor- ough, companionable, and unsel- fish. The pyriform face is commonly called pear-shaped because its out- lines do resemble the shape of a pear. Nine out of ten won:en with pear-shaped faces have high fore- liiads, pale complexions, and deli- cately chiselled features. They are rarely strong women physically, often have delicate cheats and slen- der, stem-like necks. They gener- ally have shining eyes ar.d an abun- dance of soft, fine, silky hair. They are mentally very a'.ort, quick and ne vous, acutely ficnsitive- This is the literary, artistic, and poetic type. Women with the temperament belonging to tin pyriform face are rarely willing to acltlo <lown to the joys of domesticity. They belong to the public and to tho world of art and poetry. FALL SKiNJISEASES. Ai Articia for Motheri. > nOliDMItY THK MOTIVE. Austrian Hoarding IfouHe Was a Do.itli Tiiip for Ludj^ei-M. One of the mn»t sensational cas- c» wliieh Viciina has ever known has been brought to light by the arrest of Frau Kobov.sky on suspicion of having committed five murders. Fran liobovsky, who is a wi<low forty-three years of age, kept a I'oardiiig house. Two of her lodg- ers died in the house four years ago, and she was sentenced to two years' iniprisonmrnt for stealing their property. When she canio out of prison she resumed the boarding house, an<l three more lodgers died in it List year. Recently another ledger tuld the police that Fran Kobi)\.sky tried to push liim into the Danube, and then j?ave iiim poisoned wii;e during an excursion. The polico have discovered that all tho five lodger.s, who die<l were rich and elderly, and their bodies will be exhumt'd and examined. A POINTER ON MAKING SHOES WEAR LONGER. In thin a([e tlirro lire mnii.v (lllT<>rmit formH of iiiNurnnrc njtaiiiHt Icibr from â-  Imoat ••very roiiteiviiblc i;aui!o nii'J it in rrniarkablr to note that wc have now arrivrd nt a point whRrc it In pnsaibln to Inmirc your new (•lollii-n n«ainst be- comitiK iiroaiBHircly worn out. and no doubt wlion peoi>ln ari> aware ot thin fact thoiieandR will takc! ndvantaKo uf it. Phoc inHurani'c in the form of "Nuititet" Wulorproof Hhoe I'oIi»h is tho host kind of an InvrHtmrnt. for It will double the life of your iih<iPii, bcrauHe it krpDS let- tlipr aoft and pliable and presents crack- inr Your dealer keep* "Nugget"â€" why not InBure your nhocsf It costn but 10c Black or Tan. The "NuKg<-t" is a Waterproof prepara- tion whirli in wet wealher retains its thine, and tli« pn|ii<h itnelf will not rub off and H<.il the rioihea under any condi. tiunu. 4. OUT OF THK ORI»r>f.\RY. Harkerâ€" "Brady's wife ia the tiiost intellectual woman I ever Wt." Parker â€" "Indeed " Harkerâ€" ^"Yes. Why, .-.he can &".- «tually tell what time a railway train arrives or departs by con- sulting the time t.Tble." Don'FGrow Old. By going around with (tmy hair when I)i. Treioain s Natural Hair Itpstonitive will bring it hark to its natural eiilor. even though it has been gray for yarfi. Two persons might use from (he same bottle and the hnir i^f one beromn lilark and the other bloni..-. Just as thi'.v were in youth. So it Is not u hair-dye: u nill not Injura the sralp, and i* no trouble to ap- ply. We guarantee satisfaition or money retorned. Price one dollar (Poitnge piiid) TUB TKKMAIN aUPFLV CO.. U Wood tit., • • Toronto. When the children "break out" witK erupliuns and skin diseases, so cuninion ia the fall, dou't run to usrlos and aauieatini; niediiinea. Zuiii-Uukii what is DeeUcU. li is a ikia lood at well as a healing balm. Mrs. Clias. ].evere, o( I'resc U, North Chauuel, Out., tells now Zdin-Huk cuicd her lisiiy. She Siy»:â€" "My uau^'s hcsid and tace was one cuiuplele iiiaw ol norcs. '1 he itching aud irrilauun were fearlul, and the liitle one's piight was so Icirlul Out at one time we feared tier ears would be ealea ofi, " VVc had lo keep her han.JS (icd lur day* to pceveni her rubbiDj; and i>cr.iicliiiig tba sores, lAKtur aller u.cioi Ireaisd licr la vain, until we had liad bve duclurs. I'hey all agreed it was a tri^hilul c .sc of eczema, but noneul them did any perinaueoi gauii. "Ai a Uit resource ive were advi>eu to try Zain Kuk. 'the lirst box ciid s» much ^uod that we fell sure we were at last wuikiiig in the right direction. We persevered vniti the treatuirnt until we had U4cd lliriecn boie-, and at the end of that time 1 am IjlaJ lo say Zain-Uuk eflecte>i a car-." Mrs Holmes, of 30, Guise Street, Hamil- ton, is quite as eloquent in her prai-es. .She says :â€" •Ziin-Huk cured my boy of boils Bud eruptions when he was so bad lliat he had been unable to mil with other children Prior to the boils bienkinc out he had had a bad eiuptinn, but Zara-Kuk rlearrd this away too, and made his skin clear and amiioth. It is a wonderful preparation, and mothers throuehuut the land should always keep it han.ly. For eczema, eruptitin% rashes, tetter, itch, riii({Worm,and simii^ir skin di^easei, Ziin-Huk is wi hout equ.<l. It also cures cuts, burns, fc Us, piles, at>scrs<es, chronic sore-, blood- poitutiinf{, etc. All dru.K<sis and »tores at ^o rents a box, or tiost tree fur price tiuoa ^am-buk Co., Turunto. .V â-  BABY'S TEETHING TIME IS A TROUBLOUS TIME When baby is toothing the wliole household is upset. The tender lit- tle gums are swollen and inflamed, and the poor child often cries day I'lid night, wearing the muther out nnd keeping the restVjf the family <iii edge. In th-i* homen whore liaby's Own Tablets are used there i' no such worry. The Tablets al- lay the intlammution, soothe the ir- ritation and brings tiro teeth through painlessly. Mrs. Jem IWiutin, St. Marguerite, Que,, says: "When I sent for Baby's Own Tub- lets my nine nionth-i' old baby was suffering greatly fr<iin teething troubles and I hardly got any rest. .'\ few d<jsc,s of the Tablets reliev- fA hor, and the teeth seeme<l to jfonie through painlessly." Sold b) nir<Iicine dealers or by mail nt 'J.') cents a box from Th-e Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. K.VRTHQl.VKK IMtOOF IIOISKS. Twigs and (ir.i.s.s InterwovtMi With llranehos. In order to protect their homes from e-arth<|iiakes many of the na- tives in the territ-ory aroun<l (.'liil- [ancingo and <itlier towns in the State <jf (Jtierrero, Mexico, live in tiees. Some of these tree homos are <if large size and are ingenious- ly constructed, iteeds and grasses are interwoven with the twigs and branches of tho tree, much in the manner that a bird builds its nest. The s-«»veroHt wind seldom looses tliciie houses from the tree. Where the trees are large and st-'ind close- iy together h<iuses of two nnd three rooms are frequently built ni their branches. Tlies(> houses also af- ford protection from the "tigers an<l other wild animals whicb are found in the region in liuge imiii- bers. It is claimed thnl a "tigrr' will iKjt attack its pre,\ unless it is iip<in the ground. The prime ob- ject of elevating these houses into the trees, however, is lo keep .them from being shaken <lowu by the se- vere earthcjiiakes wljicti NL^ib tho Guerrero territ<iry at frequent in- tervals. The rocking of tlio earth gi\es the trees a swaying motion that does no damage to tho houses. In pome localities whole villages of the.se tree homes are to be seen. None of them suffered damage from tho recent earthqiinkes which wrought such ruin to the buildings <n the ground. FUK.VK PIIOTOGK.VIMIY. Diniciilt Task to l'hiitoj;raph a Soap Bubble. ' After running horses, jumping athletes, (lying cannon-balls, fish- es of lighlni.ig, and the shifting spectral lines of revolving double stars have been successfully jihoto- piaplied, the airy soap bubble has furnished a stumbling-block that the scieiitific photographer has had groat difliculty in surmounting. An eminent scientist said not long ago that for a long time it had been his nnibitiun to photograph a soap bun- lle in tho act of breaking. lie anticipated great difficulty, because ho knew the time occupied in the disappearance of a breakiug bubble must be only a small fraction of a second. Whoever has watched a brilliant soap bubble burst knows how quick- ly it vanishes. The scientist thought it miglrt take one-twenti- eth of a second ; but by repeated e.vpcrimcnts he found that the lime occupied in the disappearance of the iridescent film was not more than one three-hundredth of a sc:- ond. To catch and picture one of these vanishing films between the iustaat of its breaking and that of its coinplt,tt< e.\ti:iclion proved a irobt dillicult uiKlcrtakiiig ; but it vas acconiplishod. Some persons tnay think that it would be equally difficult to phott:- piaph a lightning flash ; but it must be rei:ollectc<l that lightning makes an intensely vivid impression, while the soft redoction of a soap bubble IS evanescent, even in tho bright g.aro of an electric spark. From pi inting the image of the flying edge (f a broken bubble in the three- 1 tuulrcdth of a second to dis<los- ing the existence of great nebulae 11 tho heavens by tho cumulative cfifect of several hours of continu- ous exposure, the nufdern photo- graphic plate is perforuiing many wonders in beh'ilf of science, aiitl proving itself one of the most pow- erful ine:ins at man's disposal to unlock the secrets of Nature. Never judge a man's kicking abil ity by tho size of his fp/Ct It's almost as difficult for .vii'i to ret a man '. o t^ike \oiir advice a.s il is for you to tako his. .'\N EDUCATED T1V\MP. The house of a wealthy lady was approached one day by a tni;iip seeking a meal. Tho IikIv at first rifiLsed the knight of the road his request, but finally constMitcd, say- ing »he would give him food if he woiikl fir'>.t saw some wood. ?le;ul- ing, however, that he was too weak to work before eating, he obtaintd the meal, after which his hostess es- cortrfHl Mr. Dusty Rhodes to the woodshed, and showed him the pile of wood he was to saw. Returning half an hour later, she found her guest sitting in the calm enjoyment of a smoke. With just indignation she askod : "Why, haven't you sawn that wood yet'!' "Pardon me, madam," said her guest, pain at his hostess' ignor- aiice struggling in his voice. "You should not say 'have sawn' wood, you should say 'have seen' the wo-od . ' ' An e.xhibition of temper i;; iuvari ably a free show. The things you are going to do add nothing to your hank balance. i^jatauTTi/r.JciAriCA. u/ztenci Inllaniniatlou of tb Kiduuya. of t4ie Bladder, of ilia bowel It. of the J.unr:. f^oreThrj.it, Kroncbitia. Uimcult BniitidiiK. t'roup, ("»• tiirrh. Inlliieiint. Ilfuil- aohe, '!'ootlia<-be. .Veii- raliria, Kheumalii^iu. Told CmIIIs. Ainie ( hIMa, ChQ- b!uina, Kroetblle^ quickly curoil by MhiH Ready Rellet INFORMATION. Mary had a little lamb. As you have heard before; I-ater Mary passed her plate And had a little more. Her dinner check was 90 cents That's what made Mary sore. HUNTING FOR BIG CAME. The Iliifhlanda of Outavlo is an ideal spot for tho sportsman durinK tl.i) opt-u litinting Bia.son for birr Kume. In the IcmaKami i-euion moooe are plentiful and may be killed duriiiK the period from Uctobcr 16th to November loth. This territory is a forest preserve of vast cx- Dansc. and in addition to bcinit tho h^unt- er 8 paradise, its waters abound with game nsli of many si;e<-ips. The home of the red deer ia located somewhat to tho south of lematcami. particularly in the distnits known as "MuHkoka Lukes." "Lakp of Bays." •MaBanctawan River." "Lake NiplBsiug." ana "Kawartha Luke:. ' toiTitorics. Write to .1. D. ^icDonald, District PnBscnitpr Acent. Toronto, for a copy of "llaunta of Fish and Oame." issued by the Gr.uid Trunk Hallway System whiih fully describes the hunting territories reached by this line. uiviiKt Eume lawa, maps uud all information. NOT ROMANCE. "Yes, her husband left her su-d- donly seven years ago, aud every n.ght she puts a lightod candle in the window to guide him to the dcor." "How sentimental!" "Well, not e.xactly. She pats tlie candle there so she can sec to bit him with the club she keeps on the window ledge." Parents buy Mother 'javes Worm E.xtcrminator becau.e they know it is a safe medicine for their children and an effectual cxpeller of worms. Chinamen will not accept sover- eigns bearing the familiar St. George and dra:;on on the reverse sid?, as the dragon plays an import- ant role in religious matters, and, C'insequently, they dislike its rep- resentation oa English coins. Aflor making a most rnroriil study of (lie nintter, V . S. riovern- Dienl HcienlistH state delliiitoly (hat (he cnminnii house fly Is (he prineipiil inrans of distributing typhoid fever, diphtheria and Hniallpnx. >Vilsoir.s Fly Pads kill (he Hies and the diseusc germs, (00. Youngly â€" "Did you ever noti c that the matrimonial process is li'i > that of making a call 1 You go to ador."-, and ring a belle, and gi-o your name to a maid." Cyuicu-i â€" "Yes, and then you're taken in." INFORMATION WANTED about the man »ho ha.H never heiird of I'jiinkillcr Hold for over 60 .vears. Is the b*?st remedy for cramps, colic and •iysi'iitery, and uii- equalled ns a liniment for cuts and wounds. Avoid substitutes, there ia but one "PuinkillcT ' Perry Duvis'-2jc. and iOo. • "Oran-dfath'-r, I know what I shall give .'.on for your birtlulay â€" a nice nu'crichiim pipe." "That's eood of you, my dear, but I already have one." "i'hat is to say, grand- pa, you did have one. I've just broken it." Where can I get some of Hollo way's Corn Cure? I was e"tirel.\ cured of my corns by this remedy, and I wish some more of it fo,* my friends. So writes Mr. J. W. Brown, Chicago. KIndlif mendon (ho name of (his paper in writing (o advertisers. ttid for free sample to Dopt. W. L., Na- ttn^l O.-uK i. Clitnilca. Co., Toronto Tho man who is satisfied to mere- ly "get along" in this j^^i^TJ mustn't grumble if his njji^jWbor in sists on earning enijUt^h to travel ir style. ^ \ Thorough Pill â€"To clear the ."tomach and bowels of impurities and irritants is necessary when their action is irregular. The pills that will do this work thoroughly are Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, which are mild in action but niight.y in results. They purge painlessly and effectively, and work a per- manent cure. They can be used without fear by tho most delicate!..' ( onstitut-ed, as there are no pu'n fill effects preceding their gentle operation. HOPEFUL. Mrs. Newed- -''Mamma says she does not think we will ever qua-r- lel as she and papa do." Mr. Newedâ€" -"Never, dearest." "No; she says ytui will be much easier to manage than p.apa was." HELPLESS. "How's your husband now?" "Poor man, he's laid up at home with acute rlieumntism. .Ml he is iiblo to do now is mind the baby, chop the woihI, answer the do-or bell, an' run errands." Most wives w<iuld he able to save iiioney if their husbands gave them enough to sa\c. R.\THER EMBARRASSING. "That Englishman is a funny chap," remarked the hat salesman II; the big hotel; "he hasn't been out of his room to-day." "No, he is victim of circumstanc- es," confided the coffee salesman. "Victim of circumstances 'I" "Yes, he put his shoes outside his door last night, according to the English custom, and som.ebody threw them at a cat down the area- way." A Pleasant Purgative.â€" Parme ke's Vegetable Pills are so crii- pounded as to operate on both tho stomach and the liowels, so that they act along the whole aiiiuen- tary and excretory passage. J'.; v are not drastic in their work hut mildly purgative, and the pkasurt, of taking them is only equalled by the gratifying effect they prod ice Com.pounded only of vegeta^jtc substances the curative qti.il ties < 1 which were fully tested, they af- fi.rd relief without chance of in- jury. THE REASON. LittLs Blancheâ€" "At the parly a little girl fell off a chair. .Ml the other gills laughed; but I didn't." Mamma â€" "Well, why didn't you laugh?" "Cause I was the one that fell off." If allowed to roam over your linusc tho.sc few itinocont>lookin!; I'ouse flies may cause a real trag- edy any day, as (hey are known lo be the principal agents for the s[«read of (hose deadly di^)eases, (yphoid fever, dipli(heria and smallpox. No other fly kilk>r com- pares wilh W^l^sl)n's Fly Pads. MAKING ROOM. Little Tommy Tucker had eaten and. was filled, but he would not give in. "Have some more cake. Tom- my?" said his hostess. " I think I could," said Tommy, "if I stood up." VANZAKT « WARINC* HI'tRAVlKKn r "SPAVIN CURE" .M:iil»cl (in receipt of |i.n£ l.ssnd for buukUtâ€" vrj:^ The Veterl.tary itsmtA Ocmpany. Llinltsii, J ^. A. 75.\de1:liilsSt.,V. Turwito, Canada, f WANTED. HOY W.\.NTKD. TO AfT AS AOIWT for "TORONTO .S.VrUKDAY NIOIIT" in his spare time. Onod money. Circu- lation Manager, Toronto. ' / 1 ANVAS.yRRa WANTED. Cthern flenr * ' twenty dollars weekly. Apply .\lfred Tyler, London, Ont. ' HOya AND GIRLS WISHINO TO BaHN money or premiums send yourjiama and address for our juvenile eataloifue of easy sellinit houi-chold specialties. » Our adult Aprentg 68 paue eatalomio is also re.ndy. free on request. Canada Silver- cloth Co., Toronto. Ont. FOR SALE. COMir RECITATION BOOK-Bepy col- lection published in EnKliHh luntfuafco; Ten eenta. Arthur Riee. Granby. Q«b. IN CALIFORNIA'S MONEY MAKING LITTLE r ARMIS BmI Fruit, IXtiitm and StockOrowr- luK SMtion. Rich. De«p Suilâ€" Irtl- B-wkiei. inniUAThD un'o CO , Mirysvilli • • Cjllforola CLEANING ^ LADIES' ^ WALKIMfl OB OUTINS • • • MUlTa k* ilou» |«rf»iitl7 hj oar trcjuA ProcaH. Xl» M MiTHH AMEmoAH nY«ma co .* â- OMTBEAik TUaoMXlA OTTAWA k OCEBta 12 and 14 PEMBROKE ST. F. H. Torrlngton, Mui. Olr. ANNUAL CONCERT, MASSEY NOVEMBER I3t. Tickets may be hud at the Colics^, jHALL. SEE THAT YOU CET THE REAL THING ^Unscrupulou.'i makers arc putting: up ii counterfeit of "The D. Jt L." Menthol Pln.'<ter. The Keuuiuu u made by Duvi:i !l LuHTeuce Co. PROVIDED. "I am sorry, my dear sir, but I neglected to bring my surgical in- struments with me." ''That will be all right, doctor. The plumber who has been work- in? in the cellar has left his tools here." Something that Should be Rub- hod In. â€" Whenever pain is felt in the limbs" or back, take Dr. Tho- ir.as' Eelectric Oil ; pour a little in the hand, and applyinj; it to tho surface beneath which the pain 's, rub briskly. If the first applica- tion does not afford relief, whicfi IS not usually the case, keep rub- biiit;. The Oil will gradually pene- trate to the affected part aud re- lief will come. CHANGED. Laneaster~"Are you making as much fuss over your baby now as \ou were two months ago!" Forresterâ€" "Oh, no. The baby is making all the fuss now." Fcfl, l>%'vak, Vrenrr, Waterr Eye*. Hclieved Uy Murine Kye Uiinedy. Try Murine For Your Kye Troubles. You Will Like Murine. It Soothes. 60c At Your DruKKlsts. Write For Kye BooUs. Free. Murine Kye Remedy Co., Toroulo. THE DIFFERENCE. "Some men are so unreason- able," sighed Mrs. Scolder. "Yes, and all women are," re- rlied Scolder quickly. Attacks of cholera and dysentery come quickly, there seldom being any warning of the visit "" action must be Uj]j„|ff^,t. ,^^ -^^^ ly if thepj^J^^Tis to be spared f,'teats^j(fl^„j, atul permanent in- JiPfTo the lining membranes of the bowels. The readiest prepara- tion for the purpose is Dr. J. 1). Kellogg's Dysentery Cord'al. It can be got at small cost at any drug store or g neral dealers, and it «ill afford relief before a doctor can be called. f-r FALL TKR.\I - no better time. rhorouKh. practical courses, individu- al iCBtruction and every UD-to-dat« fa- cility provided by our oldest aud most reliable schoel. British-American Eus'ness Coilbge, VMOA. iUILDINO, TOaONTO. Write for cataloRue. * T. .M. WATSON. Principal. A F£W CENts will clnilBe jruur wiu:l >wi t') lich stitiuu'l kI.'1.i.i. HtlNOdW- FHANII, bo.iUtlfully col rsd uirtl tratup.iiulit, w'ill ih^ it. .si»eclal deiitfti-i fur ohur';iiOi. .'^.ini|fl«H free. .\fctsut:i wjtit- ctt W lite me »«iw. U. R SI I.I.IVAN, IMlOst. Jams-* "-^t . M"iitrcxl Small Lilian's father was very homely, and one day she said : "Mamma, why did you marry pa- pa?" "Bcx'ause I loved him, dear, ' was tJie reply. "Mamma," con- tinue<l Lilian, "love will make us women do anything, won't it?" Some men are too lazy to com piain if they can't liiid work. l3 theP'^^ Autumn Investments UESTJ LIST MAILED ON REQ For inriiri'luah with funics ftir iuve'ilment at the present time, uihellier of lurije amoniit or small, we have compifed ka fx/euife Uh of MUS/CII'A'L PUBLIC SKR VICE and COR- PORA'lWy bonds. The sc- curiiien oj'jred will receive tl'e a/>/>ruval of the most conservative ill ve.- tors. MUNICIPAL DEBENTURES. Onlario Municipal debvuturcs to yield 4% to 4h%. Other Canadian Miniic.ifals â€" Pro- vitict, Counts/, Cityaiul Tou-n â€" to yield 4% to 6 ^%. RAILROAD A PUBLIC SERVICE BONDS. Jl'e offer a selj, _ i'^'iUroaiU and Public Sere lo' Corporations of dcmonstratK.f earning power at prices to yield'' the xnvvHor .#J% to i%. rP."."*"'"" Northern Railway Co. • Rani^^v"""* '•«">• * Winnipeg • wav ComnJ'"'' ^o""" "aO'al Rail- â-  Company.' * """n'o Railway p/n^y-r^p".? o» ,J:a«"»i«e.ST- the Winnipeg EU»5?,J'J^|','««'' "y BONDS OF ESTABLU^ED lu DUSTRIES. *° '••• Bonds of long establialn-f, confitiiioush/ prosperous itidm tries to yUli.l 5\ to tf%. Western Canada Flour Mills Co. t per cent's. P. Burns and company, Ltd., I per cant's. Long-Rell Lumber Company S per cent's. Dominion Iron A Steel Co. Con- solidated 6 per cent's. ASK FOR FULL PARTICULARS. It is a pleasttre to select frotn our offcriiii/s n sxiitable bond and to assist lo a thoromjh in- vestigation of the security. DOMINION SECURITIES CORPORATION. LIMITED HiAO OFFioc TORONTO ro kino ot. c. DRANCKES : 'MONTREAu- W^NNIPK J -LONDON, fc.ia I l.SSl F. NO. 10- ti> â€" Kitttlly iiiesilion (he name of this '^iiifi'.r ia writiiis t« ad- ortlsers.

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