Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 3 Feb 1910, p. 10

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THE SUFFERING WOMAN ENDURES Can be Rattished by the Rifh, Uc«l Blood Or. Williams' Pink Piils Actually Make. LIFE IN GILBERT I!?LES. Eircc-ts of Civilixatton on the Civilixatton Natives. SUFFERED FOR SIX LONG YEARS Some ciiriods effects of civiliza- tion are related in a Government report on a visit to the scattered j Gilbert Islands in tlie South Paci- fiC: annexed by Great Britain in i 1892, says The London Daily Mail.] Behind the veil of her modesty ; The results may be summarized as ' Her Rbcuniatism and silent patience nearly every follows : woman endures suffering that casts I Advantages: Wars have ceased; a shadow over half her existence. ' the islands are kept in perfect or- An aching back, tired limbs, attacks dcr; extreme poverty ia almost uu- of faintness, and headache upon ' known ; every man is secure in his headache need not be part of a wo- pos.scssion of his piece of land;;>^ g p^^^ 7 â€" (Special )- (.ured Tf^i ^It.^v.^''''^, ^""^^ indicate taxes are light and arouse no com- ! ^f' Di,;^^^,./,,,,;, iu,enn,atisnrfn.m plainly that the syBtem requires the 1 plaints; the- native police are Rtii- 1 ^.liith she Iiad suffered f..rsiv years, THEN nonn'S RIDNKY IMLLS CIKKD MRS. RKIUAUUS DIABETES. ul.-io Van:«hed When Dodd's Kidney PsHm Put Her Kidneys iu Cuiulition l<i do Their Wctrk. Eapt Chezzetcook, Halifax Co TAKE A DOSE OF CURE I It will iuitanlly relieve ll)iit tacking cough. Taikcn piomplly it will o(i«n pi(^cnl AdhtnQ, Broucbitit and sciious throat and lung trouble*. CjuaiootetJ tale sad vuy palatable. All DruKtluts. 2^ cents. ga*W«>a|ga» A LION OF THE LAW. new blood that is supplied By Dr. jcient and the native officials admir Williams' Pink Pills. These Pills; ably hone.«t; the houses arc good, are valued by suffering women, ; the roads clean, and hospitals have who have used them, above all bcpn ostablisheti. other medicines, becatise they make Disadvantages: Life is extremely the rich, red blood that makes wo- mmiotonoua and circumscribed, in- men well, bright and at their best.'' tercourse between the islands being ! ,..„,.„ k_,,„„!,, „„ This is the secret of the great siic- fâ€" i^-'^'-. • *i- -iJ '-^ -- .:- '< •'" ""^""K'"' "" HIS EGO PRODUCER. Ashleyâ€" "I suppose you remem- ber" that wonderful White Leghorn lien of mine 1" Ki'lniour â€" "Yes; what about hcrV" At^hlcyâ€" "I want t-o tell you Ri)Out licr laying ; it's fvomt^thing re- iiiaikable; why, sonic days lust sum- iiK r fche laid more eggs than all my tithcr hens put together." Kt-yinotirâ€" " What was the matter v.'ii/h the other hens?" A.shlc'yâ€" "Tht>,y were sitting." ZA.y-Bl fi CLUES PILES. Evidence From All Soiirecs. Regularlty- of the howolo lp nn nhwtlBte ni'ooii. Bity for (rood lioiiUh. Unli>ss tkn woBt* mntfor frf)rn fho twui wbVh collentu t)ifri> In (rot rlil of at toniit onpe a rtnv. i^ df'rnv« mmI nolwma tile wliolo boctv. rnnBinir bi'iona- n(><H, indigr-nllon Ktid oiok >)<«•<(• adiâ„¢. Salts nnrt other harah pnrsrntlvea irritate the iWlentn itntni; of th« liowe'" T)r. Vor»**a Tndinn Unot Pil!«- en1lr"lv WTPt- ahleâ€" re*rnlnfp tlte howelg efT^wt- Ivply without ni'n><«>nlng, slckeu. ing or gripiniT. t!re Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills AGENTS WANTED. your tt^rritory now. Piles are caused by distension of I *'">« into gold." ss.oo to «io.» a i»r «»" ,11 L * 1 • I ii_ i' I be eaHtly matle. Write to^lay. Modaru the hemorrhoid veins, and the tis- j a„„d8 Co. of CanAdu. Owon Sound. Ont. sue becomes highly iuflatuod, dry i â-  -â-  â€" and sore. Zam-Biik cuols and A shorftime ago a large factoiy, fitted with electric light, cauyhi Mi-tf. Boniface Eichard, weii|fi«'<'. and, in Bi>it.e of the eftrtrts (,t known here, is joyfully t(!lling her the fire bngade, was almost dc- neighbors that she owei her ficalth' "'"lished. The following mor-ung, tc Dodd's Kidney Pills and to no! a newly-appointed member of U.e other caui^e. police force was dispatched to tin) soothes the inflamed lis-sne and the! My rilipumatism and Diebetc.^ »l>ot with a view to ascertaining | healing essences in Zam-Buk pene- j , .....e'brongiit, on by cold and a'l>ow the fire originated. jtrate the diseased parts, giving ,^ „..,,. , -,. , ,,.,, forbidden; the old Siwutan sun- • ,t,.^i„ .^„j ,1,,,^^ j ^^^^ ^^^^^^j^jj After closely "interrogating ih-^ ^ o.-isc quickly. cess of Dr. Williams Pink Pills, phcity of hving-clu-iiy on cocoa- (j^, ^ doctr.r he could not heln me I manager of the factory, he asK-l i Mr. George Hams, of Virden, Mrs. Geo. C. Wadden, VVadden's j nuts and fi.shâ€" has \ani.shcd, and j ^^ff^^ ^^1,-,^,^^^^ f^^^. ^j^^. 1^,.^^ j-^.^g^j^i t,„ s^e the man who was responfiiblo; iMan., says : "I suffered acutely Cove, N. S., says:â€" '-A few years jriee, meat, sugar, and biscuits are ; „^ ^^jj^j [^ ^ Dodd's Kidney^ for the electric light. The manager : from piles, but I am glad to say A eialties. Bernre MBITIOUS reiircseiitutinn nrautcd la ' »p»- Turn FARM FOR REMT. F'BM TO UEV f, lictwe«n M«afnrc1 JinH ilw^ii ^onn'l. 'rwnhun'trot arn^' nnrtarrntt.tvatlrtn, &l.^n pa-sture farm If^nse and -jood outlmiMlagi. . W. O Whltiier, ij Toronto Sfraet, Toronto. FOR SALE. l6o .Mi:i.,s (li.^triit- cheap ;<iiU on U6 Wilton Av., MA.NITOBA - UAI'PIIIN ull good land, mill Kell enbv tATTiUt. UEILUKBT, T*ironfo. and at times I felt as tiiough life! population has set in and the num- j^j|,gy Kidney Oiseases " wa-i scarcely worth living. I had] her of sterile marriages is growing] ]jodd'>^ Kiilnev Pills cured j P.O. â€" (bubbling over with ex-! had been subject for a long time." Mrs. !citeniout)--"Now, be careful how j Mr. WilHarn Kenty. of Upper 'cos Nine Mile River, Hant.^ Co., N. S., tried several modicincs without get-: quickly: new diseases have been : j^j^.j^.^^^j-^ Diabetes because Di.abe-|you answer my next que.stion; 'cos tmg relief, when I hnally decided^ nnportcd. and there is an al.irmmg (p,, j^. ., j^j^,,, . j^j^p.^.^ and Dodd's' if it ain't satisfactory it will be took i .says : "I Kuffere.l terribly from to give l)r. WiUiams' Pink Pills a: increase of phthisis. [Kidney Pills cure all Kidney Dis-la-. evidence against yon. When trial. After u«ing ttvo or three | Ihe isla-i.ls are of coval, and the , ^^^^.^^ jy^.y i^^jj-hard's Rheuiliatisinl vou lighted the electric light last times alinost tmbcarable W.xes I noticed a change arulaf-jhigbe.st land is not more t^^^^^ • â-  ' â-  ter taking the Pills about two i feet above high-water mark. The^ months I was again enjoying gootl | natives consume daily about sev- „„j. ,,f i,^,. v,i,„„} AVlicn her PETKir:H M.^CUT.NEUY FOtt HALK. Prompt hliiiiinents. 10x11, '/xl2. 8x11, SxlO, 7x10 in. iiortnhlo enpinea aud tioil- era 10 nnd !2 U.P. traction eiiRines. 2. 4. 5. 6, e. 10. 12. it. 16. 20 UP. vertical boil- ePR. Pei.ric'i* htJ(*f-tRl tewi cooker, joft the thinii for farmer*, only $30 cash. U. V«'. Petrie. Limited, 'loiuuto, Uoutreal, Vaneouve r . EUUCATiONAL. natives consume daily about sev- healtli, and have since been well j en cocoauuta per head. They have and strong. I can coziSdently re-ia Parliament of unpaid members cominond i>r. Williams' Pink Pills' known a.s kaubure or "talking j to all weak and rundown women." | men,' the Gilbert Islanders lie^ng. You can get this great blood- building, health restoring medicine from any dealer in drugs, or the Pills will be sent by mail at bO cents a box or six boxes for .$2.50 by The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. The nicest durster for dusting out a house is a duck f-r goose wink, which, on account of its feathery softness, will not scratch the fur- niture as some dusters do. Should a, lamp bo overturned snniii.her the ihitiifl. but dn not use water, for it will simply spread it. Instead, throw down Hour, fand, garden earth, or salt, any of which will have the desired. effect. in spite of the scarcity of topiev, "the most wonderful talkers in all the South Seas." "The eternal land problem" is the ever-fruitless theme of endless discussion. A GOOD COl GU MIXTIRE. neya failing to take out of her blood neyii wore cured they fciiaiueil the nrie acid out of hor bluiid and her liheumatism vanished. Kill- 1 night, where did the uric aci.li match 1" Kid C'omfort for the Thovo is no you HIS MASTKIl'S VOICE. "Why do you want to give your f.r.rrot awayf '"Ke uses such awfn! language." "Who trained him?" "Wt l!-er ali-vou set "Vo., I him away away." PILES CURLD at HOME by IEAItN THF. W.\1:MKK TIl.in& NKW . , , . 1,. . '' Fystem~«-">n.'',tnrit priu:tir.e: careful various ointments, but tjverythiiig; (nt^.mrtion ; few wei^ks .-.oinplete When, piles. The pain from these was not I tried iniOW tne j ,„, ,,,„„ ...in..iivin/.->, uu^ wv^ i.>i.iiim(j | mi^.mrtioii; lew weighs i-.oinplete cotirtw failed U> do mo tiie slightest good. *""^* '"â- <*: Kr»aiinte« earn twelve to T ....... fl.o,! „f ♦,.,.;,,„ -n^ir.,,^ ../.r«„ oitrhteen dollur" weekly; write for enta- I was tired <'£ trying \ariOUS romc- | ,„^,e m^j^^ Uarber College, m Queon dies, when I heard of Zain-Duk, and | Riu-t. Tri-..iiio. thought, .IS a last resource, I would give tliis balm a trial. In a very in us( New Absorption Mclbod Simple (I()nie.Made Remedy That is Free From Upiate;* and Harmful Drugs. An effective remedy, tli.at will usually break up a coltJ in twenty- four hours, is ea.'-ily made by mi.x- ing together in a large lv>(tle two ounces of Glvccrine, a half-ounce of Virgin Oil of Pine coiupound pure and eiurht ounces of pure , To bake potatoes in from one-half i Whi.-ikv. This mixture will curejn.e your .address, an.i i wi to three-quarters of an hour boil anv ctnigh that is cur.-tblc, ond isljou how to cure yourself at home until thoroughly heated through ' not e.N-pensive. as it makes enough before putting in the oven, which Dyspeptic. ~ ailment so harassing and exhausting as dyHpepsia, which arises frc.m defective station of the short time Z.\in-liuk elfected what stomach and liver, and tlie victim all the other ointments and niedi- of it is to be pitii<d. Yet he can cines had failed to do â€" a complete find ready relief in Parme'ee's Ve-leure." jjetable Pills, a preparation that| Wherever there is iDnanifnation has established itcelf by years of] or ulceration, there Zam-Buk effoctivo use. There are pills that (should be applied. It heals ulcers, i Co., Toronto, see Yon want to give are widely advertivd as the great- j abwestes, festering sores, cold before hj gives you est over compounded, but not ime| era. ks, scalp sores, eut", burns, of them can rank iu value with Par-' Ktftlds, hiuisen, etc. All drufrgisf^ OPE FOR THE OEAP-tM ACOUSTICOM^ _ *-iie *'f tlte in:iivo1s nf tjie f)lp.-trical aaa. u<e tliK'Ucliaut Uid noria Writ* (or rata- Joane. Geiicr.U Ai-on.'^tlo Co,, ol (Jaaaaa, Ltd., 4tj3 Tfnco Sticet. Toronto. Mariatt's Hair Promoter Crow* Hair on any Bald Head On peIc at the lli.lif. Himiinni Co.. Toronto, rsiiailn, or tl«. Miirh-.t Iluir Projaotlng Cae.-idii. If you suffer from Ivleodiig, itch 's, sen-: and I will tell inelocs. UNCLE EZRA S.\YS : "Sometimes the wicked i<t.and in slipp'ry places so it will be hard foi anybuddy to git near 'cm." • •WS l||nBBalMini..l.. "''''â- â€¢'♦''''r!'''"n"'?1l!i lUK, blind or protruding Piles, send j luaamIn.^tt.m ;«..i ii.i- y"\"j }'l? ^ZTm^ and .Htores. fiO cents a box. or post free from Zain-Buk Co.. Toronto, for price. licfusc substitutes. THE COWARDLY ECU. "W'hcn I arope to speak," re'nt- takes about live minutes. To prevent mustiness in a tea- pot wash out tlic latter every time after use, and let it dry with the lid off. A MESSAGE 0? HOPE TO mum MOTHERS There is no other medicine can equal Baby's Own Tablets for the cure of stomach, bowel and teeth- ing troubles. They come as a mes- eago of hope to worried mothers as they make sickly, peevish, crying children bright and well. .\nd the mother has the guarantee of a gov- ernment analyst that this medicine contains no oiii.'Jte or poisonous soothing stuff. ]\'rs. Maurice Mur- phy, Glanford, Ont., says:â€" -"I think Baby's Ov, n Tablets the best medicine in the world. I know of nothing that can ctiual them in cur- ing stomach, bowel and teething troubles." S'dd by all medicine dealer.! or bv mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. DOMESTIC. "Name the domestic animals?" asked the teacher one afternoou. to last the average family an entire year. Virgin Oil of Pine â- oinpound pure is prepared only in the labora- tories of the Leach Chemi'-al Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. CAUTION. "Lizzie," said the young mis- tress, "I have been lookiit: into the kitchen, and I am shucked to ni.'te your carelessness." "Carelessne-^R, mum?" says Liz- zie. "Well, if there's a cleaner kitchen than this in town, I'll " "Oh, it is clean enough, as far by the new abborntion treatment ; and vill a.bo send some of this home treatment free for trial, with references from your own locality if reriuesled. Jninirdiato relief and perinanenfc cure aiitinred. Send no money, but tell others of this of- fer. Write to-day to Mrs. M. Snui- mcrs, Bo.x P. 720, Windsor, Ont. REAL CLEVEIINESS. ,\ man is really clever if he can make yoiv like an old story when ho tells it. What a glorious country this would bo to live in ii turkeys were ab easily rai«*d as cats ! PU-BS CURED IN ft TO 14 HAYS. P.*ZI> OINTMK.vr l!( diiiv»iitooJ t" 'ur* n'tj e«i« o( Itoliiiu, Hiiit.l. lil«»liM*x ur Hr«»lru(ltu|| I'ilai in 8 '.u It ijifi or mmie)' rclumlod. euit. A bottle of Bickle's Anti-Con Riimptive Syrup, taken according to as that god. But this moining I'tlirci'iions. will Fubdne a congh in noticed that you are having the' box of inat<ihes right beside the can it gunpowder lea." ,\ fool and his money ,are soon part,ed, but it's different with a lazy hoy and a warm b.-d. One of the grentft blessings to • [.•arcnts is Mother Graves' Worm Extcruiiniittir. It effeetiially e.xpels wov.iis nnd gives health in a mar- vellous manner to the little one. INTERESTING. "Yon say thiit psychic reteareh has led you to some interesting dis- coveries?" "Yes," anitf ered Mr. I,obrovv. "I had no idea before that so m.anv of my ancestors played the tam- bourine and guitar." CURED HER KIDNEYS. ,1ohn Pettiurcw, of ({ntrrit Feono- pin(tically helplos.s from Mrs my. N.i<.. woB UlKti'n.-itism. 1 She 4*otild not plcop, and her linibi* iiehe<* uhon she was giving her small p«- 1 -;^r. l^e^rou^ '"'" """ ""â-  "^ '" "" ""'^ piln a (lUiz. ,Vf. Mrs. Pt'tti<?r'-w put it, "l w.m n1!i:ii,». Philip frowned, sucked his iien- ; pled up. T saw oin mna aUucn;,.-.! mni ,.1 -inrl the-. irinnriillv Hid -is li*. «<""•- '"^ """"' *"'' "*''"" '»'''"!« "»IV two c.i, ana ine.i maniuuy aiu as ne ^„,j<.,._ ^.n „ differei.t v.invi!). ni.i I'.iim was told. I nro tlie only thinits that 1ib)pc<I me, and I "The cat, the dog and the hired Unnrot say too inuch for them. • c^i.l " 1,0 «r.ile ill liix lii.r roinwl ! If y<"i h"»e that dreadful P.1I11 In the gill. hi VMOIC in nis Uig, rounu ,^^^^_ j, j.,,y „,.,. t<,r,„r,,,i „i,h Rhcuma- hand. â-  tism itei Oin Pilli< at orc<\ â€" â€" - I Write Snf.onnl nriiST * THE EXPLANATION. Mrs. Y'oungbriilc â€" Mrs. Smi th a short time. This assertion can be vcriiiod by hundreds who h.ave tried it and are plea.scd to bearU,.,ys there is It.ts of cream on her leftimony to its merits, so that all , „iiikbottlea every morning. Why tuay know what a splendid ineilicine, ;,; there never any on yours il, is. It costs you only 2.5 cents to I The milkmanâ€" I'm too honest, join the ranks of the many who lady, that's why. I fills my bottles ed a Btatcsmnn, "some one hurled a bace, cov.;irdly egg at me and struck me in the chest. ' LADIES' . . . ^ tWALKtaC ON OUTIN« Buira (]^ b* Aof9 ^r(«ct)r by our tn^*b ProfMia. Tiv It â- mriHH AKtWICHH DTllMa 0». â- ONtnBAJk TOaoMa VTTAWa * HVr.BKO Dn von trajj or biiy i'uiH' 1 fU I'annua'a hr. ;;<•' I ilMllei. I pay hiKi'e«t prices. Yi>ar .^hipiuenitt Mkliciled. 1 pay mail and ex- prmi; uliarces: retuit promptlv. Also lament dialer in Hi:e(>-;d«*r- ,. . I , , , • I • '111 .Sbeepo!, ins, tile. OuutaiiouuandKliipyiut; iat:» "Antl what kind of an egg might ,,,„, }re« ' ^ a that be'i" askrd a fresh young men. ";\ base, cowardly egg," t^xplnin- td the statesman, "i.'i one that hits you then runs." Only those who have had c.vper.'- eTice can tM 'he t.orftire eoins cause. Pain with your boots on. pain with i.linn off -pain tiight and day; bul relief is sure to thoi^c who use HoUoway's <\irn Cure. JOHN HALLAM TORONTO WOM.'VNLIKE. NciL You should h.ave heartl what George said when he pmpo.-^ed U> me. Bell--You (jhould^havo seen how he act.cd when t refasod hini. HOKSE have b«:en benefited by its ubo. A married man always laughs when one of his bachelor fricntls i.i led to the altar. •aTlnit Allmr, U,m B.^l»a.n, t.ik»,i at th« hr»l •iai -11.V o.Mi«»i «1U euMi.e Imniunity from l»>» da"<"r.?u;; .iBlo-t, l>o..t tiifl. «ltl. iiukuown 0»rtf..llU. When a r'.iillionalre point.'? out the road to riches he in variably df- siguatcs one th.'it leads tiway from his own private hunting grour.Js. PutyplMll Vani R3i:«. 7'lia fainon.^ "Thi DA W Meii-h 1! ri.vitori, w.'iirii euro liimbujjn, tat'li.i^lio. Bcl illoi. iiaitr.L;i!li. «lo., ivrc rvlw^y 1 put ipiii i*Ha yar>t rolU f>>r pliyniriaiM.&itdiaiully tj;^*, OavU A l.awiauco Cu,. Moutroal- ^Ticmii'ol Co., tlVpt. W L.l. Toronto, for free namido. Heeular eiiin n1. denleie 60c. a lio.i C for »2.50. TIME AND MONEY. Tf time is money, us they say, It is surprising strange. That for a half hour we delay. To get 2 cents in change. "I^et 'em! We'll huikl a fleet of torpedo dcstroytjr de.ilroyer de- stroyers," TO CIJRK A COLO IN ONE DAY T^k» L.VXxriVK Ha >Mi> <)n|niini TaWa'a hr.i»iri'>tf r«f>m<l min-y if It !:»"« lo««K». (iKOVK'M »,f»alu;(l 11 en *u:ll hoJ. 'liii. K. W. Some men boast, of their luck be- cause none of their rd.ntives ever ^isit them. DON'T WAIT iietil your iieiifhlior in ReltoiK li<ti.:r ovniiH tliun your.self. C»0. KEITH A SONS, S«od Merciianis, Toronto, are ofTeriiu: <)..^.l!. No. '."1 Hurley and Scotch itv'iwii Ili'tcneruK-il flaiincr OatH, in â- ; lin-^h. l.-ts. ut, «l.'-'.5 per bnsh., baBO ! FllllK. Si'iul for s,-impie-, b1«u eatalotfue. WHERE WILL IT STOP! I NOT .\ DTSTUllBKK. ao full that there ain't never no room left for eroain. The Best Liver Pill. -The action (if the liver is easily disarranged. A tudden chill, undue ccposure to the elements, over-indulgence in .some favorite food, excess in drinking, arc a few of the cnuscs. But what- ever may be the cause, Parinelec's Vegotablo Pills can be relied upon a.s the best corrective that can be tiiken. Tliev art^ the IcKling liver pills and they have no superiors among such preparations. LEAPwN'ING MAN'S WAYS. .\nd now tiie femalo "highway- man" At robbing takes her fling. Soon woman will compete with man In cv'ry single tiling. FrM to Oiir Roadert. Write Murine Eyo Hetreriy Co., rhlroijo, for 'IS-pntfo llhi?tr,iled l;.vc Hooh Free. Write nil about Your Eye Troubls and tlioy will ailvlHfi as to tlio Proper Applie-x- tioii of the Jlnrine Eye RemediM in Tour UiieclHl f:i^o. your Drimgist will tell you that Murine I'.elievos .Sore Kyes, HtrenBUv OWNEB^S! USE (;il»;il!ilT!l CAUSTIC BALSAM. A Mtft, â- l<*«dr «R<1 |x<«lto* f-ow. F^B" i"0 Bllml, Bleadlnit. Itohi 'â- ' i I B* \ ProtrudinR Piles qoie Bleadlnit. Itching, •kly _ _ !d by the ;iio>l M iinlirii- amlecoooinii-al ivmc'JjJ LYLES COMMOH SENSE FOR PILES Pr'.-e «!.fiO 6 for Si.OO, luatlod oil re- ceipt of prree. LYLE MEDICINE CO,, 718 Queen V^est, TORONTO, APPENDiC8TIS <'iireH wliliont operniions. All nlio ore »f- liii!i-.| Willi tliii- (lii-eKise iiiiii wiBb 10 he Hired intuiuneiitly. enfely Biid <iuie.!ily v-itb tlu!» (!re«t llomfvipnlf>ie retnedy. rliirh will be i-ent pott-paid .nnywIierH in ih- wovUI wilb full innlrn' tioii« for iiKiiPi; I'o lis to etfed â-  pcnniiMnif euro, Priie S: ,\d.;v.->'' John T. Wale. Honiflnnathlo Pharmacy, Arnprlor, Cinatln. no VOU \A/ANT TO KNOW JMil riiriou" ''noptly mitoUP fmtK ebont Human Mattiro ? Read Dr. Vo.-te'» "Wo''<ier " liofpU on the dc"ef te enbie't* of L0'«, fflairlani, ParentiRe. Mesllh, IK. ..t«tt, Bo.t nusTEii luunase, and Froaks. It \o tlie fr'-lf of 50 rtixi. H«r««». imi-«»«iti» !o •'<-ir'< eroerleneo of ;> cueee^nfnl K.'.i'^or i.i.<iii.« «« or t.i5i.,iiii. ^cJ jriod prnetlfioner. Full of r><Ivl<e nr^etk. t""ve yon for ten don«r5. To .' t-«*..*lo»»s, 40 p-i'i'n ne't M n'""tTâ€" I > "... "elBe i(tn. Hill Bow'< Co., m E. n St.. Mew Yorh Cm g l/e«S RaUe Them Witnout niia , MO p " t >r CO Bu'.klet Free. L. L. I Sf«.,il(, 'lhu','« N**fl ecu. Ltd.. Torouto.tOnfe. 1 t^teule.'liriti;- .teed Co, Ltd., Torouto,[On». BRONCHITIS If Ne{lcclcd, tt icon rradwi the Leaf* and nKj Frovc FkIcI. M(. C. L. Getrow of 1 16 Milliccnt St., Toronto, writes under <iue of September 13, I90S, "Oiieyeai at;olhi>>pring I con- tracted a .'<7vcio coM in the chett, wliich developed into Broncliil't, I tool; three Icindt ol medicine and (oun<! no imptove- inri:t. Aloenclof mine a^lvited melotiy PSYCrhNE and inlhreedsy.lleltlikea new mnnaialn. I dcsiir laletothersknow what a ?.ilii.iblo cuto you have in P.SY- CH INEtor it cined mo where all other med- icines hadfailcd. I am mate than iSankfullo bawe)Uvaiii. and foftheaakeofot here wl.o may beill.you may publish thiitestimo.-iial." Slop that told or the resclte will hi serious. Yo'j can do this by toning n;) the syatem wilK P.SYCHINE. For S:li bf ^^ Dtareisis, SCc. 6 tl per Utila 0r. T. A. SLOCUM LlMirED, TORONTO T..,l,- Visitorâ€" "That new cirl of ens Weak E.yes, noe«n t Smart. Bootliea < Per OhilWnlna, FiMl nitas, Br«l.'<»» Mpralnik I '-'*''' Vl.Mt.oi inai lltw BH 1 or ] j^^_^ p^^^^^,^ ^^,„^ ,, ^ ,,,, y^y -^ ,„ 1 II 'tttiiiK B'pmli tlia f.iinoii'i ulrt reinjdy, l-erry I \our8 Seems vei'V HlcO aiul (lilict.' | Yniir Eye« iind in njiliy'n I'..vea for Htuly "Owr fleet 01 torpedo destvoyers | iu»h' raiiikiiier. K»op a |><)«i» uKmys on j â-  i^ji^tross "Vos she's very (niiet. Byeiida .lud Urauuiaiion. band. 1 u _ 4:......1 ,,., .,« »..;-%.,! ""â- ""• B<li>»ll> K'lud l'> check t'liilLsaud lireak up Deems to have stirred up our fncnd jCuW.. Aiaiiaiuggisf.. the eiie:ny," reirarkcd the n.i\al ehief f)f one great power. "Yes," replied his assistant, "it in said they will build a licet of torpedo destroyer destroyers now." Mistress- ; She doesn't even â- 1i>turb thf? dust ; when slu-'s cloaniiiK the rouin.'' Aleuts Wcinted In iiiirepreseritod territory to fell â- the EMPIRE lino of Cream Rep 'arators. The EMPIRK is the o.-rsi |C^t selling machine on the ninrke ,tt-day and if we have no agent in your territory write us for agr-nts' iteridR and liberal comminsioiiR. ^ Empire Cream Separator Co.; O* Oof»»ci», Ulmltsd Toror»te> THIS IS tiREAT G DÂ¥Oi:a The rrti»r«p.»eed ONS Tye fer AtUGaod 1 adsj Jual Tliink ol It I With tv. ' SAME I>y« yoiicaoeolor AIIYkiodofcloi.hl»ertee»ly--N« chance af ini^takait All colors lecrtils fru.-ll ym>r bnieifiit or Dealer. Sample Card and Booklet i-tee frum Tha Jehiiaon-Rlahartlaen Co., UiwHwl, r>ept. O. Montteal, Que. SAME HOUSE. j Two wretched-looking tr.amp3 i were brought before the m.a;;.istrate. ' Addressing the worse-hiokiug of [ the two, he said :â€" j "Where do you live " i "Nowhere, sir." I "And where do yon live I" ad dressing the second. I "I've got the room above him, your worship." ' l''iiglish Tonrist--" Waiter, bring ' iii'j some sugar, please." Wild West I Waiter- "There ain't but three . lumps in the house, captain. You 1 kin nave them as soon as them gents I f^itH through with 'cm ; they've got I '< in marked, and they're shakiug dice with 'eiu." *Mr,iv-;j;'r^ 1S.SIK M). 7-10 HELPI'UL. Husbandâ€" "Have yon don your best to econcnii/.e (hi.s month, .Marv, as I rcfii'ested " W'ifc- "Oh. yes; 1 spoke to the Krocer. the butcher, and the l^nd- ; lord, and got them to put off jiro- ! snting their bills until next 1 month." 'Tis Wcl' to Know a, Oofd 'Thing, .•iaid Mrs. Suvface to Mis. Know- well, when they met in the iftrret, 'Why, where have yo.; b»;en fur a week back?'' "Oh, juM down to the .store fir a bottle of Dr. Tho- mas' Kcieoirie Oil," and Mr;'. Surface, who hales puns, x^alked on IJnt she teiiiembered, and Ml.cn she contracted a weak liiu-k l.Ueve was anothi'r cnsti,nicr for l^c- Icetrie Oil. 23 Foet Long by 6 Feot Beam. Fairbankt-Mcr&e M»rin« Dnubla Cylindar Efrglna Very strong Hull, built for heavy seas. Boat fitted with Couboy Aiitcmobile Top and lait^o wicker chairs. Complete outilt of tools, etc. ail In firs'- class order. In use only a short iiiac. ibis Boal is Keing hU at a 8;is:rl!}co at Ahvc huQ Ecx 2e, 73 Wcct A(foici(i8 St., Toronto. iiiiii

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