TflE FLESHERTON ADVANCE February 10 1910 Business Cards WALTBB LODCKS Builder nd Contractor ITor Briok, Stooe and frame resldancal. Ba> tinataa cbearfully lurrlsUad, neabertoa I* O Ontario. IkOUUiUUUH * YOUNQ *B nanken Uarkdala 0«a (aoaral bankiogbaaiiiaii. Moa«y loaned at reaaonabla rate* Call ou UK. OhISLKTT, Poatiuaatar, OayloD. Coamiaalooar In B, C. J , Conraraocer, dead*, moftaaaaa, laaeaa, will* etc. earafally drawu up 'JollaoUooa mad.>. ebarse* raaaooable. Alao W^ (foeariae, floor. lead etc. kept in itock, I'i-icea ri«h>> A J ttPBOULK Poitmaater, Fleeberton v.^oinml**ioner In B.C J., Auetlooe* Coo- rayaoeer, Appralier and Money I.noder Raal Ratate and loturance Agent. DeadK. aertsaca*. leaie* ani will* carefully drawn op and Tatuatlon* niadeon ibortest nntica money to loan at lowest rateauf Interoit.'Col' eotlone attended to witb promptnre* ebargaa low. Agent for Ocean Dominion Mteamibip Compauy. A call aolieited. DMorHAIli. Mcrnaed Aoctioneor for the • County of Orvy. Terina moderate and eatiafaction guaranteed. The arraugement* and date* of «ale* can be made a>. Tm Auvanck oOea. heaideoce and I'.O., Ceylon, Telepboue connection. Dec. 6;l)7. ^M. KAITTINO, Uceoned Auctioniier for the couoiie* of Urey and Kimcoa. Farm and Stock (ale* a specialty. Term* moderate, aatiefaetlon guaranteed. Arrange- manta for date* may be made at the Advance ufBee, orA:T. HutclilOBOD'a store, i'everabam orbyaddroaaing me at Keverabam, Ont. RUDU MATHKWS. Markdale, Liceoaed auctioneer for the county of Orey. Good aerrice at reaacnable rates. Uatea cau be mad* at The Advance, o 09 IHAKVKV PERIGOK. broker. Fleaberton. Ueneral brokerac" buaiueaa. Insurance of every kind placed in aafu and liberal compauiea. Iteal eatateetc.. Open account* and paiit due note* bandied and money advauced thereon. Uorrecpondeuce solicited. Medical fVB CARTER 1/ U CP A BOnt. Physician. Rurgeoo, etc Oflea and reaideaeeâ€" Peter at., Fleaherton JP OTTEWELL Veterinary Surgeon Oradnata of Ontario Veterinary College, raxldaoce â€" sjcoud door south westton Ikary *treet. Thi* (treat run* south Presbyterian Cbnreb. H WILSON, Illackri.iith • 'iraJuate nf tue Veterinary Reiene Association. Durham itreot, opposite Boyd, Bro's hardware. Dentistry fV. e. C. MURRAY L. D. K., dental surgeon a' liouoi graduate of Toronto Uuivuraity and Koyal Conp(;u of Dental Kuri^vona of Ontario, <)a* adniisiuiatered for teetti extraction Ofn<!a at reaideuce, Toronto Street, Fleai:ertOD. Legal WB. WBIGHT. Barriater. Solicitor. Convey- aneer, etc..â€" Owen flonnd.and Fleaherton. N Bâ€" Fleaherton olBce, Sproule's Block every tiaturdav I Societies AO U W meets oi, the last Uonday in each mouth. In their lodge room Sonia' block. Fleaherton, at 8 p.m. M. W.. Uilei. Tfaistlethwaite; Bee, C. B. Uunshaw; Fin., W.J. Bel. amy. Visltio bretbrcBlLvited PUWtiB .\BTHUR LODGE, No. ;as.A.F.& r AM. meets in tbt Uasoniohall. Arm- strong's Block. Fleaherton. every Fridav on or before the full mocn. Thoa. lilakely.W.U.; Horb.Smith, Secretary, COUBT FLESH ERTON, 995, I. 0. F. ureets In Clayton's Block the last Wedneadav eveuing • •f each month. Viaiting Forestera heartily welcome. H. B., Dyaon; B. 8., T. Her.ry; Hn. See., C. N. BIcbsrdaou. Pleaae pay dues to Fin. Sec. before the first dav of the month. AHOBEN FBIENDS-Fleaherton Council of w Chosen Frienda mecta in Clayton'a hall first and third Wednesday of each month B p. m Pay aaaaaHineiita to the Recorder ou or before toe first day of each month. Chief Councillor T, Blakelev: Recorder W. H. Bunt. Farms For Sale or Rent T/ABM FOR SALE-Lot 10, (on. II. and ^ aiU aa«Wl half Ix)t 10. Coo. 101), Oaprey, IM MM : a atstolaaa farm ; good brick house and(«Nnaralt x ti with cement atKl<liug ; rarm well wtiimtA by good well at linuae and oevar failing fpriiu creek ; well fenced and in a Arst clasa atataof tnltivation. For price and terms apply on tno I uiises or address K. J. ( 'OlAiUETTK. FsversLtaui. Janlitf Lot S3, eon. 12, Artemasla. lOOaores. There Is a frame house o a the farm about :)Sacre8 clj^red, good pasture, about 2'> acres good r'wood bush, principally maple and hemlock '*oot 2Uacrea awainp that never was cull- .' nantity of good cedar flt for telegraph 'ephuue pulen. bridge tinihor, ahinglua, and buiftiredH of cordaof lath timber, conaist- ingof apruce and balaam, balance alaab. It preferred would aolltiiuber without the laud, Vor larws apply to -C. KNOTT, Tbornbory. -pABU FOB SAI/E-I..ot 10. con. 10, Osprey. "close to the vilageof Keverabam. about 100 acrea. Improved frame house and good barn. Well fenced. For terms, etc., apply to A. U. CAMPBELL, :ilU Ruaholma Road Toronto I/or aale cheap or rent, immediate posseafion. ' Lot ^lOcLn. II, Artemedis, about 79 acres clear, comfortable log bouse and frame barn. Apply to B J Suroule, Fleaherton, or John J Martin, across tiie road from aaid lot. For sale cheap and ou easy terms, good com- fortable frame dwelling, Ktablo and driving hoiiae witb th'ee vlllsgo lots in Ceylon- Dwells iUKwell built and tiiilshed snd good bearing orchard ou the property. Apply to â€" BJ Spnoi'i.K, Fleaherton, Mr. J. F. Bridged nf the totrnlinei near Glencairii, hud tho very icrious mis- fortune to have hid lioute in'd coiitcnta destroyed by Kro on 5fonduy night. Tho â- ton was at Ulur.caiiti niid Mr. and Mm. Dridgen were in hod aslerp « iicn about ten o'clock I hey wero •witlcenoti by the cmckliiig of lii«. Dy the tiiiiu (hey got out with » few clothea the tiru liaJ •lainutl •uch headtyay that tli«<y cuuiJ Mive prac- tically nothing. Insurance only 91G0. â€" â- ;?reenior» Star. A Chinee " wswhee- w-tshoo " in Walk- erton was shot in the arm by louia un- known i>ei'Hiin. A tisit Co the hospit-il fixed hint up. Cold son the Chest Ask your doctor the medical â- ime for a cold on the cheat. He will say, "Bronchitis." Ask him if it is ever serious. Lutly, ask him if he pre- scribea Ayer'a Cherry Pec- toral for this disease. Keep ia close touch with your family physician. A We »afeUa^ ear faratalaa uers Wekaalsk aleekel flress ear â- *<telaee We arge yea te •easaltyear â-¼hen jmu tell your doctvr about the bad taate in year montb, loaa of appetite for breakfast, and frequent headtcnea, and when he seee your coated tengoe, he will aay. " You are biliona." Ayer'a PUla work well in such caaes. â- ility<fc>J.ftAywOe>«*â€" «il.ifMa â- THE COUNTY PARLIAMENT SEASONABLE GOODS IN FURN ITURE The laruuhi and l) Htock of Furtiiturc ever Khown in Flenherton. ThiH without fear of con- tradiction. Couie and SCO KOine of the nice thingH in Side Boards, Dining lUiom ChairH, Parlor Setts, Bed Room .Settd. A KiMicial reduc- tion now on every- tiling, in order to re- duce the Htock. . . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesherton IotlO, con. A, Osprey containing lOU acre*. HO -'cleared, fistiie linusc. frame barn, atone foundatinir. orchard, well watercl. One tbousaud down and balance to suit purchaser. Immediate pnaaeaalou Apply to B. N. KiNNKAH Maxwell I>. O. Animals for Sale IfOBBKH FOB SALG-1 horse, Tyoars old â- • *^ 1 mare 7 year old. In foal to Percy l*er- former. 1 agricultural uiaio 4 year old in foal 1 ally rising ',2 yvara. agri.. 1 gelding riaing >J reara, carriage. 1 good general i>uriK)8e horse, spring eoll' - IIICHABI) ALLKN iMt ITO, 3ud E. T and H road, Fleaherton V O I have a fine lilt nf yoiinx pifoi l>r«<l from tirir.e winning stock, for sale. Also I K'xxl iterkslihe hog. two years old. Write me for prices. T can give u bargain also cpiarnntee Mttisfactiou on all mail orders. Oeo. W. ROSS. Maxwell P. O. Ceylon Meat 'Market All kindrt of fresh and Rniokcd nioatH, head cheoje, 8au8age, alwaynon hand CaHh pa'ul lor hides. Je HcCLOCKLIN Thompson's •ai I i o Itreiid delivered regu- larly and kept for Hale ut the following stores: CollinHon's and .1. Pitttison'K, (Jeyloii W.Aldconi iV Son's and P. Mo.-Vrthur'n Priceville N. MoCiinnoH's Proton SOitiiiii R. Heron's, Maxwell A. HutchiiiHon'H and Eli Robinson'M FevcrHhtun H . CainiH', .1 . E. Large 'h and R.Park.s', Kugenia Bakery (A Concluded from last woek. Council mat Thursday morning, the Warden in the chair. The Clerk pre- untod the fullowins docum enl8, which were severally referred by the Warden to the proper atanding committees, viz. : Reports of school iugpectorn for North and South Grey ; circular letter from the National Sanatorium As.soclation asking for a grant ; tin applioatiuii from reaidonts of Markdale ankinii^or the ebtablisbment of a Continuation district in that viliatre ; an account from the Bell Telephone Co. for 91.45 and a number of other small account* ; report of Dr. Ego, physician to the Houite nf Refuge, for 1009. Reports of various conimittoos were presented. Bylawir wore introduced to appoint members of the Judicial B'xtrd of Audit, and to appoint a trustee for the Collegiate Institute, anl rea-l u first time ; alsj a bylaw to confirm bylaw No. 14G of the township of Proton to close up a portion of roadway and to open another ro.kil in lieu thereof, was presented and rend a first time. Bylaws 750 to 754 were read a second time. On motion Mr. Shute's ntmo was added to tho Edu- cation Committee, and Mr. Ellif' n.tme to the same committee during the ab- sence of Mr. Burns. Council adjourned. Friday nnrning A number of accounts were presented, alto a reijuest from the bounty Clerk to hsve bis sou appointed his assistant ; Mr. Huff presented report for Etst Orey in- spectorate ; an npplication was received front James Cochrane asking appoint- ment to the Judicial Audit. Mr. Agnew introduced a bylaw to raise the Hum of 820,000 for the purpose of defraying certain permanent improve- ments in the county, and for exijeiidi- tures over and above the sums retjuired for the ordinary expenditures of the county, and to authorise the issue of do- lientures therefor, and on motion this bylaw was read a first and second time and was numbered 765. Oa moticm bylaw No. 750, to appoint a trustee fur the Meaford high school, Mr. Wni. Butchart beini; appointed ; bylaw No. 751, to appoint county audi- l>)n<, Messrs. Geo. Binnie and C. A. Fleming being ap[Kiinted ; bylaw No. 752 to appoint two members of the Ju- dicial Board of Auditors, Messrs. John McQuakcr and James Cochrane wore ap- pointed ; and bylaw 754 to appoint a trustee for the Collegiate lustitute, James MeLauchlan beini; resppoiutodâ€" were severally read a thiid time. X deputation consisting of Mayor Harrisoa, J. M. Kilburn, James M>:- Uuuhlan, Dr. Middlebro and W. P. Telford, were present and addressed the Council on behalf of the Owen Sound Gecetal find M.-,rii:." Hospital, and pre- sented B petition from tho trustoeH of that institution asking the Council for a grant of $3,000 to aid in the erection of a new wing to the hospital. The Warden referred the petition to the finance com- mittee. Council adjourned until evening. -At the evening session more reports of committees were presented. Leave w^is granted to introduce a bylaw establishing a coiitinuatiuii school at the village of Markdale, and attachini( thereto certitin farm lands in the townships of Arteniesia, Glenelg and EuphraHi^t contiguous there- to. The bylaw wa.s passed through its several stages and trustees, three in number, were appointed for the same. A bylaw was introduced and i)As.sed ap- pointing Fnd H. Rutherford ass stant County Clerk. A bylaw was introduced and passed, apix>inting M. K. Richard- son an arbitrator on behalf of tho county re the erection of a bridi{c or bridges on the county line of Grey and Bruce. It was moved by Mr. Boyd, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that leave be granted t > introduce a bylaw to establish a Rural High Schofd and deliiie tho boundaries, within the township of Artemotia. This resolution was adopted and tho bylaw was passed accordingly. Trustees, three in number, were apiiointed.â€" Condensed from Advertiser. Little >{ im|)ortunce was done on Sat- urday other than routine buiiness. It was decided to hold the June session of County Council at Hanover. Honor Roils. Report of Ceylon public school for .lanuary. Sr. 4-- J. J. Paltison, Lena Li'(;aie, Myrtle Heini>liill, Helen Gili.son, Kttio Chislett, Austin McMulien, Percy Mc- Leod. Jr. 4â€" John Hemphill, Furbut Rut- ledge, Murray Legate, Edna McLeod, Gladys Tucker. Jr. 3 (b)â€" Amel Love, Muriel Legate, Roy Rutledge, James McMulien, Snow- den McLeud. Jr 3 (a)â€" Willie Pattisou, Pearl Whit- ney, Goldwin McMttllen. Jr. 2 (b)-Mae Bannott, E hel Ben- nett. Jr. 2 (a)â€" Susie McClooklin. Sr. Pt. 2â€" Ernie McMulien, Percy Hemphill. Part 1â€" J. C. McLaohlan, Gertie Mc- Clocklin, Rob Rutled<;e, SUnley White, Anna White. Class .\â€" Jimmie Adams, Allie Mc- Mulien , No. on roll 33. Averaze attendance 26. â€"Pearl McGregor, Teacher. January report of S S. No. 8, Art- eme.sia, (Port Law.) Sr. 4-F Taylor, E Jackson, W Mc- Nally. j Jr. 4-F White, V OornGeld. j Class 3-E Wilkinson, H Fisher . j Cla-is 2-A Wilkinson, I McNally. M , White, L Jackson. ' Part 2â€" R White, M CoriiHeld, A Udell, H ThompKon. \ Jr. 1 (a)-V McNally. F White, L ' Thompson, J Fisher. Average attendance 86. â€" C. C. Rama?e, Teacher, LIVERLAZINESS Those Who Lack Energy and are Unsuccessful Should Read This Closely. The Most Popular Paper In Ontario The Toronto Daily Star The best proof that people like a newspaper is their •willingness to pay good money for it. More people buy the "Toronto Daily Star" than any other Daily, Weekly or Monthly ptiblished in the Province of Ontario. Moreover, the circulation of the "Toronto Daily Star" is increasing more rapidly than that of any other newspaper in Canada. These things do not just happen. There must be a reason. In this case there axe several reasons. The "Toronto Daily Star" publishes Market Reports 12 to 18 hours earlier than the morning papers. It is a Newspaperâ€" not an "Organ"â€" political or any other kind. Not only the Woman's Page, but the whole paper, is attractive to women. It reports athletic events more fully than any other Canadian Daily. Its special features, such as the "Chronicles of the Khan", are most entertaining. Consequently people like the "Toronto Daily Star" better than any other newspaper. $1.50 A Year This pap0P and ih» "Toronto Daily Star" iegoihor lor eno f oarâ€" 92. 20. Suaranioott Fountain Pan givon for 50c. •M«^ to abora subtcription prioos. 'Pi.poBADo Stock Fahm of Bliortliorn cattls -* ' Laloestar shaep and li«Kborn clilckans. All kinds (or sals. UlspersloD sala will babald about tha laat of January, tiatalogues furnisti- ad on application as soon as readjr. Pariu also (or sala. Krorv oonvanlsuoe. -CHAH. HTAFPOUD, PIsshartoD 1>. 0. liOtSS), 000. A; Artsmasla. RE HILTS. The work and methods of the FISH FISH FISH Now tli^ the roads are hi bud I can- not make my regular rounds, but have on hand lake Superior Salmon Trout and White Fish, alio Lake Erie Her- ring. Parties can be supplied at my residence, CollinKWood street, Fleah- erton. H. R A D L E Y, Dealer in fresh fish only. "I am only thirty years old. yet for almost two years I huve felt more like seventy-five. I have found It difficult to sleep at night and In the mornins feel so depressed and heavy that •ef- fort was difficult. My hands were al- ways clammy anil persplrutlon on .slight effort would break out all over mo. It was not unnatural that I should beeln to brood ovr>r the chance that I should soon ho unfit to do my work, and this dread made my Fleep- IcH.s nights perfect misery. .Vfttr re- pmtid tri.-ils of medicine and ml.x- turis Dr. Hamilton's Pills gave me the first Bkam of lio^e. From tho very first I C3uld «et> they were dif- ferent In action from other pills. Thoy didn't giipe ni.d actfd as naturally as If nature and ncrt the pills wero cleansing my clogged up system. My .'pirlt.o I felt much better, the ."luggish a<tion of the Ryslejn gave way to normal activity. Dizzlnes.s and h< adachc ceased, appolite, good color, and ainijitinn to work returned and huve remained. I am like a new man and I thank Dr. Hamilton's Pills fur it all." This was the experience of J. K. Parkhurst. a well-known grocery dealer in Jefferson. Follow his ad- vice, u.Xfi Dr. Hamilton's Pills for your stomach, kidneys, and liver, and you'll enjoy long life and rohust good health. All dealers sell Dr. Hamilton's Pills. In yi How boxi'.s. 25c. per box, from The fatarrhozunc Co., Kingston. Ont. COLLINSON BROS.' CUT-RATE STORE Great Clearing Sale-S^rU'^eir^rihts store has been reduced to cost. Wliat is our loss is your i;ain. Come early and Ket your choice, for every thing must go, reesrdless of cos', as tho pro- prietor is goinj{ out of business. Share in (he targiiius we are !<iviiig in every line. Best American Coal Oil â€" 5 Kalluns for 89o 5 gallons of best 20c Oil for 76c Windsor Fine Salt, per barrel 1.25 40c Black and .lapttu Tea, per pouod 25c Royal Yeast Cakes, per package oc 4 pounds Raisins for 25c 50 and 76c. winter Caps for 26c Hoots, Shoes and Rubhert at ii great reduction â€" some away below cost. Haraw.-tre and Dry Ooo.l8 also reduced. Every article in the store marked ai¥«y down. No reserveâ€" lo liral here first served. Collinson Bros., "The Upright House" Ceylon, Ont. Dr. Hamilton's Pills Stimulate Liver and Kidneys Abram L. Gibson ••The Highland Laddie" 11 years oldâ€" winner of 13 prizes Edward Gibson Scottish Vocalist Open for E n g a ){ o ni e n t s llighlunil co.stumo Write for terms EDW. GIBSON, NOTTAWA, Ont. Norris Bros.. ""'T„i rinsmiths Hackney Stock Tonic at Half Kegular Price In tlM nejtt thirty days wo are poing to close out our present line of Stock Food. Most of you have used this celebrated Stock Fond and know lliu i|UHlity â€" to those who have not we would say after having used a |)iicl<ai;e, if ynu do not think you have received full value, re- turn the uui|ity package and wo will cheerfully refund your money. Reg Sl.lK) package Stock Tonic, while they Itst 60c " 50c " " " 25c " 50c " Poultry Food, "makes the hons lay".. 25c " 50c " Heave Cure 30c 3 only ^L.'iO pails Hog Tonic, now tl.66 Saws and Axes E.xaminu our stock of Saws and Axes. Saws from $.'125 f4i |4.M), all fully guiirsnteed. Axes from. 55o to fl 25. Axe handles galoreâ€" your pick for 25e, some hand-made handles in this lot. Don't forRol to bring your coal oil can along. If wo can't convince you that we have tho best oil you over got ia Fleshortm we will give you your money back on application. U I Norris Bros Where the Good s goods come from FeshertoOs have received 2» FIRST PRIZES AT THE WORLi) 8 ORKATEST EXHIBI- TIONS. Individual Instru'jtio n. 20 successful years. Information free. C, .\. Fleming, O, D. Fleming, i'rinci|Ni1, SecTftary. Bulls, etc., for Service. Ilisvafor sorvlcs a I'lira Kied Bull," Broad- hood's I,ad. No. TlMi, na tot 10. oon. S. Osproy, Terms tl. -JaMBH IIUKNH, KsTsrshsm, Uat. Thoroughbred Improved Yorkahirs boar tor â- srvtco-Blsntyre Ohlef, tiB«IA, at lot UT, oon, », Os|irey, Terms tl, iisysbleat time ol ssrvlos, HABHY DOWN, Usxwell. F. O. The thorotighlired hhorthoru null, "Karl Uroy," 7HS'2, will be for lorvioo on lot HO. oou, H, Ailamesia. The podlKruo of this lliie aotmsl can bo seen on smillcstlon. Irinttl ANDBBW DOW ,fro |»ie tui Thoroughbretl llulMrom Imvnrted stook, also Tsiuwortn Itosr for service o« lot 1,11, T. * 8. B., Artemcsla. 30 Aug, JOHN ADAMS, Fropi For $au by$prou1e» Diflginbotl) am and €:o*» Tk$bnton» ana 3aine$ Patti$on» etylom