Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Aug 1911, p. 12

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August 24 1911 THE STANDARD BANK EdtbUiKl 1873 OF CANADA SOBranche. A DEPOSIT OF ONE DOLLAR is received in our Savings Bank Department, and is sufficient to open an account and entitle the Depositor to a pass Book. The highest cunent rate of Interest is allowed, and money may be withdrawn at any time without delay. Savings Bank Department at Every Branch. as FLESHERTON BRANCA George MitcHell, Manager ULANCH&S A.LSO AT DUUHAM AMn HARR-ISTOaC F L E S H E li T O N ADVANCE yards away, saw ttie liKhtnini; come dowu, anil knowinit from the riyiii;{ shingles t\v\t tlie other end of the barn liad been struck, ran to the (cene. He found tlie straw of tlie stable luft un liru and witn great presence of mind and pluck got a P'lil of water and extinguished the b'uz--, partly by throwing on the wate', and partly by sim^thering â-  it out. A minute more and the Iniow full of hay would have b)>en ablaze and the barn and contents deHCtoyed. One <>f the boys was rather severely kicked by the mare when he went, at his falrlier's ra- iiue»», to cut the rope that tied het. The loss is coveted by insurance. â€" Con- federate. An exchange aayt there are too mauy fill fairs, judjjed by the list which li»» been i.osued l)V Mr. J. Lookie Wilson, 'lie superintftident. This lit,t totals 'iW. This gives an avjtage of bblweea six and seven to every county in Ontario, includ- ing the new districts. There in no need of so many. I'lidoubtcdly sonio of them will prove linaiicial failures tliis year. The law of tiie survival of the fittest hai) been doini; soinethini; in thinning thetn out, and it will probably do more yet. Trains leave follows : C. P. R. Time Table. Flesherton Station h8 Going South Going North 7.43 a.m. , 11.28 a.m. 4.'^'^ p.m. 8.5;5p. m. The mails are closed at Flesherton a.-i .,.,,., , i . i . follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and i ^^"^ "'"^ telephone was kept hot answer- 3 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at i '"S <|Ueiie» as to the probable cause. For morning train south Something bad gone wrong with a Mr. and Mn. A. Btxier of London. E ig., are gui-sts ot the latter'd brother, Mr. Fred Morley. A whistle at the station began blnwina at p. m. on Monday evening and kept it up. About 7 p. m. it got on the nerves of the citizens to such a decree 4.45 o'clocR. mail close at 9 p.m. the previous ev'g. VICINITY CHIPS Bellamy is in Toronto whistle on one of the engines and it Could not be stopped from screaming. It was Slid to be a "disabled" whistle, but judging from the howl which it kept up for 2^ mortal hours of agony it was fully able to do more than its share. Miss Vera Loucks has received her entrance examination certificate, which make.s eleven successful pupils out of the twelve who wrote from Flashertou public school. Mils Loucks was unable to Mr Emerson this week. Mr. Jack Clark of Ottawa is the guent of relatives in town. Little Miss Hazel McLaod ia visiting complete her examination owing to the her aunt in Markdale,Mrs. P. Thibadeau. ; death of her sister, but the work she did Miss Annie Wilcock and Mabel Mun- i O" the papers which went th-otigh her ahaw .are spending a fortnight with '' '"*'"'* *** '""='> ''"t^ "" Department felc friends at the Sault and in Toronto. j "self justitied in issuihg her certificate. Mrs. E. Hope and daughter of Brook- ' Mr. Watson, represent iui the Sani- lyii, N. Y., were auests of Mrs. W. P. | tarium .Association of Canada, nave an Catarrh and Bronchitis RURAL HIGH SCHOOL Crossley. There will be no service in the Metho- dist church on Sunday next. Both set- vices are withdrawn. Miss E. M. Small, B. .\ , was the guest of the Misses Collinson, Ceylon, the past weeh. Mr. Edwiird Whitten has sold his house and lot on Peter street to Mr. Joseph Pedlar of Eugenia. illustrated lecture on Tuberculosis to s large audience in the town hall on Mon- day evening. His views embraced pictures of the devasting work of tuber- cular baccili in all its stages, of the baccili itself, and of the various sanitariums erected at Gravenhurst and Toronto to fight the dreaded disease. He also illus- trated the methods of spreading con- tageon, including the comtuon houss tly as among the more important. The Mr. F. Bickling i.s now placing his new lecture was very interesting and in stock on the shelves and e.ipacts to make an anouncement next week as to the data of opening. Dr. Webster and family of Toronto spent a few days in town this week. They were on an auto trip through the Georgian Bay district. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stevenson and family, Mr. and Mrs. John O'Neil and family, and Mr. David White of Toronto viaited recently with Mrs. J. M. Duncan and family. Mr. Charles Turner, Miss Mary Tur- structive. A Late Conversion From time to time, the local news- papers of this country have published articles sent out by the Doiuinion ^ Goverment advisti8ii;g the working of ! the Annuities system. The matter is I good, and should have a beneficial, I educative iutluence. and wuie it nut fcr its purely advertising character, would be no objection. The Ohronic'e has in«eitdd I a number of these article.s, aud their iier and their two niece.s. Misses Edna ; publication may have had some influence and Gertrude McGruther. of Orange, ! j^ ej,ending the purchase of Annuities. N. J., paid a short visit to their aunt. ' ^o come to the point, wo think all such Mrs. J. M. Duncan. | javertiaing should be paid for. just as Miss McKenzie, who resigned the fiist j well as the advertising of a private form in the R. H. S. here, spent the | individual or an ordinary corporation, jpast week with friends iu town previous , So far, « e have recieved no monetary to taking up her duties at Alliston. return, aiil we presume that nothing will Mr. and Mrs J. G. Collina.m and chil- j c<»"i9 unless the newspapers generally dren have returned to their home in '•*f»»« <-« !<'^'-' publicity without pay. Dundas, after spending several weeks 1 1' '» ""ly a matter of business, and news.- The Baoe of Tboasands. and has Hitherto BafHed the Skill of Medical Science. Catarrhozone Dry air treatment Is the one treat- ment that will cure these diseases. What stomach medicine has ever been known to cure Catarrh or Bron- chitis? Catarrhozone is not a stomach medl- 3ine. but an air medicine, that carries to th« remotest parts of the ttiroat lunffs. and air cells Httle drops of heel- ing so curative that whenever II touches germ life it kills and eradicates them from the system. Thousands of doctors and patients have been disappointed by using stomach medicines for coughs and colds. Have you not found it a rathei roundabout way to reach the dUeaaed portion of the throat and lungs? Why not use Catarrhozone. which if breathed to the very root ot the dis- ease and heals so quickly and per. fectly that every 3f>ot is rebuilt witlJ new healthy tissue? Catarrhozone is ttie only madic!n« that will cur*. Thousands have teati' fiad. Think for a moment. Is It not sanse' Little drops of healing â€" ^tha air car- riaa them just where disease exists That is why Catarrhozone Cores Price. 25c. 50c. and Jl.OO, at al druggists, or by mail postpaid fron The Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.T, %ad Kingston. One Odds and Ends ARTICLES FOR SALE For sale â€" 1 mad cart, 1 trotting sulky. W. \V. Trimble, Flesherton p. o. Horses for Sale â€" One horse 8 year* old, 1 mare (i years fild with foal by her side, 1 colt rising ;!. John McPhail, gent, Priceville. Stock For Sale â€" Youna h irses and colts for sale. Apply to Joseph Cr.-.w- ford, Lady Bank P.O. With the former's parents, Mr. and JVIrak â- G. Collinson, Ceylou. Miss Tena LeGard, who has been visiting her parents for the last two weeks, returned to the city on Saturday, accompanied by her sister, Etta. Miss Zilla McLeod of Toronto is home attending at the bedside of her father, who wag injured. We are pleased to re- port that Mr. McLeod is doing as well as csn be expected. Mr. Will Dinwiddie of California occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church Sunday evening and spoke, very acceptably from Matthew 1()-2<J : " For what is a man protited, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul." papers deserve pay for the space used is of • purely advertising nature. â€" Durham Chronicle. The Late Henry Tucker Mr. Harry Stoeley is spending a w Mr. Henry Tucker died at his resi- dence, Ceylon, on Sunday last, after an extended illness, at the age of 87 years, The interment took place at Ebeuer.er cemetery, Glenelg, on Tuesday, 22nd inst., under the auspices of Priceville A. O. U. Wf. Mr. Tucker wa.s fortnerly a resident of Egremont but moved with his family to Ceylon some years a«o. In religion he was a staunch and lifelong Methodist and in politics a Conservative. Mr. Tucker was twice married and leaves his widow and a grown-up f.kmily of sons eek I 2i](i daughters. He was very highly es- with friends here. Harry has recently ; teemed and was honiired as a man been out through northern California : possessing very many sterling qualities, and af> far south as San Francisco since umon<r the chief of which was an unusu- i his last visit to Flesherton, travelling in ^[\y cheerful tempurninent that endeared the interests of his firm. him to all who knew him. During the past week The Advance ~ has delivered the East Grey and Osp.ey ^ well known I)e« Moines woman after . . , ,,,•.. 1- . .. .1. â-  ' sutfenng miserably for two days from bowel Agricultural Society prize lists to their respective secretaries. J. A. Boyd, Flesherton, is secretary of the former and J. A. Kernahan, Fevershain, secret- ary of the latter. Copie.s can be had from these gentlemen. The Flesherton W. I. will meet in the High School on Tuesday, August 29, at 2.30 p.m. The program is as follows': The tobacco habit and its evils, Mrs. uoDi|>laint, was cured by one dose of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem edy. For .sale by W. K. Richanliwm St. Son. During the severe thunderstorm on Thursday evening. Aug. ;!rd, about half past five o'clock, the barn of Mr. Michael Noclor, Arthur township, near Farewell, was struck by lighting. The part atrucK was the stable adjoining - the barn. Shingles on the roof were shattered and A few largo egg vats for saleâ€" Suitable for soft water cisterns, in tine condition, will be .sold for about h.^lf what they cost, .\uply to M. Scully Co., Flesher- ton. Stock for saleâ€" BerliHhires and Hamp- shire pigs ready to wean, also ( >.\ford Down Eives and Ilain lambs. â€" U. D. McLaughrey, Drawer B Markdale. Ginsing Seed For .Sale â€" Stratified seed ready to plant 60c per IDO, fresh seed 4()c per 100. .September is the time to plant. Full instructions. Try a few liundred. Address The Advance, Fleslr- erton. Village Property f'lr Saleâ€" The under- signed otfurs for sale eight acres in one -block fn the villaao of Flesherton, with comforttble dwelling, barn and stabling, well and spring and small orchard there- on. Andrew Carr, Fle.sherton. MISCELLANEOUS â-  â€" - â€" i I â-  The chopping plant at the electric â-  plant, Eugeni!i,will bo running on Tues- days and Saturdays and will be open everyday later on. Wanted â€" A young Wy to learn pan- and vest making. S.J. Bowler, Flesheit ton. Boy Wanted â€" Smart boy to learn general store business. Apply to Mc- Farland & Co., Markdale. Fall pantings and suitings just in. Morley, tailor. This school will re-ijpon on Monday, Sept. 5. 1911 In charge cf Mr. .J. E. Marcellus. Prin- cipal, a'ld Miss L. M. Philp, B. A. j Pupils who have passed the High ; School Entrance E.xaniinalicm .ire elig- j ible for adiiiLssi on. For particulars as to - courses, etc., apply to the Principal. W. J. BELLAMY, Secretary, Meaford High School WILL REOPEN ('N Tuesday, Sept. 5, 1911 Wlieii classes will be formed for Matricu- lation into all the professions, entrance into the Korinal Schools and into the Faculties of Education in Commetoial Specialist and Commercial Diplom^i. The rapid growth of this school is a striking illustration of that true old adage that "nothing succeeds like success. " We would like all parents having chil- dren to educate to consider seriously the followinii points about this High School : (1) Building, grounds and e<(uipn)ent unexcelled in the Province, four rooms and a gyrann.sium ; healthy tiwn, abso- lutely free from fevors ; good board in private familiesâ€" cheaper thau iu cities. Fees J 10 a year. (2) The splendid work of this school has attracted to it from far and near, larae numbers of .studentd, and has caused ita attendance tu increase rapidly. During 1910 our students came from thirty-seven tduerent counties. (3) The high stand taken by its stud- eats in the various universities and the large number of its univei.sity eraduates holdmg fellowships in Ciiiadiau and American colleges. (4) A new ii'd up-to-date science mom fully equipped, in which the student per- forms his own experiment under the lu- pervision of the teaciier. (.1) A fully organized Commercial De- partment in Book-koepmii, Steuouraphy, Business Law, Typewriting, English Branches, in the hands of ;i specialist who is a chartered accountant ; special attention given to Writing and Spellitiij. This department is eijuipped with .seven of the latest up-to-date Underwood type- writers. Each xrivduate receives .i beau- titul diploma. (»ur graduates easily ob- tain positions, No expensive fees to piy. RECORD FOR IDII (<>) In l'.)U this school passed 17 can- didates for entrance into tho Norimil schools, II for .Fiinior Matriculation, 4 for entrance into the Faculties of Educa- tion, ;J for Corainetcial Diplomas. (7) In-speotor SVmherall in his last re- port .say.s ; It is with unusual pleasure that I make my tirst report mi tho Mea- ford High .School. No scho.d in the Province in in a more nourishing condi- tion. The trustees are alert and pro- gte.s«ive and all tho members of the .staff are energetic and capable. The npirit of the school is) e.vcellent and impresses a stranger at once as ijuito (tut of the com- mon. Send for Imautifully illustrated an- nouncement, mailed free on applicatinn. C. T. St'THKRl.A.NI>, A. DtINII,\.>S B. A. Soc.-Treas. Principal Liberal Convention For East Grey WILL BE HELD AT FLESHERTON Monday, Aug. 28 J9 II At ? o'clock p.m. to .select a candidate for the House of Commons. Speakers from ootfide ,ire expected. All Liberals and others who favor the Reciprocity agreement are cordially invited to attend. J. E. F08TRB, A. C. Pattbrsow, Secretary. President. GOD S.VVE THE KING Joseph Clinton ; Our country fairs, why sent flying, hemlock boards of the sidiiig all should exhibit, Mrs. W. Boyd and ""«'!"â- ." "?»"'! .'',n°«''«'l to . splinters, ..r ..I n» • ui !->..â-  t a plank in the Stable floor was torn up Mrs. W. W. Irimble. Quotations f rora .^^i^j ,„„keu. The bolt came down at the Byron. 'Visitors are made welcome. stable door a few feet from a nlare that The postmaster at Gull Lake, gask., '*»*'« *'^°;^*1'' ''"^if""'. ?*''â-  Nootor's .„ ., , ,, , . two sons, John and Wilfrid, who were notifies us that a -.)aper addressed to deafened by the report, one of them .still Mrs. J. J. Garnett is not delivered as beini? hard of hearing next day. The the party is unknown. The paper is luare was sflverely shocked, but paid for until next year and we would' "'^' •'""ed- and received a cat on the hi^ r., , J 1 I â- . . from a flying splinter, an armful of like some of our readers who ki^ows it to ^^y,„^^,^ being taken out of tho manger give us the correct address so that the afterward.s. Mr. Noctor, who was sitting lady may receive what is duo her. , in the stoop of his house over a hundred •Silas Shunk anni>unce8 to the insuring public that ho has taken over the agency from R. J. Sprouleof tho York Fire In- surance Co., Toronto, and is now the au- thorized agent to collect all premiums aud to transact any business pertaining thereto. Also asent for first class stock companies and the Sydenham Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Owen Sound. Forty-two yeara in business. Fixed pay- ments of $2 per tlOOO per annum, limit on live horse $150, cow $0U, sheep $8, pig «ia. _ â- â- '- 'I I n il ' ' II - â-  IS â-  â-  â-  â-  lll ^^â€"^M^ ^ Came Astray Came to the premises of the under- signed, lot 9, con. 11, Osprey, on or about July 20. 1011, one young bull. The o«ner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and lake tho same .away. -Walter Isaae. Fever.sham, August 22, 1911. FARM FOR SALE ' TjOtNo. ISGIHT. in tlie second range eaxt, .Toront.) an 1 Sydoahain Road, .\rteinesiii, containing 240 acres of tirst class land : Kood buildings, j>lenty of water, near church aud .school ; three miles from Proton Station ; 21) acres good hanlwood biMli, balance cleare<l an<l in good st^te of culcivntion. For |)ar- ticulars apply to. W. .T. .lACKSON, 15oct Port Law CEYLON'S ""s^RE %%«^'«^ %%«/«^%^ %«^«r^/%% % %'%^%/%^ %%.-%^%/%^ August Clearing Sale of all Summer Goods Waistsiu Silks and Lawn.s at greatly reduced prices, and all Summer Hosiery, Boys' Summer Suits, Parasols and I'mbrellas, Muslins, Men's Underwear, Ladies' Ve.sts, Low Shoes, Slippers and Pumps. In Prints, Cottons, and Lawns we can give youareat values. Window Curtains- Scrimin'g and Mudri\s, at prices that can't be beat. .\11 kinds of Fruits on hand at very reasonable prices. _^ Ice Cream on Saturday nights. HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID FOR ALL FARM RODUCE ^as, ZiTattison xl â- mAt.eneheznt. iylon }mikiiiiiiimiiiiiiitWiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 9I5ALED TENDBIlSaddremeJ totlieniKlsr- sinuuil, nud uodornecl "TBudor for l<rHSliwa.trr anil Wliurf Extension at Tliorabury, Oot. ' will bH recai veil aC tins ofliiie until 1.00 I*: M.; on Wednesday. September 1:1. toll, for tbe con- st inction of a llraakwacer and an extansiou to Wharf ai Thorubury. (itay < 'ouuty. Out. Plans, specilicatiau aud form of contract can be saeu aud forms of tender obtained at this Departnieut aud at the ofUces of J.. G. Btna Vm\., DiBlrict EuBiuoer, Ooufederatiou Life UnildinR, Toronto, Ont.. H. J. Lamb. Ksui. District EoRineer, LiondoD. Ont., sud ou appii' oabiou to tbo FH>etmaster at Thorut>ury, i>ot. I'ersoau teiidetiugare notified tli»t tenders will oot bo considiied unless meda on the printed foruia euppliod, «ud siKued With their actual siguaturos, stfttinK their occupations aud plaoeH of residence. In thecaseof tlrnia.the actual signature, the uaturu of tbe occupation and place ot residence ot each member of tlio tiruiuiust bo i?ivan. K&cb tender uiiiat be acoompanied bj au accepted oheque ciu^ a ct:artered bauK, pay able to the order of tlie Hnnorablethe Minister of Public Worlj.i, oipial toteu per cent. 1 10 p.o 1 of the aiuouut of tonder, which will be forfeit- en if the person tendorioK leoline to enter intc acoutraot when called upon to do so, or fail to coiH)lota tho work contracted tor. If the tonder be not accepted tae obeiine will be re- rotnrn&d. The Uopartuient does not bind ictalf to accept tlie lowest or aoy touder. By order' B. C, PESKOI.HBB8, Secretary Department of Pubhc Works, Ottawa, August 10, 1911, I Newspapers will not be paid for this adver- ' tisemsut if they Innort it without authority froai the Departiueut, The Bellamy Hardware We have the agency for the Boss Washer, ^ which no doubt is the best on the market. There are at present over one million satisfied users of the Boss. Will yon be another ? Our Graniteware table is well filkd at present with everything one needs in that line. Preserv- ing time is now on â€" look over your kettles and see if you don't need a new one. .Dr Williams Fly and Insect destroyer de- stroys Hies on cattle. Try a can of it and you will be rewarded by its use Clearing out balance of Summer Shoes at REDUCED . - PRICES. These are a few of the Bargains â€" Try a Pair. Women's I'atent Pump, reg. %'l:2o tor $1.7.'» Wtjmen's Don Oxfonl.s, regular $-_M0 fur St^l.GO Ciirls" Tan cV: Pirtent Pump ,regu lar $1.40 for 1.00 .' g CI iKls strap and Pump, regular ^l.'JS for 75^. ,, S Custom Work and Repairing. O I CLAYTON'S I SOWING HIS WILD OATS REAPING A HARVEST OF SORROW How m»ny young men can loolc b.ick on their tarly life and reRret their mi.sileeiis. "Sowing their wild oats" in various ways. Kxcesses, violation of na- ture's laws, "wine, women and song" â€" .ill have Uieir victims. 'Vlou h.ive re- formed but what about the seed you have sownâ€" what al>out the harvest? Don't trust to luck. If you are at present within the clutches of any secret habit which is sapping your life by degrees; if you are suf- fering from the results of past in<li.scretions; if your blood has been tainted from any private disease and you dare not marry; If you are married and live in dread of symptoms breaking out and exposing^ your past; if vou are suffering as the result of a misspent Itfe-ORS. K. 4. R. ARE YOUR REFUGE. Lay your case before them confideutially and they will tell vou hone.slly if vou are curable. YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED We Treel and Cure VARICOSE VEINS, NERVOUS DEBIUTY, BLOOD and URINARY COMPLAINTS, KIDNEY ud BLADDER Die •ase* and all Di»«a«ea Peculiar to Men. CONSULTATIOW FKEE. Boolu Free on Diieuat of Mra. If uskble to call, wriU for K QuMtioB Blank for Uil.MK XKE.VrMKN'l' . DRS.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griiwold St., Detroit, Mich. NOTIOE All letters from Canada must be addressed to onr tmmmm^^mt Canadian Correspondence Department in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patieala in our Windsor offices which are used for corre&pond^ice, and Laboratory for Canadian busiacs* only, Addresi all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Wiodtor, Ont. Write for our private address. ^^

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