Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 2 Jun 1910, p. 4

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\ T H E i' L E S H E R T O N ADVANCE \ June 2 ItHO T ii i«^ * i, i<. o n Ji- it i u is a u v a rs *.. r. fS^ f^\ /lesl)crton \Ahmncc F. T. HILL & Co. = Harkdale J ' - Special Announcement for the Wool Season "NVc are in tlie niaiket to Iniy any (juantity of wool, washed or unwashed, at the highest inaiket price in cash or trade, so when selling your wool remembei" we are in the best and strongest position to serve you. The extraordinary values that we liave been able to secure makes it easy for you to buy many lines of merchandise away below uiarkia value at this store. 3flti Immense Purchase Of Men's Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Suit Cases and Grips Of all kinds. $10,300.00 worth of new goods which we are selling at less than wholesale prices during the wool season. «C..">0, $0.75 and $7.50 men's tweed .suits for $4.76 $7.50, 8.50 and it.OO " " " for 5.50 $«. 25, 10.00 and 10 50 " " " for 7.50 All other lines men'.s suils Belliiii; .it correspondingly \ov prices. For insance vou can buy TRUNKS, LEATHER SUITCASES, GRIPS, VALISES, at just ^ less than you regularly pay. Metal covered trunks, iron bindini?, hraaa |<1h>C(1 locks, recul.sr ncllinj; price $2.40. sellins for $1.60 Waterproof canvas covered trunks, heavy hardwood slats, steel clainpB, re<;ular $4.00, sellini; for $2.85 All other lines sellin<- accordingly. fe ^ *- ^ ' ^Sfl 5 gg? ' iSS !gi Sg S fl 5 ^ ^ ^ ^ An independent ncwspaiJer, published every Tlnir»day at tin- uffite, Colnn^fHood .Street, Flcwlierton. .Sul^criiition price ?1 i>ei' annum, n lii^ii paid in advHUce; $1.00 when not ao paid. Advertisinft rattn on ap|ilicatinii. Circulation l.naj wTOlily. W. II. Tliur»ton Kdlto Such Ignorance is Deplorable. The Collingwood Saturday News says King George X i.s a Tory." Now, any sensible newspaper .should know, by this lOth Line, Ospi-ey. Tlie farmers in this part are busy putt-, iug in their root crops at present. Tlie sports in Feversham on May the E E D S Ttya||My«j<n has been held back by 'w£t, cofd r-yfl^her. an4,if yu have not secured all your ieV^N don't delay longer. Here we have a full stock of gsrden seeds, all kinds of field corn and rootsâ€" everythiii(! you could iwBSibly wish to plant. Drop in and complete your seed purchases. A Kood line of flour and feed, bran, fhorts, chop and low grade flour ; Ogilvie's Koyal Household flour always on hand. Always fresh groceries at n I. Wright's, -'^â- -^ ..^--js- ^^ J Traoc Marks Otsior s Cof^RIQHTS Ac. Anrone Mndin; a nUotPh sr :" ^..iirrfpi ion ma) Qnlolilr MsrcrtAln <>nr (.rininti fruo whtMiicr ad ii.rentlon la prohKhlf p'U«ti(nhle, Conitnunlc» (i<jnitlrlctlr''otul>li';.tlaL HAriOUOOK unl-aionta ••at (rtte. ol<le«t ^^iinvj for Kocuilnff patc'ili. I'ateuU taken thruuuh Muiin A CobtMotr* ip«ial node*, wlthuut ctaarita, in the Sdeniific Jhtericait A handsoiaelr Uliuttratail weekly. Larxoat nlr- cnlacion of any sdontlUo loumal. Tertna for Canada, I3.na year, pustasu prupaii. Bold by â- U newadealera. BUGGIESâ€" Mount Forest and Armstrong. YOUR BLOOD IS TAINTED ULCERS, BOILS, SWOLLEN GLANDS, BLOTCHES, PIMPLES, AND ALL SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES ARE COMPLETELY CURED BY THE NEW METHOD TREATMENT We desire to call (he attention of all thosa afllictrd with anv Blood or Skin Diaeaae to our New Method Treatment as a guarHuteed euro for tliesu cumplaints. Tliere Is no ex- cuse for any person ImvlDf? a distlRurefl faco from ertiptions and blotches, r^'o matter wliether hereditary or acquired, our speciflc ruinedles and treatment neutralize all pol- (ioiis In the blood and expel them from the system. Our vast exp»-nenco In the treat- inont of thousands of the most scrlons and complicated cases enables us to perfect a cure wlliioutexperlinontinff. Wedo business nil tlio planâ€" Pay Onlr lor the Benefit You Derive. It you have any blood disease, con- null IIS Free of Charge and let lis prove to jduhow qiiiclily our remedies wilf remove iiU evidences of disease. Under the indiicnco of tlie New Method Treelment the skin be- comes cloiir, nloers, pimples and blotches licttl up. eiilarKCd glands nro reduced, fallen out hiiir (trows in again, the eyes become bilRht, anitiitlonandenercy return, and the victim realizes a new hte lias opened up to him. YOU CAN ARRANGE TO PAY AFTER YOU ARE CURED CONSULTATION FREE Send for Booklet on Diaeatea of Men "THE COLOEN MONITOR" FREE If irnable to call, write for a Queation List for Home TraatnenI Diis.KENNEDr&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold Si, Detroit, Micb. â- ^^^^â- ^ HATI^P ^^ letters from Canada must be addressed M^^^K^IIV I I Vb to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- W^^^^ ^â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- i tnent in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat BO pakieBts in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and l(alx>ratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows : DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write for our private address. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR- PRINCIPLES. NOT MEN Madame Scl-umann-Heiiik sang at the inmates ot a pentitentiaiy. It was taking au unfair advantage, when tbey couldn't get away. Last week some Canadian horses were taken to be exhibited at a horse show in London. The general cus- tom is to bring horses from England here. The muzzling law will not be rescinded for some time yet. Several muuicipaUties have neglected to do their duty in this respect and so the matter drags along. We understand that Osprey township was one of the municipalities remiss in their duties as regards the muzzling edict. A Montreal Judge has decided that a mother may slap the young man who payti attentions to their dniighter when the parents object. But that is in Montreal. Of course the decision will not afiect the young men here- abouts. The parents are only too gla â€" (but there, we're getting in rath- er deep and had better let the matter drop.) Queen Wilhemina of Holland pre* sented the iafant Princess Juliana to the people for the first time at Amr sterdam last Friday. The crush was tcrrifiic and the people cheered the infant Princess frantically. Where children arc so heartily received there should bo no danger of race suicide, but if Queen Wilhemina had been but a society leader instead of Queeu she would be frowned down for exhibiting her child in public if she were so un- fortunate as to possess one. The only ones to cheer the children of the " merely rich " arc the $18 per nurse girls who keep the sucking bottle and the " little brat " well filled. The society parents forget, as much as possible, the existence of the little bundle of humanity which raises the echoes bdiind the double doors of the nursery â€" until (if she be a girl) ihe time comes to tit her " coming out gown." when she becomes the charm- ing Miss Sorich . time.'tliaitheVesent sovereign is George 24th drew a Urge crowd. The young V. ' Will somebody please pimh The people who visited Eugenia on thc-same News? Since losing tlje "joy water" day reijort a good time. Collingwood is proliably settling down to Mr.JoIiii Campbell .â- ind Miss Campbell ' sleep it off. spent Suiidiiy with Mrs. Hugh Wright ~ on the ICth line. Laying of^ner Stone. Mi«.s Agnes Hubtmd is visiting with The ceremony of laying the cornerstone Mi.ss Rita OslH-rne, on the 8th line. of the new Artetiiesia Continuation School The Providence people are preparins; a will lake place on Friday. June 10, at 2 fjrst-cla.s.s progriinime for then- ice creaai '•'clock p. m. Alargenuraberof noUbles'scKiial on Monday evening, June 6th, have leen invited to take part. Among' Don't miss it. those who have signified their intention j ^jj. j^^j ^\^^ r_ j_ Culquette .spent a to be present are : The Hon. J. S. Duff, go„pie of days last week with theur Minister of Agriculture ; and Dr. A. H. (j,,u gi,ter in Collingwood. U. Colquhoun, Dep. Minister of Educa- ^^ ^ Armstrong of Flesherton has *t tion, with others. The county M. P'»- ".ing of men working in the swamp op and other officials have also been invito J =^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ j^^^^,^^ ^^.^^^ „j, ^,^ and it is eipec'ed that a very laige crowd p^j^p.^^ will be present to signalize this auspicious . event and hear the interesting things the Tjjg Advance Corrects a Horrid ErfOf. above gentlemen will have tossy. . 1 We have received a correction from Fev- Swinton Park. ershiim for our report, as given last week, , -,. , 'of the "doings" out thereon the 24th. Some of -he young people spent ^ ictor- j^^^^ ^„„,,,ji„„ reiterates almost word foe ia Day at M.rkdale. others at EuKeoia, ^^^^^ ^_^^ ^^ ^^^ prizewinners, 'but while a great many went hsh.ng, return- ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^jj ^^^^^ ing with big strings of hsh. ; ^-^ ^^ .^^ Peversham's favor, instead of Mr. George Parslow is renovating hm j q ^^,^^ ^^^ ^^ jj rp^^ Feversham home. When finished it will be one of the [ ^^^^ j^ gQ p^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^j,^„ ,.g g^^ finest homes in the community. jj^ g^.g^jj j^j.^ ^^^ ^g extend congra'.ula- Bornâ€" On May 21«t, to Mr. Geo. Haw, tions. a daughter. ; xhen, too, it seems that the Feversham Evangelist Kelly raturned to his home : i,oyg ^id no chewing, as we ignorantly in Toronto after assisting Rev. H. Berry gtated. We're glad, once more. We in special services at Salem church for h^d fe'tred that what our reporter said nea'Iy three weeks. We trust much ,^,^3 true and that the Maple Leaf's had good has been done. jiudulgcd in a little tiny bit of argument Mr. Howard Watson, from Toronto, ^ once or twice but such was not tho case- enjoyed a few days holidays at his home, it seems. (The Advance is never happier here. j than when eorrectiua an error of its owa Miss C. Mortell of Coibelton is spond- . making, such as this.) The Feversham iug a while at Mr. Aldcom's. f f ^"'b*" 'earn would look like a imnch of r> T *i K' I. • J I. .1 ,, four-flushers if they could not trim a pick- R. .1. McNalty carried home the gold ' j i^, u .. . ,, ... 1 1 .u a.^\, c .k 'up team, such as represented tleslierton medal from Markdalc on the a4tn for the , »^ . ' . , ' n -, r> u 1 1 , on that day, without scrapping overit. five mile race. Bob can keep most if ' ,. , , , , , , â-  W e are glad to know that the home sports 'did uut degrade themselves as did the visiting team hy unsportsmanlike altercai- tion, and the little boast contained in the letter we refer to is refreshingly frank in thein " guessing " on the race track. Stone Settlement. I Beautiful growing weather. Mr. Geo. McArtliur spent Victoria D.iy wi-h Badgerow friendj. 'its self-complacency. We regret that the I writer foi-got to sigti his name that we Mr. and Mrs. R. Whittaker and little i might be in a position Uipi;S!'li.shTI??ISP' daughter, Millie, visited Durham rela-ter. It is decidedly iuterfstinif. The tives on Sunday. j unknown writer says in part; "the game Mrs. E. Purdy and son. Frost, spent) throughout was a decidedly clean one ou the 24th with the former's niece, Mrs,' our part." Isn't it nice to come across ThoR. Fee and family of Holland Centre. . sufih t'ood sports once in a while .' Flesh- Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Beatty were vLsitoi's '«''"» ""'^ »" "^'^"^ *'»°"''^ '"''« ixitteru. on this line last week. I M'-'*»' "<> ^"^S^st that the hat be parsed [around and money raised to induce the â-  P * ' I Feversham team to come out and giva j the sports of Fle.sherlon an exhibition ot which they sorely Mr. Ed. Whittaker days ill Hanover. WAGGONS- Chatham, and Potrolia. Jackson CREAM HARVESTERS-Natio- R nsl and Dtiry Maid. Binders, Mowers, Hay rakes, Hay loaders, Hay forks and Carriers, Rupo and Pullits, Washing ma- chines and Wringers, Brantford Windmills CEMENT Just arrived a car load of fresh cement. Superior Brand. We have satisfied others and woald be pleased to satisfy you. Give us a call. It will pay you. S. Hemphill, Ceylon \\t lr=],-=Jf =} ,^r=Iri=li^ r=: n=],=Jr=Jr==J^ Cbe Up»to=daU Tailor Shop For fin^ tailoring call <n F. A BAKER, 2nd door south of Arm- strong's jewellery store, where we shall he pleased to show you all the latest designs of spring and summer suitings and ovcrcoslings. Over 600 different pat tenia to choose from, at the most reasonable prices. Fit and workmanship guaranteed. P. A. BAKER HIGH CLASS TAILOR ARMSTRONG'S BLOCK. 'ADVANCE" ADS. PAY EYE^aiRAi ^"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiuiii^ â- ^RERIGOE, ::i; i::: Flesherton. H:- •••• ••*• '.l»t Will Iniy your lert^er and all your JJ^ â- â€¢â- â€¢ no%eK or advance you uiopoy ou •••• :::: tbem. *::: .••• â€" â€" â€" ^â€" ^â€" ^^^^^^^^^^â€" •••• ;;J5 IiisHraiice, of every ciRRBWiitton, JJJ; .••• placed hi (lafo and liberal com- •••• .•(• iiaiiieB. ,,„ .••• â€" ^^^^^â€" ^-^â€" â€" â€" ^^^ •••• '••S LoaiiB, fiuariiutee bonds, etc. **.! .••{ â€"â€"â€".â€"â€"â€"â€"â€". •••• 'Ml W'lte lor FUKK IIKTOUT on J;;: "*i your doubtlul accounts and •••• ::;S notes. s::: <••• ^^â€" ^.â€" ^^â€" â€" â€" «-«-.^-^-* •••• ::;} Telophone II>. Sv- tKSsaavafatisf ••••••••• ••••••••••St snvs*** ••••••••••••••• •••••••••vStV I good sportsmanship stand ia need of.' I Appearance Count '^ow«d»y» looks go along way, anl to get on in the world a man roust keep clean, and he can't du this with a face that is cryiiiir out fcr th» rasor. Fur a clean, easy shave drop in here. A ahagty mat doe* not look well under a person's hatâ€"a nifty hiir cut irill fi« that. Try us. Aciency for Markdale Chinese laundry. Basket loaves Tuesday, returns Fiiday. E. J A M I E S N. BUSKIN'S BLOCK, EYES FREE '" CHILDHOOD hat blightod many llvaa baoauas the pain oauaatf tharaby produces an avarsiork.ta study. ) Tlia taekward ehlid to» eft«Q Meomta th* uniueoaatful man. W. A.^ Arnistrong:, { t Jeweler & Optician CANADIAN "Paci FIC GREAT LAKES NAVIQATION NOW OPEN Regular Sailings asfollows: Monday 5. 5. '• Athabasca^' Tuesday S 3. ••Keewatin" Wednesday S, S. "Alberta" Thursday S. S. 'Manitoba ' Saturday 5, 3. ••Assiniboia" The most pleasant and cheap • est route to Winnipeg and west. HOMESFEKERS' EXCURSION . . . May 31 Through Train to \Vii.nipti{ and West from Toronto 2.00 p, in. on above date. • S, Rands,. Agent^fX Flesherton Poisoned With Morphine Tablets Death Visits Two Port Law Homes - Scarlet Fever Claims Victimâ€" Port Law Items .\ shocking tragedy occurred at the home of Mr. James Podlitr, 4th hne Artemesis, one day last week. The home of Mr. Wm. Fisher had been saddened hy the death of a little girl from scarlet fever. Mrs. Pedlar, a sister of the de- ceased child, became hysterical on hear- inj;; the news. Dr. Ryckunan of Maxwell was summoned and left nomo morphine tableta on a sideboard while h« went a- cross the road to the Fisher home. A two-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pedlar climbed on a chair and secured and ate the tablets. Shortly afterward the little one was taken with a fit. The doctor vas summoned and applied anti- dotes without avail. He jumped into his rig and hurried home for his stomach pump but the child was dead before his return. The terrible affair has prostiated Mra. Pedlar. Great sympathy is extend- ed the parents in this awful aifnir. On Wednesday Irene, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fisher, who was reported as ill with soarlei ferer, died and was interred the following day. Their little son, Jimmie, is still in a pre- carious state, but symptoms indicate re- covery. The youngest child, contrary to report, has so far escaped the trouble. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bates of Toronto drove up last week and are visiting with the latter'a mother and brothers. Mrs. McMatter and children and Mrs. Foster of Eugenia visited friends here on Wednesday last. Violet, the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McNally, was very ill hir tonie da}8 but we are (<lad to hear that she m fast recovering. Mr. Sam. Pedlar's youngest daughter. Lulu, we understand, hSci contracted scarlet -feycr.' A cocker spaniel siid to bo valued at S300 in now quartered at the Matchett house kennel being fitted for coming j [We would much prefer correspondents bench shows. Just where this valuable 'to sign their names, not necessarily for canine heats Reeve Uronn's of the same publication.] --Ed. breed by f290 is a little too difticult for * ttie unskilli.Kl in dog lore to determine.â€" ' Owen Sound expects to get a millicn Croeimre Star. I dollar dry dock. ^it:^a<:-a^;j^^a^^A.-NM.-Na.^sa^\«- v^\B-sa/v^va.^\j. -«/M/vat;;a,i^a:;a<:i*:^L^^^^ «< J.andW. BOYD mercDairtrt^j Flcsbertoti « Ontario Wool Wool We want 50,000 lbs. washed wool for which we will pay the highest market price and give you the benefit of a good inspection. Men's and Boys' Clothing Men's suits in all the latest styles and patterns, IC.50 to |18.00 Boys' S piece suits $4.00 to 7.50 Beys' 2 piece in Norfolk and double breasted 12.75 to 4.50 r:-* Boots and Shoes We have a complete range in the.se lines in cipldren's, misses', boys', women's and men's at prices which defy competition. See our special workingmen's boots in tan and black at $1.35. Parasols Now is the season tor parasols. We have them in black, fancy colors from 50 cents to S3.00. Lawn waists from $1.00 to $2.75. Also prints, ginghams, linens and reps. BOOTS AND SHOES Iu]|lhis department we have added J the^ Slater shoe, which needs no ad- vertfsing, liaviug gained for itself a reputation sec- ond to uouc. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money refunded. ' Tma Sum. ow Certaimtv ^fB*^^^

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