Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 2 Mar 1911, p. 6

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l-rr- â- Â«.â€"«â- Â«Â»Â» I: Another Modern Miracle Locomotor Ataxia Cured Hie Sufferer Had Been Given Up as Incurable by Several Doctorsâ€" Hospital Treatment Also Failedâ€" Dr. Williams' Hok Pills Worked the Miracle. Before the discovery of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, locomotxjr ataxia ^as c'uiiiiiderud an incurable disuase. It has been juUy demonstrated, however, that this disease can bo cured through the use of these pills, «her« the treatment is persisted in, and the directions carefully followed. Locomotor ataxia is a disease of the spinal cord, and first shows Itself in an inabiluy to staitd erect when the eyes are closed, or in the dark. It is characterized by peculiar disturbuucus of the gait, and difficulty in governing tha motions of the legs. One of the oouimon- •«t and earliest signs is a tired feeling, particularly noted in the iccces and ankles. This sensation is provoked by slight e.tertion, and ia not relieved by rest. Often a numb feeling is associated with it, •nd these two syniptonis arc always present iu the early stages. As the disease progresses, there is an increase in the duration and ex- tent of the numb feelings, covering at times the foot aloue, then ex- tending to the leg. The disease is usually of slow growth, and the in- crease and intensity of the. symptoms is not noticed, but its progress |i constant, and gra<lually approaches a total lack of feeling in the "legs, causing a wobbling guit and an entire inability to govern the â- teps. As the disease progresses 'he patient loses all control over bowels and water, and becomes utterly helpless, and has to bo cared lor like a child. In proof of the power of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to cure this terribi* malady Mrs. Sarah Jane IluUor, of Antler, Sask., says: "For â- even years from 1900 to 1907, my son James was afflicted with loco- paotor ataxia. During that time ho was treated by several of the best doctors in the West, but their treatment foiled to be of any benefit, and he kept growing worse and worse, fill finally he lost ail control of his limbs, and could not move at all. I had to carry him from his bed to It chair, where I would have to tic him, to enable him to sit up. H« was as he!i)li!s8 as an infant; ho lost all control of his kidneys and bowels, and we daily looked for death to relievo him of his suffering. In 1905 wo sent him to the Brandon Hospital, hojjing that the treat- ment there would benefit him. In this, though, we were disappointed, and the hospital doctor advised mo to take him home, as they said they coujd do nothing for him. At this time a friend advised the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Being willing to try anything in tbo hope pf finding relief for my boy, I bought a supply. In loss than three months I notexi a slight improvement in his condition. In six months he could walk once more aad from that on the improvement continu- *d, till now he is fully cured and once more able to attend school •nd do the chores about tho house. What Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done for him is truly wonderful, and I would strongly recom- niend them to all sufferers, for they most certainly saved my boy's life." In substantiation of what Mrs. Ruller says, Mr. A. E. Steele, the well-known lumber and coal dealer of Antler, writes: "With reference to what Mrs. Iluller says concerning her son's cure by Pink Pills, I have no hesitation in saying that what she say.s is absolutely true in every particular, as I am personally acquainted with the case." This great cure is not the only one performed by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They have brought thousands back to health and strength after some of the best doctors in the country have been forced to give up the case an incurable. Not only in cases of locomotor ataxia, but in cases of partial paralysis, sciatica, acute rheumatism, and many other severe ailments have they been successful. The whole secret of their wonderful success i.s their j)ower to make rich, red, health-giving blood â€" tho one essential for good health. Tho pills are eold by ail medicine dealers, or direct by mail at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, from Tho Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockvillo, Ont. "You say you aro in love with Kiss Baggs ?" "I'm sure J am." ''But I can't see anything attrac- tive about her." "Neither can I •ee it. But it's in the bank, all fight." __ Onl» on* "â- HOMO QUI?IINE" ftllU <â-  l.AXA'MVK KKOMO ((I'l.V. VB' r.o<)» ferth* ilnnaturo i.r K. W. <il((lVK Una Wtrld iiv.r tu fur* it Col'l In Oiio I)»y. Uil "Tommy, you 'don't take after four father much, do you?" "No, xna'uui. But, gee, you ought to .sec tho way ma does sometimes!" Mindrm Win 00 ilslRMnv. TIi»r oome bnira Mtaro'l "Hh rin .w II iK «. MMpionjii! of P»ln^ illl.i In lilt ^we.liviol « a»r will pre.tnt mf Inl «ff»cl< ATuiil nub.titiit.t, tlKsru ii but oM l"P»lukill«r --Ptrnr Ut,tit'â€"tje. uJ 60a. Reforms come slowly because we all would rather wield tho u.vo iiai' bear the knife. Corns arc laused by the pressure of tight bouts, but no one need ho troubled with them long when so tim|)le a reinedv as Hollowoy's Corn Cure is available. Miss Bute How darej yuu kiss me ! Didn't you hear me say "Sir" when you asked nie if you might Jack iSlangcr â€" I thought you said "Cert." Minard's Liniment Co., I,imited. (lontleraen, â€" My duiiRhtcr, 13 years old, was thrown from a sleigh and injured her elbow so lindly it remained stiff and very painful for three years. Four bottles of MI- NARD'S LINIMENT completely cured her and she has not been troubled for two years. Yours truly, J. R LIVESQUE. St. Jojeph, P.O., 18th Aug., 1900. Mrs. Jones â€" "Di*l you really ex- pect me to accept you tho night, you proposed 'I" Mr. Jones â€" "Yes, love. Just before I got to your house I heard a dog howl three times, saw the moon over ray left shoulder, and walked under a ladder." RAILWAY ADOPTS (;1I{L. Abaiiilonoil Cliilil on ltii>-ian Koail Is lifiiig Kiiucaletl by IJuployee.s. Ludmila Nicola«vna, a ten-year- old girl, is the a<l(>pt<'d child of tho St. Petersburg Mo?-eow railroad. .When nlie was barely a year old ehe was ahandonetl in a first-class carriage. Kiidi-avois to tj'aco her parents were fruitless, an<l rather than send her to an orphanage, •n employe of the railroiul nuRgest- ed that every member of tho staff should eontriliuto to her support. TIm! suggestion was adopted and •inco (hen an annual cullection has been ma<le fni- her. The girl is Ixi- ing educaleil at a boinding ;:rhool in Moscow. .She spends her holi- days along the line at the hnusos of her various benefactors, who range Irom <lireetors of the company to firemen and signalmen. a,_ __ ACCKNT ON THE BOX. Wife â€" "John, wasn't that a goml box of cigars I gave you on Christ- Bias I" Husbandâ€""! never saw a better box, my dear." There is no moral health without feuman helpfulness. It is better to lnH« in loving than •• gain by »elf-aecking. Sbikhi Cam &g IkiMt MM mait • • • â- (> ctalaa Roro Throat is no tridinp; ail- ment. It will sometimes carry in- fection lo the entire system through tho food you oat. Ham'lini V/izar«d Oil ouros bore Throat. I had rather be kissed by an en- emy than wounded by a friend who onjoyeii tho job. Ttltra Is Ho tush Tiling an a barmltii onngh. 'rh« tr<>illilu K"<"* (r^iu* tud to wor.ie unlosi obenk- t>l. Allen':) l.ung Halaiim cura-i tliH wiint ol | â- olilfi. It allayi iuUainmatluii aud olein tlia alt I pawMgaa The gr<'at judge must look at our luxuries when h(; hears our talk of love for tho needy. CONGRESS OF ALL TUE RACES Represent lives of All Mankind to Meet in Loudon, England. A must unique congress, to be known as the Universal Races Con- gress, is to open in London, Eng- land, on July -20. This congress, which will last for three days, will indeed ho a romance of realism. All mankind will then assemble in council in the very heart of the British Empire. The originator of this congress is Dr. Felix Adler, of Columbia Uni- versity, New i'ork. In the summer of 1908 a conference wac convened at Eisenach, when it was declared that though the modern consicence had advanced in general sensitive-' ness and strength, it is, neverthe- less, internationally weak. The modern conscience is indeed fast becoming alive to what are known as Social problems in the interior of the community, yet it has not loarn- <•<! to apply itself with adequate power to the problems presented by racial divisions. In order to remedy this growing evil, the Uni- versal Races Congress will be con- vened in London, and its prime ob- ject will be to culti\ate mutual knowledge and respect between Occidental and Oriental peoples. The British Government has given this congress its moral and mater- ial support, and all the invilatirins to the foreign states have been de- spatched through the agency of the Foreign Olhce. The groat number of races that will he rejire-sented ni.i}- be gatbt:^r- ed from the fact that some fifty countries have promised to send delegates. TIktc wilL be present over twenty-five presidents of par- liaments, the majcirity of tho mem- bers of the permanent Court of Ar- bitraliim, aud of the delegates to the second Hague Conference, twelve British governors, eight British premiers, over forty colon- ial bishops, about (mo hundred pro- fessors of international law, the leading anthropologists and socio- logists, the ofheers and majority of the council of the Inter-Parliament- ary L^nion. and other distinguished personages. Among those who will read pai>ers will he sev<-ral promin- ent hebrews. Mr. Israel Zangwill will discourse on Jews among the nations ; IJr. L. L. ZuhanhatI the author of E-per- anto, will discourse on internation- al language ; and Mr. Fxiwin D. Mead, of Boston, Director of the Internatioiial School of Peace, will speak on the organization of a world association for encouraging inter-racial goodwill. Dr. Moses (iaster will represent the Royal As- cialic Society. HERE IS A TALE WITH A mAL 3 SPORT IN AUSTRALIA. "Champagne in the Air," Says Sir George Rcid. "Nature has been very generous to Australia in the way of climate," said Sir George Reid, the High Commissioner for Australia in a recent interview with a newspaper representative. "I was there for 5" years, and I may say that 't of ten seemed to me that there was some sort of champagne in the at mosphere. "'Phe health and strength giving qualities of the climate have been brought home to you by the per- thc guarantee of a happy, useful formances of our cricketers and LITTLE EDITH HARRIS CURED OF DROPSY BY DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Two doctors said she would die, but to-day she ia a healthy, happj girl- Ilealthy Kidneys iu children life. McTag-art, Sask., Feby. 27 (Special;. â€"That no child is to< young to have Kidney Disease even in its worst form, and that Dodd'a Kidney Pills will cure it in any form has been abundantly profen in tha case of little Edith Harris of th • place. In May, 1903, this little girl, then two years old, was so swollen with Dropsy that her waist measure wai increased from 18 inches to 3-1 inch* es. Two doctors said she must die. Dodd's Kidney Pills cured her and to-day she is as merry and healthy a child as is to be found in th« neighborhood. j . ,• , In a recent interview her fathei I ^nd that we display the fondness of Bays: "Edith is better than ever. I ^V."^'' ^o"" amusements. Wo are rap She has no return of dropsy sinc4 she was cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills, over seven vears ago. She ; , â-  , i i t . to school and is healthy. I | which must _be faced as_ our nation name to remember 1 you need a remedy ir COUCMg and < pp^-pfc ACENTS WANTED A UESTS WAXTRD.-WOO a daPy aiaaj, .Vj /\. exp«riane« iwe<1ad. salla on titbt. AlwoU I'.e ntoaMlty t" f.irniar*. Diea work of thirty nan. Par* for itmlf ia on* h .ur. Writa la-day flODKR^ .M.*.clilNKltV CO. iDapt. 6>. .*»rma, Jnt. â€" ' WANTED. MKS AND WO.\JK\ WANTKD to .cpraient ua Ucilly. rwo dollars par d»y i;»l="7 aud c.iiuaii4si'>n. N J I.. .VICHOI.S ( O. experienca iieca-isary. rimitad, T.<r.int.i r KABN *-^ Hy.iteno- other champions in the arena of sport. The Australians excel in outdoor sports just as the people of ' the Mother Country have always I done, and in this connection with . their more serious exploits in the j realms of industry shows, I think, i not only that the people are right physically, but that they are a] young people pos.sessed of strength' and grit and mental quickness and] those other qualities which make for success in the more serious af- fairs of life. "It is sometimes said that the Australians are- too fond of sport, that they go in too much for play. Rut you must not forget that we are in the years of our national youth, THK BAKBKB TKAOK NKW -<:<u»taiit practiceâ€" caraful inscruo luuâ€" a lew weelti' coupleta counaâ€" tools fre* (»radnat«si aani tweiva tn ei{tit«m dollars weekly. Write tor cataloKue. Molar Bacbai folleije, 221 Qur-jii Ka^^t, Tor.mto FARMS FOR SALK. N'OP.rnWKSl KAK.M LA.NTlS ll.iU a mil. Hon aeries in most fertile districts Hp«<^ial lupectioii excursion in April. Write nriar. Itewirt it .Mathews Co.. Ltd.. Qalc. Ont. \j..rit. w.,Mte'! thr.->itHhout Oiitari't. CI ANCER, Xumara, Lumpa, etc. loleraal / and exttfrual. cured without pain by our borne treatment. Write Da before to« late Dr. Bellman Ucdical Co., Limited Collinffwood. Ont. idly approaching the stage of man- hood, and rapidly developing our powers for the more serious strain goes always keep Dodd's Kidney Pills in the house." There's a moral for parents in this story. JIany a child has ijrown up to a life of pain and suffering because its kidneys wore neglected. A life of health and usefulness is assured if the Kidneys are kept in order with Dodd's Kidney Pills. . + Mrs. Prospect Park (at midnight) â€" "Mortimer. I think I hear a burg- lar down iu the front hall !" Mr. Prospect Park (philosophical- ly)â€" "Henrietta, with two bicycles, Willie's wooden horse, the hat-rack, umbrella-stand, and the baby's al life crease.' and responsibilities in- ' I FAMOUS BRITISB AD.MIRAL. 1 I Tells What Zuni-Ruk Did for Him. i Many famous persons have testi- j I fied to the great value of Zam-Buk, j i and amongst the most recent is Ad- 1 Imiral Rodney M. Lloyd. Writing' from the Royal Naval Club, Ports- mouth, Knglaud, he says : i I "I have found Zam-Buk most re- i liable for healing cuts and abras- ' I ions ; while for tne relief of skin ! irritation it is invdluable." ^ U Vou Are ^ INTERESTED IN PAINT For any jiurpute either fur inside or oataide U-«â€" you should try "POWDRPAINT" â€"PAINT WITHOUT OILâ€" It gives the bot rrsulis .ind saves you 75 per lont. on your paint hill. SAMPLES AND COLOR CARD rRE£ FOR THE ASKING. Tho Po\A/drpaint Co. yv 27 Front Street £.. Toronto. / A WONDERFUL MEDICINE FOR LITTLE ONES Baby's Own Tablets are a won derf'.il medicine foi little ones. They never fail (o give relief to the baby when his t-niiacli or bowels ore out of Older ; when teething is painful ; when worms make their appearance or when any of the many childhood ailments seize him. What is more they aro absolutely safe and cannot harm the youngest child. Mothers have the guarantee of a govern- ment analyst to this effect. Thou- sands of mother.s, through grateful- ness for what the Tablets have done ?or their children, strongly rec< aimond them. Mrs. E. J. Ward, Oalt, "^nt., says:â€" "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for two years and would not be without them in the house. They are wonderful me- dicine for little ones." Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medicine deal- era or at 25 cents a b<jx from Tho Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- villv. Ont. "Tell nic the worst, doctor. I can bear it." "Well, I think I had b<<t- ter bring you my bill to-day; to- morrow it will bo too lute." A NassInK Cough drWea sleep and eomton aw.iy. Yon run o.inqiier it with Allun's Lung llalniiui. which roli»»ai hard hr«Alhlag, pain in the chest aud irrltattua of tha throat. QIt* U lcael|t to tha ohlldraa. Another famous user of Zam-Buk mail-cart for him to run into, you | i^ Mr. I" rank Scudamore, the fam- wouldn't 'think' you heard a burg- «"s War Correspondent, who says: lar if one was really there!" "Some poisonous dye on my L underclothing came in contact It is easier to prevent than it is ''''j'^ * ,'°'"" .'''^" ^'^ V'^', '''^ to cure. Inflammation of the lun-^ and blood poisoning set in Intlam- is the companion of neglected '"ation pain and swelling followed, coldn. and once it finds a lodgment ^*>' "'wl'^al man s treatment did-not in the system it is difficult to deal «^«™ ^ ^? »">' 8«"^' .?« ulcer after with. Treatment with Dickie's Anti- I "'^'' ,^''"''*' ^i"- ""'''' "'>' ^'^^^ '«"g Consumptive Syrup will eradicate ' ^'â- '^°» '"'<'° ^^ ^'^^ '''"^ «n° '"''^'^^ «f the cold and prevent inflammation from setting in. It costs little, and is as satisfactory ju it is surprising in its results. A CHJ: KRFUL OUTLOOK. It was in the Wild and Woolly West, and a traveller, who was studying the character of the na- tives, asked a man to direct him to a certain cabin at which he had been advised to suay overnight. "Going thar i" said the man. "Well, Tom's a first-rater, take him just right, but he's mighty queer." "What do you meauT' asked the traveller. "Well, it's like this," and the man looked at the stranger in a calm, impersonal way. "He'll be sotting outside, niost probably, and he'll see you coming. He'll take a gi>od look at you, and, ef you don't suit him, he may set the dog on you. "Hf ho don't, and you get to talking with him. and say anything he don't just like, he may throw ' you down aud tramp on you. Rut ef you're too careful in your talk, on tho other hand, he's liable to take you for a sp,N and use his gun fust and listen to explanations af- terwards. sores. It had seventeen deep ul- cers at one time. I could not put my foot to the ground, and was really in a pitiful state. A friend advised Zam-Buk, and I applied this herbal balm. It was really wonderful how it soothed the pain and aching and gave me ease. "A few bo.xes of Zam-Buk healed the sores, and tho limb is now per- fectly healthy. Zam-Buk is a cure for piles, ec- zema, cold cracks or chaps, ufcers, ringworm, poison, cuts, abscesses, burns, children's rashes, abrasions, and for all skin injuries and dis- eases. .Ml druggists and stores sell at 50c. box, or post free from Zam- Buk Co., Toronto, for price. Refuse imitations and substitutes. * "Is she well married?" "I should say so. She's been trying for years to get a divorce and can't." Fire, Lldhtnlnf{ Rust and Storm Proof Durable and Ornamental Let us know tha siza of any roof you are thinking of covsr ing and wa will make you an intsrecting olfe?. Metallic Roofing Go. Llmltad MANTJFACTITRERS TORONTO aad WINNIPEG "I see you are wearing a hero medal.'' "Oh. yes. I got that for life-having." "Life-saving, did you say?" "Yes. I drove an autonu- bile and never killed a i)ersou." A Standard Medicine. â€" Parmo- lee's Vegetable Pills, comnounded of entirely vegetable substances known to have a revivifying and salutary effect upon the digestive organs, have through years of use attained so eminent a position thafc they rank as a standard medicine. The ailing should remember this. Simple in their composition, they can be assimilatod by the weakest stomach and are certain to have a healthful and agreeable effect on the sluggish digestive orjjaus. Rummy Robinson â€" "Yes, mum; An Oil of Merit.â€" Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil is not a jumble of me- dicinal substances thrown together ; ^^^^ {^^ ^ ^^.^^^^ ^.^^^^.j turned ni« and pushed by advertising, but the ^.^^^ ^,, likkor." Rind Lady-"Ah, my noble man, what were you do- ing at the time.''' Rummy Robin- son â€" "Driving a brewer's dray, result of the careful investigation of the curative qualities of certain oils as applied to the human body. It is a rare combination and i' won and kept favor from the first. A trial of it will carry conviction to any wlio doubt its power to re pair and heal. Minard's Linlmsnt far lau tvarywhtr*. No man ever knows how miieli lio misses when he loses a chanvo of giving a pleasure. ' ^TRY MURINE KYB REMKDY for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Kyes andOranulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't Smartâ€" Sootlum Kye Pain. DruKglsta Sell Murlue lOyo Ilomcdy, Liquid. 25c, BOo. 11.00. Murine Kyo Salve la Aseptic Tubes, 2,-e. $1.00. Rye Books and Bye Advice Pr«o by Mall. . • Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. If you fear to soil your hands in helpfulness you may be sure you aro defiling your heart. Many think that defen<linR their j i<lea of Jesus is the same thing as following the ideals of Jesus. PIt.RS CURBD IN 6 TO 14 DAYS Vourdriifciit will inliiiid monej If I'AZO OIN'1' MKN'I' falTe to cure any oa!ie uf ltchiii|, Oiiad, BlaaUing or l*rutruiling I'ilea in tt to UJa;a 50c. HInard't Llnlm*nl Curt* Dandruff. "I want a license to marry the best girl in the world," said tho young man. "Funny, isn't it ?" commented the clerk. "That makes lliirleen hun<lred licenses for that girl this season." SUBSTITUTION. "See here," exclaimed tho angry man, "I bought this cane here last week." "Yes, I believe you did," rejoin- ed the [jioprietor calmly. "What's wrong with it?" "You said the handle was genu- ine ivory, and I lind it is artificial," said tho irate party. "That may be true." repliwl the dealer, "but it is no fault of mine. I import all my ivory from .-Vfrica, and tho only explanation I can give is that the elephant may have had false tusks." No man who can be indifferent to the sorrows <if men can have tho love of heaven in him. ShiUfaCimi nlckly atapa coaikst ••••â-  e*ljai keala Small but Potent. â€" Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are small, but they are effective iu action. Their fine qualities as a corrector of stomach ^_j^, ,.^,„ ^^ ^ „„;,, troubles are known to thousands and they are in constant deiiiand e\orywhere by those who know what a safe aud simple reuuxly they are. They need no introduction to those acquainte<l with them, but to those who may not know them they ore prosenlotl as the best prepara- tion on the market for disorders of the stomach. WOULD ISOLATE DRUNKARDS. The ehairniau at tho dinn<'r of tho Bristol (Kngland) Licenced Vic- tuallers' Assoiiatiou, proposetl that chronic drunkards should be segre- gatwl, made to work at an honest tra<le, ainl prevenle<l from marry- ing until they are able to live like other people. â- nlckly atapa coaik UMiiirM* asdlaais ISi ftr frM MRipl* ta 0«pl. W. U N» ' Drtii A ChimlMl 0*« T*r«Mt*. Knock, and the door will be open- Mrs. WiDsIow's Soothing Syrup Hxj b««n ui'.l t .r ..v.r SIXTV-KIVE VK.MU hy Mil.I.Io.ssof MOTilKIis f,.r thi-lr CHU.DKKN WIlll.R TnKiHisu. iriih i-i;uKi:(T siicci-ss. it mxiTllrs I ihn eiiiui. BorrKNs tiouHMs ai.l.ws aii pais ; I'l'KbJ) Wixn eoi.u-. nnd U tliu bc^t n'mtdr l.ir PI\IIUI«1£A. Sul.l br DrunUli In rvery i>art ot the world 1J« iurtf atid n»k for Mrs. Wtrnlow't 8o<>lhl;\f Hyrup."ft'nl tiiko no other kind. Tw«ntv-Ove c*nt.i a bottle. iAiHiit(>i'tl un.l(>r tho Food and Dru;;» A'-C, Ottno?^tk. '.w*. Serial Nilmlirr lOOV A.S 0U> AMD WKLL TllUU) IIKMKDY. mum 1 Ho Subatltut* (.'>r "Tha DAL" Menthol PlaiterJ altll"ll^ill^o^lleu^lHl.*ruJlll^•ln tlo.vler^ may say thi'r^ la, Uvcomineuilud by doctor.*. hoHpit:fcU, ctergj %ud everybudy for pleurisy, :itilluesa, eto. Many mistake soft words for ten- der, loving ways. One of the commonest complaints of infants is worms, and the most effective application for them is Mother Graves' Worm Extermina- tor. THEIR LITTLE W.\Y. "Won't you sing something. Miss Smith!" sr.id the hostess sweetly. "}'m afraid I can't," repliivl her visitor. "Oh, but you must!" joined in another visitor, "you really must. \Ve know you have a lovely voice." ".'Vud wo are dying to hear you," said ii'iother. With a sigh of weariness Miss Smith <lrew off her gloves and went slowly to the piano and began her song. The other la<liea waitotl until she was fairly settled. Then they took up and eontinuwl their con- versation where it hotl broken off. It is a way they have. ^in«rH ( kinimam KallavM Nturalgla. When you see a bride on the train with tears in her eyes it is a sign either that she is sorry to leavo hor mother or that her new shoes hurt her. Mlnard'i Liniment Cures Burns, Zto. UOlST. "I am sorry to be critical, ray dear," said Mr. Lambkin, "but this l)ic is not the kind that mother used to make- not by a long shot." "It's too bad, Henry," said Mrs. Lambkin, amiivbly. "I don't know what to tloaViout it. Perhaps you'd better ring her up over the 'phone and tell her. She sent it over this afternoon." IS.SIE NO. « U

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