Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 3 Feb 1910, p. 18

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*»iiii m wi I â-  w w i â-  â- * # « â-  H^ Tkbiiaky 17 IIUO T H K F J, K 8 H E K T O N A I) V A N C E F. T. HILL & Co. - narkdale I Our Great February Graniteware Sale Selling Graniteware at such ridiculously low prices only happens but once a year. We ilo this because February is tlie quietest business month we have in the year, and in order to keep our business thoroughly alive we put on our great February Graniteware Sah'. The goods are made by the McClary Mfg. Co., of London, one of the best makers in Canada, and the prices j-opresent the closest possible selling prioes, only made possible by the immense (juantity we buy, which makes it impos- sible for competition to meet our prices. So we say to you : buy your Ganite- ware now and make big saving.?. These prices for the month of February only. m iTj Graniteware Tea Pots, all sizes, at exactly half price. Gnuiite Tea Pt>ts 25c Gniniso Te.1 PotR for ... 12ic. aac 18c- 50c " " " 25c. 76c " " " ^• Granite Coffee Pots 2.50 Granite Coffee Pot.s for 12ic. 35c " " " ....18c. 50c " " " ....25c. T.'ic ....38c. The following lines arc inehuletl in this great sale at correspondingly low prices: Preserving Kettles, all sizes; Berlin Kettles, Water Pails, Spiders, Sugar Bowls, Kice Boilers, Pudding Pans, Roast Pans, Bowls, in fact everything you can think of. >§IgAI IptOClMIATK '• CHILDHOOD has blighted many Uvea because the pain caused thereby produces an aversion to study. Th* backward child too oftai; Meomo* tho unsuecassful man. W. A. Armstrongf, Jeweler & Optician HE MIRKilS Carefully Corrected Eacii Week Whcfit 1 00 to J 00 Ont.s .MB to :J6 Pea.M W) to 80 Barley 4r> t.. 50 Hav 12 CO in 14 tX) Butt,.r 22 to 22 Eags fre»h : . . 24 'o 23 Pulatoes piT Imu 40 to 40 OeeHc 12 to 12 Duckft 12 to 12 Chicki-ns 10 to 10 Turkoys 18 to 18 'rHH_:3=L: WHEN' DO WE DIK? /Icsijcrton 3i^ua^cc wliich in such I known licro. Last Kunimor a coni]>aiiion to sport ns one KCHtl^n'.an of tliis The ciiso of iCliicauo man who diodund / *hosclife w,.K.»rtiK..-i.-.lly rcs'orcd ^"i!- ' town Mttcnd.d the baseball practices, and I rink 1ms been couducled Rrtls lurious quebti'ilis. Ui.h henrt hail' ' stopped bcutiiigaiid he hnd ceased hre.ttb the flow of piiifaniiy to » larae extent, \d>ertUiii(ir»t«» on application. Circulation â€"»â- -•-•••• ^"^ •"^'"y 'J' '^ |" ""J , but as a general thing n.ibody seems to 1,031) weekly. "' ~ ~ Editor I.V. H. Tliiir»ton SHOULD PASTORS Sl'EAK OL'T or iniol â€" »nd they thenisclveB do m>t seem to know any better than to do fo. \i) ii)ileli<-ii'l>-ut iie«iip.ip.r. puUinhed ivery TmirmUy nt th.- otfice, <.'"llinK»-()o<l Street, Kl«liert«o. 8«it*cription price Wl per anniini, «h.n i«iidinadv»nce;$l.W«heii iii.t an i«i<l. jng f„f tg„ niinule«-to all intents he was - • â-  • - i; .. . -. f^ lint iit| . as> dead as th<ugh he had been- buried ; ,. -, ., , .,, ,, ,, ( " ; Ciirti if tlie boys cuss till lliey are blue in a week. Still the resourceful physicians ,. , _ i i-i ii .r 1 ' ' ;lliofaco, or smoke like » Idist funinoe ; were able to iTiduce the organs to perform : their functions once more, tu keep on I doillK so. Kcv. Byri.n H Slautfer of Toronto ia^ Vi'V, no one denies '.he existence of re(>orted to have said th^t ''What Cans- , the s ul, and |K)pular opinion tells us da nedds it niiniateis who will speak that the soul is transported from its J»pl*iljr -on all quealions reftarding the earthly shell inuiiediately when death Htitnding of their chur.:h incrotxira." takes place. Such being the case, can Quite so. And what the church needs i» the ooul be recalled; or would the man ineiubcia »ho do n('l need to be «i«iken \,a supplied with a new soul ; or would to oi of. When a iniiilster Legini to the Inidy exist the roinninder of its days tell even hiii church inenibc-rs what ihty without^ are. or whit tliny act hke, he gelsiatoj i„ ^^^^ ^,^^^^ ^j gj,,,^.^ ^j those three hot water- for we are a wicked people, â-  ,,ueries hirtinR the mark jieculiar compli Every succeeding winter the cx^ tieme need of a decent skating rink J is fell Lcre. This year an open-air and lius lion. Win. Pngsley says that Lake Erie must not be dammed . Mariners will please take notice. Dr. Dickenson, a Toronto choir leader, baa raised a Dickcnsof a row by resigning his post as a result of rictioD with his Itcctor. We would suggest that Sir James other fellows hare. And the other fel- , ^hap would have a «oul that h»d already Whitney form a hydro-phobia com- low ha, a ,,ecul.ar bah.t of resentin? any ,,ft |,i„, ..^ he would have two of them. I ,„i88io„ iu addition to his hydro^elec iwrsonal ciiiici.m, too. |„f on the other hand he would have the jnc article Yes, friend Stauffer's theory is a lovely \ rare experience of existing for a period onii nl! right, all iij<li*, but in most' without a anul â€" a lone msn in millioua. churches «c are soiry to my it would' â€" work out to the disadvantsije of thoj INDIANS FEAR COMETS pastor. It i« » fact that the pastor must ' l>e a sort of a I>olitlciaii if he is to benefit i The ap{>earance of the recent comet i by his own influence was able to curtail | proved a boon lo the young folks, but still the opfii air rink has its diaw- hacks, and a great need is an enclos- ed rink. Other tuAiis have their rinks, but there appears to be no one liere with snfiicient money (or enter- prise) to erect one. We believe that a 1 ink here would pay good interest, but alas, there are not several thous- sand dollars lying around our sanctum â€" for the purpose ! Is there no one can help? »nd we have our f«ult« ; at least all the, ^jj^n, ^^uij be presented: either the his jieoplc : he must study his man to has lud an upaettin;.' effect on the Indians! nam success. A bgll-hiaded policy of «'f 'I'e nurthwost. Their tiadiiions say b.tn!(ing htraij-ht ahead »t the Old Nick i thiit the appenranoo cf a comet in the in UR mortala is not alwajra the wiiekt i "ky is the si^jn of approaching calamity to courie. *''«'' people, and they claim that the ^^ ' traditi>m ia subilantiaiod by facts in the OH, THE HORRID THING ! ! ^"^'"fy "' "'« l"'""- Now, after reading the above, do you It ib a iteculiar trait of human nature , not feel inclined tu sneer, or laugh, at the that a true politician's viewa are depen- ! leais of iheno «iinp!c children of UHture, dent entirely, or to a Urge extent, upon | who are filUd with forebodings by the the side of the fence occupied by his | ••â- ght of a comet and iinsgino all sorts of own i>arty. In the upheaval of politics impending BviH Well if yi,u do, just which puts the under doi( on top the : wait. The Indians have their own par- {Kititioiaii is made to appear in a ridicu- : ticulsrhabiii and customs ; Uut in their lous light soinetioies. | superstiliona are not widely different lo The Toronto World give* a case in' rhites. We still tiiid white |>eople- poitit that should make oihera who play C»n»'l''»n» too-wlio have faith in charms with fickla politics go s!(.w. The World ! »' '^"'•''' ''"â-  *'«r'"u» i""- It is not for us copies without comment an article fiom ♦^""'y ''"** '''*"« '" n<>H>ing relisble io The Globe of Not. 28, 1884. The article '=''""'â-  '"^ ^''"'^ ""'y *»'• not do that i« a (fotMl one, bristhug with ,«rc«.tic '»''''«*>''"=*«'""<* ""•"""• Nor will we remarks sb.mt the Canadian .Senste of "ay"!"" «>" evil will happen to the In- that dale But presto, chsnae ! Wo di^ns since the comet hsa been visible to liiid the Senate today in exactly the their eyes. These poor warda of the ^ •ame positi.m. with the partiea in power fC'VP'tin'ont are appn-ontly always in the past year confirmed the suspicion leveraed, and The (Jlobe haa swallowed * J"- '"'''« ; "hen it isn't sitkncss or disease of scientists by discovering that there really is^a north pole, will not receiv* a pension from Congress, as his ik- coveries were of absolutely no value to A promiuet Suffragist has changed iher miud and doesn't want votes for I women ; which reminds ns again that there are generally different views to I be taken on any snbject. A despatch in a newspaper tells of the affliction of the German Empir- or with catarrh. In the next column is advertised an lufalliblo catarrh cure. Why docs someon* not send William a sample ? Italj is to have 40,000 now schools for the illiterate. We will presently have the educated Dago telling ns how THKY "do it at 'ome." A little knowledge will go a long way with them. However, if they learn the proper use of the knife their education al system will have oooomplished one great end . GOO Commander Peary, that wondrous- ly astute American explorer, who Tliu men employed eutiiiig timber in Capt. Gabriel's swamp, east of town, were badly scared one evening last week. It appuHi-s a well known resident of Mul- inur w.HS on his way home abuut 7 o'el(x:k and fell asleep. His horse left the town- line and wandered into the mud lead- in<; to the cmip. The horse and cutter and thii man got stuch i» tlio creek, and the tatter begun lo shout for assistance Tho men in the camp thouitht ihc imr'y shouting was crazy and for nearly iin hour and a half did not go near him. Kinally they mublcred up counigii after each hnd armed himself with a club and went to | SCO what was wrong. They found the hero of many escapades of oi her days and relieved him and took hiui tu spend thi< night with them. â€" Shulburne Frae Prons. .\ curling atone kmcked n Shelburne man's feet fium under hin\, with the result that his collar tone was broken, wrist sprained and arm badly bruised. He will be laid u|) for some time. Diphtheria ia very prevalent al Cheps- tow, Brant county. A number of deaths have resulted. Thei-e aie also four or five cases of Binallpox in the same vicin- ity. .K 300-Bcre farm in West Garafraxa sold for 110,500. Chest inflammation Suffered From a Heavy Cold, Pleuritic Pains in Side â€" Constant Cough- ing. itJt former words, and sees ni.tli ng but """« '• "«'"" '"'er cnlamiiy for them to go<Kl in the Senate. , f""'"- ^"'^ '""8 "K" we read of the scare : rr ity of game in one seciion, which was A TRAITOR IN TH^2 CAMP ousing tho atarvslion among some tribes. ( In viow of tho eternal trouble the Indians We obser »• that one of our exhsngea , •â- â- â€¢ '"• '* *'""''' indeed be curious if makes the boast of receiving a contract trouble were to leavo thorn alone for a for municipal printing st 940.00, when *â- "'*• the rival pnper aaked $70.00. Thceditc.rl If they wish to hlsino their adversities who bossl* of his "Iwlow coal" prices ia to the unuflending comet who would cue of the biggest fools in the busines* 'attempt lo disillusion them ? â€" and, be- Think of it! A diff.'rence of $'M between ; aides the conaet doesn't mind it. Be will two lenders on a small contract, and it iai continue to diag hin tail around the u aifa bet tliat the 170.00 tender wiia hesven* among 'ho Stars until he is tired none loo liitfli, for a printer was ne»er of ihu job, and linds something better t^i |Miid tiK) much for his work since the first do, He is having such fun playing tag "Extra" WHS oil the picsa after Noah's! with the twinkhng stars that he pays no mk attuck )>otlom and it ia piobable' attenlii:! to the mnleJictions of the th.it he never will »)«. puny hu manity which so fears h im. Tho throat -cutting manner of doing | ~ "~ "" bus noss is a ouiso that ei>U>is inio ib«| CUT OUT THE "CUSSING " |iriniing m-ro than any <.thfr. But; â€" tbank Jienven the price-cutting ones are ' 1' is a peculiar -slaic of affairs when a li«in.( weeded out dying mostly of star- api'rt wliioh is dcsiijiieil to develope a vaiii'n -and a liiile liaek^jono is being 1 p>!rs<in physically is aceoii>pnnied by iii- nhown nmi>ng the piiiitin';i fratcrnily. j flumees tbal divarf ami bliiihl the morals tjo'id wcrk cm never I •• ilime iindor <if those it ilulginK. Wo refer to the l»rico-ciil(iiii{ r<mdi;ions. ) h»l>it of prufanily and (he u»o of tobacco Nerviiine CURES CHEST COLDS Anyone that ko^s througrh all that I sufferoil last winur will apiireclate the value of a n mcdy tliat cu»-ea like Ner- vlllno cured me." These arc the open- InK words of the solemn declaration of E. v. Von Hay den. the well-known violinist of Mlddleton. "jMy work kept me out late at iiljslit, nnd playlm? In cold driifty idaces brought on a se- vere cold that settled on my chest. 1 hud g harsh racking cough and severe p a 1 n .s darted tlirouKh my sides and sittled In iny .iho'ilder.s. I ti led different lliiliiient.'f. but none broke up my rold till I n.fod Nervlllno, I rii:)- b"d it on my neck. Qj^' pp. 1 chest iind .xhoul ler."!, morvlni nnd . , , . ' nljfht, and uU the p,Tln f!laapi)care<l. tain human bomgs the provincial j HeaiizUiK that siuh a '.'^ivy eoid had run down my syKie'n, I UioK I'Vrro;;'>ne at nienis, and wai ennipletely built up and strenglhenod. Klp.co uslnor r^ervl- Uni' I have no in.ir' col l.i or pleurisy. and enjoy perfect henlth" ' It'.^ beoausft Nervllliie co'italns the purest and most henllna essences and medicinal prlnelDlv?. because It has tlie powc T of «liil«lior ttirouuh the pores , to the kiTiiel of tlie pain â€" these are dogs must be muzzled. Poor doggie I tho rrn.sonti why it break.> up cnlds, cures lumhaK". ftlttnc^s. n<^uralKla. sciatica, and rheninatlsni. RVfuse any substitute your de.iltr may RU|{«e>it â€" Insist t on Xcrvlllne of.ly. Liorgc bot- tles. 60r, trK-xl kIi;p ll.'.c- Hold every- where, or Tho Catarrhoxone Co-, Kln(- ston, Out. tho United States. It was simply a case of playing to the grandstandâ€" and the grand stand applauded. He will probably bo given a medal, or something, to swell his manly breast. No, ho is not a Canadian I O O liecauso a few dogs had gone out of their miudâ€" if they ever had any| â€" Hid tried to make meals II human boings the ) legislators descended from a weighty consideration of tlefenoo cf the empire (and defence of tho bar) and srn-h important matters aud paid a little atleiilion to the stray canine. As a result of their serious dcliboralious all dogs must be muzzled. Poor doggie will be deprived of his fiesh moat, direct fiom the produoor, and will have to become vogelariau â€" ^joining the" "eat no meal" crusade, as it were. vs^Ns./ -â- ^va/-j/\a/v/\a/\s/ M/vAfva.;;A;;i«^:i*^^a^J^^fc^^^^^^^^^L^^i: I J. & W. BOYD. 1 Flesherton, Ont. Now that the holidays are over no doubt you will begin to consider your retiuirenients from a prac- tical business-like standpoint. Before Christnaas vou thought like thisâ€" "Well now, Iwantsome- :)hing for so-and .so that will cost just so much," and accorflingly you made your purchases. Now It's Up To You To Resove -and 1^1, Wei! now, I w-mt such and such- O Is I want a genuine good article. f\ I I want to buy it just where 1 can get /nn most value for the least money. â- " â-  â- ** â-  â€" Now that is good business. Well, we are carrying a stock which is equal to anything in the county and we guarantee our prices right and all we ask of you is to come in and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Below we give a few prices : Boys' 3 piece suits, regular 4. 50, clearing 2.98 A big range of men's suits, light and dark colors, regular 7.5i>to 8.00, clearing at 4. 95. A full range of men's .suits, light, medium and I lark colors, regular 11,00, clearing H.{)'). Ladies' Jackets, all this season's goodt;, regular 10, 11 and 12, clearing for 7.50.- Mch's all wcol rib shiits or drawers, regular ^ 1.00, for 73c. <k> Men's over shirts, fancy colors, clearing 59c. W Ladies' wool hose and glover, regular 25 cents, ^ for 19c. g^ Special reductions on all furs. I ' â-  1 $tock»Caking Sale During our stock -takini; we are offerinn for sale at a greatly reduced tiuuro goods in all the difterent lines. It will be worth your while to call and see theui. A full line of Boots and Shoes, and IJents Furnishings at prices that will suit the buyer. Fresh Groceriesaiid Confectionery always on hand Watch for our Lace and Ribbon Sale commencing next week. J. E. URGE '••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••♦•••••A •••• •••• EUGENIA ::» :::: â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ .••a ^as, tPattison, Ceylon, Oni^ g S»meM4ii ^^MfreAant. •••• •••i •••• •••• :::: •••• •••• •••J We have decided to extend our sale another week on account of btui ' rtiatla and stiumy weather in order to give every one an uppoittinity i to get a share of die great baruains that are Kou^f^. The sale will ' cud on February the 19th. < We have a cor of fiuur aud feed due this week. Coroe along and }<e', I good flour. I Renienil>er. eTeryihiuK in the store |;oes on sale at yreatly reduced I prices. Space -will allow me to quote only a few an idee. To I Ktve you an idea how thing's are going : I 3 cans of corn for 25 cents ' 3 cans peas for B6 cents 1 3 cans tuinatoea f«>r go cents 1 larce can kitchen queen )>akiDs; powder for 9 cents 3 Ih. box of Sod.-\ hiscuiis for 25 cents ll». new Kgs for 25 centa llw. B. rice for , 26 cents . lbs. hsnd picked, white beans for 25 cents Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Ready Made Clothiu*;, Diy Ruod'<, and any- thing you wsiit at reduced prices. Tuinis strictly cash or its equivalent at these prices. 1 requested tome tune bro that all accounts be settled before Jan. 20. Theie still remaina some lo fettle, and would aak that the balance Would kindly beltU at once. jiij ^as. ^attison , * Ceylon .::: .••• Custom WeavingOur Clubbing List The undersigned is now prejiaired to do all kinds of Custom Vi^e»viiii{. Plain, Twilled and Sat: nolle. Carpets, rugs and Hammocks a Specialty. Hit and Mi'-s hags, ddortd SVarp found, "0 lents per yiird. Striped I'Hy.s extr*. Wm. LEES. Flesherton, Ont. The following prices are for strictly paid in advance subscriptionsonly. We have no accounts with other papers. Flesherton .\dvance 8 1 OO Youths Companion 1 75 Toronto World, daily 2 00 Toronto Daily jjews J 80 Weekly Olobo 80 Mail-Kiiipire . . .'. . 79 Family Herald & Stat!. , . . . 80 Toronto Star i 30 PUAiIP Woiideii pumps iiiKni.fiiolui'ed throuuih- 1 out and r<]iiiis iiiomp'ly \\n\ Kiitislae- , Kirily at 1 1 iidi d ti. j â- 1 r »^oi t for the thiee lns',iioii pump ii>..i>t»it tci.s in Ontaiio. | \ card «Vop|od t.> mo at Ceylon 1*. (). I will liiot' iiiy |'uan|il Htleiition.. JAMES A. M CLEAN I tlltlUKS CDhNKU. Ceyl.n i'.O. , Farmer Sun , . Farmers Advocate Weekly Wit,;e»».. S»fiiedavNii!hb . .. Homo Journal . . Poultry News . . ; 80 1 30 75 3 00 55 15 J. T^. PAINTKU S , n r.'iintiiiK liee at . . PAT TON - PAPKR HANOKR 1 n 1 High elaiw DMorating A Siieoialty. KTlSIIKHTdN, ONT â- \ ) • i I n\ i\. • ( 'M 'P x-4lr,i

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