THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE JcNft 29 1911 t c V ! i ) V. THESIANDARDBANK OF CANADA lEtfiUUMdtan A Complete Banking Service .Available (or Manufacturing and G>aunercial Houses, Wholesale and Retail Merchants, Muaicipalities. â- G>rporations, tanners and private individuals. 80 SavlDgs Bank Department at every Branch. fXESHERTON BRANCA George MitcKell, >f anai^er tCHBA JkXJO AX DVKHAX AND HAKRLSTOX C. p. R. Time Table. Trains leaTe Flesbercoa Station as follows : Going South Going North 7.43 a. m. H.28 4.33 p.m. 8.53p. m. The mails are closed at Flesherton ao follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and '.7 ; and the afternoon mail south at - 3.45 o'clock. For morning train suatfa mail close at 9 p.m. tb« previous ev'g. VICINITY CHIPS Mrs. Charles McTavish of Toronto is '.holidayinK with Mrs. D. McTavijh. Mrs. Pye has Rone to Toronto to spend a few weeks with her daughter there. Miss Carrie Sullivan of Montreal is -spending a fortnixbt at her home here. Miss Maud Richardson has returned rhorae after a month's visit in Toronto. The A. O. V. W. annual picnic will b« he held in Pickell's grove. Flesherton. It will pay you to go to Jas. Fittiaon's at Ceylon for your goods while their sale >i* on. Light rain storms Monday afternoon and night did a great deal of good in this section. W. Livingston ot the Standard B»nk, •Chatham, visited frienda here for a few days this week. The Fretbyterian Sabbath school pic- nicked in Mr. Fred Brown's bush, To- ronto line, on Thursday last. The Flesherton Citizens band are now •in shape to take on engagements for garden parlies, picnic etc. The maaons are bu.iy with the brick - work of M. K. Kichardson's new block between Boyd's store and the drug store. Mr. Charley Crossley has returned from Toronto and taken a situation with W. A. Armstrong in the jewellery store. The government wUl take another whirl at selling the drill shed here on Saturday, July 15. See advertisement in another column. Mr. 8. Damude, Toronto, was in town over Sunday, He wa« up arrangmg for the Grey Old Boys' excursion which will take place on July 8. One Farmer was heard to say at Cey- lon the other day that the bigsala now on at Jas. Pattison's had the brokers sale at Durham beaten » mile. Mr. Kendall Mitchell who has been studying law at V»lpar»iso, Indiana. i» home for holidays. Hii sUler, Miss Lulu, is also home from Toronto. Both editors of the Durham papers at- tended the Press Association last week and alio took in the sail on the Georgian Bay from Penetang and Parsy Sound to •Collingwood. Flesherton Woman's Institute has been invited to visit Eugenia branch neit Wednesday, July 5. Conveyances will eave W. H. Bunt's furniture store at •one o' slock. Marriedâ€" At the residence ot Rev. I. Tovell. Spadina Road, Toronto, on Wednesday, June 2l3t, Miss Florence Bellamy, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Bellamy, Flesherton, to Mr. Alvin Harp«U of Toronto. The Rev. N. McCausland, Baptist minister of Durham, is the guest of Rev J. H. Kelly, whom ho is assisting in special meetings at Rockvale. He will (D. V.) occupy Mr. Kelly's pulpits on Sunday, July 2nd, inst. About fifty members of the I. 0. F. turned out for church parade to the Methodist church Sunday forenoon, where the pastor. Rev. H. S. Wellwood, B. A., preached an excellent sermon on the motto of the order, "Liberty, B«BeTolene« and Concord." The Advance is much pleased to nnouDce that Mr. Joseph Duncan, who as been in the Toronto general hospital for the p*at three weeks, suSeriuft from blood poisoning in the band, is distinct- ly improved in health and the wound is healing nicely. Mrs. Duncan is still in Toronto with her husband. Only two cases were heard at the D'- vision Court held in Dundalk on Wed- nesday of last week â€" Martin v. Neither- cutt and Ludlow v. Stevens. Martin sued Neithercutt for 94.5, the price of a buggy and cutter. Judgment for plain- titf for t40. George Ludlow sued Albert Stevens (or t24 on account. Judgmedft for plaintiff for $20. At County Council last week R. Cook of Ceylon was appointed High County ConstaMe in place of Hector McDonald, deceased. The P. Inspector made a thorough examination of the Flesherton postoSice one day last week in search of shortcom- ings on the part of Postmaster Trimble, but failed to find any, neither did he ap- pear disappointed at his iil luck. Anniverfary services will be held in the Presbyterian church neit Sunday, when Rev. R. M. Phalen, B. A., of Markdale, will preach at II a. m. and 7 p. m. The annual free-will offering will be taken at both services. Mr. and Mra. Richard Clark of the Manitouiin Island are renewing acquaint- ances here. Mr. Clark went to the Island 34 years ago and has done well. He says the crops this year are marvel- lously fine and that the Manitouiin is a veritable garden of Eden, where every necessity for a happy life is forthcoming. We neglected to menti'iu last week the marriage of Mr. J. W. Tucker of the Markdale Standard, who was united in the bonis of matrimony with Miss Vera May Watson of &Iarkdale, on June 15. This explains why the Standard took a aeek off lait week. The Advance ten- ders its fraternal well wishes to the new bride and groom. The farmers' excursion to Guelph on Saturday was tairly well patronized and the day was ideal for the outing. The seating capacity was not limited and everybody had a thoroughly good time. 9i9 understiind chat the number who availed themselves of this excursion was scarcely up to former years, probably owing to the fact that it cam* on Satur- day. The excursionists were returned home in good time â€" about II p. m. The aauual convention of Artsmesta and Markdale Sabbath School AMOcia- tiun will be held in the Presbyte i*n church, held Priceville, on Friday ,July 7. There will be an afternoon and evening session, the former begininii at 2.30 and the lat'er at 7. 15. Rev. R. Glisaford, Extension Secretary of the Provincial Association, will be present and deliver addresses at both seaaions. It is hoped there will be a large turnout of those interested in Sabbath school work. Programs can be secured from the secretary, W. H. Bunt, Flesherton. Mr. Wilson McMullen has been a heavy loser in horse flesh this upring, having lost three animals. A few weeks ago the first one was found dead in the pasture in the morning, with cause of death unknown. The next ote died of inflammation, and on Friday last the third one, a very valuable animal four years of age, died of acute indigestion after only two hours' illness. This was certainly a train of misfortune. It leaves Mr. McMullen with one horse and a yearling colt. Mr. Joseph Watson of Portlaw has a hen which has been paying special at- tention to the egg record m chronicled in these pages during the past spring, and for ciironatioB week has produced two eggs which she bvlieves will take the re- cord for size by a quarter of an inch. Mr. Watson handed in the eggs for biddy on Monday. The largest one measured 6^ x 8J, the smaller, 6^ x 8^, and both together weighed an even half pound. Biddy is a plymouth rock and ought to be a proud female. Mr. S. Connell, piano agent, who was arrested here last week on a charge of fraud, returned to Flesherton on Satur- day last to do business, and explained the nature of the charge to The Advance, from which explanation wo learn that it is purely a family matter regarding pro- perty in the vicinity of Owen Sound and that there was no western land deal in- volved. The quarel circles around the charge of a brother,a;ward of Mr.Oonnell. According to the explanation we cannot conceive how the matter could be con- strued into a CI iminal charge, and we trust the alfitir will be cleared up to Mr. Connell's satisfaction. An amusing incident occurred one day recently in a G. T. R. passenger coach near Allandale. A gentleman sitting in his seat had a lot of nice brown hair when he got aboard at Allandale. A few miles later he put his head out of the wi ndow When he drew it in he exhibited a large expanse of bald head. During the in- stant that his head was outside, a playful puff' of wind whisked off his toupee ai.d whirled it away. The conductor was ap- pealed to, and at the next station wired back to have a section man l.)ok for the missing hirsute appendage. â€" Collingwof d Enterprise. The Examinatioiu The educational struggle for rccogni- rioo by the educational powers is now on. There are 62 pupils writing here, all told, divided as follows : Entrance to high school, 42 ; entrance to model, 10 ; matriculation, 7, and 3 for Entrance to Normal. The promotion ex- aminations in both public and high schools took place last week, the results of which will be published next week. Mr. Holland pre&ides at the Entrance to Model, Entrance to Normal and mjitricu- lation. Mr. Marcellus takes the Hi^h School Entrance. This week it is Entrance to Model and High School Entrance ; next week and the fullowins week. Entrance to Normal and Matricu- lation. Patriotic Service. The evening service at the Methodist church on Sunday partook wholly of a patriotic nature The pastor took for his text Psalm 33-12 : ''Blessed is the nation wbo<>e God is the Lord ; and the people whom ha hath chosen for his own in- heritance." The sermon was well worked out and inspiring to all who heard it. The speaker thought Great Britain was wonderfully blessed in the king who has jurt been crowned. He had inherited bis goodness from Prince Albert the Good, Queen Victoria the Just, and Fkiward the Peacemaker, He also re- ferred to the enviable position in which Canada now stands with its one-third area of the entire empire. The ors;an and pulpit were appropriately draped with union jacks, and the choir rendered special music, among which was included ''Rule Britannia," with the congregation joining in the chorus. Mr. R. N. Bugg, of the Peoples' Railway, iss'ill alive and buzzing. He motored into Guelph the other day. He was still confident of the success of the scheme. The Acme Construction Com- pany, of Toronto, has the contract for laying the rails and other work, and they will probably sublet the greater part of it, which means money without doing much hard wotk. Mr. Bugg expected that construction work would begin at Guelph about the first of July, and that it would be rushed to completion as they wished to have the road in operation as soon as possible.â€" Mt. Forest Con- federate. The new proprietor of Homing's Mills lake evidently means to put an end to the night fishing which has been indulg- ed in by residents of that village and others for some time. Three residents of Homing's Mills appeared befoie Police Magistrate Rutherford iu Sbe'.- bume on Monday afternoon to answer to a charge of poaching. One was fined 95 and costs, the case against another was dismissed and decision in case of the third was held over till next Monday when it is expected that two others will appear before the magistrate for trial. â€" Shelbume Economist. The tail of a dog no matter how shorty suffices for the following tale. Frank Sargent owned a small s'zed fox terrier, a pet for his little child, and when the family went away on Sunday, lefc puppy outside. Of course it got lonesome, and in hunting around for some one to play with, wandered off down to Dr. Campbell's when it spied bruin in his cage. Ah here is something about my size for a frolic, the doggie thought, and hopped through the cage to intro- duce itself. Bruin however viewed the intrusion from another standpoint. Surely this must he pretty sood, so small, so frisky, and so attractive. Just then he got closer and closer, and in a few minutes only a few shreds remained of the poor pup. The bear had a free luncn of the tidbit. â€" Grand Valley Star. F.VLL TKRM OPENS AL'iaST 28. EyJOTT Toronto, Oat, stands to-:lar wiUiouc a saparior in Canada. Graduates olw&ys successful. Catalogue free. FARM FOR SALE Lots 23 and 34, Con, U, Osprey, containioK 200 acres, 130 cleared aiid in |^od st%te of cultivation; balance good bush whU timbered; orchards ; well watered, good buildin|{s. Terms easy. Must be sold owing to illnens. Apply to SAML'KL PARK lAug Fevershaui, Oat. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of William Julian of the Village of Fevershaui in the Couuty of Grey, gentleman, de- ceased. NOTICB is hereby given pursaant to tbe re- vised Statutes of Ontario, I89T. Cbap. 1-29 that all tbe creditors and others haviuK claims against the estate of thu above uamsd William JaUao,twbodied on or al>out the fourth day of Mar, 1911, at tba said Village of rsvarsbaiu, are required on or t)efore the 1st day cf Aug- ust, lull, to send by post prepaid or daliver to James Spoat, FsTersbam. Ont., or to Robert S»d>uhI MoUirr, Fevershaoi, Oat,, (the Executors of the last WitlaDcl l^estauiout of the said deceased) tboir ohristiau aud suruames, addresses and descriptions, tbe full particulars of tbuir olaims, the statement of tbeir aceounts and the uatur* ot tbe securities |l( any ) held by tbsm. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that after such last mentioned date the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the* cuased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the olaims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said executors will aot be liable for tbe saiJ assets O' any part ttiereof to auv person or persons of whose clfiiui notice shall not bave b«eu re- oelved by tbem at tbe time of sucb distribu- tion. W. H, WRIGHT, Owen Sound, Ont, d 21 Solicitor for tbo SAid Executors, Dated this aotb day of lune, A,D., 1011. g^c^c^(^(^(^P8(;t%e^ie%eHX^(^!e^^^ H«x^««^<^p8Rr«M«^c«?8C«««s8i^ i HILL BROS. a? Markdale Special Announcement for the Wool Seson WE are ia the mnrket to buy any quantity of WOOL, vraahed or unwashed, at the Highest Market price in Cash or Trade, so when selling your Wool rememqer ve are in the best aud strongest positi(ul'*aid serve yon. The extraordinary values that we have been able to secure makes it easy for you to bny many lines of Merchandise away below market value at this store. Big Clothing Special We will p'ace on sate our entire stock of MEN'S aud BOYS' CLOTHING at ridiculously low prices. In many caaes price will be regardless of ('Men's 6.50, 6.75 and 7.50 Suits for $4.75 or instance you can buy: ^J'"!' If. ^° f^-l''^'.^'''; 'P '^ •' -^ Men s 9.2o and lO.oO Suits for $7,50 All other lines in stock at corresponding low prices. BOFS TWO PIECE SUITS, SPECIAL. One hundred buy's two pieced suits in tweeds and worsted, sized from 23 to 29. These suits are worth up to $3.50 regular, on sale at |2 19 BOYS' THREE-PIECE SUITS A large selection of tweed, sized frem 27 to 33. Regular value up to $5.50, on sale at $3 95 MEN'S ODD PANTS 100 poirs men's pants in tweed and worsted panting worth in regular way fl.50, 11.75 and $2 00 on sale at $1.18 Our Annual SHOE SALE FOR THE WOOL SEASON will not be behind other years. We have a lar^e stock of Shoes in all lines very reasonably priced, and also Specials in all lines at prices that are sure to please you. MEN'S SHOE SPECIAL Thislotof Shoes represents broken lines wort from $1.50 to $2.50 in both grades, heavy and light. A 1 boots for the summer mouths. Sale price .... . $1 25 WOMEN'S SHOES A clean up in Women's shoes in fine Dongolas, Box Calf and grains. Regular value frooi $1 1 50 to $-^ 50 sale piice, per pair ' ' "' '|^ 3. Si A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Hardware Department. We 1 ave the finest Hardware Department in town and can sell you all lines of hardware at closest prices, and accept produce in exchange for same. , Odds and Ends >!| ^^^^'^'^'WWyWtf^^ ARTICLES FOR SALE For Saleâ€" At Maxwell parsonage. Screen door, washing machine, rattan go- cart, cutter, sewing machine (new), four framed pictures and two picture frames. A few large egg vats for sale â€" Suitable for soft Wilier cisterns, in fine condition, will be sold fur about half what they c St. Aoply to M. Scully Co., Flesher- For S,ileâ€" Ooodison separator, wind slacker and feeder complete, in good re- pair ; also 17 h.p. simple traction engine and outfit complete ; Victor clover huller with wind stacker, American Abel, Easy terms,â€" R. G. Julian, Feversham. PROPERTY FOR SALE or TO RENT The Bellamy Hardware Buying becomes a pleasure when you buy from us. We have a full line of. Shelf Hardware. Heavy Hardware. Cutlery. Pipes and Sundries Paiuta and Oils Graniteware Tinware Woodenware Koofing A real snap, only $900. lot 30. con. 14, Artemesia, 100 acres, small payment cash but easy terms. This is a splendid uraz- ing farm ; 70 acres cleared, but timbered land. Must be sold. No reasonable offer refused. R. J. Sproule, Fleshert.n, For Rentâ€" Two good jack screws, only 25c a day. R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. build- For sale- ing lot. S. -House and lot also Shuuk. Farm to Rent - Lots 184-5, con. 2, S. W. T, and S. R,. contains 150 acres, better known as the old Neilson farm. Apply to W, A. Armstrong, Flesherton, For Sale or Rentâ€" Lot 5, con. 8, Osprey. On the lands are good frim, barn, basement, stables, and a good frame dwallmg. For terms and condi- tione apply to John Osborn. Batteau P. 0., or W. J, Bellamy, Flesherton. Farm to rentâ€" 100 acres good pasture farm apply to. J. Wright, Fleshettou MISCELUNEOUS Important notice to whom it may con* oern â€" All accounts owing the firm of Sproule, HiBginbothiun & Co. late gro- cers, etc , Flesherton, must be settled at once. Failing to do so they will be placed in court for collection. Fayraeni will be received at the insurance office of R, J. Sproule, first building north of the bank. Toronto st.. Flesherton. Will the person who has stretcher belonging to C. J. kindly return at once. a fence Bellamy Bracelet loetâ€" Gold bracelet, between Rock Mills and 8th line, ou Sunday, June IS. Findtr please leave at Ibis oftice. Pasture to let at Wareham â€" Gilbert Little. Pasture to Rent â€" Four acres at edge of corporation. Apply to H. Wilson. Flesherton. Mr. Carl Wolfe of the Metropolitan School of Music, Toronto, will resume his teaching work in the vicinity of Feversham aad Maxwell from June 20 to Sept. i*. Pianoforte, Organ and Theory pupils accepted. Address, (fevershaiu P. 0. Come in and inspect our stock. It will be a pleasure for us to show vou anvthing line. " â- ° I a our C. J. Bellamy, Flesherton., IT'S SPRING TIME! And we have prepared for it by putting iu a stock of new spring and summer Boots and Shoe Black, Tan and Patent Leather for and children )os in men, women See our W. B. H. and Model Makes They are neat and good wearers. Custom work and repairing as usual. of Shoes. CLAYTON'S 1 J [ M J 1 1 8. rVidely Attended Wool. Carehilly Corrected Each Week Wheat 75 lo 75 Oats 35 to 35 Peae 75 to 75 Barley 50 to 50 Hay 10 00 to 10 00 Butter IC to 16 Eggs, fresh U 'o 14 Potatoes per bag 65 to 65 Geese 12 to 12 Ducks 12 to 12 Chickens 12 to 12 Turkeys 15 to 16 The splendid patronage enjoyed to-day by the COLLINGWOOD Business College Is the veitlict of sound, thorouch, practical training. Write for cata- logue. Now is the time to enter. I T. E. Hawkins. Principal