Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Mar 1911, p. 7

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II SEY[IIE CASE OF NEURALGm Cured After Long Yean of Suffering "Dj Dr. Williams' Pink Pills There ia an excellent reason why Dr. Williama' Piak Pills have cured the most severe cases of neuralgia, sciatica, and other complaints ia the group that are known a^ dis- orders of the nerves. This group Also includes St. Vitus dance and paralysis, and the common state of ' '? , ,, ,, extreme nervousness and excite- i '£!?'' ^ '' , ability. Each of these complaints I ^h^P' ^'^''y eara«stly, she contm- exist because there is something i "'^<^v '^an^^S f"''^^''^, fo â„¢^ -Be ad- tbe matter wiih the nervous system, i ^"f e<J- ""*â-  , ^e told. I know thes«! places; and I ve had sons of me I own. Don't go, don't go. D ye Don't you go, boy; don't you go." "I have DO other place to sleep," I said. >Sbe shook her head. "Sl'eep in the streets; boy, sleep on the bridg'ps ; anywhere but there. It's the worst workhouse in all London. No, you mustn't go." ''But you are going." ''Oh, me," she said, and laughed. "It's good enough for me. But you are different. Ah. don't be stub- born. Take an old woman's ad- vice. It's a cruel place. Don't go, don't g>. "I'm not a child," I said. She laughed again, not pleasant- ly, and answered. "You know noth- nothin'. I know all. Been 6REAI mm OK IRANSGONTINEIiTltl! ALPHONSE JONELLE TELLS TALE WITH HLMA>< INTEREST. Hardships attending work broagbt on Kidney I)i.-iea.-tc which threat* ened his life.â€" Dodd'a Kidnej Pills cured him. wy: ISO*S or -r<-*c sCflT IS/ICO. Off^K for COUCHS 6 C0U08 ^'' II the nerves have tone â€" are strong ynd healthy, you will not have any of these complaints. The reason Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure nerv- ous disorders is that they restore weak, run-down nerves to their proper state of tone. They act Doth directly upon the nerves and on the blood supply. The highest medical authorities have noted that nervous troubles generally attack people who are blo^jdlcss and that the nerves are toned when the blood supply is renewed. It is thus seen that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure nervous disorders by curing the cause of the trouble. Mrs. J. C. Adams, Norris Lake, Man., says: 'I am writing you at my husband's request to let know the great benefit Dr Chicoutimi Ville, Chicoutimi Co., Que.. March 13 (Special) â€" The trials of those men who push the great railroads through the ob- btacles Nature thrusts m their way , have been proclaimed in many a 'i**'^ ' 1 page of fiction. But no 3t<jry ever I rose up wearily from the pave- j ^j^ ^ ^,£ ^^^^ absorbing interest i'**'!^- ! or teaches a greater moral than the 'I will take your advice," I said. , ^tual experiences of Alphonsc She Dfxlded and put the pipe back j jonelle, foreman on the Tranacoa- in her moutn. j tjnenul, and well known here. '•Good," she said, "good boy. | ..j contracted Kidney Disease Now you're talkin'," and turned working on the Transcontinental, her attemon another way. ^^^^^^ I am a foreman, ' Mr. .Jonelle states. ''My skin had a harsh, dry feeling, and it itched ind burned TARTS. at night. I was always tired. Then came the pangs of rheumatism, snd I finally got so bad I <m'-^1u not at- Mince Tarts.â€" In the center of a four inch square a- small mound i pared as for pies. Gather up the vou ' four corners and pmch the edges yf^l_ j close together. Place a lump of butter on top of DOMfchllL SsLPfcRSTlTlO.NS. Some )<i5ns and Omciia Noted ia kitcbfQ. If when washing dishes you for- get an article, it is a sign you will bear of a wedding. If you sing while making bread you will cry before it is eaten. If your apron becomes untieii. it ia an indication that somebiHly is speaking of you. To forget to put coffee in the cof- fee pot it is a sign of a coming gift. To accidentally place the tea ket- tle on the stove with the spout to- ward the back i-s a sign of company. If a coal of fire falls on the floor, it is a sign a stranger is coming to see you. It. after sweeping a ro^jm, the broom i« accidentally left in a cor- ner, strangers will visit the house that day. of pie paste place , ^^^^ ^J ^^ ^^^-^ ^.^^ g^^ ^^3,, i ot mincemeat pr«'~YtiSti^, and in the end Bright'i Hams' Pink Pills have been to him. j cutter on top of each one and He is a river driver and therefore sprinkle well with cinnamon and f wea- I sugar. Bake and serve with brandy much exposed to all kinds of .-w- , ther and wetting. .\s a result h« j s*uce. had an attack of rheumatism, and i Bohemian Tarts Two quarts Disease developed. "Then I began to use D'xld's Kidney Pilla. Six boxes cured me completely. Dodd's Kidney Pills also cured my wife, who was suf- fering from Kidney Disease." From" all parts of Canada, and every day reports come of Kidney Disease cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills. There is never a case rep<jrt- ed where Dodd's Kidney Pills have failed. They never fail. "Grandpa, make a noise like a frog." coaxed little Tjmmy. "What for, my s«jn .'' "Why, papa says. that when you croak we' 11 get a thousand dollars!" . Bickie's Anti-Consumpti»e Syrup then to add to his misery a severe | Ao"''. t»'o teaspoonfuls salt, one- tyre of neuralgia set in, locating ^alf cup melted butter, one-quar- on the left side of the face, and t*"" cup sugar, two eggs, and one causing him such terrible pain that i P'nt lukewarm muk. Add one cup it would drive him almost wild. He was treated by several doctors, and finally went to Winnipeg, where they blistered his head and applied hot plasters which really only ad- ded more to his misery, an-d he re- turned home st<ll uncured. In this way he suffered for nearly six years, trying all sorts of medicine, but never finding a cure. One day while Jie was suffering I went to a store to get a liniment, but they did not have the kind I wanted, and the storekeeper asked me what I want- ed it for. I told him about my hus- band and how he suffered, and he pl*ce>d a box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills on the counter saying, 'Take my advice, this is what your hus- band should take.' I took the Pills liome with me and my husband started taking them. I am not sure how many boxes he took, but one one-half cup of flour, one-half tea- A girl who isn't stylish may look thing is certain, they completely j spoon soda; mix as for a cake and i swell when she has the mumps. «ur«d him, and he has never since i bake. Before serving cold, dip one- : had a touch of those torturing : j,jj{f ^^p <jf niilk over the cake. ': "•">•'<'' Ltiilin«iit lor sal* t»«rywB«r«. pains. You can tell how much he Serve with whipped cream. This suffered when Isay that the hair j ^iw j^rve twelve persons. on the ^eWlfWWtad in which the ! -j ^^ov what's passing in your pam was located turned quite ; mind," suddenlv said the maiden gray. It looks odd, but he says it | jj^ the habituallv silent caller stared does not matter since the pain is ^t her. "I know-, too, why you are gone. I believe he would not have calling here night after night, ap- been living now had Dr. Williams' i propriating my time to yourself and keeping other nice young men away. You want me to marry you. don't you?" "Iâ€" I do! " gasped the voung man. "I thought so. Verv well. I will!" EMBALMING SECRET LOST. The m.xlern embalmers k^"t^'a<yC^ recovered th*â€" i??rrc: '(jr-'the art as! pffcticed'by the old Egyptians, and probably never will. Some of the bodies, known to us as "mum-, mies," buried three or four thous- ' and years ago. are still in a state of ^ perfect preservation. Back of the ' ancient art lay a religious creed. | The ancient Egyptian believed that after many thousands of years the Soul came back to find its bi>dy. and that if it was not found the soul j wandered forever in misery and} wretchedness. Hence it was absal- ' utely necessary to preserve the 'do- ] dy. and hence, finally, the embalm ef's art. Pink Pills not cured tly»«* terrible 'â-  pains, and you may i>, • â- â€¢^ we gratefully recommend them to _»' | oar friends and all suffering ones." | Sold by all dealers or by mail at I to ce nts a box or six boxes for , "fOo^fKim Th^3K^^f,-4Wiisinis^_Me; lUcia-e Co., Brockville, Ont. raised yeast and make a slight ] sponge. Set in warm place for two hours to rise. Then roll sponge to , . about one inch thickness and cut in- 1 =^ an unparalleled remedy for colds to three inch squares and place in I *^o»«f- influenza and diseases o greased pan. In the meantime boil i ^C* ^'>''"»V*'»<i '"°8«- The fame of one pound prunes till soft, remove I '^ medicine rests up^n years of stones and chop fine. .\dd one-half: successful use in eradicating these cup sugar and mk well. Add one! affections, and in protecting man- tablespoonful of thn on each tart, j ^'°<' f.''«"° ^^^, f'^^^'' ravages of con- 1 Dust with powdered sugar. Let rise fun^Ption. and as a neglected cold for half an hour and bake for twen- i_^'^» '« consumption, one cannot ; tv minutes in hot oven. I ^« '"^ "^^^^f" t.° fi?"*' >* .'° "' ^*' •' "Date Tarts.-One cup sliced | ^**8"- Bick.e s Syrup is the wea- dates, one cup of sugar, three eggs, P°°' "** "• ; one cup of walnut meats cut fine, one-half cup of flour, one-half tea- "If you wan: to marry me you should see my father. " '"I've seen him several times, but I want to marry you just the same. " Thousands of Consumptives die Bvery year. Consumption results from a neglected cold on the lungs. Hamlins Wizard Oil will cure these colds. Just rub it into the chest and draw out the inflammation. â- i:mf(\"ALUABLE MEDICINE FOR ALL BABIES Tf a man's wife can read about politics without wishing she were a man he will never experience the pleasure of being henpecked. Mrs. R. McEwen. Thornloe. Ont., writes: "I think Bavy's C)wu Tab- lets an invalua'ole meilicine for lit- tle ones. I used theni for my own child when he was small and last SAVED FROM WORKHOl SE. 8t«ry of Robert Blatchfurd. the English Suciuii:st. Robert Blatchford, best known as editor of the Clarion and author of "Merrie England," has put into his stories raaiiy of his own adven- ' summer when I had a baby visitor ture:> in Loudon, where, as a mere '• whose food did not agree with him, boy. he \va!ke<l the streets, hunt- j I sent for another box of the Tab- ing for work to save himself from' lets and they quickly helped him.' actual starvation. The followiHg| it is testiiiionials such as this that story, quotetl in .V. Neil Lyons' life; have made Baby's Own Tablets po- of Blatchford, has servetl "inter- ests,"' chief of which, perhaps, is its testimony to the enduring qual- â- WTiether the com be of old or new growth, it must yield to Holloway's Corn Cure, the simplest and be.st cure offered to the public. Touristâ€" "This seems to be a very- dangerous pass. I wonder there is not a warning board up." Guide â€" "Yes. There ivas one up for two years, but no one fell over, so it was taken down. " WHY DO CHILDREN LISE ZAM-BlKt i A Chat With .Hothers. ' 'Whenever my children have any sore places, cuts, or skm troubles, they ask for Zam-Buk. They can \ always depend upon it doing what is : needed.'' So says Mrs. A. Alee, of ITO Chat- ; ham Street. Montreal. A missionary, writing from the West Coast of Africa, says: One boy who was treated for a bad case j of ulcer, came back recently and said, 'I like best that green medi- cine.' The "green medicine' was Zam-Buk." Now, why should children, all the world over, show such a marked preference for Zam-Buk ! Children like Zam-Buk because, as soon as applied to a burn, a cut, or a sore, it stops the pain and then gradually, but surely, it heals. Mothers might look a little more deeply into the action of Zam-Buk. First." it is 'nighiy antiseptic. .\s soon as applied it stops all danger of festering, blocd-poisonmg and inflammation. Second, it is sooth- ing. It cools the wound or sore ; al- : lays the irritation : stops the pain and smarting. Then, thirdly, it sti- mulates the cells, beneath the injur- ed part, to healthy action, and cre- ates new, healthy tissue. Just try Zam-Buk for cuts, or burns, or cold sores, or eczema, ul- cers, rashes, bad leg. piles, vari- , cose ulcers, or any inflamed or dis- j eased condition of the skin. Its ef- ' feet will highly satisfy yon. .\ll druggists and stores 50c. box, or free from Zam-Buk Co.. Toronto, for price. Try Zam-Buk Soap. too. â- ioc. tablet. W» own and Off P. BURNS 4 GOMPAHY, LIMITED, Packers, Ranchers and Prowisioners, Calgary, Alberta, 6% nnt and lafuiulins mortgrnf Tmnty-zaar SlnUag fund landa Dated January 3rd. 1911. Due January lit, 1931. Interest payable i»t January and ist July. Principal and interes'. payable at Canadian Bank of Commerce, Toronto, Montreal, and LonUon, England. D£.\OMIN'ATlONSâ€" $100, 1500 and $1,000 with Sterling equivalent*. Trustee: National Truit Company, Limited, Toronto, snuarrr â- Ml (itata imdar th« Mortsaz*, o«n««rwtlv«ly vahiad hy m- dap«ida«t txrmrtm at U.StT.'.M and total aaaata vf i4,(M,a7« aa aeowTty far tI,a«a,tM of Banil> tas.eoa hald In Stnk^nx Fundi. Raneli landa aana«at af faur aaparaU prapcrtla* in t»» fr»- vtaea of A:karta, iggr^gmtins 19.845 asrM. Thdpatail bualnaaa la caiduetad tlirauvti 7( brra.'li marhdla, «>all Ijoatad in Uia prtnolaal Oiaddaiul Ta«nd of Alharta and Srttlaa CatumbliL tAtNiMaa. TUs a>eris> annua! n^r «ir-i!nya far »«at four yar a, 138^.958, noinKl SIMKINa fWtm. An annual a*aklnc fund bacinnhic 4a y lat. WK, aufnelant ta ratlra tha p raaant laaua giiar ta maturity at 1M and >ncnia< lataraat. Copies 9ftli4 Trust Dted and o/ the Ctrtijuates of Mr. WiUiam TamU, »/ iftisn. lomle, Peet and Company, Cal- gary {late District Land Agent of the Canadian Pacific Rail- may), and of Stessrs. Clarison. Cnu ^ H'Miveil, I'ancau- ver, B. C. , co-z-ering the valuation ^if the Real Estate und tAs au^U of the Company's accounts, may be ieen at our offi4Ma^ Sand far doaertptlva circular and ma^. Pv lad incaradt t> jlaM SZ. DommonSEmRinES COra»ORA.TIO« - LIMITED TOR.OMTO . /^OriTRSAL . L-OfiDOrt.E^a ^: DESTRUCTIVE. 'I see that they're making brandy from sawdust. "Good gracious, as if the for- ests were not disappearing fast enough as it Ls :" The Bowels Must .\ct Healthily.â€" In most ailments the first care of the medical man is to -see that the bowels are open and fully perform- ing their functions. Pannelee's Ve- getable Pills are so compounded that certain ingredients in them act on the bowels solely and they are the very best medicine available to produce healthy action of the bow- els. Indeed, there is no other specific so serviceable in keeping the digestive organs in healthful action. Mrs. Gray â€" "What did she say when you told her I first met my husband in a big shop.'' Mrs. White â€" "She remarked it wa'! won- derful what a lot of cheap articL^- were to be picked up in some of th^.'se places.'' ACEMTS WANTED a iJS.NTS w*jrTBt).-l»ao » i»y aaay. Ta ,:\. siparianca B««4a«i. Salla jo •ifhi. .tbual- , .a aacaoitT cu (a.-mara. Daaa wurk at cMrty nan. r\n fur itwU ia ina liM<,r Writa t»-4»r lodkr:* \la«;HI^»BY CO. Da»«. si. S».-nt». In- LKAB> TUK BARBKB TK-'iOS-.f SW «54C4tB -•rjaatAat pr«*:tica -oaralui m»tnc- i(juâ€" a F«w waak-f 'ruiapfata couraaâ€" Wtils fradL (ir&dnara^i aara twaiv« to at^htaau 'i'»\lax% waukiy W-tta i-tz CA:aIo^;u« .M^/or Bir^ar FARMS FOR SALE. N'ORTHWXsr S-AK'.; i,.*M)-> Halt i mil- tiua acraa :ii 010.11 fartiia dUcricta Spaoiat ti^paet'.oB azcuraioa ia April. Writa nuar. lawatt Jt \la-haw« i.'o.. Ltd.. <U!;, oat ^i-snt* wmHr#'i thr->ji:h.)Ut Oritanu SEVS.\nf-FIV« ac:ra> la t iwajnip Ljoa, I'DnoIy .Mtdiilaaax. luil unii.t I jub. 10 ai.-raa tint bar, frama haaia. bam oa camant Waoka, S milaa lo Laadon • rila Watcara Baa: KUata Ka- cfaaoga. L;d . I..^a4oa. oat. Johnnie â€" 'Pa, won t you please buy me a microbe to help me with my arithmetic " Papaâ€" "What gi.Kxl will a microbe do you !'" John- nieâ€" "I just read that they multi- ply rapidly." ity of the motber passion. The boy tired out and despairing, had final- ly gone to the police office for a ticket to the Clerkenwell Work- house?. Waiting outside with other I pularâ€" that have shown them to be : an invaluable medicine for little ' ones. The Tablets always do good I â€" they can never do harna. Once a mother has tried them for her litt-le one she will have nothing ; else. For with the Tablets she feels safe. They are sold under the .\n Oil for .MI Men.â€" T' sailor, tile soldier, the fisherman, :'.e lum- berman, the out-door laborer and all who are exposed to injury and the elements will find in Dr. Tho- mas' Eclectric Oil a true and faith- ful friend. To ease pain, relieve colds, dress wounds, subdue lumba- Ko and overcome rheumatism, it has Onl} *nft "SIIOMO QVIHIME" That ij LAWriVK BROMO SJ'.IM^K. Lnok far ih» itsoatiirs of E. vv. uitOVK. L°M<i tba WarM oTar lo Cura a CalU ia Uua Uay. 2jc I He is a wise man who agrees with ; his wife rather than argue with her. ' MInanf's Linlmdnt Relia«cs Neuralsia vagrants, he sat down on the pave- guarantee of a goveroment analyst »cnt by a miserable woman. to contain no harmful drugs. Baby's no equal. Therefore, it should have She was a swarthy woman, her q^u Tablets may be had at medi skui tanned by long exposure to the weather. She wore no bonnet, and was smoking a short black pipe. 1 watched her iVr some time, and thought what a bold. hard, wicke<l face she had, and at length, more from curiousity to hear her apeak than for any desire for in- formation, I ventured to ask her a question about the tickets. She turned upon nie with a scowl which gradually meltetl away cine dealers or at 2S centa a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicin* Co.. Brockville. Ont. a place in all home medicines and those taken on a journ«y. foundation of a barn door hen and thirteen eggs. Xot having even the most elemeu- as tary knowledge of poultry, she in- â- he KKike<l at me, and at last said, j quired of a friend how long eggs not unkindly: {generally took to hatch. She re- Wbat do vou want to know for, j ceive<l the reply: Scottâ€" "So Raw>on has gone into the ministry. Last time 1 saw him j he was in doubt whether to be that or a lawver. I wonder what de- lu a certain village a lady started ] ^jj^j iji,n >'â-  Mott- "He probab- poultry farm with the uncertain \ \y recalled the saying that it is He â€" "Have you ever noticed what smalt feet Miss Fetcham has .' " She (jealous) â€" "No. but I've ob- served what small shoes she wears."' DID NOT WANT DUCKS. easier to preach than to practise. kay ? You're not going to Clerken- well, are you ! " I said I was. She sat smoking for Three weeks for chickens and four for ducks. " The lady friend met her som« a few minutps, then t<.H>k her pipe time afterwards, and on being ask- i from her lips and stroking her chin|ed how the poultry farming was guing on. she replied, with a low- ered countenance with h^or great brown hand, said, Tery much to my surprise : ''Vou mustn't; no, you mustn't. Tou're only a boy, and not used to may kind o' wickeilness, I can see. t)h. I've finished with it ; at the end of three weeks there were no chickens, so I took the hen off as I didn't want ducks." ShMts Cum Ccfc.'.» â- Â«opa col dh». «w«at aa^ faw«* tmna c»Ua. haala Forgive your enemies- bigger than you are. -if they are â- Mar<rt LinlMMit Cutm VvrMk IMk DODDS \ KIDNEY^ '/.PILLS =^ 'AaETt5 T2i V IS^lfi NO. U-U. An Easy Pill to Take.â€" Some per- sons have repugnance to pills oe- cause of their nauseating taste. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are so prepare<.i as to make them agree- able to the most fastidious. The most delicate can take them with- out feeling the revulsion that fol- lows the taking of ordinary pills. This is one reason f'l- the popular- ity of these celebrated pills, but the main reason is their hiich tonical quality as a medic;ne for the sto- mach. "Why did Dollarby sell his ho- tel?'' "He wasn't making money fast enough. ' What is he doing now f " 'He's lu.xuriating in the position of head waiter.' â- rs. Wiislow's S««flriBg Sym? H»# b*»« ji-r-: 'vr »v.r .â- iHIY-r:Vi Y ., .- » «IlX10:<»»r KC>rHER.< tor th.lrCBILDXrN •' â-  i TfetSlS* -'ith PBK--li' T â- ^â- '-Xf'W It '..".'.>:* ••»« omW. wrrsNs t.ia os. >â- .â-  -vu..iTs «.. .• '. •• : cl'R!^ WIND C?I.i''. »i»l :* t ♦ ^â- â€¢t r" . -v or DilR'!<HTA. >i.i:.l br l>i-Jiirl.'» m «.«fr I"-' ' • • otij !<• » ir« li'i toX t^r^-^r*. v.-|n«i>.w » ^ â- <> ' < Vitjl j .rAutSRl •.nJ..>r ;-.• roo4 ».lJ fr-w* > ^ Jaaa P<a. •fH. Vrlal !<u>a>>«r 14MI j5c»u> axa vrsu. xsutD iuauu>x. Minard's Liniment Co.. Limited. Have use*! MINARD'S LIXI MENT for Croup: found nothing equal to it; sure cure. CHAS. E. SHARP Hawkshaw. N.B.. Sept. 1st, 190o. I Mrs. GossiiJ---"! wonder it it is ! reallv true that fi-sh is a brain- foodV" Mrs. Hearsayâ€" "Well. I'm sure they have some effect, for ever.v time my husband goes fish- ing, when he comes home he seems t'.-o dizzy to stand up."' TRY MURrNE EYE REMEDY for Red. Weak. Weary. Watery Eyes andOrauuIatedE.velids. .Murine Doesn't [ smartâ€" Soothes Bye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Kye Remedy, Liquid. 25c. 5i)c. $1.00. .Murine Eye Salve tn | Aseptic Tubes. 2.--C. $1.00 Eye Books , and Ere .\dvice Pree by Mail, • Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. .\nd manv a man never realizes the value of his home until he has occasion to collect the fire insur- ance. PILES CCRED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS Yaar dra^jut wil- rjf i-id ni>a»r r< PA/.O OlM- MSNr faiUto cura aiy ca.t« -/f Itchiii^, Blitld. BleaUiac or Frutrai^ai; fitt« ia ti (o 14 J^iji. itiv. CHANCER. Tunora, Lampe. ate, lataraa) »nj eir^rnal. cared withom paia by •«r hoioa trwa-.meut. Wr-.ta at befer» '.o* latr Dr Bal'.mas Statical Co,. Liai'.e^i. CoITiPswoTMl. Ont /f THE GREATEST PAIMT IN ^ THE WORLD c«m«at. t>r;ck i^r sC>a« stnioturM. "POWDRPAINT" -PA! XT niTNOl'T OILâ€" Ita>ia.;e9 your p^nt bill to a aialmaaL ii,\VS-* -i par caat. ot tba 0'>«t. Writ* for BooWet, Color Card, &o. The Powdrpaint Co. 1 47 Front Straat E.. TBranto. ; l.txtai'tfr - \\ iidt <i J 'Ae ^e*" ab'.>v<j us when we go out on a clear day t We see the blue sky: and what do we see above on a rainy day ?" Voice in the Crowd â€" "We generally see au umbrella." Man.T mothers have reason to bless Mother Graves' Worm E.xter- minator, because it has relieved the little ones of suffering and maid* them healthy. Teacher â€" "Johnny, can you tell how the age of a chicken is deter- mined .'" Johnny -'Yes'm. By the teeth.' Teacherâ€" "Why chick- ens have no teeth.' Johnny â€" "Xo'm : but we have. " KiM.-«) Liniment rurcs Oandru*. 'So your daughter has been to a cvrokery school'" "Yes," answer- ed Mrs. McCludley. "I suppose sb« 'aas helped alonj the househ«>ld economies.'' "Not exactly. She has made ns appreciate our regu- lar cook so much that we have to raise her wages every time she th'-oat'»ns t.' ie-»v>." VOtt the! i with * HOME. It takes a heap o' livin' in a house to make it home. A heap o' sun an" shadder. an sometimes have t' roam .\fore you railty 'preciate things yer tef behind. An' hunger fer "em somehow. j em aihis on yer mind. j It d'^n't make any differunce how [ rich yer git t' be. \ ! How much .ver chairs an' tables \ ' cost, how great ,ver luxury. ! It ain't home to yi>r, t'- • :'â-  •â- â-  be the p.ilace of a K Until s>n»ehow ye-r s.>ut i"^ ^''i; â-  wrapped ro-aud e\erychiui 9««4 tar traa (ample to 3«9t. W. L.. HM tMaai Orua A Cnami^il C». Taranla.

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