Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 26 May 1910, p. 8

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i^wtqt May 20 1910 THE FESHEKTOK ADVANCE <w*t Some Alcohol Questions b alcohol a tonic? No! Does it make the blood pure? Nol Does it strengthen the nerves? No! Is AVer's SarMparilla a tonic? Yes! Does it make the blood pure? Yes! Does it strengthen the nerves? Yes! Is it the only Sarsaparilla entirely free from alcohol? Yes! Ask 'your doctor about this non-akoholic medi cine. If he approves, your confidence will be complete. /. C. Aytr Co., Lowtll. Man. DoUboytt DuUgirbl ««y oftn due to DuU t Duttwoncnl Huvy-headedl Downhearted t AU I YettiwcurclstoewYâ€" Aycr'sPilb. Afk yourdoctor. Business Cards | WALTEB L0UCK8 ll'iililer od Contractor ; For nrick, Ktone aud frame realdeocea. £•• timates cbeorfully (urnsbad, Flusbttrtou V O Ontario. I V Itankcib Markdale Do a fjeneral bankini; butin«c>. Money loaned j at r«aMonaUle ratCH Call OD us. j CHISLKTT, • Postiuast^T. Coylon, Comiuittflionur lu li, c J .Convevancer, deeds, ujortfiacei. loaaea, wills etc. carefully drawn up Jolli-ctioui uiad.\ charge* leaHonable. Alao crocoriuii, flour, feed etc, kept lu atock, Pricea : riKiit. J HPKO'JLK j Po<tuiaater, Pleaberton I venjmisBiannr Id H.C J., AuctiODee Con- I veyaucer. Appraiser and Money Lender , Real Kstate and Insurance Agent. Ueedx. mortgage', lea«e> and wilU carefuUydrawo i op ana valuations made on ^UorteHt notice ! uouey to loan at lowest rates of luteroit.lCol- : ftious attended to witb promptneea i.'iarBes low. Agent for Ocean Domiuion bioauiship Qouipany. A call solicited. I DMcTHAIL. liiccused Auctioneer for the j • County of Orev. Terms moderate and eatisfaction fiuaraut«ed. The arranKiunonts { and dates of Hal en can be made a', Thr Aiivam^k t cfBce. Ke.iidcncu audl'.O.iOeylOD, Telepboue cooneclioQ. Dec. e.U7. A Discovery oi Vast Importance It Is Now Admitted Tliat Bron« chitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Coughs, and Colds Can Only Be Quickly Oured By Mixing a New Medi- cine With the Air You Breathe. WM. KAITTI.su, Licensed Auctioneer for the couDiiee of (irey and Hiincoe. Fanii and Stock sales a specialty. Terms .noderate. satisfaction fiuarantced. ArraDKe- •uentB for daten mav bo made at the Advance office, or AIT. HutcrjIosonB store, bevcrsbani I by addressing Uie at Feversbatii. Ont. j RVDIJ MATHKWS, Markdale, Licensed j aucMoneer fur the county of (irey. Good service at reasonable rates. Dates can be wade at The Adraiice. c Oil T HABVEY PKIUGOK. broker, Flesberton. i -^ General brokerage business. Insurance oi i (very kind placed in safe and liberal cumpauios. 1 lieal estate etc.. Open accounts and past due j notes handled and money advanced tbereoD. , Correeponden^f iVlifit^d, i Scientists acknowledge that medi- cated air treatment U the only treat- ment that will cure these diseases, and that stomach medicines are worse than useless. Catarrhozone air treatment hai be«n found to be the most effectiv* way to cur* all diseases of the throat, lungs, and nasal pacsages. Its action is so prompt that in less than an hour an ordinary cold it cured, and after a mors thorough use of Catarrhozone, Bronchitis, Catarrh, and all diseases of the throat and lungs are complete- ly cured. -^ Catarrhozone is a very simple and powerful method of treatment- You simply breathe it through the Inhaler and It Immediately passes over every air cell of the throat, lungs, and bron- chial tubes, curing and healing as it goes. Catarrhozone treatment affords littto drops of healing for sore placet in the lungt, throat, and natal passages. Catarrhozone Does This, And Cores •P. Medical CAnTER U C P A fl Ont. Physician, Sorueoo. etc ifflee and reaidenceâ€" Peter St., Plesbertou JP OTTEWELL Vaterinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, residence â€" s«cond door south west^OD la^y street. This street rant south Piesbyterisn Cbarcb. H WILSON, DlacksLiitb • Uraduate of tue Veterinary flcienc Association. Durham Ureet, opposite hoyd, Hros hardware. « ____».__-â€" ^â€"â€"^ Dentistry rV- E. C. MURRAY L. D. B , dental snrgeon I' hoooi' graduate of Toronto University and Koyal College of Dental BurReons of Ontario, (ias adiuisinistered for teeth extraction Otlioe at residence, Toronto Street, Klesl-.erton. YOU TAKE THIS MEDICINE IN AIR PrlOV 25c, COc. and $1.00 at all dru«- Klsta or by mall from The Catarrh- osone Co., Kingston, Ont.. and Buffale, N. T. Appearance Counts Legal f L( A8, KAXEY* W..LLAtF.â€" Barristers, '-' i4olicitors,cto.â€" I. H. Lucas, K. C: W. K. lUney. K. C. ; J. H. O. Wallace. Olllces. Toronto, HIG'J Tiadurs Dank Hldlj., phone i:iain 141J; Markdale I.ucas Hlock, i'hone 2 A. Uraiiclioaici! at IJjndalkopeu every Saturday. WH. WHIOHT, Barrister Solicitor, Convey- ancer, etcâ€" Owwn Hound, and Klesberton. J) Hâ€"t'U-tlienoii otlico, SproDle's Block every Saturday SOCIETIEH A O U W meets on the Isst Monday D in each month, in their lodge room Norris' block. Plesbertou, at 8 i>.ui. M. W., Alfred llariisou ; Hoc, U. II. MunBhew; >ln., W.J. Ilel.amy. Visiting brethren invited PIUNCE AKTHCB LODOE. No. :«3,A.F& A U. meets in the Masonic hall. Arm- >^lroni{'s lUoch.Flebhertou. every Friday on '(^before the lull luocu. Tbos, Ulakely.W.M.; Hsrb.Suiltb, Becre'.iury. COVKT FLESHnnTON. 90',, I. 0. F. ireets In Claytons lllock the Idst Wednesday cvdning .f each month. Visitlug Foresters heartily welcome. H. 11 . Dyson; 11. 8., 'J'. Hetry; Fill. Sec , C. N. Hlchardnou. Flease p«y dues to Fin. Sec. before the first day of the month, CHOSEN FhlENDB-Fleshprton t^uncil of Chosen Friends meets in Claytons hall first and third Wednesday of each month H p. m Pay assessments to the Hcfordcr ou or before toe t^rstdayof each month. Chief Councillor T. lilaki)lev;Kecor<lor W. H. H unt, Farms For Sale or Rent PAnMKOHBALE-One hundred acres in excellent oooditioD, good 8ue»r »>»sli. new »,arD 00170, stone stabling, well watered, water in stible. iludmUl on well and baiu, every '°Ahoaw!o'?Mt of U inch hlaclt iilpliife', and (lonble aclinB power pumn, Aiiply to I HAH. HTAFKiUD, Fle slierton. ' «"«â-  F'AKU TO KENTâ€" JU) acres. Apply to Anas 4u j^^jjj^ wmOHT, Fleabsrton. fAKM FOlTHAlJE-Very cheap. 100 acros. * lot 9, COD. 7, « »sprey, only •3000, reasonable cash iiayraent. balante easy terms ai acres cleared, well fenced and in biKh sUto of culti vation, Lalaucs timliereO, t;i)')d conilortahle irame dwelilng. atone cellar under, never fall MIR spring well and windmill piiinp at door, new frame ham, well finished stone stabliiiM witb spring -^ater under, also in shed. It is .ituatedimile from Msiwell viila«a where fhers are stores, post offlces. good bc:1i.,o1, and is on the gravel road, M miles from railway Ktatlon. lj«>"d at once, atove price, thoiigh V'KftV CBWAI' 111 ght he shaded a little, Anni; to H J. HritOULB, Klesberton or THt»M AB O U ;'. ou pren; Ises^ ^^ ^1 â- E'er sals cheap or rent, lniine<llate poasesflon. *? Lot:)Occn. 14, Arteinesia, about VS acres clear, comfortable log house and frame barn. Apply toll J Bprouls. Fleeherton, or John i Martin, across the TtMAJtma »•'<! |^ TL-\)7siie cheap and on easy terms, goiod coin- ^ forlahle frame dwelling, aable and driving honsowithth-ee village lots in Ceylon- Dwell- ins well built and finished and gooil hearing orchardon the property. Apply to â€" UJ Hpiioi-i.i'.. Meshorton. Vit ID, con'.oTo'sprey coutaininR IdO acres, « -"cleared, Irame liousc. frame barn, stone fouudatloui orchard, well waUred, One ttiousand down and Imlauco to suit purchaser. Immediate possession Apply to K. N. KixNKAU Maxwell P. O. Bulls, etc., for Service. Fon BEIlVlCrâ€" Shorthorn null. No. Vivjr,- liOt lltt, toll. i. West T, and H- lload. Ternib SI, payable 1st Jan., inil. ,lou.-« U, (ii BSON. projirlctor. I have for service a I'ure Hied Hull. Hroad book's I,ad, No. tiW, on lot 10. con. H, Osprey, Terms •!, -JAMKH BUHNH, FeverahaDi,ODt. Bcrkthires and Tamworths. I bsv* now for salu a few very clioloo Heik- ihlrs|>igs, nearly reaily to wean< Hurry your order and get the liest. OKI), W. nOSR^ Mstws ll P, O. Brown Lcdhorns. Exhibition and utility stock, won more 1st and special prizes than all other birds in com. pi-titlnn, including vpecial bast male and special b«st female, any hrito.1 or type : special best pair leglioriiR. cockerel and iiullet. Eaat Drey, lOOn. Illrds for sale. Krhs for hatcliinR that will pru<1uoe winners, Hatislaclloii I L'usranteed, I -UK HAHn AU.BN.1 Mt. PvtuiVi Faimi Kleibtrton. Ont, Ni>waJsy<i looks gn along way, unJ lo get on in the woild a man iniist keep clean, iind lie can't du tliiH with a face timl is cryinir out for liie lazor. for » clean, easy slmve drop in here. \ shajjuy iniit <loe» not look well unilur a person's hat â€" a iiifly hair ctit will tix that. Try im. .Vt;ency for Markdnln Chinese laundry. Ilisket loaven Tuesdiiy, ri'tunis Fiiday, I E S N, BUSKIN'S BLOCK. SEASONABLE GOODS IN FURNITURE 'i'lio largest ;iiul liest stock of Furniture ever shown in Fleslun't<iii. ThiK williout fear (if cnii- ti'tidiction. Cdine and seo some of (lie nice IhingH in >Sidc li<iai'il.s, Dining Uikhii Clmiis, Pallor Setts, lied Uooin SetlH. A xpccial rodiio- tloii ju«t now on every- thing, ill order to re- duce the Ktock. . , . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Plesherton Ceylon Meat 'Harket All kinds of fresh and fiinnkcd meats, head cheese, Hausnue, always on hand Canh paid lor hides, J. ricCLOCKLIN Thompson's I I i e Ulead delivered \â- o^\\â-  luly and kept for sale at (he following stores; ('oliinNon's and •J, I'attison's, Ceylon \V..\ldconi & 8on'M and I', McAi-thur'M IViceville N, McCannoU'H Proton .Station U, Heron's, Maxwell A, Hiitohinfion' H and Eli Robinson's Fovei-Hhani H . Cai rns', .1 . K. T^argo's and R. Parks', Kiigonia I Bakery HANGING A HORSE. Trial and Exscution of a 8te«d Which Overturned â-  Carriage. The following account of the pri- vate trial and execution of a horse by command of the fantastic Marquis de liriqueville is taken from an article entitled "Biographie des Excentri- ques," originally published without signature in La Republique du Peu- ple, deijcribed us "Alniunach Denio- cratique, Paris, chez Prost, 1850," and republished in Oeuvres Posthuinee of Baudelaire, Paris. The article is evi- dently one of Baudelaire's bits of hack work, but even here the master's touch is felt: "First of all let us mention the Marquis de Briqueville, a very rich person, popularly deemed craay and probably slightly so. At least he did all that was necessary to justify the opinion one had of him. One day as he wa.s rushing violently through the streets in his brilliant equipage one of his horses fell. The carriage was up- set, and the marquis received an ugly contusion. He is brought back to his mansion; he is in a rage; he wants to dismiss his coacTlman. The latter justifies himself. The accident was not caused by any fault of liis. On*' of the horses is to blame. 'If it be so,' says the marquis, 'the horse must be puiii.slied; every fault mu.st liave its penalty.' He orders all his Iiouso- hold to appearâ€" steward, butler, val- ets, scuUions, grooms. It is a verit- able court of justice. They all take tlieir jilaceH. The marquis presides. The accused is brought in. He pre- â- serves in his noble bearing the calm- ness of innocence. The coachman makes the accusation. The secretary of ttie marquis, filling the office of lawyer, presents the defence of the quadruped. He is long-winded, heavy, fiat, exactly as if he was pleading before Parliament. He quotes the Di- gest; he spits Latin.. He concludes by requesting that his client should hi returned to the stable, whose finest ornament he is. The case is heard. The marquis gives his opinion first. He considers the accusation as prov- ed. He votes for the sentence of death. .All his valets hurry to vote like him. The whole thing seemed t2 them a joke. They were mistaken. The "marquis had a scaffold jrected in Ids yard. He addressed to the con- demned a prolix discourse, in which he made him feel the enormity of his crime. During thia oratorical display the unfortiuiate victim looked upon the iiKstrument of torture witli a firm eyeâ€" no affectation of 'courage, no despondency. "As soon as the marquis had finish- ed a groom threw with dexterity a rope around the neck of the patient, and a few seconds later the poor ani- mal was suspended in tlie air, the coachman was pulling his feet down, a valet was stamping on his shoul- ders. The hanging was as correct as those daily exhibited in the square of the Greve, The attendants were stupc- fted with astonishment." Victim of a Soft Heart. The prison visitor looked at tin' oc- cupant of cell 40 through eyes that were dim with t<'ars and passed a few fragrant blossoms between the iron bars. "You iwor unfortunab^ !" she ex- clainuMl. "So you were brought to Uiia through sympathy for another. Tell me all about it. Periiaps .â- some- thing can be done to set you free." "Well, mum, 'twas this way," ex- claimed the convict. "When nie an' my mat<! cracked the crib we found the b;uik watchman asleep, an' we tic<l and gapped "him. It was him m aft<'rward idontidcd nie." "Yes, and the sympathy for anoUi- or?" aaked the visitor. "It was fer him, mum. My mate wanted t<-r stick u knife in liim. If I liedn't been a fool an' done it I would- n't be here a-lalkiii' ter you now." Marriage Deals In France. French marriages turn out snrpris ingly .su<'ei'.ssful, although tliey are generally arrange<l by the jiareiits of the bride and bridegroom. In .some parte of provincial France the wi.shes of a man or a mnid are as often not taken into consideration by the par- ents "making the deal." In one pro- vince a lover, after declaring his pas- sion, may receive, while sitting at dinner at the hous<! of his beloved. from her hands u plate of pea soup into which she has grated some cheese. He relishes that soup, for the grated cheese means that he has been accepted. If his addresses to the young woman are not weletime \w finds that some one has placed a stinging nettle and some oats in his pocket. Another tuimistakable sign is when the young woman turns the blackened end of a poker toward him. Accurate Measure, A laborer in a dockyard was one day given a two foot rule to measure a piece of iron plate. Not being ac- customed to the use of the rule, he returned it after wasting a good deal of time. "Well, Bill," remarked the fore- maiv "what is the size of the plate!'" "Well," replied he, with a smile which accompanies duty jierfornied, "it's the length of your rule and two thumbs ovtvr, with this piece of brick and the breadth of my hand and arm and from hero to there, bar a finger. " â€"London Mail. The Mr. Forest Confedeiate figures it out that it cosU about 11,20 a yard to put crushed stone on the road. A cord of unbroken stone will produc* 4^ loads (or yards) of broken stone. Horse Routes for 1910 YOUNO TANNAHILL. Mondayâ€" Will leave his own stable, lot 12, con. 1, Euphrasia, by way of Duncan, west to 3rd con., and south to Geo. Uarbottle's for noon ; then by way of Eugenia to S. Turner's, 12th con,, Artemesia, for night. Ti;b8day â€" South to gravel road, then east to Hu(;h Mc- Lean's forno<in ; then eaat to town line, then north to 12th con., Osprey, then west to John Dyre's for night. Wed- nesdayâ€" East to Feveisham sideroad ; then south to lOlh con,, Osprey, thou west \\ miles, then south to Fred Brack- cnbury's for noon ; thence north to 12th con,, Osprey, then east to 6th cnn., CoUingwood, then north to Hugh Mc- Lean's for night. TufKSDAVâ€" North to Banks, then west to Geo Hollingsworih's for poon ; thence west to his own stable for ni«ht. Fridayâ€" To Kimberley for noon ; thence south by Valley Itoad to Samuel Bow's for night. Satukdav â€" Last lo 4'th con., Euphrasia, then home to his own stable. PRINCE ROBERT Monday â€" Will leave his own stable, lots 1-3, con. 2, .\rte111e9ia, and proceed to .Jerry Thompson's, Collintjwood gravel, for n.ion ; then 1 y w.iy of R. Hoy's lo the 8lh line and to Jacob Parliament's for night. Tl'ENDAY- By way of Blaxwell, lo Martin Phillip's, CoUingwood gravel, for noon ; then U> Jerry Thomp.son's for flight. WEiiNE.SDAY-By R. Allen's, Durham Road, to Jan. Stinaoii'sfor no<in; then down gravel to Edward Patton's for night. TiiiKSDAYâ€" To Park Houae, Flesherton, for noon, and home for night. FuiDWâ€" By Durham Gravel to Uob Roy fur noon, and to Hah n House, Durham, for night. .Satikdav â€" By way of South Line home. J. B. F»ATTON PAlNTTiai _ PAPER HANGER »i|g» Painting and Higli.claw Decorating A Specialty, Work taken in any part of the country. Office at , , , FLESHERTON, ONT Creamery Opening. The Maple Glen Creamery, near Mark- dale, began operations on Monday, the Itfih May, If the reader lives within ten miles of the factory and convenient to a route, he is invited to liecome a pat- ron. Prospects now appeal very pro- mising for a 8ucces,sf ul season *^d for good prices. If you have not been called on you are invited lo corresjiond with Maple Glen Creamery Company, Markdale . Court of Revision Township of Artemesia 1910. Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Township of Artemesia will meet as a Court of ItuviHion on the tssessment of 1910, at the Town Hall, Flesherton. on Monday, the 6th day of June, 1910, at 10 o'clock a. ni. All parties having business before the Court will govern themHelvos accordingly. W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk. Dat^id 26 day of May. 1910. Notice To Creditors. In the matt«r of the estate of Mary McRae, late of the Township of Artemesia in the County of Grey, Married Woman deceased. NOTTCK isliereb^KlTen pursuant to the re- TlsrdKtatuiea of Ontario, \Wn, Cba|i. li^tl that all tbe creditors vaA otbera bavi:i|i claims Bfiainat the eotato of tbe skirl .Mary McRaa, wbodie<lonor-t.bout the ninth day of April, 1910, are required on or before tbe ilBtO Donald Campbell, Prop, and Coll. Court of Revision Notice is hereby given that the Coun- cil of the Township of Osprey will sit as a Court of Revision at Maxwell on Sat- urday, May 28, 1910, at 10..30 a.m. All parties having busine.ss before the Court will govern themselves accordingly. THUS. SUOTT, Clerk. Mclnlyre. May 15, 1910. day of May lillO, to sepd bv po«t pre- Sald or deliver to Alexander Miilr, ('e\Ioo, ot.. or to John McFayden' C'eyloo, Ont,. Executors of tiM last Will and Testameot ot tbe said Mary McHke deceased, their christian an4 surnames, addresses 'and d«- acriptione. tbe full particulars of their claims, the ststemeut of their accounts and iba^natare of the sccutitius (it an}) held by tbeoi. ANU rurtTHElt TAKK NOTICE tfeat after such last mbntlijued date tbe said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the de- ceased among the )>«rties entitled thereto, haviUK regard only to the claims of which they shall then nave notice, and that the said executors will not be liable for tbe said assets or any part thereof to any person or persona of whose claim iioiice shall not have been re- ceived by them at tbe time of suoh distriba tiou. W. H. WRIGHT, Solicitor for Executors, Alexander Muir and John McFayden Dated April 23r>l,1010. Carefully Corrected Each Week Wheat • 96 to 95 Oats 32 to 33 Peas 7.") lo 75 Barley 45 to 50 Hay 10 00 to 10 00 Butter 20 to 20 Eags, fresh 18 '0 18 Potatoes per hag 40 to 40 Gee.se,... 10 to 10 Ducks 11 to 12 Chickens 12 to 12 Turkeys 18 to IB S. P. Cole, Man. PERCY PERFORMER Monday, May 9 â€" Leave hit own stable, Bowmore House, Duniroon, at 9.30 a.ni. and proceed to Brown's Hotel.Singhamp- ton, noon ; night Maxwell. TfE.sDAV â€" Noon, Flesherton; night Markdale House Markdale, until Wednesday niwn; thence to J. Manary's, lot 17,con,10, Euphrasis, for niuht. Tihrsdavâ€" Noon, Riocklyn ; for night, Chas. Hill'd, lot 17, con. 11, CoUingwood township. Fkiday â€" Noon, Arthur Stoutcnburg's, Ranks ; night. Cook's Hotel, CoUingwood. Satirday- Procced to Cnughlin's Hotel, Stayner.for noor. ; to his own stable Dtintroon, until the following Monday morning. Terms- To insure $12 payable January loth 1911, Customers are requested to meet horsu at stands. J. W. Man.trey, Duiitroon. The Im|>orted Clydesdiile Stallion BARON SHALLOCHj No. [57tilJ, foaltd May, l',HJ.">. Bro\vn| face and feet white. Dam -Nancy of I Challoch(l(Kl70] (ICllH), Lily of Ch«l-I lech 1 1007I[(l:i91o), Fanny of Challuchl |1007L'l («707), Masrs;,,.. Siie -- Baron's hide |.'10(!71 (9122), Oiimiiicnt [;1421] (10(!0;t), Mains of Allies (2««5] (10:{79;, Old Times (579), Laiijs Jock (444), Rob U-y (714). ROUTE I Monday morning will leave his own stable, lot 105, tjist Biick Line, H iiiiloi" ficiin Markdale, and proceed ti> Berkeley I hotel for nonn, thence 10 -Andrew Priel'a fur niisht. Tuesday - Noon to Dornoch, and remain till Wrdnesday moritin)}, 1 thenca to Jnnies .Mliston's, lOih line,] Glenelj{, for noon, aiut to Doueal Mc- j coimick's forniijht. Thursday â€" Noon to j John McYickor's for noon, to George || Pat t^rson's, 4th line corner, for nijjht, Friday â€" Cairn's hotel, Ceylon, fur noon ; Munthaw's hotel, Flesherton, for night. Satui'day'nuirning will prootcd up the gravel road to Mtrkdale for noon. For particulArs see folders. Terms 912. JA.^. BRADY, T. MERCER, Manager. Proprietor, 8PRTNG TERM at the Joke Medicine. He is ft very practical, serious niindetl man of business. The other day he met a friend and related to hjm an alleged joke and at it* con- clusion Iftugheil long and heartily. The friend looked awkward lor a mo- ment and then said; "You'll have to excuse me, old man, but I don't jufvl see the point." "Why, to tell you the truth, T don't just see the jxiint myself. But I've made it a rule to laugn at all jokes; 1 think it's good for tlie health." Just the Same. District Visitor â€" I've just had a letU-.r from my son, Arthur, saying he has won a scholarship. I can't tell you how pleased I am. Rustic I'arty^I can understand yer feelin's, mum. I fell just the same when our pig won a medal at the agricultural show,â€" Pearaon's Weekly. S, A J, Hiiey of Creemore bou(;ht three spring lambs hst week th'»t weighed 60 lbs, C9ch. jt Owen Sound Commences Tuesday, March 29, 1910. ND 1 VI DUAL INSTRUCTION IN ALL BUSINESS SUBJECTS. Information Free. .A. Fleiiiinor, (J, D.FIeiuing, Princijial. Secretary, C. J. BELLAMY'S Hardware Hints The fencing season is now on. Come in an<l look at our Frost Fence, niaile by the Frost Wire Fence Company of Hamilton. We are the only agents for this wire in Flesherton. We have the H-strand fence made out of all number 9 Frost coil spring wire at 35 cents per rod. Also the 9-strand fence made out of all number Frost coil spring wire at 40 cents per rod. Our coil spring wire is going fast at 2,70 per hundred. C, J. Bellamy, - Fle:jherton Fine iUeatber Booms millinery With tvciy day Banner than the day btfore and the appearance that tine wtaiher is oninR to stay, stimulates the dciiiaiid fur hiits <(uick. 'I'houjj'h we .ii'e busy, wo aie not overlnokiuji ordera. Kvcry haliroes out with carirful alteiuion. We have just received a case of new sliiipen, liiaids and tloweii. Beautiful new Dress Goods Just Jlrrived A niDiig which nio to be seen the latest shades in wisteria, tlio new rose shades with palo blue^, also very pretty shades in browns, blut.s and greens. Shnntuii}; lineni, and rep the correct thini; for that new suiiinier suit in the ditlVronl shades of rose, russet, green, wisteria, linen, etc. Dainty Dress muslins A xood range lo chtiosc from ranging in price from to 20 cents, Uestings and Crossbar muslins Niithini; makes up much prettier for the ncAT tailored blouses than iho ve.stinas and crossbar muslins. We have just received' a bin rsnjje in these <md you will find (|uality and desii;n the best. We also have a full line of white blouses, fancy and tailored. T,,adieN fancy and embroidered lineu collars. Jabots, frillinys and cords, a j!ood assortment. • ' Special in Underskirts We have a number of good black sateen underskirts in all sizes. While they last at 50 cents. Lice curtains are now in demand and we have just wh»t will suit you ranginK in price.icoin 25 to $2,50 per pidr. A few more of those good CangNtn and English prints at 8 and 9 cenWper yard. In genlH furnishings wa never have had a more up-to-date line. You will Iind our fancy hose hat'd to bea''. Do not fail to see, also the shirts and ties. Our new sprini; suits have jutt arrived, which will pay you to call and sue before buyinu elsewhei*. The styles, ijuality and prices are right. Hats and caps in all the new .spring styles. Everything you need in boots and shoes. Wsll papers A specialty, paints and varnishes, hardware, groceries and confectionery. .\ full stock. Fruits in their season. J, £. LARGE, Eugenia >1^: ^^m ] " 'Mr. and Mti. Grocer' were down to my pUco for Sundajr dinnor awhile backâ€" and what do you think I We had a wiihinj contestâ€" to lee who could wish for the moit delicioui and whole- tome eatable. We all closed our eyes and wished. And behold, it we didn't all four of ui with for the lame thin^. Bunt and Bread n«de of • Cream of the West * Flour So we had 'emâ€" ny wife alwayt hu 'em ready, becnute they're in (teat demand at our houte." A " Model Mill " product. The Campbell Milling (oinptny, Liinitol, Toronto Canada For Sale by Sproule, Higglnbotham & Co, Flesherton and James Pattison, Ceylon

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