Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Aug 1911, p. 4

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Ai(;i.sT i: 1911 THE F L E S H K U T N ADVANCE l<',-W--W-\.--tyL.-w:x/.^ '-..'-% >-^.^.. >w»\/:v.:'wg!wa\.-^'^^ ^ .m /^Ti'T.w jS-.>jcil!7 « w' a iif'r^-'^- ZJTf.'^JTi.Z-.ZJZ'^^/:;^ K. G. KARSTEDT, - flesherton ont August Sale commences now Bix re'luction in •ll liiiiH, wliicli will Inxt until the eiul of the iiiontlicmnmencititf wi'li this i»sue. I)*iii 111 hick of Hour Kpace we are forced lo put soasonsblo ofoods on thu in»iket iit ii redurtion in order to make room lorour fiill iinjiurt KoodH now buinx Mhipiu'd. All who taki.MiihiiiitHi{i> rif these prii^es will do wuli in doui||{ n> .Slaii^'htcr in Seini-lit'iifly Clothes. In Ihotie art- to \t« fuund h11 the latest suits inTwoedit, Seiiii'N, Hiid Worsteds, in Greys, Browns, Oreeiis, etc. in .stii|ioN, (lini{oniilH ot pl'iln. All of tlii'Hu are ihp latest Htjlos, in double mid single hrenated, with trmi'jcrs nuiJc pen top style, which ^ive them a strik- iii}; iip|n'nriiiice. Now, in wder to git rid of these we oH'cr II d i.sc< lint of iO per cent. Inlendiiiz pur- chAserA will do well ro take advantage ot this. Kxtra Granulated Su^jar at J5.00 per cwt. for one week only for cash or trade only. If bought in regular way, could not be sold for less than fCOfJ. If I 1.- ^â-  I ii Reductions in Wash Goods, In order to reduce our ttotk in I'rints, (iinghanis. Linens, C'haiubras, etc. These are reasoniible goods and >huuld luive a ready sale. We offer the foUuwins; bar);ains : Ginghatiis, Linens, etc., reg. price 25c for Irtc per yd. (iinghams, Prints anu Chanibrays reg. ISc for IS a yd Prints, Cliainbrays, Klo. regular 15c for 13c per yard Piinis at regular price, 12^ cents l^for lie per yard. A Leader in Sugar at $0.00. • For the benefit of our mauy custooicrs and all «ho wi.sh to take advantage of this. We offer RedPaih'a Men's and Ladies' Footwear. Without a doubt the Empress Shoes fur iidiej linve no e<4ual. This is recognized by all shoe dealers. They excel all others in .style. Quality of leather and intliefit. Ill all prices from $2 50 to tJ,iX). Just got some leaders in Men's Footwear. A Pebble Ian Boot, heavy sewed and pegged sole, solid Leather, waler proof. If bought in regular way would sell for $3.75. Our price now U $2..'iO. Still have the Famous Williams Boots in English . Canadiaa and Frenth Kips. These are a Standard line and giue utmost satisfaction tor Fall and Winter wear. i ''â- ^^'^^^^7^^s ^ - '^*^^ - ^i'y^ - ^ !^ ^^?^^ JUST ARRIVED AT CEYLON A Consignment . . OF . . Stock for Service Dtirham bull aoil Hsfkaliiro hog for service on lot 7. con. 1. N. D. K., Artemeaia. Tcrms- #1.10 eash cash. July ailmo. Wagons AND Buggies Bull for Senice Thor..U(flil)red Heref,)rd Hull f.)r service ..n lot 1, con. 4, Ktiphorasia Teriiinâ€" Jl. Perli Rree on application. CHAH. H. MARTIN, Pmp.â€" â€" L. MeAKTHUK. I'riceville. VVhich will be sold at prices that can Not ltd Beat considering style and ijuality, .•Iso a full line cf tilhige, Harvesting i.iichines and Wind Mills, Fence IWire, .^t-ible Outfits, Hay Forks, Hopes and • irriers. Mow is the the time to get ready. A call solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL CEYLON HOLSTEIN-FRIESIAN CATTLE JOHN HcPHAIL I>r»iceville j [agkntfou- j Frost & Wood Implements, Fleury and Perrin Plows, Tudhope Wagons and) C-trriages, Melotte Cream Separator, Singer Sewing Machines, Organs and Pianos on easy terms. loDec Oxford Down Sheep and Tamworth Swine â€" Brown Leghorn Poultry a specialty. M3L»TEIN-rRIESIAN BULL FOR SERVICE- r ;LLKAN CU.'il l)ltDl.\ DI;KI-; IJehOl. No. I JIS) SIHK giieen'K I>»Kol Uiiko No. |.lls',i H. 1. DAU Helifan Concordia DeKol No. (4:i4fi)H. > .. wbnae Krauil dam held tlin WDItl.D'H XUT- â- I :U IlKCOKn a few years ago M.VKINCi 30 I tS., lOO/. IN7UAYS. This youui; auiuial JB ristni^ .'t years, is ofgood ' V -.eanil indivldualitv. baviuKWOU three 1st and . '> second prir.e as a calf at son)0 of the prom- ' I . .'Ut ceutres of Unt.. and has won 1st rdaue at . « nod two years old at East Grey tall fair. ^' aaherton. Pel msâ€" Grades #1,.VI, tlioroughbrods S;i.OO, I .yableUt of Jan. All cuws not IreKularly I :.araec! will be charged. mCHAKD ALLEN, I .t 17C 2 N. E, T. 4 8 U. Kleahertou P.O. 1 hine n Traoc Mark* DcaiONs CO^VRIOHTS Ac. AnyoDA sending a ihetrb and dMcrtptlon may IRlckIr atfcertain niir oplnl.in free wFiather an OiTetition la prohablf paLentitMa. r>)nimiinlr.a (lonlllrlctlr'-oiilMaiitlitJ. HANDBOOK unPiMnu aent free Oldest utfencf fur aec-Ufiiitf pateata. Patents taken tBroutfh Munu % Co. r«c«lT« fptcia! aetic.., without c harg e, la tho Scictttlflc nmerican. A. hAfidAomelr UtattnUad w«eklr- LArgoat dr "ulfttion of %t\f ai'iuntKlo jnunukl. Tisrm* for < aruuU. $3.7:^ a year. i^MU^{a pratNud. iiol(t b', ^i iMWSdealefB. lyiUNNXCo.'*"""-^ New York Branch OBlce. (i» V St, Wvihlu«l m. I>. C. Science points out the way to the restoration of sight. If your vision is defective we can by scientific methods measure the defect and supply the necessary glasses to restore it SEASONABLE GOODS IN FURN ITURE The largest and best stock of Furniture ever shown in Flesherton. Tills without fear of con- tradiction, onie and see some of nice things in Hide Boards, Dining R<M>ni Chairs, Parlor Setts, Bed Room SetU. A special reduc- tion just now on every- thing, in order to re- duce the stock. . . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesherton W. A. Armstronjr. CANADIAN V PACIf=-|0, HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Al'jerta ^p^ciil Ttvnt letve T ofojia 2 00 p.m. '-a APRIL 4. II MAV 2, IS. }0 JUNE 13, 27 JULY 11, 2S AUfi. a, 21 SEPT. 5, 1» Second cUm tickets from Onurio itatioot to pri.icipjil Nurthwnt poiatt at LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES Winnipes and return $35.00; F.dnionlon koJ rr^urn $41.00. ftitd to o<hrr pointi lo proporliofi. 1 i^ikeu io<>d lo return wiihin 60 days from goiag d«ie. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS on all etcuriiona. Comfortable bertha, fully eguiptj^ wilh bcdt^Dg. can ba •ccutMl at moderate ralei liutMjgh IocaJ agest. Early appHcution mutt b* mads ASK FOR HOMCSCCKCRS- PAMPHLET coQtainiQg rales aad full ioionnation. Apply to oeafetiC.P.R. Agent or to K. L. Thoauiaoa. l>ut. P«M. Agt , Toronto. ONLY DIRECT LINE NO CHANGE OF CARS S. Rand, Agent. - Ceylon Canadian National Exhibition August 26tli - TORONTO • September 11th CORONATION YEAR LEADS THEM ALL UNSHdHiAglieiltinâ€" Artâ€" Gems from Euro- MlliftttUrK â€" Greatest Greatcit show oa contin- pean galleries â€" masters display ever shown in «at! Special Prizes of from best collectioni in America! Goods man- IncreaKd Canada and Unite^d ufacturcd whili you States. wait. S500 each Prize* in all clasaea. THREE GREAT SPECIALS FKtMifEupin-Pictur. CMstmu Gnrts Mâ€" War Imatl tli Imt â€" ti« tbegl«ries of the Cof- Muaiciant of the Royal Showing a battle between oaauon ccremonie*. 1,600 Household, by special a Dt«adnought »nd a performtrs in uniform, permistion of the King. Submarine. aosTS or otibk ArriucTiONs' MAGNIFICENT DISPLAYS OF CORONATION FIREWORKS r«r all taforiMtioa write Mtufer J. O. ORR. CJtr H.1I, Toroato. /lcsl)crlon 2Vt>oaitce An inile|>end«iit newnpaijer, |>ubli:<hed every Tnunii:!/ at thf â- Â»tli(;e, Collinawixxl Street, FleHbertiin. .Siibacription price «1 uvraunuui, wh^n paid in •mI\ nice; ULTk) wlieii not nu paid. .Vdvertiflinir taW* <>u applicatiini. Circulatiiin l,irx» weekly. W. U. TliurBton Edttor TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR- PRINCIPLES. NOT MEN EVERYBODY INVITED Polaics III tliis rilling are noi <.f a very lively variety nc the present time. We notice by Hume of out exchan^'es thitt there ii a [lossibility of Warden Mc- Kni/ht opposing Dr. .Sproule at the com- in(4 Dominion election. The Advance is not in the inner ciicie, but we are certain that thin i.s an error. If thu Witrden goes after anybody's scalp we are inclined to '.liiiik it would be >liat of Lion. I. K. Luca.s. But It is doubtful if he will even pluck up c urage to go into tint ti^ht However, thi.s week may decide that. The convention is on for Friday, when it i3 announced that candidates for both the Local and Dominion Hou.ses will be nominated. lu tliij connection we notice that the convention is open to all, accord- ing to the secretary's announcement-Grit and Torry alike. Everybody is invited. Therefore we would gather that the organization in this riding i« not what it should be at the present juncture. If the nominations are to be open to the public at Urge there i.s little use of accredited delegates attending, and as a consequence, can the nominees be con- sidered as the accredite'l candidates cf the Conservative party in this riding? To our mind it does not seem so. CUT OUT THE RACING A great deal has been written and Paid about the folly of racing at barn raisin!<s, and yet the spoic goes on withoat abate- ment. The accident chronicled else- where in our C'jlumns ia said not to have been directly caused by the practice, as one side had completed its work and the losing side was not hurrying to complete their task. Still, we are told that earlier in the work, when racing was actually goin» on, two minor but serious acci- dt^nts occurred, and how far the.se were responsible fur the later and more fatal catastrophe it is impossible for any per- son to know. There are those who be- lieve they were largely responsible â€" that they had cau»ed the workmen to become nervous, although the men might not be actually conscious of the fact. In whatever degree this may l>e true, it is evidently an opportune time to utter another protest against the foolish prac- tice of racing at so dangerous an occupa- tion, lleally there should be a law against it. MARKET EGGS PROMPTLY Great loss is ent:iiled on produce mer- chants during the summer months by carelessness in marketing eg^s, and oir local wholesale dealer complains that Citrelessness in this regard i.^ mote pro- nounced than ever during the prestnt summer. He has had considerable ditti- culty in this re.spect. Some people ap- pear to think that eggs will remain good forever, or that the Canadian palate has become attuned to the consumption of Chinese " pickled " ejfgs, but such is not the case. Some eggs have been offered locally this summer Ihut were absolutely lotten. These do not often get p;ist the local dealer, as modern ingenuity can detect the stale egg instantly. During the hot weather eggs should be marketed every week and should not be kept longer. If they are, somebody will meet wilh loss, and it will not be the purcha.ser if be knows his business. Market your eggs promptly and avoid complications. An ordinary case of diairhoea can. a>i a rule, l>e cured by a single dose of Chantber- lains Colic, ChoU-ra and l>iarrho«% Remedy- This reiue.ly haa no superior fv>r coiuplaints. For salt: by W, E. Kichardaon 4 Sim, Walkerton Frank Ames, a farm laborer from ne.-vr Ripley, was sentenced by Judge Barrett on Tue.sd.-iy inorninu last to three months in the Walkerton j^il for assaulting Mrs. Duncan Campbelof Kincardine. A ride wilder th*n anything ever pul- led oir in Buffalo Bill's daredevil series was witnessed here on Friday af'ernoon when Con. Wtingirt (lassed d â- wii the htreet on a wagon tongue liL-tween two runaway horses. To heighten the ex- citement and lend a thrill of hoTor to the 'icene the hoines look to the pave- ment, slipped and fell on the sidewalk, breakiinr the wagon tongue otf like a bis- cuit and permitting Weingait to Jo his Wonderful resurrection act, for uninjured he ascended from the dtfi>ris like the buried T^x.irus from the de;id. A hen belonging to,J. P. Johnstonhas already hatched three settings of eggs and is now wofking over time on a fourth batch. The brood from the tirst setting was sold for fH. â€" Bruce Times. iHOOTING PAINS IN SIDE, ARMS, BACK Prove the Presence of Hheu- matic Virus, Which Is Cured Quickest by Nervl- lineâ€" Rub It In. .\ well known iJes Moines w^jman after sutfering miserably for two days from bowel complaint, was cured by '^ne dose of Cham- berlain's Colic, ('holera and I>iarrh')ea Rem- edy. For salt- by W. K. Richardson i Son. Pains In the muscles. In th* si3<?3, ne back, the n-.-ck, or the chest â€" they ilways carry with tht-m great disconi- ort. If the Inflammation Is severe the lain will be Intense. Ii' allowed to con- Inue thi-y are da.'iseroui. Xotliiny go â-  uickly cures local inflammation and !rives away pain as Nerviline. Nervi- ii.e dors this because It pt-netmtea g(j ifeply. Nerviline is rot only power- u". but soothing. Ry relieving conges- ion it cures pain. It dnea thi» aJways. t cannot fail because Is a true anti- lote for pain. You can scarcely find iriybody that will not tell you wonder- ul thir.es about the paln-curing power it >'erviline. Remember, that there is .loi an ache or pain that Nerviiine will not cure jmmedia'.cly. Nsrvilin.? is an .inchor of health In every househ-jld. Refuse anything that may be offered you Instead of Xervillne. which is guar- anteed for rheumatism. neuralgia, sciatica, lumbago, and all muscular aches and palr:s. Large bottlHS, 50c; trial size, 25c, .^ all dealers, or 'The Catarrhozone Com- pany. Kingston, Ont. NERVILINE CURES ALL PAIN THE TORONTO NEWS GENERAL NEWS SERVICE SPORTING PAGE FINANCIAL PAGE BEST WOMEN'S PAGE HAS THE THE tHEWS WILL BE SENT DAILY BY MAIL TO A.NY ADDIZSS IN CANADA FOB ONE DOLLAB AND A-BALF A YEAB CANADIAN PACIFIC 50,000 FARM UBORERS WANTEP FOR HARVESTING IN WESTERN CANADA ^IQCoW Trtp $18 Additional for Retnm oa Following Condlttoass GOING DATES ~"^- I AUOIIST aoh-f^oo aO statloiia oa all line* on and Sooth at the Craod Tnak Ittta ^ Line, Toroato to Sanila. ladudins all natioo* on CP.S- Twonto to Detroit and Btancli Lines Includioc Cuelpb fulMllTijioa from Cadpil V Soutli mnd Brampcoa South. AUGUST 13tk â€" From all Matiooi North of Giaod Trank Main Line, Toronto to Sunli; iiiHn<<im c.p.R. points. BoltoQ Jet. am; wot ; alao Gnad Tniak voiata, Toroato to Calendar locluatve. AUGUST 16<kâ€" From all •tationa tn Ontario, Toronto and East, OriUia and Scotia 1st. and East oa G.T. R. Uso Asilda and Eaatem Ontario. AUGUST 23rd â€" From all stadona Toronto to North Bay indiuive and West. AUGUST 20tk â€" From all station* Toronto and East is Ontario and Quebec, alio East ot OriUia. Scotia Jet. and Nort.^ Bay. Om-WAY SECONIMILASS TICKETS WIU BE SOLD TO WINNITEG ONLY RepresentaUire fanaer*, appotntevl by Manitoba, Saskatciiewan and Alberta Gorem- ments will meet and enxajie laboru^ on arrival at Winnipeg- Free transportation will be furmshed at Winnipeg to points on Canadian Pacific where laborers are needed, east of Moose Jaw and Saskatoon, including branches, and at one cent a mile each way west thereof in Saskatchewan and Alt)erta. A certificate ia furnished with each ticket, and this certificate, when executed by farmer siiowiog tliat latKsrer iias worked thirty da>-s or more, will be honored from that point for a second class ticket back to starting points in Ontario, at $18.00, prior to Nov. 30th. 1911. Tickets are good only on Hpedai Farm Laborers trains, which will be run from Toroato and Ontario points to Winnipeg witiiout change, making trip in atxiut 36 hours, and will be issued to women as well as to men. but will not be issued at half fare to ctiildren. Kor full particulars see nearest C P.R .\gent. or write â€" B. L. THOMPSON, D.P.A., C.r.B.. Toroato S. Rand, Agent, Flesherton. NA.-V VA->*^SM-v*-v^ ^A,^^A-^m.^ S«,- SA- VA'SA- \» ' vA 'A•M-^aâ- ^A• A-vA'-A^vA^- NA'VA. ( iretolly Corrected Each Week ^* 'l9»t 7,-, to 75 •••"• 35 lo 36 •' *» 75 to 70 " ' !«y fK) to 50 H.y 10 00 to 10 OO "'^er 10 to 1« ti. 41, tteuh 17 >r l7 If "Aioea pet htg ft5 to tj'' '• *« 12 to l2 ^'â- pi 12 to l2 ' ' oitfliiA 18 to l2 '< • keyA... J5 to !♦•, ' â- '!,.. .,.,. 20 lo 22 GENERAL GROCERIES We have a full stpQk of g;eneral groceries on hand, Sugars for preserving, ieilig.«» und table use. Canned goods of all kinds, tobaeccs teas and (-•andies. FLOUR! FLOUR I PLOUR I J. and W. BOYD mercbants Fksberton « Ontario ) Mid-Summer Clearing . . . White Lawn Waists REOl'LAR $1 00 FOR 78 CENTS. " 1.26 '• 99 " »♦ 150 " \.\^ " 1.75 " l.M Wj»HndleHi,i,„«,fnse.iuanlilyofHour.„dkre,. ,m hand Ogllvfe'n K.j-,lHuu.ehoId. Fords «,.dDund.Ik Fl,..,r.s i„ the Kovtr.l g.ad'., «I«o Ooldhawk's bread Iiaiidlod. liran and shorts Choice.,tho,„etnadeIceCre.m <tnd cooling Summer Drinks al^^ay ready for serving. â- " Parasols in Black and Fancys, at Reduced Prices. .^ W. L. Wright, Grocer, Flesherton ' A peculiar accident happened at the Piesbyteriaa Church here on Saturdity night, The ligbtnina; ran in op rq elec- tric lixht wire, i<;nltinfi' the escaping ga* from a leaking jet in the vestibule. The imperfect combustion of the gaa cootinu- fj for .•»bout four hour* so that when lh» caretaker arrived about 6.30 he founil the interior of the church covered with a tine layer oi soot or carbon. This car- bon IS of an oily nature and very hard to remove, and it will be diliicult to fix the extent of the damage until the imurance IS adjusted and a clean-up take* place. Services will be held in the school room until repairs are laade. The occurence is particularly unfoitunate as the inter- ior of the church had just been repainted and furnished, â€"Bolton enterprise. The Chinese expt)rt trade in human hair was last year very much the largest C^ tevot^i I'rice^ were so good that thieves mld-r i rSijolal- harVesl cUUinjJ fiS iiueues while tUeif owners slept. We f»Te u.-f much impfe«'»'4 *Tvi the beauty of the Chinaman's (lueui*.* fciit it ie reuHy handsome compared with .^h? etfec! ftodoeed when the Canadian sifi' pire^ahotff 4J* inches deep of a China- man's' ot s"bm(y ftther person's hair on i the back (if Her l\?ad and pins a two- I inch pink~ ribbon .•vhduftd it. In artistic 'eflfbct the ChinaiTiiii is a; lonj; w>y ahead ^-ws » tf the Cafiadian girt. Chriirian Guardian. ? tf ) | C,<() i O i| ^^.^^ .^^ ^^^ '< ^^ ^ ^i < ^^^* ^ ^^^^ Muslins and Ginghms A large range of patterns and colors. Reg. l5o. All going at 10c. Childs Ready-Made Dresses AU made in fast ctdor materials and a large variety of patteros, ^ Sizes, 4 to 12 yews old far fi.oo to tiOO. '• ' ' t. ' --!-â- ' Ladies* Tan Oxfords ^ VVe ha*|l *n over stoicit of Ladies' Tan Oxfords in prices $2.00, $2 *!? 12.50. Yei:f*<r6ifte for , *. $1 .25, 63. 8^s' Jerseys Vfrff haVtt sn ''ther lot to hand in c'obrs, greea with red, green with v^liVtff.. mm, 26, 28. 30, 32, at. .. . , 2.^. \l

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