Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Aug 1911, p. 6

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14 ' ^ MimiNe SAFE KSTMENTS WHAT CONSTITITKS TIIK DIK- Fi:i{i:\( K HKiWKKN BONUS AM» sro< h.S. .VariAHN KrriirilirM in \\hi<-li M> Iuw^i |{«)|iiIk mill >Shai'os I'ru- duel of Morlriii TiiiiM- Kxplain- ii)f. IHIVrii'Mcc HclMPon Hoitils »nil Ih'htMifiircs Hum Itoiid In- 'fi>N*s( in I'uld. ,pTli:s. V|4iliiiiui is wiiltcn with the iKife /lim. uf Kup|. lying reliable in- ftiinifltiiin for thn us and i)rot«c- Won- in '^'i a^u-ial nmltcrii- cf the T<'-R<U'is of this "paper. Its impartial •ikI ri'liahle tha racier may be tlf- jMMulrtl iipdn. Tlic writer of thfi-e Krtitles ami the publi'her of tiiis |mf«r have no oth â- â€¢ interej'ls to rervc ill t-onncctiun with this mat- t *^' ' K.wrptinp 'inirchases cf real es- t*ti' ami loans seoiretl V)y real en- tate mortgages, most investments • re represented by what are gen- «''4lb inown as "secniriliev." Thi 1<iiu iii'iutK-s bonds, frtut-ks, <!e- henlures, shares and ail manner of dwiiments to show in what you ' ^avc invested your money. Some- 4)me«» fv<*n, jh»4n the case of t'ana- 'f ^k^ij(|Vqjij^'-Mttcks, you have no- â-  ifiiiig In' show, your liame and number of bhare;" entered in the "s,toek ledger'' being the only evi- dence of your_ inlerot.' . liMn 'M*)kC-ri/l4 had conceived the idea cf building a great railroad )ike the I'anndiaii Xort'hern, ho • would Ikfcve fouud it impoJ^ible to >.B<f #â- ' fti^ed Vff^ money. There ,ii •*»MW«rt tlio^j^liiu^feA. if any. for- iuiles of "eighfy million dollars (wiiichttt* rmnlirhas com). Ko one , bad thoiigl.1- of tlic idea of divid- ing up into small am mnts the in- •; debl.edness of a. eoniiiany defciring -^ to borrow money on a mortgage. ;5 }rf''1**.'JI, -i* t-OuM not have been 7»i inen'lTiad >in<t?ttakei it., "^-H -<fhe»«ioi« if,^* miller wislied to -;' kuild a flour mill retiiiiring a large \- amo\int of capital, he would have - bad either to have put up '» ' rnvp«y . hintvself^ or taken in some '.'. parVnef^.' ''fi'e' e<flild not have taken *-â- ' jn oin^j^t '[*'f./'*i "V"'^' ^''^*' '^^'^" '. â-º' too rumbersome u-"ler the old ; laws. Moreover, the idea -of our â-  â- ' joint stock companies liad not been Vow-a-daV!*. hfiVever, it is «nnt« 'f' ^ilf^nfiJ^ V Lawyers hav« learned ; 'thht m<)rtf;ages can be subdivided no with the shareholder, except that ill llie ca*e of many of our large joint stock ciimpanies there is a re- gular market for these feharex, which are bimght and ^Id dail>; at ii jirice ticteruiined largely by the amount of shares to be sold, and the number of buyers and their eagi-riu's* to buy. 'I'lie oliicf piunt to W remembered is that shares of stock are not at all like bonds, for, as we pointed out above, bonds are "promises to l>ay," and must be repaid at a li.xed <late. whili; shares involve no such jiromise. There is one o'.her feature, too, in vviiich bonds an<l :tocks tliffer. '' Most btjuds carry a f.\ed interest payable at Kgular dates. Stocks do not carry any interest. Their return consists in a division of pro- fits aft«r all obligations of inter- est, costs of operation, etc., arc lirovi<led. They may carry no "dividend,'' as tlie payment is called, or they may carry a huge line ; lint it merely represents a <li- vision of surplus pjolits. Bond in- terest, on the ciiiitrary, is a fixed charge, and must he paid, or the mortgage on the company niny be forclosed. "INVEStOR." FROM IRRY OLD ENOLANO â- v.: M- NLWS DY MAIL ABOIT JOHN BLI.L A>D UlS IM:oFLE. OuarrrDcps In tbe land Tbat Bei£us Supreme in llic Com* nicreinl World. ": In the United Kingdom last year 840 cremations took plHcc. • The sciond largest open-air bath in Knglan<i has been oiitjied at Keiisal J<isc. There are !m towns in thi^-JBritish Isles with a population of aO.OOO ur over. The Knglish I'rayer Book » print- ed in no fewer than 1:20 foreign languages. t Ivuncashiro is the most iioimlous British county, "Middlesc.v st;con<l, rkshire third. thejv I In ISvi.i, 18.1 distilleries vv,eie at ! Work in the l,'iiite«| Kingjiom. In I lt»0!>-iu the uuniber was 15'.5. I l)tir!ng the day on which the traf- I fic census was taken l'2,r)0,> cyclists entered the city of Lond«jn. Ten thousand pounds has been left to l,i\('r)iool cluirities by the late Mr. Thomas Dayies of Eoollo. The cr''w <if tbe motor launch Maiiretania at .Xbeiystwytli capdir- hug<; sealish weighing I luce Subscription List Will Open on Monday, Aug. 14, and Will Qose on or Before 3 p.m. Monday, Aug. 21 CAWTHRA MULOCK & CO. OWN AND OFFER AT 9872 $1,250,000 of 6% First Mortgage Sinldng Fond Thirty Year Gold Bonds of CANADA BREAD COMPANY, LIMITED UncorporateJ under (A« Lawi of tha Provinca €>f Ontario.) The same to carry with them a bonus of 25 per cent, of Common Stock. DATED August 1st, WtL DUE August 1st, 1941. Principal and semi-annual intt-rost Fobniary l.st and August ]st, payable at any branch of the Union Bank of Canada or Metropolitan Hank. :}:--:-,cr'. Denominations: $100, $500 and $1,000 Bonds issued in coupon form, with privilege of regi.stnition of principal ^v TRUSTEE: *:''*:-'' Guardian Trust Co., Limited, Toronto. infu e<|ual parts each part as se- cure as .the whole, an<l involving -j,] j^ ik> very great expense. In 'hiBJ^.^t. manner a railroad can mortfiagej Tbo total nn.Mb..r of old ape pen - its property, just as an ordinal^ j ^j„„^.,.„ j,, jh,. (:„it,.(| Kiairdoni at individual lau. But the railroad, 1 i|,p, j,„j ,,f Marcli was :â€" Men, 6^:!,- inftead of one nnortjrase, can is- j OOO ; women, &47,'J11. I one morifrase, can is me for it« hu(ie indebtedness aj j „^^ Unhert Cecil is convinced ^arye rntnber of small mortffaRe.s, ,i,„^ ,|„, j.^njli.sh woman is not only Tiinniiifj from 8100 up to .*o,000 (<jr, • ,|,^. ,„„j,t hcui.tifiil hut the best of in fae», any amount; in face value. | aH w„men in the world. Thet.e small int-rtgaHes are calledj ,.•,.,,,„ ^1,^ training ship Kxmoiith Wndi!. Most bunds contain on , ., .j,^(, |,„j.j. „f ii,p p,„,rf,st class liave tlK-ir face a copy of the mortgage | j,^^^,,,! •„ ,, t|,(, ,mw and ;5,S00 in- of which they form a part, and | j^, t|i,. iner<antile niaiine. are personally sig'-ed by the nee- 1 ,„ ^.^.^^^ Hritain the consump- r«t.art oflric«^r- of 'the railroad. Most;, |^,„ „f ,py^ j,,,,. |,p.i,| !,„« readied almost equalling that of .Australia, wliicli has so long lichl , , , ^'"^ition .,f tea bondsv t*>o, have attached what are p.j,^ poun<ls. ea11c<l "eouponff," which are sinail ecrtiJicjiUs <j/ i^ipTcst, v\_hich are cut uff («n<1 Vasl<ed-Bt a y bankâ€" t.ii the date when the interest is due. Ilon<lR. of course, may be is- t-Mfd by all kin<ls of ciympanies. --â-  Oovernnieiits pnd municipalities, ' t<H», issue fhein. .X The word "Debenture.';" is in piany cases used in reference to y- r^tia. ''SHjiJetly n'penking, how- e\ir, a debenture is a promissary 7><(tp rot secwr«tl-'by «,â- â€¢* 'I'i^y, .jikc the hi the first place. During the l.nst ten yi-ars tlic Hoviil Coniiiiissi<in on Tiibi^rculoMS has <ost the taxpayers !j<;j79,UiO. iMiini the sale of its reports !jl,07j hav liecji ieali4ed. (irraler London h«« iimrc than donlilcd its population in llie past fifty years, the figures in Ihillhe- iuK S.WO.Ti'O, while now they are 7,'.'.'»'J,!)fi;!. >• HiiintgttH«.-{, .Ono lM»ge oak ti'^e oh tin- Yester ;iie <!ivi<Ied I'-lj^ir i.f l,nr<l Twecwlii'e has siip- ♦ ; iut^ i)i^all>a'inoui.H, and arc fssiied ' plicjj (ill thp new |»ane'liiiu of the_ I f*,rl r<.>,iv borrow^td, just ji"? a. t::aii il)-awiftg;|-m.>nj used by th.- Quecn'at "â-  Kives- liisVioffe to iTlidnlcw'fften'bor- ["Holvroml Palace, Kdiiiburfjh. Tkuil.J^*e^f8ee^ th.'i/, bunds jre nieV'eT'y ni'ort'gagee, a'Ki mt.rtv'afres. " M'T'V*i'V<3i>«>l<auw'ft, are "prumiscM :W ^:i':"«r!^'*uft'd by lanU v>r f«omo *vjfr<f^ 5^Hlir5ft)1*, 'tnarketnble' abjeet. •iuwIwiruflH vi iuiM, are' prw.nises to rUJL>*>^'jtfV,^^0 .without any *' fM'.7it"''vh.'rte*tTr ollie iitjjT*^\'i:^'Hjfl+i; .financial staiuling r.^?j5fS' *;ft.'*S'!'' rt^.-e.-.mrany. Shares "•u'^M^ atdi U<«^lwt^u\ «M«, ure'(|4iite dif- ''* f. 'â- fflt.''Jfl!^tI;iuvo1ve riu 'p\;<5mise *'i!T>''<+w i>»t«J«>f the issuing company hlHolyrofM I Mining Uian thai g subsidence at Oldliill, I .Staffordshire, lias cause*! : d.Tnmge '.â- â€¢-â- liumted at, SiP.O.nuo. I^ftj housesl !ha\c hern so li.Kliy. ihuoaKed that I they hav«^ benn vh'BC'l "'' e!oi:<lcinn- Icd. A Colehester Ti.wn ( 'otincil h-.s»de- Ro- ellned ly. yo'ihibit Sunday tiinerlil^, '.but has recorde*! ils hf>|)c ^h.Tl the piiblie will not. out <'^f retjaid for the tchiefetyniHicials', choose Kua- dny fnr intefjjients,- Om 'iBoiu.V ilo'eWr ft'.., lilhn- I'ox Inte at tl'ight'o Niri\^vTe1i ((^hesliirel tninn wa« surrf'ri--ed ti) liiid .-JH g tl;u lei 9*(<oiufiitM:c >i.>ii hci.'oino.' a. part Irty<, when ii mnr >•, he had to pu' IfiiK'Hf, or g«tl^e^ When ii man he had to put .^T^,pn)iit»^i m'«:'*f parUiera to .help »4 \M,^JM wx .>p' -yjinv , <'howr\er, a com- Z^M^ 'i.5iiii,'i«(i a inUJit.n;du1]a,r,s, tb •** *^ijfa/jfj^'"Mtl! ^4ssiie^cn ihouMnd ^LM3w»li*»nAth«4<H)i lA Uic projti^ictqr- Fbiji of the company th'it !•â- . a SMW *^ /iiieVW^li, I Xh<'''e;pr')vi, ♦».!«! CVhK-h ' ^« slfawhoWie)'* «rti:ftlly a^cVO" I., ( <lrn;;!l :<1 fhe' v. p;i'. meiil' of th«» lAi.nev X^Uy hu\e pji intw the etiin- PWi.V *•'> "ivre than an ordinary •'^^jj^iifiei;, M»ii ' deiViftud hiH m^'ney < htioV fr<.ni hi* it her partnert in a, â-  IliwIneoJf.' H« eaa tinly gel hia ijlljll- hiix ((^hesliire') ^ , t| lirid .-ly tbe letter'^. He reniove<I theni sue e^'RffiillV.'.l^tit, l^lie liiltef* w^re Imdly 'iitne«re«1. ' "'liree hoy* iiaiAe<l ){ol> <yit Tlihiktn?t.ti. Fl-Artk Siftidliin<ls aiid ArthoV Towilseiid w<*p ead a 1 ' .. 1.1. _/ .. .. :.^ A li Sfn^y ifnt ^y, «elti*>K ♦••« »h*re in lilted Kih', ffir placing in the bpK tliei- animals â- ^,♦7. â€" f Tiie^K«U Ww>il Ma^.TJeMroy the Kniirc.l'rvu- A ili-p'i'l' f»">»» Lahore, India, ';,\- The liwban cottoiy, crop is guaty iinijeri«ed'by-tlre i^tiviigcs of â- Um bt»ll w«e^il, •tw' if 'he tffurM t4. de»trv.y the pe^ do ttot pruve to M snceessfwl it is ptoJinble that liitMi *in ««* be • crop,' 4V â„¢ CAPITAL ISSUED AND FULLY PAID UP 6% FIRST MORTGAGE THIRTY YEAR SINKING FUND GOLD BONDS $1,250,000 7%N0N-CUMULAT1VE I'lUOFKRRED STOCK, ISHUKD AND FULLY PAID UP .. 1,250,000 COMMON STOCK, ISSUED AND FULLY PAID UP ., 2,500,000 OF ( I BOARD CAWTIIRA ]Ml]I.O("K, Toronto, Trefiident. Director Imperial Bank of Canada. Director (Confederation Life AsKoeiation. MARK HIJKDIN, Toronto, Vice-IVes. and <ien. Manager. I 'resident Hredin Bread Go., Limited. GEOIUiK WIOSTON, Toronto. ,-,tf.', .vc . 'â- â- â-  â- â-  os tu; â-  ...] .Model Bakery. j ^ ^ Tresident George Weston, Liynited. .,, i.- DIRECTORS: ^ ^ • 11. C. TOMLIN. Toronto. Toronto Bakery. • . ''•.- ^ '•* • " .W. 3. BOYD, Winnippp. Boy d'B Bakery. ALI^'RED .lOHNSTO.N', Toronto, of \V. R. Johnston & Co., Ltd., Wholesale Glothing. •B. H. LAaCHlNGKR, Toronto. Secretary; formerly As- sistant Dt-piity Postmaster-General of Canada. BANKERS Union Bank of Canada. - ^ -• ' * ^ The Metropolitan Bank. ,. i':. TRANSFER AGENTS AND REGISTRARS .>^'i ; >,i^ *. Guardian Trust Co., Limited . • ' ''"i^"'". AUDITORS Price, Waterhouse & Co., Montreal and Toronto; Oscar Hudson & Co., Toronto. HEAD OrFltE : Toronto. PLANTS AT : Montreal, Toronto, Wicnipcg : ' PURPOSES OF COMPANY Cnnatia Hreail romrany lilmlled. has iwiiiilrcJ ns going «'«.iurrns the pliinis aiiti lniflnp!<iiei« of the nredin nread Conipanr. Mui- Jlrd of T»r<itHo- <i.o We«um (Tiic Model Makers), or Toronro; H. f. Ti.uillu (Tvroiilo llaUir.O. ot Toronto; SUinrO<. I.lmlt- <<l i.f Montriiil 'hikI W .1 l»<n<I of Winnipeg, tn Uii- riis-f of Bovil. ih«> rrnl |.rop.rl.\ k» ex. Iiiij. il. Lul n puntl i.f viuaiit Uiuil In the « ll\ <.r WliiiiiiH'K nlH»iil two iM-ies Hi r»H-nl, lu fiibullulccl. The ftrM Ihrt-*- conipiinitR lijoc tw'^.ii »n i>|M'r»lion for almost Ihlrtj years, mill IheJBKt l'\o for dose to l«inlv vears. '11"? havo nil gromi from smull Ix-xIuiiIuich till iJi.i «r»- now iimoDie tlie largest In their r«*- !!â- ><â- â€¢ liM- Held* III tjinaUii. Tin- .oiiililnrd oiil|.ut of the .ompanU* al pns.ni Im. appioxlninl.-lj. «OO.OO0 loave** of bn-ail p«T week. It l-I hiKiiiled bv e»l»n'.l..us to llie picM'iit plaJitK ami Ihi- err. lion or a. quisUlon r.f nin pliinlH, to lorlliwllli Inc-reasc the output of the «;oinpau} to one intlllon loaves per weiU, «ltl. oth. r .M. n-lont. to follow in the other Iar«e .111.* «t a laur date. POSITION OF BONDS I\ir full iiarllriitarii. rftrrnrcn- ni«y ^» min3» to .'iir rr the Vlo.-rrei.i.lri,t un.i <i«nerul Manager of the fomi.any. AYe draw attention U, the f.^llowing point. 1 The preppnt »1.:.''0.000 of 6 per r.nt. Firpt Mortgage Sinlilng J'unrt Thirlyv.ar Gold Hoi.cIb are i.erure<l b.v Trimt I)...Jx to UiiHrdlan Trimt t'ompunv. l-lmlt»d Toronto, .onsti- tiititig a first morlxage on all the property, rml. per«.iiHl. or iiil.\«-<l, now ownni or hrri-aftir ar.nilrtd I'V more fiilly drurrlhul In hhWI TriKit rxeilii 1 sprrtu!'. which In a. .cmrianie.l hy a lettsr from Mr. Marie Bredin with the economies to l>» effected, the earnings on these plants v!il xhortly arnuiiiit to IIKO.OOU a year, or nearly two and one- half tlm.N the bond liiltre..-t. ihe f.impany. as In the TMift I 'reds It IH (â- pe.-laliv Ftlpulatfd that of the »l.«0O.00O .ash being plared Jn the treamiry, the Kiini of $S00.(iO0 Khali be held by the Tr.iK- tee, to lio lined only In the redemption ..f bondi. or In Investment In additional planlH an.) real ei>tHte. Ihns In. reading the fixed ».K.MetK under the morlK-ige. A ''Inking l-'und of 1 per lent. In ..peratlve from Augiicl let. It'll. 2. The aFi>ef» of the e.'mpanles already tHken over Mtiiid li. rx-PiiK of all llabllltleH and without any alLiwajue for good-will. lr;i.lp markw. ete.. at $S4 l.<2(i.70. There ha» alwo I'.en pla. ed In the treasury $1,0(16.221.08 of ciifh, which, besides furnishing fiin.lH li.r the iMir.'hiiHing or .iinf<triii.'(iun of additional vlant?, will pru- vjile iinu'le working .i.pital. 3. The earnings .>f the present plant*, aa per cerllllrate of MeK.trn rrl.-.'. W»it. rhoime * I'ik, after allowing for deprt-.i:.- Ii..n, nmounted from April ^Oth, 1910. to April :(Oth. mil. to $107.(116.14, to which may be a.liled $aO.OOO. bdng liitirest at the rule of 3 Vi per cont. on $1,000,000 .(iHh In the tri-aRury pending Ita eniployniunl on e»leniilona U Is eslliiiiiled that. 4. With the extrnjii.ins that It 1» proposed to effect forth- with, the I'ompany. by the end of Ita ftrnt fiscal year, should b« In K poKitlon til fliow .ariiiiiKs' of $260,000 a year, ecttial to three and onelinir times ihe int. ret^t re.pnremrnl.* on the bond Issue, and with all the i-.dditiorial )>lanl» that will be provided with the eaah ni'w In the treasury, th» earnings should ateadlly gain to <>\er jr.;i0.000 H year, or rn.'re than seven times the bond In- tereHt r. i|ulrementa f.. 'Hie I'oinpany. with Its planlw situated In the larger eltlea of Ihe dlff.T.nt rro\ inres of <~;anada. will b« In an ex- .•ejitWuially fav.'rable position to btnetit by the marked e.-onoinieH that will be p.>!Sh'ible In ni;iniifa.-tiirlng and, more enpf.lally. In ilmtribulion. and all the time will be turning out a ni.-re iinltiTni iiroduct under the mo.^t sanitary conditions. 6. The pra. tli.Tl nun who have nia.ie the different com- pantea parti. nlarly smres.'^rnl will be Idfiititied with the niatiage- ment and .lire* tl.m of the new (\impan>'. Mr. Mark Bredin. who If probably one ..f the ini'St surtess-ful bread manufacturers In ('ana. la. will <â- . . iipy the I'oyitli.n of Vice-President and (leneral MHiiHKir, while the una.s of the heads of four of the dlffert^nt ccinpanleg takrn over and of ai\ etflclenl representative ot the (ifth have been assured to the (Company. .,« ).. t SUBSCRIPTIONS ^ J<S KuhM'i-tptlonfi Rhoutd he made on the fortn aeeouiimnyioK ili<< pros|)i-<-liis. ami nre pnyahte .is follow*: â€" 10 per ernt. ou |.iir valiio on nppli.nllon, and WJii-Wrej;!' ••.*"' I"" ^'»l"«' •"• alloUiienl. Vti'/^ per cciit. OR III inslnlin.nlK »s I'oll.iw^. In which <nnr Interest at the rate of per cent, will Ih- chart;. <! from .late of allotment: â€" 10 fK-r .'ciit. on piir inliic on appli. alioii. t'.i',!, per .'.'III. on piir inliii* on all.iliii.-iit. 2S |H'r .i'lit. on par inliK* on t'^t Sept., lOlt. 2ni |M'r ernt. on par \iilii<- on Isl Oct.. IIMI. ;5 .. iirjr eeul. on |mu' \atuf uu Ixt Nov.^ 1911. nH% iwr li'ht, ITpon final payment by the aiihscrlber for all the bonds aDott.rt. the Oimrillan Trust t,'omp.T.ny, l^imlted. will deliver the bonds, to- gether with fully i.ald-uii aharea of the rommim St.K-k of the (.'..niiiHiiy equlvuleiit lit par to "& per cent, of the par velue of b.mjs Hll..iteil. 'â-  â-  ' . . j>plk-atl.ni .will be made to Hat. the bonds and common stork .>n the Toronto Stock Kxchange. I i /OoiLff If the t^-iiHt morlgaK'' and Ugal. opinion of A. M Stewart, and cerllllratea of rrii''e. Waterhouse & Co., an.d Canadian- v,Jl American Ainiralwal Co.. nr.' oiien to inapoellon at the .ifticrw <•( the (iiinrdiaii Trust i'ompany. Limited, Toronto " ' 't>roRpectus and apijllc:ntlo.n forms .ma.v be i>l)tulned from and siibFcrliitlons fhonld be, forwarded tti ^»-5«*j/i 'guardian trust company! limited, toroimto An|^ar.n«h yr^gQ[>^ (3A|y|^PF CANADA and THE IVIETROPOLITAN BANK .CAWTHRA 8VSULOCK & COMPANY, CWtMBenS TORONTO &TOCK " 12 KING STREET EAST I i II <i â- â€¢â- â- iMMnsHMn EXCHAKQE) '• If. TOROIMTO. "Di:i.l«iHTiri- POISON." ITdW Uiit*' Happened <« Ila\<^ That Nairtf (5iTen H In IVrsiii. The making of wine 's >â- Â»'<' t<i have oripinafe«l with the Teniians, who <lipeovere<l the proceuR n»iite hy accident. One v' tb*ir earlieft king#, JerKbf«l, w^>o, it is said, TiBB only five or f it generatioiu from Noah, was the «)ikefivprer «>r rnther a wunian of hia hoiifehuKl "He vas immoderately fond of -L^ prapes," sa.v« t e narrativr. which i.M fduiitl in Hir John Mal.'olm'.K "Hiftoty of Terfia," "and desired to jireserve tume, vNhicli «ere plac- etl in a large vesfel and lo<l>!e(I in a vault for future ii»e. When the v«R«iel wac ope1)f<I tiK' itrape* hail fe.rmente*! ami th«>ir juie* in this Mate war: i«o aeidtViat the King he lieveti it muni he p«iiKonou!:. "Ho liitd some venvels filled with it and 'r<>is..i(' written upon each, The«* were pl.i. wl in hi? r*io»«. It I ladies Avns affe. tetl ; with nervous headaeiie; the pain tlist I'actetl her fo inueh that ^hc «lesire«l death. Ohserving the ve' el witti 'Poison' written on it she tuok it and swal- 1ow«h1 it« eoMtents. The wine, for done. A quantity o£ wine wat mad* and ,lensheed and all lit," ii iirt «hank of the new beverage, which from the circunistanee that le<l to its diseojery i<< to this day kn-'^wm in Persia bv the name of Zeher-e. »>ieh it had l>ee*me overpowered the I khoosb, or 'the delightful poiscn.' '* lady, who fell down into a sound fleep aiitl awoke much refreshe<l. "l)elighl*«l wah thif remedy, j-he repeated the do'scs so often that tha iii.inareli'f pvi^^.n wa<i all »lrunk. He »oon d»8eov«Te4 tbih and foree«l happened that' one of hie lavuiite the )ad$ to eou1;»t wb«t »he had Last fiiiarter ther* were SM hiiths. 61 marriages and '.W deatk* »t Witbaw. A^KlO 31w\(\<S€l,S Otsi 0^\G VViK

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