Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Aug 1911, p. 1

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gkB\)cxtm %hvmu. TRDTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PBLSCIPLEb NOT MEN. 31. RO 8 Flesherton, Out., Tliursday, Aurrust IT LQlt W. fl. THURSTON EDITOR and PKOPBIETOU Terrible Accident At a Bam Raising I â-  Kimberley Budget Councillor D. McLeod and Others Seriously Injured One of ibe worst barn-raising accidents that has ever been chronicled in this puit of the country took place uii Friday ev- eninK last on the farm of the Johnston brothers, Meafurd Road, when a baker's dozen of men were more or less injured. In fact, there were three separate acci- dents during the evenin;;. The tirst accident occurred when Thornton Teeter, a young married ^nan, was working on the frame "oiue twelve feet from the ground. He tripped on a piece of board and fell face down on a pile of stones on the earth below. His face was terribly cut and his uoKe smash- ed in, while his body was al o badly bruised. The second accident occurred to a young man named George Thoini»on cf Jdarkaway. A beam was being lifted in place. ThompeoQ had a rope around his end with the rope over a post, when the rope broke and Thompson was dragited aci-oss the top of the post where he hung , until taken down by companions. His back was iiijure<i uid it was .ilso feared that he was injured internally. The third and most serious accident occurred when the frame was nearly up, with one main plate in position and the other nearly so. In some manner which is not clear to any one, the plate swung and the pike poles could not hold it, and it came clashing down in the midat of the crowd of men below, sweeping a largfl number of men otf the franio with it. It wiM a miracle that several were not in- stantly killed, but the result was bud enough, with over a do/.en maimed, bruised and broken. Frobably the man most seriously injured was Councillor Donald McLeod, who sustained a broken shoulder and two or thre« ribs, while his head was terribly cut by a Hying brace and the scalp laid open for several inches. Among others who were more or less injured were: R. U. Cartuthei-s, Kim- berley, cut in face and nose ; Samuel Wiley and Uavid Hethers, back injured, serious (the latter fell ikifeet) ; D.Weber, cut head and breast : F. Weber, hurt on knee and hip ; W. A, Weber, toes and fingers pinched. Six or eight others weie slightly injured. Miss Crablree, a trained uurse, was present and rendered tirst aid. All the injured were removed to their homes the same evening- Ciitsaiid bruises may be healed in about one-third the time i«<iuircd by the usual treatment by a|>plyiii!f Chamberlain s Liiii- Tueut. It is ail aiitisei'tic and causes such injuries to heal without maturation. This liniment also relieves soreni-ss of the iruscles anil rheumatic pains. For sale by W. K. Kichardson & Son. Victoria Comers Miss Leslie of Markdale is visiting Miss Violet Stevens. Miss Maud .Stevens was home frtin Buudak. Misses Z. Thompson of Wellandport, and M. Woodlan of Smithville. are visit- ing the latter's sister, Mrs. Chas. Moore. Max Bann'on has returned to his work at Toronto. Everyone is bu.sy in the harvest and ^ threshing has starte*! . Charles Moore has purchased another j<roughbred calf, imported, a $lbO hiker when a couple of weeks old. East Mountain Charflk Greeiibury and sister of West Toronto, \^o have been visiting at their uncle's, Mr. De<Srge Gorley's, for a while returned home Saturday. Charles Martin and Miss Cora Martin spent Saturday and Sunday in Thoriibuiy John Welsh lost a valuable horse last week in a careless manner. While at their tea a trap door was oiieii in the barn where they were drawing iii, and one of the horses dropped through and had its ribs broken olT the back bone. Old Mr. .\llen is very ill at present. Kods Ford, a young farmer living near Oiillia, was stabbed to death by another young man named Arthur Sheridan. The murderer has teen caught in the bush, where he was hiding. Two men were arrested at Drayton, aimed with revolvers, a-id with a burg- lar's kit in their possession . A number of our farmers have tiuished seeding. Messrs. Harold Proctor and â€" - ftick- etts of Markdale spent Sunday at the former's parental home here. Miss Gladys Johnston of Thornbury was the guest of her friend, Mrs. R. J. Stuart, during the past week. Robert Irwin of Flesberlou is holiday- ing at his paiealal home here. Mr. Johnston of Weston and Mrs. J. J. Duncan and two childien, .spent Sun- day last the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Huti;hinson. Mr. Simon Plewes and family of Erin are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Plewes. Miss Maud Plewes is holidaying with friends at Dundalk and is the guest of her friend, Mrs. J. E. Corbett. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Fawcett and tani- i'y of CoUingwood aro holidaying wi'h relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Fawcett and fam- ily of S»skarchewan are holidaying with friends here. Tlie season for speckled ttout tishiiig should close on the 15th of Au4U.st in- stead of September Ijth, as the trout are now 'jeginning to gather on the spawning beds, and are much more eiii-ily caught. As a ct^nsetiuence it will be but a few more years until the streams will become practically depleted unless the sea.son is changed. Mr. W, Banks of Moosejaw, S<u>k., is holidaying at Mr. R. Wickens'. R. Reid of Rocklyu spent Sunday the truest of his brother, Thomas, here. Mrs. John McCartney and family of Biyview vi.sited frie.nds here last week the guest of her mother, Mrs. J. Mc- Cullougb. Miss Mildred and Master Russel Har- ris of Wtst Toronto are holidaying wiih f I lends here. 15. D. Carruthers of this place was amonE the injured at the Johnston barn raising, receiving a .severe shaking up, together with some cuts nni bruises. It was indeed fortunate that he, along with others, wa.s not killed. Mrs. Wragget of Proton Station and Miss Marion McKee of Dundalk were the guests of Mrs. Graham on Sund.iy last. Dundalk Mrs. VaiiDusen, Fleshertou, and Miss Celia YanDuseu, Toronto, are guests of Mrs. W. J. Doualas, Victoria ave. Jack, the 5-year-old s<in of X. E. Col- gan, while at play on Saturd:iy fell oft' an outbuilding and broke the large bone in his wrist. Dr. Martin reduced the frac- ture and the liitle fellow is getting along well. John Millar, Mclntyre, met with an accident while taking a wagon Iwad of I'tmbs to Crecuiore, one day lji.st week, by which he had his shoulder blade broken and was otherwise bruised. He was driving down a lull near Madill's without locking the wagon. The tongue broke and the wagon was ujiset in the ditch with the result as stated. The young man is unfortunate to be laid up for some time and in a season when there is lots of work to be done. Fleshertou baseball boys canoe to Dun- dalk Tuesday evening for a game with the local team. The match was advertised for 4 o'cliK-k, but owing to the non-arrival of the visitors it was two and a half hours later when play started. It was a close and exciting game for live innings when the score st(.K>d ".t-10 in favor of Dundalk. There the game should have ended as dusk w»8 coming on. The Fleshertou lads, who have better eyes or are more accustomed to darkness, prevailed on the locals to pro<;eeJ further with the game, with the result chat the visitors batted out the ball and lost it seveial time* dur- ing the innings, and they ran the bases till they were tired. There were some- thing over a doxen runs scored in this spasm. In order to spare the feelings of the locals we will not mention the 6nal score. -Herald. Rock Mills Mrs. Thomas Betts ga7e a parly the other evening on the return of their two daughters, Reta and .Vnnie, after a month's visit with friends in Durham. Mrs. Jack Porte ous and friends rendered some good tinging during the evening Vandeleur Happenings Johnson brothers raised the frame of their new barn on Friday afternoon last to replace the one destroyed by tire some time ago. It took about one hundred and fifty men to raise the structure, which is 60 by »5ott wiih side posts 23.feet high. The building when tinished will be one of the finest barns in this section. John Dillon, the framer, deserves credit for the manner in which he did the work, every stick tilting to. its place without a mistake. I'niortunately several acci- dents occurred by which a number of men were seriously injured. While one of the bents wa,s being placed in position Thorn Teeter missed his footiny and fell from the foundation to the' ground a distance of about 12ft, breaking his left arm 1h;1ow the ellxiw and cutting his face badly. Dr. Ego was iumiediately sent for ar.d after receiving medical attention the patient was taken to his home in Markdale, where he is still in a critical condition. Just before dark, when each side whs striving their utmost to win, a, short plate about 22 feel long fell fro.u the top of the building to the Hi. or, a dis- tance of about 23 feet, striking several of the men below. Among the more seri- ously injured are R. D. Carruthers of Kimberley, cut about the face and ankle sprained ; Samuel Wiley of Wode- house, b;»ck injured ; Daviil Heathers of Harkaway, badly bruised; Donald Mc- Leod of Ceylon, shoulder and riljs broken and .scalp wound. George Thompson of Mirkdale was also hurt dutin<.; the atter- noon. The injured men at last report were all doing as-well as could be expect- ed. ( >D Saturday morning about 25 men tinished the raising with block and tackle- Mrs. (Rev.) P. C. Cameron of Windsor who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. A. Miles of Kimberley. called on old sc- i|uaintances heie before leaving for her home. Mrs. Cameron was formerly Miss Letitia Kells of this place and spent her girlhood days in this neighborhood. Mr. Will McLean and sister, Violet, and Mrs. Henry McLean of Ohio, are visiting the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. McLe.m "f this place. Master Elmei and Miss Georginii White of Sarnia returned home last week after spending some time with friends here. The Women's Iiwiitutfl will meet at the home of Mrs. W. Hutchinson next week. Riverdale Ideal harvesting weather. Mrs. W. Dillon of Uocklyn was a de- hghtful caller in our burg Wednesd-»y. Mr. Herb. Wiley, accompanied by his sister. Miss Lou, visited fiiends in Thotu- buiy vicinity recently. One of our most popular and highly esteemed young men, Mr. Fred Cutting, took his departure for the West on Sat- urd.'iy last. Miss Maud Kelly, president of the Kiverdale Joy ciub, was on a business trip to Priceville last week. We have pleasure incongralulating our teacher, Miss Briscoe, on her ethciency in the application <>( her profession, El- mer Wiley having passed the public school leaving ex iiiiination with honors. A numljer of our young people had a joyful outing at Bell's lake on .Saturday. .\ delightful time is reported. In reply to the big political firecracker who so gallantly endeavored to guzzle the reciprocity problem last week, we feel justihed in .staling that it was a pa- rade of sentiment such as to make angels weep. However, considering the -source it emanated from it was very clever in- deed. We feel it our duty to put this poor weasel-brained specimen of the genus homo, who has evidenty bid adieu to common sense and resstm. wis-e to what reciprocity really means, oi.ly we presume it would be an actual case of the proverbial casting of pearls. Let us hear from you again, dear cor. You are a loyal Liberal party hack who is desirous of disposing of your country f(>r a mess of pottage, and we viish to nail you up so that the public can have a good look at you. "The mills of ye go<l» grind slow ly, but they pulverize iniddl.ng Hue. " Specialist |ln; dtsoues at the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office- 30 10th «t. West, Owen Sound At the Revere hou.se, Miu-kdale, 2tid Thursday each month from S to 12 a. m. Duod«Ik, Ist Thursday of each month. Eugenia Paragraphs We are glad to report that all Our men returned home safely from Mr. Johnson's rnising at which, we learn, there were so many accidents. Mrs. Womlbum is visiting friends in Toronto for a few weeks. MisS' Blanch Charters of Meaford is visiting with her friend, Mi.ss Mdlie McMullen. The i.irangenien are liaving their hall re- modelled and bricked and are soaring no trouble towartLs the re-opening on Sept. 4ih to make it a success. Mrs. Will Gordon and two children are visiting frietds in Caledi^u and Erin this week. Mrs. Donaldson and children of Toronto are the guests of Mr^ Henry W'illiams. Mr. :ind Mrs. Frank Cairns and family of Ceylon and Mrs Mitchell and daughter of Xiagiira Falls, held their picnic last Wednesday at the former's brother's, Mr. H. Cairns, as the downpour of laiu made the grove too wet for piciiicing. Mrs. ilcMullcn has purchased a pony. A number of our girls are looking 1 jnely as Messrs. John Campbell, Russel Park, Fied and Levi Ducket and Dave .\riiistruug have left for western Can-ida. .â- V special meeting of ihe W' . I. will be held in the schoohooin on Friday even- ing, A'jg. \ti. Mr. Bert Magee, who hiis been visit- ing the parental home and other dear friends in this vicinity, has returned to his home in Saskatchewan. Jake, our well known blasksmitb, while repairing an auto on Friday las', received a nasty gash on the hand. Miss Daisy Smith has returned to CoUingwood and Evelena to Toronto. Mrs. Fred Field is visiting her mother at Rockmills, Mr. Latimer, sr., has returned home from Toronto. Mrs. Stephens of Maple is visiting her sister, Mrs. ^Rev.) Campbell. Mr. R. Plantt entertained a number of friends on Thursday to celebiaie his birthday. \)\ report a jolly time. Feversham Items Toronto Une, North Messrs. Wm. Lawlor. Wai. Osborne, Chas. Brackenbury, Sid. Miller and .Mr. and Mrs. .\lbert Paul started west on Saturday last. Mrs. A. Stewart of Fleshertou visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Perigoe and other friends in our village last week. Mr. Stewart came over on Sun- d»y and Mrs. Stewart returned home with him. Mrs. W. J. Bellamy of Flesherton is visiting with her neice, Reia Osborne, at present, Mr. Baitersby of Toi-onto is the guest of Mr. and Mra. J. Paul. Miss Meiizie of Maxwell visited Miss Moore at the temperance hotel over .Sunday. Messrs. D. McLeod and HaiTy Wilson of Fleshertou visited our village on Sunday last. En.sign Plant! of Dundas took the services in the S. A. Barracks •>» Sun- day evening List and a full hall greeted him. Plantt was .in old officer of this cor(>s and all were glad U) see him. Harvesting is almost completed m thi» vicinity. \ Master Lloyd Wright of Hamilton is holidaying at Mr. Charles Stewart's. I Miss Maggie Moorhouse and Mr. Geo. McKee of Toronto vieited the former's ' uiicles.Messrs. Thomas and Jacob Lever, last week. Mrs. H. V. Patrick and httle daugh- ter, of London, are spending a couple of I months with the former's sisters, Mrs. J. .A, Lever and Mrs. J. F. Matliewson. Mr. Russell Lever left on Saturday last for the west. He will bo greatly missed by his young friends in this part. Married Hawton â€" Graham â€" At the manse, Bank.s on July 2t)ih, lltll, by Rev. Milne, Margaret Graham to Mr. Herb Hawton of Feversham. Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT Ceylon Mr. aud Mrs. A. T. Down left for their home in Cleveland, Ohii>. on Mon- day morning after thiee week's visit with friends at Ceylon and other pl.u;es. Their daughter, Floience, is visiting with her cousin, Mrs. L>r. Homes, al Owen Sound. Mrs. Wm. McCorkindale, who has been visiting at .Mr. Jas. Paltisou's and other friends in the vicinity, has re- turned to her home in Collingwood. Mr. Donald McLeod, our retpected councillor, met *ith a very serious acci- dent al Mr. John.son's barn raising near Vandeleur, on Fridiiy last. His shoulder was dislocated, his arm broken ntar ihe shoulder, many of his ribs broken, besides being being badly bruis- ed about the head and body. Iuteri;al iiijuiies lire als«i feared. Al present he lies in a very critical condition. Mrs. MoRae of Cleveland and daughter Lillian are visiting with her mother, Mrs. John Melia. Mr. and Mrs. H. Down of Hatherloii, spei.t Sunday at T. Chslett's. Mrs. Robertson and children of Toronto ate visiting the foriiier's sister, Mrs. Jas. Kadley. Mi.ss McAulav of Toronto has returued to her home, after visiting with her friends, Mrs. J. Gilchrist and others. Mr. Hoy Steele of Boltou is relieving agent here fur the present. Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Harriion of Dro- uiore called on friends in Ceylon last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McGee of Eugenia, Miss Bessie Woods of Flesherton, and Mrs. Tayh<r and i;hildren of Dundalk, are staying with Mrs. J. L. Woods who has been very ill recently, but »e are pleased to be able to state that she is able to be up and around again. Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH OfWce and Residence- 4t>8, 0th St, Kaat, Owen Sound, Out. Hours-O to 12 a.m., 1.30 to 4.30 p.m. 7 to 8 p.m. Other hours by appointment • Summer Suitings NEW Summer Suitings just to hand â€" some of the nobbiest weaves to be found any- where. COrCH TWEEDSâ€" A new line now on hand, of very tine -weave and appearance, with large selection to choose from. Leave yjur orders now for .summer clothing. Satisfaction Guaranteed. L S. J. BOWLER, m^ . THE UP-TO-DATE TAILOR ^WILSON <& IVIcCLOCKI^II^ DEALERS IN FRESH AND CURED MEATS, FRESH VEGETABLES, ETC. We have two Delivery Wagons >n the road. Buy your supplies from them. Only chr>ice grade ui^ats sold. Routes: Vandeleur, Mondays and Thursdays ; Rock Mills and Euyenia, Tuesdays and Fridays ; Proton, Wednesdays and Saturdays ; Ceylon aud Priceville, Wednesdays and Saturdays. I Fresh Fruits All the leading kinds of fruits in their season. We have a full line of Fresh Groceries, Bread, Biscuits, Flour, Bran, Shorts, Tobaecoes, Confection- ary, Syrups, and Honey. THOMPSON'S ICE CREAM. If you have not alreatly called delay in doing so at on U.S, do not The Flesherton Grocery - W. Buskin. PC< = Jl

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