Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Aug 1911, p. 2

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BLACK B ANDERS A BBESTED Seve^ Men and One Woman Held in Toronto Jail A despatch from Toronto says : Th© prisoners, who wcr» very Wiitli tlio arrest on Friday of sev- en men and one woman, tlie police believe tliey iiave broken up the h€adqi!ariers of the Black Hand Sutieiy in Toronto, which for sev- eral months pa«t has been keeiiiiig two-thirds of the Italian colony in ihe central part of t>he city in a Bt-Ate of UMiur. As a result of information gleaned by the police, following the •iirrender of Frank Griro on a charge 'if niitrdcring Francesco Sei- auue, Sergeant of Detectives Alex. Mackie and the entire staff of de- tectives on Friday visited three res- tatiran'tiS couduct-ed by Italians in York *lreet, and |)Iaced under ar- rest fourteen i)eop!e, and seized eeveral dirks, letters and other articles. Of tlvjse broufiht to headquarters eight were detaiuc<l, the reiinainder being given their Ireedum after giving satisfactory explanations for their presence in the places. After being c.xajnined those detained were taken to the ' jail. As soon a* certain individuals in the Italian cnlony learned that •Griro was behind the bars they •were nut slow to enlighten tho au- tihorities upon some of the cou'di tions under which the alleged Black Hand organir.ation wa» being op- erated in Toronto. Fearing that •onie xf the ringleaders might make their •â- scape the police deemed it best to act promi)tly in the ma.tter. f)hort'!y after a o'clock the detec- tives visit-ed l(iO York street, a restaurant conducted by Joe Muse- liuo, where they found seven men and iwu Women ; 1G5 York streot, a fruit s'tore. kept by Salvatori Sc'- ariine. a brotlier of the murdered man, where there were five men, and 171 York street, a barber shop, ojuducted by James l{a|)ola, who admitted selling the revolver to (irirn. who fired th© fatal shots. Itapola was the only occupant of the place. e.xcited, when taken 'to hea<Iquar- ters stoutly denied any connection â- with the Black Hand organization in Torijuto, though, according U) information conveyed to the police, the headquarters of the organiza- tion in Toron'to was located at Mnseliiiu's restaurant. A few days ago there arrived in Toronto a sec- ret service detective from Xaple», who figured pioMiinently in the famous t'anioira trial now in l)ro- gress in Xiples. He was walking along the street when he recogniz- ed twd allege<.l Black Banders, who eacaiH'd from Naples following the commencement of the trial. As tioon as they got a glimpse of him they boarded a street car and got away. This satisfied him that they were here for the jnirpose of op- erating, and their description was immediately given to the authori- ties. Subsequentl.v it was learned that they had been loitering around the places visited by the police in York street, but when the officers lined up the inmates in the different places the two much-sought indi- viduals were not among the mini- her. That the place kept by Muse- lino was used almost exclusively for those counei-ted with the .soci- ety as a meeting place the police feel certain. Muselino formerly Ttept a restaurant at 125 Illh street, Niagara Falls. N.Y.. which up till a few months ago was re- cognized as the headquarters of the t'amorra Society in Canada. Following the circulation of some PRICES OF FARM PRODUCTS [THE es IN A PARACRtPH LKI'OIST.S ritOM inE I.EADINO TBAOE CTNTUES OB â-² MLBICA. Prices of Caaie. Crati, Cheet* •od Other Produce at Boat and Abroad. BIIKADSTDFFS. 9o'''or,'"I.e-„,*"*-. '5 *â- â- '""• ^'"t" "h'at. ••iitH iiin- »'*';'<"IJa UourH Ki,»t i.at- «''-ir*^mi..rT"'i'^.„'""r.'"^- »*•«•; «"<! HAPi'ENINtiS t-ROH ALL OTEB TOE «LORE IN â-² NUTBOELL. Oiilari.) wbpat X«w "Kle, and old at 82<- t Barley Tha market iionjiiial. n"''2' .V,"'*';'''.,5'"'"'-^ 40<-. outaide, out- No. 2 at 80c to Bjf. outside. di'll. with prlcei ports. 67u Bay .n.i ,,!,*'"'"'''"' """â-  outuide, for No 2„. 17 ' ''•'â- â€¢'>" "-a.:!!. Toronto. New Ji;a«-i"r?f-,-::-^7-^oat»at v^ .ill- 7l,-^s?;;;x ^*'^ a "'â- â- om'',';.!. '" """" "'"i"*' ""d »â- â- '«- Burkwhcat Nothitip nltrriug -^..l^''" *'«"il">""'. »20 to »21, ill baga, To- ronto, and sliortH. *2J, in baits. Toronto. Ontario bran. $21, in bags. Toiouto. BUTTKR AND EGOS. ,c''.''"^rr *â- 'â- '' prints. 19 to 21c: inferior. 13 to 17c ri-Bainery. 24 to 25c per lb for roll«. and 22 to Ziv for BoUda. /â- ISe» Strictly npw-Uid quoted at 22 to 25<-. and Irrnli at 18 to 19c iier dozen, in ca.^e lot.-*. Cheese- Large, IJo, and twins, li l-4« per rOUNTRY PRODOCE. Ilpann-.Small lota. $2.20 to »2.2i. Honey Eitracted. iu tiu«. It to 12c per lb. Comlis. «2 to .S2.60. Baled Hay No. 1 at S13 to $14. on track, and No. 2 at $11 to $14. Baled straw $6 to *6.50, on track, To- ronto. Potatoe.H- New, in barrels. $4.50. and per bushel. «1.25 to $1.50. I'oiillry Spring chickeiiii, 20 to Elc per lU; fowl, 13 to 14c: turkeys. 16c. Caoada, (be Empire and tba ATorld U Geaerai Before Your Ejea. CANADA. Quebec will g«U no more Crown water powers. Another ten cent advance in «ug- ar is announced. Lord Strathcona sent a cheque for $10,000 to the Branlford Y.M.C.A. Guelph may extend its limits, to take in the land occupied by Mac- donald College. Good average field crops for all the Provinc&H are reported in an official bulletin. Fred Lefebvre, aged thirteen, wa.s drowned at Haileybury while a man stood by and laughed. President Creelman and Prof. Zavitz of the O.A.C. found the Nia- gara fruit crops better than had been repiirted. A big radial road to connect To- ronto. London, and Montreal is being financed, it is said, in Can- ada, Knglaiid and France. J. N. Miiir, ex-principal of Vic- toria High School, Vancouver, al- leges that 37 Governor-General's medals have been unfairly distri- buted in British Columbia. GRKAT BRITAIN". The London dock strike is ended. Affairs io l-iverpool are still cri- tical, and the strike is unsettled. The veto bill passed the House of Lords by 131 votes to 114. OOB TlADE WITH BRITAIN Report on External Business Is Issued by Trade Correspondent A dfiipatch from Ottawa, says ; John Bain, Impflrial trade corres- pondent fur thij district, on Thurs- day issued a report on tho external trade of tlin United Kingdom, as it affects Canad^i, for the six months ending June 30. The total value* of the merchan- di.se imported into the United Kingdom from Canada and e.x.port- ed from the United Kingdom to to Canada, of United Kingdom produce, 1910, £9,.'bl l.OOi) ; 1911, £!),• •lG4,0tX) : of foreign and colonial pro- duce, 1910, JEl,ia9,000; 1911, £l,- 47'i,0<JO. The e.iport'f to Canada were thu.i ahjut the same in value as last year, but the imports from C'anada were lower by two millions ster- ling, of which nearly on^ and one- ..^^ .... V -^ - half millions were due to dinninish- cTanadl, during "the first "six''moiiLh 8 ed imparts of wheat. Britain'* of each of the years, 1910 and 1911, were as follows ; Imports into the United King- dom from C'anada, 1910, £10,599,- 000; 1911, £H,4S1,000. Kxport.s from the United King wheat imports from Canad* were £3,S35,000 in the first six month* last year, while in the same period this year they were only £-2, -123, 000. Bacon and hams, however, show an increaso from £G95,0'X) to £l,- dom to Canada, of United Kingdom O'.iT.OOO. RlOTINt; AT I.IVKRPOOL. Desperate Street Fights Between Strikers and Police. A despatch from Liverpool. Fng- A BRUTAL HUSBVMJ. Set Fire to MnttrMs and iCrobe Wife's Jaw. A despat^-h from London, Ont., BUSINK.'<S \r MON'TRK.^L. Montreal. .\u('. 15. Oats Canadian Western. No. 2. 42 3-4 to ijc. car lots, et store: eitra -No. 1 feed. <2 to 42 l-2o; No. J ('. W.. 41 1-2 to 42.-: No. 2 local white, I'lii, ^'ih. ^ i-V'"' »'"""; *^'^'^"- * '"'"l I State.s financier, died in Paris. white, 39c. Hour Manitoba SprinR wheat' UXITKD STATES. John W. Gate.^, a noted United ravsterious letters on the Niagara i p"'"'",''' i>r«t». $5.30; seconds. $4.80; Win , ' .. , , „i »;'<'r wheat patents. »4.50 to t^.lS: stronit frontier, where a large number ot ] i,„i„.r„-, .$4.60: utraiirht roiieis, »4 to »4.i0; bar- lait Bnin. OntHrio, S21 to $22: Manitoba. *20 to $21: middlings. Ontario. $24 to $25; Hhorta. Manitoba. «W: roouillie, $25 to *31. t'.ggt- Selected. 21 l-2c ; fresh, t? l-2o; No. 1 stock. 18 l-2c. Cheeae WeHlerns. 12 1-2 to 12 3-4c: caHteriis, 12 1-8 to 12 l-4c. Butter- Choicest. 23 1-2 to 23 J-4c. Italians were engaged in construe- ">'"'»«. »i 80 to »2 Rolled oats, per , . " " . ii J.1 rel. $.73: bait ot 90 Ib.s. ♦2.23. Millfei-d tion work in connectiun with llie - different jiower plants. Muselino •was ordered to close the place and get out of the city. He came di- rect to Toronto, and opened the restaurant on York street, which, dt i.s alleged, was used as a blind to cover up any operations in To- ronto and vicinity. .MONTKKAL CARS COLLIUK. Wui. Slii.'irl Killed and Several Diher Per.soUH Injured. .\ despatch from Montreal Bays : Mr. William Stuart, a real estate agent, was killed and several peu- pl<} injured on Thursday evening, when a St. Catharine street car crashed into a crowded terminal car on the Bout de L'lsle line at the corner of St. Catharine street and La Salle avenue. The motor- man itf the St. Catharine Ntrcet car, F.lzear Langlois, was badly rut about the head and arms, the front i)f his car being smashed in when it struck the rear of the ter- minal car. The rear platform of tiie terminal car, where Mr. Stuart had been staruling, was liatUy dam- agi'il. Langlois stated that the ac- cident was due tn the failure of the air brakes on his car to work. There is a steep grade on St. Cath- arine street Viy La Salle avenue, an<( Dwing to the air brakes not Working he was unable to check his c!ir when he saw the terminal car attempting to cross ahead of him. S1:T sick WIFK-S BKU ON FIRK Farmer Was Vn\liMis to ai'f It She Really Was III. A despatch from Ottawa says : Charles Dubois, a farmer from St. Pierre de Wakefield, was bruught to the Hull jail by Kaliff do Coeli, of Hull, on a warrant charging him with assault on his wife and members of his family. He is al- leged to have net fire to tho bed on which his wife lay sick, just to ascertain if she was really ill or not. When the unfortunate wo- man jumped from the bed to es- cape being burned, it is claimed, he swore she warf shamming sick- ness and made her work around tho house. On another occasion, it is alleged he chased the whole family into the woods with twi> sticks of dynamite. Foui- years ago he stabbed a neighbor in the course of a <|uarrel and bit off the top of the man's thumb. UNITED 8T.VTK9 M.\RKET9. Miniieapniid. Aug. 15. Close Wheat Seiilcmber. .$1.04 1.2c: Doieinber. S1.05 t.2e to .$1.05 3-B<-: May. «1.09 1-4: No. 1 hard, $1.08: No. 1 Northern. $1.06 to $1.07 l-2c: do., to arrive. $1.03 1-2 to 11.07; No. 2 Northern. $1.01 12 to $1.06; No. 3 wheat, $1.01 to $1.04. Corn No. 3 yellow, 64 1-2 to 6ic. Oat.s No. 3 white. 41 to 41 M,-. Rye No. 2. 80 l-2c. Bran «20.50 to $21. Flour Kir-it patents. $5.20 to $5.40; second patenl.i. $4,70 to «4.9-J: tlmt clears. $3.55 to 13 75; necoiid clears. $2.33 to $2.70. Biitfalo, .\ii(r. 15. ^*i)riiig wheat No. 1 Norther arloads more. $1.12 1-2; Win- ter, No. 2 red. 93 l-2r ; No. 3 red, 91p : No 2 white, 92c. Corn No. 3 yellow, 69 1.2c; No. 4 yellow. 67 3.4c: No. 3 corn, 67 l-2c, all on track, throuKl' billed. Oats No. 2 white. 42 l-4c; No. .T white, 41 IZc: No. 4 white, 40 l-2o. Barley Mttltiiij $1.09 to $1 15. Itye No. 2, on track, 87c. NO TWO CKNT RATK. STRKAMS IN ROCK I IS. Secretary of Con>'erv:ilinn (')iinMii.>«- sion >VIII InvcHtigate. A despatch from Calgary says: With a view of ascertaining the source, power and possibilities of utreams in the Rockies in eastern British Columbia ant! western .M- berta. .Mr. James White, Secretary of the Canadian Convcrv aticin C'lnimi^sioii, Ottawa, will loave Calgary, where he is at present at- tending the Irrigation Convention, with two assistants. V. S. (•overiuiimit l)e('lin<>d .\ii- stralia's IM'Mpused .\rrani;emeii(. .\ des|)atch from Melhourne, .'\u- stralia, says: The United States Gnverniueiit has declineil the .\u- stralian prup^isal for a reciprocal two-cent postage arr.iii'4;enient. Josiah Thomas, Postmaster-tlener- al of the Coniiuiiiiwe.iltli, took the matter up with the Post Ollice au- thorities at Wasliingtiin a nienth ago. The f|uestion has been the subject tif an agitation since the dis<'ontiiiuance of the mail service between .\ustraliaii [Kirts and San Francisco. BRITISH lU TO BE PAID A Resolution Was Moved by Mr. Lloyd- George and Carried MVE STOCK MARKKTS. Montreal. Aug. 15 Choice uteern. 5 l-2c per lb; luediuni, 4 3-4r : couiinou. 4 l-4c per lb. UtigA 7 1.4cj per lb. Choice cowh - 4 1.4c; medium. 3 1-2 to 3 3.4c per lb. Lambs $5.75 to $7 each. Sheep, 3 1-2 per lb. Toronto. Aug. 15. Choice cattle, for en- Jiort or butcher pui-noMeH. hoIiI Ktroiiff at 15.% to $6.05, while there was n very keen deinaiid for handy weight bntcher heif- ern and Kteera (loin $5.60 to $5.90; lued- iiim and coiuiuon irrades of cattle were iitlie chaiieed at $4.50 to $5.50. Cows were Hteady at $4 to $4 80, IiuIIm rcniaiiiini; at nboiil the same level Short-keeps are quoted as hifCh nn *.^.60. with (,'(K)d feeders i ruiiKiiie from $5 to $5 50. Ijiitht utorker I HteeiH were firm at $4.25 to $4.75. Sheen I are unchaiiRed. with heavy ewe.s dull. I.ainbs were about 50c per cwt. hiicber. Hogn were unchaiiKed. RAN AMUCK n Ul » RAZOR, Discharged PrlHoiitM- Sent to Juil for Thirty l>a.vs. ,\ <iespatch from Porcupine says: Tuesday night William Ix-roy ran amuck with a razor down the crowded street of Golden City. Wednesday he received from the Magistrate thirty days. Leroy two weeks ago was discharged from the prison gang on the Pearl Lake roatl. He tore uji the ticket with which all convicts arc furnished to get out of the country, and has been a nuisance ev;'r since. Tucs- diiy night he .secured whiskey and brandished a razor, hapjiily with- out accident. GENERAL. Disquieting symptoms in the ill- ness of the Pope are reported from the Vatican. Germany is very active in .Vfrica, and there is much unrest among the natives borderiug French Con- Go. land, says : Serious rioting growing ' says: Crazed by drink anl aogeiwl out of the strike which is in pro- '. by the thought that hi.s w-fs. whom gress here occurred on Sunday af- he had repeatedly abns'-d m the ternoon. One policeman was kill- i past few weeks, would leave h.m as Boon as the place in whicti they were living, wa.-i sold, Thomas Mur- ray, of Secoud Street, London .Tunction. is alleg<yj to have set fire to a bedliok in his house on Wedneiiday afternoon, and after Mrs. Murray had extinguished it, he struck her on the jaw, breaking it three times, and choking her. She ran to a neighbors for a.ssist- aiice. and while sn* was away, h» is alleged to have set fire to tho house a seeond time, this time be- ing successful iu burning it down. STEWARDS ARRFSTEO. They Had Kefii.sed to INit Mail .Ashore anil Went on Strike. A despatch from Montreal says: Fifty-seven men, comprising the entire contingent of fust and Bec- ond-class st'Cwaixls on board tlie .Mian Liner Victorian, were ar- rested and driven to jail on the ar- rival of that vessel from Liverjiool on Friday evening. Their arrest was due to the fact that they had refu.sed to perform their duties at Himoiiski and during the voyage up the river from that point. The en- tire fifty-seven were taken into cus tody without a blow being struck and without any signs of trouble, and they seemed somewhat suri>ris cd that the company should have called in shore law to settle the dif fuulty. The trouble started when the vessel arrived at Rimonski on I'riday niorniug and the stewards! refuses! to assist in putting the mail ashore. This has been a grievance j for some time, and was the cause i of some little trouble last year, but since the spring, when the Allan Liners took to putting all the mail, except that tor the Maritime Prov- inces, ashore at Quebec, the amount haiulled at Uimoiiski has been so small as no', tu cause trouble A deipaU.'h from London says : A re.-.olution to j)ay members of the House of Commons I9-J,00U annual- \y for their «er\ices was carrietl by * vote of 'IM 111 l,')'.l. The resolution waj« nioied by .Mr. Lloyd-Qeurge in the House of Commons tin Thurs- day. The Chancellor of the Ivvelii!- qiier s'«id that tJreat Mritain was the tinly country in the wnrki that did ri'it pay members for their work in I'arliamenf, which now-a days was s>> tlreniioUH that the members had little time to alteiul to any- thing else. The ("nionists opposed Ihe pay- |n*nt plan oo the groutid tiiat it I can iHiIitica..'* would be a violation of tho princi pie of grantuitoiis public service, as well as improper for members to \otc themselves salaries. Arthur Hamillon Lee, I'liionist member for the Farehani division of Hants, wIki nuivetl the ofticini rnimiist amendmeul against salaries, argued that Ihe effect of Ihe Chancellor'.s bill Would be to keep out the best (yt)es aii<l fill Parliament with pro- fessional politicians. Mr. James Hanisay MacDonahl, Labor leader, denied thai Ihe measure would cause corruption, and s.'tid tliht it Would "tend to helji the tide of purity which ij ttowiiig over Amori- ,|, . Ml ItlMlRKU FOR TIIRKK. CENTvS 3.000 FM'Uch Sailors WiineMH Exe- ciitioii of Two Seamen. .\ despatch from Toulon, France, says: Upon the ortler of their su- periors, 3,000 men from the French Meet and garrison witnessed the execution of two seamen iiamed ttuegen and Lemarechal. The men were convicted by courtinartial <if having murtleiod a coinr.Hde named Cariel in order to rob him nf three cents. They were ordered to be shot in Ihe preseucv^ of their fellows ill the service. FLOIR (iOES \\\ Rlxe In Wheal Lend^ to Action by Milling Companies. \ despatcli from Winnipeg says: .Ml jiroininenf milling companies have raised the price of flour 10 i-ents per sack of 100 pounds, and 20 cents a barrel of liw pounds. 1 The new price went into effect on I Wednesday al noon. The inereaie is due to tho rise in the price of wheat, October option being par- ticularly reapousiblt. SKNTENCKI) TO CHAIN CAN(i. Woman Must Don liloonier'4 and Work With Prisoner*. A despatch from lola, Kansas, says : lola city othcials, with the exee[>tion of Municipal Judge Smeltzer, are up iu arms because a woman has been sentenced to don a pair of bloomers and join the street gang from the city jail. Judge Snieltzer on Tuesday sen- tenced Mrs. Ella Reese to the street gang and ordered that city ofKciala provide her with the bloomers. Street (Commissioner Ulyiin refused to have a woman in the chain gang. Mrs. Reese did not go to work breaking ruck or sweeping I lie streets on Wixlnej- (lay because the bloomers bad not been provided, and the officials say they will not allow tho woiuan to carry out the sentence imposed up- on her. ed by being .struck on the head with a brick, and many persons were injured. An altercation between a policeman and strikers during a transport workers' demonstration at St. George's Hall started the trouble, which culminated iu a general melee. .After order had been restored and the strikers scat- tered, they gathered again in the Islington (.luarter and resumed their attacks upon the police and with serious results. One hundred tliousand men were gathered in groups about St. (Jeorge's Hall lis- tening to speeches by labor leaders, and the scenes of violence following the attack upon a policeman ne- ce.ssitated the calling out of the pol- ice re.serveH. When they arrived one party of fifteen policemen was surrounded and disarmed, the riot- ers attacking them with their own bayonets. In the fight the com- mamier of the police was danger- ously wounded, lluring the course of the day forty policemen and si.x- ty civilians were injured, many of" them seriously. The temper of the rioters is shown hy the fact that they even attacked the amhulance surgeons and the firemen who were called to extiuguish incendiary fires. » « l)ISt)RI)KK IN tii,AS(;t)W. Streetcar Strikers Attack Police ; W ith Stones. j A <lesi):itcb from l,on<kin, .says : : While the strike troubles in l.on- I don are endett, the situation in the | provinces is rapidly growing worse. | In addition to rioting on Sunday at | Liverpool, there were serious dis- i orders at Ulasgiiw, where the street | car service had to be completely closed down. Thirty thousand workers met on Glasgow (Jreen, and the strike lea<lers threatened drastic measures if the nonunion men continued to take the places of strikers. Scuffles with the police led to wild scenes of disorder, in which there were stone thrtiwingon the part of the workmen and hat- on charges by the police. Much damage was dune to street cars by the strikers before the service was suspended. Cars were pulled off the tracks, and their trolley poles reinovtHi, wiiutows were suuisIkhI aiul timbers were laid on the rails | t)r strikers sat on iie tracks in a i Ixxly in order t<i impetie the pro- I gress of the cars. Many persons ' wore injurctl. I NHVPPY SPAIN. E.xecution of Naval Mntiiieers Oat come of Reniibliean Plot. \ despat<'h from Madrid say» J The Spanish Gjvernment affirms, in e.xplanation of the summary court martial and execution o! I twenty si-v men of the bjiltieship Numancia. who mutinietl while the vessel was at Tangier on Saturday, that the revolt was a Republicai plot, in which about one hundred sailjrs were implicated. The Ue- pubiicans appear especially active throughout the country, and th© Government is correspondingly on the alert. A â-  BIG STORAGE ELKV.ITOR. Montreal Harbor Ci»mmis.sioner9 Will Make lAtensive Additions. .A despatch from Montreal says: The harbor commissioners have further extended tiieir plans with regard to the building of grain ele- vators, and have determined to add a storage elevator with a capacity of 850,000 bushels to the new ele- vator, which is to have a capacity of l.TTi.OOO bushels, 'now in pro«;ess of construction. The whole will be completed by May, 1912, and the addition will be erecttxl by ne.xt Fall. When complete the elevator will i.e able to handle JO.OOO bush- els inward per hour and. at th« same time. 60,000 bushels outward. With this addition the capacity of the port will be over 5,000,000 bushels. RU; RECEPTION PLANNED. CONtiO IN it i: VOLT. Entire Province Ha.s Risen and Seized Kelginn Magistrate. .\ despatch from Hrussels says: The entire Orientnl province of the Congo Free State, according t<i de- spatches received here on fhirs- day, is in revolt. The xtn 'vi-^ are said to have carried off a P, Igiui magistrate and are lioKli n; hiin as Dnlie of Conn.innht Will be Wei- eomed Otttcially at Montreal. .\ despatch from Montre.il says: It is planned hy the City Couticil to tender an official reception to the Duke of Cotmanght upon his arrival in Montreal on or ab».iiit Oct. 1-2. on his way to Ottawa to assume the Goverrj'r-Oeneralship. The letters have been written ti>j Karl Grey's secretary and Mr. J.> Pope, U'lder-.Secretary, asking fi the details of the time of the ai val t>f his Royal Highness, but"* particulars can he furuishec^, IhonT lIE.iT IX GERMANY. Deaths From Sunstroke Reported From All SoetlonH. .'\ <lcspatch froju Berlin says: The heated term continues unabat *hI thriiughout tJermany, and dur- ing the past tow d.^kys the tempera- CMP mmim declm The Report From Washington Is the Worst For Ten Years ~ .\ despatch from Washington says : .\ tremendous decline iu the <'ondition of crot>s, " general throughout the country, and trace- able to drought <luring the last month, as indicated by otliclal fig ures and estimates made on Wed ture has been higher than before, ncsday in the monthly crop report Of the Depart meiit of .Agriculture. The report is the worst, as to gen- eral crop conditions, that the de- partment has issued for any single month siuc? 1»10. The area nui.st seriously affected extends from Deaths from sunstroke arc report ed fri-im all sections. .V water fam inn threatens some dintricts where the brooks are drying up. The thermometer in tho side streets of Herlin oh Friday, registoced 99 in tli« akado. ward to the Rocky MounLiina, em- bracing ail of the great corn, wheat and hay-producing Stales in tho c<iuntry. In the Southern States, with the exception of Virgin !,â- Â» .tiKl Noith Carolina, ample rains scrvo<l to maintain gencraUy favorable conditions throughout the past month. Thes? conditions thus far c inlinue t'.> be f*sorib!o. Con-di- ti ms on th? Pacific roait and Nvirlh We'le--i Stit-s ar' re'^.-*r<?- (..| â- â€¢ . ,.,.,.pii,..,. t^o'igh d.iri IX ^j V L I n . • â-  I ^"' â- ' 't t-"r'lo:y .s..n'ero-J from • N«w York and Pe»u«ylv«ni» weit-1 brief but «»x^•»givoly hot jMjriad.

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