Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Mar 1911, p. 6

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^For Tea You Can't Beat Lipton's Blondcd, Packed and Labelled by Automatic Machinery; the Beit Tea in the Kest of Paoiagea 9^9:> LiPT THE NEWS IN A PARAeRAPH PRICES Of EARN PRODUCTS r BIG MTIOML P ROJECTS Government to Build Hudson Bay Line and Welland Canal A despatch from Ottawa says : Bon. Ueurgi- I'. Uraliiiin'8 aiiiniul review of the tranKiMirtati«n j)rob- leinK (if tlic Dominion was pr<'sont- cxJ to tlie t'ommdns on Friday, on a motion to go irito i^iiipply on the eHtimatos fcr the l>ei)ailiiicnt of Kailways arul Canals. The Govcrnincut proposrs to pro- e<"r<l at (irire with the construction of the Hudson Hay Knilway for the firht 170' miles from I'as Mission to 6i)ht Luke. Port Ndstpn will i)ro- bably he the terminal port of the new railway. Tfie railway will be Luilt hy the Governineiit. arul a proposal will be K>ibinitte<l to the Hoiibc later on fur its operatio'r. A new or en!arge<i Welland Ca- nal is projcct«d, and three different routes are unt!er cdnsideratiim. With an improved St. Lawrence route. Canada iiced fear no compe- tition from (he new United States canals via Buffalo or Oswego. The development of the country would justify the carrying out of both the Welland and the Cieorgiun Bay Canals at no very distant date. I'nd^r the power policy of the CJovernmcnt on the Trent Canal, power will be supplied to central Ontario municipalities at compara- tively the cheapest prices in Can- ada . The Intercolonial Railway last year yielded a uurplus of $0-23,164.- CIJ. and f<ir this year the»Hurplus is estimated at SWiii.OCKJ, after paying over $3(Ki,0OO on equipment renew- al account. The total cost of constraction of the National Transcontinenti'. Rail- way to its completion from Monc- lon to Winnipeg will be 16145,339,- 700. TJie t<'tal expenditure to date by the Grand Trunk I'acific ilail- way Company on the prairie and mountain sections of the Ci.T.l'. is $.53. '201,498. It is expected to iin- ii-h the mountain section in three vears. DAPPEMNOS FHOM ALL OVEB TOK GLORL IN A NUTSHKLL. Caundn, Ibo lliapire and (lie World in (iencrul Itufui'e Your Lyes. CANADA. Toronto Bchool children have $U;4.0(H) in the Penny Bank. Canada is called upon to give $ 1 00,000 lo aid Chinese famine suf- ferers. "The Georges'' of Ontario will join in the presentation of a Coro- nation gift. Gordon Compcr, an eighteen UEPOirrs FOIIH TOE LEADING IRADi: ( ENTRES OF AMLKICA. PrIfM of Cfiflle. Grain. Cheese and Oliicr I'loducc at Uoine and .Vbruad. BREAU.>5Tl;M-S. Toronto, Mar. H.- Flourâ€" Win- ter wheat, PO per ce.ii. patents, $3.- ti5 at seaboro. Aian;totja Hours â€" First patents, $o.-.0; !.e;;ond pat- ents, !ii4.90, a;id blrong bakers', $4.70, on track, Toionuo. Manitoba wheatâ€" >>o. 1 Northern, 07 lo 97%c, Bay ports; No. •! North- ern, 95c, Bay ports, and -No. 3 at year-old married boy of Ki.ngston, ' 32;r.c, Bay ports; carrying \Vintcr committed suicide by drinking car bolic acid. A reward is offered for the arre.?t of Dr. W. Deatlie NcsbiU. on the charge of forgery, in connection with the F'ariners' Bank failure. The famous old Kvergrecii House in Prince Fdward county was so'd by auction for ifW.Q. Tlie cncroach- ttorage at Goderich, Ic extra. Ontario Wheat â€" No. 2 white and red Winter 80 to 81c outside. Barleyâ€" Malting (lualitics, 64 to (j5c oiit.side, according to quality, land feed at 63 to 55c outside. Uat.sâ€" Ontario No. 2 white, 34 to Zi'-/..c, on track, into, and 31% to 32c outside. a W. C. oats. ing .sandbanks are rapidly destroy- : 3G%c, Bay ports, and No. 2 at 35 ing the property. i to 3o^.jC, Bay ports. Mr. George Garvey died at Nia- | Cornâ€" No. 3 American, 51c, To- gara Falls on Friday from injuries . ronto freight, received in the explosion at the power-house, victim. fie makes the fourth GRT'.\T BRITAIN. British tra<le continues to show Ix)rd Kitchener will command the troops at the Coronation. The Liberal candidate was re- turned in the Northeast Lanark- shire bye-election. There were uproarious scenes in !t)ie British Comtnons on Friday. I during the debate on the land claus- es of the Budget. Peasâ€" No. 2 at 80 to 81c outside. Rve â€" C5 to 67c outside. •'â- '^n^^-im^i-.x â- Afj:-' •'I'll,'* lEADY FOK USB IN ANY QUASTITT For mddas SOAP, toft- ening water, removing o(d |^ paint, disinfecting si.^k<, Jj' closets and drains and ;< far many other purposes. ,i A can equal* 20 Ibe. Sal So<l*. Useful for five hundred purpose*. C. W. Olllctt Co., Lid ToraQlo, Oal. GILLETJ^S ifc PERFUMED BRITAirS MUL PiliBAI Estimates Show Increase of $63,000,000 Over Previous Year. A despatch {:â-  -t London says: The naval e.-i .w^.os issued on Thursday n.g.it piovide for the ex- Buckwhcat-No. 1 at 48% to 49c penditure of !if221, 362.500, an outside. Branâ€" Manitobas at $22, in bags. Toronto, and shorts, 24, in bags, Toronto. Ontario bran, $22 to $22.- 50, in sacks, Toronto, and shorts, $24 to $21.50. ise has been reached between the insistent radical demands for naval economy and the .Adruiralty au- thorities. According to this, by '"' . April 1 the battleship Neptune, tho crease of $63,000,000 over the pre- arnnore<l cruiser Indefatigable, and year. The cost of new con- five protected cruisers will be avail COUNTRY PRODUCE. Applesâ€" Spys, $5 to $5.50; Bald- Btruction is fixed at !i!15,31ii,585. The programme includes five Dread- noughts, three protected cruisers, one unarniored cruiser, twenty de- stroyers, six submarines, and an increase in the personnel of the navy of 3.000 men. i: Concentration of Low G-rade Ore of Wide Benefit to Canada A despatch from Ottawa says: Of great coinnieicial importance arc the results <jf magnetic concen- tration cxpcriinentB with raw ores announced in a report just issued by the llepartmerit of Mines. It is a well known fact, states the re- po(t, that the deiMisits of merchant- ahN- ircii ores hitherto <iiscovcrcd in Canada arc very limited in ex- tent; indee<l, the bla!rt furnace companies in Ontario had to import o\cr 71 pi-r cent, of the ore smelt- r<l in l!)0!». While, however, the supply of merchantable iron ore in Canada is limited, enonnous <|uan- tities of low-grade ores are known to exist. The megnetic com cnlra- tion of these ores into product:^ e(]iial, and in many instances su- peritir, to the be!^t natural cires ob- tainable, is, therefore of great im- portance. f)f particular interest were ex- periments carried out with two shipments of iron «ires from the Bri«tol mines, in Pontiac County, Quebec. The conchision arrived at is that by either of the two methods the eoncontrates frtim Bristol ores wduld yield very <lcsirab!e low sul- phur material for the nuuiufai'ture of imn hy either the electric or or- dinary blast furnace. A recent ex- amination of the mine revcale<l the existence of an ore field of 90,000 sfmarc feet. UNITED STATES. The U. S. Government have or- dered a mobilization of army and navy. The United States Government has decided tiiat the revolution in Mexico must end. wins, $4 to $4.50; Greenings, $4 1 The Right Hon. Reginald McKcn- to $4.50: No. 2 assorted, $3.50 to "». First Lord of the .Admiralty, $1 50 per barrel. ' favore<l five dreadnotights. but the Beansâ€" Car lots $1.75 to $1.80, ' f '"''<â- Â»' section of the Cabinet and dockyard construction at Rosyth able for service, while the vessels under construction will include ten battleships, three armored cruisers, seven protected and three unarraor- ed cruisers, thirty-two destroyers, and twelve submarines. It is pointed out that a consider- able amount of the estimates is to be increased pay for the better- ment of the men's conditions and and small lots, $l.tfO to $2. ! H^"* P*'"'-^ "-^ ^-^^ ( abmet and Honev-Fxtracted. in tins. 10 to Liberal party msjsted that four 1 comb, wholesale, , would suflice. Mr. McKenna s statement shows that a comprom- 11c Der lb. $2 tC $2.50 per dozen; No. 2 comb, GENERAL. reporte<l that President | It is Diaz is <lying. The mobilization of United States forces on the frontier is deeply re- sented by Mexicans. .. ». lie Der lb. : No $2 wholesale, $1.75 to $2 per dozen Baled hay-No. 1 at $12 to $13 on track, and No. 2 at $9 to $10.50. Baled strawâ€" $6.50 to $7, on track, Toronto. Potatoesâ€" Car lots, 80 to 85c per bag. roultry -Wholesale prices of dressed poultry :â€" Chickens. 15 to 16c per lb. ; fowl, 11 to 13c per lb. ; i turkeys. 19 to 21c per lb. Live, 1 ! to 2c less. It is said that a heavy new con- struction prtigramuie, which will in- clude eight Dreadnoughts, is pro- jected for next year. WI'J-LAND INUrSTKIES. $2,0no.(>00 Addition lo Plant of Can- ada Cur i oni|iany. A dcHpntch from Welland, Ont., Bays : T!ic plant I'f the Electro Me- tals, located in the factory district of Welland, will be double<l in size lliis spring. The cunijiany have bten exceedingly prosperous, and linve found it necessary to have in- crea8e<l acconimotlation. United Motors. inaniifrtcturrTS of automo- biles, will erect their factory build- ing the coming summer. As soon as arrangements can he c(jiiiplet-ed, the SoiiK of England will erect a laige lodge and office litiilding. It is understixKl that a<lditions amounting to o\er two niilli<in dol- lars will be matio to the plant of the Canada Car At Fu\in<lry C'om- puiiy here. I)I{. WILLIAM SAUNDERS. Tenders His Resignation as Dlroc- iur of Experiincniul Farms. A despatch from Ottawa says : I)r. William Sauiulcrs, director of 1)( minion experimental farms, has tendered his resignation to the Min- ister of Agriculture. It will take effect at the ciul of the present iiK'tith. l>r. Saunders, who is one of the best kiKiwn men in the Do- minion of Canada, has be<'n direc- tor of experimental farms since IMW). His r«-ason for resigning is that c>f late his health has not been gf^K <1. He proposes to take a long h<ili<iay in F"ur< j.e. an<l will sail for England in May next. He is 75 years of age, and livc<l formerly in London, Ont. THE ACT WILL BE AMENDED Legislation Will Allow Only Bona Fide Residents to Vote on Local Option A despatch from Toronto sayR: An important change in the local option law, which will considerably alter the situation in some muni- cipalities, will be introduced in the Ontario Lcginlatiirp during the present session. The change will practically limit to bona fide resi- dents of a nnuiicipality tht)He <'ntit- led to vote upon a local optitm by- law. Hon. W J. Haniia, Provincial SpiM-l.,i â- , )• .-e'llyiiig t^o Mr. W. X . /' . â-  • i,:!i d Uio discussion [over the three fifths clause, 8tate<] that the Uoverninent woul<l intro- Idiice legislation that would put an lend to the complaints made by both temperance and licpior people in ci>nnection with local <iplion con- tests un<lfr the present law. The amendment will prevent property- 1 owners from voting unless they are I residents of the municipality inter- est-ed. "The man who lives fifty miles away from the place can have no real interest in a local option coiitest," cxplaininl Hon. Mr. Hauna. >YIIOLE TOWN WIPED OUT. liig Ponder Plant 60 Miles From Chicago Blew Up. .\ despatch from Chicago says : The big plant of the Dujiont Pow- der Co., located near the little town of Pleasant Prairie, just across the line from Wisconsin, near Ken- osha, and sixty miles from Chicago, â- blew up" on Thursday night with terrific force. Tho shock was felt for many miles around. In Chi- cago many large buildings in the loop were shaken. The Boston store, one of the largest buildings in the loop, was so severely shaken THE DAIRY MARKETS. lAGARA POWER FOR FA81S Bill Introduced in the Ontario Legislature by the Hon. Adam Beck Butterâ€" Dairy prints, 19 to 2Cc; choice rolls, 18 to i9c ; inferior, 16 to 18c. Creamery, 26 to 27c per > .j^^ t^ j,, tj,^ „n^rganized v lb. for rolls, 24c for solids, and 22 | A despatch from Toronto says : I the terms of the bill any resident The wav has been opened for the or number of residents may apply extension of the Hvdro-electric ser- 1 *" the Council of a municipality to enter into negotiations with toe illages i Hydro-electric Commission. The to 23c for separator prints. Hon. Eggsâ€" Case lots of new-laid. 22c fone , ,. per dozen I "'" ^^ provide for the local distri- (heese-Large IS^c, and twins ; bution of electrical power was m- at 13 '..c. i t reduced in the Legislature on Wed- I nesday, and when it becomes law enterprising sections of niiinicipali- and fanning districts in th« power i Council must, after taking certain Adam Beck's promised i steps, enter into a contract with the Commission to supply iK/wer to the applicants. The inuuicipalitv may issue debentures to cove/ the expense incurred and levy a special rate. The rates charged for the power shall be large enough to re- turn to the municipality the interest and sinking fund upon the deben- that large plate glass windows were; seconds, $5.10; Winter wheat \ broken and fell on passing pedes- 'onts. $4.50 to $4.75 ; strong bake BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. , j;^, ^.,„,,,, ,,3,.^ ,,,ji,erto been pre- Montreal, Mar. 14.â€" Oats â€" Cana- vented from securing power be- dian W'cstern, No. 2, 38% to SSyic, 'cause of the opposition of other sec- car lots, ex-store ; extra No. 1 feed, ! tions, will be able to go right ahead, j tures. 37/i to 38c; No. 3 C. W., 37)^ to | The measure embodies the local Unorganized villages may apply 37)-ic ; No. 2 local white, 37;!4c ; No. i improvement principle, in that it 1 to fhe township Council upon the 3 local white, 36%c ; No. 4 local ' provides the means whereby only â-  same basis as groups of individu- white, 35'.-4C. Flourâ€" Manitoba j the p<.jrtion of the municipality be-|als, the costs incurred to be speci- Spring wheat patents, firsts, $5.60; 1 nefiting bears the expense. I'nder'ally assessed upon the village. pat- to $5 : general run of cows. passing pedes- ents. $4.50 to !iS4.7o; strong oakers , trians in the street below. Pleasant ! $4.90 : straight rollers, $4.25 to $4.- andiSa; in bags, .$1.00 to $2. Rolled ! '<> ^*'^- S"*^" ''""'^' "<^»^> Per barrel, $3.90; bag of 90 j*^--^- 'i:'"!:"^" "-""gh. $4 to .?4.50: Feed barlev, car lots, 1 1"*^""*"'* ''"â- ^' wnimon. $2 to $3. to 50c. Corn- Araeri- Sheep^-Firm No. 3 yellow, 55 to 56c. Mill- feedâ€" Bran! Ontario, $22 to $23; Manitoba, $21 to $23; middlings, Ontario, $24 to $25; shorts, Mani- toba, $23 to $23; niouillie, $25 to $30. Eggsâ€" Selected. 23c ; fresh, 25 to 27c; No. 1 stock, 20c; No. 2 I stock. 18c. Cheeseâ€" Westerns. 113-8 to 12c; easterns, 11% to 11%. But- terâ€"Choicest, 26 to 26%c; seconds, 24 to 253<;e. Pruirie is entirely wiped out, not a building remains of a once | oats- prosperous little town. One life j 'lis.. $1.95. is known to be lost, but up to the exstoie, 49 present time it is impossible to say can just how many more. The pro- perty loss is estimated at $1,500,000. DYNAMUIE TO OPEN ILVRBOR. No Other Way of Clearinp Entruneo to Sydney, Nova Scolia. A despatch from Halifax says : It may be necessary to use dyna- mite to open Sydney Harbor to navigation. Tiie ice in the harbor is nearly sixteen inches in thick- ness, but the real obstacle is an ice barrier, which has formed across the mouth of the harbor, and which is now about Ei.\leen feet thick. It is made of lolly ice and snow, and effectively keeps all shipping from the port. The <lynamiting *if this huge mass of ice is now being con- sidcre<l. Sea captains say that it can be moved in no other way. It would take a whole summer's sun to melt it. Very few people have any idea of the ((uantity and thick- ness of the ice on the coast. A sea captain stated that in some places fhe ice has pile<l tier upon tier, un- til it reached the great height of Boraothing like sixty feet. •!• . WEEKLY BOATS TO GERMANY. Six Stoamcrs Mt^ltvcon Montrcul and tierman Forts. A despatch from Montreal says: Six passenger and freight steamers, forming a direct weekly service be- tween Germany an<l Canada, is the latest feature announced for tho approaching shipping season. The steamers will be run under the di- rection of the Canada line, and will ply from tlie ports of Hamburg, Bremen and Rotterdam to Quebec â- nd Montreal. at !P-1.50 to $4.80. Lsmbs â€" Light, firm, at $6 to .$6.- 75. Hogsâ€" Market steady and un- change<l at $6.75 f.o.b. ami $7.05 fed and watered. Heavy hogs over 220 pounds, 50c loss. I * coNNAUtaurs inauuur.vtion Duke's Aide on Hay to Ottawa to Make .Irranseinonts. $4.40 on Friday on the Mauretania. They $j to ar^ on their way to Ottawa to ar- range matters for tho inauguration of the Duke of Connaught as Got- cruor-Gcneral of ihe Dominion. _+ UNITED STATES MARKETS. Minneapolis, March 14.â€" Wheat- May, 97o-8c; July, 98% to 9S%c ; September, 90 5-8c. Cashâ€" No. 1 hard, 99%c ; No. 1 Northern, 98 to 993<«c ; No. 2 Northern, 953i to 97c; No. 3 wheat, 93% to 96%c. Bran- $20 to $21. Flourâ€" First patents, $4.63 to $4.93; do., seconds, $4.55 to $4.85; first clears, $3.05 to $3.55; do., seconds, $2.05 to $2.70. Buffalo, March 14.â€" Wheat â€" Spring, No. 1 Northern, carloads store, $1.04.'o; Winter, No. 2 red, 93c; No. 2 white, 94c. Cornâ€" No. 3 yellow, 49c; No. 4 yellow, 44', e, on track, through billed. Oatsâ€" Steady. Barleyâ€" Malting, 95c to $1. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Montreal, March 14. â€" Choice steers sold at 6e, goivd at S-'^c, fair- ly guinl at Sj.jC, fair at 5c, and c(mi- nion at 4% to 4%c per lb. Prices for cows were %e per lb. lower, ranging from 33'i to 5%c, and bulls were ]\ to /.jC per lb. cheaper at from 3% to 5c per lb. Sales in calves were made at from $2.60 to $8 each. Sales of selected hogs were niiwle at $7.,^0 to $7.75 per cwt.. weighed off cars. Toronto, March 14.â€" Choice heavy cattle, butcher or export, $5.- 65 to $5.90; goo<l to medium heavy. PARAOlS^E FOH DOV ES TICS. London Paper's VIimv «f Their Di- versions in v'ai:u'-u. A despatch from Ottawa says: In the Senate on Wediie^day, Sena- tor McDonald, of British Columbia, calUnl attention to an article in an F'.nglisli paper, the Mirror, which he said was misleadiiii;, a< it order- etl servants to go to Canada, where the custom was to allow -.lomestica i Fellowes, a son of Lord Ramsey, j to go boating and play tenuis each and Mr. John Gilliat arrived here afternoon. A despatch fr<.>m New York says : Capt. T. P. Rivers Bulkeley. M.V.O., and aide-de-camp to the Duke of Connaught, the Hon. R. FIFTY P ER CENT. I NCSEASE Census Commissioner Blue Tells of Ar- rangements For Coming Census, A despatch from Ottawa says: "We hope and feel that tho census of Canada to be taken this summer will show an increase in the popu- lation of the country over that of the last official census in 1901 of at least fifty per cent, " said Mr. .Ar- chibald Blue. Census Commission- er, on Thursilay morning. Mr. Blue stated that all the Commis sioners had been apiK)inte<i and that the enumerators would be appoint- ed shortly. The work will be commenced on June 1 and will consume more time than the last one, owing to the large increase in jw'pulation and the ad- ditional ground to be covere*!. .\c- $5.60 to $5.7(T; light medium, $.V3S [cording to Mr. Blue's estimate the to $&.43; mixed, rough, common, $4 'census will show the total popula- tion of Canada to be nearly 8.000,- 000. In 19t)l it was about 5,:i:i,0OO. The estimata in largely baseil on the inimigratior .''.gurcs for the pa^t ten years and the natural iiureasea during that period. Mr. Blue said he felt that the Maritime Provinces would show m slight increase. Unfortunately for these Provinces, however, manv im- naigrants who originally intended to settle in them had bee'i lured farther west. He thought, how- ever, that in spite of the 8m,"»!l im- migration to the eastern Province* they woukt show an increase over IWl. All the other Provincfs of t'ne Dominion would show substan- tial increases. The Provincef •! the northwest would show Urgt iar creases

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