Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 26 Jan 1911, p. 8

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i Januauy 20, 1911 THE F I. E SII E R T N ADVANCE V 'Advance' Small Ads. Look over them weekly. There may be something for YOU Business Cards WALTER LOLCKS lluilrter Contr«otor For Hrlck, Htonu ami frame reiiilencM. F.i- tLnatea cbaerlully lurrialioJ, Klualiurtou P U Ontaxlu. Farms For Sale or Rent I/>l 1 14, 'i'. :iii'l S, I!.. Artrnirsii ; (il «LTe<^, ((ikhI biiiUlinf;ii, oiclianl, uell vruttru I Willi rtiiiuitiK Ktrraiii iiinl uill : clone to village of i"'le»liert'iii. Ayiily on tlit- nrciuwn u> ITfeb -ANDKKW WICKKNS F()ltBA[<B-~('hea|> an I ftaajr turina. If nut Kold ioou. (or rent to Hiiitalile tenant, North half lot :f} anil tot 40, cod, U, .\rtomenla, and lot 1, con, 12. Osprey, 200 acreit, about ITjO -. . clearucl balance mostly timbered land, hard •oiuiui»ioner In H, C. J ,ConTevanc«r, deed*, aud "oft wood ; koo<I f tone dwelling and frame MOULLOUUH ft VOUNa Bankera Markdal* Oo • ganaral banklDK bualnaw. Honey loaned at reaaooable rate* Call on ua. CHISI.KTT, ronlmanter, Ceylon. iaort«;aKea, leaiei, will' etc. carefully drawn up jBllectioun uiadi. charKes roaptouablo. AUo iP^oceries, tlour, teed etc. kept in stock, I'lric** iltebt. RJ BPBOl'IiB Poiitmaiter, Pleaherton <>emmi0Blouer in H.C J., A Tevancer, A|i|<ralaer and Money Ileal Kfitata and Inaurance Agent. DeeilK, mortgaKefi. lea«e« and wilU carefully drawn np anil valuation! made on ihorteat notice uoney to loan at lowest rates ot interest. Col- eclioas attended to with |iromj>tncBB ehargoB low. Agent lor Ocean Dominion Bt«amsbip Company. A call solioited. baru, fltabliiiR under; well wntered with uOTer- failiut; small sjiriug creek ctosaing farm close to barn: This is an excellent grain or graring farm and will be sold very ':huap if taken at once and ou uasy torinii. Appl] to It. J. Hproule, Flosberton, Out. uctionee Con- 1; OU SALE oUeap and on easy Money I*nder , aiid-J.coo. II Osprey : aOO termsâ€" Lots 1 acres : frauip dwelling, frame barn and stabling under; about 170 acres cleared and under cultivatiou. Home splendid ced&i with other mixed timber on balance, also tw.^sinall orchards bearing. Well watered ; nevei failing spring creek. Hpleudid cralu and ^raxing farm, .\pplv to U' J.bproule Klesberton or Samuel llsborne. Maxwell. coDueotion Dec. 6X)7. WM. KAITTINO, Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of lirey and Siincoe. Fanu and Stock Bales a specialty. Terms aioderate satisfaction guaranteed. Arrange- mants for dates may be made at the Advance otBee, orA! T. Hutcblnsons store, teversliam by addressing uie at Keversbaui, Out. RUDD MATHK'VS, Markdale, Licensed auctioneer for the county of Grey, Good service at reascnablo rates. Dates can be ( 7 made at The Advance, o 00 "8 : ke|)t well rented ; two good balls on second and third stories ; lirst claHS business stand and will be sold cheap as owuer is engaged in other buHiuess ill tbe west and lias nu further use for it. Apply to H- J. Sproule, Flesherton. ] Lst ',', Con. 11. Osprey, lUO acres, OH acres I under cultivation, lU acres lia>'dwood busb, d'J I acres pasture with lunniug stream across, ' Large brick liuuse, good siinng well, frame barn aud outbuildings. Fur terms apply to Mrs, JoUN (BAWFORD, I'ayley, Alberta. 1HAUVEY I'KItir.OE, biok. General brokerat^n businees r, Kleshorton ^, Insurance of eyeryHind placed in f afe and liberal oompauies. notes bandltAl and money Correspondence solicited. Lot No. 2, con. K. Osprey: For iiBrticulais applyto J. M. Ili'HKi, FevorrhauiF, (), t'AIlM FOIt SALE-Very cheap, lot 9, con. 7, Osprey, only *:I000, lS.l?c8*ateetc7"opc"ic"couuTsVn"d"pait~ due i cash payment balance eaay terms Br, acrei notes bandlMl and money advanced thereon, cleared, well fenced and 11; high state of ci Hi 100 acrus, reasonable acres Medical DB CARTF.B M C P A 6 Ont, PhyBician, finrgeon, etc Ofllce and residenceâ€" Pater st., Flesherton JP OTTEWELL Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario \eterinary College, jwideoce â€" sscond door south weat.on liarr street. This street runi south Presbyterian Church, H WILSON, lUacksniitb Ijraduale ef tue Veterinary Scleno Association. Durham nrect, opposite Boyd, Bros hardware. J)extistry Dr E. C. MURRAY L. D. h, dental surgeon liono, graduate of Toronto University and Koyal College ol Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Gas adinisinistored for tcetb e.Xtraction eiBoe at residence, Toronto Street, He»,;erton. vation, balance timbered, good comfortable frame dwelling, stone cellar under, never fail- ing spring wetland windmill pump at door, new frame barn, well Hnisheri. stono stabling with spring water under, also in shed. It is situated i mile troiii Ma.xwoU village where tbers are stores, post offices, pood school, and iflon the travel road.O^ miles from railway station. If sold at once, above price, though VKItY CHK.i.P might bo shaded a little. Ai/i'ly to H. J. SPltOULK, Flesherton, or iu> " Sportsof all Sorts FOR "SPORT*" OF ALL aORT* The Spurting E(lit<jf of The Advance liad the pleanuie of a Hkste on the Kira- lierley riiik od Saturday niijlit. The ice sheet is of (»eiieri)UH size and in gcod con- ilitioii, whilu the new gamiliDa ilghtx are a perftct illumiutnt. The rink is a pap- ular inatitution in llie valte; town â€" at any [rata a large crowd of old and young ^ore out, and ail a|iparently enjoying it hugely Manager iiarria has an excel- lent rink, which is flooded by the Kiin- berley waterworks, and he well deserTeii the splendid patronage which is hiu. •Some weeks a;;o >Viarton O.H.A. jun- iors had the Markdale junicrK thrown out fur the seasun, loavint; the p»nin.sulu town and Chenley as the only teams in the district, Chesley his not won a game this seaBon, and possibly will not, but they managed to have the Wiwton team dis>iualitiod and so itrc winners of the district and will play in the senii-tinals, Kiinberley liockey teiini p'ayed their tirst game at Uucklyn lost week. The latter team won by a score of something like 12-4, but tliu vall<>y boys are encour- aged over thoii showing in their first game -and think that a little experience will probably (urn the tables on the hill men. Marrying for money proves about as sucesstul as most Ret-rich-quick 8cheme.s. TIIOMAS GUY. onpreu:iseB. tf l,^ur sale cheap or rent, immediate possesfion. ^ Lot :)0 con. 14, Artcnie(<^ia, aboat 75 acres clear, comfortable log bouse and fram ) barn. Apply to It .1 fiiuoiile, Flesherton, or John J Martin, across tbe rosil from said tot^ ^- â-  = TENDERS WANTED Tt'iHlci-h will 1)1* iccei\'c(l l»y tlic uiKltTsii^iu-fi unlit the first of .Miiicl<, \'.H\. for the hiiildini; of a cement woodshed ami rcp:ii,-s to porch on tliescliool jrroiuuU of S, S. .\o. II, ..\rtemeHia- .Stone Hfttlement. For pl:u, anil miecitlca tiiins apply to \V. 11. HILL, .SecTrea^urer Ceylon I'.O. Le( ( Uf-AB. K.VNEY S. '-< rtolicitors,etc.-I, B. Lucas ;al WALLACE- -Barristers, K. C: W. E. Kaney, K. ('. ; J. H. G. Wallace. t^tlices, Toronto. SOB-'J Tiaders Itank Hli't'.. phone main UI2: Markdale Lucas Block, Phone 2 A. Branch office at Dundalk epen every Saturday. WH.WUIQHT, llarilstor. Solicitor, Convoy, ancer, eU',.- Owen Hound, and Hesberton. 11 -Fleaherlou ofUoe, bproule's Block uvery Raturi'av Societies AO U W meets on the last Monday in each month, in their lodge room Nnrris' block. Flesherton, at h p.m. M. \V., Alfred Harrison ; Bee, C. II. Muiisbaw: Fin., W.J. Bel. amy. Visiting brethren Invited PKINCB AUTHI.'K LODGE, No. :I33,A,F.& A r.f. meets iu tht Masonic hall. Arm- Urongs Block, Flesherton, every Friday on or before the lull mocu. f, H, .Mu'isl.aw, W. W.; TlioH. Clayton, Secretary. C01;BT FLEKHKKTON. OO."!, I. 0. F. ireetsin Claytons Block the last Wednesday evening of each month. Visiting Foresters heartily welcome. H. K., Dyson; K. K., T. Hotry; Fin. Sec , C, N. Kichardaun. Please pay dues to Fin. Sec. before the first day uf the mouth. CHOBEN FhlENDSâ€" Flesherton Council ol Chosen Friends meets in Claytons hall first and third Wednesday of cch month M p. ni Pay asseKKiiients to the Hecorder on or before tne Ilrst day of each month. Chief Councillor T. Blakelev: Hecorder W. 11. Buut. Berkshlres and Tamworths. I hav(Miow lor R»le a few vir) choice Beik- shire pig«*. nearly rirady to weaii' Hurry jour order and get the lie^t, OKO. W. ItOHH, Maxwell P. O. Boar For Service Thoriiii|;lilin''l \'ii k.-^)iin- lioac for Mprvii'e on Lot N. half i:i-.', K. T. :ii..l S. K.. .Vrte- inesiii. Terms tl. If.iiiimal is not all liulit in six weckrt imisl Ije letiirin'il, ot!ieiwi»e set- vice will lie clmrgril in full. â€" .IOSi:i'H liOI.I.KV. Notice to the Public .Ml niiiiois that are SJlreudin^' through tlie ciiunlry nlioiit me arc false ami luiities » lib arc sprcidinf; these niiuors liail better Iw cari'fut and Have further trmible. -li. .1. I'.KACKFMUKV, Fcverfliain Are Yon Weak, Bloodless, Anaemic!^ Vou Can Be Cured of Poverty o; the Blood Just Like JVLiss Everett Was. 60 yEfiS* EXPERIENCE \ Trade Marks OESiar 3 Copyrights Ac. Anyone spnrtlngnf ketch sri '.>«crlpM.in tno> Qlllculy iis'orf.ain our t)[-i:ii«:ii free *ln-i lirr au lijveiiuon Is pn'h.iMf pmcMt'ih.e. ('unintimica llonsBtrlcllyc'.mii!.':ill.il. HAflUDOOK cnl-.-itcuti •cut free. ('I<Jost flceiicy I'or socuilnar Patently. I'.ilrrit^ ttkca ft.r;nM:ll P'.uril A CO. receive tlHcUll lutti- 1, wit [lout cliarco, in f lio Sclesitlttc JSmericatt. A bfUiilBoniLly iDustnifr.i w<'t'Kly. I,.iiK''ht oir* culiiii'iii ift any f lutnrin j-.u: i.itl. 'l.rri.irt Xur Caiittdn, $:t.7.'i a year, ;»u„iiii;o i«ri|wii'J, bold by all oewndualer^. MUNM & Co '«'«""-•»»â-  ^'ew York since the curly asps. In .all countrlo," among all tiassp.s of peoplo, aii.T'inia ,'ia.s bcfii on.- of the- most pLriiicio'i. L'onditi >n.s that alfect niiinkliid. \Vritiii« frurii lur lnm.e in Patslfy .Mrs. tvcTitt says; â€" ".My duuKlitii niul Just passed her Kl.xtpenlh year, .vluii she bisaii to rapidly Inst- i-ol ir ind .stri'iig-th. tjerious coiiipliciitioiis ill ill that made her family iuid rlend'^ most anxious. We were not inly worried on aceoiiiit ot lier 111- KiiUh, Ijut b( cause she wa.s llicely to ;o,-e Ufr .\ear.s' work at the llUh ielioul, where she was pnpaiing for the iirofisslon of teaehiiiB, The doc- tor said It was '.Viiaemi;!.' I Knew tile best remedy was Fen'ozone â€" and nade-my daiishter take two Ferrozonc Ta'jii t.s with every ineal. The first box did little nvire than iiiereiise her appetite. I3iit with the stcond box It vva.s really deiliihtfiil to \\utch the sIkhs of n-tiiriilnK health. Annie'.-' I'aee became sort of a yellnwisli at Ir.-itâ€" that deadly v.hltene«s ilisap- pi ared- lilt It wasn't loni; beforo 11 nidily s'ow was p-.Teeptllij.' in li. r ;lieeUH, and real Rood color n-ttiriied. All Annie's troubles were cnred â€" she -,'rew stroiie â€" vifforousâ€" hea^ y In WelMTht â€" feels and looks thu picture of lieolth." FERROZONE Makes Strong Blood iriindreds of cases uf anaemia, jionr ?olor, blood Jind nerval, disurder.s, the 'liruMle kind â€" they have been cure<l !)y I'Vrrozone â€" whv not you'.' In Tide I joxps, six for $2.50. all dealers, or The 7atarrhozonc Co,, Kingston, Canada. FISH ! FISH ! Lake Trout Salmon Trout White Fish Anil Luke Kilo Heiiiiit; now on luind H. Radley, - Flesherton HOW IS YOUR APPETITE? ? ? ? ? What you eat has, at iIiIh season, a particularly direct influence on what you do on how you feel, on what you can auc()in|iliili. Oood liesllh and ({ood food are cloHely leluted, and you are sure of RiMid food liy buying your jjrocBvies at W.L. WRIGHT'S FLESHERTON (irocerie'j, Flours, Bran, .Sliorts, and all kinds of Feetl. mliMnr Carefully Corrected Eacli Week Wheat HO to HO Oats :'l «o :ii PeM 76 to 75 llarley â- *5 lo 60 Hay 10 00 to 10 00 flutter 21 to 21 Kggs, fresh 27 'o 27 Potatoes per ha^ .">0 to .V) Geese 1^ <" 12 Ducks ... 12 to 12 Chickonw 12 to 12 Turkeys 1** '" 1" IVool.. 21 to 2a pTARt THf irlAR .RIGHT 'ii0^^^'^- CALENDAR JANUARY I9II SAY TO YOURSELF "THIS YEAR I'LL USE ' j NOTHING BUT , CREAM OF THE WEST n fi; " madTaWV model MiLb , ' t^^ ;^|"' AND GuARANTEED_BVr.^i,^.*^!!f t^ YE O L D E M I LLE R ' v^ J - V-^ n F/,r CAMPBELL MILUINO CO.^IiiTD,. T^J^bfJiHtft^^. ij*??. ,^ Golden Wedding at Guelph. The residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Hteirart was the scene of a »ery pretty affair on Tuenday afternoon, whea the KoMon wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas KIlis of Puwassan, fat her and mother of IMr». Stewart, wa.i celebrated. Tlie ruoais were very prettily deroraied ttith paluiK and uther plants, and a bijj urey wolf, which stood upon a pedfMtal in tlio bay window, almost concealed by palms, grinnod out at the proceedings as if he eiijiiyed il m much as any one present The tables wertfa picture, taking th« en- tire length of the two big rooms, and were decorated with a profusion of tulips and carnations. The wedding cake whs a Hne specimen of the confcctioner'.s ait, and those were lucky who got a piece of it. There were eleren children and nine grandchildren laescnf, consislini; of the following : W. T. Ellis, Kimberley, Ont.; H. J. Ellis, Powassan, Ont.; Mrs. J. H. Magee, Kimberley, Out.; A. E. Ellis, Kimberluy, Ont. ; A. J. Ellis, In- dus, Minnesota ; Mrs. E. Stinson, Hub- baid, Saskatchewan ; Mr. C, Drinkwater, CWleUin, Ont.;T W. Ellis, Elk Lake, Ont.; Mr.s. A. E. CoUett, North Bay, Ont.: Mrs. \V. If. Stuart, Guelph ; and Miss Selini, at home. The following ad- dress was read by tbe eldest son, W. T, Ellis, which so touched the old folks th&t teai'.s were in the voice of Mr. Ellis when he rose to reply. Tu our father and mother : We, the members of your family, de- sire to express to you our congratulations on thi.s thu tiftieth anniversary, of yeur wedding, and as a slight token of our esteem for you, and as an acknowledge- ment of your wiitchful care over us dur- ing chiUlhuod, and the many sacrifices you have miide fjr iis, we ask you to ac- cept this purse of gold, and we pray God thitt your lives may \e spared to be » blessinu to us, and wall alt whom you may l>e associated with. Among the others present were Miss Nellie Elli?, Powassan ; Mrs. W. T. Ellis, Kiiu'uerlcy; Ont.; Mr. mid Mr.i, T. Ma- gee, Toronto. The bridesmaid of the happy event of fifty years ai'o was al.so present with hi'r hu.sband, Mr, U. Tiioiiip.sun of Walker- j ton. The llev. C. 11, Buckland, who some fifteen years ago was the family ! minister of the old fo!k.s in their old i home in the north, spoke very feelingly ! of his aciiuaintanco with them, and ' rfislii-d tlieiii iiiany years yet of prosper- ity iitul lii'alth. Daring the afternouii linle Miss KlfortU Stuart, ilie youngest grandchild, picicntod the brida with ii beautiful bouijuet of white roses, lily of the valley and iniiidtn hair ferns. M;ii)y cosily and beautiful pre.sonts were received fi<im outside point.s. Mr. Ellis is 7-1 and Mrs. Ellis 7^' years of age. They'nro loth bale and hearty «nd there has net been a break in the family yet. Telegrams ;ind letters of congratulation aiid^regrct at not being able to bo pres- eut^were received from North Bay, To- rontii, Uarrie, Thornlmry, Kimberley, t^nt., iind Powassan. for sale by Wesley Buskin, FleshertoD| ao<i hi, Pattisoa, Ceyloo. '^ -rf- - -*^ - '-*-'• â-  -*- ^ --*- Mammoth "Red Letter" Month End Sale Some of the Bargaii'is to be seen on the sale tables- MENS RKADY-MADE CLOTHING (Suits in different sizes, weights and patterns.) I'rices, regular 7.85 Suits for 5.98 C.85 " 4 68 6.00 " 4.25 Panis, regular 2.75 for l.aS 2.25 '• 1.68 1.75 " 1.0(.t 1.65 •' 5>8 < Iveralls, all on sale table at from, per [lair (18 to 98c A great quantity of Men's Wear to choose from. We have put out our entire stock in otder to give our customers a gonri choice. Boys ready-made Suits and Pants in all .sizes Suits, regular 5.25 for 3.98 4,50 for .^15 3,25 for 2.98 Hoys and Youths Pants from 68c and 98c to 1.49 Hoys' Hats, soft felt, for 28c l'iiderwe»r, men's and hoys, at tJSe, 48e and ;58c Men's Working Shirts, heavy all wool, reg. 1.35 for 89c DREISS GOODS A great numlier of pieces clearing at 17c aud 19c per yard. You will never get the ch-tnces again. Come and ge' the best choice. Flannellet'es at f.i, 7, 9, lOi and 13o per yd, all l>est quality and very wide, in dark and light shades. Printsâ€" Good English Eritits, good patterns, best <|Uality, prices from 7 to 12.4c, none higher. Goods for comforters in prices from 8c to 17c, for the best washable Art Sateen. Batts for wadding 7c per l>att. Black Satteen Underskirts, reg. 7nc, 1.00 and 1.25 for.. 48, 68 and 9«c Muilins and Ginghams, reg l.">c, all going for p,.'r yd 10-ic MILLINERYâ€" Trimmed Hats, reg. 4.95 for 2.98 Regular 3.75 for 2.25. Regular 3.25 for 1.98 A lot of shapes to go at a sacrifice. Ribbons all clearing at a big cut. Each customer will receive the best attention. Early shoppers get the best choice. Shop early. J. E. LARGE Eugenia : Ont. ft: A Letter of Condolence Feversham, Jan. 20lh, 1911 .\t the annual uiecting of the Osprey .^griciillmal Society held in Feverslmiii on this dale the following rtsolutioii was iiiiaiiimou.sly adopted : Moved by F. J. D. Spofford, secomled by Jas. Speers, and resolved, That this Society do hereby extend tu the fAinilyof (lie latej^Jolm Douglass their sincere syiniMithy and regret at his death. Mr. Douglass bus been identified with this Society for nuiny years as a Directir and has always hold the re-'-jieot and confulence of all the nieuibors as well us the Itoard, and has always taken an active interest in the affairs of the Society, atrd we feel that his deiilli is a distinct^loss to ihis Society as well as to his family and his friends. Sinned on lehalf of the Os|)rey .Ag- rieultural Society, â€" W, H, Guy, Pros.; >l. A.' Kornihan, Sec. The Most Popular Newspaper WitK the Women is the TORONTO DAILY STAR Because it has so many special features for women. The woman who wants to keep posted on the world's happenings from day to day will find the news presented in a most readable way. Then there are the most interesting of Home Pages â€" the daily chapters of an entertaining serial story â€" columns of bright social and personal news â€" Madge Merton's page â€" and illustrated daily fashion hints. Every line sparkling with interest and information â€" nothing sensational â€" clean â€" wholesome â€" and relishable reading about most everything that appeals to women. Send your subscription to-day $1.50 a Year This paper and the Toronto Daily Star for one year $SJ'0 Osprey Scarlet Chapter Met The annual meeting of the Osprey Scarlet Chapter was held at Feveraham on Saturd:iy, Jan. I4th, 1911, in the lodge roon of L.O.L. No. 1085. After an e.\altation ceremony and general business the following olticers were elected for the ensuing year:â€" Robert Edwards, W.O.C; Marshall Kcrlon, E.C.O ; John Francio, Chaplain ; jUeorge Kllintt, Scribe'; James Elliott, Treasurer ; Alex. J. Conron, Sir Herald at .\rms ; .John Klliott, 1st Lec- turer'; William Taylor, '2nd Lecturer; Jamo.s Speor, l.st Conductor; Thomas Scott, -'nd Conductor ; Uobert Woir, In- i side Herald; .lames Wilson, t>nt.'<ide Heriihl. This Chapter adjoiirnecl ti> niect at Singhanipton on Thursday, Jan, iOth. CEYLON'S â„¢s?^RE v%%^^^ %%^%^^%% %%^i/%^%% % ^^'^^^ ^m/m^^^^ Stopâ€" Think! Does it pay to pay cash for Groceries ? Just look at This list and see : Be.st giamilatod Sugar ^i.'io, or ... , 21 lbs. for $1 Best American coal oil ^ . . 18c per i;alloii Water white coal oil 10 per gallon Raisins, new 4 lb.s. for 25c Baisins, large packages 3 for 25c Currants, i eclcaned i lbs. for '25c Comfort Soap bars for 25c Peas 3 cans for 2oc ('orn 3 cans for 25c Tomatoes 10c per can Dates 3 packages for 26c Uico 7 lbs for 25c For the next thirty days we arc going to sell off the ready-made clothing at a little over half price : flO .50 suits for $8.25, 810.00 suits for $7. f8.50 suits for tfi 75, $6.50 suits for $4.75 Indies' Coats $10 eoals for $«>.50, $8 coats for $5, $6 coats for $3.75, ivld Astrakhan jacket for $22. Don't wait until they are all gone. Meas- ures taken for tailor-made suits. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed. ^as. jPatfison • (Beiflon

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