i ^'For Tea You Can't Beat Upton's" From Our Own Estates to You. Fragrant, Delicious and Invito ating. LIPTON'S T Sold Only in Aiitiglit Packages FIRES CAUSED BY RAILWAYS Questions Discussed at the Forestry Asso elation Meeting in Quebec. A despatch from Quebec says : Hon. Clifford Sifton delivered an excellent address at the recent ses- sion of the Forestry Association. -Ho chose for this subject the ques- "tion of "Forestry Problems and Forest Fires." At the outset he jwinted out the early difficulties which beset the pioneers in forestry work. Despite the indifference on the part of the public, Mr. Sifton cofntended that no movement in modern times had made such gen- uine progress as the conservation â- of our forests. He told of the early struggles he had to obtain a vote of $15,000 for the establishment of a forestry school in connection with the Department of the Interior. Since the establishment of that Bchool no less than 15,000,000 trees RULING PRICES OF FARM PRODUCTS REPORTS FORM THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES OP AMEBICA. Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese aud Otiier Produce ut Home and Abroad. BEEADSTUFFS. Toronto, Jan. 24.â€" Flour â€" Win- ter wheat 90 per cent, patents, $3.80 at seaboard. Manitoba flours â€"First patents, $o.40; second pat- ents, $4.90, and strong bakers', $4.70, on track, Toronto. Manitoba Wheatâ€" No. 1 North- ern, $1.04, Bay iK)rts; No. 2 North- ern, $1.01'^, Bay ports, and No. 2 at gS-^oC, Bay ports. Ontario Wheat â€" 80 to 87c outside for No. 2 red and white, respec- tively'. Barleyâ€" Malting qualities, 36 to I 58c outside, and feed, 48 to 50c out- side. Oatsâ€" No. 2 whi.;e, 35j^ to 36j^c, on track, Toronto, and at 34c out- them penalized for the fires they side ; No. 2 W.C. oats, 39c, Bay cause, and if this is done it will , ports, and No, 3 at 373..C, Bay tend to make campers and settlers ports. more careful," said Mr. Sifton. In Corn â€" No. conclusion ho asked for the sup- 53c, prompt port of the conveution in connec- freights. tion with the efforts being made by ! Peasâ€" No. 2 shipping lots, the Conservation Commission to SOc outside. penalize the railroads for the fires Ryeâ€" No. 2 at 61 to 62c outside. they cause. , Buckwheatâ€" No. 1 at 48c outside. Mr. Hall, Secrecary of the Soci- ' Bran- Manitobas at 821, in bags, j ety for the Protection of the Adi- Toronto, and shorts, S23, in bags,! rondacks, told of their fight to se- Toronto. Ontario bran. 821 to cure freedom from forest fires. They $21.50, in sacks, Toronto, and. 2 American yellow shipment, Toronto "9 to MADE IN CANADA^ YMSr CAKES ,MOST PERFECT MADE Used in Caaadian homes to produca delicious home-m&da bread, and a 9up« pl7 is alveays included in Sportsmens' and Campers' Outfits. Decline all imitations. They never give satisfaction zoid cost just as much. E. W. CIULSTT CO. L70. Winnipeg Toronto, Ont. Montreal Awarded htshett honors at all No. 2n Expositloni. ^QXAz «!«lSit7a , tmr enta, $4.95 to $5.35; second pat- ents, $4.85 to $5.25: first clears, $3.35 to $3.73; second clears, $2. â- 35 to $2.95. had found after careful inves- tigation, that the railroads were the chief offenders, and had passed laws compelling them to burn oil in their locomotives while passing through the forests. This policy, together with the cleaning up of the right of way and xiie establishment shorts $23. iad been planted in the western | of watch towers, had made the Adi- provinces. In connection with forest fires, Mr. Sifton showed that the rail- roads were the chief offenders. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Applesâ€" Spys, $4,50 to $6 ; Bald- wins, $4 to $5; Greenings, $4 to $4.50; No. 2 assorted, $3.50 to $4 per barrel. ^ Beansâ€" Car lots, $1.70 to $1.75, and small lots, $1.85 to $1.90. Honeyâ€" E.xtracted, in tins, lOV.^ to lie per lb. No. 1 comb, whole- sale, $2 to $2.50 i>er dozen ; No. 3 per rondacks practically free from fires. Mr. R. D. Campbell, Dominion Superintendent of Forestry, gave T, f ,.,â- ,• ., I ""^ e^^austive report on the work ^^;^{, 't^^oksare", $1.75 to From careful mvestigation it was i carried on by his department. He , ' found that out of 171 fires in Que- pointed out the difficulty of proper- ii„ilj havâ€" No 1 at $12 to $12.- bec last year the railroads caused ly patrolling large areas of forest, ^^^^ '^^^ ^^ , at $10 "to 75. In Ontario the railroads start- of getting trained fire-rangers, and ' ed 404 out of 432 fires, which took I of the need of educative work ' * „" , place in the Province. In the west among the settlers. He concluded _, _\^j,j.q the projwrtion was smaller, but that a fire patrol was needed along _ ^ i_^ the lines of railroad, no matter , what other means of protection *|^^^j^^^:,j^lgg^,g p^j^^, «{ were adopted. 1 dressed poultry :-Chickens, 12 to ====================== i 12'.j'c per lb. ; fowl, 9 to 10c per lb. ; ducks, 13 to Uc per lb.; turkeys 17 to 19c per lb., and geese, 12 to 12/-.2C per lb. Liv«, 1 to 2c less. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Montreal, Jan. 24.â€" Choice steers sold at 6':ic to Oj-^c, good at by^c to 6c, fairly good at a'^^c to 5''2C, fair at i.%c to 5c, and the common grades at 3%c to il\c per pound. A hundred milch cows met with a 'air demand, and prices ruled steady from $35 to $65 each for milkers, and at $25 to $55 each for spring- ers. Sheep brougiit from 4,'iC to 4%c, and lambs from Gc to e'-^c per pound. The demand ior calves was good, and sales were made at 4c to 7c per pound. Hogs un- changed. Toronto, Jan. 24.â€" Hogs sold on the basis of $7.25 to $7.35 f.o.b. country, while sheep, lambs and all other commodities were steady and unchanged. mSON BAY RMIWAY a.T.R. Willing to Negotiate With Govern- ment Regarding Operation of Line. A despatch from Ottawa says : A telegram was received on Wed- nesday by the Hon. Geo. P. Gra- ham, Minister of Railways and Ca- nals, from Charles M. 2iays, Pie- sident of the G.T.R. C)mpany, making an offer from the G.T R. to negotiate with the Govcrtiiuciit respecting the operation -if tne Hud- son Bay Railway. While no terms were mentioned, it is surmiied that the Grand Trunk Pacific would de- sire a lease similar to the one un- der which it will operate liie east- ern section of the National Trans- continental. A substantially simi- lar offer, it is said, has alri'ady been received from tho Can.idian Northern, and it is hoped that bet- ter terms may be received frcni one of the other companies. Th« present proposition contemplatet the construction of a line from th« Grand Trunk Pacific from Saska- toon to the Pas Mission. This pro- position follows on a conferenc* held here recently in which Presi- dent Hays, Mr. Wainwright and Chief Engineer Kelliher partici- pated. «ven there it was shown that they were the chief offenders, causing 186 out of 1,226 fires. "We want Baled strawâ€" 36.50 to $7 on track. Car lots 75 to SOc per FOUR BURNED TO DEATH. Mrs. Percy C. Brooks and Her Three Children, of Torouto. A despatch from Toronto says : A fire that partially destroyed the frame house, 425 Indian Road, at an early hour on Saturday morning was responsible for four deaths in the family of Mr. Brooks. The fire apparently started near the fur- nace ond worked its way into the LEAPED FRO.H CABOOSE. Trniamen Hurt in Escaping From Burnins Caboose. THE DAIR7 M.VRKETS. Butterâ€" Dairy prints, 22 to 24c; upper part of the house, cutting off all escape for the family. The _ maid jumped from a rear window able to open the door, but broke the .\ despatch from Portage La Prairie, Man., says: Conductor Howe and Brakesman John .\lex- choice dairy solids. 21 to 22c ; in auder and Frank- Moore, of the C. ferior, 18 to 19c : choice large rolls, P. R., ar« in the hospital here, SI to 22c. Creamery, 27 to 2Sc per though not seriously hurt. The ib. for rolls, 25c for solids, and 24 cause of the trouble was the e.x- to 25c for separator prints, plosion of a lamp, which set fire to ' Eggsâ€" Case lots of pickled bring a car, when the train was five miles 26c ; cold storage, 27c ; selected, 28 west of this citv. Thev were un- ; to SOc, and strictly new-laid, 32 to and escaped. Mr. Brooks, Mana ger and Treasurer of the Fairbanks- Morris Manufacturing Company, is in Chicago on business. He was telegraphed to by neighbors imme- diately on the tragedy becoming known. window and snow. lea|>ed out into the .VLL TO H.VVE WIRELESS. ONTARIO LIVE STOCK SHOW. Results ot the Year's Seed Grain Competitioas. A despatch from Ottawa s.nys : Government io Insist on Equipment of Passenger Steamers. 35c per dozen. Cheeseâ€" Large are quoted 123.JC. and twins at 12%c. at HOG PRODUCTS. Baconâ€" Long clear, 12 to 12VaC per lb. in case lots ; mess pork, $24 ; short cut, $26. A despatch from Ottawa savs:| Hams-Light to medium, 10c ; It was stated on Fridav at the Ma-I^o-. ^^^"y- '^^ ; rolls, 12, .,c ; shoul- rine Department that a bill was in:<lers, li;..c; breakfast bacon, 18c; preparation which would be intro- i backs (pea meal), lS,.,,c. duced by Mr. Brodeur in the House ^ of Commons rei]uiring all vessels | P**"^' ^•^••1 The feature of Tluirsday at the On- |«n the Great Lakes and in the St. tario Live Stock Show was the an- 1 Lawrence carrying passengers as a nouncenient of results in the year's ; business to be equipped with wire- seed grain competitions. The prize less telc'^raplv NEWS OF THE D.\Y IN A PARAGRAPH HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE GLOBE IN A NUTSHELL. Canada, the Empire and the World in General Before Your £yca. CANADA. Subscriptions to Montreal me- morial to King Edward are pouring ; ia. I George Book, section foreman, was killed by a train at Tillsonburg, ; on Friday. j Mr. Stephen H. Penfold, who lived alone near Tapleytown, was <ound dead in bed by neighbors who , broke into his house. 1 I Hon. Rodolphe Leiuieu.>c announc- j ed that he had ordered the mail j car to cover the wh)le route on the , 1 Temiskauiing >fc Ncrthern Ontario ' Railway. Sir Alan Aylenworth announced to the House of Commons the suc- jcessful termination of the negotia- i tions with the Unite-a ctuies re- garding the regulation of Asheries. William Pope, the Bromptonville. Que., merchant, who disappeared recently, is said to have cut his horse's leg and sprsad the blood about to leave the impression that he was murdered. CASHED CHISES E EfiBS Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars* Worth Seized at Montreal. A despatch from Montreal saya • A consignment of canned eggs from China, valued at $75,000, has been seized by the city, and t'le Boar.-l of Control ordered on Thursday that not a single can must be sold in the city. The owners were a£ terwards given permission to re- move the eggs from the cold-stor- age warehouse, but if there is any delay in removal every can w'll bo destroyed. From the inforniiilion given to the board it was shown that the eggs were dausj.-ro'.s to public health. In the analysis, which was made uy experts, some surprising facts were brought <ut. The e.xijerts in tneir report say : 'The eggs in the v.ans were found to be frozen, and are said to have come from China. The eggs, whi.'e in the frozen condition, had haid- !y any noticeable odor, as wonl4 have been expected. A small par* of the eggs from samples were tak- en aud placed in a warm temperar ture. Putrefaction of a violent n*- ture resulted in about 24 hours, showing the presence of large nuna- bers of bacteria. Such bacteria were probably introduced at t.h€ time • of packing, the subsequent freezing cheeking their action." .\n experiment was conducted to determine the effects of a small portion of the eggs, when inocu- lated into a guinea pig. On De- cember 24, a sample of the mixturt with sterilized water was injected subcutaneously into a guinea pig, I the pig died in less than two days. ' The consignees were ordered to re« I move the stuff from the city, and , some curiosity is exhibited as to ' who will finally get them. Lardâ€" Tierces, 13c; tubs, 13%c; 13' .jC. MIXERS LOSE SWINGS. Many at Reoley Mine Had Money in Faruici's Bank. winners were: Oats. Wni. Lewis, Duuford, Siberian ; Thos. Cash, Bobcaygeon, Y'ellow Russian : Peter Drummond, Kcene, Irish White ; S. W. Rihincc. Bcaverton ; D. Coon, Frankford; II. \\ . Bernard, BiUi- , , , , ^ , ,. boro; M. S. Ca.npbell, Dominion- A despatch from Cobalt says ville • W J Barber, Dossmore ; The Keeley Mine is closed up as all Geo.' R. Bradlev. Carsonbv ; An- the employes excepting two engm- drew Knox, Norwood; spring eers aud the cook refuse to return wheat, W. J. Oats, Queen's Line, to work " * "- Thos. McMillan of Seaforlh spoke a ^aj all round. Many of the min- on "The Beef Cattle Industrv in ers had their savings in the branch Ontario," and Prof. W. H. Day ' "f the Farmers Bank situated at j ot Guelph on undertraining. the mine. 500 MILES OF lEW TEAOK Canadian Pacific Railway Plans Many New Lines in the West. MONTREAL M.VRKETS. Montreal, Jan. 24.â€" Oatsâ€" Cana- dian Western, No. 2, 40' .j to 41c, car lots ex store ; e.xtra No. 1 feed, 39i'2 to 40c; No. 3 C.W., 39 to 39>2c; No. 2 local white, 3S.'4 to 3SV.jC; No. 3 local white, Ti]i to 37 Sic; No. 4 local white, 36,'/i to 36} ic. Flour â€" Manitoba Spring patents, firsts. $5.00; do., seconds, $5.10: Winter wheat patents, $4.- 75 to $5; strong bakers', $4.90; ... , „. , ! straight rollers, $4.35 to $4.50 ; do.. Wages were cut 2o cents , .^^ ^^^^ ^^ j^, g.^ ,^ j^^,,,^ ^^^^_ iPer bbl.. $4.45; bag of 90 lbs., $2.- ' 10. Barleyâ€" Feed, car lots ex store, 19 to 57.' .^c. Millfeedâ€" Bran, I Ontario, $19 to $20; Manitoba, $18 I to $20: middlings. Ontario, $22 to $22.50; shorts, Manitoba, $21 to , $22 ; mouillic, $25 to $30. Eggsâ€" i Selected, 32c : fresh, 10 to 43c : No. j 1 stock. 27e ; No. 2. 23 to 25c. Cheese â€"Westerns, 11 5-S to \l'^,.c\ east- erns, UM to 115-8C. Butter â€" Choicest, ib/i to as'-^iC ; seconds, 23." .J to 25c. GREAT BRITAIN. The British Cabinet met on Fri- day to draft the King's speech. The succession of the Duke of \ Connaught to Earl Grey is highly, improbable, says The London Ex- \ press. j The King has ordered that High ' i Commissioners have seats in the diplomatic gallery at the opening 1 of Parliament. | Mr. John Redmond declares that | the Lords' veto will be abolished , before the coronation witliout the creation of Peers. UNITED ST.\TES The death is announced of Mr. Paul Morton, ex-Secretary of the I United States Navy. I President Taft in a speech on Saturday insisted on the fortifica- tion of the Panama Canal. Representative Champ Clark has been selected by the Democratic caucus as the ne.xt Speaker of the House. The U. S. naval investigation committee have reported that Capt. Peary, his instruments not being in order, came within a mile ot the North Pole. A despatch from Montreal says: Mountain section more sccire. Mr Whyte stated that it would be giv- en a rock ballast, the ballast Icing made out of the mountains with I wo large crushers. In addition to tliis the western programme includes the strengthening of a number of bridges to keep, up with thn in- creasing weight of equip.nent, and a number of ne«' steel bri«lg-s. The rest uf tlio construction progra;iinie It was stated on Wednesday even- ing by Vice-President William Whyte of the C. P. R. that the company will build 500 miles of track in the west during the coining Bumiuer, including the completion of the double-tracking of the line between Winniix-g and Brandon. In addition to this there will be a go UNITED STATES M.VRKETS. ' Buffalo, Jan. 24.â€" Wheat â€" Spring, No. 1 Northern, carloads store. $1.18;'4 ; Winter, No. 2 white, 9oc asked. Cornâ€" No. 3 yellow, 50e ; No. 4 yellow, 48.'ic. on track, through billed. Oatsâ€" No. 2 white, 36j.jC ; No. 3 white, 36c : No. 4 white, So'^c. Barleyâ€" Malting, 97c to $1.- 02. Ryeâ€" No. 2, on track, SOc. Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 24. â€" Wheat-May, $1.07% to $1,07 7-3; July. $l.08'.j: No. 1 hard, $1.09; oo<l deal of doubie-traokiiig around 1 includes a uunibcr of sh.rt lines, | No. 1 Northern, j!;1.07 to $1.08 iiloosc Jaw, which is boconiing an 'from twenty to I'-Tty mil.;3 long, to ! No. 2 Xorthern. $1.04',' to $1.06%; important shipping centre. In or- connect new ly settled diitric** with | No. 3 wheat $1.02;\ to $1.0.')%. Bran iicr to aiake the load ihrougli th« the main line*. '$21.50 to $2a. Flourâ€" First pat- GENERAL. An accident to the conning-tower of a German submarine, as it was successfully raised to the surface. led to the suffocation of three men. MYSTERIOUS MURDER. .Man Found Strangled in Winnipeg- Soo Train. A despat<;h from Thief River Falls, Minn., says: Soon after the north-bound Winnipeg Soo Line flyer left Erskine on Sunday, the conductor found a man dying in one of the coaches. Doctors were called at Thief River Falls, who pronounced the man dead as a re- sult of strangulation, although no marks of violence were visible on the body. A quantity of whiskey and several empty ilasks found show that he used a considerable quan- tity of whiskey on the trip. The man was travelling on a ticket made in favor of L. R. Lowes, Canning- ton, Ont. Relatives were communi- cated with, and in the meantime the local lodge of Oddfellows took charge of the body, the d:ad man hdving been a member of that or- ganization. Upon the arrival of Glen Lowes of Morris, Sask.. bro- ther of L. R. Lowes, he declared the b«)dy not that of his brother, and whollv unknown to him. CURES PARALYSIS. .Vuslrian Physician Claims Succcn With Tuboreulin. A despatch from Vienna says: .â- \fter three years' experimentation, Prof. Wagner von Jauregg, of tho University of Vienna, claims t-o hav« cured 23 per cent, of cases of pro- gressive paralysis out of 1,500 pati- ents by injections of Koch's tuber- culin. The disease heretofore haa l)eon considered incurable. BRITISH -VllACR ON DUBUYA. A despatch from Frankfort. Ger- I many, says: The Zeitung's Con- : stantinople correspondent reports « serious collision between British sailors and Turks at Dubuya in th« Indian Ocean. Several blue jack- ets were killed. The British, ao- cording to the despatch, afterwarda I bombarded Dubuya. lEXT GO?EBIiO^(lEmRAL Duke of Teck Suggested in Case Duke ol Connau2:ht Cannot Come. KING TO VISIT IRELAND. With Queeu Will Hold Series of Functions This Summer. A despatch from Dublin says: It is reporte<i here that King C~!eorge and Queen Mary will make a brief visit to Ireland, ijrobably i 1 i Julv t'r .\ugust. They will reside ' in the vice-regal lodge and will hold ' a series of brilliant Stato fuuctioos. A despatch from Ottawa says: It is learned from high authority that his Sci^ene Highness the Duke of Teck. eldest biother of Queen Mary, may be the ne.xt Governor- General of Canada. Although no oflicial advices have been received here by the Government yet that the Duke of Connaught will be un- able to come to Canada this y.ar as representative of the King, ow- ing to the need of his presence in England until the Prince of Wales is old enough to assume the duties of his i>osition, present indications are that his Royal Highness will be lirevented from coming for that rea- son. It is understood that the Im- perial Government is now suggest- ing in an informal way that tho L)uke of Teck would bo a suilablf choice as successor to Lord Cirey. in case it is found that the Duke ow Connaught cannot bo spared. Tho matter has as yet not got beyond the stage of tentative suggestion, but it is known that it is under con« sideration. His Serene Highnc is a grandson of the first Duke Cambridge, and the eldest son . the late Duke of Teck and of H.R. H. Princess Mary \<' ilaide. H< was born at Kensington Palace oc .\ugust 13, 1868, and saw service i( South Africa as transiwrt officer ol a composite cavalry regiment. H< was temporary military atliv-ihe ak Vienaa ia \9M^