Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Mar 1911, p. 8

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iJ Mak<h I«., IMII TM(E iFI.iESHERTON ADVANCE 'Advance' Small Aids. 1.00k over them weekly. :Tkere may be sometluRg for YOU BisiNEijs Cari>s WALTER I.Ot;CK8 Huilder Contractor For Hrick, NtoDa and (ruiiia r«*ldcac««. El- timatM cheerfully (arriibed, F1««l»enoiir P< Q Oa*»riu. iJUJULLiOUUH * yOUNQ W Hankerii Uarkdkle |(0«ral baoking buiineee . Ilooej loaoed %t reasonable ratcf Call on oi. I Farms For Sale (or Rent 1TNIM1-UOVKI) farm fur k»W b«ln|,' lot 'Jf, ^ conctxion K, <tiur«y 1'iiii i« imU to be a fairly level lot with coiMiiiigrtble timber â- tnitable for wooiL To c1o«ii au uitati> will bo M>ld very cLeap and ou earsy teiai* of payoieut. Apply to ji. A H^LfiTHO, Oapl Mt. l'°ori!»t,.Out VAHU roK 8ALE-l>ol U, concenaion 10 of * (iKprev. about H liiileii from Fcverebaui. fairly Koud boum', Kood tiaine barn tiC x 40 auil •traw abed (altacbed. 90 «cr»8 ^Inared and 10 TChlSLETT. • Poatiuaster, Ceylon. CommiMioner in H. C. J , Conveyaacer, daMs, mortcaoea. leaaeii, wilU etc. carefully drawDaip acres of bush, i acres ui lull iwhcat. Ui. uood 'ollestiooii mad', charges reasooable. Also well. The farm is in a eood Btatn nt cultiva- Krooaries flour, feed etc. kept in stoek, I'rieaa tioD. Kor further particulars a|>ply to K. .^. rillht. " "' " â- â-  • DAVIDSUN, Kaversbam. S*iit. RJ liPROVt'B Foitmaster. Flesbarton FiHHAf-Eâ€" c-heap an 1 easy tarms. sold If not BOOD, lor rent to Kuitable- tenant, ..Ncrtb lialf lot 39 aud iot M. con. 11 ^.Vrteuiexia. and lot 1, con. 1^ Osprey. VOO acrsii about IM hard i^nimissioner in H.C J.. Auctieiee Coo-, Teyaacer, Appraiser and Money I.*uder _^_^ ^ ^ v..p.,,. . Real Estate and Insaraoce Agent, umhjp. ,.|„ffj i,,|»nce uiostly tiiiibi-reilJaii.d BortRSges, leases aid nills carelBl^ydrawn , ^^^^,1 ,„jnl . U^od iitou* dwslliiH; and frame ap and valuatioos made on shorteKt DOtu!«||,^n gt„bli„g under ; well «Btered«nith never- money to loao at lowest rates of interest, ^^ol-.^j^j^pg ,,,,^11 jpfipg^.f^^l, crossioK farm close •etlons attended to with prfluiptD«as ! tokaru: This isau exceikuit tiPaiu .cr grazint; .11. u3l •etlons charges low. Btaamship Company Agent for Ocean Dominion. (,r^„„i ^m b« aold vorv 'ihuaii .11. A call solicited. 'once and 011 easy terinK. Jt.ppl) .40 â- ; ;f 1 Bprajlr, KlesUertoa, OuL DkfcPHAIL, I-loensad Anctioneer for the; • County of Orev. Terms moderate and en at Kit. .i J. ran «d The a^an^eraeDti \ \!»>i SAUK obeapaad on «asy. :?arbemad.'"a.,SS A^V^'^» i -»?..-;«'»• "'»?:.«':;.???.. County of Orev satisfaction gua and dates of sales can ofBee. Residence and P.O. .Ceylon, connection Dec. 6.07. t«ritic~Lat8 1 . . acre; ; ; frauic Telephone ' ^^eU Dg, frame baru and stsblinc iindor; about M. KAlTTINOjJjlcenaad Auctioneer tf VB(f 'HlocE~ sales a oiodcrste. satisfaction Ruarantied. Arrange- 1 oients for dates may be made at the Advance in tl70a<TV8 clfsre'l and aad«r.ouliivatioii. Koiue ^ »ple«4 d ct-'dai with otlu»r >ui>xed tiuiber on ' balar?.c<e. aUo twismaJl orchards bearing. Well luinuu.^. tor i wttt**<K! . "evei failing «i.riug,ore«k. Splendid I. A '•• â-  ina tir.kl^~' ''â- â€¢â€¢J^''"* â- *'!" Aa>plv tojj^lji;r«>-ilo ciatty. Terms' llcl!WAl9liilrBtU,TSilt»rti7JttIf,"inii«a)l. offiae, orA: T. Hutchinson's store, by addressing me at Feversham RCDU MATHB'.VH, Markdale, auctioneer for the county of Orey eerrice at reasonable rates. Dates can oiadft St The Advance, o UO re. keveranauu JiPj'U^- ''^ very ehoap aaid on easy teriiiH- im, Ont. \ . . 'tljIr-.'-e Dr.Chrinou'a :tstory brjek bloo: ^_ . !" Hs^JMrtou witb«ood Ktaa>ie .and never fail W( rl 1 HI XicensocI i iDR jrsUa- Good I Spo'l b»|.a er's shop and dwelliitf;.; two .fiood pieini 4COod fitsU>ie .and never fail Good large store .and J HAKVEY I'KRIOOE, broker. Pleaberton ^ (ieneral brokerage business. Insurance of every kind placed in tafe and liberal coujfta^tos. Real estate etc.. Open accounts aud past due l.:^ . â€" notes hsndled and money advaTiced tbeiTfiQn. Correspondence aollcited. fje ett<ne i^Urs under building: is aud , tiiQ .be l^t'pt w«ltJi-nted ; tiro good balls. i,.n sucondand third Bti()fi», ; flrnt ctoss bUhimesB sUud s,nd.«ill lie sold «ijuai.p as owuer in uugnged in otUor business ie <Ue west add lias nu futt<ier.k.«e kir it Apply cb It- J. Sproule, Kiesherton. Medical liStitl, ('4)0. 11. (Isprey. 100 Acre;, .tiX acrai: under cultiKol.an. 10 acres harCwuod.^Jush. H i aciKiB paitinre with tunning b-ticeau. acxosa, Las;e l>riek,,i.juse good sprii^; .wall, â- ftau'ie uarc sud <v4tti liluingo. Fur taiaiui j^'Ply Ao »f.e^ Joif :(' (. if^m Yotat, (.:ay ley, Alkuitii. liOt No. 2,4Xir) 8. CIspray: For uaviaiulats ,At/»l»i'0:J- M. Ut4isi, Vereroham P.ijL fVR CARTER t/ U CP* S Ont, Physician, Sargeon^tc Offlca and residenceâ€" Peter at-, Flesherton JP OTTEWELL Veterinary Rurgeon Graduate of Ontario Vetarlnary Collaae. laaidence â€" sscond door south westlon. Isary street. This street runs aouUi^ caiil ., - - â€" _- _ _ Presbyterian Cbarota. i,iili;arBl,,a.ell leoceiicud in liigli state at oulti . ' >y«timi,.U^lauce t,^,'>ered, gaud comtotiiable Hi..it i->^v. ,.. . .., /itwiiio WfeliiBR. etoue colUr under, nevw .tail- >MLSON Ulackfmith ; Aug •vpriiysew.ll and .*»udnilll pump at *o«-. Uraduate of tue ^eterinary Bclenc j.^- frsii:e«,ani, well .»'ui»he(i, stone Btstuij|g CAKJf F(/;t ^!«^-Very «lieap. WO *tre«, Ivt-X con. 7, fJHrey, only H.'IOOO, rtaaciukble UlM'Sysneut. ba|«4><.e easy terms, 8S ibcrsa Association. Durham Boyd, Bro's hardware. street, orposite Dentistry Dr. e. C. MURRAY L. O. 8 , dentsi surgeon bono,- graduate of Toronto University and Koyal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Oaa admisinistered for teeth eXtraotipn OSce at residence, Toronto Street, FJ«al:erton. wiW i^prii{g -Anter utwUr, also in shed, (t lic silubted i.itaJe li'Qui iMtiXKWll village whtfoie tii£f^ Ai'e jH,oreB. pAst oh^cep, eooil schuo'l, and is/in Ibejuravel rgad .<Ji i,«ilca from railway sc«ii«N, II sold at once.' e.bo\'e price, though VK|$y I UK^ uiight .ba s.>:ailed a little. Legal THiiMMi GLiy,'auprea;isM, HlPtCUULK, Jr'lesbertoo, t( Vor sale ebeap or rent, immojiate posseL/ion. Lot :iU £<,u. 14. Art<,mei|)i^, ab<iDt 7S acres clear, cowforlabb) log bouse Miii f.'ame barn. Apply to R J Bprouto, Kleslieiitoo , «r John J Uartio serosa llm road from sail lot. ( ICAB, RANF.Y 4 WALLArE-Barriaters, »-' iiolicitor»,etc.-I. B. Lucas, K. C; W. E. SB Itaney, K. (.: J. H. U. Wallace. Oflicas. I Toronto. m&9 Tiadcrs Ilauk Kldg.. phoiu) njain Hl'2: Markdale I.ucaa Block, I'hona i A. Hraucli olfice at f.)uudalk open every Katuraay. Riverdttle The weather man yt «n the waUr wai;oii Hjiain, F. Cuttinji, our aocoiDplJHhed.viotiDial, h*H accepted a tuorativt* |K>f itiun with Miiinitt Itroa , Markdale. Kober', Irwifi iK.oiigaKed ftr the HprinR and luniniur witii Mr. Koiitiier i>f Luree, The Hivei'dale JoyCliib .uttendod the delightful " At Umiie " al Mr. J. Wil- son's of Iteavurdale Friday eveniug We extend a ourdial tvelcome to Mr. and Mrs. Davidsuii Kiid fninily of Ux- niead, whu moved from that vicinity last week to the farin .here recently vacated by Alex. Hennioi;. Mr. and Mrs. . Vuv- idaon are of the iiii(h browed Scotch Ijipe and we wish tUeui^jood Kick aud plenty av it- We <juite uniotieulionaliy omitted. lant week til nieotiun .the.ixi^retted departure uf one tif our hi^fUU' esteemed citizens and capable busiaieas .laeii, Mr. Fred ..lobnston, otherwt«e known as the Kiver- dale coun. Wu join in wishing Mr. Johnston happioece and prosperity in his achievements of a iinuncial character. In readiuj; the editorial. uoluiuii of The vAdt^aaee hut week I .noticed tliat the publisher is in f;iv<ir.uf.aivi«lj( re.ciprocity a triitl. T emphaticiiliy .diaiipprove >>f this (iigKestiun. Sbuuld .reciprocity I e- cjoie entablishtd between ihe I.'nited Slates «iid Canada it heralds . the , inevit- able dcfiiiliiion cf oiu' :tluurialung indus- Iries, and the incorrijjible dissolution of the proH{terity and iuiaueoeuuible .{loten- tialities od our cuuutry. It is bigb time the Liberal siJe uf the Uouse .«f . CVin- U10D8 weK. assuming a mure .rational , view of the appaling poeaibiliti«s..of ro- ^iproci'y. .lohn W- ,SialL-elsmith, Ureentiko»;,lEi^,. has (l^ee^ childreit, .iind like ukmc .uhildF«ai they .freifuently take(i..'>ld. •' We liaa* itrind -»cv- .nvl-'<>hds of coa^i nie<licinc," be sayc'tbtit hayejirver found .any yet tiiat dUd itbetii as mv«h,XMH<l as CluHiibcrlains C<i«ipli lf*wr<iy .Kor.giii-' by W. K. t^ichardson 4 4au. AUCTION SALE WH. WKIQHT. Harrister, Solicitor, Confay.. ancer, etc.,â€" Owen Bound, and Flesherton, Bâ€" Flesherton office, Sproule's Block every Saturday Societies O U W meets ou the last Monday in each month. In their loage room Norria' block.Jl- iM'iarton, at 8 p.m. M. W., H. ('. LeGaru ; Rec., V. H. Munshaw: Pln„ W, P. Crossley Visiting bretbrtD iBVltad A PRINCE ARTHUR I.ODHE, No. â- .W.A.T.A A U, meets in the Uasouichall, Arm- every Friday on H. Munahaw, ~" itrons'B Illock, Flesherton «r barara the toll mocn W. Ao unreserved credit aucliuusale u^ farm stock and impleniento will be held on lot 170, yrd .S. W. T- and S. R., Artt'iu«wia, nONDAY, MARCH 30. 1911 The projieriy of K. Wurtz, wIilmi the followin|{ valuable articles will be otrered for sale ; HtJUSKSâ€" J hoise S years old. 1 horse rising .1 years okl, IDOO lbs.; 1 horse riaini; 4 years old by Orownhlow, 1 horse rising 3 years old by Grownslow, 1 horse rising n years old by Walter T, -' mares rising li, I pony, aged. CATTLE -1 Durham cow 8 years old, 2 Jersey cows 7 years in calf by rcjjjistored Holstein, 1 ^rade cow 3 years old .sup- posed to be in calf, 2 grade cows 4 years old sujiposcd to bo ill calf, 2 calves rising 1 year, 1 cow aged supposed lu bo in Chosen Friends mcpti in Claytons hall first [calf, 1 Hereford cow 3 years old supposed 1 third Wednesday ufu^oh mouth B p. m K â-  ,, ' , , i,'' • , y asaessments to tbellecoider on or before j "' "e in calt, registered; 1 Hereford heifer 2 years old, registered , 2 Hereford bulls 14 months (/Id, registered. I5HEKI'â€" 12 owes iMid 1 ,Shrop. ram. l'108-l low UllO to fallow March 21, 2 store pi'gfl. POl'LTRV «."> hens, .-. ueese, .'Iducks. 1MI*LKMKNT.S-Deeriiig binder Oft. eiil k]i«»' '^'"''â- '•"' ""J *•'"'='"' in good re oftir; UiBiing bei'i in^ rake, M«m*_ n good repuir, Frost and and two doubletrees for « of \i itOi'. nearly new ; !i-liuil inin liannw, potati U.; Tbos. Clayton, Hecre'.ary. noi'RT FLP.SHERTON, 99.1, I. 0. F. meets in ^ Clayton's Block the laHt Wednesday evening of each month. Visiting Foresters heartily welcome. H. R., Dyson; R. 8., T, Hai^ry; Fin. Spc, C. N. Richardson. Please pay dues to Flu. Sec. before the first day of the month. CHOSEN FRIENPB-Fleaherton Council ot C and Pay Ins first day of each month. Chiaf Councillor T. Blakeley; Recorder W. H. Buut. School Children's Eyes. nitiwer in Kood lepaii Harris seed drill Wood liurrow HoiMkr Rolls iCe^loPiSchonl for Kebrutry ' I'JuluinqK.'i.'d Classâ€"jAuslin UteMtM^iX, Percy M(;l«'od. ^â- . i.â€"J(^'\en (^Jibxaii, John lf«u^- hili. Mary McMulleu. Jr. 4- Arit»l Love, Uuriel I'le^aMi, Grace Chnrrj:. Sr. .".-Ed wii Mc Mullen, Willie i**-, tiscui, WiiUie Badley. Jr. .â- !--Mae B«jnett, Etiwdi Hennet- Sr. 2 â€" Ptircj iJeinphill, Diiie Me- MtiJlen. NellM X,U<Uey. Jr, 2 Anna WUto, Stmulejr White, J. C. McLiichUi;.". I'art 2â€" Tommy Cherry, Kwthleen McDonald. Nellie Htawurt. I'lirl 1 Si'/ Klary McLaclilan, FitAtnk Stewart, .Mlie McMuHeo. Part 1 Jr. Jitn.-uie CJierry, Heny Muir, Mi.xy Pivnick. Average 41 â€"J. L. Wood, Teaclur. Sports of all Sorts FOR "SPONTa" or all sort* Bcrksbires and Tamworths I have now for sale a few very choice Beik- sblre pigs, nearly ready to wean. Hurry your order and get the beit. OKU. W. ROSS, UaxwetlP. O. through neglected eyestrain In childhood. The eyes of every child should be examined. We have made a special study of this branch of optics, and guarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. , W. A. Armstrong, wjjgSrv^SSBfl^BS^i I and turnip ciillivalor, Poninolow, Ihivc- ^ J*ES8v>^iir, 1 ^ i^^^^ ^^,^^^^ ^,^^,, ^,„p^, ^ ,„» jr.^ ^^.^^.^ i. i_ u • - I wagon, democriit, ii)ad cart, large cutler I fl/\or,\r lives nave been rUineO i good »s new, hay fork, wagon box and atock rack, wagon box new, sIodO boat, wheelbarrow, crowbar, pick, oar for w mid track, rope and pullcyn ; set slings, '-'"c- lined water trough, largo sugar kettle, turnip cutter, pair spiked skills, craJle, 2 acythes, 2 heavy chtins, 2 light chitins, cow chains, calf chaini, beam, 4 lice hives, giindsliine, a ipiantity of lumber 1 and shinnies, h ,|iiantity of hay and straw, ' iieokyoke, whitfletrees, hayrack, 3 cant- j books, 2 crosscut s.tws, gravel bnx, pig crate, .1 cow bells, separator. No. 3 bar ' rel churn, KM) handmade sap buckets good I as new, clothes wringer, breecti-loading ) rifle and loading tools, Hbolgiin, 1 barrel j choketl, and lo.iding tools, set heavy sleighs, single bugiiy. IIAHNESS-Sel heavy double har- ness, set plow harness, sot single harness, new collar, largo. HOr.SKHOLD OOODSâ€" Pedstead, sofa, a number of kitchen chairs, good cookiug stove. Terms 95 and under, cash ; over that 12 mos. on approved joint notes ; & per cent, cash in lieu of notos ; hay and straw cnsh. The owner has sold his farm and there will bo no reserve. Stlo al 1 o'clock sharp, K. WURTS D. MoPH.ML Proprietor .Vuctioneer .S. S. No. 17, Artemesi* : Sr. 4 â€" Lyla Fisher. Jr. 4 â€" Wessie Smith. Sr. 3 â€" Ueibie IWtts, Bertha White, Klla Genue, Annie Pedlar. .Ir. 3 â€" Lome Atkinson, Cecil Wilson, Irva I'ark, Violet Smith. Sr. 2-, Sarah White, Letta Partridge. Jr. 2 Frank Brtts, Irene Smith, Pearl purteous, Kdgar »Vhite. Sr. Part 2--beilio Poite.ai«, Lily Fislicr, J<'aii Milne. Jr. Pait 2 â€" Hughie Nesbitt. Sr. 1-Lily E'aik. Jr. 1- Laurie Smith, (.'btford Pail ridge Jr. 1 a Toininie Nesbiit, Janet Black, David Black. Jr. 1 bâ€" Marie Richards, Marell Be:(^. .Average attendainit 20. â€"J. M. Smith, TeavUttl': The Clarksburg lieview sitya Klesher- ton's new link will have a 15 ft. space down the centre for curling! Where will they play hockey, then? The second carnival at Feversham, held last Wednesday night was another huge guccess. The costumes were in more variety than at the former event, and some very neat creations were presented. This time the young Udies attempted to bribe the judgej by neirlecting to hide their faces behind masks. J. Latimer and A. .S. Thurst )n, of Flesherton were judges. The prizes awarded were: Best akatii<g coupleâ€" Mrs. Jos. Taylor and Alex. Taylor. Lady's costume â€" Miss Em. Wliiteoak, with a Turkish costume. Lady skater â€" Miss Liidey. Girl skater â€" Hilda Lush. Girl's costume â€" Zaidie Lawlor. (rent skater â€" Rob Whiteoak. Gent's co.stume- Fred .McLean, as sailor. Boy akaterâ€" Henry Pelcli, 2nd Elmer Sample, Clown-<-John Taylor. Among the other^ofituiues, which were very • excellent, were :â€" Clowns, Tom Brown. Ferg. Somer;, Bob Whiteoak ; Soldiws, Nelson Scott and Mr. McKin- non ; Cow"boy»", Mrs. Jos. Taylor and Alex. Taylor ; Miss Canada, Maud Julian and Zaidie Lawler ; Red Riding Hood, MiasiLinley; Indian costume, Hattie Leitch ; Fairie Queen, Queenie Kaitting: Sailor, .Dean Clinton and Irene Clintcm ; Winter, iMrd. Goldhawk. There is talk of a new riuk for Fever .sham nuxt winter. It should be a success if the patronage of the present sheet of ice may bei regarded as a criterion. Duudalk hiuh school trimmed the Markdale hoc^key bunch twice last week. " AaRt.it;Awful, Mabel ? " The tie helween the locals aud ihe iKiniberley hock^yLsts was broken with a itiang al MarkcUle on Monday nivht in a juappy game, wi!;h Ibo. latter team in the ihole by a score uf.b'A. At half lime the .wiuuers were ahe«d. 4:3, but in the lu.st ibtklf a Vitlley shot managed to bulge the FJeolierton nets oaep, tying Ihe score. It â- ras oeceaeary to plajr JjUin minutes e.xtra tiioe lo, decide the ga<ut:- In lbs hrst live uiuiutes the lucala auanaged to si«er the pui'k p,ist I'he Kiiuberley goal ntila once. D, iMercer was refeoie and did his bjst to keep good hockey lUiroughout. Kerr, Ihe Klesheiton goal kuepcr, was ruled otf for iwo minutes Jor ^etti'ig on his knees, aud in that perkd Kimberley tHllied two goats. Kerr put up a Htone- wall drfsjice in goal and puzzled the f Kiiuberley shooter,! coiL-iderably. Kiel- 1 cher, the Markdale junior O.H.A. gtwl keeper, had his work cut out fur him in defending the Kiniberley net. Leitch, the lieathcoti* man, was too - closely checked to fhow very iuuch class. Flesherton also played « Markdale juniir O.H.A. man, " Murph ' Mei't^^r, who is a regular demon to pHy hockey. The local players are pardonably proud of their showing, us they wont up to the game ati.solutely williout pnclico, not I having had more thini live practices all winter and not havini; had ska'-.es on fur siiveral weeks, owing to the sad end o: the local rink. The Women's Institute of Flesherton will give a grand concert in the town hall on Wednesday, March 15, consisting wholly of local talent. A model Insti- tute meeting will be held which will il- lustrate why this society has become so popular. A male iiuartet will contribute much to the pleasure of the evening as will solos, duels, readings, and recita- tions. Admission : adults 25c, children 15 cents. Allan McDonald, a resident of Craig, hurst, fell on a slippery sidewalk and broke his leg. Bull For Service Pure 111 ed .Shorthorn Durhaiu Bull fur iier- vice ot lot 6, con. 13, Osprey. Ti-rnis *1. RICHARD ROBERTS, r>adv Bank. BILL FOR SERVICE ThoroiiRl.lire. I Shorthorn bull, "Dandy Jini" «1"K4, for »n vice on lot ITli, T. 4 .S. R., Af- temesia. Tliia animal is of a f:»ad milking strain. Perjitrree on application. Terns, â€" (iraden »1, leifiatered *:». J A><. ST1N«0N Proprietor. Boll For Service Thorouglilned Hertford Bull for service on lot 171, cm. 3 S. W. T. and S. R., Arta- Diesia. Terms -»1 for grade, «3 for pure bred. Aoy cow not returned will be charged m full whether in lyilf or not. 14Mari2 -T. & J. W.ATSON. CEYLON'S ^"IfcRE %^/%%/%^ «^/%«^»^ %^k^lr«/%/% %%/%^%%^ %%^'^^%^ Special Notice To the person buying the most goods here in 30 (lays, commencing Feb. 15 and until March 17th, will receive the following prizes. 1»* '$12 Lady's Jacket, iinilation Pt^rsian Lamb, Size bust 3« 2n<l ^^^^^ Overcoats, value !?", size 38, 3rd l^''e"y China Tea Sett, worth $2.90. We have a large and well-assorted ttock of goods to choose from, and if there is anything you want we might not have we will send and get it for you at once. Ererything will countâ€" Flour and feed, sugar, oatmeal, ladies' or gents' fur or cloth coals fur collors, fur stoles, l^eady-made clothing, dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes, clover and grass seeds, hardware, tish, washing machines, trunks ana telescope*, lioi-se blankets, grain bags, carpets, linoleum", oilcloths, dishes of all kiud.s, and anything you want to buy. We have some very pretty ladies Suits, Skirts and Coats at very reasonable prices. Highest market prices paid for all farm produce. j/as. zlattison » i/rnerttl -^lerc/iant (5e^t on SETTLERS' TRAINS -TO â€" MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Th« only through lln» LOW COLONIST RATES Fsr stIlltK lrsitllln< Hlth lltitlscb %*i •lltcU Special Train.s Will letve Toronto Each TUESDAY MARCH tnii Arm 10.10 P.M. Stiiltri â- â€¢< lisllln allhsal livtiloii Skoulj MSI Reijular Traias LMvin^ Toronto 10.10 Mi. Dsil; Throi^b Coloniit and Tonriil Sleepers Colooift Cars on all Trains No charge for bartha Through Trains Toronto to Winnipeg and West Ask m Cf.l. A<«sl lot cew st "Sslllsts' OsWs" A GOOD .START IN LIFK has been \i,\\ - en thousands of young people who have attended the i^/:J//a At Owen Sound, Ont , during the ptst lliirty years. What wo have done for oHu-rs wo can do for yon. Try it by ! onlcringfor the Spring Term on Monday, I April ;ird. Circulars free, 'C. A. Klem-ng, O. D, Fleming, ' Principal. Secretary. Ceylon Miss Uuthvan of Alliston is visiting at ' D. McLeod's nnd with other fiieiid.-i on the west back line. Mr. .lack Cairns left for VVestlH.urne, Man., on Monday, Alfred and Charlie Chislttt lefl for the West on Tuesday, the former going to lleginaand the latter to Winnipeg. S. M. Hosa not having turned up, Lemon Ilros. of Owen Sound have seized the goo'is and placed a watcbinan in possession. Mrs. .lames Sproal and dauglHer, have returned to their lumie after a month's visit among friends. Mr. and Mrs. .lames Martin of Soattlo, Wash., visited with his brulher-in-lsw, John T. Chisletl, recently. Revenge. "Stopr* Tbe brakea of tb* motor wersniddenly applied, a pandemonlam •f wblrllnc wheels ensued, and tho mo- torist came face to face wlUi Consta- ble Coppem, who bad been hldlos in the hedse. "Excuse me, sir," said the porUy po- liceman, taking out bis notebook and pencil, "but you exceeded the speed limit by two miles over a measured piece of road." "I hare done nothing of the kind," retorted the motorist, "and. besides"â€" "Well, If you don't bellove mo I'll call the sergeant, beln' as It was 'Im as took the time. Ue's In the plcsty yonder." "Don't trouble, Ilobert," the other hastened to m)ly- "I wo'"'** sooner pay fifty fines than disturb the ser- geant at hia mealil"â€" London Anarrers. FARM TO RENT Lots 171 and IT'.', in 'Jnd i.m. N.K.T. andS U., .\rteniesia, t" lent for tliive or five yeiuvt, letisoe to dean' up the fifteen acre* or m>, now fully cleared, nn north .if lot 17'.'. .\iiy paitv wiuitniK t,> 11-iit ouii send ottei liv letter to tlie iinilersiifued at Shellmrne, or eiill at, liix Dun dulk otliee any Satui'-lnv up to and ineludinic the 1st April." -ti. ttl'THKKKORD BLOOD DISEASES CURED Drs. K. & K. Established 20 Yean »TiIO NAMES USED WITH- OUT WRITTEN CONSENT He waa aurprUed at how th«i â- ore* healedâ€" "I took vuur Niwf Method iKtiTaiNT for a serious blood (lisease with ivliicti I had been IndcieU' for twelve years. 1 hail consulteil ascore , fof physicians taken all kinJs of blo<xli medicine, visitcii Hut Spriujcs and other .mineral water resorts, but only got teiii- Iporary relief. They would help me for a lime, but after discontinuing the medi- jcines the symptoms would break out jagainâ€" running sores, blotches, rheum- atic pains, looaene.-isor tliolwir, swelllnps ot the Rlands, p.tlnis of the hands Bcaling, itchiness of the. .stin, dyspeptic stomach, , , J ., , , otc. I had given up in despair when a f rieoil aijlsed me to consult you, as yon had cured him of a similar disease 8 years ago- 1 bad nu hope, but toolc his advice. In three weeks' time the sores conmieneed to heal iin audi became enooumgeU. I continued the Xlw JIethod Tbiatme.st for tour monthi audat tlw ouj of th.it time every symptom had disappeared. I was cured T years ago mid no siiftis ot any disease since. My Ixiy. three years oW, is sound and healthy. I cer- taiuly cau reooDimeud your treatment with all my heart. Tfou can refer any person to mc priTiiUly, hvs. you can use this testimonial as you wish. W. H. S. .«^S'*'j*j4JS5yS^^ DEBnjTY. VARICOSE VEINS. VITAL WEAKNESS. BLOOD. SiON «ad .seC8£T Puea>e«, UfilNARY, BLADDER aad JCIOfi£Y cmnplainU of Men •aa Women. â- Cir«eCTRCATMCNT arrcn TacATMtftt DnnCll -^^eyonâ- â€¢oictim? Have you lost hope? Are yon iateiidia»*i>j»'~'ir»iHin nCAUCn you.- blooJiJteen fi«B«wJr Have vou »«â-  - in-f-7-r TvT r^.Vllfaiio TKEATHrST Will cni-OTon. Wh«ifa»»«.<»i!v •»A-t)t£?rs"Tt *'V^r'r,,; fI.. oF claJae" Fr.o. Xoniniter »h.". has kvajf/you write for an honest opinion Fra. of Charge. Charges i-easouulilo. Booka ft*â€" (.Illustrated) ou diseases ot .Men. NO NAMES USED WlT-iOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. ETarytUnf eoafidenlial. Question lilt and coat of Homa Treatment FREE. DRS.KENHEDY&KENNEPY Cor. Michiga.i Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. __^^^^^ MM f« Wi I f« r All letters frotn Canada must be addressed Sn^H^llU I lUb to our Canadian Correspomlence Depart- jji^^y Hi^^H^HB^M ineiit in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to sec us persoiiallv call .it our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat BO patients in 'our Wiuilsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windier, Oat. LWrite for our private address. SOLD liY F. O. KAI^STBDT, FLKSHEl^TON ^X-

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