Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 Jul 1910, p. 1

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<< fkmctton %Hmu, â-  f^ TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRi.NLU'LEb hOT MEN.' VOL 30, NO 7 Flestierton, Ont., Tliursday, July 1-4 lOlO W. e. THDRSTON ^S^I^i^^opbietor The Glorious Twelfth As Celebrated in the Loyal Village of Flesh •tdn The Tw -hth '^f glorious memory was celf Wted i' Fleisher'on on Tuesday by >i-t«nieaia district, when six banner* were in the procesnion. The iiiornin<{ threat- ened r«in nod before loon .-v heavy down- poor came »n that l&.sled an hour or si. After dinner the weather was better and at 2 o'clock the procession w.ia formed in the followinij oidei: The Marshall Mr. T. F. Wilton, of MarUale Markdale iMnd Markdale l'>dj;e- No 1045 Orange Valley lodge â€" No. 509 Ceylon lodge- No. 88;* Eugenia l.Klge-N-.. 1118 I'ortkw lodgeâ€" No. li:'.2 Vandeleur l-nige â€" No. 138.'5 The iodnea were all we'l represented and every niau looked naUy in nice uni- form. Altoaether they formed one of the Dio«t ref^pectable lo'iking bodies of i:ien seen in procession here f"r some time. 'tWmg to the ihreiteniog weatlier ^be drill ahed was thrown open to ibe cio«d. The judges of the proce^ion were Dr. T. Henderson and W. Oriihths of Toron- to, and S. Shunk. Hesherton. The«e geiitleioeo awarded the prizet a« follows: Best marching lodge - Ceylon lit, Maikda'e 2ud. Be»t dres»ed lodge- «h-auge V»!ley 1st. Portlaw 2nd. LariEett lodite in procesaionâ€" Markdale iKt, Euge.!!!! 2ud. IJest tife and di-umâ€" Ceylon lut, Van- deleur Sod. The drill shed, though capacious, wa» crowded «ilh aooie^bint! like 500 people, well dresse«l. lappy and orderly, and listened the addresst^ with interest. With Urge d<)«>r8 and windowa open the buildinf made i|uite an idaal place for l\>itenine to the ip«aker», also rheacduus- t'.cn were better 'han in a grove and i' was much ritier for the speakers. Cool- injj winds iii^de the iem|)era'me very pltsa»ai>t. The cha-l- was occupied by the District Master, Mr. Rudd Matthews, of Mark- dale. llecve BoyJ gave a short aidress of welcome, after which Rev. Mr. Wellwootl was called on and delivered on appropri- ate and intereKting address. Rev. Dr. Caldwell 'of Owen Sound was the only -.Ihei sjjeakev. A/te* ».ij.iu.VTJ»nl 'he ^Ulti<i» I'cHiKee n""le » ^''^y tyrtny picture lined up on the stjuare, where the u»ual cheer* were jiven and Markdale band »nd the fife and drum bands made aiusic. NOTBK The citizens went to considerable ex- pense for decorations, but I hey are al- ways willing and happy to do that for the Oi-eDgemen. The only lodue in the distiict that did not answer to the toll »!1 was old 244â€" Prolan St»i ionâ€" which went to Diirh»ui to celebrate, a ih .u'h a number of its njembers joined in with the other lodge.s here. One of the iddest members of Eugenia lodge waa present atHl replied to the ad- dr«««of welcome, HI the peraou of Mr. Jumee Biodie of Ladner, B.C. The deraonstTklion was even more suc- c«»i»ful than was anticij»ated, and every- body enjoyed the day. It j« est imated that aeaiy a thousaui l>eople were in t^wu in the afternoon. Oapt. Tom Wallace of Wood bridge and Inspector Huff of Meaford- wei-e adver- tiMsd as speakers but failed to put in au kppearauce. Married E< iiBARWT--0«TR*NDBiiâ€" By the Re». Henry Berry ."at the par«oiia|te, Piicevdle, on Wedweklay. June 2»th, 191C. Mr. John Bi-khardt. jr., of Glenelg, to Miss Alice, young<-et daugh!eer of Andre** Owtrander of Priceviller H<K>i'ER~Kc^MAKi>Tâ€" By the Rev. Henry Berry, at the Methodist parson- age, Piioeville. July «th, 1910, David Hooper, of the 20lh of Egieniont, to lAiM Margaret, daughter of John Kck- bard*, south line, Glenelg. LeosMuraoe, flyiogal KheiiuA, attained a speed of neiirly i>ixty-sis mile« an hour in an aeroplane. It M raii»«ir%:d in I.rt*ndon that the King and Qaeeii Will m»ke a tour of tHe Kn- |Hr«. Flesherton High School Results Promotion i-esuiis for Fonns I and II of .\itemeaia Rural High School, in order of merit. FORM I Joseph Oliver, Ch»rle.s Buchanan, Car- rie Ketnnhan, Gladys Corntield, Geoige McPher(;oii, Kendall Luca.>>. John .Sharp, E<lwin Loucks, Aunie Wright, /^aidee Lawler. FORM If ♦Gertie Bellamy, Robert Bellamy, Roy B. Kerr, Charles Cros«ley, Florrie Mc Mullen, Clara biniiie, Laura Ariiisirong. Edwin Smith, Oshwell Whitten, Harold Mitchell, Annie McMiPan, .\dda Wright, Elva Lever. *Honor stanJini! {7')'f, of aisregate â- narks.) The above report is luscd on the work of the year, coupled with the results of the final examination. In feveral ciises pupils' work during the term waa some- what indifferent in character and the crowding or craoiiiiing at the end of the term was n.jl the kind of study needeil to obtain resaltn. Only with giHid cjire- ful c .osi-tent work throughout tlie tt-rm can the best rtsulis be obtnined. It is sdstj wciith noting that a large percentage of the errors made, especially inniathe- iitatical 'p-jpers, resulted from caielcai rendin!.' c)f the questions a«ked and inac- curacy m rhe use of the simple rules, not from lack of knnwlrdge of the mrthod to be employed. In Form II the papers were ihe same as for entrance li the Model SchtH>lf> ij«t by the departmen'. -.1. E. Marcellu.".. '^ , . Kimbcrley Miss Eu'a Scot' is the juest of her friend Mias Maude Turner at Camilla. •las. R. Fawce't i> visiting his sonx, Herbert and Simon, at Collingwood. Mr. aiKl Mrs. .lohn Plewca are visiting Meaford friend'> at present. Mrs. C. W. Gix d and chiiJren. Bobby ind Dorothy, if Toronto are the gueats of the former's parents here. J. E. Uanimond of th^ Meaford High Sch'ol is holiiUyii.g nt las parental home here. Mivs Lil i 11 .^rnisii'ong of Fleslieiti-n was 'he girst of Mts* Kute NValtrr r»- cently. ,^ ? ' Riverdalc • >h for a copious shower <if rain ! Miss .\nna Faddeu of Oianxe Valley i.s the ttuestof Mixs Thrrejia Lee a' present. Profes.>or Richard.son was oo a hutiiie-ta trip to Collaigwu-Ml Usi week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Merrideld of Beaverdale visited Mr. and Mrs Aaron Thompson on the tirst of the week, Norman Ormsby of Beaverd.ile i.s en- gaged with Mr. Lewis Bowles for a few week.s. A nuuil)er from this vicinity attended the laru raising at Robert Ei^kine'^, Beaverdalr, on Thmsdiiy last. At a result of the recent and piesent di-y weather cru|iti in this viointy are looking serii.us. If this dry weather coD'iiiuee much longer the farmers will be obliged to resort to the irrigation method of protlucint; crops. One of our notoiiou* anglers went a-tishing one evening recently. He didn't catch any tish, but htt informs us that he "ketched an oU whopi)er of a frog." East NoBDtaia Evei^one -is asking the qatstion "Where are you soingtospeiid the 12th}" Some are talking of goinu to Meaford, while others will celebrate nearer home. Oarmau Kin'z and Will Hill of Mark - d-ile were callers iu this neighborhood one evening recently. Mra. Milton Neil has been ia Mark- dale the most of last week attending ibe bedside of her mother, who wa.s ill. Mrs. Orr of Maniloulio Lsland is visit- ing with her mothei, Mr*. Wm. Huiiiber- •toue. W. J. Martin has the tinest crop of wheat on the mountaiu. Victaria Cwners Vi.Hitoi-s i^t Mr. .las. Be.s "s were : Mrs. Morrow, Mn. McCutcheon, a hitla ilaughter, Eiiii'y, Mis.s Vina Morrow of Boeton. Mrs. .'as. Tucker and Beryl Rennie of Droutore and Viola of Car' ton PUce. Mrs. S. Jackiou of Hamiliou is ing at Mr. H. H. Gallagher's Miss Knox ha<> gone to her hot- new teacher has been secured as Mtsa VVoodlaai^Sinithvitl^, if with her sts<er, Mm«. ChaA. M<m it Entrance Examination The Result la East and South Grey Inspectorates The following are the naiuea of the succesfful candidates at the recent En- trance Exainiiiatioii in the InHpectorile "f Elast Grey. In order to pas.s the ex- amination, a candidate required to ob- tain 4<) per cent, of the marks on each subject aaj 00 per c>mt of the toial marks ^iven. For honor standing 75 per cenr. was ie<iuired. The Inspector's prize fi'r the highest standing in Ihe in- speciorite was won by Wilfrid Scott of Kiiiiberley pul.lio;,iichool. FEVERSHAM-Victor Ckrk, DclU Heron, Qurenie Kait'ing, Belle McMil- lan, Fredda Menzie, .Audrry Millx, May ftlorriAoP, HaroM Phillips, Margaret Roberts, Eva Spencer, Puth Spencer. FLESHERTO.N-E. ArmMirfmc, Geo. Buchanan, Lilbau Bunt (honoui-«), Willie Davis, Ross Douglas, Laurie Fisher, Myrtle Hemphill, BMgar Jackson, Lena Legal', K.ttie McMillan, Iva Mitchell, CUidnce Mui-, StrllaOrr, .J.J. Pailivm, S'ella Ped'ar, RuMe Radley, Ethel Richardson, Ernest Ru!<«c!I. Irene Sharp, Hazel Sljiink, Minerva Stafford, Frank Taylor, DolU Thurston, Eddie Whire, Kate Wilcock, Irene VVils.,n, Elsie Wright, Myitle Parson:]. KIMBERLEY-N ett i e Feigus n, Violet bergus-rii, .Annie Green, Mable Hutchiii.son, Oliver Lepard, Maud I'lew*, Maggie Reid, Wilfred Scott (honours), Stanley Wallace, Bennie Walters. DISDALK -U AbhoU, W Ban-ion, R R.len, N CamplK'll, W Claridge, L -M Corlie't, D Cornelt, G Dick, S Ed?ertoH, M Fernane, E S Fowler (h). E Fry. O Fry. M Kennedy, S Mossop, J McDuff, D Mclntyie, E L Robin»oP, D Ru.ssel. E Rus-sel, T N Scoit, .1 Weboter. MARKDALE -H Armstong, M Arm Rtronsi.-A Bowler, E Bradley, W Hu-l-r. R Davis, C English, M Freeman, M (Jil- lenp e, M Goodwill, A Hamilton. F â- ) Hicks. W R Jacks n, H R Mercer, L BI Mucer. J Moran. L Mnrrm-m. D A Ricketts, K Roche. D Shorlhill, J C -Siaple*, .\ V;irty. DROMORE-T Aide in. R Eccl. s, M Homing. L MoKelvrT. E McMil an, K Mulch. J Nicholson, L Rainag- , E Ren- wick (h), M Whyte. An Exciting Mix-Up The Grand Valley Star »ays . L».si night about nine .o'clock a horse attached to a d:Iapidate<l buggy, said to l>e owneJ by a young fellow named Thump of Mono Mills, who is now working for W. T. Tail of Ei«t Luther almuet killed two children, liesides hutting leveral giowii up peopl-, and smashing a plate gU.«s window in .). Starkraar's sure. The horse bolieJ out of Swain's alleyway, with such speed that Itefore it could turu on the road it was r^ght up on the side- walk in front of Statkman's stoie. The street was ciowdi^ at the time, Mrc Starkman and baby wee knocked oA a chair and into the store; two children of C. Dillon's were pulled out from be- neath the hoise. Liltli. dsmaue beyond a black eye and scrapped chin; a laiby car- riage that held a child UO seconds Ix-fore Wits crushed out of shape; and (he plate glaa* window broken. There was a litile excit' nt and then some more. Tl e chap) ^{^ve off imiuddiately they g i hitched up again. Notes of the Women's Institute. The Kinibeiley branch held their June meeting at the home of Mrs, F. .). Wel>er. A goodly number of wembers were present and all enjoyed the meet- ing in spile of the heal of the day. Readings wereKiven by Mrs.G.H. Walter and Mr*. W. T. El I i.s, the former on " Homework in Public Scbcx>l8 ' and the latter on "Effect of Home Influence on Hoiaa Life." The paper on homework for school children considered ihatsoliool hours were too long but the ladies in this branch thought thrm cot any too long. July nieetmv will be held in the evenine of July 2Hth, at the home of Mrs. G. H. Walter*. All are welcome. StoM Settlement. We extend our heartfelt sympHtby to Mr«. W. Wateon lid family of Prieeville ♦heir sore Verenemt-nt. â- "' visiting fur a 'aughter, Mrs. Uejr. •* a few dsya Mrv t Priceville The welcime slioweis of rain on Sun- day were much appreciated. The grain ciop*, vimtn and pas'ures were sntfering for want of moisture. Death again \isited our village ami carried away two more of our citizens. On ihe 4 li of July a larue number of the citizeuN of this vicinity as.scnibled to take pari in the funeral services of the late .\lex IVIcDonald, who had been ailing for sunia months with oancwr of the liver. Interuieui took place at the village cemeteiy, where his wif.: preceded him -about 2 years Bg<i. One bislrr, Mrs. Hug. ins, who haa bK>-ii keeping bouse for hnn since his wife died and hree brothei-s, James on the South Line, Ait and Lhjualu in Proton, s urvive him. The services were conducted at the h'lU^e and grave by Rev. .1. A. Malbeson. A number ol ilie Priceville people on ihe 4 h airtriidtd the funeral of Miss Su.saii ftlu.Arthur, WJM lia.s lieeii lu poor he.'iith for some iitoiiclis and n snlrU wiih her sister, .>lis. KaKinliar .McK nnou. South Li le. On the eveuinii of Thursday, Jii'y T'h, as iWr. Wiu. WatMiii, ctrii.igc inakrr a'.d uiidei laker, w.is lrii\ iiig lii> shop and upputeiilly goin^ ii|> street, he aas seen Co slop and then lall to thegiound. Some pels <iis liurriei >u hie asMslaiiue tut alter one or two lung um« ii bieaths life was eiti'tct. Dejeased was in his r)S h year and hut been 111 bu«me«s lieie f ir :t7 years. Since t-arly spring be has uoi been in as good health a:i foriuvriy, but tried to ktep >>o.ug. He leaves a wife, '.i i*<'n.s and ^1 d:%uuhter8 : Wm. li., lia'ii ss maker auJ pailu>r in Mie undeilakinii de|iarlnient ; R<lwaid, in the furniture factory, Durham ; Henry, in the luipetial bank, Vancouver : Martha and Jennie at lioiue and Li'uist at Owen Sound C<-lle-/i- atf, and w ruing on her liisl claas exams when I he Mid iiiu.-..'«i^e called her home. Kcv. h. He ly |i«ached ihc funeral ^e...ion Sui.diy â- Herixou in the Metho- dist church wliuh fooled to con'ain the .isseintled people, many iciiiaiiio'.; out- sid.-. Pnoeville Lidg-, A O. f. W.. ..f which dec<ra.sed was a charier meinWei, assitted hy a delegation fn>iii Fleshertou Lo<!ge, CO. .ducted the c rteye from the irsidence to tlie church and afer the »er\i<.e, re orined aad Ic 1 the way to the ceinelery at Salem church, 17th con.. Proton, when the paslor cunulud.d the church service. The A. t> l.W. people enciicled 'he grave and read and aang the srveial pa li of '.heir impresmve buritl service, tbeixJe, oi hymn and the hnal farewell luiug very sympathetic. The relatives from a distance w< rii : Mi-s. J. C. Mcliinfs and Mii;. Mc.^rthur, Cheboyi;an. James Wals<iB, Cheboygan, Mi.h., R. I. and A. W. Waisim, Shel- burue, Robt Wa'soii, Norva', Out., and H. McArtliur, Chtbuyican. Loss and Gain. Maxwell Ceylon Rev, and 5Iis. (_'aldwell -ire visiting among their friends in Ceylon, Fli-^lier- ton and vicini'y. Dr. Caldwell preached f ir the O aiigenien in their hall here on Sunday, and gave a very inlereNting dis- oourse. Mr. uid M'». Wui. T. Obi-le't left for their home in the west on Moiid.ty. We wi h the young couple much succesa. Wm. Tucker friiu To' onto liss spt-nt sime days visiting his uncle and other friends here. Wui. K.'iretrdt of Indianapolis called on T. Chislftt on .Sunday la.sr. We were pleased to see him looking so well. Mrs. DarKavel and two children of Wolseley, S.sk, aie > i-itiug at Mr. G. Collin.son's. tjiiite a inimler of our c lizens look in the excui'Moii t . Walkertoii on Ihe 12lli. Mr. and Wis. W. L. Whalen of the Soo visi'ed (he'r aunts. Mrs. D. Muirand Mr*. .^. McLemI, Cejlon, am! other friends. A Pathetic Incident Mr. M. K. Kiclaidson, agei t for iie- l^'eoted children iu this di«iiict. telU a rather paihclic incident in connection with oiiv of I is charges, a boy who was pla-^ed with a farmer in Noiih Grey. The lad was ;i g<H<d worker and w*s well thought of by the fam ly with whom he lived. He had, however, one or two fa lintp< which he fieely sdiuitied In Mr. Richai-dson, but s-» d he wished lo do liet.fer. .\fler receiving some fatherly advice he held out hi.* hind to Mr. Rich- ardson, and «ith tears in his ryew prnm- ised to lie a better boy. Thr<>e days after leaving him Mr. Richardson receiv- 4 ed word that the little felHw bad b«ea vo«l«*. r sorr.wtKl that the g.ilii^n .lav wa-i d<-ad, jy^^ Maxwell Loyal tJrailge Lodge at- Ita light no mni-e the country .i.i^ad.imin^'.'^^j^^,"^,^..^^ ^^^.j^g ;„ ^,,^ Methodiht lint whilst r grieved behold thi- east ijrew red ', , , , â-  . , â-  With ni,.i niiiK. I <=•»*"â- <='' ^'""^y "'«*" *"*• I "iehid tliat 11 eny s,,nn« ua-. force! to go 1 Mrs. Scult's beautiful pelargonium waa Anil doff the wrej th.. -.hat did â- :.. well especially admired ainon<» the Hoiid dec- liecou e her. I oratiins Sunday night at the Orange But nhilst 1 niiinuiired at her alaiencv, !'-•"- gerr ice. wa. auiumer. Keeu in mind the parsonage garden 1 nioiiriie<l becanse tbi! iiaff'>d.l< were killtd _,, , , ,„ .»!„, S!„lon«li«l- ,,,.,.., , . , party Thursday, July .Jlst. splenaur Hv imnnni; -ikie!! that -oirclieo luv eailv "^ ' • d i . i n l„,i^g. " I progiau I'i preparation. Basket OMl Beit whilut for these 1 piuc.1, my haiidn weie »ud other entertainment. lillrd 1 On tne eve of the dep,ir;ure of Mr. \Vithr..*e«. j and Mrs. T. F. Anirewa fi-om our vil- llalf )>r.>ken hearu->l 1 new^ile I the end I la-'c a large iiumlier of their friends of Of frini.l.hip than which none bad once j j^" g^.,,^,° g^Li.,„ jjadiered at their home â„¢l,.ea..r: L, hid them adieu. .At the close of a But wliilft I wvpt I tiiiimi a iievvir frirnil, ] , , An.) .leart-r. prourani of speech and song au address ... I ,1... f I 1111 1 i was rend by Miss Joy .Allison aud prea- .Anii tlniK I learnrd oM |>Iea.Mire»aieeMiuiiK<-<J I • j j â-  Only that sonirthin^ tiett4-r may Im* ^nveii ; I iitil a' lant «e tiinl this earth rxchaiiKed I*'or H'^ven. Kllen riiiiriiycr'id Kowler. Sunnyside " Doings" eiitjition'* were mudt: -a chair to Mr. Andrews and a piece of silverware i»> Mrs. Andrews. Mr.. .Andrews made a tou.'hinif reply on tiehalf ot himself aud Mrs. .\ndrews. The renminder of Ihe evening was spent partaking of the 2ooC' things the ladies prOMded. 5Ii. Wui. Wright waK chairman of the eveninif. Speeches were made by Rt-va. Xicbolson and St-»iiley and Dr. Rykman. Follow- ing ii THE .«liUB8B«. and Mi-s. .^ ndi-'^ws, â€" We Held over from la.«i week. Dcilli has cant a gl 'oni over mir neigl'- b'irhood hy the deat'i of Miss .Mc.Artbur. who pitfsrd away i>n ."^aluiday e» eiiinu at the home of .Hr. Fhi'i tier McKiunon. : The funeral lo>ik plac- at Evergretn Dear Mr. cemetery, where a Uige course of friends 'have met. tog.ther on the o-oasi^ n of folloae.l the le.nams n. iheir U>t .e~t iv,' >^'"> depaituie tiom ..ur midst that w«>, p]^ce. 1 your friends of acloHd section No. 9, may vv 1 ... _ ,1,., \f . rxures< to vou our sincere regret that »» e are his,i «iir y to ',ty lUat .»l i. i "^ - â-  u you are ab lUt 'o remove to another field are hIs<i «iir y to ^.ty mat .*l i. F.«r<piier Mi;Ko n 'ii in at presm' very low, but und r the care and '.kill • f Dr. Hut on we lio| e ^ 'on '<< hear of his re- co'^-rr. Prayer in« el ini{ on Thursday of last week Hi I he home of Mr. .las. Turner was laige'y attended. Conducted by the of labor, and our itrateful appreciation of your valuahle tiervi,:es lo our section. No community can es'imate the valtv nor put in wonis its del t of gi^titnde to a good, faithful leaoher. In you, Mr. .Andrews, we have had a oio-t devote teacher. Fur the |>a«l eleven y-ars ai three months you have taken your plaoa at the desk. s^Mu-ing no trains, shunning no sacrifice, working overtime early and n.nes are loiiking up around Sunnyside i^.^fh^jjjjg ^^^.,i„„ „,i^i,t ,^^.^,^6 the as Mr. Xe.l McDougall is putting an I ,.g., ,,,.vjces, and the boys and girls the Rev. Mr. Ma lieson of Priceville, ukins i his t..xl from .lames Isr chapter, '2'ind > and ISSid .'eiscs. Be ye doers of, etc. .idditi"ii to his h mte. Abo Jos. Ferris beat instruction. Not only this, but you "•" I have also iinpves.sed Upon their liree strong pimciples of nioralily. The schol- ^^ is enlaiging his lesidence by a k'tcheii. Tlie H i.ldy B.us. arc at prescii'. putt- ':i>r after passing under your instruction in>.' another .k<ld lion to their al.eaily Ltrtie ami iiiHoeiice have reflected and euipba- aiid cominodiou'i < aiu. Things are sure'y si/.>-d )o'"' painstakin'j work in iheir uo^nu alivad alonj ibis line. spieiiJid pio«:re.ss in the hi^b schools and .Mr. Flank M<Hiie look in Oieexcursion in their siurd luss of character. .\» » lo Gueliih and stayed m the city over slight token of eur es'eem aud aa a inark Sunday. He brought home with him of our appreciation, we ask you lo accept one of Ins neicesfioin the city. She in- 1 this gift, «cc"inpanie<l wi'h best wishes leii.ls staying for the summer. i for your ontinued success in your new We have not feeii aujthng of those *'^'*'""- fast drivers ialtly that were ineutiuned of ai-ound R'»er»ide. Must be going some other direction. Mi-s. Perrigoe, of Kleslier!4in, was heie la»l week, at endiUi.' the fuiieial of htr auif, Mra.EIlenlun. Grand Valley Siar. ON TBE VERGE OF BREAKDOWN When Tou Think Yonnelf Only Out of Sorts Ton arc Often Serionaly UL In you. Mr*. .Andrews, we f 'Und Ihe kindest friend and neighbor. V'ou have- a'ways kbowu an ac'ive .syiupathy^^itj^ tie iuterest of the school and coigMUnity.. We shall muss your genial preaAicc. We- as'< you lo accept this pie<re of silverwar» as a leinembrance of the many friends you haie made during your reridenoe a .loUK us, hoping and pr.iying God'e riche-" blca ngs may follow you and your famil.v in your new home. . '/lied on behalf of your iiuin- roue iiieiids in School Section No. 9 â€" Win. Wiight, Joy .Al ison. â€"Maxwell, July 3tb, 1910. Thousands are just on the edge of the crator â€" just ready to topple in the crater of lli-health and nervous break- dovkn. Such was the case with Mr. E. K. Kollett. a well-known figure in all business social circles of Grand Rapids. "1 had not been woU for a year or 1 had lost in w<>ight and could Befoie leaving for the XVes' on Moo- day Messis. Roljert Scott and J. CaWert of Orchardville. last week purchased a tine team of horses, three and four years old, from Mr. Wm. Vessie, for the hand- some price of $.'>83."- Durham Review. The Pullan Paper Company of Toront sust'iined a loss of twenty thousand dol- more. not pick up. 1 tired of my workâ€" ;t lars by the burning of their Warehouse at seemed like drudgery â€" no pleasure in Winnipeg. Ferrozone BttiMt Up Givft Strtngth it hot o O up p i ie 9 it like there used to be. When 1 got thin. I seemed to have little blood and my hands and feet were clammy and cold. To make matters worse- 1 grew ^""^^ nervous â€" got irri- table aud worried over mere trifles. I tried dieting and { ___^â€" _ various medicines, I but profiled by \ i,ave just placed in stock n new line of none of them. 1 ..,:-,,. , , ,., was on the verge photo suppliev, including kodacs, hime, e' a breakdown focusing can. ci-as, Jevelopoi-s. etc. Tb«» when my druggist recommended •Ker- , . , . i i- r roaone.' It wasnt very long before 1 '*'f »"" """"' P"pul»i' '"le "* cameras ott felt It was a true blood and nerve the market, ]irices rnnniug from 98 to builder- I was encouraged so much after the third box that I got six boxis more. In seven weeks 1 gained si.x i pounds and was looking the picture of health- Ferroxone has made a new man of me."' •12. Great thiugs for birthday presents. Call and evamine theiu. Clocks, watches, jewellacy, aifd There Is no tonic so quick and sure ' thing at prices wiihiwfte i»«h of ev 1 huild you up as Kerrosoneâ€" just ^ ' lJC to one or two tablets to take at meal time, try It. Fifty cents a box. six for $2.50, all dealers or The Catarrh- ozone Co.. Kingston. Canada. CORNS CURED You can painlessly remove any corn, either hard, soft, or bleeding by applying Putnam's Corn Extractor, never burns, leaves no scar, contai acids; Is harmless, becHuse co only of healing gums aniL^A'^^^BliI years in wse. Cure g^^^^^"^^^ by all druggists, " substitutes. .^Bwr» .^^^^â€" . cvcrv- ery. >K. ^r ffTtstront 1>R. BU]RT Eye, Ear. IVose and Throat PUTNA ,OOIt -^! the Revere Inm V»l l'"'"''>'k. l-t Thursday of ' V -1

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