Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Jun 1910, p. 7

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., » ' WHY BACKS ACHE flie Kidneys Seldom to BImbâ€" TliB Trouble Due to Blood Impurities There is more iiansense talked about backache than any other dis- ease. Some people have been fright- ened into the belief that every backache means deadly kidney trouble. That is utter rubbish. As a matter of scientific fact not one backache in twenty has anything to cio with the kidneys. Most back- aches come Irom sheer weakness and kidney drugs can't possible cure that. You need something to brace you up and give you new strength and that is exactly what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will do. Other backaches are really muscu- lar rheumatism, and Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have cured the worst ca!:es of rheumatism by driving the poisonous acid out of the bloud. Other backaches are the symptoms of ordinary ailments such as influ- enza, indigestion, constipation and hver complaint. In women back- aches often come from the troubles tbat follow so surely on any weak- ness or irregularity in the usual blood supply. The one way to cure these backaches is to strike at the root of the trouble with Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, which enrich the blood and bring strength to aching backs and weak nerves. Mr. Alex. Ccckburn, Deloraine, Man., says: "About three years ago I suffered terribly from backache. 1 consult- ed a doctor and took his medicine, ai)d wore a plaster, but did not get the least relief. Then I got a belt, but this was as useless as the other treatment, and my suffering still continued. Then one of my friends asked me why I did not try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I got a box. Before they were all used there was some improvement in my condition and I got three bo.xes more. By the time I had taken these all the signs of the pain had "gone, and as it has not since re- turned I feel that the cure is per- manent. My only regret is that I did not hear of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills sooner, for not only would I have got rid of the pain sooner, but woijld also have saved some twenty-five dollars uselessly spent in other treatments." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all dealers in medicine or may be had by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. • YOUTHFUL BOBBERS. A well organized band of boy robbers, led by a ferocious chief- tain aged 13, have just been cap- tuTed by the police of Sopron, Hungary, says the Loi.don Daily Mail. The band consisted of eleven lads, aged from 8 to 13 years, who ha<i left ^heir parents for a life of adventure. They lived in a large cave, and during the last three months have committed 123 robber- ies and one murder. In the cave booty to the value of $25,000 was found. The young chieftain, who shot and seriously wounded the po- liceman who was sent to arrest him, has been sentenced to ten years confinement in a reformatory. Flora â€" "I like you as a friend, Mr. Jenks, but I could never marry you. Have I made myself perfect- ly plain?" Jenks â€" "Well, you may have had something to do with it; but I should say that Nature was the chief offender." Yonr DrnarRTint "Mill T«I1 Yon Murine Eye KemcUy Uelleves Sore Kyos, BtrciiKthcn.'j Weak Eyes. Doesn't Smart, Soothes Eye Pain, anil Sells for 50c. Try Mniine In Your Eyes and Vn Baby's Byes for Scaly Eyell(l.s and Granulation. NO USE FOR S.>IART SET. King George and Queen Hory do nof Care for Them. As has been recorded already, neither the new King nor the Queen is credited with any liking fur what i* called the smart set. It is now recalled that last autumi Queen Mary was staying at a house I pfnty in the country which i.-.clud- ed three or four members of the uhra smart set, whose conversa- I tier, at dinner waa also ultra smart. The Princess; as she then was, i 1 participated very little in it. Af- ' I terward, when the ladies were in ' ' the drawing room, the Princess ' opened a workbag, drew from it a woollen sock and. taking her i j stund on the hearthrug, proceed-] I ed to knit. j 'â-  For over an hour she remained ' stock still almost, absorbed in her, wtrk, and while she stood the ul- | , tra smart ladies, whose usual form! would be liqueurs and cigarettes,' ' had to stand too, until they were , ! absolutely dead beat. The Queen, j : who resembles her great-grandmo- ! ther. Queen Charlotte, so closely I in appearance, has also, curiously j enough, inherited the taste of that somewhat domineering and manag- I ing lady for standing for a long time after dinner. WHAT NEGLECT DID FOR HIM JAS. E. BRANT SUFFERED TOR- MENTS FROM KIDNEY DISEASE. Then He Used Dodd's Kidney PiUa and Beeumc a Well .Manâ€" His E.vpexicnco a LesHoa tor You. Athabasca Landing, Alta, June 13.â€" (Special).â€" That Kidney Dis-j ease, neglected in its earlier stag- es, leads to the most terrible suf- ftring, if not death itself, and that tho one sure cure for it in all stages is Dodd's Kidney Pills, is the ex- j peiience of Mr. James E. Brant, a. farmer residing near here. \ Mr. Brant contracted Kidney' Disease, when a young man, from like hosts of others, , exnecting it to go i CHILD BE(J(;ARS in PARIS. I I Parents Hin? Out Children to Pro- j ftv>Hional Bogcars. I Sometimes, even in France, we ; do a little good, write* a Paris -or- 1 respondent. Here is an instan-.e : ! For some time the uu:mber of ; child beggars haHi been increasing ; in alarming proportions, and 'the ' <rebult of enquiries m;ide showed that certain servants profited by' ; the absence of their masters to hire ' young children from professional iboggars and exploit them. Even • parents "let out" their own chil- | dren. I'he Prefect of Police, how- e\cr, has taken steps tti put an end' 10 this disgr.ieeful 'dilate of things,' and gave <ird"rs that all young chil- dren found begging were to be ' taken to a special shelter. Those ; among them who ttre uU! en>jugh to undeistjind the evil of begging, but who are forced to it by their par- â-  ' ents, are to bo placed under proper- i control. I Some of 'the younger ones were ' so delighted with the shelter pro- < 1 vided for tlhem that, wKen released and turned into the streets to beg by their ownei's or hirers, they im- mediately returned to their refuge and wished Ito stay. M. Lepine is to be congratulated on hi's ptompt ar.d merciful action in this mat-1 .ter , ! Oi .strain, and neglected it, away itself. | But it kept gradually growing worse, till after thirty years- of in-' creasing suffering the climax came, 1 ai d he found himself so crippled that at times he could not turn in Led, and for two weeks at a time It was impossible for him to rise fi< m a chair without putting his hands on his knees. j He could not button his clothes. Ee was troubled with Lumbago, j U-avel and Backache, and tried liH'dicines tor each and all of them | without getting relief, till good lucki turned him to Dodd's Kidney Pills. Do<ld's Kidney Pills started at the cause of his troubles and cured his Kidneys. With cured Kidneys his other troubles speedily disap- peared, and to-day he is a well man. If you cure yotir Kidneys with Dodd's Kidney Pills you will never have Lumbago, Rheumatism. Heart Disease, Dropsy or Bright's Dis- ease. JOHNNY KNEW. Sunday School Teacher â€" "John- ny, what is the first thing your fa- ther does, after all are seated at the dinner table V ' Johnny â€" "He sez, 'Hold on a minnit. boys, potatoes before pie.' " SICKLY BABIES QUICKLY CURED. The sickly baby is quickly cured , by Baby's Own Tablets. These ( Tablets are a never failing cure for tho troubles arising from a disor- ; dered condition of the stomach and i bowels. Being sold under a guar- artee to contain no harmful drug I they can be given to the youngest child with perfect safety. Mrs. ; Francis McMullen, St. Octave, Que., writes: "I have used Baby's , Own Tablets for my baby who was i constipated for four or five days at a time. I found the Tablets to be' ' of great benefit and would recom- mend them to other mothers." They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from Tho Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Through indiscretion in eating gioen fruit in summer many chil-, dren become subject to cholera' morbus caused by irritating acids, j that act violently on the lining of' t.;e intestines. Pains and danger- 1 cus purgings ensue and the delicate system of the child suffers under j the drain. In such cases the saf- est and surest medicine is Dr. J. ! D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial. It, will check the inflammation and save the child's life. "I don't like your heart action," the doctor said, applying a stetho- scope again. "You have had some trouble with angina pectoris." "You're partly right, doctor," said the young man sheepishly ; "only that isn't her name." Jealousy has no mercy for its victims. FORETHOUGHT. "You are probably not aware, 8"r," said the angry father, "that las^ year my daughter spent $1,500 -cu her dross." "Yes, I am." said the young man firmly. "I advised her to do it over a year ago, when we first became engaged." A well-known judge often reliev- ed his judicial wisdom with a touch | of humor. One <!.iy, during thel tiial of a case, Mr. Guun was a| witness in the box, and as he hesi- j tated a gofid deal, and seemed un- willing, after much persistent tjnestioning, to tell what he knew, tlte judge said to him: â€" "Come, Mr. Gunu, don't hang fire." .After | the examination had closed, the, Kar was convulsed by the judge ad- d'.ng :"-''Mr. Gunn. you can go off; yon are discharged." Or. Morse's Indian Root Pills cnr<> many rommon ailments which are TiTy diltorcnt. but which all ariau from tlio fiiuin cause- a sya- torn clogged with impurities. Th* PilU c»use the bowels to roo»» re- gularly, streiiRthcn and Blimulate the kidn«.vfi und open the pores of thn skin. Ihese organs immediate- ly throw 'iH the accumulated im- puritie.i, niid Bilionsness. Indigen- tlon. l.iviT Comuiaint, Kidney Troubles. HPOdaclloH, RheuniatiHin and siDiilnr ailments v.%nish. Dr llorsa'a Indian Root Pills Save Doctors' Bills Pleasant as syrup ; nothing equals it as a worm medicine ; the name i? Mother Graves' Worm Extermin- ator. The greatest worm destroyer of the age. Newspajjer Interviewer â€" "Is it true, sir, that you started life as a poor plough-boy?" Successfiil Merchant â€" "No. sir; I started life as a small, red-faced, yelling baby I Gcod day, sir!" SAVED IN HIS OLD ACE. Annapolis, N.8., May 14, 1909.-1 am over eighty years of ago and have suffered from Kidney and Bladder Trouble for flttecn years. 1 took docUjrs medicine but got no help 1 want to thank tou for sending me the sample box of Gin Pills which helped mo. 1 have taken six boxes of Oin Pills al- together, but got relief before 1 had tak- en uear that amount. I had to get up some nights every fifteen minutes and had to use an instrument before I could urinate. Now I can lie in bed four or five hours without getting up. W. n. PIERCE. Write National Drug i, Chemical Co., (Dept. W.U), Toronto, for free sample. Regular eite 50c., 6 for $2.5a "I am afraid, madam," said a go tleman who was looking for rooms, "that the house is too near ihe station to be pleasant." "It is a little noisy," assented the land- lady ; "but from the front windows Olio has such a fine view of peo- ple who Diiss the trains." First New Woman â€" "Nevermore S'.irprised in my life, dear, when I h^ard the news. What on earth made you marryâ€" and such a n:an " Second New Woman (apo- k uctically)-- "Well, dear, you see, 1 entertain a good deal, and you know I can't carve poultry a bit, at<l he can beautifully, and so â€" and »i. 1 married him." MINARD'S LINIMENT is the only Llni- m«nt asked for at my store and the only one wn keep for sale. All the people use it. HABLIN FULTON. Pleasant Bay. C. B. SHE DOES. Suffragette â€" "We believe that a woman should get a man's wages." Married Manâ€" "Well, judging frr.m my own experience, she does." A SPRAINED ANKLE is not an nncoro- mon accident. Painkiller relieves and cures almOBt as if by aiagic. The greatest household remedy. Avoid subHtitutes, there is hut one Painkiller, Perry Davis', 25c. and 50c. EASY TO TELL. A way of deciding dates of cer- tain important events is suggested by the following anecdote. The parents of an undergraduate were disputing as to the date of their la.'t letter to their "hopeful," from wliom, somewhat to tha distress of the mother, they had not heard for some time. "Are you sure, Thomas," asked the mother, unc nvinced, "that it was on the 12th that you wrote to Eick " "Absolutely!" was the father's decisive response. "I looked it up in my check-book this morning." The expert accountant who is called in to balance a set of books never figures on having a steady job. THE GREAT NORTH COUNTRY. Those Indians who made the first canoe of birch bark long ago, were our greatest benefactors. The children of these Indians know the caroe, and they know how to use it. and if you go to Temagami, On- tario, this summer they will paddle your canoe in their own superb way. Students who camp in sum- mer along the Temagami lakes are able to do two ,vears' work in one. Finest of fishing and hunting. Easy of access by the Grand Trunk Rail- way System. Information and b<;autiful descriptive publicatioa sent free on application to Mr. J. D. A](Donald, District Passenger Agent, Union Station, Toronto, Ont. CARRYING IT TOO FAR. And there are some men who will do their best and even their best friends. No Alcohol In It. â€" Alcohol or any other volatile matter which would impair strength by evaporation dues not in any shape enter into the manufacture of Dr. Thomas' Eclcctric Oil. Nor do climatic changes affect it. It is as service- able in the .\rctic Circle as in the Tcrrid Zone, perhaps more u.seful in the higher latitudes, where man is more subject to colds from ex- posure to the elements. "What's yours?" asked the wai- ter of a quick-lunch patron. "Muf- fins and black coffee," was the re- ply : and the waiter sent an order to the cook : "One in the dark and two rubber tyres. "â-  IMITATIONS ABOUND, hut insist npon getting the genuine. "The D. & L." Menthol Plaster, which has stood the test of years. It cures; imitatioiis dou t. "Tho D. & L." IS made by Davis A Lawrence Co. A man with a black eye is up against the dark side of life. Ask for MInard's and take no other. A bright little girl, who had suc- cessfully spelt the word "that," was asked what would remain af- ter the "t" h<id been taken away. "The dirty cups and saucers," was the reply. Contains more real body-boilding nutriment than meat or eggsâ€" Costs much less For any meal in combination with vege- tables, baked apples, sliced bananas, stewed prunes and other fruits. Heat biscuit in oven to restore criapness.] Boldbirilliioscn. Ue.*Mrl0B.tit«to25«. B24 W H E AT School of Mining A COLLEGf or APPLIED SCIENCE. Affiliated to Qucoa's Uaiversity, KINGSTON. ONT. For CalendAT of tbe School and further iiifor* Illation, apply Co the Secretary, School oi Mining, Kingston, OnL Mining and Metallurj^y. Chemistry and Mineralogy, Mineralofy and Geology. Chemical Engineerine. Civil Engineering. Mechanical Engineering;. Electrical Engineering. Biology and Public Health. Power Development. a KISG EDWARDS KINDNESS Sympathy for Poor Hawker Saved . Latter from Police. One of the incidents that showed Bing Edward's kindly nature oc- curred at Longcliamps, France, in May, 1903, when he and President l-(.ubet were at the races together. Just before a big event of the day the King lowered the glasses through which he had been examin- ing the hordes at the starting post, am' turning to one of the officials i:; the tribune, said : "A poor woman over there seems to be having a bad time with the police. I wish you would be good enough to send over and order them to handle her more gently." The object of the King's sympa- thy proved to be a hawker who had inadvertently strayed into one of tlie reserved enclosures, and was being hustled out with unnecessary v.ilence. Thanks to the King's interven- tion, she was allowed to remain until after the race, and then took hor departure in peace. KENDAICS SRWI CURE The woman with foot may possess ttingue. the shortest the longest Bridgetâ€" No. sir. That's the parrot you hear a.-hollerin. MInard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend. BETTER GRAZING. "Rory," said the minister, '''I hoar ye were at Dunlop's kirk on Sunday last. Not that I object, ye ken, but ye widna like yer ain sheep stray in' away into strange pastures." "I widna care," said Rory, "if it was better gra'ss." D ODDS A. fKIDNEYl ?</»0eTCS ^ ISSIE NO. 25- 10. A Safe Pill tor Suffering Women. â€" The secluded life of women which -The Secluded life of women which permits of little healthful exercise, is a fruitful cause of derangements cf the stomach and liver and is ac- ctuntable for the pains and lassi- tude that so many of them experi- ci.ce. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills v/ii; correct irregularities of the digestive organs and restore health and vigor. The most delicate wo- man can use them with safety, be- cause their action, while effective, i> mild and soothing. DID NOT NEED SYMPATHY. A couple of old salts met after a long absence, and the following animated conversation ensued: â€" "Well, old man, how are you get- ting, on?" "First rate! I have taken a wife." "A very sensible idea." "Not a bit of it; she's a regular Tartar." "Then I'm sorry for you, mate.'^ "There's no need; she brought me a large vessel a^ her marriage portion." "Then vou made a good bargain, after all!" "Nothing to boast of, I can tell .veu. The .ship turue<l out a worth- less old tinder-box." "Then I'm sorry I spoke." "Bah 1 You can speak as much as you like. The old tub was well in- sured and went down on her first voyage." "So you got the pull there, any- how." "Not so much, mate; I only got five hundred dollars out of the job as my share." "That was too bad." "Too bad? Nothing of the "sort! Wife was on board and went down with the rest." Give Holloway's Corn Cure a tiial. It removed ten corns from one pair of feet without any pain. What it has done once it will do again. Many think they have the faith that is ready to die when they have only the f&naticisiu that is anxious to kill. â-  A Pill That Lightens Life.-To the man who is a victim of indiges- tion the transaction of business be- comes an added misery. He cannot concentrate his mind upon his tsisks and loss and vexation attend him. To such a man Parmelee's Vege- table Pills offer relief. A course of ticatmcnt, according to directions, will convince him of their great excellence. They are confidently recommended because they will do all that is claimed for them. It is, however, not at all strange that so few fast young mes come t'' the front. Keep MInard's Liniment In the hojse. "You must be very polite to suc- ceed in this business," said a bar- btr to his young apprentice. ".Al- ways wear a pleasant smile, and try to flatter evervbod.v." "I'll di. my best, sir," replied the ap- prentice; "but how am I to flatter a bald-headed man?" "Easily enough," replied the barber. "Just ask him if he doesn't want his hair cut." Zan-buk ^WlWBABrl Vn. M. Btmtt, f*.ar Moreao St, lAontreHl, say>: "A horrid rash came out all over rojr baby's <ace and spread until it hud totally covered his scalp. It was irritating and painful, and caused Ihe little one hours of sufTcrlng. We tried soaps and powders and salves, but he goi no belter. He refused his food, got qiatc tliin and worn, and w.^s reduced to a very serious condition. I was advised to try 2'>ani-Buk, and did so. It was wonderful how it seemed to cool and ease the child's burning, painful skin. Zam-Buk from the very commencement seemed to go right to the spot, and the pimples snd sores and the irritation grew less and less. Within a few weeks my baby's skin was healed completely. He ba.^ now Dot a trace of i*sh, or eruption, or eciema, or burnlni; sure. Not only so, but cured of the tor- menting skin trouble, be has improved in general health." ZxmBuV li wid at all Moras and nusdicina Ten. <lor«, 5oc'« bo«, or poat fro* from ZamBuk Co., Toronto, for price, 6boxe« for S'.5c\ A cerlain C'jtb ft^^ll»l<iil dlKa««R, cnit, bilmi, rtc, and for pilet. MInard's Liniment used by Phytlolana. CHENILLE CURTAINS and ftll tkind^ of bouse bAngiuiit, nl''0 L»Cg CURTjIINS "*"â-  ,»'!'' mV""* Wfiu> (i> ua Ahoiit ruiir*. â-  RITISHAMCRIOANOVKINe CO, BoilfH, MmUetfj Kills Bone SpavSn Rich Valley. Alia, May Mh. 1909 "I have used your Spavin Cure for a long lime and would not be without it. Have killed a Boue Spavin by its use." OLB CAKLSON, That tells the whole story. And hundreils of thousands have had the Mine experience In tbe past 40 year*. For Spavin, Ringbone, Curb, Splint, Swellings and all LameBess, Kendall's Spavin Cure cures the trouble â€" makes the horse sound and wellâ€" and saves money for the owner because it removes the emus* of tbe trouble. Keep a bottle always at hand- $1 orH for 96. Good for inan and beast. Ask your dealer for free c<jpy of our book 'â- A Treatise On The Horse" or write us. n B. J. nNDUl CO. EnMkarg FaOs. VI. i lANCER, Tumors. Lurapfi. etr. Internal V and oxternal, rurffd without pain by our home treatment. Writ" us before too lato. Dr. Bellman Medical Co.. Limited, rollincwood. Ont. FARMS FOR SALE. I.'' Oil SALK. 161 ACRKS. S. E. 1-4 SEC â- ^ tioii !4, T. 40, R 16. W. of 4, Meridian, nearly 80 acres cultivated, bulanoe unbrok- en, sod houHe. J0xl4. inside; two Iob houses, three stableB, three wells, live sprinKi one coal mine, nearly six feet vein of eoal,, Rood merthnntable. 10 mileB due north from station, Halkirk. (' P.R.. from on* place, 2 1-2 miles from post office. Foreman, .ind sidiool. 1 1-2 from P. O. Notre Dame, Ijood land, irood water, shelter, itood out- side pasture, one Painter creek, eio. Reason for selling, ill-health and aec. For full particulars write Chas. Stieliiiti, Foreman, Alta. (cuai, cinutiCOKTvjtofii For Croup, Dlphthi>«<», influenza, C'ranjua. SpatsuH, Uurns, .Soaids. Aoudeiitii, Brulaoa, Falls. Oiinshot Wounds, Polnonous UlIM of Itocs, .Snake* Htinictiof liiiieuU, «la. Radwar* Ready Kellef. (Uhen buying your Piarvo insist on havintj an OTTO niGEL' Ptano ActioTN Is Your Hearing Good \ The HEAR O-PHONF, will give you tha benefits of good hrnring Send lor tree booklet, givine particulars and names of satisfied users. Also •ptolal OfTar for a Month's Horns Trial. THE BRAND ELECTRO OZONE LIMITED, 334 Spadlna Avenue Toronto ;N^OUB MINDS EYE SERRW" â€" * _^AX a-'^^S^ KEEP IKSNPCi FLIES For Half a Cent a Day. H.irn Flies. Gad Flitts, Blow Klies, Flies »>/ every kind, .Mosquiloiis, I, ice and a)l vvoii'vin^j insecis kuup onliruly clear of tho animals to which Cooper's Fly Knocker h:is been applied. Kasily put on with » sprayer, .ind costs less than one cent ». d.-iy lor cTch anlm.il. Protects wounds rom flyblows .Tiid inflammation. More than p.iys for itself in extra mill*, exir.i bf.-t, lev leed and more wjik Irom horses. $I.7S A GALLON 50c. A QUART \! \ C037ZR & HEPHEVJS V. â- ^^

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