mipi;i!^qp'")""nMHnKv^ 'm>. .' ^^aB May 11 Hill F UK V L E S n K RT O N A I> V A N C E fv3 F'. G. KARSTEDT, - flesherton ont Young Men's Styles '"Tliere »ro uniierlyiu^ fi'Rtur«k of distinclivc cleuAiice in uU liiiriiionU made by Hie Andrew Darling Company." TlieHC are the wiirds of a well knnwn ciilio on up-to-dute cintliiiiu. For style, i^imlity of Worsteiln, MHi<e and I-tbtiiij; Vunlilii's tliey ciinnot 1k^ beaten. Why not \it>X value for your ninney ? Wlielher liuyinn a cheaper Miit ni- a roal I'ood one, the niakiiii;. style etc.. is just the smiie. Building Hardware It is time those who intend to Viuild either n house or barn wan looking up hin \Ut of Hardware Kequirenients and aubmitlini; theui lo us, in order that we can ipiote on ihcni. Ity laying in lai);u <iua-itilii'8 enables us t.> do belter for you th;in other* i*e. Wc can <piote you the K we«t possible price*. Don't fomer to chII In-fore you sign con- trict. AUo, in Cement, The Canada Cement holds highest rewards for 8tr?nKth and durability. We have a c.ir coming, if yuu uro needing any, drop us a line and we will ipiote you. StrawHats and Felts Our anaortment of both these lines are i;i>ud. F'elts in blacks, browKH, steel grays, and i;reena in all the latest stylos. Black, blue, bronze ^reen chriatys, in All tbe latest blocks. These lines are good paying values, running from 75c to S2.f<0. Now that we are sure of spring, it is the time for the straws. Both in narrow and broad rima, our as.sorttncnt is large. See our fancy straws liefore V ^^ buyinit. Spring Over Coats Tlii'se are a tieci-.sit-ii y. owini^ to the eoitl »wmainii »ir and a'sottJC hi'Hvy i-ain falls. A Cravenefte j« j„„ the thing for this kind of weather, whiU^ not too heavy, tney turn a lot of rain. They cannot be beat- en for Sprint; ""^ '*'*" wear. We have them at $7.50 to |12.0<). Umbrellas These are a necessity. Never kno« wlipn yen are g'linK ti) be CHUirlit m a rainstorm. Buy one now and Ik! prepared for liie wi^rst. (><jo(I ymility, l»r.je Semi- Silk Covers, with either double orsinvle spring, with prices ranving from GOc to J1.7o. House Cleaning Requirements Now is the time, if you have not already bought you TiHCo Curtains, Blinds, Cartaio I'oles, Oetona Carpets, Linoleums, Oilclothe. Oome in and ceo our lines They are new and iip-to da'e. BRIGHTEN' UP. Use a little Paint or Varnish. Martin-Senour Paints can not lie l>e»ten fl^ or Paints a specndtv, Paroid Roofing Acknowledged by all dealers and Manufacturers, honestly, that the Paroid Hoofing n the best roofine oQ the icarke*. Owing to it« lasting ipialities, it hua •?•"«»»• universal in its use, why iioi buy .i-t article , ' . '"'" kuow-give. Miisfsctioii. .is go stjmbliutf into buying »omoth.«g y.,u h.». „„e,l^.|y s„en used at.d found to be sll that is req uired and q ,,,,... Coiled SpringTWlrc | While i* li'^ls, *e olf r lo the pui'lic the chance, unknown lo other merchants, of buying tirst-clais colli d Spiinii Wiio, for 82.50 per cwt. This Wire is no inferior grade, it is the best that cm be boucht. We stand behind the Wire. Beat it if you can ? 82.,jl)" I'tT cnt. All iudeiH-ndent newspaiwr, iJuUished every Tliursduy ut tlu' oHice, C.'olliii^woud Street, I'ltwlieiton. S'.ilwerii>tiiin price ?1 per annum, \\\fu |>.ii(l inadvi\iice; $l..'i<) wlieii ma so paid. .\<lverti«in^ rateri on ii|iplicatioii. Circulation 1,100 w.'okly. A geld rush to this district i« expected j declining values in piopeity of declin- thj!; Huininer as news of Its great richness ing spirit and atLbiliou it) jts peopleâ€" W. II. Tliurston Kclltor truth before favor- principl.es, not men A FRENCH NIGHTMARE A Fiencli viritir has been ciCiiting a nightmare over the horrible pustibilities of aviation in warfaie, drawiig a pcture parallel to Dante's Inferno or the horrors of the plague. He says the residents of all large cities will find it necessary to dig holes in the ground if they wir>h t( preserve their livea. We are ircliiied to believe thar he hss allowed hi« iuiagioa. tion lo run away with reason. There are some things that even modern warfare will not permit â€" some things that ate not considered fair, or allowed even in war fare. The whit flag is never tired upon. The red criss is immune. Non-combat- ants are not made war upon. [uuks out. .\s we said before, Canada is bound to therefore we say brush np, clean up, brighten up, the exterior of the home. cluiin practically everyihiiig insight as while the wives and daughters are busy belonging to her in these days when .she house cleaning the interior, hiis a tag on the 20th century. Hands off ! The spring in some parts of the West lias been unusually backward and severe â€" as usual. In au Ontario town there is a musical organization known as Katys' orchestra. It has no rolation, save in results, to the uiidniglit back yard fence nrti?t^<. The Lord's Day Alliance has to work overtime this year â€" there are 53 Sundays. Fcr Mdieness of the luuiic'es whether in- duced by violent exercise or injury, Cham- berlain's Liniment in excellent. This liniment is also highly esteemed for the relief it affords in cases of ilioiitnatiBin. .Sold by W. K. Richardson & Son. Having just emerged trom a long winter into summer days, all nature is putting on a new garb of verduer and In th» light o{ these fncts, why should heauty. it sugfcests to us the propriety the war-birds be allowed to annihilate ,i • ji_-,.. . , , 1 .- 1 . ^, ofcleaning up and brightening our sur- conimercial and residential cities that in- ,- ,, , elude hospitals and other humane in.litu- "-O'^udings. All accamulations of the tions. any more than they would be I ^«''"^ *»•* •â- "''^"''» "^ winter should be allowed to blow up a red cios8»flibulunce?l cleared away and destroyed; the snn- Public sentiment in any christian country light is pouring into places that were would not tolerate such inhumane war" unsightly corners in our dooryard and fare. The fortified ciiies would be the bids ns clean up and brighten our en - sufferer*, but we have none such on this otmtinraf, «tid the urban population of this continent «t le»at need /eel no terror over the possibilities of liuati'e air ships blowing them up in their sleep. JUST ARRIVED I AT CEYLON A Consignment . . OF . . Waggons AND Buggies Which will be sold at prices that can Not Be Beat considering style and cpiality, also a full line if tillage, Hai vesting niichiiies and Wind Mills, Fence Wire, Stible Oiithi", Hay F. rki^, Hopes and c-irriers. N'lW is the the time to get ready. \ call s iliciled. .Satisfaction guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL MOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta SpecUl Tiaini leave Torojto 2 IX) pm. on APRIL 4, 18 MAY 2, 16, SO JUNE 11, 27 JULY 11, H AUO. 8, 22 SEPT. 5, 1» Second c!«n tickcu front Oataiio it«iioni lo priacipal Northwrii poiQii at LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES Wuinipes and return $33.00; EUimonton and return $41.00. and to odm potnti m prot>onioo. TickeU Uood to return wiiKin 60 dayi fri^m gointt dale. TOURISTSLEEPING CARS on «U eiruraou. Comlortible tierthj. fullir emiipprd wilh tedding, can be tccurcd at muderate rate* tlirougn local agent. Early application must be mndo ASK FOR HOME8EEKIR9' PAMPHLET containing tale* and full information. ApiJy to niirertC.P.R. Agent ortoR. L. Thoupion, Dut. Pau. Agi . I'oTonto. ONLY DIRECT LINE NO CHANGE OF CARS S. Rand, Ajjcnt, - Ceylon CEYLON BUTCHER SHOP 1 have opened 'jp a butclier siiop the- old stand, Ceylon, and e»riy a full «nd ficli stock of ficsli and ciiicd meats, Hides pui'ciiaHed. â€" Terms cash. J.M.ENGLISH. CEYLON i:.jly ;. I School Children's Eyes. TOTâ€" 7 FRESH FISH Fresh Salmon Trout - 1 2c lb. Iresh White TLsh - - lie lb. Lake iirie Herrin|< - 'i.^cdoz. â- -v; tsv.- Theue prlcea will pr-viil at my hou'U only, »5 tlirt nariow mar- gin will not perinil iied'Iiing. II. ra!)Lj:y, I i.usherton ^ FURN ITURE NSs, SEASONABLE GOODS )») IN VcTljDY IS'^WRtC XSUTDV IS pieasurQ Mnny lives have been ruinea through neglected eyestraiii in childhood. Tiie eye^ of every child should be examined. We have made a special study of this branch of optics, and'guarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong. Sick lie.'ulache ii'oiilts fmii! ii (linnnli'ii.,) roiiditiiiii of ilic Ntiiii iii'li, mill omi lu' inred by tim ii.<i' of Clia.iiliiilahr.s Stomach nnil Liwi T.il U't». Try it. F,.r nulv l.y \V. K. Uit'hiinli'oii k S,in. The lir^o.sl niid lic.st htock of Fiirnitiiie ever hhonn in Fle.shertou. ThiH witlii-.tit fear.ifciiii- tiiidiutioii. oiiie itlid see (tome of nice things in Hide Bo.hiIh, Dining n<ioiii C'liniiH, Piirlor Scll»t, lii'it Kooni Setts. A H|)cfiiil leduc- tifttrjtMit now on evciy- fhin^, ill order to it>- duiv' the stork. . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesherton I Honor Rolls U.|ioii i,f .-i. S. Nil. 7 Aiuiiisii for l!ie month of A|>r:i IDll. 5 M.iy Miiir. Chironcp Muir. Sr. 4 - L. MiPlmJi, C. (Ji'clir .st, C. MoMilUn. Jr. 4 -I.. Miiir, iiiid A. \\hyte Etj. - W, Williiiiiison, \ . Mtf.M'iii. .Sr. :{ i:. I) iitHiiii, w. I'.ii.s'ow, I'. McMillan. Sr 2- i;. Gik•hri^t nml M. Iv Whyl,- Ell , II. Mends, .1. MoLe.m. .1.. L' K Muir. I'l. •-• A. tlihhrist, S, i\I,-I, H,. .-r I U. Mi.ir, A. I'uish.w, 1!. W.iil 1 , S..\Vl,yc. 1 A .1. Dov. I It .\l. (llKlirist, A. Ili.w. ,lr. 1 \V. .M,;|. >in, (;. OliviT, V\. i .McKeii/. e, M. Do.v, (i Dovv. Avi-iH.e at ciilance !i4. i I,. M. Smith, TeHiher. I!'i D. SmiJujf Conn, c.i"eH t, the' I'les'ylci-an chtl ch id (JimilI \'.illuy.h„s iic.-tj)tid ill. d will be indiHled on Fr day. A Richlbucto Sctiool Teacher Once a Dyspepticâ€" Now Well, Thanks to Father Morrisey's No. 11 . Richilniclo, N, Ii,, Nov. i7tU 1909. Father Morriscy Med. Co., Ltd., I have Ixreti teacliin^; .school for up- war.ls of thirty years, during the la>t twenty-five of which I have snlTercd seriously with stomach trouble, iiiUi- gestion and dy.siwpsia. I have tried many remedies, and while I would gel temporary relief from .some of them, yet the old trouble would r;tnrn, and witii it the sufferings only known to the chronic dyspeptic. Last yea.- I had made up my mind to abandon my profession, feeling that in. my condition I could neither do justice tDUivself or to the many pupils under my charge. A friend sugj;esled to me that I try Father Moriiscy's No. u Stomach Tablets ; I did so, and have continued \> use them with the result that my stomach trouble is curedâ€" my indigestion and dyspepsia gone and I fsel as well as I ever did. I have, thanks to the Tablets, been able to continue in my profession, and feel that 1 am once more enjoying my work and am able to give justice to the fifty-four i)upils under my care. Yours ("iratefully, (SigtUih M.^KV ClIRVSTAI.. Arc you one of the many Ihou.'ands who, like Miss Chrystal, arc prevented from doing their l)cst wotk, or really cuj >ying life, by stomach trouble? If you are yon cannot do bitter than she (lidâ€" take Father jMorrisey'u No. 1 1 Tablets. Ivicli No. 1 1 Tablet, when dis.solved in the stomach, will digest 1 '4 pounds of foodâ€" a good, hearty mealâ€" so that no niat!.er how weak your stomach may be No. II Tablets will enable you to get the nourishment out of your food and biiilcl up yotir .strength, while the sto- mach, tiitis relieved, recovers its vigor. 511c. a box at your dealer's or from the Father Morriscy Mtdiciue Co., L,ti\., Montreal, Que. 9* OVER-WORKED JCSOS^EYS Cause. Rush of Blood, Ful!- nesc, Bizzins.:::. ... 1. riiotl.-.nd, tl!.- w.ll-Ijno-.vn mil- way iii^liiii.i- ot Haui:;i„ii. c.uiul t!u> strain always resting upon nun of iiis occuiiatloii vastly inlcn,,lfiea bv a tandoiicy „f the bloiul to ru.-^h to" his liwid. a:id ort.n at tnn.-s when cUir- i.^y..i of vi»l.;n nnd gnat st.niUii.ss iv.-ro donian led. I.'IiiUin,,' »onw diiil- -uty In bondinsâ€" a utiffness wit."! ,a!n l^avb.ff teltled l.i hl» biick. It oc- r.irrert t 1 hl:n t'lat M.i kidney., jnl»ht b, at fault. ••TM'3 w.vi x \\nn,\ u:oa tor to- It I not oiil> Bot rid Or tlie patii j-t many oin^r t.oui.lt.i m will 1 •..vk a ftdl <>q;,) r,( o... Hainiiton's Fills t.'.d \yna ifbid to note; tli«t houip o>- i.iiiclhiii of the k!d;iej-a, whieii I li.;j' lU'-ly nn'c'.', waa- .It once ivllevul" a'HH'urancf of Iny f.irr â- . ;',iL.-'.> :uuoi:al cjior r.i.i. :Cv „L!ble InvorGvcm;:)! hr. IIa;niltn;i'i rv.U • I'lcnillilly ii;ion t'v ij|'.i>d, itiiioviii<r hft\t n.n.| t'ul-c^s 1 1 â- that Kurl ut olazliies.w tlmt mi!ke!l : man in iiur Uiroiile wlali wlii'n 1 iKii.o uiin i::at h..» wera plscwh:Te." Ni inudi,.li;(> Klv'es su-.h unqui »tl :ri- .^tJly Buod r;aul;3 t,ir jstoninch. liver. a.-.1 blood tr. uL'.eu ui Dr. Hainiltnu'f. FiTi.s; th"y nr.s mild, certalr.,. ai:i !.! w.:i:.j Ciirrtlv». Rffuie ft:-.V sulMitlfit^ All (loai.rra .••pll Dr. irR.Tnltton'.i I"" v LTic inr h.)\, or The CJat.ar.-hosjna t' Kiiiif.ston, Ont. THE LION WILL NOT CROW It has bee 1 decided to cancel Canada's chief coiitribu' inn to the coronation pi«g«- antrv, "Festival of Empire." This was to be a made. to-order repioduction of the I defe.it tlir>ugli strategy of the invading Auieticaii force in 1812 by a handful of j JR9f; Canadi.iiiH. Thescei.e which was to e'u phiy about MOO men, was to he an al- together charming rehash of (to Canadi- ans) very interesting history. | Hut uthuis than CaiiailiHiis would be I looking onâ€" and the probability is tint those fro.u the Stales would fail to sue the point â€" or at iea^t, t<i appreciate it - and because it n.iuht cause the in'er- naiional arbitration agreement between Great Britian and the I'niled States to develo|;c a hot box and prevent it arriving at its logical destination, the proiiosal t»as dropped as though it were in a rtyiiii; machine will n tliu engine stopped- aid there will be no si.ch heuit-rendin^ scenes depicted at the txpmse of the Kagle. It is belter so. It wnsnoverthe Li(.u'.s habit to roar over past victorits, and lie is none the worse for that "vironment. A judicioas application of paint to woodwork where it lias faded or warn away helps and adds wouderfiilly to the general appearance of the home. A village without any evidence of this kind of care is sug- gestive of deterioratioL and decay of ! *^'*«>''^" Rod and Gun " Tn the land of the Moose Bird," the story of a trip eleven hundred miles by canoe and poitage fruin the north shore of lake Superior to Hudson's bay, via the Albany river, forms the attractive feature of che May issue of Rod and Gun in Canada, published by W. J. Taylor Limi- ted, Wooditock, Ontario. The narrator is Mr. \V. J. Malone one of the many visitors from the States who finds in the irinds of Canada advantages, from a holi- day point of view, impossible to obtain elsewhere. Mr. Mslone's writing ii full of vigor and his narration is brightened by accounts of incidents by no means usual even in exploration trips taken so faratidld. The route taken was one, few white men, apart, from Hudson's Bay employees, have followed, and the story IS the more interesting on th;it account. With such a good openinft the reader is led on to the other articles and stories ind in particular should attention be directed to the papers on Big Game Problems and the Deitructiveness of Wolves. Accounts of western hunts aieaUo good and should interest hunteis in ea-otern and central J. andW. BOYD mtrcbants !. Flesherton Ontario Now Is The Time For Houpecleatiing and renovatina;. See otir stock of Carpets and Honsefurnisliings. Carpets in Lrussels, Tapestry, Wools, Unions, at prices from 15c to $1.35. ItUGS â€" A sou • btp ransje of Rugs, with a big assortment of patterns, sizes from 2^ x 3 to 3J s 4^, price from 13 to $21). Linoleums, Uilcloths, Mattings, Curtains, etc. See our ihree-yatd Curtains at (iO cents. I'tiu tliiftlmi i'K:\i u.'.y I ) ihrro . In i;:„ â- ert tin: MORE GLITTER OF GOLD If the tweiiiio h century is not, as Sir Wilfred puts it, "Canada's century "there is a iiitgt-r in the feuio ^ulla•wlllâ- le. Wiili her great West for wbeiit uiiu tho Ku^t fur fruit and mixed produue, her forests and Water powers all .siem to be doiny their best to bourn the be.st cuunliy on the face of 'hit- ball. In luhiiny too, the future of Canada can schrce'y bu compre- hended. I Already have we settled down, happilyi indilTerent to the fact that Coluli is ihel greatest silver camp in the woiUl, audi that it is su' rounded by gold in rich' <|uantities in iiuiiiy places. The tiiliie iioitiiern poriimi of Oiiiitrio is rich in siUvr, g<dd and iron awaiting ti.e imiui-i- tive pick of the niuu with the i\'andi-rliisi the ro\ ing prospiclor. Ail this in just to li'dd UH to luiiiiiik that ibe latest (collon logivo way bef-re tho prospu-lor forgold is one which was pios^^ecled many years ago in I lie o.xtrOine wu^t of the piovince, thedistiict Huiioiiii-Jio*; Kenoia, sevoiul mines woo lueriitfd ihorca uiiuilier of ye^i-K Hgi'. hill tluouvjb niiMiiaiing-inclit and Uck of til ds ll;e ^liiifls were abaiiil.' 0111 d, 01. e within a f. w feet of the jmy It reak which has la'ely lie.n louchod and nisiijs f;i 111 ntO.lO to tl e ten up. The Forav Pitt© PATENTED AUG. CO 1909 PETTICOAT I I- See the new KAYBROTAF • Underskirt Manrfac'tui'od McKay Brot' Toronto. i>v Til,! fabiic is im, vciy latest developeinent of tho treatuunt of Cotton rafleita. Its lini>h is ab.solute'y perinaneiit mul evny nHrniout is giiaiaiiteed to rttaiii the cri.»piie«s and "swish" of silk, but much more durable slid will not be ell'ected by atmospheric changes. S. e the new Spiing Dress Goodsâ€" All new material." and colors. Also a conipleto range of Ginghims, Zephyrs, Foulmds and Prints. White JjHwn Waistsâ€" .A nice range to choose from. Everything in our store IS upto-todae and the nual.!) is right. Crockery, Glassware, Cuttlery, etc. ]>eautiful Austrian Ware, equal to French China worth ihiet! times the money, a stock pattern, 98 pices, for $2 J 50. Golil Fiuuncl Ware most modern design, also a stuck pattern, U8 pieces, for S;i6.:55. See our Fancy Crockery and Cuttlery Dr. Harr.lliosi'c Cur a Kidneys p.nfl Midlnt:d anil PoiielHni.'uii>heiie raie- ji.yeisvoted in f.u. r of tiikiiij hulio- â- e'eoTC |jiiAei. The ne«' live per coi t. 'ax '.n Intel bnr receipts caiiio into fmce on tbe Isl iiist_ Kxp'Hiiiilory cicnlais hnvi' I et n f^iiit to the hotel keepers wi'h se(iaiif« blanks for o>ioh day of I ho Hioi.th to 1 o hllod in and letiirnuil to tho de)iaitn'ent wilhii ten dijsutllir cli.se'ifche iiKiiithori ttiie may lie .iiipi su'. Pills Lives" ^^ KAKiJltDl, FLESHtKlUW OlNlAKIO.