Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 2 Jun 1910, p. 5

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For rose «ud gjoi ??f i'S? ^"'^ •'og'* eomb bcovn lesborn» tod barred rock uonltry «3 to Rlehtxi Allen, Mouat PlMnaot Farm. FlesUertou P. O. THE FLESHEKTON THE STANDARD BANK E-W-W1873 OF CANADA WBc-cW A Complete Banking Service Available for Manufacturing and G>mmercial Houses, Wholesale and Retail Merchants, Municipalities, Corporations, farmers and private individuaJs. 80 Savings Bank Department at every Branch. IXESHERTON BRANCH George Mitchell. Manager MMAMCUmS ALSO AT DURHAM AMD BARRUTOK VICINITY CHIPS Dr. E. O. Mun'ay is in Toronto tendiDs; a " tooth " cuurenti^jn. Mr. Richardson is placing a new und I up-to-date fri»nt on the oH drug-store I premises, which have been vacant fur the j |>a«t couple of years. at- I Mrs. F. G. Karatedt visited her niece, ! Mrs. (Dr.) Holmes in Owen Sound. | Mr. W. Buskin has opened up an ice< Cieam parlor in his busioei^ block. ' Mrs. Ayers of Toronto is the guest of ! her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Blackburn, i Miss A. Cuthberlson, ijtayoer, was the •. guest of Miss .\Hie Wilcox ever Sunday. I Mrs. Charles Irwin Passes Away. Mrs. Effie Irwin, relict of the late Charles Irwin, of the suburbs, passed away on Thursday morning last in her ninety-first year. Mrs. Irwio saw all the vicissitudes of pioneer life. She was born in Co. Fprmanaah, Ireland, where she married Mr. Charles Irwio, by whom she dandy East Mountain X number from here spent Victoria Day in Markdale. Mr.s. Welfth and two childreu visited friends in Keady recently. Ed. Fawcett ha.s invested in a new buggy. School was withdrawn here on the day of the king's funeral. Eddie Smith is home again fi-om the West. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Chard visited at R. McMullen's recently. Ed. Fawcett has sold his fancy driver. Mrs. A. J. Speers of Echo Bay called ' ^"'^ ^'^ children born in the old country, on her daughter here, Mrs. H. Perigoe,"" ^'f'y-o°e Je^^ ago the family came to J- ' last week. Dr. Em. Armstrong of Cobtlt spent a few days of last week with relatives in town. Fire did «12,000 damage ;to OBiien's fur store, CoUingvood, on Tuesday moruing. Mr. and Mrs. W. .7. Bellamy visited relatives in Nottawas;iga for a few days daring the past week. The wool season naa opened. Only a few loads have come in as yet. The price paid was from 21 t'l 23 cents. Misses Tiellie and Gladys and Mr. Ross Loucks, accompanied by Miss Lougheed ! and Mr. Jordan, of Meaford spent the i past week with Mr. and Jlrs. P. Loucks. ; The semiannual meeting of Artemesia | District L.O.L. Canada and settled nn the farm just out- aide the village corporation. On the journey out they landed at Collingwood, and the family walked to the ftriu taken up here, Mrs. Irwin carrying a three- nionths'-old bate all the way from Col- lingwood. The trip was made in two days. Mrs. Irwin was a strong, vigorous woman, and on one occasion lifted a bag containing 2^ busheb and carried it some thirty rods. The deceased lady was a consistent Methodist all her life and her home was always open to the ministr)- in early days. For 51 years she lived oD the homestead where she died, now owned by her .son, Samuel. The children left b ehiod are : Margaret (Mrs. Murphy), Toronto ; Catharine (Mrs. John Chislett), Ceylon ; Sarah will^Jbtf held in the lodsje j (Mrs. Jacob Thompson), Fleshe.rtou ; room of 1132 (Poy^iaw) on Tuesday, June j Oliver at Slk Lake ; Charles and Samuel, i4,'2"o'cirieWj|l.f.' sharp. E. Thompson, ' Fleshertun, the latter on, the homestead. Diat. Sec. j One daughter, Jane, (Mrs. McPhail), Mrs. T. E. Aiketihead and daughter, j Kenora, died only three weeks ago. Mr. Lydia, of Toronto, Kev. F. D. Goff and] Irmu predecoasea his wife twenty-ono wife of Clarksburg, and Dr. Armstrong j years agi. The funeral Jon Saturday to of Cobalt, visited Mrs. Fred Hickliog ; Flf shorten cemetery was largely attended, and Mrs. J. W. Aiiiistr<jng last week. , 'he service beiii? conducted by deceased's pastor. Re,'. Mr. Wellwood, assisted by Rock Mills Quite a number took in the sports at Feversham and Markdale on the 24th. Mr. Jas. Brodie of British Columbia, visited with his grand-daughter, Mrs. Sam. Badjerow, on Sunday. Miss Ella Phillips has gone on an ex- tended trip to Toronto, Dundas and Cleveland. Mrs. Thos. Gamey and two sons have moved to Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John Hargrave's little son spent Sunday List with Mr. J. Clark, near Singhampton. Mrs. Isaac Smith and Mrs. Wm. Ben- son, who have been very sick, are able to Oe around again. Miss Jescie Phillips of Toronto spent part of last week at M. Phillips'. Miss Eva Radlcy of Toronto is spend- ing a month with her mother, Mrs. John Radley. Joe Phillips spent last week with Toronto friends. The community sympathises with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fisher ii: the death of their youngest daughter by scarlet fever. Also Mr. and Mrs. Ja.s. Pedhir in the death of their eldest daughter by taking of morphine pills. Mr. and Mrs. B. Field spent Sunday with Maxwell friends. The writer enjoyed reading your letter, Mr. Editor, of the sketch you gave us of New Ontario. We are also glad when Wednesdays come around to get the newsy Advance. Your motto is certain- ly the best you could choose. 'Truth btfore favor. Principles, not men." 4 V A X C E A JuvE 2 1910 jL our young men. j We believe there are others who inten^ to follow in his foot- steps in the near future. The picnic to be lield under the aus- pices of the Women's Institute on Friday afternoon is expected to be a grand affair, and the ladlec intend to let the lords of creation sec what they can do along that line. Ml an? curdially invited. A splendid tea will be served from live to seven p.m. A starving sow ran amuck among a number of children who were playing on the roadside near Enniskillen and knock- ing down the ;i-year-old daughter of Mr. Martin Mossel, blacksmith of Enniskillen, proceeded to make a meal off the child. Her 7-year-old brother, with great pres- ence of mind, dragged the little girl away, the sow following and snapping viciously at her with its ceeth. The heroic action of her brother alone pre- vented the child being eaten by the sow. ^ Odds and Ends WANTED Girls Wantedâ€" Experienced general, also tirst class dining room girl for pri- vate boarding house. Wages f20. Mrs. B. Field, Strathlorn, 80 Gerrard street East, Toronto. The town council of Elmira recently granted their brass band |17o which they annually receive for maintenance. A brass band is a concern that reiiuires cash to keep it going and if a town de- sires to have such an organization they must be willing to support it. The peo- ple of Elmira evidently are. â€" Arthur Enterprise. Our Clubbing List The following prices are for strictly paid in advance subscriptionsoiily. We have no accounts with other papers. Flesherton .\dvsnce S 1 OU Youths Companion 1 75 Toronto World, daily 2 00 Toronto Daily News „ 1 30 Weekly Globe .. 80 Mail-Empire , 75 Family Herald & Star 80 . Toronto Star 1 30 Farmer Sun 80 Farmers Advooata . .* 1 30l Weekly Wit.jesc 75 ; Saturday Nitjht 3 00, Home Jouru:d 551 Poultry News.,:, I'l. Matt Webster and Bailey Outtimuto of Sbelhurne had lieeu trying to ahoot with a 32 revolver but it wouldn't go. When Matt got over a fence the revolver fell out of bis coat pocket and struck a log. The weapon exploded this time and j he got the bullet in the kna«u QbJEII^' day eveninu M^I.L^frWTt'^ .Toronto ""* ; have the X't^s br« 'e. \ 1 : 7i SPRING TERM FROM APRIL 1st. High grade departments of Business, Shorthand and Type writing. In dividual instruction. Students may enter at any time. Catalogue free. Coliingwood Business T E. HAWKINS Princioal College MISCELUNEOUS W. A. Armstrong licenses. issuer of marriage Buildings jacked up and moved on reasonable terras and satisfaction guaran- teed. J. A. Kennedy, Ceylon P.O. Good pasture t.) let on lots 171 and 172 in 2nd con., N. E. of T. «t. S. R. See or write to the undersigned. Joseph Watson, Portlaw, P. O. There will be a baseball match between the Maikdale and Flesherton clubs on the grounds here Thursday afternoon. Game called at 4 p m. A good game is expectea and a large crowd is hoped for. Capt. Richaicls<.>n has circulated post- ,ers calling for volunteers to attend this year's camp at Niagara, where ten thous- and volunteers will congregate. Co. No. 6 leaves here on June 7th, Application should be made at once. Mr. Richard Bentbam of the suburbs, accompanied by Mrs. Elijah Paul of Eu- genia, left on Tuesday for Elmvale to attend the funeral of the late Wm. Rown- ' Ue«Ta l)r(Jtliefcm;law of Mrs. Paul, wh» passed away on MonH»y^iB<ifniiig The Farmers' lastitute excursion to Guelph this year will be held on Satur- day, June 25tb, permitting school chil- dren to attend. If a school attends in a body responsible parties will be appointed to point out places of inteiest and look after the pupils. A mare belonging to Mr. Wm. Burnett of town was found in the pasture field one day last week with a front leg badly broken just above the foot. A vnterinaty was called but nothing could be done and the animal had to be shot. It i» supposed the break was caused by the animal stepping on a rolling stone. Mr. and Mrs, J. W, Bates of Toronto have, been the gueats of their many friends in this section during the past week, having driven up from the Queen city with their handsome team and out- fit. The Advance wa» pleased to receive a call from the worthy couple. Mrs. Bates was a much prized pupil of ye ed- itor's better half in bygone days. Rev. Mr. Wellwood preached an in- spiring sermon on "Empire Day" Sunday evening, pointing out that the idea found ^^^^^ birth in this countryâ€" Hamilton in tactâ€" «nd was enthusiastically adopte<l by other yorttona of the empire. Mr. Pask of London f>resided at the organ both niorn- ing and evening and his masterly touch was quite a Rev. Mr. Miiligan, Presbyterian minister. And thus has been removed ouu more of the very few now living of those who labored as pioneers in this township and brought It to the smiling perfection which I it has to-day attained. of Lady Bank rain and tine growing tele- with Plenty weather. Mr, Thomas Howard of the Bell phone company spenc a few days his family last week. Mr. Will Barber is visiting friends in Niagara. Halley's comet is on view now on clear nights and appears quite inoffensive. We were led to believe, owing to the amount of advertising it received, that something fearful and wonderful would break on our wondering eyes, but our fears are at rest on this subject. It will not trouble us on its return visit. Miss Izard is visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm. Poole. The masons are engaged plastering Mr. Harbottle's new residence. Mr. Bravender is the guest of Mr. Harboitle. The undersigned is prejvired to do all kinds of stonework and plastering. Re- pairing promptly attended to. J. O. Patton, Flesherton. Box 241. Eugenia Women's Institute will hold a a picnic on June 3. Tea .served in the evening. Neighboring branches cordially invited. All members are requested to bring basket.s. Mr. Wes. Buskin has opened an ice cream parlor iu his block near the P. O., where he will supply the choicest ice cream, soft drinks, cigars, fruit, etc.â€" an up-to-date parlor. Look in and see it. 8 th Line, Artemesia. Who has not .seen the comet ? Fine growing weather ai. present. All prospwts of good crops, MLss Niergart of Hanover, spent a few days la.st week with her sistor. Miss Laura. Mr. Charlie Hauley spent 24th with friends in Toronto. Mr. .and Mrs. T. Wilcock, Toronto, were v isitors at the home of the latttjr's aunt, Mrs. J. Magee, recently. Mr. Jas. Cai-son hiis the contract of gathering the cream from tliLs side lor the M:u'kdale creamery. Mrs. McDonald, sr., of Dundalk, is spending a few weeks with her sou, Donald. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Genoe spent a day i lost week with Mr. and Mi's. J. Walker, Kimberley. &lr. J. Hemphill and daughter, Minnie, of Toronto, were guests at Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Magee 's last week. Mr. Andrew Dow left Tuesday for Swift Current, Sask., where he intends locating land. Vandeleur. Miss Myrtle Hunt of Traverston was the guest of her friend. Miss Mary Prit- chard, one day hist week. Some thirty members of Vandeleur Division, S. O. T., drove to Markdale and had their pictures taken in a group. Mis. Fred Boknd and two children are visiting friends at Credit Forks this Mr. Wilfrid Cullis returned home on Saturday after a month's visit with bis ! UDcle at Beaverdale. Councillor Graham is busy these days revelation to those who snperiniendingths operating of the road ihought the organ a poor piece of furni- ; grader and stone crusher, ture. His playing was very much Miss Ina of Markdale was the gueat of j^^precialed. Miss Sadie Warling over Sunday. \Tho egg collecting business has been at j Mrs. R. Smith of Markdale visited a vandatill hare for • couple of weeks friends here last week. owing to the firm o£ Lluyd & Scully at g^^jj Tboun>8on has been laid up for Owen Sound, who owned the businew, ^j,, p.^^ y,^^ ^.^h apendicitis. Under beina driven throuah a financial "blow. " i p^ g^^., ^^^ j,g „ recovering nicely. Arrangements have been completed I ^^ j ^^^^ ^^^ ,^^ ^,^^,^ jj^^kiln is whereby a naw firm, to be known »« M. , ^^^^.^^^ ,.^^^^ ^^ Kimberley this week. Scully A Co., take over the business here. , ^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ ,^ ^^^^.^^ ^ b„^^. Mr. Scully has now no connection with i ^^^ ^^^ ,^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^, ^^^^^ . the Sauk or Owen Sound blanches of the . .,,„™. . ^, , former business and will devote his whole I ^r. and Mrs. Will T.mmms of Gleuelg attention to this point. The two wagons , ^pent Sunday at John \\ arlnig s. were again started on the toad Monday Mr. A. Carson and family of Priceville morning. < v I "«'• visitors at S. Gilbert's recently. Eugenh. Fine growing weather. Vegetation a present is rapid. Seeding done. Roots put in. Farm°rs can now sit on the fence and whistle while the crops grow. I hear some poachers have been using nets in the Beaver river. Is there no game warden to look out for law breakers? Mrs. Large, sr., of Owen Sound, was the guest of her son at the postofhco store for a few days. Master Kenneth Large accompanied his grandma home for a visit at Owen Sound. Miss Julia Parliament of Paisley is the guest of her sister, Mrs. T. E. Fenwick. Miss Barbara Thompson of Proton drove home Saturday to visit her mother. Mrs. Purvis, sr., who has spent the winter with hei sou in Toronto, has re- turned for a visit to her old home. Mr. Onciir Towell has gone to Toronto to take a position on the boats. The Stoughton, Sask., Times, says : " Harvey Lunam and Miss Florence Carr surpi'isod their many friends on Saturday evening last by arriving ID Stoughton in connubial bli.HS and stating they had launched forth on the matrimonial sea some time before. It is not known just where the young couple will reside, but we join with their friends in wishing them long life and happiness" As Miss Carr w.is one of our moat highly esteemed young Eugenia young ladies, a Urge circle of friends here tender her and her husband congratulations, wishing them prosperity and happiness in their far western hoi.ie. Mr. Harry Foester is wonderfully im- pMvint' his plato. It will snon be the handsouysit privale property at Eugenia. We4l>i>g b^lls will seou ripg for one of Now is the time to lay in a stock of pure Manitolm and blende! family flour l)efore it gets dearer which it is suie to do. A full stock of Cream of the West, Toronto Prido, Mc- Gowau's, Eclipse and all the best urand.s, at lowest prices, at Spruule, Higgin- bothaiu & Co's, Flesherton. A call for examination respectfully solicited. Commencing on the 2nd. of May and contiuuiiin through the summer our prices will be as follows : shirts 10 cents, collars 2 cents, cutfs 4 cents per pair, vests 10 cents, handkerchiefs 1 cent, s'jiunier underwear .j cunts. stKks 5 couts per pail-, spreads 10 cents, quilts 15 cents, feather ticks 20 cents and other articles so cheap thit it doesn't pay you to bother with your washing. We have every facility for turniii!; out the work in a proper manner and we are here ti.i slay. Markdale Steam Laundry. Andy Wil- son, Flesherton Agent. FOR SALE Fresh fish on hand â€" try one â€" U. Rad- ley, Flesherton. Good second hand top buggy for .sale. Snap. I. H. Perigoe, Flesheitou. ^ Wool- Wantedâ€" Wool ^ We are again on the market to buy wool, washed or unwashed. We have m^de this market in the past and will ceirtaiuly boom it this year again. We intend to pay the highest market price along this line. Depend upon it. Bring your wool and trade to us. You will get aatisfacliwu iu every way, which will certainly entice you back. Cement How about your cement for the basement or floors of barn or house. We are expecting a cur of Cunadas' best cement in any day. We have .satisfied you perfectly in the past, and depend upon it you are getting the best on the market. Beware of poorer grades. Our price is $2.00 per barrel. Seed Corn, Etc. First class seed in either North Dakota or Crompton's Early. Perfect seed at rjcklxiltom price, 4A cents per pound, or $2 GO per busbeL You caa't beat it. Turnip, mangle, beet seeds, just opened up. Also rapa, millet, etc., anything you want, just call on us. Purity Flour. Sold again, .\rriving this week another car of that now famous Purity flour, which is taking the lead all over thi^ country."" Yooi?~ neighbor is buyini; it and telling his neighbor. Get in the ring and you will be satisfied. This car composes Purity Flour, Three Star Flour, Bran, Shorts and Low Grade Flour. Prices : Puiity Flour, per Iwrrel $6.00 Three Star Flour, per barrel 5.50 Low Grade Flour, per 100 i>ounds 1.65 Shorts, per 100 pounds 1.35 Bran, per 1<X) pounda 1.25 Ruberoid Roofing. The oldest roofing on the aiaricot. The origin il and is yet unsurpass- ed. If you are thinking of rooting your barn or house, why come in and get our price. Put it on, yourself, tave the price, and buy from ^ F. G. KARSTEDT. Flesherton ^ Buggy for sale â€" nearly new and good as new. Cheap. A. Wilson, Flesheiton. Lime For Sule â€" .\ kiln of fresh lime for sale at lot 29, O. D. R., Artemesia. W. J. Meads, Ceylon P. O. Now is the time to lay in a stock of bran, shorts, chop, and chicken feed be- fore it gets scarce la'er. A full stock at lowest piices at Sproule, Higginbothaui & Go's, Flesherton. Arriving daily at Sproule, Higifinboth- am's, Flesherton, and selling like hot cakes, prime Government Inspected Tim- othy, Red, Mammoth, and AUike Clover Seed â€" selling very cheap, considering the prime <{uality. For sale very cheip, for cash or easy terms, the following articles to close some estate accounts â€" 1 iron carpenter's bench Vice, 1 open Clothes Dresser, 1 good oak Rain Barrel, a uuml)er of empty Fish Kegs, make excellent soft soap or swill barrels, only 25c each ; £-shelf Kitchen Stand, 1 pair Steel Yards, weighs 260 lbs. ; 1 'good oak Da.sh Churn, churns about 4 gals. ; almost good as new ; 1 Toronto Fanning Mill, new, with Iwtg- ger and sieves complete ; 1 seit Inm Har- rows, and 1 Frost and Wood combined Seed Drill in good working condition. All of the above will be sold very cheap for cash or time, as the owner has no further use for tbein, and no place in which to keep them.â€" R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. Grain and Seeds â€" do you require aeed oats, peas, Ijarley, buckwheat, timothy, red, raaniuKth, alsiko and alfalfa clover, P'ire fi-esh garden and uiauule seeds, Dutch Setta, potato onions or any other kind of gardon or lield seeds of purest and best, quality f Call on Sproule. Hijtgiubotham & Co , Flesherton. A full stock :>n hand and at lowest prices, as they intke a speciality of grain and seeds. LOST AND FOUND i Cbe Old Reliable Lostâ€" A buggy cushion between Flesh- erton and Kimberley on Thursday, May 5th. D. Weber, Kimberley. Strayedâ€" From lot 13, con. 7. Osprey, one while sow about 2 years old. .Any- one giving ill format ion that will lead to her recovery will be rewarded. Georgty Ross. Maxwell P.O. a? Shoe Store After all has been said the tinal test of a boot is its wearing qualities. C AYTON'S have them in summer shoes for men, women and children â€" black, tan and patents. We also have the W. B. H. u^T iu staple.s of solid leather for solid wear. "We have also trunks and suit cases. Custom work and repairing done. CLAYTON'S X^^!^ m The Markdale Music House I Toronto To Intended Buyers; If you want a first-cla,ss piano or organ call here. '.sell such high (iradu pianos as the Heintzman, Newcombe, and StMiley, Willis piniios and player pianos, of Montreal ; and the Wi»I Knabe A Co., of Baltimoreâ€" and other makes. ans such as the Thomas, of Woodstock, and Sherlock-Manning oraaas ^Infdr organs of Ltmdon â€" both for homes and chucches. Any of taewi goods sold on term.s lo suit the buyer. C* f • Olilson, markd^lt -^•(tf;-^ ^

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