Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 2 Jun 1910, p. 8

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JUi». ^TH' One Dose Tor Coughs Children cough at night? Give them AVer's Cherry Pec- toraL Often a single dose at bedtime will completely control the cough. Good for any one with a cold or cough. Good for easy cases, hard cases; good for acute cases, chronic cases. Aslc your doctor to tell you, honestly and fr^fikly, just what he thinks of this old sta ndard re medy. |No alcohol in tfeis coug h medicine. j.c.AueTCo.,Uwell.Ma»*. 'h litv IbrtT i J^dST HM^S^AnlflMve biato denwids «n active Ihrtf . Wo b«ttw hSiei?b«!i»d*ri»t2MiAya»PdU. Ask your doctor .boot them. Hetaowfc Business Cards WALTER LOUCKB Guilder nd Cniitr&ctor For Brick, Stone »nd (ratne renidencoH. E»- timatea cheerfully furri»bed, Klesliertou 1' O Ontario. MCUUbOUOH t YOUNU iiankem Markdale 00a r*iera1 banking buaiuesa. Money lo«Dad at reasonable rater Call ou ua. A little girl full iuto the Hume nt Hariijon's mill, Owen Sound, but wiis rescued none the worse. I The Wonderful Lower Canadian French Sire French Negro DESCUIPTION French Negro \>>. a handsome black horse, weighing 1500 lbs . ten years old, with strong bono and powerfully l.uilt,- I with excellent style and action that i« found in * lower Canadian French horse, v^mmiuioner in H.C J., Auctionee Con- L„j ^^.jll p,.ojluce a cl-.iss of horses that SrK;tate''i:n'd'"?n.orV"n'ce^°g%*.?t.'Dl.^dt:l will bring the highest prce on the n.ar- leaHes iud will" carefully drawn | ket to-day. They have also the trench lilood which no horseman can contradict TCHISLiKTT, • I'o«tma»t«-r, 'leylon. CominiBeiontr in H.C. J .Conveyancer, deeda, uiort«a«eR, leaaea, wills etc. carefully drawn up JOllcctions tnad.>. cbaryca reasonable. Also groceries, Do'jr. feed etc. kept iu stock, Priceir ri«|ht. D J 8FKOULE A Postmaster, Fleaberton aaorteages, - . op and valuations made on sborteat ncucy 2'onTrto'loaVatTo>.rrite;^of-inUr_os^:Co^^ , he greatest const itutionod horsca In "â€"'"'"- the world. In VJffl French Negro's colts won 21 tii-sts at these places : Owen Sound, Chat*worlh, Kilsyth, Desboro, one at Meaford and one at Clarksburg. French Negro won first prize for stallion and five of his colls at Meaford. Terms--To insure a foal $10. payable Ist Jan., I'Jll. Season roarfs $8. single leap $U. ROrTK FOR 1910. Mondayâ€" Will leave Fevershani hotel ections attended to with • . - â-  â-  cbarges low. Asent for Ocean l^minlon Btaamship Comjiany. A call solicited. DMcPHAIL. Liceii8e<i Auctioneer for the • County of (iroy. Terms moderate aud satisfaction Ruaranteed. The arraogoments and dates of sales can be made a*. Thk Advance office. Uesidencc and P.O., Ceylon, Telephone connection. Dec. 6.07. W" K.AITTING, liicensed Auctioneer the counties â€" Maxwelil The Osprey townshijjl Sunday school convention will be held*,, at Maxwell on .June 17th. The afler/uon nession will be held iti the Method||st church and the evening session in the Presbyterian. J. ("oulthaid, Adily Heron and Wm. Scutt have been iinprovnig the parnonage lot by cutting down Honie trees. If any' one runs out of work there are three or four more large trees to be removed. .\ number of Max wellites intend tak- ing in the Providence ice cream social next Monday nigbt. Mr. George l.inley and a friend visited at his parental home on the 4th, A very enjoyable evening was spent by I lie young people at the home of Mrs. liilliard last Thursday. Mias Mary Ueron is welcomed back in the Methodist choir. We are very sorry to learn of Mr. James Kadley's serious illness with heait trouble. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Browniidge spent » ftiw days with friends in Dun- troun. Bornâ€" On May i\, to Mr. and Mrs. Hindle, a daughter. Miss Minnie .lamieson, Mclntyre, vis- ited with her sister, Mrs. Uindle, on Sunday. The Domlni'in Govsrnment have put into force » regulation pasted at the late session, making it « serious criminal oflbnce to pick up mineral ore around a mine. But they considerately waited until the newspaper men had i>aid Cobalt district a visit before putting it into force.â€"Grand Valley 8t>ir. Hanover will vote on a bylaw to a new town hall. for of tirey and Bimcoe. Farm and stock sales a specialty. Terms .uoderate. â- atisfaetiou guarautted. Aijaoge- , .nents for dates may be made at the Advance , wlDce. or a: T. Hutchinson's store, teversham ; - ,. , by addressing me at Feversham, Ont. and proceed nt.rth to the 12th line, then Rt'DD MATHKWK, Markdale, auctioneer for the county of Uroy, Good service at reascnable made at The Advance. rates. o09 Licensed od Dates can be J HAKVEY PKKIGOE, west by Cooper's corner to H. McMuUen's for noon ; then by way of 4th line to Eu- aenia at 3 o'cl<x;k for one hour, then to Richard Hoy's for night. broker, Fleshorton. ' Tuesdayâ€" By Flesherton to Markdale General brokerage business. Insurance of „ . ii, ,„ 1,„ TJ„«I,„1„„ tr. HnlUiid every kind placed in safe and liberal companies. ; for noon ; then by Berkeley to HOllailU Keal estate etc.. Open accounts and jiast due , Centre for night and Wednesday forenoon notes handled and money advanced thereon, i " .. i . i i i., ^nii,.:^„ Correspondence solicited. Wednesdayâ€" At 1 o clock by 40th side- ' jrmd to 10th line, Holland, then south to \Wm. Lyons', town line, for night, •North <m townline to Gor Ceylon Medical _ iS Ont, Physic Office and residenceâ€" Peter St., Flesherton rvR CATtTF-B . , „ 1/ M CP& S Ont, Physician, Snrgeon.etc -r-^<!L.'?TTr.W.»CL IS â-  •'Ye'tcrinary Surgeon Gradnate of Ontario Veterinary residauce â€" sscond door south jk*r» street. This street Prestytcrian Church. College, west* on runs south H WILSON, Klacksmith „ , Uraduate of too Veterinary Selene Association. Durham street. opi>oalte Boyd, Kro"s hardware. Dentistry Dr E. C. MURRAY L. D. K , dcnUl surgeoii bonoi Kraduste of Toronto University and yal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, I admisiiilstered for teeth extraction oe at residence, Toronto Street, Fleslierton. Legal UCAS. RASEY* W.\LLA< •R-Bariisters. liollcitors.etc.-I. B. Lucas K. C: W. r.. Haney, K. < '. : J. "• O- Wallace. OfBcea. Toronto. BOG-'J Tiadcrs Bank BldC., phone main 14Ii: Markdale Lucas Block. Phone 2 A. Branch oOice at Dundalk open every Saturday. ,,, , , Darrister, Solicitor, Convey 'ancer, etc.,â€" Owen Sound, and Fleaberton. N Bâ€" Fleahertou oOice, Sproule's Block every Saturday WH.WKIGHT, a Societies O V \9 meats ou the last Monday in each month, in their lodge room ..... M. iV. haw, / Kln„ W.J. BeLamy. VisitiDg bretbran Invitwl / Norris' block. Flesherton, at » P-m- M. W., / -*.«'«».. Harrison i Kec... C._rf^ Munshaw, â-  *» ) QBINCR r A M, ARTHUR LODGE, No. HSS.A.F.A meets in the Masonic hall. Arm- strongs Block,Flaaberton, every Friday on or before the (all Biocn, Tbos, Blskely.W.M.; Herb.Bmitti, Setrstary. C'OUBT FLESHERTON, 996, I. 0. F. UJaets id Claytons Block the last Wednesdav evening of each month. Visiting Foresters heartily welcome. H. K., Dyson; B. B., T. Het^ry; Fin. Sec , C. N. Richardson. .^ « . Please pay dues to Fin, Sec. before the first davoftba montfa. mdiiMtJ* FBIENDS-Flaaharton Oonnon ot « Chosen Priands meets In Claytons hall first and third Wednesday of eacli month H > "? Pav assessments to the Becorder on or before the first Si«r of each month. Chief Councillor T. Blakelev; Becorder W. H. Bout. Farms For Sale or Rent DAIli: I .)Il SALE-One hundred acres in - 'iice'llentoondition, good sugar «<"â- â- ". "'• bam, OOxTO, stone sUbling, well watf*?. *»ter In stable, windmill on well and bain, every •"AlVoMMfietof Uinch black piping, and floubls acUiiB l>cwer puroi). Apply to CHA8. 8TAKKOHD, Flesheiton^ ''"B- JTAUM _ Apply to JOHN wmOHT, FlesbertoD. TO RENTâ€" 100 acres, I^AHM Full HALK-Very cheap, 100 seres, ' lot » con. 7. Osprey, only »:I000, reasonable •ash payment, balance easy terms. 8.;. acres cleared, well fenced and iu high state of cu ti- vatiou, balance timbered, Kood cosofortable frame dwelling, stone cellsr under, never fall- iBRsH'Ing wbIY aud wimluiill pump at door, t,ew frame barn, well finished, stone stablii « with spring water under, also iu shed. It Is rttuated luiilo Iron. Maxwell village where thors are stores. i>o»t olBces. good scln/Ol, ,.>»â- .. .. â- â-  -J â- â- â- -â- :•â€" 'rom railway lated i i»oe Iron) uaxwuii v'l" rs are stores. i>o»t oBlces. go 1 is on the gravel road.OJ miles fr< Uon. It sold at once, above prii •od station VERY CHEAP ,, .,. „ Arndy to It. J. Bl'KOULK THOMAS GUY, on premises. _ rice, though might be sba»iod a little. Klesherton, or tf 1/or sale cheap or rent, immediate posaesfloo, â-  LotaOccn. M, Artcmesia, about 78 acroB clear, comlorUble log l.o\i«e and frame barn. Apply to B J Suroule, Flesherton, or John J Msrtin, aorosa the road from said lot. ITor sale cheap and on easy terms, good com- •T foilable frame dwelling, stable and driving tiouse with tli'iB village lots in C»'ylon- Dwell- ing well built aud finished and good bearing •rebard on the property. Apply to wicuu 1 Jrj 8M«)£i.Kj;ieshertoD^ orioTcou-C Osprey containing 100 acres, HO cleared, fiauie house, frame barn, stone fouodstlou; oichsrd, well watered. One thousand down and balance to suit purchaser. Immediate iwssossion Apply to B. N, KiNNEA* Maswell P. O, Bulls, etc., for Service. r^OR 8EUVICKâ€" Shorthorn Bull, No. 74S05â€" Ix)t lis, <'on. 2, West T. and 8- Boa( «u »), payable Ist Ja^ ""1. .loH.s rfei - hook's I*d, No. TiBW, on 'loV 15 con. 8 Terms •>. JAMES BLKN8, Fevershani, Out. Osprey, Beriubires and Tamworthi. I bsvs now for sale a tew very eholos Beik- sblre pigs, nearly ready to weani Hurry your order and get the best. „„ „ wriw . a GEO. W. ItOSB, Maswell P. O. Thursday insj sideroad to R<jcklyn for noon ; then by Eppin^ east to U. Maxwell's for night. Friday -By Heathcote through Clarks- burg to Gunn's hotel, riioiiibury, for noon ; then by 8th lino to Sheldon Mey- ers', Uavenn*, for night. Saturday- Ea.st by Banks, then south to J. A. McLean's, Gibraltar ; then south to townline by Buckingham's sideroad to Fevershani until Monday iiioriiing. .JOHN FINDLAY, Prop, and Collector, Meaford, Ont. Custom Weaving The undersigned is now prepaircd to do all kinds of Custom Weavinsf. Plain, Twilled and Salinetle, Carpets, rugs 'and Hammocks a Specialty. Hit and Miss Rag.s, Colored SVarp found, 20 cents per yard, .Striped rags extra. Wm. LEES, Flesherton, Ont Mr. Thomas Wansboroof Fergus spent some days last week visitinst with his son, the night operator at the C.P.R. station here, and his many old-time friends at Ceylon and vicinity. Mrs. White of Proton visited at her son's, W. E. While's, of this place last week. Mrs. J. T. Chislett mot with an acci- dent when returning from attendinR her mother's funeral. Near the top of the Orange hall hill they mot an aulcinobile at which their horse took fright and be- came unmanageable, ran up the bank and threw them out. Fortunately J. T. hiiiLself, who was driving, escajicd and hung to the horse. As it was the buggy top was bswUy broken up. Their daugh- ter, Ettie,'got a foot slightly injured. We are pleased to be able to re|)ort that Mi-s. C. is up and around again. Mrs. George Cushnie and son, of Mt. Forest, spent part of last week visiting her mother, Mrs. H. Tucker. Mrs. Ed. Sargent, jr., of Owen .Sound, after spending two weeks wi'.h her friends at Ceylon, has returned l^^e. Mri;. T. Chislett, accompanied by Mrs. F. 0. Karstedt, spent a couple of days with her daughter at Owen Sounil. Mrs. Karstedt remains a few days longer with her niece. Mr. Stanley McMullen is home from Toronto, lo remain at home for some time. Horse Routes for 1910 WALTER T, MOND,\Y-Will leave his own stable, Priceville, by town line to Patterson's corners : thence west to Wth sideroad, north to 8th con., and by way of Tra- verston to Wm. Bceton's, 10th Glen- elg, for noon ; thence by Edge's Settle- ment to Middaugh House, Durham, for night. TUESDAY- To Donald McFad- den's for noon ; thence by way of gravel to Rob Roy f'jr one hour and to his own stable for night. WEDNESDAY- By gravel road to six corners and by way of Snell's corners to Toronto line, liOth side road and (o John Boland's for noon ; thence by way of Irish Lake, home. THURSDAY â€" By Hanison's mill to James Gide's, Egrenionl, for noon and to Swinton Park and home for night. FRIDAYâ€" To Win. Meads' for noon ; thence by way of Vause's to South Line and home for night. SAMUEL THOMPSON, Proprietor. ANGUS KENNEDY, Manager. PERCY PERFORMER ; Mo.siiAY, May 9 â€" Leave his own stable, Bowniore House, Duntroon, at 9.30 a.m. and proceed to Brown's Hotel.Singhanip- ' ton, noon ; night Maxwell. Tuesdayâ€" Noon, Flesherton; night Markdale House Markdale, until VVednesday noon; thence to J. Manary's, lot 17,con.lO, Euphrasia, for night. Thirsdavâ€" Noon, Rooklyn; for night, Chas. Hill's, lot 17, con. 11, CoUingwood township. Frikay â€" Noon, Arthur Stoutcnburg's, Banks ; night, Cook's Hotel, Collingwood. Satvkdavâ€" Proceed to Cnughlin's Hotel, Stsyner.for iiuor. ; to his own stable Duntroon, until the following Monday nioining. Termsâ€" To insure 812 payable January ' loth 1911. Cu.stoniers aio reijiiested to meet horse at stands. J, W. Manarey, Duntroon. J. B. PATTON PAINTER â€" l'.A.PF,R lUXOER 'Sijrn Paintiiif; and High-class DciuratinK A Specialty. Work taken in any jxirt nf the country. Office at . . . FLRSHKR TON, ONT -i^vj SPUING TERM atlhe Owen Sound Commences Tuesd.'iy, March 29, 1910. NDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION IN ALL BUSINESS SUBJECTS. Jnfoi-roation Free. C.A. Fleming, Principal. 0. D.Fleming, Secretary. NOTICE is hereby Riven pursuant to the re- vised Statutes uf Ontario, 181)7, Chap. 120 that all he creditors and others havinfi claims s«ainse tloi estate of th« said .Mary McRae, whodiedoiior-sbout the ninth day of April, 1910, are roiuired uu or before the 28tb dsycf May 1910, to send bv post pre- paid or deliver to .Alexander Muir, Cejlon, Ont.. or to John SIcFayden' Ceylon. Oot„ Executors of the last Will and TestameuS of the said Mary McKae deceaseil, their christian and surnames, addresses aud de- scriptions, the full particulars of tl'eir claims, the ststeDieut of their accounts and the nature of the securities (if an>) held by them. AND KURTHEU TAKE NOTICK that after such last moiitiouiid date the said executors will proceed to distribute thu assets of the de- ceased among the parties entitled therero. having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to anv person or persons of whose cUini notice shall not have been re- ceived by them at the time of such distdbu tioo. W. H. WRIGHT, Rolicitor for F.xecutors, Alexander Muir aud John McFayden Dated April :Mrd, 1910. C. J. BELLAMY'S Hardware Hints The fencing season is now on. Come in and look at our Frost Fence, matle by the Frost Wire Fence Company of Hamilton. We are the only agents for this wire in Flesherton. We have the S-strand fence made out of all number 9 Frost coil spring wire at 35 cents per rod. Also the 9-strand fence made out of all number 9 Frost coil spring wire at 40 cent.s per rod. t' The ImporteJI Clydesdale Stallion Our coil spring wire is going fest at 2.70 hundred. per SEASONABLE IN GOODS FURN I TUBE The largest and best stock of Furniture ever shown in Flesherton. This without fear of con- tradiction. Come and see some of the nice things in Side Boards, Dining Room Chairs, Parlor Setts, Bed Room Setts. A special i-educ- tlon just now on every- thing, in order to re- dace the stock, . . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesherton Ceylon Meat Market All kinds of fresh and smoked meats, head cheese, sausage, always on hand Cash |)aid lor hides. Je HcCLOCKLIN T^G ompsons ./ Brown Leghorns Eihihitlon and utility slock, won more Ist and special prizes than all other birds in com- petition, including special best male and special best female, any breed or type : special best pair leghorns, cockere! and iiiillcl, v.tt,\, Orey, 1009, Birds for sals, Fggs for hatchiug that will produce winasrs, Satislsolion .r.,>..ed. _„,(;„A,<D ALLEN. . FlMbsrton, Oct, \ Bread ilclivered regu- larly and kept for aalo at the following ..tores: Collinson's and .1, Pattison's, (^'eylon W.Aldcorn * Son's and P. Mc-\rlhur"s Priceville N, McCannell's Pr<)ton Station R. Heivm's, Maxwel\ A. Hutchinson 'm immI Eli Robinson's Feversbitm H. Cairns', .I.E.Urge; and R.Parkft', Eiigei Bakery \ Not Incumbent, Only Expedient. The Flesherton .\dvance proposes this ({Ueation : "Will somelxHly kindly tell us why it is "up to" th* temperance people to provide accommodation when local option is |)as8ed V What's the answer?" From our point of view it is not incum- bent upon temperance people to do any such thing. But if temperance people enter upon • local option contest it is, as a matter of prudence, and in the Interests of the cause which they espouse, eipedient and wise for them lo look a little ahead and make some sort of provision for the accommodation of travellers and farmers in case the emsrgency should arise. If the provision is adequately made it is not likely that it would be utili/.ed. â€" Mt. Forest Confederate. BARON SHALLOCH No. 15701], foaled May, I'JtJ.V Brown face and fe«r white. Diini--Naney of Challoch [10070] (KiliiU, lily of Chal- loch [10071[ (l.'taio), Fanny of Challoch [10072] (8707), Magj;ic. Sire -- Baron's I'lide [.â- Â«(;7J (!I12'_>), Ornament [:)421] (10(!0;l), Mains of Airies [2805] (1(«79A Old Tiaies (579), Largs Jock (444), Uobl K'.y (714). ROUTK Monday niornins; will leave his own j stable, lot 105, East Hack Line, li iiiiloi' fnim Markdale, and proceed to Berkeley ' hotel for noon, thence lo .\ndre\v Priel'sl lor niiilit. Tuesday - Noon to Dornoch, ) and remain till Wednesday morning, ' thence to James .\lliston's, 10th line, { Olenelg, for noon, and to Douual Mc- cuimick's for night. Thursday â€" Noon to John MoVickor's for noon, to Georye Pittersan'.s, 4i,h line corner, for night. Friday â€" Cairn's hotel, Ceylon, for noon ; Munshaw's hotel, Flesherton, for nisht, SHtuvday'morning will proceed up the gravel road to Markdale for noon. Fur particulars see folders. Terms $12. JA.S. BRADY, T. MERCER, Mansfier. Proprietor. 1IE mm. Carefully Corrected Each Week Wheat,.., 1»5 to 05 Oats . , , . 32 to :12 Peas . , , . .,.. 76 lo 76 Barley . . 45 to 50 H.y 10 00 to 10 00 Butter 17 to Eags, fresh, , 18 'o Potatoes per bag ^ 40 to Geese..,. 10 to Ducks 1 1 to Chickens 12 to Turkeys 18 to Wool 21 to C, J. Bellamy, - Flesherton Fine meatber Booms millinery With every day warmer than the day btfore and the appearance that tine weather is g'ling to slay, stimulates the demand for hat.s ([uick. Though wo are busy, we are not overlookinjt orders, ii^'cry hat goes out with cartful aitenlion. We have jmt received a casf of new shape.", braids and (lowers. 'v^ ' â€"â€" Beautiful new Dress Goods 3u$t Hrrived Among which are to be seen the latest shades in wisteria, the new rose shades with pale blues, also very pretty shades in browns, blues and greens. Slinntun^ linens and rep the correct thing for that new summer suit in the diftVrent shades of rose, russet, green, wisteria, linen, etc. Dainty Dress Itluslins A good ra»ge to choose from ranging in piice from 9 to 20 cents. Uestinas and Crossbar muslins Nothing makes up much prettier for the ncv tailored blou.ses than ihe vestings and crossbar muslins. We have just received a big rsnga ill tlic.se and you will lind quality and desik^n the best. Wo also have a full line of white blouses, fancy and tailored. Ladies fancy and embroidered linen collars. Jabots, frillings and cords, a good assortment. Special in (Indersfcirts We hare a number of good black sateen underskirts in all siises. While they last at 50 cents. Lace curtains are now in demand and we have just what will suit you ranging in price from 25 to $2.50 per pair. .\ few more of those good Canadian and English prints at 8 and 9 cents per yard. In eenis furnishings we never have had a more up-to-date line. You will find our fancy hose hard to beat-. Do not fail to seejp.«)MMa||H' ______^_ _ shirts aud ties. , j^-^ Our new spring suits have just amved,«hich will pay you to call and see before buying elsewheie. The styles, <]uality and prices are light. Hats and caps in all the new .sprin^styles. Everything you need in boots und shoes. Wall papers a specialty, paintfl and varnishes, hardware, groceries and confectionery, k full stock. Fruits in their season. J.' E? LARGE, ; Eugenia I* 9^ m\ A stroniTi rich 9Uper-Elutened Flour from hard Wostern Wheat Makes good bread ^^' ''l':ji^^'" \ YF OLOL MILLER ofth All that the name implies Tho Campbell Milling Company, Limited, Toronto Tors4il<by$prouk, l$i0dinbotl)am&c:o./Flesl)erton, andSas* Pattisoii, Ceylon.

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