Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Aug 1911, p. 10

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T 1 tl -H »'i it , « > J ^ » 11 « ot ' HH^l Cft i^^l^l ll> ^^1^1 d. H^^l «v l^^^l n-» â-  V 2^'-' ,--â-  lO * ly. » w« « J't» of - kJ '5 il- .^ â- a ll i 't^*j t'UmmZ^Te^ :i^*i,: EJPTON'S TEA ' - -^ ;>tj^y0VBft'^^|lttroN.RACKAGES SOLD WEWtY i:^V ''i-i^--?y. Strangled Children, Placed Them m Bed, Then Hanged Herself. A despakh from Lion's Head, Out., sfu-s: The bo<iy of Mrs. Thos. Pettigrcw was fuunil hanging tiead ui tiie kitchen of her home here by neighbors on Thursday morn- ing, and in a bed upstairs were the bo<lieK of lier two children strang- led to death. The children were a boy and a girl, Jaines and Ev.:e!, aged 10 and 12 years. From the i'ondition uf the hou;e it is evident that they were able to put up i:ome «K>rt of a struggle for their lives, but the frantic woman finally over came them, and by tieing pieces of thin rope around their necks they were sl6wly strangled to death. After undressing them and jjlac- iug them side by side in be<l. tiio Woman then tied a i>ic'C'c of rope to the bottom of the bed in anutlici- room. The end of it was put through a stove-pipe iiole in the floor. Coming downstairs the wo- man then tied the loose end around her throat, mount-ed a table and jumijed off. The <leed is thought to have been the result of iii.sanity brought on by years of illness. Her husband, a carpenter, was away from home at distant work. Cries were heard ff<om the house about midnight. Jloticing no life about the place, the door was broken down. TMO MEN Hrm IX WRECK. Froipht Train on the T. and N. 0. Railway Piled l:* in Ditch. A despatch from North Bay »ays : A freight train on the T. and N. O. was wrevko<l on Friday six miles north of here, several car.s lea.ving the track and piling up in a ditch. Two men. beating their way on top of a bo,\-car, were luirled benes,*h the wreckage and seriously injurc'l. Louis Lebianc is in New Liskeard Hospital, and may die. John Labelle was dug out of the wreckage with a badly cut head, but was able to continue his journey, after his injuries were dressed. MONTREAL REAL ESTATE. Sir Max .Vithen and English lnt4>i'> CHts Pureha»«c Block of Land. A despatch from Montreal saysr Sir Max Aitken and certain Eng- lish intei-estB on Wednesday pur- chased the block of land surroun- ded by St. Catharine, St. .Mexan- der. St. Ekivard and Bleury streets, paying $377,000 for the projierty. Part of the property was owned by C. A. Workman, who purchased it four years ago for $92,000, and received $175,000 on Wednesday. STAKLEV RUODES HILLED. >'4>ph«w of Cecil Rhodes Met Death in Automobile Aceident. A despatch from London says : Stanley Rhodes, a nephew of Cecil Kbodfrs; is dead as the result of in- iuri*s which he received in an au- tomobile accident on Wednesday. His wile, who was formerly Miss Mabel Ru8«ell, »nd a Gaiety chorus girl, is also reported dead as a result of the accident. DEATHS IN MONTREAL. Tbe Month of Aiign8t lias so Far Led Kocord. A despatch from Montreal says : T|ie month of A-Ugnst so faf has set a record for the number of acci- dental and violent deaths iri, Mont- real and vicinity. Up to this time over eighty ca-se-s of this kind hav;e already been reported to the morgue. KILLED IN AITO ACCIDENT. Montrral Party Came to Grief While Crossing a. Bridso. A despatcli from Montreal says: Two persons were killed an<l two others badly injured at Koscinjre, twenty miles from Montreal, on Thursday night, when an auto car- rying four passengers, skidded off the wooden bridge and plun^'cd in- to the waters of the River JciU. Tlie dead are Mr. Jo.seph Gorina'i, an ex-Mayor of the municipality <.f Outremont, and a woman whose name could not be ascertained. Tl.e two persons injured were Mr. Joseph Kgan of Montreal, and a woman whose .'. ame it was i iipos- sible to learn. The accident oc- curred at 11 o'clock, when after a run through the country the auto was being driven back over the bridge from Jlosemere to St. Rose on the other side of the river. AFTER FIFTEEN YEARS. Jauies MeCraeken, of London, Strikes It Rich in Al.tsku. A despatch from London, Ont., says : ,\fter being absent and hear- ing nothing from his people for fifteen years, Mr. James McCraek- en has written home that he has struck it rich in the goldtields of Alaska, and is now residing in Fair- banks. He left London when but a lad, and the letter reached his mother, who is in a paralyzed con- dition. His father has been dead for some years. His people had believed him dead. TWO NEW STIvAMERS. Canadian Paeiflc Pla«es Orders for tUo Pacific Route. A despatch from Montreal says : Vice-President G. M. Bosworth, of the Canadian Pacific Steamship Lines, announced ou Frid.ay that the company had placed an order in England with the Fairfield Ship- building C'ompany of Glasgow for two new steamers for the Vancou- ver-Hong Kong service of the com- pany. They will be 595 feot I'.ng, 16,000 tons, and will be eciiiipi.cd with engines of 16,000 to 17,000 horse-power. They are e.\pec'.i.'d to maintain a speed of '20 knots. SP811 The Condition of the G-rain in the Domion Is Ninety Per Cent A de.spukl! from Washington sayn : The foreign crop report for Jxi'ly was issued on Wednesday by the U. S. Department of Agricul- ture. In western Canada spring wheat pros;>ects appear to have niaintHined their excellent pro- mise. The condition at the end of -uiy for the who'o of Canada ivas given at 90 agaiost 77 last \-ear The total yield of Wiinter wiicnt is estim.tted at 17,706,000 l>uslie'iK.|COiupaPC'i v.ith- IGiClO.OOft jr. '910 ' ; - . ''W> Mw^a! VtflTVcst rv huiope oh •August rh^icAche^tV >aHtud© of the British Isles. In the west it was from one to three weeks early, and in the east from two or three weeks late. The total crop j is not likely to equal that of last year. , , In Argentina and Chili, where autumn-sow)' â-  'ops are now pass- ing through th'^ mild winters of thoseiCountries, weather conditions hav^ been report-ed favorable, and indications point to a good yield [.vl wh«at, •:>ats aad flaxseed. lu Tudia \Â¥<Eathor conditions have !)«en untoward, but lately some iB>provoni€nt basb««n o«t««l; TIE NEWS IfH PARAeRAPH DArPENlNtIS FROM ALL OVER THE (.LORE IN A KLTSOELL. Canada, the Empire and the World in General lieforo loui Eyes. CANADA. Tlie water in Toronto harbor is the lowest c" recoixl. A buy was killed by falling from a tree near Ottawa. Charges of mal.idministraiion were Inid against Fire Chief Trem- blay uf Moiitroal. A Caiiadian apple e.xhibit c.irried off highest award at the hUerna- tional Mvliihition at r)etroit. The Dominion census returns will be compiled ou a special tabulat- ing machine being made in Toiju to . The International Harvester Company will spend a. quarter of a million dollars on new buildings at Hamilton. George Neilson was â- ^ont to the Central Prison from Sault Sle. Marie for stealing money nom hospital -fiatie'its. Mr. Percy Simmonds of Ilalifa.v and Miss Nellie Burton were drowned in Dartmouth Lake by tlieir canoe upsetting. Joseph R. Forbes of .Amabel township is '.lead from using hutt^er aiul milk from cows poisoned by noxious weedr-i. His mother and brother arc very ill. GREAT BRITAIN. Lord James Hereford is dead. T-\ ~XTi^- UNITKD STATES. Senator Ruot has tabled an amendment to the arbitration trcatic:j. GENERAL. It is rumored that the ex-Saah of Persia has been a-ssassinated. Owing to drought and impend- ing famine in India the Delhi dur- bar may not lake jilace in Oocem- ber. SI CCES.S OF BREAD ISSIE. IndicHten Growth of Toronto aa a Fin.-mcial Centre. Toronto, August 21 (Special). â€" Toronto has every reason to be pleased with the success that has attended the issue made by Messrs. Cawthra .Mulock k, Co., of the bonds of Canada Bread Company, Limited, because the favorable re- ception with which it is meeting in- dicates that Toronto must have made very considerable progress aa a financial centre. Many of the larger liouses would liave hesitated making a;i issue during the holi- day season, but Mr. Mulock's fore- sight and courage seem to be bring- ing him the success he deserves. The favorable reception it has re- ceived is all the more notable be- cause the issue is being brought out at a time when the market con- ditions both in Wall Sti-eet and in Toronto are most unfavorable. PRICES OF FAJI PRODUCTS I.EPORTS FROM THE r.EVDINti TRADE CENTRES OP AMERICA. t'riccs of Cattle. (J rain. Cheese and Other Produce at Uoioe and .ibroad. "* BKKAUSTITFKS. w^dI^?",',;;,.*'"'- ^ 'â- '•""â-  ^^â- 'â- "'''- «'"•>"â-  n-arTr.i^ ; """•'"-• -W-S-' to .«.40. Mnm- •iti Vsfn â- Â«'"',"..lM lloui, F.rst ,,«f « .-o,',., . I '•"'â- ""<' l<au-ius. W.80. liwi Am, ."'"â- 'V' *"•«'• "" tra.k. roVonu, Omiiiio wlicat Now No. 2 at 82c fc,"";'; ".''' i'.' "2 t" e3,-. out. .Id... â-  -iMi, Oiiiano gr.idf,.. 40,- .utHulc, n,„. • ""'" "' "Ol-Su. and No. i at 39J.4r. nay poiiK. (V,in- Nil. 2 .Xmeiifaii .v<-llow, 66 l-2c, Bay ' 5 *• ,",'"* "'"â- â€¢ '''"'â- ""to. li\ !• ri.t'ii- IS none ofliTine, and pri.i-s are iioiniiiiii. Bu(li«h.;.i Notluiig offcriiiir. Hiaii Muniti.liaH, *20 to MI, in liacf, loroiit... and siKprtH. »25, in bagK. Toronto, Ontario bran, $21 in bafs. Toroiiio out- for To- .No. COITNTKV PHODI-f'K. Beane S2.20 to $2.25. Hoiioy Kxtruiti-d, in tins, 11 to 12c â- ^4; lb. Coinii!-, sa U) .S2.60. Baled hay Xo. 1 at »13 to *14. on tratk. and No. 2 at $11 to $14. Bnkd straw -«6 to M.50. ou trai.-k. To- ronto. Potatoes .\ew. in barrels. *4.a». and, per buhhel. i|ii.2a to $1.50. Poultry Dueks, live, 11 to J2c; licnF. livo. 12 to lie; chicks, live, li to 16c. BITTKR AND KtUirt. Butter Dairy printn. 19 to 2U: inferior, 15 to 17c Creainery, 24 lo 25r. per lb tor rolls, and 22 to 23e for solidH. Kgg.s Stnetly new-laid <|Uoied at 22 to 23e. and Ireth at 18 to 19,: jier dozen, in I a Be lots. LOOK FOR TH eS LU e PACK Ace BE CAftEFOLTO SEE THAT LABEL ON PACKAGE IS BLUE. WO OTHER COLOR EVER UStOON ROYAL YEAST f? EM EMBER THE COLOR BLUE E.W.G!LLETTCQLTQ ^, TORONTO â€" ONT. „^ ^ TUT MTHimr iS^ m^mi H - JCOMWHrilHl "â- oxorj-i 0.0"'.,, HO(i PRODL'I TS. Bacon-Long dear. 11 3-4c per lb., in eBeo lotHj Pork, short cut. Â¥23; do., mesB. Â¥21. Hams Medium to licht, 17 lo 17 1-2c: do., li.'Bvy. 14 1-2 to 16 1-2c: rollF. 111-2 lo l2ci breakfaHt bacon, 17 to 18c: backh, 191-2 to 2(k'. Lard Tcrces, 10 l-2c; tubs. 10 3-4c lie. pailti, RINU .\SHENTS TO VETO BILL. Remarkable Scene in the Uo:ii!4e of A despatch from London says : The Veto .Bill, limiting tho powers of the upper chamber over legisla- tion original ing in the House of Commons which restilted in one of the mojit serious legislative con- flicts in the history of the country, became .t, law on Friday, the King'.v assent thereto being given through a royal commission in the House of Lords. When the Royal assent was signified, the members of the Lower House present, broke out in loud cheers. A demonstration on their part had never before been heard in the Upper Chamber. BUHINESS AT MONTKKAL. Montreal, Aup. 22. Oata - Canadian Western. No. 2, 42 3-4 to 4ic. ear lotB ei Ktore: ejtra No. 1 feed, 42 to 42 1-2c; No. 3 f.W., 41 1-2 to 42c: No. 2 local white. 41o: No, 3 loial white. 40c: No. 4 local while. 39c. FUmr Manitoba Spi-ing wlieui pa- tents. (IrHtb, $6 40: do.. sec<ind8, $4.90: Win- ter wheat patents, $4.50 to $4.75; slrons bakerH', $4.70; utrnight rollers, .$4 to $4.10: do., in liags, $1.80 to $2. Ilollod oata- Per barrel. si,76: bag of »0 Ibn.. $2.26. Millfeed Bran, Ontario. $22 lo $25; Mani- toba, $21 to $22: nuddlings, Ontario. $23 lo $14: shorts. .Munituba. $24; mouillie, $31 t« .$32. ICggN .Selecled, 21 l-2c ; (resh. r71-2c: No. 1 Slock, 18 l-2c. cheese West- eruH. 121-2 to 12 3-4e: easteruH, 12 1-4 to f2 l-2c. Butterâ€" Choicest. 23 1-2 to 24c. TNITKD STATK.S MARKETH. Minneapoliii, Aug. 22. Wheat Septem- ber, 991-2c.; December. $1,001-2 to $1.00 58; May, $1,04 3-8 lo $1,04 1-2: No. 1 hard. $1,031-2; No. 1 Northern, $1.01 to $1.03: No. 2 Nfirthern, % l-2e to $1,011-2; No. 3 wheat, 95 to 991-2c. Corn- No. 3 yellow, 631-2 to 64r. Oats No. 3 white. 401-2 to 41 l-4(;. Ryiâ€" No. 2. 83 lo S3 l-2e. Bran $20.50 to $21. Flour First, patent.s, $5 to $5,20; sec- ond pBt«-iits. $4.60 lo $4.75: first cloarH, $3.35 lo $3.55; second clears, $2,35 to $2 50. Buffalo, Aug. 22 Hpring wheat stronger: No. 1 Northern, carloads, store. $1.11; Winter firmer: No. 2 red, 92c: No. 2 white. 90c. Corn Htronger: No. 3 yellow. 69 l-4e : No, 4 yellow. 67 T-2c : No. 3 corn, 67 1-4, all on track, through billed, OatB- Firmer; No 2 white. 42 l-2c; No, 3 white. 41 3-4c : No, 4 white. 40 3-4c. Barley Malting. $1.16 to $1,20. LIVE HTOfK MARKETS. Toronto. Aug. 22 Heavy cattle, hulch- ers' or light export, $6.90 lo $6,05: medium choice light bntcherH , $5.75 to $5.85; mix- ed, common to fair, Si to $5.50: common cowH, $3.50 to $4.25: good, $4,50 to $5: bulls, $3,50 to $6; canners, $1.50 lo $2, ytockers and feeders Rough light ?;aBtern stock slow at $5.25 to $4.25. Uogs $7.60 f.o.b. and $7.80 fed and watered ut the market. Lambs sold at $7.25 to $7.35: heavy ewes, $3,50 lo $3.76; light ewes, $4 to $4.25, and light handy ewes. $4.50. There were no choice lambs on offer, hut there waH a market lor tome at $7.60 lo $7.60. _♦ ARCTIC EXPLORER MISSIMG. Given Vp a.s Lost by Traders of Mackenzie River UiHtricl. A despatch from Seattle, Wash., says: .\ special from Dawson, Y. T., says that Robert Service, the author, who has arrived there from Fort Macpherson, reported that Hubert Darrell, an .Arctic explor- er, has been missing from Baillee Island, east of the mouth of the Mackenzie River, EJnoe last Octo- ber. He is given up as lost by the traders in that vicinity. Hh SUE MONTREAL FOR FIRE LOSS Tliir(y-Oour Claims by RcHidentn of Annexed Suburb. A despatch from Montreal says: Thirty-four claims have been en- tered against the city for losses by f\r« i».the recent, conflagration in Tetreataltville. Tne sufferers al- leged' that the city, through failure to m\vph a wfttec se^vjo» witbin the legal time contracted for at aniiex*tio», i^;if«spon.'iibl« for these To«»e«c - .: '- NEW SHIPHLILUING PLANT. Tenderers for Mew Navy Will Bnild Vessels at St. John. A despatch from St. John, N. B., says: John R«id, representing Cammell, Laiid i: Company, the Briti-sh shipbuilders, whoso tender fur building the Canadian n.avy is the lowest, conferred with the Mayor and Aldermen on Thursday oveV the tinancial offer to locate the Canadian plant here. Mr. Reid and the M.ayor gave out a statement that if the firm is award- ed the contracts and the bounty offered by St. John equals that uf- fcrcd by other places the firm fa- vors locating at this point. An- other conference is to be held. The location of the shipbuilding iilant here would mean the employment at the outset of one thousa.nd men, to s:iy nothing of steel works which would inevitably follow the estab- lishment of the shipbuilding plant * HO.HE RULE IN SCOTLAND. McHsni'e Introdnecd in the Brit- ish House of ConiiatMis. A despatch from Ijondon says : Sir Henry James Dalziet, member nf rarliament for Kirkcaldy, Scot land, introduced in the House of Commons on Wednesday a measure for the establishment of Home Rule in Scotland. â- Â» , BLOWN FROM STREET CAR. Foiur Suffered Injuries in Ottawa When Motor Exploded. A de-^jpatch from Ottawa says: Four men received painful, but not serious injury, here on Thursday, when the motor on a street car blew out, setting fire t-o the ear. Thfee passengers and tho eombic- tor were blown ele;.ar off the ear and sust-ii'ied hurna and other mi- nor >BJur4e«b HARYESTIIB J FEL SWING Big Avexage Yield Predicted From Many Points m the West. A despatch ffom Winnipeg says:.>,',.t --iie single jioint reported da- Crop bulletins frtun almost two hundred districts of the West, re- L'eived on Friday, claim an aver- age yield of iiS bushels to the acre. Five thous;tn<l farm ha.ids arrived in the city on Kridiiy. an<l arc lum- pletely assigned to various dis- tricts, where harvesting is -n full swing. With an average tenpera ture of IT and very little rain d,n- ing the past Iwc'ity-fuyr hours. fi<iids arc taking on t'le harvest hue. and there is but slight anxi- ety apparent over the possibility of frost arri^â- ing before the grain liu-s been cut. On the whole the replies are splendidly reassuring. inai^c from frost, nnd there ar© uiily few isolaletl cj^ses .jf hail. Ruit has apiii'.u'f'd in <iuite a number of district*, but though t uriespondo'it:^ lespumU'd to the p".<lir,rics only ''ire^? .jf lliem re- pi rt< d materi'j! djni.-ige from vhi.s siiuriL'. Seventy five, per cent, of them st:tted that tli-eir districts \v4Me u'laffectcd by rust. \v!ii!e. with the exct'plioii ;if liic t'liet^ l«ii-ai;ties alreidy noted every filace licaixl frun iiriiiit.ii icti ttiat tiie cruii was t'oi far .n,dv?i>iccd i<i foai serious : ifury frjm rust. Wheat, oats ind harl«v vicid will be '.'(I per cent, in eKce>-^ of uliicr veurs. ALBERTA ( V( •,0M:, Shack. M'ith Oiriipants. Ciiiried Into Air and Woman Hurt. A despatcli from Higli River. .Mta., says : Infornialioii I'cceivcd \E.\RI.V IlAlil' \ itn.i.itiv. Kstiiiialed Val'.ie of (he Real Ksliitn in MonlcfKl. .^ dcspatcii from Montrca! says: City Treasurer ltobI» iia:i prepaifd here couiinns the report of a cv- I a statement of the fiii.i'icial status clone which devastated part of the I of tlic City of Montr^.-.il. The city Black Diiiinoiid district, twenty will lluai on Xoveml»er 1st a loan miles north-west, .'\ shack in which a woman and a child were living was carried a hundred yaixls. of ,*7, 000,000. Accordinn to his statoiiieut. the uise.ssed value of taxable real estate in the city ifi when the iloor fell out, hurling iiuio was .?t3:;0,iiij;),000, and the as- the occupants to the earth, but'scsscd value uf uoutax;rblc real with slight injury. The shack w;is!«stalc wj^s .'«] i'),i)(K),iWO. m;ikingtlie then carried heavenward and dc- ! total assossel vthip of '. !ic rca! es- molished. Another woman, seeing jtatc in town -iS-taO.lWy.fVli). Tho the st-<jrm coming, took refuge un- Imiiiining pjver of the city is der a bridge, and was severely i;i iiniit.'d to lo per cent, of its as- jured by tlying rocks and gravel, j sessable values A.s the debt of Roads in the- path of the htonnitiic cily. including tho iilmv bond were rendered impassable by fall- ing timbers. Tbe cyclone was local and did not touch any larger Ijiiild- Ing:-: of the distiiit, or great loss of life would have been inevitable. PEASANTS WOlNU+:i). Fight Belwwn Soldiers ;»nd Piu'- ishionerii Over Church Property. A despatch from Lisbon h.nys: An atteni|>t by Government offici- als to take an inventory of the Cluijfh pro[>erty at Lic«hi on Mon- day i-esult'Cd in a fight between the parishioners and the troops, dur- ing which many i>ersons were wotiJided. The iiriest had closed the chuit:h and refu.sed admittance to the oflicials, and when a detach- ment of military forced the doors the pastor assembled :iOO jierstjus of hi.s congregation aiul resisted the soldiers. The peasant,s were not dispersed until a lai'ge nu/n- bcr had been injured. The inven- tories in several northern districts have been temporarily suspended. and a number of priests have been placed under arrest. INTIMIDATED WORKME.N. Labor Leader in Monlival (;iven Five Days in Jail. A despatch from Montreal s.\vr-:, Judgment was rendered on Fritlay by Judge Ixet in the case of Jules Gratton, a local labor leader, ac- cused of inliinldatin,!j: workmen and preventing others from seeking em- ployment during the progress of the carpenters' strike. Grattiin was condemned to five days in jail. The judgment of the court is im- portant, as being a test case, in which the whole business interests of tbe city are concerned, as well a.s the labor unions, who are fol- lowing the m.itter. WIEL BE y.\\\:\'V SHOW. Every Stall and Pen at C. N. E. M ill he Full. There is stabling at tho Canadi- an National Exhibition for 1,500 horses, 1,200 cattle, 900 sheep and 1)00 pigs, and at the rate reserva- tions are. being m,adc it is assured that there won't be a, vacant stall or pen when the Exhibition op^ns. The' entries from across tho line are much more numerous th,T4i â- HJwati, the large addition* to, tlK> amount of prijie money and tlie .$.')00 si>eci.-il prizes ht^ving attract- ed wide atten^ou.r issue of .$7,1)00,1)1)0, -IB :H.V).0OU.W)O, a good borrowMii; margin :~ left, SIX-HORSF, IKAMS. Clianipious of .Vnierii-a Will be ut ('. N. E. liiiH Vear. A i)ig coinpt'fciti'i'i in *i\ Imrye lorry Icanis is ()r((nii.-v,v.l for this y<<ar s Canadi.iii Na(.!"(i,il K.xhiVii- tum. The famoiis M'lrr;- tf:im of Chiciigo, wbicli cbiiin-H liii- cnani- pionship of .Vnienca, wiM be hero and !t is understiiLid tli'at tJrahaiii Bros,, of Claremont. :iiid The Shedden Co.. of Toronto. «i!l bo among the other eatrie.-i. .\'- there has ahv.ays been .in iiie'i <''nt t a- nadiwi teams cmld •«?â-  prudueed to beat the Chicago chaniiiiuus. ili<» competition sImiiM bo CNccodiiig'y inteic>ting. CUiAHEiTKS (ACStiD FIKE. A Warehouse ;«iiil :\ lltilel Daunts- ed at <Hi;i\va. A tlesjiatch fi un (^)tt'iw:i s.-iys : A t'irc occurred liere .m VVed;ic.--ilay ninht with losstw e»lim.tlf'd at $UHi,i)UO. Two UjyH simoliing cig- arettes while toiidipft to a Iciiiii of liojses, set tire to the wan'liniiscs of Provost A: AIuikI, wh.il<'s:i'e gro- lyfei-s. and did !i<iO,lKtOâ- Â«^^^In.•l^(• tiu-re. The flames then i-iuglit Chevrier's Hotil on Muir:iy street, whicli was completely gutted, :iiid iit'ine of the ,shaiilymcii therein li.id to bo car- \'\*fi\ out by thi'fircineii. owing to being under the iiillueiice of liquor. The fire scorciicd ranny neitr-by hoiLsc;, and between the fire and water cost $100, i>W du,:ii:»ge ere rt was over. EARTHtilAKE IN PORlttiAL. Frightened People Fled lulu the Streets Fi'om TheiB Reds. .^ despatch from Li.^lion says: A series of earthini.ilie shocks, gradually increasing in -Molence, were felt in ."southern I'urtug.tl late oil Wednesday night. At Mci'uU, Albufcria and other ixjints near the coa.st considciable d«tiii,ige was done and some ucr«n>HH injured. The frightened people K»t?h<'d from their bwls to the.streot*. Tlio fitst tremor tnintinued fin- ten si'cuuds. At L.ago* tfe^ distur^iwe w;i;> av- eomjmiicd bry a. tid»^ wave, whiich caiMM-ila pMiic j«no«g^jy}o'-f livriig Mtar the eoaut. -•

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