Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 Jul 1910, p. 5

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rmod btrradrocKpooU'r r*rii;. Vhfthtttoa P. O. THE F L E S II E R T O N ADVANCE July 14 mo _ _>ARD BMK OF CANADA eoeji. TRANSMITTING MONEY For Hims up to $50 our Bank Money Orden ara convenient and inexpensive. For larger amounts we issue Drafts or Bills of Elxchange. Money sent at once to any banking point in the world by Telegraphic or Cable Transfer. Savings Bank Department at Every Branch. 86 FLESHERTON BRANCH <«eortfe Mitchell, M»am|(er â- KAMCIICt AX^O AT DV1UIAM AMD BA1U114TOX \J[!2! NITY CHIPS Mr. . Wright of Hagtrsville visited bis mother here thui wenk. M. J. B'.Iger of Dundalk has purchased a hotel busioesa in Arthur. Dr. and Mr*. Thos. Hendaraoo of Tc- ronto are visitioK friendi here. The Grey Old Boys will be here on Sat- urday. Give them the glad hand. Mr«. Marcellui, accompanied by her dauKhter, Miss Marcellos, "< visitinK her •on. J. E., here. Mr. W. A. .Armstrong was in Detroit for several days during the past week oo timber business. Mr. Geo. Stewart returned Ust week from Elk Lake and will remam here for a coople of monibs. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Chadwick and family are on a three months' trip to the Rocky mountains. Jtff. aiid Mrs. Thos. Wriaht and two 'children of Hamilton are vi«(Ting at Mr. B. Smith's in town. Misses Lilian and Florencti Cunt ar«t visiting their grandmother at ^i>od- brid^eand their sunt in Toronto. The bricklayer* be^taa operatiout on the new high school on Wednesday last •nd are fast shoving up the walls. Misses Lilian and Laura Armstrong leave on Friday for Port Dover, where tbey wilt visit their aunt for a time. A. E. Bellamy has severed his connection with J. & W. Boyd, and i» at present with hi.s brother, C. J., in the hardware business. Mrs. Muller and three children of Mont Clair, N. J., aud Mr». G. Rulledjje, arrived list week to spend their usual summer vacation here. The Misses Trimble !?a»e a lawn party to about twenty youni^ people on Friday evening last, when a very pleasant even- ing with games, etc., waj .'jpeut. It rained heavily un tbe Twelfth but there was not a word of complaint. It was received with thanks and twice as much would have been appreciated. Hev. Wm. Savage, a well, known Methodist divine, died at his home in Ouelph at the great »ge of 92 years. The rev. gentleman was well known in this vicinity. The farmers of the surrv-puding neigh- borhood west of Fleshertoii, held » very _.,»ttOC«ssful picnic on Friday of last week, iu Mr. Fred Brown's bush, which is an ideal and picturescjue place for picnic*. The pipe organ of the Methodist church was removed last week, in prep»ration for the iustallation ot a larger and better cne. It will be eight weeks befre the new onian is cvmpleted. and in the meantime a rted org«n will do duty. Teacher wanted for S. S. No. 6, <)»prey, Couuty of Grey. Duties to commence Aug. loth, 1910. Protestant wanted having a third class^ ceitiftcate. Apply staling aalary to James T. Mc- Keniie, Sec -Treas., Feversham P.O., Oat. IjoaJs of piping are being delivered at Kiinborley these days to provide piping for a waterworks system which is being insUlled theie by eight or nine enter- prising residents. The water will b« brouxht fror.i a spring up the east moun- tain. Mr. Wm. Karatedt of Indunapolis, Indiana, spent Sunday with his brother, F. O. It is about 21 years since Will left Flesherton. For a time he a as in th« ministry bat quit it about five years •go. Mr. Cha'lea Raiuage of the Durham Review tnd Mrs. Rauage left recently on a eoupl* of months' trip to the Old Country. Mr. Ramsge enii^rated fmra Scotland 48 year* ago, and hM not been back since. His friends of the quill in this district will join in wishing him a • pleasant journey and safe return. Chatsworth will not be a deeoUte oaaia Ibis summer after all. That the ti>wn is •'wet", a* moet peopU know, and it waa feared that the wetnew w«a extending Itself to thav condition described briefly aa "waterlogged", â€" in other words that the council of that city had become so dead that it would also kill the brass band rather than pay a snisll money grant. But not so. The band will deep things •tirring up there for the summer and in return will receive the magnificent sum .|aO I firavo ChaUworth ! Dr. Shultis of Heathcuta got hid les badly fractured last week by a kick from ; a horse which he was driving. The iinimal smashed the dashboard and struck the doctor, who will be laid off from I practice for some time. Out of the 41 who tried the entrance , here this ye.ir only 28 atudents pa<>sed. ' Mr. Holland passed 11 out of the 16 who ' wrote from this schcol, and ii to be con- . gratulated on the way his papils waded _ through a very difficult and tricky exam. I The Red School and FIesherti.>n base- ball teams tried concla3ions on Tueiiday afternoon here. The Utter team was so ' hoggish with the score that the elements I interfered and rain stopped the game I after tw^ innings, with Flesherton in the lead-12-3. I Secretary Bellamy of the high school board informs us that he has had fift.en I application* for the vacancy caused by Miss Chidley's retirement. This does not look as though thsrn is a great scarc- ity of teachers. Other secretaries and the number of teachers advertised for tell a different story, however. Miss Mary Wilson, who has been at- tending Toronto Normal school, is re- ceivin)r congratulations these days. She passed her second class professional ex- amination, which means that she is now the proud possessor uf^ life certificate. Miss A^nes McPhail and R. Tucker of Ceylon were also successful in the same examination. The latcer two wrote at Stratford. .About 2o young men at eleven o'clock on Monday night held a ptrade around town, garbed iu night shirts and pyjamas and armed with meat horns, and other very musical implements. After march- ing around for an hour and pruiucin<( the most dismal melodies (supposed tu be 12(h of July selections we presume) the midnight revellers disbanded lad allowed the citizens once mora to return to their disturbed dreams. Mr. .Andrew Graham of the Valley re- turned List week from the vicinity of Saskatoon. Sosk., where he hss been for some time. Mr. Grahim says he saw many farmers plowing down their crops. Owing t'j drouth spring crops shot cut when a foot high. The rains which have been quite general over the west during the past week did not come in time to be i.'f much use to the crops in many places. In so effott to icare the midnight r«v- elleri on the ni^ht of July U (.»r pos- sibly to add to the din) John H»le« fired off a double barrelled shot gun into the air. The gun blewup and in the result- ing fracas Mr. Hales was burned on the wrist by the escaping powder. .\ pain- ful bhtck burn now remains to help him remember that guns are not to be exacily pUyed with. Hereafter he will use a 5c pistol and shoot paper caps to CHUsa any commotion ho wishes to raise. It may' not be quite so sensational, but is certainly more safe. Most things have a limit, but the diffi- culty is to locate it sometimes. The Advance Man is beginning to wonder when the wheat and barley in this district are going to stop growing. We have been handed fall wheat six feet, eight inches long, and now Walter Akitt drops in with barley five feet, four inches loni?. The old childhood yarn of Jack-and-tbe beau-stalk bid* fair to be enacted io tbia district with wheat and barley replacing the dwarfish corn. Flesherton may claim to have one of the youngest senior baseball teams in this districtâ€" or a great many others, f< t that matter. The boys who played the grey-bsaJed Ravenna men at Feversham laat week ranKed in ages from 16 to 86. Four ware only 16, and seven war* 20 or under. The pitcher generally has a shock when he see* 16-year-old Harold Hit«h*ll stuck up beside the plate with a bat in hi* haitd, and says to himself " Here's a victim. " But when there i* a rasouading smack and a ^bagger is knocked out the pitcher i« wise, and next time ha comes up Mitchell gels a base on ball* ; and the way Bob. Bellaoiy eats up "flies" in the field is enough to give hiiu dyspepsia. Aoothtr 16-year-old, Russel Gee, pitched most of the innings, and Fletcher, still another ''sweet sixteen." finished the game. The using uf th s« youthful ball tosaers is not altogether a niatier of necessity. The young chap?, aa a rule, put up a better game th^ lots of the older ones, and to theut i^K'partly due the large list of victorias io^^>asel>aU this year. The sy.Uein of a>:lltag all vegetables and o'rocerirs by weight, according to the L..-thbridxe Herald, is crowing iu Wsai- ern Canada, and it might move east with greater advantage to consumrrs. The other day in Cleveland fdur hundred of the best gn>cery stores inaugurated the plan of selling all vegetables by weight. This sction of the grocers was due to the recognition of the public deni.Aud by the Grocers' As«ocitti<>n. Why (hould a person pay .is much fui a duzen nmall egg* as fur a dozen of a larger size ? In these Jays of hi^h liTioj; people have lO pay enough fur almost everything they buy to make it possible that they should not have to be taiei still higher by pay- ing as much for small eggs as large ones. â€" Confederite. I $5.00 Reward. I For the peinm that will furnish iu- ! formal ion wkicb will lead to the recovery «of dve .stray yearling; cattle. :i steers, 1 gray and 1 red with a little white, and 3 heifers. 1 gray snd 2 mobt^y rt-d, all j . marked with leather tag, attached l>y two ; I pig ring* in lower part of left ear near i the h^jd. Jas. Findtay, Markdale. | The Great Muskoka Trip-July 30tli. | The tinest holidxy outing and at the same time one of the iu<«t inexpensivr, 18 the Sun Press Club's great excursiuu io the world-famous Muskuki Laken. The special train leaves Flesherton â- <t 10 50 a. ui. on .Saturday. July 3iXh, connecting at Bilu witli the steamers uf the Mufkoka Navigatioa Co. fur a round trip of the lakes. The return rail fiire i* oniy $2.10, and a ricket en- titling the holder to a complata round , . trip of tha lakes is un'y |1.15. Meals > '^ ami sleeping accommodation at tirst-ciu.'i l^ What we Gave Last Week In The Flesherton Advance 33 lines "Lost and Found " ad^i. (They Jo tha trick.) 12i culumnii of local news. (Dished up m newsy style.) 1^ columns of general news. (New* one wants to read J 19 Columns of ad.s. (To keep business booming) 15 budgets of correspondence. (Every one interesting.) A readable editorial column. C*n you wocder then at the gn>wth of our circulation ? It's V)4fi aow. The Advance to any Canadian address till I Jan., 1910, for 35c hutels and on the 'joata does not run over $2 ;i day, »> that the actual expenses cf tha trip (including ticket) need not run over S10.<)0. The trip ioeludta Lake | ' Muskoka, Lake Joseph and Lake Ron- i seao. A person may travel cluriog the entire stay among the most maeniticent scenery on their ticket, and atill U' t ; cover the same route the second time. .A list of hotelit, map& of rhe district, steamboat timetable«. and a'l information I The! Odds and Ends MISCELU-NEOIS A story i« going the rounds about a bashful young boarder at the Pacific Hotel, who one day recently, on coming into the dining room for dinner saw a bouncing baby boy sitting ou the floor alongside the fond mother. Being unable to resist the temptation to tickle tbe*youngster under,the chin, he proceed- ed to do so and the little fellow linking up into the face of the aforesaid bashful young man, sweetly smiled and wiih hU | ,;i;y1be"h^"by "dro^ng^'card to lisping ton$>ue ejaculated loud enough to | Sun, Owen Sound, be heard over the crowded dining-room, "Da-da." It Ls hardly necessary to say that Mr. Boarder blushed most notice ably and quickly bolted for his seat at a nearby table. On Friday morning June 24:h, at two o'clock, Mr, Joseph Schnitzler's saw mill at Lauristan, six miles West of Markdale, was discovered on fire. The devuuring element had gained such headway that nothing whatever could be saved. The loss amounts to fully three thousand dol- lars, and no insurance, Mr. Schoirzler came here live years ago, and has proven himself an bonett, industrious man, but has experienced the trying ordeal of see- ing bis earnings of that time go up in smoke in on* short hour. He had about one-half his stock of logs cut out, and purposes rebuilding at once so as to tinish the cut ibis season. â€" Standard. Harvest Tools, Etc. Xow IS the time tu buy ycur hay fork slings, hay forks, pulleys or car. We have them at the lowest possible prices. Al'So a large supply of pitch forks, hand rakes, turnip hoes, scythes, snath*, emery stones, scythe stones, fork handles, etc. Everything necessary to make your harvest e<|uipment complete. Paris Green W. \. Armstrong licenses. issuer of marriage The undersigned is prepared to do all ! kinds of stonework and plastering. Re- ' pairing promptly attended to. J. U. | Patton, Flesherton. S..x 241. The Presbytariaii Ladies' Aid will hold j a sjardan party at the residence of Mr. j Jake I«ver on Wednesday evening the j iOthinst. -Apleasanc timeis.inticipated I and a c->rdial invitation is extended to all. I Admiasi'io â€" 23 and IC cants. A gaiden party, under the auspices • t i the ladies of Christ Church. Markdale. I will be held on Mrs. Holmes' grounds, on "Thursday, July 14th. Tea served from 6 to 8. Strawberries, icecream and home made candy for sale. Band in attend- ance. Admission 25 and 15 cents. ' Action has been entered by Mr*. Agnes German, of Owen Sound, to recover alimony from George Henry German, of Shelbume. On moiion of the plaintiff twfure Geo. S. Hoimested, K. C, acting Vaster iu Chambers at Osgoode Hall, an order was made f jr the payment of $3 a week for interim alimony snd toO for disbursements, to enable her to bring her a.'tion to trial. The priucipals were married in Toronto in 1907- The plain- j <^^^^ 2 cents. culEi I.O.F. annual excursion. Toronto and Niag.^ra Falls. Friday. July 22nd. Special train leaves Flesherton at 8.10 a. j ui. Return fare Toronto t2 Do, Niagara \ Falls $2.2t> â€" goed to return by any regu- lar train up to evening July 23rd. Child- ' ren half faie. Coma and enj«>y a pleas- ant outing at modenite co««t. and I tiff is a salesman, who earns f9 a week, owns two lots valued at fooO, and sup- ports bts luother. The incorporation of the Universal -Aerial Navigation Company, of St. Louis has revealed plans for a commercial pas- senger airship that rivals the dreams of Joles Vetne. Officials of the company declare that within a year they will have a ship chat will carry up to a hundred passengers in a sixty-mi!e wind and at a spefd of one hundred miles an hour. .Al team of horses belonging to John Bflshaw of Wuodford became frightened at the Grand Truuk station ui Meaford, ran in front of the locomotive and were killed. The loss is in the nei^hliorhooi of fo<)0. JVuother te*iu also becan e frightenM at the same time aud were injured but will recover. The new airsh'p is called a »yrop!ane, so named f i'«m the fact i hat it is a com- bination of tie gyroscope, the helicopter an I the aeioplane. Cnmmeocing on the 2nd of Blay continuing through the summer our prices will be as follows : shirts 10 cenr.s, 4 cents per pair. Vests 10 cents, handkerchiefs 1 cent, summer underwear 5 cants, socks 5 cents per pair, spreads 10 cents, quilt* 15 cents, feather ticks 20 cents and other articles so cheap thit it doesn't pay you to bother with your washing. SVe have every facility for turning out the work in a proper mann<-r and we are here to stay. Markdale Steam Laundry. Andy VN il. son, Flesherton .Agent. FOR SALE Buy the best paris green on the maiLet. The Canada Paint Co. sr» reputed to be the best paris green makers in this country. We have it, you should have it. the pi>tato bugs need kdling. Price per poaod 25 cents. Screen Doors In any width or design. \\e bave a large asjji'rtment of plain, faccy or panelled screen doors. They are durable and complete in every wsy. being nicely grained. They show a complete appearance to your house. ,n well aa keep out the flies. Prices range from $1.00 to ♦2.0O complete. Also a large quantity of wire screening in all width*, at the correct price. Binder Twine No donbt people are being led a-stray by buying cheap twine. This twine, we are told, is similar to prison twine, which is very coarsely woven and of poor quality, besides it is only 550 feet to the p<;und. Why buy this cheap grade of twine when you can buy tha best for 10 cants f>er pound with 650 feet to the pound. You save the differ- ence in the price in your time lixing the other. Get satisfaction, it pays. Preserving Season Is now very close. Are you prepared for it by having your supply of preserving kettles, ladles, dippers complete f Wa have added to our st'~vck a fu:l line of granite preserving kettles in all sires. The best of granite will not wear ioo long â€" do not buy cheap goods. We have a bargain in a set containing live pieces ; a siiuce pan, a preserving kettle, a pudding dish, a brea^ii pan, stewing pot, all granite, first class quality. The sec for $1.00. It is cheap, buy it. Rubber Padnt Any ona in need of pure rubber paint will do well to test our high i2rade of paint. It is worth while to (Mint your roof, either- sbingieur iron. I' C'jsts only a small .kmouut and it lengthens the life of them one ha'it. Try a galkn and be convinced. F. G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton 1^ i tbe Old Reliable [ Kreah tish on hind- ' lev, Flesherton. -try one â€" U. Rad- Lord Pnmsta's Unique Record. The oldest prelate in the kingdom. Archbishop Alexander, the Irish Lord Primate, has just entered on his 37th year. As a bishop Dr. .Alexander's re- cord is unique. He is the only pre- late in these islands who has t^n over forty years in episcopal orders, and the only survivar of the bishops of the Irish Cburch prior to its di»- estabUshment. It is noteworthy that during hia occupancy of the See of Derrr be made a magnificent gift to the diocese by permasently eixfewiiig it with 1 10,000 a year and a bishop's hooM. Good general purpose mjre and horse for saleâ€" John McPhail.agen'.Priceville. LOST AND POIND Futmd" Kay ring. 4 keys. â€".Advance. Watch found on IXmiiuion Day. Can be hnd at th's othce on pameut of advt. Lady* parasol f, und with parcel in- side at Ceylon on the night of July 1st. Owner may have it by paying cost of this aaveriisemeut. R. Cook, Ceyloa. Lost â€" On Sunday, June 26, a self con- tained bicycle puiip 12 inches long, about J of an inch in diameter, between Flesh- erton aud Eugenia. A. S. Thurston, Flesherton. ^___ Strayed â€" To the premises of the under- \ signed, one white heifer about June 15th ' The owner is reiiuested to come and prove ! P'-jp^jity, i^y expenses and take the i same away. Ri>bt. F. Genoe, lot 27, ' cou. l.'J. Arlemesia. SUFFERED FROM VIOLENT CATHARTICS V $boe Store ^ After all has been siiid the tiual test of a boot is its wearing qualities. CLAYTONS have them in summer shoes for men, women and chiUren â€" black, tan and patents. We also have the W. B. H. make in staples of solid leather for solit.1 wear. We have also trunks and suit cases. ^^ Custom w ork and repairiug dgner CLAYTON'S ^XX-I^ Turned the Laugh. *Wbo ia there." eried the impas- lioined orator, "who will lift a voice against the truth of my statement?" Just then a donkey on the outskirts ot the crowd gave v«nt to one of the pieretnc "heehaws" ot the tribe. The laagh waa on the orator lor a mo- ment; but. assnming an air of tri- umph, he lifted hia voice ab^re the din to fj: "I knev xtdbodj but a jackasa irould try it." Awrhfetuhop Vntstdby said, with flip- pant bat hsawroas tbscourtMy, "'Wo- men aerer reason, or if they dio they •ithsr dmw correct inferenoes from wrong pramiaea or wrong inlsreaoM fnm oerrset premises, and thev at ««7a poka tha &r« from the tap. * hIW's Uttie Qame. Wifoâ€" What's the matter^ Hoshuid â€" Soma one has been robbing the firm, and I'm afraid 101 be suspected. Wife â€" lapoaaiblel Husband â€" Well, it's best to be on the safe side. Better not buy that new drees you've been worty* ing me aboat. MNntTMir* Harbor. It ia said that the harbor facilitiea dt Montreal are alaK<8t as good aa i those of Liverpool, apd have ooat much leas. {The Warning of Mr. Geo. C. Fox Is One That Should Be Heeded by AIL t io^Mueli r Belled All!| Boiled alli^tor Tery maoh like that< much eaten in India. Few men on the road are better known than genial George Fox. wliose friends throughout the West are legion In the following letter he exs>r»»8es gratitude for signal services rendered by Dr. Hamilton's Pills. He goes on to stay: •"Until I used Dr. Hamilton's Pills and experienced their wonderful mildness and curative power. I esti- mated the value ot every pill by its activity. Talking about this to a well- known physician I met on the train the other day. he explained there are different kinds of drugs that act upon the iKiwels. the most active being known as drastic Except In extreme cases where the life of the patient depends upon speedy evacuation ot the bowels, pills should never l>c dras- tic. Purgatives cause catarrh of the bowels and Inflammation: their dose must be Increased, causing even more harm. With such a clear explanation I could see why Dr- Hamilton's Pills are curative and not Irritating, why they are mild, yet most searching. "From my experience I recommend everv'one that takes pills to give up the old-fashioned harsh, purging pill, and. Instead, to use Dr. Hamilton's. They cure headache, biliousness, con- stipation. I>ad stomach, and keep the system In perfect condition." Refuse any substitute for Dr. Ham- ilton's Pills; sold for 25c.. all dealers, or The Catarrhoione Co., Klng-jton. Ont. (^ey/on's Jousy Store Now is the time to get your measure taken for a new unit i.f clothes, up-to-date, from $15 to f25 or ready to wear clothing from S4 75 to »11 00. .\lso a gocd ttcck cf ile f»B;ous Peabodys overalls and jackets. We have a good up-to-date stock of boou and shoes at right prices. NVw is the time to get your sugar .is it is likely to »o up higher. .\ few bundles of 550 feet tinder twine at 8 cents while it lasts. In ijlassware. 4 piece tea set for 25e. X^ao harvest tools Quaker berries at 3 for 25c' Orause meat, per packat^e iQp^ Quaker puffed rice. 3 for ^^^ ^as. X^attison » Qeulon haa a taste yeal. 16 ia Dr. Hamilton's Pills Cure Constipation The Markdale Mu^^ House To Intended Buyers.- If you want a firsi I ^11 such high grade pianos as the Heint of Toronto ; V> lUis pitnos aud pUyer pia<*'* Knabe A Co., of Baltioi piano or organ caH here ->ewcombe, and Stanley, t Montreal; and the Wn â-  -. aber niakee. Onisps such as the Thomas, ofWoo^'^'''. *"*^ ^herlock-Manntnir ormn« and player organs of U>iidon boHl*' •â- -J'fs and ohurehes. Anv of XT golds sold oa*-*^" t" suit the buyer. ® Ce Te OlilSOtl, tnarlidale ^

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