Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 May 1911, p. 8

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/ FL ESIIF, RTON ADVAXCt ^Advance' Small Ads. Look over them weekly. There may be something for YOU Blsiness Cards WALTER LOI.CK8 1 I • • • (Contractor For Brick, Stone ami traino reaiil«a«*«. Ri- tiin>t«i obeerlully lurplubsd, Flmliartoti I* O Dtarlo. I OUUiOUOH A YOUNd t Bankara Markdal* -•oaral banking buaineaa. Mooa; loaned at'raaaooable rataf Call on ua. Farms For Sale or Rent T 'NlMl-JioVKD (arin for f«lc. I.cilig lot â- Â£l>, ^ colictHKloii U,OH|>rt*y. 'I'lii-i ife KniJ to ba a fairly lovul lot with con«iri-jrabl« iiinl>ur HDlttble fur wooil. To clu»ij an ittatr will l>e â- old very clieapaod on eaoy teriiia of payiiiaul. Apply to J. A. hALHTED, Oapl Mt. t'ureat, Uut TCHIBL.KTT, • I'ottiuaatvr, reyloD. CoiniuiMioner in H. C. J , ConTevancer, d«e4a, iDortcaKea, leaHeo, willa etc. carefully drawn up Jolifotiouii luad'. chargea reasooalile. Alao Krocariea, Sour, feed etc. kaptiu utock, I'rioaa rlRbt. RJ 8FB0UL.E, Pleiberton i^iumlniotiM^ In H.C J.. Auction** Con- Taraioer, Aa^taiier and Moray Lender Kaal R«Uta and Iniurance Agent. Ueedf. mortcases, l«a*oa and wllla carefully drawn an and valnatioDi made on iborteat notice money to loan at loweat rate* of ioteroat. Col. ectioni att«n4«i to witb promptneB. ebirga. low. A«*nt for Oce»n Do'-i^'o"' btaamtblp Compaay. A call aoliclted. poll SA(<Eâ€" Cheap aad easy terma. if nut â- ^ Hold aoon, for rent to Htiitab!e tenant, S'ortb half lot :I'J and lot 40. con, II. Artemesia, and lot 1, coo. 12. Osprey. '3110 acres, about 190 cleared baiauco inoetly timbered land, bard ajdBoft wood ; Kood Btuiie dwtillins anil frame barn, ntablinif under ; well watered with never- faitjnij Mu^ali Rprinij creek cioRuinf; farm close tcbaru: This it an excellent firaln or uraziDfi farui and will be sold very <:huai> if taken at oiice and ou easy terius. AppI} to II. J. Hproule, Fleibertoo, Ont. DMcPHAIL. I.i««>»*d Aoctloneyr for the . Connty of Orey. Term, moderate and ^.I.?'u,n' Ruaranteed. '^^'"''^^^'^i^^^l Bajiij ol aalcs can be made a*, TH» adv*>cb cooiiiiMmmS^mMndf/a.. Ceylon, Telephone Deo. ejOTT^^^"^*- w» /M. KAITTlS<i. I.lceoaaa ^Kann^râ€" â-  â- ' the couuiiis of (ir^y and â- '^.ty Fann and Stock sales a specialty. Terra. aioderale. aatiafactiou Ruarautted. Arraiine- mentsfor dales may be made at the Advencc ofBte, or ^^. T. Hutcblnaona abore, Feveraliam 1 by addreasinK me at Feverabam. O nt. RUDI) MATHE'.VS, MarVdale. Licenged auctioneer for ine county of (irey. Oood aerTlce at reaacnsble rate*. Dates can be made at The Advance, o 09 I OH HAIjK aheapand on eatty termsâ€" IjOts 1 *' au<J â- .;. con. 11 Osproy; aiO acres; frame dwellinii, frame barn and vtablinR under: about 170 acr«a cleared and under cultivatioii. Some splendid cedai witb other miied timber on balance. aJ«o tw^xniall orcbardHbeariuK. Wei watered ; nevei failing apring creek. Splendid vrain au<l grAziait farui. Apply to K J.Hprunle Klesbertou or bamuel Usborne. Maxwell. L'OIt HA LR vary cheap and on easy termsâ€" '- The late Ilr.Cbristoe'aS-story brick block in Klesherton with good stable and never-fail- iDK well on pieiniseB. Uood lar^'e store and good butcher's shup and dwelling ; two good stone i-ellare under buildiug ; is and can be kept well rented ; two tiootl halls on second and (bird sto . ... .... t clasH IjusinesH stand and will eCi3Si!i_**/'*»*i' an owner is engaged in other PP'y'W j5.^»"i»'-d has iiu further use lor IHAKVEY I'F.RUiOF., broker, Flesberton (ieneral brokerage business. Insurance of •very kind placed in 'ate and liberal conipaiiies. Seal eststo etc.. Open accounts and paat due notes bandied and money advanced thereon. Correspondence solicited. Medical Lot No. - ^' Osprey; wt^ apply to J. M. lHRN5,Kevfrrbaiu?.6f "•»'•" VAIIM FOn HALEâ€" Very cheap, 100 acres, *â-  lot 9, coo. 7, Osprey. only »;)000, reasonable cash payment. balan(.o easy terms, 85 acres cleared, well fenced and in high state of culti- vation, balance timbered, goud conafortable frame dwelling, ttune cellar under, never fall- ingspriuK well and windmill pump at door, new franio barn, well tlnishod. stune atabling with spring water under, also in shed. It is situated i mile Irom Maxwell village where thcrs are stores, jiost oUlces, good school, and is on the gravel road,9i miled from railway station. If Hold at once, above price, though 0R OARTF.R M C r & H Ont. Phyaiclan, Surgeon, etc Offloe and residence-Peter at., Flesherton JP OTTEWELL Veterinary Surgeon Oraduate of Ontario Veterinary CollORe, reaideoca â€" escond door south west.oo Itary street. This street runs aoutb Preibyteriau Church. VKKY CHKAl' might be shaded a little. Apply to |{. J. SIMKiL'LE, Kiesherton, or THOMAS OUY, on pro-u;i»os, •! i'or sale choapor rent, immediate poaaesfion. Lot 30 cot). 11. Art<-uiesia, about 73 acres clear, comfortable log bouse and frame barn. Apiilytolt J Kproule, Flesherton. or John I { Martin across the road from said lot. H WILSON, UlackfLiilh • lirad;ia!M "I tue Veterinary Rcicoc Aifociation. Uurti»m utrse'i oj-poslte Boyd, Hro'8 Uftrdf are. Dentistry Jr E C. MURRAY U D. fi., denial snrceoi) â- houoigra.liiKte ol Toronto Uni>;erfity and koval College of Dental Sur«eons of Ontario, Gas admisinist-ered for te''tli.."'^":'"i'i ".,«,»«„ Omeeat leaidouce, Toronto Street, I lesherton. Legal , UCAB. nANF.Y* WAI.I.ArF.-jlanisters, L' lioltcitors. etc.- 1. 11. Lucas, h. •'•. "• '- KaneT K <â-  : •"• "• "• Wallace. Oinces. Toronto W«; -J- Tiaders Kank [^^â- '''â- â- J'^'.?"." main Mli!:Markdi.le Lucas Illock. Phom' - A hraucli ouice at Oundalk open every Saturday. I X GOOD ,Vr.ll{T IN LIFK has lieen j,'iv- 'eii tliousuuds (if younn ;:''"l>^^ "vho liiive attended llio .^t Owen Sduiid, Out., duiini^ tlio past thirty yoar.s. What v>e have duiio for Others wu call do for yon. Try it by ciitciiii^ for the Spriiif^ Term mi Monday, April ;ird. Circuhirs freo. C. A. Fleminu, G. D. Fleniing, E'riiiciiHil. Secretary. ' Horse Routes M.\RNIX Monday - Will leftve his ovrn slahle and proceed up K'isc Back line to town line, to H. Sewell's for noon ; then to Davis' corner and up seventh line Knphrssia, to JhcoIj Louf^heiid's for night. Tue<day~.4cr<>H8 hy Wodeliouse to John Thoiniison'M, Hirkaway, for noon ; icro8S and up 10th of HcIUnd to John tjulherhiiid's for night. Wednesdayâ€" To Samuel Ilolley's for noon, then to Chalsworfh hotel for iii|;ht. Thur8day--Down Oarafraxii Hoad to WilliaiuNfoid for noon, and Dornoch for night. Fridayâ€" To Berkeley for night. Saturdayâ€" Markdalefer n(K)n mid home for nit;ht, where hn will reniiiln until the following Monday uinrning. W. J. LKVKK, prop, tc Manager. FRENCH NEGRO Mondayâ€" Will Leave his oirn stable Rob R'ly to Melntyre for noon and Robt. I'tieslly Maxwell for night. Tuesday Uy Fevershani, to Ja.s. Douglas for noon and went to Robt. McMullcn for nijjht. Wednesday to R. Hoy's for noon and Markdale for nixht. Thuradayâ€" To G. Walter, Kinibcrley forn noon, and to Ueathcoat for night. Friday â€" T< J no. Sherdeii for noon and J no. Smith's for night. .. Saturday To Mark Ebbey's for noon ^«*"* Roy for nigh.. JNO. KINDLAY, Proprietor. ME.APORD BOX 420. The Sweepstake German Coach Stallion Don Corlos STANDS 16J WEIGHT 1500 LBS. Will Make the Soa^m of 1!»11 as follows : Monday Will leave his own litible Meaf.)td, by way of third line to John Mackie's, Townlinc, for noon ; thence to Chas. inij.s, 10th li ne Co l lin gwood for iiiah' -By Ravenna to Ed. McKean tlieiice to Feversliani for r. WH WKIOHT. Harrlstcr, Bolioitor, Convey an'cer eU.,â€" Owen Sound, and Hesborton. ll-Flesbertou olUce. Sproulos Illock every Saturday Societies An I) W iiioets on the last Monday in oaoh laouth. in their lodge room Norris' block,tKl«herto.,, at «,.r-„ ^'j W^.: II. H <â-  LeOard ; Itec, ^. »•. .â- .•••â- ".•â€"", oK^ley Vibitin« brotbtanlLVitud Fin., \V. V. < roK PKINCF. AHTHCU I-ODOFI, No. M, A K.A > A U. meets in tlit Masonic liall. Arm- stroncB Block, Kleshcrton. ovary ^ri(lay oii or before the full luocn. ( . II. .Mii'ishttw, W. M.; ThoB. ( laytoii. Secre'.nry. COUUTPIiESHKHTON, UU.'., I. u. K. raeeta In Clayton's Illock tliii last \Vodiie«diiv evonliiB of each month. Vi.'^lting Korestoin lieartily welcome. H. K.. Dyson; U. H., 1. llei.ry; Fin. Sec, C. N. Kicliarilson. . ., „ . Please pay duus to Fin. Sec. boloro the tlrst day of the month. THOBEN FKIENDS-Flesberton V.omc\\ of V Chosen Friends meets in Clayton shall first aod third Wednesday of each month H p. m Pay asaossmeiits to the Ilceorder on or before tbe Ilrst day of each month. Chiel Councillor T. Blakelev; Recorder W.H.Hunt. Berkshires and I amworth.s I have now for sale a tow very clioico Ileik •biro pigs, nearly reaiiy to woau- Hurry your order and get the best. Alto Kood Tainworth boa four years old. for sale' OKII.W. ItOSS. Maxwell P. O. Boar for Service J'lire Hred Taniwortli lioar fur service Terms, %\, Cash. N. Mill 11.. M :ix well, Oil t._ Boar for Service Pure I'lied \'ork.<liire Ix.ar for service on lot .11, (Ion. 10, Aitemesia. Terms, $1.00. \V. WIL80N, I'rop., EuKcnia Ont. SETTLERS' TRAINS â€" TO - MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Xhe only through line LOW COLONIST RATES For iPlllcrs Irivellin^ silb lit e.ilock liil allien Special Trains Will leave Toronlo E.ch TUESDAY MARCH and ArRIL 10.10 P.M. Sftflen sod IsmilifS Hilbout liffilock Ah<iulii use Regular TraiD.s Leaving Torobto 10.10 r.H, Daily Through Colonist and Toarlil Sleepers Colonist Cars on all Trains No charge for bertha Through Trains ToroDto to Winnipeg and West All isy C.r.l. Ut%\ lor ce»T ei "StllUis' OaMt" S. Rand, AtJent, Flesherton Boars for Service The imdersiKn"'"! liai a ihoroiighbred York- â- hire boar fur service on lot Hi", Unl range, Y. T. and H. R., Artemcsia. Terms, -fl.W) Alio Hercfonl Hull for service. .I..I. llrown. 1 .ly. _ BULL FOR SERVICE ThorniiKMitel .Shorthorn bull, "Dandy Jim" 81784, for service on lot 17<i, T. * S. II., Ar- teiiieaia. This animal is of a K<>e<IT>iiilkinK •train. IVlli^ree on aiiplicatioii. Terms, â€" Orades »1, registere-l $3. .1 AS. .STIN.SON Proprietor. Deathly Cramps, Stomach was Bloated k Bad Case That Proves Cramps and Stomach Dis- orders are Cured Fast by Nerviline. Bull For Service TliorcjiiKlil'i •â- <! Jleriford Hull for service "U lot 171, a>n. :i H. W. T. and «. H., Arte- maeia. Terms -♦! for k"><>«'. W '"f I"""® bred. Any n'w not returiied will lie uliarKed in full whether in calf or not. HMari'i -T. ft J. WATSON. Bull for Service ThoroiiKlibr.'i llerefurd Hull for service oii lot 1, eon. 4, Kuplicrasift, Teninâ€" $1. I'edi irree on aiiiilictttion. CHA.S. H. MAKTIN, Trop.â€" HGLSTEIN-FRIESJAN CAHLE Oxford Down Sheep and Tamworth Swine Brown Leghorn Poultry a •pecialty. HOLkTEIN-FRieSIAN BULU FORSERVIOE- (7'M«i Kllli: yueens DoKril Uiikn N". ' I1H)I H. Il' HAM Holllan ('onriinlia IloKol No. (Illdi H. 11. whose Rran.l dan. hoM the Wum.lVH IJUI^ TKU ItKCOKn » lew years a«o M.UiINO JO LWH., UKtZ.ISTDAYS. This vonnK animal is risiiii; :; years, isnlKOOil i.izcan<lin(livi<1nalltv.liaviiiK won throe 1st ami one icconil iiiizu as acuK at soiuo ol tliO proni- iiicnt cinlrufof <»nt.. an<l has won 1st i.Wce at .,iu' Mil I (wo years oia at Kaat Clrey fall fair. Till Ill's '('ii.iilns *I.'A Ihoronslibreils ?».00. iiayahio Nt i' •'«â- 'â-  All ooWb not iiegnlarly j.iturno'l will lie cliniRtd, lilCIlAltO AI.LKN, Lot Vn, 8. N. E, T. A 8. It. KIcshorlDn P.O. "Tho dIsfrPBR I HuffiTPd from cramps last BUiniinr was no sevi-rc I tliought it meant dealti," wrltfs I'- U. Kincrson. of Ouys Hill, r. O. "I wan doubled up with iiaiii anil In .>iu<'h bad shape I couldn't walk a hundred fort. I rc- monibcrcd havliit; NtTviUnc un hand ind took half u teaHpoonful In sweet- ened water. In (Ivc minutes I was well ind my Ktoniach derangements disap- piartd entirely." NERVILINE AN INSTANT RELIEF For cramps, flatulence, diarrhoea and JIflordcrs of the stomach and bowels, NiTViline knows no CQunl â€" one iiillllon oiilllfs used every year â€" fifty yiars im llic market, that's proof enough of its iiurit. l.arKc bottles, BOc, trial size, ITii'. All dealers or The Catarrhozone 7um|iany. Kingston, Ont- Aiclideacon Clark, for the past seven years socretary-trDasurer of tlio Synod of the Diiiccso of Niaijara, was last weol< elected nislxip of the Anglictn Dioce.sc of Niagiira, to succood the Ute ItLshop I)u Moulin, The >^holl)urno Free Press entered upon it.s 'Sli\\ year last weok as bright nnd newsy as ?vui. We wish it contiiuiucl HUCCCM. Tufbday- for noun ; T^WaJnf.sday â€" To Dick Hoy's for noon ; thence to Murkdnlu for night. Thursdny- North to .Wro. Lyons for iKion ; iheiicu to Haiii Alurshall's Waltcis Falls, fur iii'-'ht. >^ tt lk. ji-' " Fiidiiy - To Uogiior forenoon ; llictice to Woodford for night. > •♦â-º...-•u.* Saturday Murtiing to his own stable, where he will reinuiu until the fullowiii>; Monday morning. CAIKNBKOGIi; STAMP Monday â€" Will leave his [own stable, Markdale, 7 u'cluck a.m., uud proceed via Flesliertiiii to Hoy's for noon ; Max- well for niglit. Tuesdayâ€" \'ia Ma.xwell, to 3rd line, Poillaw, for noon ; from Portlaw side- mad to centre line, up back line to Dick Allen's, for niglit. Wednesday â€" To Durham coriiers ; llioiice to Flesherton, by gravel road; thence to Ceylon for iiucm at J. Itadley's; tJieiice up west back line ; Miirkdalo for night, Thursday At lii'iiie |for night, wheie ho will remain uulil Friday niornini;. Fiiilay liy way of town line to t'heese- ville, up the lit!) of l'!u|ihriisia, totieorge Tiiyloi s for uooii ; tlii'iice acro.xs to Heaverdale sideroad ai.dilown the line, home, to his own Klable, where ho will reniiiiii until the following Monday morn- ing. J AS. U. LEVKU, Pi op. and Manager. Imported (Hackney Stallion Maltonl Squire No. 8564, Vol. XXI, P.S.B. KOITK FOUjiiyU Monday, May 8th, at '.•."lOii.ni. he will leave his own .stable. Lot 18,| con. 10, Kuphrssia, near (Soring, by IK and 19 sideroad to Mathew I'atlon's, ti.iwn line Holland and Kupljiasiu for noun, thence to Sutherland lU'os.' , lOlh line Holland, for night. Tuesday, at H a.m. will proceed by way of Wuttors Fall.s to A. C. Clark's, town line Kuphrasia and St. Vincent, for noon; thenco to .las. Slitt's, Lot H, con. ti. St. Vincent, fur night. Wednesday, at H a. m., will proceed to Uobt. .^bercrotnbio's, Grioraville, for noon ; thence t > Loane House, lUicklyn, fi>r night. Thursday, will proceed by way of 18 and 19 sideroad to and by Kpping to (ieorge Hutchin.son's for noon ; thence to Frank llowser's, Duncan, for night. Friday noon, Kimberley ; night, Hy. Krskino ». Saturday noon, Afarkdaln until 4 p.m., when he will proceed to his own stable. CHAS. WRIUHT, Goring, Proprietor and Cofiector. Is there anything in all this world that is of more importance to you than Rood diges- tion? Food must be eaten to sustain life and must be digested and converted into blood When the digestion fails the whole body sutfery. ('haiuliei'lain's Tableta are a ratloii> al and reliable cure for indigestion. Tliey increase the tiew of liile, purify the blood, strengthen the stowarh, aid tone iii> the wholt' digestive apiiaratus to a natural and hoalthv action. For sale iiy W. E, Richuid. son ft Son. The King.H Uoyal hotel at Owen Sounds summer resort is repoited to have asjain changed hands, the purchaser being il gentleman from Detroit, who will open the hosllery fur the coming summer. Old St. Andrews Presbyterian church, ToronU), minisltrod to, the past thirty yens hy the Uev. Dr. Milligan, has ex- tended a call to Rov. Dr. Gray of Dun- itas. Artemesia Council The Municiiial Council of the Township of Arteiiitsia, met in the town hall, Flesherton, on Saturday the sixth d«y of May, 11)11. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The miniitetof the last session were read ahd continned. The following communica- tions and accounts were pesented and read : Dr. J. W. S. McCulluugh asking the council to fend delegates to the meeting of the Canadian Association for the prevention of tuberculosis at London, on 17th inst., from the othce Specially Co., re cabinet ; from John \. Graham, asking to be relieved \\\ road overseer; W. C. White, account for gravel; Charles McCutcheon, bill for gravel; J. J. Martin, certifying that Thomas Phillips had performed his statute labor fur 1910. McKeDzie--D. A/cLeodâ€" -That Thomas Phillips be refunded three dollars for statute labor paid in taxes in 1910, the work having been subseiiuenlly perform- ed, as certified by pathiuaster.â€" Carried. D. McLeodâ€" Mr. Caswellâ€" That the account of W. White for gravel, <5.75, duly certitifcd by iMithiiia.ster, be paid. - C-irried. Mr. Caswellâ€" A. D. McLeodâ€" That councillor D. McLeod, is hereby appoint- ed to have the road grader put .n repair and to procure such repairs therefore as .«e neces.sary. â€" Carried. McKenzieâ€" A.D. McLeodâ€" That Chas. McCutcheon, l>e paid J1.25 for gcavel â- upplied by him. Carried- A. D. MoLeod-Mr. Caswellâ€" That the tender of C McLean to operate the road grader for the season of 1911 at 82. (X) per d;jy, be accepted. â€" Carried. McKcnzic â€" Caiwell â€" That the tirst meeting of the Court of Revision of the assessment of 1911, be held on Saturday, the third day of June 1911, at 11 o'clock a ill. and the clerk publish the re<iuircd notice ihereol.â€" Carried. Council adjourned. AUCTION SALE OF Government Property riie undersigned has been in- structed to offer foi- sale by public auction the property known as the jld Drill Shed, Flesherton, Tuesday June 13,1911 The sale will take place at the property at 1 o'clock p.m. on the above date. Terms cash. D McPHAIL, Auctioneer. Our Clubbing List The following prices are for strictly paid in advance suhscriptionsonly. We have nujaccouuts with other papers. Flesherton Advance % ' 00 Youths Companion 2 00 Toronto World, daily » ,15 Toront.o Daily jfews 1 35 Weekly Globe 85 Mail-Empire 80 Family Herald A «t»r 85 Toronto Star 1 36 Farmer Sun . . . 85 Farmers Advooata 1 35 Weekly Wit.iess 80 Saturday Night 3 06 Home Journsi 60 Poultry NeWB . . . , . 20 Poultry Review 40 Rod and Gun magazine 86- Dundalk Airangements ato boint; made to have a iiuaiitity of crushed stone placed on the streets during the coming summer. Mr. L Traynor has just completed â- I iii.-ip of the village which will be suitably framed and hung in the council chamber for the u.se of the public. The map is ;Ux7 fvet and is an excellent piece of work. Tratlic on the village .striets has been blocked on .several occasions lately by fiuight tiains standing on the crossings. The town has iio deaiie to iiuarrel with I he C. P. R. but the rights of the Citizens must be piocected. Gcoige Beamish, the local well driller, got a surprise on Saturday inorning last thiit has kept him smiling since. He stalled drilling at Mr. Wiu. Trudgeou's farm on the gravel road on Tuesday of last week, and had gone down about 5ofi. wnen the water siiouted out of the tJp end of the iron casing iii.d the job w.is completed. The piping is^six inchis ajioss and a steady stream of the purest spring water IS tlowing out of il. The spring wa.s struck while the drill was working in a bed of sand and there is no rook foriiiatiou above it. The well i* situated on a high piece of land which is said to be at least -40 feet above Dun- ddk as this is supposed to be the highest p lint in Ontario it is dillicult lo under- sttnd where the presure cornea ftomlo raise the water so high. Mr. Trudgeon tjali/.es that he baa added very materi.illy t ) the value of his farm and Mr. Reamis'i is more than tickled with the result of his labors. â€" Herald Potatoes Wanted Fire hundred bags good merchaiit'ible potatoes wanted, delivered at Flesherton Station this week. Highest market price will be i>aid. M. Scully Co., Flesherton, or M. McDonald, Fleshcrlon Station. The Goderich Aesi^es wan the occa.sion of a not uninteresting coincidence. In the case of Geo. Vanstone, tried for the murder of his little son, Freddie. George r»te Blackstock was prosecuting attorney M. O. Cameron counsel for the defence, and R. O. Reynolds was sherrilf. This rdCttlled a day itway back in the early sevcnt'ics, when the three men named, as boy.s, were attending grammar school at Goderich. The school bad gotten up a mock trial by way of entertainment. The prisoner in the affair wa,s on trial for murder ; and among those playing a pro- minent part were young Blackstock as prosecuting attornoy,M. G.Cameron toun. set for the accused, and R. (J. Reynolds^ acting sherriff. Here, lust week wore all three, occupying similar positions, but on hiiw much more serious aw ocoasioii ' Bruce Times. While the pareids were vi.siting five children of a family in Megiintio county, Quebec, were burnt to death. Chief Justice Meredith at the criminal assi/os at Toronto last week scored severe- ly the present method of housing innocent insane people with jirisoncrs in the Jail. Though the law is that the in.sane be kept in some comfortable and safe place it ap- pears lo be a dead letter as to., enforce- ment of it, but the Chief Ju.'tice's timely rebuke should piovo effective with the powers that be. CEYLON'S ""i^Rz Seeds of all kinds Don't forget your Clover and Grass seeds in good time as the price of timothy is so high there won't want to be any left over. We have all kinds of garden seeds, Mangel sei^ds, Dutch Setts and Multipliers. We have a nice range of Wall Papers at very resson.tble prices. Flour is very low just now, but we expect an advance soon. We have the Five Rose?, Cream of the West, Toronto Pride, and Satisfaction, also low gi-ade. Bran and Short-', whole and ground Linseed, Oil Cake. Slock food. Poultry food and Herbsgeum. We have a good supply of Fence Wire, Poultry Netting, Wire Screen Netting on hand. In Dishes, we have something very notiby in dinner and tea setts, Waier Setts, and Berry Setts. I don't think you can beat the puce on any of these goods, and the ([uality is as vwA as can be Ind. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR ALL FARM PRODUCE s as. X attison • ?y/i on VARICOSE VEINS CURED »®- NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Confined to His Home for Weeks. ''TI<»nry work, soToro straininp and evil habits in yomh brought on Varicose Veins. Wlieu I woikeU liord the acliiug wouM l>ecome severe und 1 was often laid up for a week at a tune. My family fhysician tt>ld me an operation was my only bono â€" but I dreaded it. iriod sex-erul .speciali.'sts, but wjon fo»in<l out all they wanted was my money. I cumiiifnot*! to lo<ik upon all doctors as little better than roi^iK'fi. Uiie day my boas asUetl mo why 1 was off work so much and I told Fdm my couditittn. llomlvised mo to consult Drs. Kennpdy & Kennedy, as lie had t;ikcn treatment from them himself an7t knew they were square and skillt'iil. 1 wrote them and pot Tiuc Nkw Mi;TrinD TREATMENT. My prnjjress was somewhat slow and durinfj tlio first month's treatment 1 was somewhat discouraged. However, leonlinued treaunent for three months l-rnner and was rewanh'd with a i-nnipN'tecure. 1 CfU'd only earn Sl'-i a week in a macliine 8li"p bei'ire trt'iitriient, n<nv 1 nmearnin^j %'i\ and never loobO a day. I \\ ish ali uutlcrers iaiew of your vuluablo treatment. Hl:;Nia'C. LOCUST. HAS YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASED? BLOOD POISON'S are tlio most prevalent and most serious dl.seascg. Tliey sap tho very life blood of tlio victim aud unless entirely eraiiieateii from the system will cause Beri >u9cnniplieatiiins. Hi wuro o£ ilercury. It may suppress the symptoms â€" our KEW METHUi* cures all bluoU ditwases. YOUXO OR MIDDr.K AOED MEN.â€" Imprudent acts or later excesses have broken down your s\-st 'm. Vou feel tho svmpturai stealiutt "ver vou. Mcutall.v, physically anil vitally you arc uot tho man you used to be or should be. Will you heed the danger signals f nPinrn .\re vou a victim? Have vou lost hope? Are you Intcndlnpr to marry? Has nLAUCn yiir blixid liecn diseased'? Have jou any v.oakness? our New SlExnoD TiiEAiMEXT VlU euro yuu. Wliat it lias done for olhcri it will do for you. Conaultation Free. No mattPr who has treated you, wrilo lor an honest opinion Frae of Chwf*. Books Freeâ€" "Boyhood, Jlanhood, Fatherhood." (Illustrated i on Disea.'^es of Men. NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. No names on boxas or onvelopes. Everything ConfidenU*!. QuGition List and Cost of Tr«atm«nt FREE FOR HOME TREATMENT. DRS.KENNEDT&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. All letter-s from Canada must be addressed to out Canadian Correspondence Depart- ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personallj- call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat DO padeBt* in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as lollovs: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windtor, Oat. Wrltt f«T Mr priv»t« addrcti. ar- MOTICE With Every Bag "^ of Flour There Goes A Guarantee That guarantee means that I believe Cream of the West to be the best bread flour on the market. If your bread doesn't beat any you ever baked before, if it fails to rise or doesn't give extra satisfaction in every way, your grocer will pay you back your money on return of the unused portion of the bag. Cream t Wcst Flour the hard Wheat flour guaranteed for bread If people will fairly and honestly try Cream of the West they will have success with it. That's why we guarantee it. We arc sure of it. The Campbell Milling Company, Limited, Toronto ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL, Pruidant 105 Sold by W, Buskin, and J. Pattison, Ceylon*

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