Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 3 Feb 1910, p. 4

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Febraky 3 H>10 THE F L P: 8 n E K T N A V A N C E F. T. HILL & Co. = Harkdale Our January Stock Taking Clearing Sale l)iuin|» the month of January we CDmnience taking stock and in order to take as lew winter lines of goods into stock as possible we have cut the prices deeply on all lines and in numy cases regardless of original cost to us ; so it wdl pay you to visit pay you this store daring the month of January for your I'equirements as all lines of winter .goods arc being sacrificed in price. Men's Underwear Reduced tl.2.'< Hiid $1.40 vnluefi in ShirtN and Drawers for 98 cents 5 c. n Iff 1.(0 value* in Shirts and Orawcisfor 75 cents A collection of odd line* of Shirts and Drawer*, beiiiH the bilitnce of our 60, 75 and 85c lines f»r 48 cei.U Men's Cloth Caps With Fur Bands Eveiy cap we have in stock will be sold at this big reduction ; 50o., 7oc., 83c, §1 .00 and f 1.25 cajis for one third less th«ii n i^ulai' , Sacrificing Ladies* Mantles We have about fifty Ladies' Mant'es in stock, on which we are offuiiiigswfiopiiiK rtdud ions 'n pr'co. In some cases the price of the cloth is not represented in the prices we are 8ellii:a theui at. We can give you a Lady's Mautle at .tny price almost that yuu are willing lo pay. Dress Goods Reduced Yl ^"""(! '*** meiith of January we have decided to reduce all lin«e of Dress Goods. It will pay you to get our lAS prices. Yuu can save bii{ money. ' '" CHILDHOOD has blighted many fives because the pain caused thereby produces an aversion to study. Th» backward child toe oftaq Meomea tha unauecaaaful man. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler & Optician Fr.E:SH£:RTON . iii[ unm. Carefully Coi'iected Eacli Week Wheat 1 00 to 1 00 Oats ,*J5 to :i6 Peas 8;i lo 8;t Barley 45 to 50 Hay 12 00 to 14 00 Butler 22 to 22 EiigS, fresh â-  24 'o 25 Potatoes per baj{ 40 to 40 Oeesc 12 to 12 Ducks 12 to 12 ChickBoa 10 to 10 Turkeys 18 to 18 J. & W. BOYD. Flesherton, Ont. Now that the holidays are over no doubt you will begin to consular your requirements from a prac- tical business-like standpoint. Before Christmas vou thought like"" thisâ€" "Well now, I want some- â- jhing for so-and-so that will cost just so much," and accordingly yon made your purchases. Now It's Up To You To Resove THE- /lesl)crt0n aboanc^ An indeiiciuldit news|>a|>er, publiitbed every Tbunday at th*- office, Cullin^wood Street, >1<«herton. Siibecription price f 1 iJ«r annum, wb«ii |MU(I in advance; $1.50 when not >o paid. Advertuioi? rates on application. Circulation 1,000 weekly. "VV. H. Thurston - Editor AMERICANSâ€" THEIR TARRIFFS Americans are continually finding out tbat their lariflT miaiiureH are not the unjnHced bleasinK they are sometime! painted, and that though windy orators nuy throw boquets at them and shake handti with theniselres over the astute- ness uf their tariff policy, the facta do not always nivc good cause for this Mulf conr.placency. While smooth tongued orators are stroking the public the smooth way down the back, the tariff itself rubs in tha opposite direction at times, Can- ada has in the past boned and scraped tothe United States, butthat day is past ^ ^^^ ia Toronto dropped dead and it is becomiiii? apparent that it is up v . ... i • i . i r ^ ...TT-...u„„ .„ .J..!!...r,..-„K >:I! .after taking a drink of water. Let this be a warning to others. willing to leave ihe i^a'.heriiig of news of his neijihborhood to our esteemed corres- pondent, who has proven himself fully equal to the lark in the past. / If the Captain did nrt state what he I is credited with why dovn he not say so j instead of goinp; off like a toy pi.stolâ€" with ' considerable noise, but hittius; no mark 7 ' And we think, too, that the Ferertham young men are " up to thu .-ivorage " of any our f'iend, the Captain, may have ' encountered in all Cnuadaâ€" or England either (for, though we have never met the Captain, his letter reads very much like thst of an Englishman.) Possibly the Captain did not read the article, but is eoinir by heresay. He ii not a subscriber of Tha Advance, and, it is just {lossible, that he has been "stuffed" by some other busy-body. We trust that nuch ii not the case, but that he knows what he is replying to, and is honestly trying to square himself, even though he does so, so very vag^uely. it is due to a perverted sense â€" an idea that because an comes from a large firm it mnst be 0. K. This is a lame argu-iieDt to follow, but it is about the mo^t sound of all those advanced. The ery of cheapness is not to be believed, as it is not borne out by facts, save in isolated cases â€" it is a monuiaent to my If of value governing our organization and in article "pinion it is entirely ou6 of bis line. however he would like a cepy of our rules and regulations I win be only too will'ng lo supply him with the same free of charxe. It is a mystery to ine where ail these busy liodiei obtain their information. Perhaps our friend olitaineil bis from some childion aa tliey were returning to Uncle Bam a while, to take off hia hat once in Wholesalers in the " land of libeiiy " are agitating fur a repeal of the duty on Canadian, Argentine and Mexican beef. It ia stated that Canadian beef is cheaper in England than American beef in the U. S. Owing to the hi^h price of meat in the 8tatf.s many people have or- ganized and will eat no meat for a peiiod. The price of livmg is soaring in the States, and is beginning to climb in Canada. The " eat no meat " movement in spreading here aUo, hut to no large extent. coo Why do we refer to the natives of tho United Statet as Americans, and call their little land America 'I It is peculiar that a amall section of a continent should receive the name of that whole contiton* â€" or. lake it, we cannot say which. We believe the title is a self-hoatow- ed one that has come into general use. In any event it sr)uods big, and as such is as music to the .\meii â€" Y'aukou' sears. Canada has just as much cause to be called America as has the ea^le infested bunch uf provinces, or states, lo the aoulh of us. Uut Canada is a good enough uanio for U9, and if the people of the 8tatus desire a name for their own ' collection of niunicipaliiics it may be A gentleman tells us we have an easy job. His reason for saying it is : " The hardest thing in the world to do ia to mind your owu busi- nessâ€" and the editor doesn't have to." Just what some people think editors are is a puzzle around The Advance office. At times we are tempted to think that our subscribers imagine tbat we are a sort of spiritualist and know everything that is happening without being told. Ruch an impres- sion is false, and yet people imagine the editor is to blame when all the news and gossip ia not published. Hand in the news you want to appear and then you will have a right to kick if it doesn't appear. The Dundalk fire uatnrally directs attention to the state of Fleshct ton's fire-fighting apparatus. We have a little pump that can squirt a con- siderable stream when in decent re- pair, but for many moons tlio pump has lai d in its little house in a sad just as well to continue with America .is [g.^^^ ^f aigj.gpai..^ ^nd when last that name. It is as good as any they could tiiid unless it were Canada II. SALVATIONISTS MAY SKATE I The Commanding Officer of Feversham cotps of the Salvation Army takes exoep- tion to an item our lOth Line, Osprey, correspuodunt wrote last week. His letter appears in another column. The Captain, in his first denial, denies Bomeihing our cor. did not state. The correspondent said nothing abeut skating in our fair domiuion in general, but rather specialized on the Feversham rink. But the Captain ignores this. As for the matter of Salvationists be- inf kept off the platform bacaute they skate, he makes no denial, but neatly aide-tteps the question by referring to the "rulesand regulations. " It matters needed was not iu proper shape to respond to the call. It is true that riesherton has been favored by the gods, and we have not had a blazb of any sort for about throe years, but this fact should not induoo oaroless^ nea3 on the part of the Police Trustees whose attention has been drawn to the matter before. About all tho parliament oi Flesherton does is to keep the sidewalks and roads in re- pairâ€"and annually threaten to en- force the bylan regarding the run- ning at large of cattle. It is said that far off hills are green. Possibly the same theory explains the attraction the mail order houses have for many ptople. The distance may advertising. Flesherton merchants j home from school. carry lariie stocks and can fill yonr wants In conclusion I would like tt> ask ono Read their advertisements f"^°' ^^'•"' ""' ^V^"''' '"^ «•"*'" *'''" . iTii . J] , , I in the future to leave the repurtius of in The Advance and keep yonr money loi.- * a â-  â-  v t. ^ , / ' ' I Salvation Army affairs in Feversham to in your heme town. It deserves «t.!,^^ „„•„„ ;„ ^,,,^^^^ ,,,„ „;„ ^ -^ , position to state facts and not rambling statements. â€" . o If Lady Ernesiiue Hunt has her way the class of female emigrants from England will make ideal Colo- nists I She has opened up a school where numerous different things are taught- One of tho valuable acquir Yours, Joseru Bebcroft Capt. Phosphonol the Electric Restorer tor Men. Restores every nerve in the body to its ., , . . ^ . proper ten8i<m ; restores vim and vitality, sitions these future emigrants receive ^ ^.-el^aturo decay and all sexual weakness is a course in first aid to the injured averted at once. Phosphonol will make â€"that they may be able to render T" ? "•'I I^*"' m^'?''? ?^"® *.,^"'' "' , ,,._.. , ,, . , I two for $5.00. Mailed to any address on valuable assistance when their colo- ny is attacked by the Indians I The school is liable to prove a lucrative one to its promoter, but of doubtful value to any one else . tiome day the course will probably be taught by roceiiit of price. The Scobell Drug Co., St. Catharines, Ont. Art and Science of Garmeat Cutting Young men wishing to learn the art and science of garment cutting will do well to see me and make arrangemeats for a oouise of instruction, the system taught mail. The scheme is on a par with will be the most thorough and up to-date the school for cow-boys, who were '•>«"•>'> *y**"â„¢ •" ">8 *»" Id where every , , , !â-  1 short measure can be applied to the draft, mounted on a wooden rocking horse j Having taken my diploma in London, and given a length or two of clothes line and taught to throw the make- shift lariat over a snubbing post at ! forV I anrableTo'^awTte'elhe'^bUTp]^^ a convenient distance. We under- •''''.'^ fe«"l'8 '". a"y y'l«"g '«*« wishing .England and Now York Cutting Schnols, 'have had 31 years exoerionco in practical j tailoring in EuKland and America, there- , J .< I .. I I _ t -i to learn the scieaoe of garwoot cuttine. Stand the latter school was a failure, xhe system taught by mail to those be- as its promoters overlooked placing' ing unable to attend in person For terms of instruction and alt particulars. Apply to F. A. Baker, at MORLEY & BAKER Merchant Tailors Flesherton, Ontario. "PILLS LIKE^AFYLE" several brace of pistols in the equip- ment of the ambitious cowboys. A good equipment of common sense is j all tbat one needs to make good in this "colony" and such fool antics as those indulged in by this Lady Hunt, are only extreme absurdities. Shei is fishing for suckers, all right. j Salvationists and Skating. Dear Sir, â€" I am very sorry to read in the last issue of your paper what I consider a rambling statemunt iu refer- ence to the Salvaliuu Army otHeura in Feversham. I havo come to the conclusion that your cuireapondent of the 10th line of Osprey is not a regular attendant at pur hall or his article would never have seen So Harsh and Drastic are Many Pills as to Serioualy Injure Health. In a lottor written from h!s home in Valencia. Mr. Mnrsfi Selwyn doe.s ser- vice to ttioiiHauds by drawing attiui- tlon to tlie In,1urle3 inflicted upon doli- cate people by drastic purgative pilln. "i'\)r a long- time I suffered from constipation. This condition compi-.H- od the use of pills. Like many an- other. I made the unwise choice nf tho li};hb of day. If our worthy friend i using pills that were like UghtnliiK In had been present im Sunday, Jan. 2.S, he W'juld have heard all that wsa said with regard to Salvationists attending the local skating rink and would have been in a position to give facts. How absuid it is to think that anyone living in this fair Dominion ia against the Canadian spott of skating. This is num- ber one statement as reported by our their a<!tlvit.v. I began to be fiil>d ] with intestinal disturbances, constani rumbllnga, gas In the bowels and diar- rhoea. I grew pule and einiiclatid Then the doctor told me drastic irri- tating pills had caused catarrh of thi bowels, an almo.st Incurable di.-icasp. Kxplalning my situation to a frlenr'. he advLaed a trial of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. I speedily experienced thi heal- ing and curative effect they exert on the stomach, liver and bowels. Thu Intestines, treed from irritating drug"!, friend which was never given utteranool [^''''''y regained natural tone. the n "'""i bowels acted as If nature and not Dr. with to by anyone connected Salvation Army in Feversham. "â-  ; " , . â- ,..,, 1 /add a "ihe ot green to the business, whether the members of the ijorps keep , . ,, , , . themselve.-on or of their platform- hut ^"' ^''«>« '« "^'^^ "» "««""' °f 8'-een- we cannot have a member of our stsflT "688 "^out the patron of the mail called a busy-Viody etc., without saying ] order house. Why people like to be « word iu his dufenoe. And we are quitu i stung by the mail order trade, unless the, tlamiiton's Pills were at work. I know With " ^^"' ^^ °' value to thousands to ...... ....... i know that a pill as mild and curative regard to his statement about the young! as Dr. Hamlitons Is available to the men of this place, 1 would like to say i ailing." I ti, .. T „„„»;,i - n,»> i„ „,..„- c ^'or bowel disorders, sick headache, I th:«t I consider that m matter, of gen-' onstlpation, liver and stomach de- ersl ccinduot and politeness they are upi rangement, there ts no pill so Invari- to the Bveraoe with «nv I liavn maf ml**''^ 8"'"e *» «""â- Â«> •»" '^f- Hamilton's 10 tne average » an any i nave met in pj,,. Refuse a snbatltute. Sold in this part of tho country. j 2Sr boxes, all dealers, or The ditarrh- Wi.h regard to his statement that Sal' j "'"'"^ ''"- '^'"g^ton. Ont. vationints who attended the rink would I not be allowed a plaoe on the platform, ' it is evident that our friend does not' . know tho tirst thing about the principle!) Dr. Hamilton's Piils Arafvliid-I^ever Grips Ist. Well now, I M'ant such and such â€" and I want a genuine good article. Oil want to buy it just where 1 can get XllQ most value for the least money. â€" Now that is good business. Well, we are carrying a stock which is equal to anything in the county and we guarantee our prices right and all we ask of you is to come in and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Below we give a few prices : Boys' 3 piece suits, regular 4. 50, clearing 2.98 A big range of men's suits, light and dark colors, regular 7.5<no 8.00, clearing at 4.95. A full range of men's suits, light, medium and dark colors, regular 11. UO, clearing 8.95. Ladies' Jackets, all this season's goods, regular 10, 11 and 12, clearing for 7.50. Men's all wool rib shirts or drawers, regular 1.00, for 73c. Men's over shirts, fancy colors, clearing 59c. Ladies' wool hqse and glover, regular 25 cents, for 19c. Special reductions on all furs. A BIG SALE WHEEE! Why, at The People's Store EUGENIA To last for nineteen days only, commenciug SATUKDAY, JAN. 15. Do not fail to come. GOODS TO BE SOLD LESS THAN COST i>re:ss goods 11 pieces only all wool dress goods, regular from 30c to 50o., to be sold at i9c per yard Plaid wrapperette suitable fur children's school dresses, clearing at 9c A di,aen or more pieces of Print Ginghams and pretty Dress Muslins, while they last 7io ToweUin^s, regular 11 and 13o, for 8o Art Muslins and Curtain Screens for 9Jo Flannelettes, all reduced to a very low figure. The best range of prices in Lawns and Cottons ever offered Ready-made Underskirts, regular 75c, for 58c Trimmed Millineryâ€" $4 hats to be sold at S3 Felt shapes From 76o up Veilings while they last are to be sold at 2Uc per yard Frillings, 7 in box (our leader) at 28o Frillings, 4 in box, for . isio Fancy Crllars, regular 50o for ,38o A Special Sale of Boots and Shoes ranging in price from 95o to $2.50. Do not fail to get a pair of these boots. Yuu will never pet a chance like this again. Men's Wool Underwear, roeular 86c for 68o Men's Fleece lined Underwear, rei(ular $1 lines for 89o Men's Fleece Liiieil Underwear, regular 75o and 85o hues to clear 58c Men's Caps at . . . half price Men's Shuts, heavy blue fleece lined, reg. Si and $1.25, for 89c Many other lines cut lo less than half price while the sale lasts, y^ou will miHs it if you do not c<'ine and see for yourselves the bijfgest bargains ever oli'ered. J. E. LARGE EUGENIA â- â€¢â€¢i •••• •••• •>•• •••1 â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ â- â€¢â€¢* â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••• â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••••••••••.•••••••#••••••••••••♦•••••••••••••••••••••••##••••••••••••. ^as» Paittson, Ceylon, Ont^ Senenal -mAlerckant. ;::t :::: â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ â- â€¢â€¢t •••• •••I •••I â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ :::t •••• :::: ••• â- Â«â€¢â€¢ â- '•• ••• ••• Our February sale commences on Thursday, February 3rd, lusting 9 days only, ending Saturday, February I2th. We expect this to be the greatest sale yet. As many as can lind it convenient, omae * early in the morning and avoid the rush iu the aftsrnooua. Remember, everything in the store goes on sale at ttreatly reduced prices. S(.ace will allow me to quote only a few arlicles. To give ynu an idea how ihtne't are going : 3 cans of corn for 25 cents 3 cans peas for 25 cents 3 osns tomatoes for 25 cents 1 large eun kitchen queen baking powder for 9 cents 3 lb. box of Soda biscuiis for 26 cents 6 lbs. new tigs for 26 cents 6 lbs. B. rice for 26 cents 6 lbs. hand picked, white beans for 26 cents Boots, Shnea, Rubbers, Ready Made Clothing, Dry Goodi, and any- thing you want at reduced prices. Teims strictly cash or its equivalent at these price#, I requtsted some time ago that a'l accounts be setMeit .^fore Jan. 20. There : till remains some to settle, and would ask that the bftlance Would kiudly st tt'e at once. i:::: :::: •••• •••• :••• XiX. •••• • ••: • ••' t::: :::: •••â-  •••• ::: :::: •••. •••. •••* Jas. X^attison . 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