June 29 1911 THE FLESHERTON AD VANCE ^^5sGsS>sZhi^'sS:!i,d^'sS:^sS^Sr/^^^ F. G. KARSTEDT, - flesherton ont g^ /leehertan ^ivianct JUST ARRIVED! On* car loid of Canada Brand Porilaiid Cement, Buaranteed to tie the best cement on the market. For several years the goveruiiipot hud the monopoly of all the output. We have handled it for Bometiine now and can sa/ without hesilation that it !h the atroni;e&t cement on the market. One car load of the famous Purity Flour. TREADEASY Built-in inner sole of Australian wool felt, conforms to the foot and absorbs moisture; prevent* jar when walking. Ask to see this "Elmpress Treadeasy Shoe." We Have the Exclutire Agency ioc this tkoe. Ladies who have tender feet will find Treadeasy Shoe the most comfortalilo shoe ever worn. They have Cushioned Soles and rubl>er heeU. The upper beinif made from the tiaest kid leather. Could i(ire you names of wearers who would wear nothing else since trying them. We have also other 6 ne lines of the "Em- press " Shoe made in the newest styles. Its fame has kods through all the land as the best flour for bread and pastry on the market. Bread made from our flour has won the first prize in our fall show, yieldinx the whitest, flakiest and sweetest bread shown. When in town ask for h 24lb bag and try it. Price $6.00 per barrel. One car load of Fine Windsor Salt. This salt is Jknown and needs no recommendation. It is the finest ?rade of Windsor Salt ma.iufacturod. PAllASOLS AND UMBRELLAS We have a large assortment of both Ladies' and Gentlemen's, niadf^ in the finest mateiial. LADIES' SUITS AND SUITINGS In the finest and most up'to-da*e materials that can be bought. If you need a ready-made garment, leave in your measure and we can get them up from the factory in any style at a very low price. OENTLPJMEN,â€" We have as large an assortraHnt of j fine Worsted, Tweed and Serge Suitings us can be procured from any wholesale houses. Call on the tailor, Mr. Jas. Bowler, and he will be very pleased to show them to you. BINDER TWINE Call and give us yoor order for twine. We handle Edge," CoO feet to the pound, manufactured by the Cordage Company. Price 9^o a pound cash. the "Gilt Brantford g ^ ' ^ ' ^ ' ^ ' ^-y^ ' y^ !i g g ^^gg! gggg >' -g '- ^ ' ^ ^ THl An independent newspaper, poblished every Tbumday at thi* oflBce, ColUnffwood Street, Flesherton. Subscription price f 1 per annum, when |>aid in advance; $1.50 when not so paid. Advertisiofr rates on application. Circulation 1,100 weekly. VV. H. Xhureton Editor TRU TH BEFORE FAVOR- PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN for JUST ARRIVED I Government Property ' Sale By AT CEYLON Public AUCTION I Th* andersigaa'l bis bse.i instracted to sell by public auctisD on Aronsiffnment'^**"''***^' •'"^^ ^^*' *®^^ ^^*' ****0 »»*â- »*'â- " * The property known u the Flesherton Drill . . OF Wagons AND property 1 Shed in the Villax* of K.esherton. Sale at 12 o'oloeli m. Terms cash. D. MePBAlL, Aactiooear, Buggies Which will be sold at prices that can Not Be Beat considering style and quality, also a full lii.e of tillage. Harvesting machines and Wind Mills, Fence ;Wire, SUble Outfits, Hay Forks, Ropes and carriers. Now is the the time to get ready. A call solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL CEYLON BUTCHER JOHN ncPHAIL Px*ioevllle AGENT FORâ€" Frost A Wood Implements, Fleury and Pernn Plows, Tudhope Wagons and Carriages, Melotte Cream Separator, Singer Sewing Machines, Organs and Pianos on easy terms. laDec Cattle Strayed. Strayed from the prvmiaes of the undersign- ed, 8th con., Artemesia, about June 1st, four young cattle, two marked by piece eff left ear and two with piece off right ear. In- formation thankfully received by A. F' Pedlar, Eugenia. Came Astray Came to the premises of the under- signed, lot 170, O. D. R., Artemesia, about June 10, one two-year-old steer. The owner is rtquested to prove proper- ty, pay expenses and take the same »*»y- â€"J. T. BEST. Stock for Service t>arham bull and Herksbire ho« for service on ot 7. oou. I N. D. V., Artemesia. Tcrms- f I.IO easb cash. r 1 o, , -'^ McARTHUR, Prloeville. July 21 Imo. SHOP I have opened up a batcher shop the old stand, Ceylo i. and carry a full and froh stock c( fresh and cured meats, Hides purchased.â€" Terms cash. J.M.ENGLISH, CEYLON 15jly V'- "V FRESH FISH Fresh Salmoo Trout • I2cib. Fresh White Fish - • lie lb. Lake Erie Herring - 25c doz. These prices will prevail at my house only, as the narrow nriar- gin will not permit peddling. H. RAOLEY, FLESHERTON He who has lost his sight best knows its value. Hundreds suffer loss of sight Timely attention might have prevented it. Examination free. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. A. Armstrong. Bull for Service Thoroughbred Hereford Hull for service on lot 1, con. 4, Kunheraeia. Terimâ€" $1. Pedi gree on application. CHA3. H. M.AR TIN, Prop.â€" Our Clubbing List The following prices are for strictly paid in advance subscriptiunsonly. Wa have no accounts with other papers. Flesherton Advance t ' 00 Youths Compauion 2 00 Toronto World, daily 2 05 Toronto Daily News 1 85 Weekly Globe 85 Mail-Empire .... 80 Family Herald A Scar 85 Toronto Star 1 35 Farmer Sun 85 Farmers Advocate 1 35 Weekly Witoesf 80 Saturday Night 3 05 Home JoururU 60 Poultry News . ,,, . 20 Poultry ' Review 4q Rod and Qua magazine 80 Tarbert and Keldon Presbyterian churches have extended a call to Rev. Mr. Craig of Delhi. 0tji^-m SEASONABLE GOODS IN FURNITURE The largest and I)e8t atock of Furniture ever shown in Flesherton. This without fear of onn- tradiction. ome and Hee some of nioo things in Side Boards, Dining Room Chairs, Parlor Setts, Bed Room Setts. A special reduo- tton just now on every- thing, in order to re> duce the stock. . . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Fleslierton SEEDS! SEEDS! We have again a large shipment of Seeds this season. The demand for high grade seed is increasing, bo come in and see the following : RED CLOVER. AL8IKE CLOVER, MAMMOTH CLOVER, ALFALFA CLOVER, TIMOTHY SEED, ORCHARD GRASS. CORN OF ALL KINDS ROOTS Sach as Royal Qiaut Sugar Beet. Improved Short White Carrot, Long Bed Mangel, Yellow Oval Mangel, Yellow Olobe Mangel, Giant Sugar Mangel, Turnip Seeds of all kinds. GARDEN SEEDS OF ALL KINDS W. E. Richardson & Son CORN AND GARDEN PLANTS Field Cornâ€" Crompton's, North Dakota, White Cap and Mastodoaâ€"Ail Standard varieties. Celery, Tomato, Cabbage, Cauliflower, and bedding and home plants now ready. The planting time is just about at hand. It's time anyway to stlect your eods. and we are ready with a hkrgo stock to lend you every assistance in our power. Wehave Rennies and Steele Briggs' Garden Soods. mangolds, sugar beets, turnt|>s and carrots. Held and garden comâ€" all fresh stock, and all living up to the high reputations of the producers. You can get no bettor seeds tlian we supply. Dutch Settji and Potato Onions. A full line of Gro- ceries and Flour and Feed. W. L. Wright, Grocer, Fleslierton A COW BELL JINGLE A lady called up The Advance on Monday over the telephone and aaid a relic of the dark ages was annoying her family at 4 a. m. every mornine, in the form of a cow bell, which aroused them trom their slumbers. Others hare heard it too, and been annoyed. It is several years now since cow bells went out of date here. The underbrush i« not so dense in this town that cow bells are a necessary adjunct to bosaie's regalia, as they were in the days of the pioneers, and cows thus decorated in past days have acquired a peculiar habit of losing every bell that wis strapped on them. Some bells have not been found for months and sooie have never been found. It is not thooght that the cows have yet overcome this habit, and if the owner of the bell now before the public does not wish to lose on his investment, he should take it off, wrap it in tissue p.iper and ship it to the Toronto University museum for proper classification and preservation, lu these later days the ear of humanity is not attuned to cow bell music. Steam threshers and automobile horns we can stand, buc cow bell serenades â€" never more. THE DEADLY AUTO Another unfortunate hss been killed m Toronto by the deadly automobile. In this case the chauffeur is said to have been somewhat blinded with dust and knew nothing of the accident until the body of the unfortunate was thrown up on the nose of his car. Reading between the lines one can imagine the speed that waa required to throw the body of a man upward in such a manner. It is said to be impossible to prevent the running of powerful engines of de- struction that take possession of our highways in summer. In that case wr will have to pass a law prohibiting pedestrians from making use of their own highways. They will soon hare to walk the fences and run across lota if the preservation of one's anatomy in good working condition is a consideration. 25 PER CENT. PROFIT. A Victoria, B. C, gentlemen, writes to one of our exchanses that he will be pleased to invest funds fur the readers of that paper, and guarantees " at least &5 per cent, yearly profit and furnishes security." Now, that is going some even for 20th century financial methods. Twenty five per cent, is a pretty fair in- terest on your money. And to think that this is guaranteed by the furnishing of se- curity! Sheldon is out-Sheldoned. It would be interesting to know the nature of the security which this gentleman is prepared to give for the payment of that 25 per cent. If any of our readers care to investigate they can get the address at this office, but our advice is, "d^n't." A WONDERFUL PAPER. The Toronto News on Wednesday of last week published an 80-page number which it called the National issue. The iMue is certainly an honor to the pub- lishers as well as an evidence on its face of the wonderful strides made in the art preservative during the period of which it tieats, namely since confederation, or more particularly during the last 25 years, which haa been Canada's paculmr growing time. A publication of this kind is itself an evidence of a country's greatness, shown in the many advertise- ments of manufacturers as well as by the extensive facts and figures so laboriously compiled by special writers. Much of it is well worth preserving. The Late Francis Whewell Mr. Francis Whewell. whose death waa announced in The Advance last week, was born in Lancashire, England, on January 14, IS35, and immigrated to Canada at the age of 19. After a few years in the Ottawa district he took the position of teacher in S.S. No. 5, Osprey, Ont', and in 1864 married Miss Barbara Davidson of Feveraham, who predeceased him twelve years ago. He spent sixteen years, but at various intervals, in helping to mould the minds and charactars of the young in several sections within reach of his home, which was on the Artemesia side of the road separating that township from Osprey and on the tenth concession. Here he had, during his itwre hours in teacliing, and in the intervening years, prepaied a home in the primeval forest and reared a large ianiily, si.\ sons and one daughter of whom are still living. These are George, of Fevershain, (hit.; Frank, Walter and Maggie (Mrs. Sosr- row) of Areola, Sask.; and \Vm, and Lewis A. of Gri&in, Sask. Mr. Whewell was a uinn of strung character, ever op- tiuiistic in his outlook and a fearless champion of what he believed to bo right. He was identified with all good move- ments fur the welfare of the community in which be lived. At one time, while in Ontario, he was a persistent advocate oi the Patrons of Industry movement. About eight years ago he moved to Af-i cola, where be has since lived with his It Xs HoW Admitted daughter. Mrs. Scarrow. Qe had been a man of vigorous health until his system recently broke down as a result of ad- vanced age, and he passed away on June 14, his memory bright and clear until the end. His remains were taken to the At â- i cola cemetery to rest beside those of hiH daughter, Allie (Mrs. Workman), whose death occurred on Jan. 10 of this year A Discovery of Vast Importance Tbat Bron- chitis, Asthma, Catarrb, CanifitM, and Colds €an Only B« QnicUx Cured B7 Mixing a New Medi. dne ^th the Air Ton Breathe. Married Torryâ€" Piperâ€" At the residence of the bride's parents, on Wednesday. June 21, by Rev. H. E. Wellwood. B. A., Luther W. Torry of Lauriston. to Laura Anetta, oniy daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Piper of Ceylon. The ce'remony took place at 8 p.m. on the lawn in the presence of about 60 guests. The bride was unat- tended. The young couple will reside at Lauriston. Reeve Wallace, of Pilkington, haa reported to the Fergus News-Record what is probably a record in swine breed- ing. He had a brood sew which gave birth to 22 yoong pigs every one of which was able to get up and walk. As nature had provided the mother with accommodation for raising not more than fourteen, the generous reeve gave thu balance to a neighbor. Can any of our farmer readers beat this record. This beat the Stratford Herald which last week recorded the birth of 20 husky pigs '° ;S »°"' owned bv Norman .l.rmfr of Lsborne Scientists acknowledge that medl* :ated air treatment Is the only treat- Tient that will cure these disease* ind that stomach medlclnea are worB« ;han useless. Catarrhozone air treatment has beei» â- ound to be the moat aff active way ta :ure all diaeasea of the threat, lunga, and nasal passages. Its action ia so prompt that in leas than an hour an >rdlnary cold is cured, and aftar • â- nore thorough us« of Catarrhoxone, Bronchitis, Catarrh, and ail disoasaa >f the throat and iungs arw complete- y cured. • Catarrhozone is a very simple and powerful method of treatment. Tou limply breathe It through the inhaler ind It Immediately passes over every. ilr cell of the throat, lungs, and bron- ;hlal tubes, curing and heaJlng as tt ^oes. Catarrhozone treatment afforda littla jrops of healing for sore places in tha ungs, throat, and nasal passages. Catarrhozone Does This, And Corel •wned by Norman Jarrott, YOU TAKE THIS MEDICINE IN AIR Price 25c. 50c, and $1.00 at all drug- {Ists or by mail from The Catarrh- )zone Co.. Kingston, Ont. and Buftalo^ V. T- I J. andW. BOYD merebatits | / Flesherton « Ontario ^ Wool Wool Wool We are in the market again for wool. Highest * prices in Cash or Produce. Ready-made Gothing Men's Ready-made Suits; the Celebrated Progress Brand in a class by itself for make and fit, at prices from $10 to - 18.00 A range of Men's a Special at 6.95 Boys' Suits Boys' Suits, in two and three piece Suits, in Bloomer or Pant, a large range to choose from. Childs and Girls Ready-Made Dresses We have put in stock a big range of Girls and Miases, some very neat designs and colors guaran- teed. Prices from 1.00 to ^1.75 White Lawn Waists, some very special value from 1.00 to 2.l5 White Repp Skirts, very neat and Dressy at 2.0A Father Morriscy's "NOalO* (Lung Tonic) is made of Balsams, Roots and Herbs, and is absolutely free from Opium, Morphine or any similar dangerous drug. "!!•. iV quickly relieves and permanently cures Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis and other troubles of throat and lungs, including even mild cases of Consumption. Moreover it strengthens the lungs and the whole system against farther colds. Trial size 25c. Regular size 50c. At your dealer's or frotf 74 fUher Mtrrbcy MiikJae C»^ LM. r > V.