K' June 29 1911 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE 'Advance' Small Ads. Look over them weekly. There may be something for YOU BusiNESi) Cards If CVldjOVQH A YOD.S'Q W KkDken U«rkd«ls .eaarkl bsakiog bniiDett. Mod*} loaosd â- t*iuaaoD*ble rate* CkllODua, TChlSLETT. ' PoctuiMter, Teyloa. Coiamtkiioiiur in U, C. J , CooTevtncer, deed*, xi-ortA«ll<^ri, le&9e«. wlIU etc. car«iully drawn up ^ Ollec^iouft Tiiftd*. ohExgfeH reaftooable. Also jCMriM. flour, leed eU. keptiD atock, Prieei i *r :_ . I * D J 8FROULB, IV Fleotatrtoo «,omiu>i«ionrr in B.C J., Anetlonaa Con* ; veyaocer, Appralier aod ilouey I>eoder ; Keal E«tat« and Iniuranee Agfiit. Deeda, aortsaKes. leases aod villa carefully drawn | 4k op and valuatiODi made on iborteBt ootice i .ujoney to loan at lowest ratei of laterost. Col- ; \ ections attended to with promptneaa { cbarees iow. Agent for Ocean Douliiioo i Bt*auibip Company. A call solicited. DUcPHAIL, lieniM<) Aoctloneer for the * C^ouDty of Grey. Terms nioderate and *«ti«Iaction cuarauteed. Tbe arrauKouienta and dates of sales can be made a*. Tbb Auvancb cfBce. Kealdence and P.O., Ceylon, Telepbooe COBOeCtiOD. Dec. C.07. I Farms For Sale or Rent USIUI-ROVED (arm for tale, being lot 26, conceaalon H, Usurey. This Is said to be a fairly level lot wliIi conaidsrable tiuilwr aoltaole for wood. To close an estktr will ta sold very cheap and on eaey terms of payment. Apply to J. A. hALHTED, 8apl Mt. Foreat, Ont VOH BAI,Eâ€" Cheap aiil easy terms. If but '- add Boon, for rent to Huitable tenant, Nortb half lot SB and lot 40, coo. U, Artemesia, and lot 1, con, 12. Osprey. '300 aoruH. about lOO cjeared balance mostly tiiubvred land, hard s.jd soft wood ; |joo<t stone dwelling and frame ^arc, Btablint; under ; well watered with never- failing small epritig creek ciosHini,' farm close tob&rul This is an excellent graiu or ffrasinK fki lit and will be sold very cheop If taaen at onoti and ou caKy terms. Appl) to K. J. Bproule, Kleaherton.Out. I, OHAAIjI! sbeajpaad on easy termsâ€" Lots 1 * and 2. con. Jf'Oaprey; 800 acres; frame dwelliiif!, frame barn and aaabling under; about 170 acres cleared and under cultlvatiou. Some splendid cedar with other mixed timber ou balance, aloo twiKmall orchards bearluit. Wei watered ;nevei falling spring creek. Hplendid Rrain and graxiug farm. Apply to U J.Sproule KlestaertoQ or Bauiuel Osborue, Maxwell. pOlt S.^LE very cheap and on easy termsâ€" *â- The late Dr. ('bristoe's 3-8tory brick block In FlenLerton with good stable and never-fall- ing well on pieuiines. Good large Btore and good botcher's shop and dwelling ; two good stone cellars under buildiiig ; is and can be kept well rented ; two good hallu on second and third stories ; first clafls business stand and will be Hold cheap as owner is engaged in other busineaa In tbe west abd has no further use foi' it. Apply to It- J. Hproule, Pieshertoo. r-- ,^^^ m^i'm^n''-''^-^'^^' 1 " â€"â€" â- â- â€" â- KL'DD MATHB'.VS, Markdale, Licensed i VARM FOR BALEâ€" Very cheap, 100 acres, auctioneer for the county of Grey, Good ' ^ lot 9, con. 7, Osprey, only «3000, reasonable iaerviee at reaacoaWe rate*. Datea can be j cash payment, balance easy terms, 8.5 acrcn luade at Tbe Advance. O09 i cleared, well fenced and in high state of cultl vatlou, balance tiuibered. good comfortable â€"^â€"^^â€"â€"â€"^â€"â€"â- ^^^^â€"~ frame dwelling, stone cellar under, never fail IIAKVEY PERIOOE, broker, Fleshcrton ! ing spring well and windmill pump at door, licw ir * XITU. KAITTING, Licensed Auctioneer for '< tbe couDtiea of Urey and Bimcoe. Farm and Ktock sales a specialty. Terms moderate, aatinfactiou guarantied. Arrange- aieuts for dates may be made at the Advance ijtll«e, or a: T. Hntcbinson's store, leversham by addressing me at Feveraham, Ont. J rieiieral brokerage business. Insurance of hew frame barn, well liuished.'stotie stabling c.vry kind placed in safe and liberal companies, with spring water under, also in shed. It B'bi estate etc.. Open accounts and past due "-- ' â- â- '• - - notes handled and money advanced thereon. Ooriespondenee solicited. Medical n» L AHTEB i I' . .M CP ft 6 Ont, Physician, Rargaon et« , OHik and reaideoceâ€" Peter St., Kletherton Hituated i mile Irom Maxwell village where tbers are stores, post otfices, good school, ' aod is on the gravel road, M miles from railway I station, II sold at once, above price, though I VERY CHE.\P might bo shaded a little. lAppljr to I{._J. BPUOULE, Flesherton, or THOMAS GUT. on preu^ises. •V \ % ^N JP C»TEWKLL .Veterinary Burgeon Oradu*t« of Ontario Veterinary College, r<«/deoce â€" second door aoatb weat.on laary street. Tbia street rana aoutb Presbyterian Church. A G00D:.STAKT in life has l.een Kiv- en thousands of yount; people who hnve attended the BWIL80N', HIacksmith • 'iraduate of tue Veterinary Bcienc •Association. Uurbam Boyd, Bro'a hardware. itreet, opposite Dentistry rjr. E. C. MURRAY L. D. S., dental surgeon .â- *' bono, graduate of Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Hurgeons of Ontario, Uaa admlsiolstered for teeth extraction ' Office at residence, Toronto Btreet. Flesherton. At Owen Sound, Ont, during the past Uiirty ycars,^ What we have done for others we c/tn do for you. Try it by entering for the Spring Term on Monday, April 3rd. Circulars free. C. A. Flerajng, Principal. O. D Fleming, Secretary. Leoal I UCAB. BANEYd: WALLACK- •-' i5olicltor«.elc.â€" I. 11. Lucas, K. C. -Harristers, W. E. lianey, K. (.: J. H. G. Wallace. Offlccs, Toronto, W«-!) Tiadcrs Kauk Hlc'g.. phone main 141-2; Markdale Liiias lllock. Phone 2 A. Braucb ciHice at Dundalk open every Saturday. WH. WHIQHT, Barrister, Solicitor, Contrey- ancer. etc.,- Owen Round, and rlMbertdn. })â€" Flecbertou oOlce, Bproule'a Hlook every aturdav Societies A O U M' meeta ou the last Monday in each month, in their lougu room Norria' block. iFlesbertoii, at H p.m. il. W-, H. ('. LeGard ; IU>c.. C. H. Mnnshaw; Fin., W. P. < rossley Visitiug brethren iLvited Imported Hackney Stallion Maltoit Squire No. 8564, Vol. XXI,P.S.B. UOUTE FOR 1911 Monday, May 8th,«t !t.30 a.m. ho will leave his own stiible. Lot 18, con. 10, Kuphrasia, near Goring, by 18 and 19 sideroad to Mathew Patloii's, town line Holland and Euphrasia for noon, t.henci! toSullierland Hrns.' , lOih lino Holland for night. Tuesday, at H a.m. will proceed by way of Wallers Falls to A. C. Clark's, town lino Euphrasia and Hr. Vincaut, for noon; thence to Jm. Slitl'.s, Lot i), cun. (!, St, Vincent, for iiiijht, Wednosdny, at 8 a. m., will proceed to Uobt. Abercromblo's, Grioraville, for PBINCB ABTHOn LODUE, No, S8B,A.F.4 A M, meets in tht Masonic hall. Arm- strong's I!I'>ck,l''leshorton. every Friday on nr before the full ujocn. ('. li. ^Iu^sliaw, \V. M,; Tbos. Clayton, Bet.retary. n ODBT.FLE8HERT0N, 998, I. 0. F. meeta In | n*'"" i thonco t) Loaiio House, Rocklyn, " vUiiUni H lllock Ibi- lakt \Sedne»dav evoiiing ^ f^r ni){ht. of f-aeli month. Visiting Foresters heartily i _, . welcome. H. K., nv»on; K. B., 'I'. Ilei.ry; â- Iniirsday, will proceed by way of 18 Fin Bee, C, N. Illchardsoii. , ,nd J!l sideroad lo and by EppinK to Plo»»n pav dii<-« to Fin. See. before the first , , ii . i • . p ^ '' , day ot the month. Ijonrj^o liutchmson a for noon; ihenco to Frank liowspr'.s, Duncan, for iiiulit. CHOHK.N PltlENDBâ€" Flesherton Council of ChoHon Friends nieer.9 in Clayton's hall first and tliird Wednesdav ofeachmnntb 8 fi. m Pay at^Mewsmints fo the Iteporder on or before tee flrst <'avof each ninnth. Chief Councillor T. Illakelov;lleoordor W. H. Hunt. " Berkshires and Tamwortha 1 hsvo now for sain a fiw vrry ilmice Hcik "â- ablre pirf, nenrly ready to wean' Hurrv voiir --<«rdor and getthe best. Also good Tamwnrth bog four years old. for «ale' OKO. W. liOSS, MajwollP, O, Friday noon, Kiinborley ; night, Ily. Erskine'g. Sntunbiy noon, jVarkdaIn uu'il 4 p.m , when liu will proceed to his mvii slable. CilAS. WHKJHT, Oorii.o, . I'n(|)riftor and Collector. Walt Mason on Royalty The kirg »it« high on bis nobby throne and knight* and litdies of hi{h degr«« wi 1 •mile or bUoch at his lightest tone •nd bow aod grovel and bend the knee. There'* glowing spleDdor on every band, it i* a itirrinK and dazz io|( scene ; and peers and princes of e«ery land have come to jolly the kinx and queen. But the face of the monarch is lad and worn â€" tbe face of a man who ha* seldom laugh- ed: perhaps he thinks it a thing to mourn that he wis called to the reigoint; oraft. Perhap he envies the man who dig*, the man who dwells in a humble oo', with his muley cow and his bunch of pigii,and bis apple trees and his garden plot. He may have dreams of a quiet life, afar from diam{)nds and thrones and silk, with his barefoot kids and his happj wife, who sings while skimming the morning milk. To ride to town on a load of hay and get two pun at the vil- lage scales may seem far better than holding sway o'er £n;;lan(), Scotlsod and Cork and Wales. To live your li(e in the blinding glare that beats for aye on a throne and crown â€" ah, better to ride an old roan marr, and carry three dozen eggi to town ! The faces of kings are al- ways sad, their eyes are heavy, their whiskers grey ; their souls are sick of the reigning fadâ€" they'd like to ride on a load of hayâ€" Wa]( Mason. Mr. Roosevelt shoots at so many sub- jects that it 19 not surprising that he fre- quently hits a bull's eye. His latest objects of scorn is the " cuckoo parent, " the fatlier or mother *' who deposits the child at the sch >ol door and then eoea away with the feeling that all the future physical, mental and moral welfare of the child Wfs in the hands of tbe teacher." Canada should thank Mr. Roosevelt for that phrase. We have the cuckoo parent here in large numbers, and its complaints because the other birds are not mother, father and every- thing else to its children are a standing nuisance to school boards and teacher.- - Ex. Wm. Hopps, fc^ed 17, and Wro. Mor- gan, aged 14, both of Meaford, who stolo $10 from Evans' drug store at Allen ford a few wseka ago, and were sent to Walkerton for trial by luagistrstns Mc- Donald and Sutherland appeared before Judge Klein and pleaded guilty to the theft. Hopps was sentenced to 7 days ia gaol and Morgan was given 1 day in the cells.- Tara Leader. SCIATICA EXPECTED DEATH ANY DAY Another Case Where Life Was Saved and Health Eestored by "Nerviline." Horse Routes Coach Boar for Service I'lif I!r«t Tainwortli Itrmr fur »er»i(c T'-rin", tl. Cash. N. HinJIe, .Maxwell, Ont, Bull for Service 'riicruiiiflilired Klhitthoni Imll, llniadlinnk'n I.H<1, fO» aervico on lot J2, emi. 11, Oapivy. l'e<ii«ife '•» »l>Iilic*tioii. Seriice, Sl.IKi fur (.'radeK. ttii>r<iiiglilire()ii $,'i, 9:1 lit time nf (iervlce, Kill! (irire dbarged for cuwh not returned. Boars for Service 'ilie imderHiifned lias a tbnniiiglilirpil Ymk- Kliir* iKjor for service mi lut 1<>7, .'Inl raiiKe, E. T. and H. It., .\rtemesia. Terms, -$1.(K) AIho Hereford Hull for servioe. ./..f. Brown. 1 .Tr. BULL FOR SERVICE 'rtj<rr<Mi>flibre l.Shnrthdiii l)iill,"l)8nilv •Mm" KI7«1, for »«vice on lot 1T<1, T. ft S. K., Ar- tiiniesta. This nniinal is of a ^noil'iullkiuK strhhi. I'Kllgrne oii a|>|)llc»tion. Terirn, â€" Orade- «il, regisUred W, ,I/V,S, HTIN.SON rroprietor. Bull For Service 'ni'irouKliliiitl llerefi'id Hull (or ferviceon 1..1 171, roil. H .S, W. T. and ». K., Arte- uiaala. Termsâ€" #1 for Krade, W for pure hriH^I. Any cow not rctiiriii'd will be charged In full whether liiialf or not. H.Man-J â€" T, « .1, WATSON. Bull for Service 1\ Ml. lyliB Ohlolhilda. I'untiae IliiHerliov, ivhnfelani is a fUtev to the cham |iinn twr- year oM 'â- * "" "•â- •id, Hiitterlmv Allan I'ieter lijo, l!.'. , ..undH ill iiilll, ill Mveii davH and iieti '-< of butter, and whoHeslre'it dftiM !-^ â- â- . , u. .vliiv Kcho, rhampioi) cow of ( r. II j(»v«i '34,000 imniida of milk and II" I butter in a tear, aliio iilii sreat , â- •- â€"r to l*onll«c Korndvke. who i " cow of the world which • < hr.tter ioKoven liar* hIho "â- •â- • ^â- < ff over thirty I :: one aold for ^vlien n iiionthfl .,1, ],..;. .. 11... Ilond, Totnia^^l, liayable latijt Ai>ril \'j\?. '.iKO. M<Hil!r\A-H(iX, The Sweepetako Gerraan Stallion. Don Carlos STAiNUS lOJi WEIGHT luOO LBH. Will Make the Season of lilll as follons : Monday Will leave his own slMe Mi-ttford, liy way of third lioo to .John Mackie's, Townliiie, for noon ; tlionee lo ('has. Hills, 10th lino CoUingwood for night. Tuosduy--Hy llavenna to Ed. MrKi-an for noon ; t hence to KeverKliani for •night. I Wednesdayâ€" To Dick Floy's for noon ; thenoe to Markdale for niglit, Thursday North to Wm, Lyons for noon ; thencu to Sam Manhnll's W'alterH Falls, for night, Friday â€" To Bognor for noon ; thence to Woodtord for night, Saturday Morning to his owii stable, where he will remain until the following Monday inoniing, J NO, FINDLAY, Proprietor. MEAFOUD nOX 420. FUENCH NEOIIO Monday Will L(>«ve his own alable Rob U'ly to Mcjiityro fur noon and Robt. I'lieslly Maxwell fur night. Tuesday -By Fovorshani, to Jas. Doiiulas for noon and west to Uobt. Mi;Miillrii for nijjht. Wediionday to It.Huy'.s for noon and Markdalo for lUKlit. Thursday To (1 \\'aller, Kimlierloy forn noon, and to Heatlicoat for night. Friday- Ti iliio. KJK^rdoti for noon and .Ino. Smith's for niflit. Sttnrday To Mark Eblwy's for noon Roll Roy fur night. JXO, KJNULAY, Proprietor. MEAFORD IlOX 420, CURED SIX YEARS It Is because he feels it his solemn duty to tell to the world his falih In Nervlllno that Victor P. Hlros makes the following declaration: "For three years I was In the Royal Mall service, and in all kinds of weather had to meet the night trains. Dampness, cold, and exposure brought on sciatica that affected my left side. Sometimes an attack would come on that made mo powerless to work. I was so nearly a complete cripiile that I had to give up my job. I was In despair, completely cast down because the money I spent on trying to get well was wasted. â- I was speaking to my chemist one day, and hi recommended "NervlUne." I had this good liniment rubbed on several I times a day, and got relief. In order to build up my gen- eral health and Im- prove- my blood I used Kirrozone, one tablet with each meal. I continued this treatment four months anj waa cured. I have used all kinds of Unl- meiUB, and can truthfully any that Nerviline is far ntronger, more pene- trating, and liiTlnltely better than any- thing else for relieving pain, I urge everyone with lumbago, neuralgia, rheumatism, or sciatica to use Nervl- Une. I know It will cure them." There Isn't a more highly-esteemed citizen In Weatehester than Mr. Hires. What he says can be relied upon. For six years since being cured be hasn't had a single relapse. Don't accept any- thing from your dealer but "Nerviline." fiU cents per bottle, trial sl»e, 2.^c; sold everywhere, or The Catarrhoaone Co-, Kingston, Ont. C O K W W ,x :fr4 HOI us You ciin painlessly remove any corn, either hard. soft, or bleeding, by applying Putnam's Corn ICxtraetor. It never burns, leaves no scar, contains nt acids; U harmless, because roniiuiHed onlv of healing gums and balms. Fifty years in use. Cure guaranteed. Sold by all druggists. 2Sc bottles. Refuse substitutes. PUTNAM'S PAINLESS CORN EXTRACTOR OVER es YKARS* KXPCRICNCC Tradi Marks DcaiQNS .... - CoPYRiaHT* Ae. itnTone Rending n akptot> iind doflrrtetlon may qiiU;kly uix^uriHln c>tir neini^'H free whdtlK^r an 1ilt:niJ ».."«,,.,â- â- â- ...1. 1 -1 ...1 . , vu ............ .HI. iventloii la pri>hal>lT pitlenlnMi^ t'oninunilf^fv onsntrldliroeiillileiilUI. HANDBOOK ont'iilnuta But free Ohloiii i,uenov roritOKUrliwtuMeiiij!. rmoiita taken throuuli tlunii &(o.TtK)olve wptrM nndc^, without olmraK, iutho Scientific JItnericdtt. A h«i»l»melT lllaiitroieil \yi>«l;lr. lAnn-.tt cir Mllntliiii o( nuT w.iUllHn luiinial. l«niw lor Canaila. f% » *«"• l>e«ta»« pretnld. hold tr, lUI hewadeatora. MUNN&Co.»«»8">«^»- New York Hranoh omoo, ir>K IT St.. W-Khluaion, D. 0. HOLYROOO PALACE Hittoric Castle Ha» Been the Scene of Stirring Epieode*. Few regal edifices have undergone more vicissitudes than Holyrood Pal- ace, which is now being subjected to several ait«ratioQS and improvements to fit it lor the occupation of King George and Queen Mary when they stay there- in July. It occupies the .«ile of Holyrood Abbey, founded in 1128 by King Uavid I., on the spot where he was supposed t > have been saved from an infuriated stag. The legend ^oes that the King was hunt- ing in the foret,! of Dtnmslech, -in the immediate vicinity of Bdinburgh, and was assailed by an enraged stag, wliich unhorsed him, and probably would have put a very speedy end to his existence had not this Scottish monarch, like the first Christian Em- peror, been favored of the saints. As a reward for his piety, and in consideration of his great liberality to churchmen, a cross descended <rom Heaven in the moment of his danger, with which he stoutly attacked the beast. The latter, finding itself over- come, quickly made its way out of the wood.s, and left the King and the cross masters of the situation. Thus to prove his gratitude to the saints who had intercHHldd in hia behaif, he founded the Abbey of Holyrood for the canons- regular o« St. Augustipe. The canons were allowed many privileges, and succeeding monarchs added to the gilts of the founder, Holyrood .\bbcy becoming the most opulent of all religiotis institutions in Scotland. In due time a royal resi- dence was erected close to it, although it is doubtful how soon it became the permanent home of the Kings of Scot- land. Certain it is. however, that James IV. lived there. It was during his residence, on account of Mass having been celebrated in the ohapel, that a revolutionary mob broke in and despoiled all the religious orna- ments, leaving only the bare walls. The rioters even profaned the vault which had been used as the royal .sepulchre, broke open the leaden co'- fius, and carried away the lids; but as the royal bones were not negotiable articles, tlie anti-Papists were forced to leave them behind. Hut worse misfortunes were still to come, and they came with Queen Mary. Ht*r Maje.-.ty's misfortunes com- nience<l at a very early period. The first Sunday after her arrival a mob U'set the palace lor -the purpose of instructing her in the proper way of worsliippiiig God. To such a pitch of enthusiasm had the spirit o' these re- ligious instructors ris«n that it was only with difficulty they were n^train- ed from hanging the priest who at that uiunK-nt was officiating in the chapel. Mary locked heriielf in her apartment with her Mass book and her (ather-confessor, while tumultuous zealots as.sailtd the- gates and pro- nounced themselves certain Her Ma- jesty was making for eternal perdi- tion, and must soon l>e utterly lost unless she listened to John Knox and abjured beads and images. Then C4ime the historic night of March 9th, 1566. As Mary and a small party were having supper, Uarn- Icy and Ruthven, followed by other conspirators, entered for tl.e purpose (if seizing Uavid liizzio, the accom- plished Italian s«>cretary and skilful musician, who had gaiitcd the Quei-n's conlidence and roused the jealousy of the Presbyterian lords and ministers of the Kirk. .Vnticipating their pur- pose, liizzio thr;".v himself behind the Queen and clung to her dre.sa ; bi^t was stabbed by George Douglas, lean- ing over Mary's shoulders. During; this exciting scene the Queen's hus- band held hot fast in his jirnis, while luiotlicr oi the conspiralor.s held a pisttil at luT breast. The rooin in which the fatal supper-party took placi is still in existence. Queen Mary's Daily Life. According to a letter published in The Yurk.shiro Post, and written by a lady liolding a li:j;h position at court, tlie Qut>eti at 0.30 a.m., begins the day's Work by going through her lar;;e cuTrespondeiice (which she has pre- viously opened) with two .^ecretariej. Then come interviews willi the gov- erness, nur.se, housekeeper, and the heads of departments in the palace. Then nppointnieiits with furniture makers, and various trades-]x^oplo till l..'iO. Ill the afternoon Her Maje.-^ty visits an hospital or some charitable in.stilution. or a picture gallory, or visiUi .some other interesting places in or near l>indon, suoli as the City churches, the halls of the various City coinpanie.s, etfi. . .Mter tea the Queen again summons her secretaries for more correspondence, and gives une or two interviews, .\fler dinner she reads till 10.30, and then retire.s to rest. In Itie oountry, expeditions U> historical or otlier interesting places in the neighborhcHHl with some of h"r children are arranged, or some local charities or institutions are vi.s'.ted. Dangerous to Use "Esquire." The recovery uf a Icttfr which had be<'n sent to a little town in Germany and never delivered to the person addressed cureil the writer of the cii.stom of adding "Es(Hiire"to a name on the siiper.scriptiiin ol mail matter. The letter in question wjiuld probably have been promptly delivere<l had the addre.ss road simiily, "Mr. John Rrown.** Rut the .-.ender had ad- dre.s4e<l it. "John Rrown, Esquire," and the eoninr.inication re.'-ted com- fortably in tho "V I'ompartment of the |Kist resttnte •ika'arynent. wait- ing to b« calletl for by "Mr. Escjuire." One of the pupular guide books warns again.-^t the H«o of "Ksq," saying that it might be mistaken for a name. Whole Wheat Bread. Uindon doctors intorestetl in the nutritive value of fomlstuffs have is* sued a document in which they roet.nl- mend the use of whole meal in mak- ing brea<l instead of fine white flour. It ia maintaineti tliat there are in the whole ineul two and one-half times tho amount of mineral substiuices that nourish the Ixxly. Cannot Export Feathers. Plumtvgi', skins or eggs of native birds ol .-Vuitralia and New GuinHk can no longer be exixirted. this havitu been prohibited by the Austrni'-vj CommunwcaUh Government. Tke Ford Motor Company of Walker- ville has declared its second dividend at the rata of 100 per cent. A G/T. R. train wia wrecked on an embankment northeast of Paris, Oni.,^ and fireoiAn Pursell of lianiilton was probably fatally injured. Whooping cough ia not dangerous when the cough is kept looKe and e.Ypectnratiun eaay by giving CbamberUin's Cough Ilem- edy. It has been uised io uianv epidemics of this di«ea<« with perfect aaccesa. Fur gale by W. £. Kichardgon k Son. The ofiicial censu* hag been ctmipleted. The population in 600.â€" Caeemore Star. The Root amendment t» the reciproc- ity bill was rejected by the U.S. Senate. HOLSTEIN-FRIESIAN CATTLE Oxford Down Sheep and Tamwprth! Swine â€" Brown Leghorn Poultry a apecialty. | HOL«TEIN-rRIESIAN BULL FOR SeRVICE- ' Bi4Lil.i''AN CO.i(.OKUl.\ DuKK DeKOL, .No ' (7248) HIHK Queen'e DeKol Duke No. I3ia-,| H. . B. D.A.U tielUan Concordia DeKol No. n:uB] H, B., wbOBe Krand dam held the WOKLD'S BUT- TEIt RFCORn a few years ago MAKING 30 LBS., 10 OZ. IN 7 DAYS. This younj! animal la riaing a years, is of good Bize and individnalHv, bavinv won three Ut and one second prize as a oalf at some of the prou- iaeot centres of Ont., and has won Isc place at one and two years old at East Grey fall fair Klesherton. Teiiiisâ€" Qiades «1..M, thoronghbreda S3.00, payable l8t of Jan. All cowa Dot regularly returned will be charged. RICHARD AliliEN, Lot X70 2 N. E, T. & fi It. Fleahirtoo P.O. 1 .Ttme 11 CANADIA^4 p>:\Cll=-|C HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO Mantoba. Saskatcliiwaii, Aiiirta special Tiains leare Toroato 2.00 p.m. oa APRIL 4, II MAY 1, 16. U JUNE 13, IT JULY 11, M »UC. I, JJ SEPT. 6, II SccoaJ clta bckcia tram Oaurio ilatuiiu Is principal Nonbwol poiau at LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES Wianipta and return $33.00: Edmoolon and telura $4 1 .00. and to od»i poinu in ptopoiuoo. 1 ickcli S^ la retura widiio 60 <J«yi (rom goioa dile. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS «a sD Mcwaom. ComJortabk bertha, fully wmutx'd wuh b^diaa. can bu •ecuied at moderate raJea ifaroujb local aaeat. Early application muat be made ASK FOR MOMESECHtRS- PAMPHLET containing raleA and full laionnanoe. Apply lo oear^tf C. P.R. Aaeni o« lo R. L. Tlwapaoa. Dm. Paaa. Afi.. Tomato. OSLY DIRECT LINE NO CHANGE OF CARS S. Rand, Agent, - Ceylon DUN CAKLOSis one of the )t<^"'s*' animals in this country. Ha stands hii.h. is beautifully pro- portioned and weighs loOfl lbs. His color, a very dxric hay, is idfcal. Bis route lia.s ap)>eart;d in this papier from week to week. VARICOSE VEINS CURED »&• NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Confined to His Home for Weeks. '•npary work, screro strainlnp and ctll ha>uts In youth brought on Tariciwe Veins. When I worked hard the acbiii^ would be<:ome BfvereunJI was often laid up fur a wvek c^ a time. My family fhysieiiin t.>lJ me an operation wiisnyi.nly hopeâ€" lut I dreaded it. iriod boveral specialists, but sooa found t'Ut nil Ihey wanted wa.^ my monoy. I o 'inincnced tolonk uixjuaU doi-torsas little better than rogu.'S. 0::o day my boss asked me v. hy I was oil work so much and I told l.im my condiiion. noodvisi-d lie to cotisu'.t Drs. Kennedy jt Ki'unedy, tisue luult ;l:en troatmcnt from thom himself and knew thoy WL*r« s*it:nre an 1 skilU'ul 1 wroto t!:ftni and got The New Min'HoD TtiE-vrMKNT. My pro.rre^sw.is somer;hat slow and during tho llrst month's treatmont I was somewhat diseouraged. However, I I'ontiimed treatment for three momlis 1 -n-.-er and was renardod with a complete cure. I could only earn SI- a wt'ck In a macbitie fihnp before treatment, now I am eiiminc $51 and cever loose a day. I wish all suSerers knew ot your valuable treatment. HENRY C. LOCUST. HAS YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASED? BLOOD POISONS are the most prevalent an J most serious diseases. They sap tho very life blood of tho victim end unlesjt'utirely eraticatml ft\:in the system Avill cause seri.iuscoinplioati.jns. ti'waro of Jlercury. it may suppress tho Bjtuptoma â€" onr NEW ilETilul) cures all blood diseases. YOl'NO OR JIIDDI.E ACV.D MEJf.â€" Impniclent acta or later extjcs-ses have broken down your svst-.'m. Ynu fc^l the s'-mptomisux-linpr over von. Memully, physically and vitally you are Uut the man you used to be or shotdd be. Wul you heed theuanger sisals! DCinCD â- '^reyouaviotlmf Have you lo'^t hope? .\reyon intending to marry f Has nLnUCn your blJod^ieen disca cdf Have you any wor.::.nes.-,t Uur Nrw Method TiuEATME.NT wiU euro you. W;:at it hasdor.e for others it w.;i ilo for you. Coixultatiau Free. No matior wHo his trc.ited vi-u. w-ite lor an honest opinion Free of Ch«««. Boolu Freeâ€" "Boy hood, Jianhood, Fatherhood." (Illustrated) on diseases of 31en. NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT.. PRIVATE. No naran on boices or envelope. Kvrrythinff Confidential, Question Liat and Cott of Treatment t REE FOR HOME TREATMENT. DRS.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. B»- NOTICE All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patient* in our Windsor offices wliich are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business onlv. Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY. Windaor. Oat. Write for our private address. CtilLilJlN b STORE JUST two weeks nmre of the dif;antic Si!e at Ceylon ! Come with the crowds and uei your shaw io the goods that is almost given away. Just think of :t. 7 liars of soap for 2.>o., eith»r Comfoit, SunliRht or Naptha. lledpath Granulated Sus;ar, $5.00 i>«r 100 pound* or 30 pounds for«1.00. 3 Cans of Corn for 25c. â- ik pounds RaiHinn for 23c. 7 pounds of Pearl Pot Barley for 85c. Regular 10 and 12 Curtain Mualin for 7 and 8c. Iti'gnUr 12^0 Flannellettes for 9c. Prints, Musiina and Sateens at very low price*. â- Boots & Shoes. GET sonui of the iMirgains in Boots and Shoes. Girls' and Misses Tail and Chocolate Shoe.s; good valuo at |i.75 for $1.3o In Dishes ot all kinds, we will give yount less tban the rci^ulav price, while tho .sale la-sts. Our Men's and Hoys' Suits are getting low, owiim; to .to many buying at the low price. Coin^ and g.-t yours. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR AU FARM RODUCE ^as. ^affis on S cnera I •^4le/^Aant ^eyion